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Show NORTHWEST NOTES. Mine Officials Meet Death as Result Fire at Wasco, Ore., destroyed $134 000 worth of property, the shifting of the wind preventing a much larger lose. John A. Stevens of Preston, Wash., who was mistaken for a deer and shot by his brother, has succumbed to his wounds. An organization, consisting of forty of the business men of Rawlins, Wyo. Is to be Incorporated at once and will open cluhrooms. The Ontario fish hatchery, on the Snake river, which Is the largest Institution of Its kind In the world. Is now In full operation. The exodus of coal miners from Trinidad, Cola, to other sections since the strike was Inaugurated Is estimated to aggregate to date 1,000 men. Last week the Elks of Cheyenne, Wyo., dedicated their new home. Just completed at a cost of 400,000, about 500 local and visiting Elks being pres- ent In a panic In a church at La Puenta, N. M., caused by a wax taper setting fire to the altar trimmings, two children were trampled to death and fifty adults were hurt The Homestead tunnel on the Virginia ft Truckee railroad In Gold Hill was entirely destroyed by fire last week. Loss, 340,000. It win be two months before trains can be run Into .Virginia, Nevada. Lars Hansen, 55 years old, committed suicide at his ranch near Dillon, Mont, by blowing the entire top of his head off with a shotgun. Hansen, who was reputed wealthy, was undoubtedly Insane. Michael Harrington, one of the athletes in Montana, Is dead at Butte as the result of the bursting of a steam pipe. A flying fragment of Iron struck Harrington on the head, fracturing his skull. best-know- n Mrs. Julia Kurts of Rawlins, Wyo, Is dead from the effects of burns received six months ago. At that time her body was covered with deep Wounds which required such a length ef time to heal that bed sores developed and this was the Immediate cause of death. The state of Wyoming will soon make application of the general government for a patent to 45,000 acres 'ef land In Big Horn county, which will be the largest tract ever segregated under the Carey act This tract has been reclaimed by canals and large agricultural colonies will be established. The news comes from Cheyenne that Prosecuting Attorney Stoll has announced that he will prosecute without mercy all of the witnesses In the Horn case guilty of perjury. Besides Miss Klmmell, Horns sweetheart, Stoll claims that several prominent people are guilty of having perjured themselves. Tom Horn, who was executed at Cheyenne on Friday of last week, was burled at Boulder, Colo., on Sunday. John G. Coble, the wealthy cattleman, whom Horn said in his confession paid him for his crimes, and who spent 315,000 in trying to save Horn's life, attended the funeral as one of the chief mourners. son Walter Marlow, tho was D. Mr. W. and Mrs. of Marlow, killed by a bull at Durango, Cola Some cattle were being driven by the schoolhouse when a bull broke Into the school yard and chased the little boy until he fell, and the bull trampled on him and broke a rib and Injured him Internally. Gwendoline Kimmel, Tom Miss Horns sweetheart, broke down and sobbed violently when she received the news of his death at her hotel. Her trial for perjury will come up shortly In the district court at Cheyenne. Tom ODay was captured by a posse near Summit In the Big Horn mountains, 147 miles west of Casper, Wyo, with twenty-thre- e horses, which. It is alleged, he had stolen. He made no resistance as the sheriff got the drop on him. Deputy Sheriff John Hlnman was shot near Trinidad, Colo., by a striker named Gouldollff. and died from his injuries, Gouldollff, who was under the Influence of liquor, drew a revolver and shot the officer when threatened with arrest. The Helena police have arrested John H. Dugan, believed to be the man who killed Sheriff George T. Young of Park county, desperately wounding Under Sheriff Beller, and killed a man named Beaver in No ember, 199L ld MAX PLANNED BY FIENDS. ORELlV RESPONSE. SISTERS OF CHARITY ef Graceful and Witty Acknowledgment of a Chairmans introduction. Diabolical Plot. Charles McCormick, superintendent of the Vindicator mine, and Melvin H. Beck, a miner, were killed shortly before noon Saturday by an explosion In the sixth level of the Vindicator mine at Cripple Creek, Cola The explosion occurred while Superintendent McCormick and Miner Beck were in the cage. They were the only passengers. Just as the cage reached the sixth level the explosion occurred. It wrecked the level, cage and shaft at that point, and