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Show wJffftifcti ;?i The entinel THE TOOELE COUNTYf REPUBLICAN WEEKLY. VOL. IV. STOCKTON, UTAH, SATURDAY, DECEMBER li), MINES AN9 MINERS. THE SEASON'S GREETINGS. SENTINEL LOCAL ITEMS. We extend to eveiy reader of oui paper the usual Christmas greeting, and do most heartily wish them a merry Christmas and a happy New Tear. For the liardy sons of Tooele county those who have by Incessant toll and braving all kinds of danger, made the everlasting hills to give up their hidden treasures of gold and other precious metal the miners we wish them all the pleasures they deserve and hope during the coming year the grand old hills and canyons may yield Increased wealth with every stroke of thi pick and drill. AVe wish for the husbandman that Mother Earth will next year yield a more abundant harvest than this now passed, and that not one of them will go scantily supplied this ChrietmasMde For those engaged In other pursuits we wish all the good things nature could be expected to give for their past years labors. For the lady readers married, we wish peace and plenty In their homes, a good warm fireside and plenty to make this life cheerful and bright, love, health and happlnew until the cup is full to overflowing. The unmarried ladles, we wish a happy time never to be forgotten, plenty of balls and parties and a tractable, swain :o devote his undivided time to each one of them. For the children we wish Santa Claus to fill every little stocking with all the nice, good things they may have desired. AVe hope the good saint this year will be extra good to our lit'.l friends. AVe wish ALL, EVERYONE, a merry Christmas and happy New Tear. N. A. Scribner visited his family in Balt Lake City this week. The West Dip NO. 23. ent letter from one of these sales agents quotes the element at $46.50 per cask, the agent expressing his willingness to advance the company $35 and to disjatse of It as the market shall permit, the company In the meanwhile to pay 6 per ent per annum for the use of the moneys thus advanced. This may be customary, but it Is new to local producers, and better terms are being negotiated for. In the meantime the retorts are working steadily, while Ku)wr-i- r Undent McKee writes the management that the channel from which the mercurial ores are being mined is holding out well and promises to be more productive than originally expected. From the ore bodies the usual volume of rock Is being stied for the mill, and throughout the proierty is Hiorted In very satisfactory condition. i lss lJKKL Sialn In otieratlon. PETER L. JOHNSON DIES. Front Mercur Miner. Peter L. Johnson, formerly a member of the Salt Lake police force, and more recently employed at the Consolidated Mercur mine, died at 10:15 o'clock last night of stomach trouble. In the Board of Trade building. Mr. Johnson wus 44 years old, and a native of Sweden. As lie has no relatives in this part of the country. AVusatch lodge No. 1, F. and A. M., has taken charge of the remains. Notice of the funeral will be given later. The above Is from the Herald. December 7th, so Mr. Johnson died the night of the 6th. A new building h$ Oscar Anderson has been nursing a the Sacramento retorts. lame back for several days. lt Is reported that the Rulllon mine The demand for houses to rent is in- will resume operations very soon. creasing, but the supply is not equal to the demand. The Utah Queen mine of Dry canyon. M. U. Hunt manager, is scheduled to George Remington and famtlv have send in another shipment of good ore in moved into the residence just completed the near future. t by David Morrison. ' w It Is reported thatan Eastern syndiwill close cate has secured a bond on the Xeader The Stockton school AVednesduy, December 23rd, and reopen & Green group at Stockton, adjoining the Galena King. Monday, January 4, 1904. A glass or two of water taken half an hour before breakfast will usually Mrs. D. AV. Heiston went to Salt From Mercur Miner. keep the liowcls regular, llarsh caLake City AA'ednefday and will remain The Con. Mercur Is again running AVhen u full blast, with Mr. fArthur Brown in ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS A BOX thartics should le uvobled. there until after the holidays. j v Is the value H. A. Tisdale, Suinmerton, purgative Is needed, take Chamberstalled as superintendent. S. C., places on DeWitt's AVitch Hazel lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They This has been a ' cty quiet week In h Salve. He says: I hail the piles for are mild and gentle In their action. social way. Everybody is very busy From Mercur Miner. sule by Arthur Brown Is now superintendent twenty yearn I tried many doctors Fur preparing for Xmas