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Show TO OCXS A COLD XV ON3 BAY. LuaUti Bretno Quinine Ttbiiti AH druggists refund the money If fkflg to oar. V. W. Grave! njutun la M iteh kx. Ue. "Btyond tb HltlsSk 1 WAWTKD- - Tznto.rz IIYI1UL er.iaD-Hahe- d I can hear the drums aa the army enmre Eu0ono Fields wrote Eugene LAM D Field, end sometimes extinguishes the Are ol ambition." Though great despite hit complaint Field suffered from iiitllgry lion all hie Ufa A weak, tired stomach can't digest your food. It nee-lrest. You can only ret it by the n .r of a preparation like Kodnl, which r llovee It of work by diluting your foi Boat aoon reatoree ll to 111 normal tuuc vsKmi .THFULI """thim fcnvlsopstln;. VlJCTS at tainBids. fait Lake City IfetXraiek THE 6CENIO LINE TO Sanitarium VilX i Baths rw Balm Em hsr nague ag ewer eae sod tw aaran Saif a Imm af wwtar mHUea i.ina adliqi gwb ihbaagh an4Ha HwSeStoeMhela Ma TwK Nna hear the drums, and the army Uh. Opaa ;gg Olenwood Springs, Aspen, LeadriUe, Puctlo, Colorado Springs, Denver, Caaba, Kansas City, St. Lonis, Chicago, and all points east ' ri ' Csamcllng si Ogden Depok with all Soulhere Pac:l!s and Orejan S'lori Lins Traiaa The taJy' TrsRseontlnnnlal Lins passing directly through Sail Like Clip 3 SrLKWDIDLT BQVIPygD FAST TRAINS DAILY BETWEEN OGDEN Tkm Saparata a ad Dlatlaot Via AND DENVER Seatla Baataa, Through Pullman and Ordinary Sleeping Cars to Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St Lonis and Chicago without change. Free reclining chair cars. Personally Conlnctel Excursions. 25c laaVy sssr.KSiiS-irr.- m ands aigka Dining Cars, service a la Carte on all through trains. ggMatormi Far Theres no Better Service rata, foUarm. Baaiaal L Than tint via the Locking Forward. Thrausii Ccrvicc AT LAW. mlaaral ALT LAKE HOT SPRINGS cunir From heyond the hills," he said. With hla eye Below he saluted alow And he touched ids snowy head, l'hen hie eye were cloaed aa if ha but doxed, And hla day of days had dawned. For the luw drum tout had allured his ret ?o the l'.llls-ar- .-l fur beyond. Yv. li. X. in (.'hlcago Tribune. , hi.,. Prepared oaly by X. 0. Ds'b irr d Ou XheSU bJtue coetaia 14 tiJia tUaiOu. Mercur Drug Compeer. Vary E. Brown, Stockton. J Ghefdibv wa(a, healed lefaU wtthel Iwltklara all!" Me wi'iild sty. "Their music tilla til tie li.yht and day; I can hear them I'iiy In me maieh beyond the hills. I can Salt Lata ATTONMBYS & i it mesa awl 'AW EI And hla flnpera slim beat a tot too grim cin the a' ut aim' of the chair, While hia li.n grew stern and his eyes would li.i'.'ll With the fire that once was there. "U. the bugle call, and the drums and s ' Whittemcrci Btcrer j m. m. rTTTTf TTTFVTTTtV IMddsMAMNh it leapt with life, madly, too," '.Yas the old man's tih, as with kindling e Tie would hum the waraonge through, it la Jimmy She that is how he'd l'.ny Wl.en the road was hard and long: And it's Hilly' (hum that 1 callling, '('ome!' Aa It keeps time with the aorg. often IncapaciUtee a man for andeevet ATTOMNa. ....a.a hAU-a-- Meaey baafc If tt MU- - Trial Settlaa free. I esn hear the life aa A ini Iht-- drum roil Views sn Ambltlen and Dyp psjevla. C. lY. PARKS, : A.AV For All Throat and Lung Trouble. A Perfect Cure l From beyond the hllla. he said. And h leaned and smiled like a happy ehlid Aa he shook h snowy head. And he clutched hi cane while the far ref r iln ('ime !n mnr.nura to his cars. hi Rut they v l::ioied luw: "Ha diiatr.ed it so. And it m nu drum he