instantly killed both men. It Is positively asserted by officers of the Vindicator Mining company that the explosion was caused hy an infernal machine. This statement was made after a thorough examination had been made of the shaft. The Infernal machine, containing many pounds of dynamite, was placed In the sixth level, which Is part of the abandoned workings of the mine, within a few Inches of the shaft Then a loaded revolver was fixed In the shaft, with Its muzle pointing directly toward the Infernal machine. To the trigger of the revolver was attached a string, which was thrown across the shaft In such a manner that when the cage came down and encountered the string the revolver would explode, the bullet striking the Infernal machine. Pieces of this revolver have been recovered from the bottom of the shaft, but not a vestige of the Infernal machine can be found. A professor who acted as chairman of a meeting at which the lata Max O'Rell was to lecture Introduced the Frenchman In the followidg manner: Ladles and Gentlemen: When we wish to see ourselves as Individuals we have recourse to the mirror. This we cannot do as a nation. I taka pleasure In introducing a gentleman who will act as a French mirror, by means of which you will. I am sure, obtain an adequate and pleasing view of yourselves as a nation. The Introduction pleased O'Rell and he responded in a vein as Jovial: I am requested to reflect on a nation. However, I must take second place to the man In the moon, for he reflects on the earth. As an Imported French mirror I shall do the best 1 can to give you a correct picture of the nation. And If your chairman remains where he Is, In the background, he will add greatly to the reflective power of the mirror." HE GLADDENED Use for Coughs, Colds, Grip and Catarrh A Congressmans Letter. Pe-ru-- na THE CHILDREN. Baltimore Citizen Introduced German Toys In America. Perhaps Mr. Henry Echwarz pf Baltimore actually was not, as has been claimed, the man who introduced a new element In American life by bringing German toys here and opening the eyes of this country's children to their delights. Girls and boys, doubtless, have had toys ever since It has been possible to construct a doll out of rags or an Imitation gun out of a stick of' wood; bat at any rate, Mr. Schwarz was one of the pioneers in BATTLE WITH MOROS. bringing the German variety, which as tbs toy rescued Three Hundred Are Killed During En- may be described from barbarism aid made civilized, gagement With Americans. hero. As a matter of business he creThree hundred Moros are known to ated a demand for these wares and have been killed and many others then set himself to supply that dewere carried off dead or wounded as a mand, but It la Impossible to believe result of five days severe fighting In that he did not have a sympathy for his work that was beyond business, a Jolo between the American troops ungenuine Interest in childish der General Lenoard Wood and the otherwise he never would pleasures, have had insurgents. Major H. L. Scott of the the faith In bis business and Its exFourteenth cavalry and five American tension which he did have. Baltimore News. privates were wounded. Wood General landed near Slet lake - COOL IN FACE OF DANGER. In Jolo, November 12th. The Moros were soon located and fighting began Womans Preaencd'of Mind That Foiled the Burglar. Immediately and continued until NoAccording to a San Francisco exvember 17th. a Major Scott was taking Pangllma changeout lady whose husband had for the evening was about to gone Hassem, the Moro leader, who had! been taken prisoner, to Jola While retire for the night with her infant en route Hassen asked to be allowed child when to her amazement ahe to see his family. His appeal was perceived the foot of a man beneath granted and he thereupon led Major the bed. Instead of calling for asScott into an ambush, where the sistance she coolly went to the childs American detachment was fired upon. eot and sat and sung till the little one Major Scott was shot In both hands. went to sleep. Two hoars then reHassen succeeded In escaping during mained before her husband came la this unexepected attack, but Is sup- He was to find her waiting surprised followto been killed have the posed but when wife his handed him an up, ing day. . envelope saying, You might run and WILL HE GET ITT post this," the cause of her waiting was revealed. Instead of a letter tha Preaident Marroquln Asks Aid of For- following was written on the envelmer Enemies In Central America. ope: "A burglar Is under the