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Show NORTHWEST NOTES. Another cluh Mrs. J of Edgerton, Wis., tells Huie, 7;omaii, how she was cured of irregi lari-tiand uterine trouble, terrible pains and backache, by the use of Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable es Compound. Dear Mrs. Pikiham : A while age mj health began to fail because of female troubles. The doe tor did aot help me. I remembered that my mother used Lydia E. Pinkhun'a Vegetable Compound on many oo cations for irregularities and uterine troubles, and I felt sure that it could not harm me at any rate to give it a had trial. "I was certainly glad to find that within a week I felt much better, the terrible pains in the back and tide were beginning to cease, and at the time of menstruation I did not have nearly as serious a time as heretofore, so I continued its use for two months, and at the end of that time I was like a new woman. I really hare never felt better in my life, have not had a side headache since, and weigh SO than I ever did, so I Condi more recommend your medicine." Mrs. Mat IIaclk, Edgerton, Win, Pres. Household Economics Club. forfott If ortglmJ of obooo tetter proatef fomoiototu Mnaot M produetd. tBOOO & BROMO- SELTZER CVMS ALL .HeadacKes 10 CENTS--EVERYWHE- RE Senator Clark of Montana is convalescing from tho effects of operae tlons for an affection of the ear. N. S. Pickens, a well known resident of Rock Springs, waa accidentally killed in a coal mine at that place. Lee Crater of Lusk, Wyo., la suffering from a badly dislocated shoulder as the result of giving an exhibition cakewalk. C. 0. Stevens of Rawlins has been arrested on a charge of stealing and butchering fifteen sheep belonging to John Mahoney, Otto Franc, the Big Horn county ranchman who was accidentally shot a short time ago, leaves an estate valued at $150,000. Paul RICH ter, president of the Richter Iron Works company of Denver, has been accidentally shot and killed by a companion on a hunting trip east of that city. A premature blast In the Roms mine at Butte entombed four miners and caused rumors of heavy' loss of life, but the miners all escaped without serious injury. Dennis Woodford, alias Walker, who la charged with the murder of Charles Cummins, the range rider on a ranch near Newcastle, Wyo., has been captured near the scene of the killing. Edward T. Peyton, the Wyoming newspaper man recently incarcerated In the Insane asylum at Evanston, Is to be discharged and taken to the home of his parents in South Dakota. Joseph Norton, a former Union Pacific fireman of Cheyenne, has disappeared, and his wife, who declares their relations have been congenial, fears that he baa met with foul play. Four boys, the eldest being 13 years of age, are under arrest at Encampment, Wyo., charged with' setting fire to the school house. One of the boys confessed and implicated the others. Furniture .for the Carlson State hank to he opened at Hana in a few days has been purchhsed. Vangener k. Meyer, two of the most prominent financiers of the county, will he pro prletora. Private Tully, colored, stationed at Fort Missoula, Mont., has been convicted of the mnrder of Thomas Kennedy, also colored. Tully deliberately waylaid and shot Kennedy as the result of a quarrel. A gigantic vein of fine coal has been discovered within a short distance of Cody, which la owned by Colonel Cody. The vein la eight feet in thickness and experts state the vein cannot contain less than 100,000,000 tons. Peter Terrill, the outlaw recently captured by Sheriff Alston. In the mountains north of Basin, Wyo., has been bound over to the district court on three charges, two for horse stealing and the other for grand larceny. With three coal mines within miles of Lusk, Wyo., that town is suffering from a coal famine, the companies being so far behind with their orders that it takes two months to get a shipment into Lusk. Deputy Sheriff Felix Allston, who was supposed to have been murdered by two outlaws whom he went Into the mountains