hears. aelf-addrBs- "Dyepepaie," yTTTT Dr. Kings New Discovery eharaeter and imI regulation 1; Mate (eae Is thie oeaety required. uh I Mpreaent and advertise eld VMltkf bualneu beuae of eol.d taaaelal standing. Salary ttl.00 weekly with expenses additional, all payabl-l- a east each Wednesday direct ftvn Bead offices. Horae and carriage fur Blsbed when neceaaary. References Enclose envelope. Tale IM BUI Ce., Dearborn at., Chicago. C AAA.XS Nothing hsi ever equalled k. Nothing can ever surpass it fraa lUmtretad baaklnta. eta., laqalN at jror epaaifyleg tbo Bla Oraeda routa, or edJrM, Uak(t,aot. A. BENTON, G. Ai P. D, SALT LAKE CITY TO ST. LG3J33 EAST AM ''frsd 3 THE A s-- m Prom Kansas City, Salat Louie tad Hmphis to points ia the South, Sob that and Southwest VIA h.imflBrmap ixaBxxxmm Missouri Pacific Tiis SoutiiDastorn limited RAILWAY r" City at :30 P. M. Leaving felly, will take you to Springfield, Mem phis, Sinning bam, Atlanta, Jacksonville lad all potato la the Southeast. THROUGH SCENIC Colorado KBSASIMsODR! OBSERVATION DINING CARS. Electric ' lights. electric Fans.' chair cars ,iing iIUTB I almost hate Illinois Central Railway. UrPIClENTLT SERVES A VAST By through aarrloo to sad from the Ml owing oltlea: terrhtory X1L St. Lento, Mo. .polls, Kina Peoria, Xu. City, )U Evansville, phis, Turn. Vaibvlll, Vena. Cincinnati, (Ala Atlanta, On. Caulsville,' Xy, yidtsarlUA Pit Iiw Orleans, La. Vicksburg, Xtoa Cbi-- III Railroad Tiea of Leather. The Invention of a leather crosstie, designed to take the place of sleepers made of wood, Is attracting attention In railroad circles. F. V. Dunnell of West Warren, Mass., is the Inventor. In the manufacture of his crosstie, which weighs 125 pounds, the scrap leather from shoe shops Is taken Into a disintegrator, ground fine, subjected to a refining process and molded. The tension of the molding machine can he bo regulated that ties hard enough to take a spike or ties through which a spike cannot be driven can be turned out Went Off at Wrong Time. A ludicrous Incident occurred during the last act of a play at a Dldde-for(Maine) theater last week. Just Weekly through aervtoe between when the audience was giving Its between Clnolnnntl closest attention to tbe stage, a loud And Ce Pacific Coast and Montana pop was heard down in front. It was Territory. evident that a bottle had gone off n somebodys pocket, and It set everyterminate these fer at Connections body Into a snicker. AST, BOUTS, WEST ASD HOSTS. Animal Lays Eggs. Echidna hystrix, a quaint little Past and Handsomely Equipped creature from New Zealand, Is one of team Heated Traino Dining Can y Cara Sleeping Care Free Reclining Chair Cara. Ask ticket agenta far tlokete via the ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD, or apply to n W. Ind So. BL. 5TX rOLBT, Salt Lake City. BO YEARS EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Desiqns Mh Ac. Copyrights and rlatlaa mmf Aawiaa lending a aa qelekly urert.ia ear evtnio free t proenbly nimrUMjL OuManto larwitlnn Uom --tnut'.T KMnAdaRtuL HAfiBSOiK oa rataata Oli.e- -l arnnuy for lecarlaa eatenta. r i aural taka'. Mans Tsaalrt la the , gpfriaifietiM, without im fri hii Jiu Scientific Jfmerlcan. ntntned luwmaL vt any nutua . taur Bbnthi, fl Mid by an fi3'J is!)SN2CD."," 4.XK A waahl. aCcuM.ce ggr. FMtlNMW 48 Pages t Vastly t Bustmtsd S COPT. MINING"4 scientific PRESS hauit st.. iae nAmnoo. cas- (UVB room east O SPEED COMFORT SAFETY ' OfHCl TTNION PACIFIC VJNEXCELLED 1 ROGRESS1VB ST. SALT LARS