festivities. M. E. Brown, Stockton, Utah. of the Con. Mercur the iiositlon for- and medicines, but all failed except Some of our citizens visited Santa merly held by George Z. Edwards. I)eAitt's AVitch Haxel Salve. It cured The Salt Lnke Tribune me. Claus headquarters in the capital city it Is a combination of the healing not readers only reaches this week, among them Mrs. James The Honerlne mllCis nearing comple- prutiertiea of AVitch llaxcl with antisep- from to four days earlier than Collins und Mrs. R. M. Edmunds. tion and the machinery will soon be In tics and emollients; relieves and per- either one or Pacific Coast papers, place. Then twill nqt be long ere well manently cures blind, bleeding, itching hut is Eastern u tlie people of Mrs. S. J. Walters, who has been vis- hear the hum of wheels and echo of t! nnd protruding sores, cuts, all this better paper for of piles, Its special region, because iting, her sister, Mrs. F. M. Davis, has whittle. bruises, eczema, salt rheum and all State news facilities here not possessed returned to her home In Canada. skin diseases. Sold by' outside papers. At $1.50 from now on our Mercur Meut & Gro. Co., Stockton. by There are many until May 31, list.A. it Is not only the best Mrs. F. A. Gibeaut has gone to Ring streets these days and the probability Utah. but the cheapest. Send fur It now. ham Canyun to spend the holidays with Is there will be mapy more. when tie M. K. Brown, Stockton, Itah. relatives. Frank will follow later. mines now being divined by' the lien MERCUR LOCAL BRIEFS. SPECIAL LAND BUYERS EXCURurine tunnel commence operations. Mike, the Edmunds bear, has rot SIONS Mrs. C. AV. Corflehl was a visitor to hibernated yet. He is a great source From Mercur Miner.) Will run to the new lands of Greer of amusement to the children-- - a nti Mr. Arthur Brown will occupy the eounty, Okla., and other sections of the Zion Saturday. - i others. house vacated by ISupt. Geo. Z. Ed- great Southwest in November and DeC. L. Prebble bus moved Ills family tin Corfleld via Frisco Char. cember. the and AVE DO NOT ROAST. system. Supt. wards, D. AV. Heaston went to Salt Lake City companys house Mr. Moore forAre you looking for rich and fertile to the AAcst Dip. It last aid is for medical Tuesday. In the Southwest which farming lands merly occupied. njlcli A mining man, and a resident of feared Mr. Abe Crawford has been down to by his friends that Mr. H. has to you enn buy for from He has returned well and Stockton, informed the writer of this blood poison. Sunnysidc. the cost of lands In the East and sound. Preparations are being nvu'e to ie that he positively knew of ihj sale of 4 4 S Efiuck Diamond us North? They produce as much acre for suine work In the mining property that had been indison of M. F. Otto, the soon as possible, bsjieriniendent lon acre. Here Is a chance to better your A. J. Franklin, our local tailor, siient rectly accomplished through tl e mefell from a chair lust Sunday and mon went to Sat Lake City Tuesday ie condition and add a liberal amount to dium of the Sentinel. The price paid broke both bones of his Thursday In Ophlr, und reports busiforearm. consult with directs of right this promyour porketbook. was $85,000 and the paper deserved Dr. Phipps set the break and the Utile ising property. For full particulars and speelal rail- ness good. credit for this valuable deal. AVe do one Is nicely. along getting road rates apply at once to H. S. Mcsdames Susie oCorfleld and Erath not claim to have ihe "onlv paper In Miner. Mercur Lemon, From secretary Frisco System Immi- and Mira Vick have been to the me( the county, but we do claim to be The promoters of the school entertainZ. Edwardf has been engaged gration Bureau, St. Louis, Mo. George town more our and fer good doing tropolis this week. oment to be given AVednesday evening, examine and export the Orient mine county In a quiet way than even the December 23rd, are putting forth every to In West Tlntlc district. Tooele county. A PLASTER. THAN BETTER confined at his home Is favorite organ of the county courthouse effort to make the same a success, and The Major Lups A with mill for flannel this property damiiened piece of building of a sickness. Here's hoping a speedy ring. Not an issue of the San Francisco no doubt their (torts will not be in depends, Chumberlaln's Pain Balm and bound with very largely, upon his report Bulletin but conta'ns some excerpts vain. recovery, your honor. a on the affected part is better than from this paper, and In that way ve are An unprecc-- f plaster for. a lame back and for pains Everything Bryan Bros. have sold their gent's "quietly advertising the locality we Ui hMk Is, BImU genss iiai'mnmc nirTi.n for relief the as a no liniment