in pursuit of, has returned to Basin, Wyo.. from Brldger, Mont, In charge of Terrill, one of the horse thieves. son Harry Bergersen, the of Peter Bergersen of Cheyenne, the champion rifle shot of the world, Is dead as the result of falling on the Ice while skating, reopening a gunshot wound in his leg which he received two months ago, blood poisoning resulting. P. J. Gorder, an resident of Rock Springs, Wyo., fired a charge of buckshot into his head because he grew tired while walking from his ranch, which he had visited, into town. He used the back of an old chair to pull the trigger. A contract has been lot by the Cambria Sait company for the drilling of several wells at Cambria. Wyo. A large plant hv boon installed by which tho watr from springs there Is marie to y pi'ii pure snlt In large Quantities by ovipovailon. Val Mooro, son of a well known ranchman roaMim? near Sundance, Wyo., was shot and almost instantly killed by tho aco.'ricntnl dlsrhargo of a gun In the hands of his cousin. The charge entered Voor-eTody and he died within a short time aCterward. It has been niinmire'1 that D. II. Ilorrlman has assured John Brock, of Philadelphia, that the abidance of the Southern PariPc company will be of lntilditi.'; a railgiven tlu proj-'rroad from the Tcm pah mining district to a point called Rhodes .Marsh, . - TAM KDOtNC-n. rc COV, COTTON fELT 'MATTRESS. IIMMMITtia Beet mattress In the werld. Better than any Eastern make. Will east yeu lass Ask yeur dealer farminty. it. Leak far eur trade mark. Utah Bedding It M Best as Ith Nerth aslt t, Mfg Co., Lake City. DRUNKENNESS CURED. Tki (nil; iDStititi. SluVcWtii: SMOKE Not how cheap, hut hew good." Whitaker & Dallas, Makers, BALT LAMB CITY UTAH It Viewauf Atlantic City eiliabaa mailed to aayunc sending ui aunt and address of two or moro frloedi wSe oro aufferlag from Catarrh. C. RICKEY A CO. ill WiLKVT ST.. PwiT.l. GAY LIFE FREE J. CURED PERMANENTLY at home, withaut Saifs or hue tin, nndor tbo personal direction of K. H. Hssdixu. M. I).. Cancer Specialist ( If yearn. Wrlto y for fret and full partlcnlara. Herding'i Cell Cancer Cure Co.' OGDEN, UTAH. CAPSICUH VASELINE (err vp iv lt.apstb! e A nbstitutefir and superior to er ane other plaster, and will not bl.sitT the mo-- t and cuiati-.delicate akin. The aie. wt mlerfi.i. It will unaliliosof thia aiii.-land irheve tap the toothurln- or .i. ern i.iuim n,l it as the ! known. ;t!o and infest exti'iiml a an rxte'i.i.1 n n -- il for pains in the rl.i' t jI I a. t:r aud notr.ar!' fi.i iliintai'e, u ,!ic a; ! E u. A t:i..l w sd rii'to what e e 1 - d tu he invnhr it .!I ho f. it: claim frr it. aide in tin Many imi!e e v"it:r Pii.-the best of all v r prep..: ..ii.i-- .' or mh-- r dealer, or hr cent., at all rwe lending ll. a amu'.i;t to n. in I, N euicl- - ah iiii.l will .rod 3 u tube ba aerepied hr thn fuMnt I, e .n: e V tl cartioaourlah-l- . aaotheiwi e it i notgenuinr. CH5Frvoi flH Mrn. co, 17 State Sure I, Nrw Yon Citt. mis-iai- d e rain-albyi- t' - OTit-n- 1 t h- h'c.-i-ho- !' -- .!. ! ) ser-enty-fl- old-tim- e ADMIRAL SCHLEY ENDORSES A. Drug Co., Columbus , Ohio: Gentlemen: can cheerfully say that Mrs. Schley and I believe with good effect. has taken Pe-ru-- na Pe-ru-- na W. S. SCHLEY. Washington, D. C, opposition and has won its way to the hearts of the people. The natural timidity which so many people have felt about giving endorsements to any remedy is giving way. Gratitude and a desire to help others has inspired thousands of people to give public testimonials for Peruna who heretofoi e would not have consented to such publicity. Never before in the annals of medicine has it happened that so many men of national and international reputation have been willing to give unqualified and public endorseNo amount ments to a proprietary remed of advertising could have accomplished such a result. Peruna has won on its own merits Peruna cures catarrh of whatever phase or location in the human body. That is why it receives so many notable and unique endorsements. Address The Peruna