bed; President Marroquln of the republic run fetch the police." The husband of Colombia has sent a circular to returned In a few minutes with a pollcemn and the man was arrested. President Zalaya of Nicaragua, ask- The burglar had no idea that the lady ing for his moral support in dealing knew he was there nntll the policewith the present situation on the man pulled him out isthmus. President Zelaya has teleThe Power of Love. graphed to the presidents of all the Love does to woman what the eun Central American countries proposing does to flowers: It colors tnem, emto them that they combine with him bellishes them, makes them look radiIn an answer to President Marroquln. ant and beautiful But when It Is too The Idea has been accepted by the ardent It consumes and withers them. various executives, but It has not yet BOTH FEEL been decided what form the combined answer shall take. President Zalaya What Proper Fcod Doss for Both was recently President Marroquln's Mind and Body. bitterest enemy, openly aiding the Colombian liberals In their efforts to Physical health, mental health. In- overthrow Marnjquin during the last deed almost everything good on this revolution. earth depend in great measure upon proper food. CAUGHT IN FIRE TRAP. Without health nothing Is worth Men Awake to Find Themselves Sur- while and health can be won almost every time by proper feeding on the rounded by Walls of Flame. dentlUc food Grape-NutWhile over 100 Italian railroad laA California trained nurse proved borers were asleep In a shanty near this: "Three years ago I was taken Lilly, Pa., the building caught fire and very sick, my work as a trained nurse before the men could escape at least having worn me out both In body and twenty-sevewere burned to death mind, and medicine failed to relieve and a score or moro were seriously me at all After reeing a number of and getting physicians and Injured. no relief I was very much discouraged The fire is supposed to have started and felt that I would die of general from an overheated stove in the east- nervous and physical collapse. ern end. The building burned like tin"My condition was so bad I never der, and the flames were upon the men Imagined food would help me hut on before any of them were aroused. the advice of a friend I tried Grape-NutThen began a struggle for the outside The first package me and Ufa They fought and scrambled go much relief that I quitbrought medithe for the doors, and the weaker were cines and used Crape-Nut- s steadily crushed down and trampled. Others three times a day. The result wsa were roasted to death there. that within 6 moi.ths I had so completely regained my strength and Another Mine Horror. health that I was back nursing again Hill Farm district In and I feel the Improvement The in my Pennsylvania, on Saturday added ten brain power Just a e plainly as I do in more Tlctlms to its black record. Just physical strength. "After my own wonderful experias the day shift had nearly completed I have recomIts labors and were about to lev. e ih? ence with Grapo-Nvto mended it my plants with splenFerguson mine st G: 30 oclnrk, a ter- did success and h: worked wonders it rific explosion rent tho wholj mine In the cases of many Invalids whom 1 and nineteen miners who were work- have ettended proportionally." Name ing In the vicinity were thrown in all given by Postum Co.. Battle Creek, All Mich. directions, ten men bein.; l:ill.-:l- . Look In each package for a copy of of the men killed exrept one were famous little book The Road to the Several the of foreigners. Injured WeUvllla" will probably die. The following letter is from Congress In every country of the civilized world Sisters of Charity ate known. Not only man Meekison, of N apoleon, Ohio: do they minister to the spiritual and intel- The leruna Medicine Ce,, Columbus, O.I Gentlemen: "I lectual needs of the charges committed to their care, but they also minister to their have used several boflles of Peruna bodily needs. With so many children to take care of and feel greatly and to protect from climate and disease, benefited therethese wise and prudent Sisters have found by from my catarrh of the head, Peruna a never failing safeguard. Dr. Hartman receives many letters from and feel encourCatholic Sisters from all over the United aged to believe States. A recommend recently received that itscon tinned from a Catholic institution in Detroit, use will fully eradicate a disMich., reads as follows: ease of thirty Dr. & B. Hartman, Columbus, Ohio: David Meekison. Dear Sin The young girl who used years