and it has been superior will handle groceries only. friend Dunn, editor of "the only news- day night. After the business of fh the near future, to muscular and rheubecome one of the of by many In the as paper county (ye gods!) aay lodge was concluded a fine lunch .vas largest mining campsln the State. matic pains. For sale by Mercur stores are all fitted up with much? Has he ever been instrumental served and an hour spent In social en- Speed the day when this prediction is M. K. Brown, Stockton, Utah. a fine lot of tfhristmas goods and the In bringing about an $85,000 ileal or joyment. fulfilled! merchants reitort that they are doing even an deal? business. We have no desire to be egotistical, good AVhen a man who has never paid one From an MERCUR NEWS NOTES. Exchange. neither to boast, and least of all nave penny to the of a paper gets on Lton on The Chloride Point mine hill, we a desire to represent that that la not his The remains of P. J. Conway, who d shoes at the editor for appeared in the local From the Miner. true. Proof of .ill we say can be ob- some supiMised indignity to sdf or Ophlr district,week died on the 7th, were shipped to his market of a last with carload tained of Mrs. W. N. Grundy, our ed- friend, and vichntly declares he will former home in Chatham, N. J on sliver ore. George SI. Clair itor. Jas. T. Jukeman. Friday, the 11th. withdraw his support. It la enough lo and associates have a lease on this old HOAV TO PREVENT CROUP. o make a donkey laugh. It would be wealth producer, and It Is stated that to news mothers be will the good is back to Mercur atmore the act of h sane person to do they are marketing about WO tons of ofItsmall children Judge Duinhary THE LONE STAR STATE. to learn that croup lo some legal matters. He Down In Texas at Yoakum, is a big dry more and say less. But we pity the $100 ore monthly. can lie prevented. The first sign of tending to assume his official will be to and prepared to, go him, pour say jackanaies goods firm of which Mr. J. M. Haller is croup Ih hoarseness. A day or two next duties month. for the thank the and good things disAt gods In the Erie mine Beaver lake the head. Mr. Haller on one of his trips the uttack the child becomes nothing. If trict, Reaver county, on the East to buy goods said to a friend who you have been getting for then hoarse. This is soon followed by a Andrew Anderson of Mercur was we wilt and this don't up suit, pay was with him Ih the palace car: Hero, level, a mass of decomposed granite has rough cough. Give Chamberbeen uncovered In which native copper lain's Cough Remedy freely as soon as mnrried in Colorado on the 9th and will take one of these Little Early Risers do just as vou like, even to going to rench Mercur Friday or Saturday, Deoccurs. uron retiring and you will be up early for you. Dougn up or shut up. Upon receipt of the news of the child becomes hoarse, or even after James T. Jakeman, In the morning feeling good. For the the find Secretary L. G. Brown and the rough cough appears, and it will cember 11th nr 12th.o Frank Morehouse at once visited this disiel all symptoms of croup. In this dark brown" taste, headache and The Odd Fellows elected the followCHILDREN. that logy feeling DeWitt's Little Karly The GOOD FOR promising property. way all danger and anxiety may he ing officers at ItM last meeting for the pleasant to take and harmless Rlsers are the best pills to use. Sold by Is used avoided. .Thin remedy by many term: N. G., Joseph Bluett; cuKh Cure gives intmedl- - From an Exchange. Mercur Meat&Gro Stock tim. (ne thousands of mothers, and has never ensuing Ar. 1., Frank Mayo; secretary, Dr. J. ate relief in all cases of Cough, Croup Adam Stopler of Dry canyon. Tooele been XJtah. in known to fall. It is. fact, the E. Tail; treasurer, Thos. M. Osman, und LaGrlppe, because It does not pass county, who Is working the Blue Jay M. K. Brown. Stockton. Utah. that can always he deonly o- Immediately into the stomach, but mine in this rich district, was in the city pendedremedy uiion and that is pleasant and A serious affair out heals draws the and very on few inflammation, a business. happened In the He AN OLD ADAGE VERIFIED. to take. For sale by days ago mining Craft House Sunday night. A very essoothes und cures permanently by is taking out a shipment of ore which safe M. E. Brown, Stockton, Utah. timable young lady of Mercur was, It enabling the lungs to contribute pure will assay 23 per cent lead. 23 ounces From Mercur Miner. Is thought at this writing, foully dealt oxygen silver, $2 gold and from 11 to 12 r cent There Is an old adage that rays: . It 10 lhe bloo1 and AVE HAVE BEEN ENDORSED. with. AVe withhold names and further and tissues. Dr. Armstrong copiier. " 