Drug Mfg Co., Co lumbus, Ohio, for free literature on catarrh. one of the foremost ADMIRAL SCHLEY, of the Nineteenth Century. A name that starts terror in the heart of every Spaniard. A man of steady nerve, clear head, undaunted courage and prompt decision. Approached by a friend recently, his opinion was asked as to the efficacy of. Peruna, the national catarrh remedy. Without the slightest hesitation he gave this remedy his endorsement It appeared on later conversation that Peruna has been used in his family, where it is a favorite remedy. Such endorsements serve to indicate the wonderful hold that Peruna has upon the minds of the American people. It is out of the question that so great and famous a man as Admiral Schley could have any other reason for giving his endorsement to Peiuna than his positive conviction that the remedy is all that he says it is. The fact is that Peruna has overcome all Ask Your Druggist for free Galileos Criticism. Criticising Tassos poem Jerusalem Delivered, Galileo said: I am sometimes aghast at the foolish things this poet sets himself to describe. To my mind this poet is poor and miserable beyond all expression, whereas Ariosto is rich, magnificent, admirable. Eh, Big. Tasso, you understand nothing of your art. You besmear much paper and only make in the end pap. for cats. Itnai -- IX-- of ir, bb. Home Treatment Caret. Writ for fraa lyiunloiu list If ran eaaiot rail. Consultation Free. a. g. aaosia. U. W. solid Pay When Cured Weak Men U eontag-lonTO- e Use-koe- lull-monl- d. Vert-eoeet- e. Puiaoe, lagioua Bee. OFFICE HOURS: ta.n.lOlf.B.1 Xaenlegn T tali Suudeys, IDs. b. is U. e w. eecoNB south tv. IN mitAI'K lllHP.ASBS llenne we BersuM ll would betray eueildeuve. here tu prove etr Kklll In tble elu of truublM In another way. Tbe la our plan: DRS. SHORES & SHORES. Specialists. SALT LANS CITY, UTAH, We have the Beat cempkta Ora Testing Plant in lha U ail ad Stales for the testing ef era ef ell characters by any ef the mad-rWe detereuee the heat end Beat methods of ore treatment. economical method ef treating emend contract te daign, erect nntl turn over In complete working order Ore Milling plant! ef any description, end guarantee cteciency ami Capacity. Our Caulngtie No. 39 describe this department fully. Office A Worki, Ith ft Larimer Btg. THE F. M. DAVIS IRON WORKS CO. Metallurgical Dept, 1737 Champa St, Mrs. Winslow's Soothing lynp.' For ehlldras trot blog, aufteui tbs sum, reaueei Is Cawmatlon, alleys psla. cures wind eolta. Sea buttle. Uces for Ice. Different On his first visit to London a Scotch youth entered a refreshment parlor and, noting a woman eating an ice, said to the waiter: "Hi, man, gl'e me yin o thae. Being supplied, he took a spoonful and made a wry face. Tm dootln' It's a bit mister, said he. Oh, no, sir, remarked the Gosh, do they waiter, it's an ice. est Ice in London?" asked the wonMan, we tilde an dering youth. skate on't in Aberdeen! DIPHTHERIA HALLS CANKER AND FOR THX MOUTH. THROAT. STOMACH AND BOWELS.... NEVER Fergus Coalter OGDEN, UTAH. te.oeo pieces shbbt musio st is canTS pan copy . . first governor of New York and who SSHO PAX CATALOdUOS. rendered brilliant service in the war of the revolution. Pllbridge Gerry of Massachusetts, and a signer of the Declaration of Independence, waa the 1: I Conducted by SISTERS OF THE HOLY CROSS. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. fVff ffffTTffff 7717 ff TTffTTffff (':! PHONES Action of Alcohol. The action of aim h l on tbo nervous system is om. cf ;is most important character isiic-i- . and most It is this action whicii leads tu the SALT 70 Til f COX 5f.3. SRiSMGit & p. o. sot n. -- AMH'AVI .ih I W.'ll-c- wxiTeiov SL LAKE CITY, UTAH LIST. ly-1'-: SAx j Ojden .i a Assay Co. and Silver j C- f nilv'r. 1, m- - Mmp'oe. .. EDO Iw'ik s' ....If PP lm j ITflH 1' Ulnl r 0 f1! c:ct cac " l ' .. 1 1 '.'