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Show Yf.rr AND MINER MINE MM itlUil i Every mail w!io lias operatrd in mining diMricts will realize the fo:c-- ' of ihe following address itad beV.rc the Acuiican Miimg Centres by C. L. Dignowity, M. E. It is a Let that nvr-- l:urdrid$ cl jc due tii in n..il'i have ten eiurcd in the veil, urd are Har.dirg lae today, for want of jsr. per ores to feed them. A large percentage of pro.ncttrs d? and tneihar.ieal ineirvert fc.r these 'Cemi tf rits cf Mills' wbaie lit ad&'cn a mit 1c their rad mistakes and not vie kgi'.'inaU-inicinman's. It is so much easit" o get the tender-lcolcinvestor rent the erst ft ( in Lis reparaud caj by alluring of Dividends as soon as promises the mill, r.ow being built, is running. The prospective buyer seldom investigates the advisability of such a mill, tne amount ot ue availalie nor its adapts b.Ii'y to the prapi .i treatment. The unscrupulous iu ginecr or expert, encouraged by large and liberal rake ofT from Mi? manufacturer, advises building fr.t mill the first thing. The Guggenheimi for the Smelter trust are far seeing mining men, they, with others, show their wisdom in leaching out for mines of great ore tonnage for their plants, otherwise their mills would toon dose for wart of materials. Developed ores are far behind the present milling capacity, not counting the many mills in course of construction. Much more money and energy will have to be spent in developing ores, olherwist there will be a great shortage of all kinds and closed tnilhrmust follow. aren-rponfi- g I d The Honerine people are of the other kind." Before work was n on the long tunnel they had acquired a vast area of territory embracing some of the old and well known producers. Previous experiments had demonstrated the process best suited to profitably extract the values. ' ' Ore contracts were secured for the product of the wet mines as soon as they were unwatered by the brg tunnel. There is no doubt but that the hill will be effectively d reined by this 31 ..ns and many 'org idle propel lies again put in the producing chi-- . We have ample evidence oIjc-good tunnels make good we observe the work when ...r.tp a: Vugrnia City, Nevada, Apcr. and the proard Ci.tdc, Clui-J- o, five mile Red Mounone at jected ' where the acid.-a:tain, Cvicrado, up pumps about ns fast as they wri lowered. in one of the instances cited have mte;:al!y increased as ;.ph was atiai.icd, veins have n stronger ami ir.oro gold has ii ti !. ur.d. '1 here is unreason to s.!pp'!e, then, that this d:cirict will prove much different to others g alcnst the same class of ore in a like country formation. When the Honerine mill goes to v.wilc on a consumption of 400 tons a day there is no reason why i: should not continue uninterruptedly for several years. I he number of men at work in the camp will be drjbicd, nr.d this will mean more than a doubled population. The outlook for S'.ockton is bright indeed. be-gu- - e 1 car-j-y- ii o Ti e L-- g from the old smelter is 1 scraye in tfin!' iCl bfflj ws.fi & is rfctfildlwg tto RicbwidGfindrf : a, ii iienv JjA s r cn :wif,Gamtcn iis-Jot- it r An unusual runber cf trayclvri reached Stockton Svnrdy and rosr ! wire fr zrn to th hones, 'i'hrso ii i,f i up a be r.t .Pbhir reported ;h:stthj weather w;'. not bad until they wt re v.,y down, when they ei coiinu red the log At peep of day it was ralm and clear here, but shortly a de-- s? pall of tog came troni the south ar.d it war impoxiiLie t'i rce.p. jxrson ten ' f v ; fcr-Tnoi- .' i h:-i- f VV're--- fve-l- -r " xri Qj&ff 'AndeVy'q!' I to or three r H-'- The Wife of President Errgti tends to All Detail of Her Home EslcblUltwent. ' no" y'j:?r Jntr(j;gV . -i- C - - v- ' cr GfO j. - - 1 - . 