51. comments Delia- Tex- - 1'wwlbes K dully and at present. n?b!yiof This old saying has been gi!Od. Since our last we huve received iii'drrs o ,.nllI,h pZraMfiv From Salt Luke Mining Review. verified in the past six or eight months. to stop the paper front the saloon and SI, Mr. Mark made. Kureka-Ophlit Is said, has skipore Wicks, of lot the The front During this period the Ben Sti Inman element of the town. This we ped, leaving many bills unpaid. The Mercur Meat & Gro. Co., Stockton, Dry canyon, H. A. Iine, super- gambling Dry Goods Co. has been using every ef- Utah. ft an take is of endorsement our action last the Miner heard of AVlcks he exintendent, mentioned elsewhere in this in taking a stand fort to sell out and quit business in agidnrt the evils of pected to return to Mercur to work M. E. Brown, Stockton, Itah. issue, was settled for on control assays Mercur in order to move to New York etc. Has his honor. Mayor and was only visiting in Salt Lake for showing values of 34.6 ounces silver, gambling, City. The efforts of the company have From Mercur Miner. Taft, received any sort of condemnation a day or two. 15.4 jier cent lead and 14.7 per cent oop-Ibeen unavailing up to date, and now it or ion act commendation for he has o A proof that the Miners' union takes The lot netted the company $35.81 taken in the matter? any d apppears they were going to be lo n wreck between Fairfield Owing to continue their labors In our cares of Its members was evidenced In per ton over frolght and smelting evil of all emitthe pi The grc'itest and Lehi Saturday, the train whs detown for an Indefinite )erind. AVe can- the case of J. It. Phelps of Ophlr, who charges. ting of minors in the saloons is a cry- layed till 5 o'clock. At 3 o'clock a spenot say that these circumstances have was taken to the ing shame to our town. Buys of tender cial was made up consisting of a large been In the least profitable to the firm. pltal on Saturday suffering from ery- - Front Salt Lake Mining Review. are employed as lorters to save urn roomy box car furnished with Col. AV. B. the face. President Cranford manager of the yiars Wet hin k. perhaps. Yh ey'ha ve not." but ' tlie exju-nsof Htlulls. To see a boxes and boards for seats ami the enwe do believe the people of Mercur are Pittsburg and Utah Mining company, from 13 to 15 years of age sweeping Imy 'mpanled him to the hospital, out gine. with Jack Ault at the throttle, o pi rating In Dry canyon, Tooele counbenefited by their failure to sell. The a saloon with u big eigar In his mouth nnd the way Jack went down to Fair-fiel- d FOR ONE. ty. has made final payment of $24,000 is a common best dry goods house In the county, and thing in Mercur. AVhal was a hummer. Mono cf the mines. the upon purchase among the best and most succewful our City Fathers? Will they close o The greatest offer ever made by a Matt T. Gisltorn of Salt Lake, lit the say business firms In the State, the Stein-- . do or to not tl.tir this, eyes really tiny Has the City Marshal a rigid to go sale of this grand- old wealth producer, mans are a firm that would be a credit Western metropolitan newspaper to It? with the bullion shipment to Salt Lake of object to any commumnity. Their loss Is the hat Just announced by The Salt Lake has isicketed in ihe neighborhood The Miner is in the field against as a guard? to common His $72,000, according reimrt. grosser position does publics gain, and the evil wind that Tribune. The big ten or twelve-iaig- e runs who man if and evils, every require him to do it, hut if he chose to Tribune, containing all Col. McSherry will push work this win- a liar und every toper who spi mis all do prevented them going out of business service there can be no objection brought good to all their customers the news of the Interniountaln region ter in the development and exploitation his lime and money there drop their if hethehas a substitute at home. Perhaps in these parts. Dont forget If Stein- - and the cream of the news of the world, of the old Mono. Inwe still will found subscriptions, If we were technical we might claim mans has not got what you want they ' "ill be sent from, now until May 31. evils. these fighting against any moneys he rec ived for such work, $1.30. This is a chance you From Salt Iiki- Mining Review. will get it of the best quality and rea- - 1!M,:''. The rhurt-hi-have been as ids time all belongs to the city. We 11. A. Lane, the efficient mauagi r of sr.nable prices just as fast as Uncle cannot afford to miss. Send The in not for up this fight don't know that Mr. Shaffer lias done mine in Dry lanynn. iiefore taking mail service can make thp trip Maine $1.30 and get the best newapaiier the Kureka-OphChriswe now our ask now, and