.'I vnLk 1 ri p : , I Tillin'- I..in. HEADS ,. jT.i.ij; i.iuii.. i tSlAYS. Prompt return, on - Y I PAID FOR GfiWlZ 9 r. ' ; LAKE CI I i' CIT L Tit?1 FUHHIL'R. f"VCJ ii t r. ..nruLC:TMJTH ;. it. :: L 1. ST., S.tlT CA?H : i u HXLIA3LE SeM. Lend ST STATS FUS RAW KICK:!?, SSSSBS &KN3 FOR t'.c C. Weei Tamils St COCTU'.rri.i HOUsr: LAKH TCS. FMORF ClIfcMIsT. S Sir. .... :s tr3T J pappe-an- AND 1 H b A r NIC AL COB- MASQUERADE TU ri FO.-- t ObNT SLNO FOR CATAiCGOrS llO FRCt9. for drink. W. - Slated set 'er ta t 25c. Guar. SALT LAKE CITY 1011-85- ffff nhllmflfilA Juat Ihdlhin, lar a i'ler Xmai d Beat Floral Drtijnn For A'l Occasions. Attention Given fo Mail Orders. Prompt end Ca-n'- in One day. Tsks Liixative Broil,') ij'iinine Tablets. All irugglsii refund nimc.y f itfailstocnre. 25c rilPIfi' Fergus Coalter Music Co., SALT LAKE CITY. second. The third death was that of William Rufus King of Alabama, FLORIST United States senator and minister to RICHARD E. EVANS, phonc eei Fleril Design and Immortal Work e Specialty. France. The fourth vice president to Ail Cut Floweri in SMton. die in office was Henry Wilson, also SALT LAKE CITY. a United States senator. The fifth 30 S. MAIN ST. waa Thomas Atulieus Hendricks and the sixth Garret A. Hobart thje B. C. MORRIS FLORAL CO. IT. J. W 1 MUSIC CO. $350 PIANOS FOR $190 $ 150 ORGANS FOR $75 Six vice presidents of the United States have died in office. The first was George Clinton, who had the further distinction of having been the "craving Salt Lake City, Utah. glHAiUHHHHHHUUHHHHHHllHUUMilllia Sacred Heart Academy Vice Presidents Who Died In Office. To Cure u REMEDY FOR XALI BY ALL DRUXIXT AND SBNSNAL STORBS Drug Co., General Agents. n Nelden-iudso- Fill 9 Lll IfllLO It L I frost-bitte- 0. DM. We euro oe Irot eedtben uk e RXSBOMAXLM If roam gar from lar of ths wsbtisM er SI. FIX whan roe ere eared. You see depeed epee mum mind b Imuirance. dumipttloa or WAJfr our word. Ihoaaands ef patients Seas Indorsed ee VKKY IKUSOM TUX Wl Alia MOW, Wl WANT TO t'UKS YOU with the disTO TALK TO. CHROMIC tinct ear eklll Is earing We hero prom undemanding that wn will net demand a FKX eetll we euro you. This eppllM is Lost SIimim by pablleblng the many rolnetery Oraaele Wrakeeae, Hperuiuierrhuee, from home people. glTlug mbm, pictures IHaesaea of the Prostrate (aloud, Uueetuml and kddrffflML Losses, ( Mingled INaordera. WE CANT n'RLISU Ol'K fTBKS Blood end ell WXAKNItaeBd ef For Good Lungs. A good lung exercise Is to hold the head up, the shoulders back and chest out; Inflate the lungs slowly through the nose until they are Quite full; hold until you have counted ten without opening the lips, then exhale Quickly till the lungs are as empty of Lie bad air as it Is possible to get them. Repeat this exercise until you can count twenty when the lungs are full. P. C1IE Moss sad Thissl Trss-blnail Deafness, Bnr IXaenaee. Broeshlaleud Lass -- - aad Eidasr Asthma. tftaBseh. Troubles, IMamuis. HlaiMer Trouble., xtaiaia C o Woman a ed Chi' vf Cbrnnla Diseases plaluia. Heart IHsenna, Xervoue Diseases, tibeiea, (Hi. Vitim' Deane), Kintals, Mplnal Trouble, Skin IMbraara. HelaMea and EbaaaiaUna. tba liowala, IT lee, Ftelala aad ktatal Trouble!, tiullra tor big aaak., Blood IImimi, Tape Worn. Hag Kiver, Mriiarlu, Bulla Inwimnla, aia.. aad all Jfarroui aud Chivaia Irtieaaus. Xtif ' HI T1EIT CATS Giwji Sweat Powder for OiDdna Successfully used by Mother Gray, nuns in tho Children's Home in New York, cure Constipation, Feverishness, Bod Stomach, the Teething Disorders, move and .HO tes Bowels aad DestroVW onus, live, timonials. At all Druggists, S5o. FREE. Address A S. Olmsted, LeRoy.N.x. reg-ilat- Almanac for 1904. Pe-ru-- na WE s t PE-RU-N- Is m.u!Vi;T!.:-r.:;s3n,- ' . : a I ,.I ttithml :r Ir.iiinv.h. red lit- (., (I.;''n. : wi lv tail. I S tfcrow-r- srlili pb.iMJd. Jkjitff Ar'bv.erir.j K'r.d!y W. N. U.. i. it ur t;ori This Lsko-N- h 11 Elite Ratrimiiial Journsl T"?,.,JViJ5?S: Ni. fr V j v y xrry to v ur Md. ?ub. Cue I1 V. 1 Vi-c- - Inrf.o. i.n ).. U uio. ii.iiti iii. k. I Eva s Water L'j 1 1 i: .v Po f'.i Mil 4, IjVfbWft. LiIfmK I tv, U Ub 1 r -- i ,,,,vs .Y TO . h.i'dh, I'N'V Mr Vi t r, w : "V- o. tiserr.cnta Paper. 51, 1008 |