'f L., ujo , - Chicago is irf thews' of the medical Worhl jast now; (or .that city is girin? cionec its first suwurata knowledge of a tin,--t department of 'reRoarrfXfliud oljaerration. '. the (lays of Assistant Ilealtli CosrjHisMcpiy. Frank- - W. . Iloilly .and Chief l Mfrfi-jg- Insyj-jto- r EL tnirrutt.of n:i idea pre- - rfis'ifuteV'SalL yiiilcil SuWiI at t!i;.t vt.'einaiioa was a Matl-.vtrivit.l lo '!). duac y anybody, Lake Citv, came- out to rptnd feet away. and with aay kind - . . an.vsv.icrs, apyh-iThe wrrprraturc wert down h;;1, raankagtvipg wilh hy paren.B Rif. of bovine or lmcurn vauciac virus. All Lt ci:m(7c-a lusn. Water frc.ari i.i btukets it: and Mrs. Chss Denton. la;., states tl.c Chicago lleeor.i o houses ti nt were considered Yidriy Th? t'hnary oHDrs. Carrot t and Iteilly Mrs- - V. S- - Scribner who has been warm. Those ot uu who lived L: ' Is that vaccination isiinwirtast enough the attention and enlist thp shells and were out ot coal, 1 ke tiie at the ranch for some time, returned to of the ah! .vt practitioners', in her to home Salt Like Friday. Sentinel, dosed up shop ai.d went 2'lu-, : y on I against the idea that y ..' cn a inoculate a patient as well as visiting with the ncigbbirs. From all reports or.eof the young the physician. ' The wind howled dismal yand cut who participated in the Thanks At the present time the medical girls like a knife. Teamsters held their are enieatainmer.t has consider-erabl- e heads of the health department -rs and beat their breasts and the giving makiafr exhaustive stndic.-- , of the sulf-- , dramatic ability. jeet and arc compiling statistics wliicli ioor hcrr(s eh vmd. All rgreed expect will become authoritative they that it was the most di'mal day they With the approach of the holiday throughout the world in tho matter of bad seen here. business in every line is picking up, smallpox prevention. L. ry grain of vaccine matter used But this cloud has its silver linirg especially in the postoffice. The by the department is subjected to tests or the old timers are agreed that delivery window closes at 12 m. on as sovero as cm bs devised. Firsts whenever in the past we have had all samples are scat to Dr. Cchrman, tho . holidays. chemist and bacteriologist of the dethe has neavy fogs succeeding year partment. lie makes a culture' that been one of bountiful harvests and Mrs. Richard Gundry has gone to is to say, lie t ecs how many kinds of fine conditions for stock. Lit ut Tcoele to visit for a few days with perms l:e cun rake from the samplo of . Then he pats the bacilli under hope that we are to get some good her daughters Mrs. Wm. Tate and hia to see. whether auy of microscope out of it, for it ha3 been fierce. Mrs. A. Phipps. them are the agents of erysipelas, of j. -- o pas formation or of septic diseases Postmistress Marks returned from blood poisoning and the like. If he Thanksgiving day Mr. Jackrabbit must have sure concluded that he Salt Lake City Thursday with little finds the virus to be free from these he sends back a redan.'Tcrous lad lost all his friends, for he was son Sherman, who recently obtained port 0. Iv.germs Dr. Garrott then takes of a pen wet with ink and samples cf the s&no lot and vaccinates given a merry run for his life. The dozen persons needing smallpox protruth to tell, it is not likely the rab- run it in his eye destroying the atection. If the virus takes' in a mabit enjoyed it as well as the sports- right, cases and if the sores proof the jority duced are typical,' without improper o men. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Mitchener symptoms, such as mattery discharges Six coaches and two baggage cars came out from Salt Lake, and they and Mrs. L. T. fircckbank spent were loaded , full. On the return Thanksgiving with their son and (tip there was one car containing in xrother, W. P. Mitchener. o the neighborhood of 3,000 dead Mrs. M. E. Brown of Salt Lake rabbits. is visiting her son and daughter Mr. Many hunters from hereabouts Jas. Brown and Mrs. W. N. Gun-drjoined in the chase, and thefr killing would run the total up to nearly 0 77lf Afehfartlnt Thin" Mr. and Mrs. Win. Tait of Tooele 4000. This slaughter ough to relieve the came over to eat turkey last Thurs- and excessive soreness, he decides that the virus is good. In all these tests, farmers of some of the drain on day with relatives here. however, results are checked against iheir crops next year, for the pesky O standards of known effect. Should any' Miss Belle Young who has been lot of virus produce many failures or varmint is sure a great plague. rise to bad results the whole is re living in Salt Lake lor some time re- give and sent back to the factory, t jncted J.W. Lee is working industriously turned to her home last Tuesday. An entirely new kind of vaccine on the interior of the Hurry Back" points is being used in Chicago now. Miss Lizzie Hollow returned from The old bono