this at any linn .sinci. lie was appointed bit ween the metropolis and Mercur. hi the AAest for nearly a year and a Tooele county, was In the market the tian friends. Mormon. Methodist. Marshal. city car of first of the month with a Leave them your orders for ANA-- ; half. nr will any other denomination, o- Itnn't forget that special offer by The line ore. being the largest single con- you h Ip us in til in fight? There are THING In the dry goods line. who went to Coloever of out ore Anderson, sent Andy the of Salt Lake signment n from la.n-lii. vers who love morality as rado to Tribune, ore get as returned Sunday. the timst married, will as being canyon, aow Is 190.I, 31, until AVe for $l.i0. It a May niueh as the church man. Pro m an Exchange. At the Itoardliig-hoiis- c ' a hoy hoarded that the mine has ytt produi-ed- , the as- ask of them. rh.iiice you cannot afford to miss. us in will also, you help the The old Chloride Point mine is again 13.3 train and distributed handbills anshowing values as follows: says on of the tliis fight damning practices a coining to the front as a producer. Man- cent cnpjicr. 2 ounces silver. 23 per great entertainment in minors in saloon. Sunday nouncing honor of his return. Andy and his F.er St. Clair, who Is in the city, says cent lead and It cint iron to the gambling, etc.? Me., closing. bride were met at the depot by Happy that the rock shows chloride of silver, ton, the lot netting the company $24 a as in the days gone by, and that at the prudent and careful housewife re- ton aftir paying railroad Hnd sun Hooligan and Dm Cowan & ChristenKfiHOL DASPEl'SfA i.lRE times the values run very high. He Is plenishes her supply of Chamberlain's charges. The mine is looking well nnd sen, corn specialists. Dutch ll.irry. of food, tones and smoking his long pipe, was with tlie marketing UNI tons monthly and says, Cough Remedy. It Is certain to Is is holding its own In good shape. An- Digests all the vein where it comes from is going needed before the winter Is over, and other shipment is expected in soon. sireiigiliens tin? stomach ami digestive crowd. In ill evening all the boys down with all Indications of a i:i results hiv much more prompt ami satorgans. Cures Dyspepsia. Indigestion, were treated royally by Andy. The below. SA C R AM ENTO S M ERC1 R V . Stomach Troubles and makes rleh red Miner joins in the universal wish of isfactory when It is kept at hand and Kodol huppine-- s and prosperity to Andy und blood, healih and strength. given as soon as the cold Is cuuir.ictpd tis- - ids lu id- -, iiml before it has become setllcit In the From an Exchange. To the Dyspepsia Cure rebuilds worn-oImprove appetite sues, purities, strengthens and swe-t-AVithin lhe stort roems of the Sacrasystem. In almost every Instance a sestrengthen the digestion, try a vere cold may he warded off by taking mento Mining company at Mercur tin re t,s tlie stomach. Gov. G. AV. Atkin- doses of Chamberlain's Stomach I have used :i Liver Tablets. Mr. J. II. Seitz of De- this remedy freely as soon as the flivi is now plied up marly 3aa cask f son of AV. An.. says: troit. Mich., says: They restored my, indication of the cold appears. There ipiii keilvrr of the value of aUmt MS.nnfi. i. umber of bottles of Kodol Dtispepsia. appetite when Impaired, relieved me nt, is no danger in giving it to children, for said Manager Glen It. Both well during Cure and have found it to lie a very efu bloated feeling and caused a pleas- - il contains no harmful substance. It the day. and while it has not he n mar- fective and, indeed, a powerful tcniedy ant and satisfactory movement of the Is pleasant to take both adults ami keted und converted into dlvith nds, it is for sioniueh ailments. I recommend it See the handsome catalogue of ChristSold by bowels. There are people In this com- - children like it. Buy it and you will that the manngomeit has been unable to my mas, birthday and holiday presents at Mercur Meat (v Gro. C'o., Stockton, munlty who need just such a medicine. Kpt the best. It nlways cures. For to agree with the sales agentsis- of t sale by upon what it conceived to it mis Utah. Every box warranted. For sale by M. E. Brown, Stockton, Utah. t. which the company is entitled. A ro- M. K. Brown. Stockton, Utah. M. K. Brown, Stockton, Utah. been erected over -- . r gold-beari- Seml-AAeek- ly Inlet-mountai- free-heart- one-four- one-ten- th I. th Rad-dat- x, gw deep-seate- d, nt high-heele- high-gra- de lie-fo- re 254)-fo- ot life-givi- , - L 55-t- r, r. -- corn-lulle- Keogh-Wrig- ht ! e : tln-s- c ollli-iu- l . - fr - ciiiidi-liiliei- Tri-Sum- 's l r ii j Si-entl- 55-t- i j Semi-AA'eek- ly ed j - r j lt-- i r van-bod- i ut , . HOLIDAY GIFTS i fri-iul- s." j - inmani Cl |