standing. Dr. Hartmaa one of the best known the Peruna was suffering from laryngitis, mad loss of voice. The result of Ehysicians and surgeons in the United the first man to formabtte Pethe treatment waa most satisfactory. She found great relief, and after runa. It was through his genius sad that it was introduced to tfee further use of the medicine wo hope medical profession of this country. to bo able to cay ahe la entirely cured. If yon do not derive prompt and satisSlaters of Charity. The young girl was under the care of factory results from the use of Peruna the Sisters of Charity and used Peruna for write at once to Dr. Hartmaa giving n catarrh of the throat with good results as full Btatemeut of your case and he will be the above letter testifies. pleased to give you his valuable advice Send to the Pernna Medicine Co., gratis. Address Dr Hartman, President of The Ohio, for a free book written by Hartman Sanitarium. Columbus, O. Dr. Hartmaa FLOUR CURED. OGDENS BEST and 134 W. I. Tempi It. The Keels; Institute, till Lake City. Utah. MIDWIFE poca I.lxxla kid wire ef PHOEKIX HIGH PATENT (irartuate tin. rvlne aed utilet. expermnre. tiller borne before, during and after llefermieea f veil. I'nrreapoiid-enp- e will pnm,it attention, and In airlct eouttdenoe. Addreaa, Mu. Uitusa 336 W. Third North. Salt Lake City. tili-ale- le MADE BY OGDEN & M1LLIKS CO. ELEVATOR UTAH. OGDEN, MW3K?air NfTmtnm 5, GOO COPIES PIECES. STANDARD IO COPIES (postpaid! SI.OO. Rend dlrtr.t frum factory, alorue. Aim dr r.' Ill bavaliik In Pitting A Itlg sat In,: l you. - red jirlr. s. Ifandi)-Cjllur-- t, Wrlio fl on.-- f r n i V.li lit,;. THi WcKAfiT ON UtOS. hiv.5!C CO. ;.- Vi-i:-.-- i ' forest y won- - 2283 Washington Ave. Ogden, Utah. d s Can complexion by using COOKS LEMON CREAM. Ilral'iand BiBkmUwiklN Ilk fflfft Ifnll wlib Mh Jar. direction for bend Mta Fiffo. Co. munii'ir fit M Uoub, money urrtnr) for faijEdirlftt ok liih'i'iii. of frtlai jtrCHtir- bait Block, Uk City, Utah, CURED PERMANENTLY bilk or Otar lira, tr.drr u: perwuial direction of K. H. tl.aniao, M.D.. Cancer i iSyeam. Write fur free and full particular. t y Hardings Cell Csncer Cura Co. OGDEN, UTAH. THE INTER-MOUNTAI- BUSINESS N place, mors rer AT OGDEN, IntoUTAH, iHMitllial I PM UWbUbtlW yi.llIUf IMI'iJJl tl'BB SIMM any other fluent lonal institution In tha Weak Wrltn for ranting tie to A. SMI r If, No. 202 Twenty-Fourt- h St. t. s s. EVERY WOMAN have beautiful at hnniF. wilkeut s. n DRUNKENNESS I PAY SPOT CASH FOR StT LARD WARRANTS Issued to toldlar of any war Write me atenee nUSXH KEUhJL Barth Block. DESVEB, COLd teaeh the Hartmr Trad Weeks aed guarantee position. Write fur particulars We In R HOLER'S BARBER COLLEGE. Beudf-- vkb Colo.. Ijallxi, PubiLTLsri tix, Cut, Iivag. our 4 tint A millenary Book on lat-nt- a, r in trail . ef mechane.iniali:liu-nrarir -- ical movement- -, ami valur.lt. law poluia tnr InvenliiierMttnr list of tor, and luae.nfailurer.; a. auwrite Inventions FREE. Ihm'taali, A FENWICK LAWRENCE, MASON, TO-DA- Y. Washington, Patent Lawyers. D. C, iut CAPSICUM VASELINE trit.) or any (rrr rr iv coi.li-.tiil- i:.r to mustard A substitute f..r and f and will n blister the most other and curative delicate akin. 1 he this iirtirie are wonderful. It will qualities atop Ilia loolhanlte at onre, and relievethaheadbest ache and sciatica. We recommend it as known, also amt satc.t external nvinier-inilahr lulus in the ar a. an exu'ir.l li olid all ani! neuralt'vj w "t1- -. At: - v 'll pinro , ii. yr ruin:-iI it v :il ha fooid to In it. roa m r it. I. il tty :i in the 16 the bust of yi ur preiiartir'-ui.s.other or nr by all t!nizcin dealer., at cents, senlins tl.'i ni:rnM to us in jX'St.cestMT paw-wmu!!. t.ilNo a t,y (end you by !?'! fitl.ii,; init- tl the aeiue be rwi v: it u not genuine. matins out li.br I, us CHESfcBIWOH .v.ra. CO, 17 State Mi..-- , t. Nlw Yons Cjtt. pla-te- r, S t--f if wl-a- i I . MASQUERADE TU M E8 Fi O iTrKNT!? . anno pon caraioeuis and phicss. SALT LAKE COSTUMING HOUSK Lana oivr phomb yog. sr aram st.. vatu-ait- la lci.'-eiioh- i. a-- i HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID PON RAW FURS and GAME HEADS MEHESY, THE FURRIER. WHITS POR PRICH LIST. RatT LAKR CITV. UTAH Elite Matrimonial Journal V airy lo y uur advent aqe. s iii.int h I Or. r Sr per eosv with pbutue. Uite Yak. Ce.. Y.0. 1U. ga.Uueie. afd. Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention Thia Paper. W. N. U.. Sal t Lak e Np748.1903-When - ill acce-.-te- - CURES Beal luuicti -- ' In l in.- -, DLL p. - ti.it 1 aMu-- , l,4. Jbvdniatctabs, Ui |