slips dipped in virus are block equipping and furnishing it except as employed in private s a first class lodging house. This the metropolis Saturday where she obsolete, .'tiee. The evils of the old sort were prj s something that is needed, as com- went some time ago lor medical aid. that the virus was always exposed to ' o- -the air, that dangerous germs of all plaints have been frequent lately cl kinds collected on the points and that Messrs. Corniie Mackinscn ind people being unable to secure a bed the virjs was almost always weak and it any price, the hotels being filled came down Irons the Argent to ear uncertain in it., action. Frequently the sisuse of these points caused mild blood 0 overflow irg. Stockton is a good Thanksgiving dinner with Ed's an-other distinct diseases, Br:Avn. The firs' poisoning town and is not going to get worse. ter Mrs.' Jos and l hey often made fearfully sore o square they've tad for some time. arms, abscesses and fevers. The new points are different. They Ed Riley gave the beys a are made of glass, drawn in flame,1 good time Tuesday evening with a filled with liquid virus as soon as the1 Serviss Bsfier no Theras gla-- ' i tubes arc cool enough and urkey raffle. It was w'iih difficulty l by melting the tips of that he cbtaiued the 14 turkeys he that via the Than The virus in these tubes the glass. had, as live birds were unusually i. mixed with glycerine, which pn scarce cn the market this year. vets? dc :zy v.ii.l siops the development of uy germs, sa that if the Twice as many could have been ure kept cool and in the dark pnii.: ased Lad they been obtainable. will active and for a - - tl-.i- s . r!:f y any-pd- o-- . . At- Mrs. Kruger, the wife of the president of the Transvaal 1 epublic, does her Troceu Thai s Villi. oinuv-uow the V V va-as- po-sessi- y. own cooking, although her husband is times a miliiorsire. The twenty-fiv- e husband, who Is cf a frugal disposition, not only approves of wife's supervision of the kitchen work, I at says it is her duty to do the work in order to save expense. Not only docs Mrs. Kruger cook, but she frequently washes the clothing of the family and scrubs and rolls the clothes with the skill and strength of the best of tbem. Slie also insists upon making her own beds. This may be because the Kruger" needs a very troubled pillow, a sheet without a wrinkle, to ease h:m from the arduous duties of scheming to mske empires and millions, but if sue does the rest of the hard work it is probable she makes the bed to also save the penny or whatever the money ia in that land. When there are guests at the presidential table Mrs. Kruger personally waits upon them. This duty she will not intrust to a servant, for she says her husbands guests must be servedijust as if they were a t their own tables. She may be stingy in other things, but is liberal to a fault in what she sets before friends. Every plate is heaped with the best of food, every glass is kept full to the brim with choice wine. It is the pride of "Auntie Kruger that her household expenses never exceed the sum appropriated by the volks-raa$2,000 a year. Not a cent of the president's salary is ever used. It goes Into the bank or Into investments known to be safe and productive, and unless the pending war with England results disastrously the boer executive will be .vine of the richest men in South Africa before he dies. N. Y. World. -- well-cook- ed d, Read? to Emigrate. e Marse Jim," said the darky, "is it true dat dem Boston folks is up de culled rare en givin 'urn a trip ter Boston free?" Well, they have done so in one instance. But whats that to you? Hits a mighty heap, uh dat what it is! You know I got one wife en 12 chiilun, don't yon? . Yes." ' Well, suh, I been wantin' ter take de whole family off fer de summer dis long time, en hit come ter me dat ef de Bos-!-n folks'll rtes pay de expeuers wrl! iV.r r'. live re f r: s old-tim- gad-der- r; (i-u- in iv.-i1- ! DeWITTS WITCH HAZEL SALVE THK ORIGINAL. A Wen Known Cure for P3es. Cures obstinate sores, chapped hands, skin diseases. Makes burns and scalds painless. We could not Improve the quality H paid dceble ths price. The best salve that experience can produce or that money can buy. a, Cures Piles Permanently Bs.Vitt's is the original and only pure and genuine Witch Hazel Salve made. Look for the name DeWITT on every box. All others are counterfeit. rrrrAiiD by E. C. PeWTTT CO., CHICAGO, her-sreti.