CITT, VTAfl. (THB OVERLAND ROUTE) ATCHISON, TOPEKA and SANTA FE RAIL WA Y, PER YEAR, FOSTPAID. US SOB Ulna bm All 6 GU&2WG 201 MAIN THI WITH WHICH B THE lOCULAI POVn TO INDISPENSABLE TO MMNG MEN. - YOU HEARD OP THE LIONS MOUTH? Ee OH Yenettso Idea Is Adoptal by a Protrusive pad w Mm) d ul Buffet-Librar- TEAR POETT-THIE- licm DWBCT CONNECTION THE OVERLAND ROUTS w CIY MINING'S iJCwV sister Kate's Blue eyes nnd curling tresses. As time goes by 1 know that I Must grow to wear her dreises Chleago, a. c. r. e t. a. Fcr Coughs, Ccldi and Croupe Aly B THB UNION PACIFIC D. S. SPENCER, OneESlRuieGcugh Caro Hr lirtki.Tiektti, Feiftrs, Kc., ittriu Hah Bt Paul, Minn. C.r,T.A. 1106, 17th St. ncNVER. OOLO. till),.. I D. C. BVRLEY, 0 GENBRAL WESTERN AGENT day coacmm. Omaha, RAILROAD Q. W. MARTIN SLEEPING CAR3, YOUR TRIP EAST THAT THB Line Oregon Short eas For detailed information apply to SPULLMANss Um-o-dat- IN FIGURING REMEMBER, In connection with the R. G. W. Ry. tha SHORT LINE from Utah to Kansas City, BL Joseph, Chicago, Galves- ton, El Peso and tha mining camps of New Mexico end Arlxone. Special atk tention said to wool end shipments. For particulars about the REDUCED PASSENGER RATES BAST this summer, apply to C. F. WARREN, General Agent, live-stoc- 411 jar Damn's Weakly ts oondasttag spiSEsflfli jewel and intarasttac T ut leaders each mouth. Dooly Block. UqIoq Pacific to toal att aaa haa to do la current of CelUn's tor the Mswar the two or throe PMr . which am printed to each to and soon SM giving such optotou as will aid to Improwta Ss CoUlaria aims In this way the aaalatanco of every out of tta readers la making tha PP to their liking. Every radr, ta tact haaomea one of tha adltors aad had hto woiaa In building tha greatest Olustfatod Jaurnal of tha aga. Tha firet prlsa eaeh manth, awarded tha nmet helpful rtrtioTL to M to pr cash, prlaa a Df fan. With a eaeond of and eighteen other prisaa af eate ttt down ranging In value from la all DM of value gtrtd month. Thera am, to caeh prixea, far these wfce wlu prieee la jcmmlve nautha. ml a big cash prise of tlCM for the valaabie euggeetloaa during UOL nit Bar tha eonvenlenoe of laUndlng eon-- , .eetaate whs oaa not bt promptly sup utlad by nawadaalers, all the copies of boUiai'a for tha current waath will be sand poetpald, together with a handCharlat the exceptions to the animal rule, as some proof of a drawingofby canto In it upon receipt it lays eggs. These are carried In a pua Glbaoa, addraaead ta Tbs Usn's Mouth Itamps pouch, where ia due time they are , Colli trie Weekly, UW( hatched by the heat of the parent's New York. &i) 5t. PauI Ry. THROUGH LINE 6bic&$o, lilw&aKee & The Union Pacific and Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Sleepers, Tourist Railways are now running first-clas- s Chair Cars through to Sleepers and Free Reclining car reservations and Chicago. For tickets, sleeping to farther information, apply a ESKS25BB32KZZ: F. A. MILLER, CLAUDE S. WILLIAMS, General Fasecoger Agent Chicago 106 V. Commercial Agent Second South St, Salt Lake body. Has Newspaper of SEX2ZZE 1800. To Cure a Cold in One Day H. J. McNally of Burlington, Vt., has an Interesting souvenir In the way of a newspaper printed Saturday, Jen. 4, 1800. The perlodicil, besides giving the congressional news of that time, publishes an account of tho burial of George Weshington. Tate Laxative Bromo Quinine Taiiet. ve 13 Soveo LCfioa boxes sold taymt Biocths. TblS nL Cures CHy Two Days, h on every box 22 gases 25c, |