-- is tin highest grade baluag get lar Actual tut show it osute third further than auy ether bread. Tb Royal taoiwL 1 f.nY-Vr.-i 11 keep they Tre fchool entertainment giver - 1 ct of H"nor. give a hghly er j ivble Lnvi.ig ILi::aj City nt C;30 Fk daily, r.'i.I lake roa to nd udl rt'tu.tkd ba.l in the . F. kail 1 lucks; iving eve. p'lis rdraungkru, Atlanta, J.ickeor.iti-o nd all point., i tb: Southeast. C. A. Kui'fcr., a work- For dctzi'rJ icjvm.atiou apply Vo c?rpentr Honor the i:ie on who mill, h;s g G. W. MARTIN been gufLring severely with rheuCZKECAL WESTERN ACFHT matism, went to .the Gipi al City ehc-tiic will Friday where he 110Q, 17TH St. undergo treatment. DEHVEFI, CCLO. i.-- 1 dancing to the inspiring strains o music furpished by Messrs. Brown and Shields. o W. P. Mitchener, who was very Billy Hennifer has gone to Ophir his ill for several days last week, is wel in few weeks a to working , pat assessments. again and able to attend to his work. ! iiu. clems u, : i it with aa the arid Iso cleans t)h j tPT.o.l. al 40 cleanses his lancet by draw !ig it thro lgh a flame. Then h r s :::t.-h on the arm si-i-- e '. .i and insert- Jed vaccine points : blood I.;;: i'.b.T bulb syringe he t . ar:-i- s hi virus into the scratch on the I.i u few days it works, and i., proof against smallpox j years. T!;.- cipersition is absolutely cer-i- .i .i .I.en the Mibjcjt is susceptible ta , ih.i v Idood poisoning is impost ii end evil effects never are ob - r a her it. Tiie old argument that v.'iv .'li.ati.iu might implant tuberculosis terms is exploded, for with the preliminary teats such microbes are not present in the virus. tli-.- ; p'.ii.-o- t I f.-- m-- vpu nun OTWK 'frit A wuraam .i:-."- . -- J -- 1 Had a mm!Io In tier Crain. Xnthe clinic of Frof. von Dardelebcn the other day a curious surgical operation was performed. A d seamstress named Wilhelinicn Stange hrfd a darning needle almost three Indies long removed from her brain, where it must have been imbedded since babyhood. The poor girl all her life had often suffered headaches, sometimes aggravated by spasms, llow the ncadlc over got then nobody knows. The patient lias already been discharged from the charity. MMevii Now Lull of Ufa for an Iowa Pestmaatsr. twenty-year-ol- - tn aiit.is'p:.; !.. Sego Lilly Lodge No xo, Degree The children had a jolly time Thursday evening inom j until 8 p. perfect Ion;; time. When a vn oirition is to be tiie do.toi- takes one of these per-f.n-uu- d From Kauris City, Saint Louis and Wednesday evening exceed ?d the Scuih-caexpectations cf all. It would be un- Memphis to paints ia the South, and Southwest. just to bestow sptcLl praise upor, ny one, as each did their part well Principal Geo. Hammond nrd Miss Anna McIntosh spent Thankskr another treatment, r.nd within a month the history of the smelter giving at the latters home in St. John. will have bten written. This office wishes to thank 0. Ii. Sonne, the enterprising manager of the Ophir Hill Consolidated Mirirg Company, for a remittance lor two years subscription. b .. : returned Thurs-- ! heirg shipped rapidly to Salt Lake o .i LOUGiJlFlL A PBUDLL . nnllh OSIeri hir. f.nd )lro fen of Salt t J.i,' City are visiting Iheir solan Vja ' Mr.' Si. ilVaslon, .. and Mrs.-bj- , ' cet-- 1 j ., M.i;?. Naw; Method LrVBcIaatioa Prno- - ' r wcftL'a r "! 1. Ttk. K. ,T Fvr-- '- s day,. . s Col rtf ULUS. v lWi.bLASB n t Vikl' t s .V : ywt invent or Improve; nlun , anything CftVEftT.mDE-IMRK- . COPY RIGHT or DESI PROTECTION. Band modal, sketch, or pho for Ores rumination and advice. BOOK Oil PATENTS ,rc.a.sNOW&cc Washington. D. patent Lawyers. "Isis Ear! The famous Risers Is pill. . BaWItts I Salvo Fop PileSf Burns( Sores. . PostBwtsr R. XL Randall, Dunlap, Ia., lava: I saffsrod from indigestion and resulting svlls for years. Finally I triod Kodol. I anon knew I had found what I had long looked for. I aa better today than in jwi. Kodol gave me a new lease of Ufa. Anyone can have my affidavit to Hie truth of this statement." Kodcd digests your food. This suable the system to aisimUate supplies, lengthening every organ and restoring health. Koiel Rake Tou Strata ChSostai Pmorsd oeTy by 1. C. DsWitt A Ool, nell.hotMeaotataulia tees the Ses.stao |