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Show some restless reflections, he said las THE MAID sf MAIDEN liANE patiently: 1 have again made a fool of myself. have now all kinds of unpleasant feelings, and when I left that good docSequel tj The Bow of Orange Ribbon. tor's house I was well satisfied. His I daughter Is an angel. 1 praise mykelf for finding that out Then he rose, threw off his velvet A liOVE STORY BY AMELIA E. BARR and lace, and designedly let his She Is thoughts turn to Arenta. (OojrihL lWi hr Amelia E. Sin) preity beyond all prettiness," he said softly as he moved about. She dances looked at her friend; she expected to well, talks from hand to mouth, and CHAPTER II. (Continued.) About six , ocldrk Arenta Van be asked tu remain, and she was off she gave me one sweet glance, and I Arlena made a peisreal response to fended when Cornelia did not give her think if she has gone so far she her friend's message. She was all ex- the invitation. might go further." I expected you would ask me to citement ar.d expectation. Who do CHAPTER Ml. you think called on me this after- stay with you, Cornelia. noon. No less a person than Madame . I think It is best for you to go Hyde and Arenta. Seldom la Love ushered Into any life Nippon. Gertrude Nippon Is going to home with Rem. Otherwise he might, be married. She is going to marry a in his present temper, find himself with any pomp of circumstance or cerFrench count! And madame Is be- near Deckers, and If a man is quarrel- emony; there Is no overture to our some he may always got principals and opera, no prologue to our play, and side herself with the great alliance. , and even our seconds there. In the morning Rem the most momentous meetings occur Our drawing-roomas If by mere accident. A friend deof full said Cor- will, I hope, be reasonable. titles," are streets, I thought you and I would talk layed Cornelia a while on the street nelia; I think it is a distinction to I like to talk and things over be plain master and Bistres." turning, she met Hyde face to face; a moment more, or less, and That is the truth; even this hand- over a new pleasure. Dear Arenta, we shall have so the meeting had not been. Ah, but some dandy, Joris Hrde, is a lieutenCome to- some Power had set that moment for ' more time, much ant" j morrow." their meeting, and the delay had been He was in me flelf two years. He She not was Arenta But pleased. afternoon. I Intended, and the consequences foredare told me so this of an air with friend seen! left her repressed hk even if earned he he has title, say, In a dim kind of way Hyde realized Injury, and afterwards made little reIs a lieutenant. to her Cornelia about brother, marks this fact as he sat the next day with Corso Dont be nelia. I have no objection to military which exactly fitted his sense of an open book before him. He was not reading it; he was thinking of Cornetitles. In fact I father lean to of- wounded pride. Ever since she wss a little girl, lia. Soon he closed his book with imficial titles of every kind. Then Arenta, hajviag arranged her eleven years old, I have loved patience, and went to Princes and 1 bought a little rush basket filled with ringlets, tied her sash and her sandals, her," said Rein; "and she knows sweet violets. Into their midst he She knows it; that is so. Wh the girls went donate the parlor. Dr. Moran, Remf Tan Arlena, and was at Bethlehem, 1 read her all yota slipped his visiting card, and saw the Lieut Hyde were sreient. The latter letters, and many a time you spoke In boy on his way with the flowers to was handsomely freiscd In a dark-blu- e them of her as your 'little wife.' Come, Cornelia ere he was satisfied they, a long come, we must go to our rooms, for would reach her quickly enough. Then velvet coat, illrer-lacewhite satin vest I aid black satin that is our father I hear moving about. turning aimlessly into Pearl street, he breeches. His hafrvas thrown back- In a few minutes he will he angry, saw Cornelia. " She was dressed only in a little wards and tied with the customary and then black ribbon, and iii linen and laces She did not finish the sentence; morning gown of Indian chintz, but In were of the finest quality. He met there was no necessity; Rem knew such simple' toilet had still more disCornelia as he might have met a prin- what unpleasantness the threat im- tinctively that air of youthful modesty cess; and he flashed into Arentaa plied, and he Bllpped oil his shoes and which he had found so charmingly taneyes a glance of aim! ration which stole quietly upstairs. Arenta did not talizing. Cornelia was going to the Univerturned her senses'bpBlde down, and hurry, though the great Flemish clock sal Store" of Gerardus Duycklnck, and Hyde begged to go with her. He said he was used to shopping, and could tell the value of laces, and knew how to chooBe a piece of Bilk, or match the crewels for her embroidery; and. Indeed, pleaded his case so merrily, that thcro was no refusing his offer. And how It happened lovers can tell, but after the shopping was finished they found themselves walking towards the Battery, with the fresh sea wind, and the bright sunshine, and the Joy of each other's presence all around them.' Noyr Love has always something in it of the sea, and the murmur of the 1 j blflity-tight- Mrs. Anderson, a prominent society (woman of Jacksonville, Fla., daughter of Recorder of Deeds, West, who witnessed lier signature to the following letter, praises Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I mDiar Mss. Putkiiam: There are but few wives and mothers who have not at times endured agonies and such pain as only women know. I wish such women knew the value of Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound. It is a remarkable medicine, different in action from any I ever knew and thoroughly reliable. I have seen cases where women doctored for years without permanent benefit, who were cured in less than three months after taking your Vegetable Compound, while others who were chronic and incurable came out cured, nappy, and in perfect health after a thorough treatment with this medicine. I have never used it myself without gaining great A few doses restores my strength and appetite, and tones up . benefit the entire system. Your medicine has been tried and found true, hence I fully endorse it. Mbs. R. A. Andehson, 225 Yfashington St- - Jacksonville, Fla. Mrs. Eced, 2423 E. Cumberland St., Philadelphia, Pa., says t Dear Mbs. Pixkham: I feci it my duty to write and tell you the good I have received from Lydia XL Pinkhams Vegetable Compound. I have been a great sufferer with female trouble, trying different doctors and Tnedipineq with no benefit. Two years ago I went under an operation, and it left me in a very weak condition. I had stomach trouble, backache, headache, palpitation of the heart, and was very nervous; in fact, I ached all over. I find yours is the only medicine that reaches each troubles, and would cheerfully recommend Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound to all suffering women. . r ' When women aw troubled with irregular or painful menstruation, weakness, leuuorrhoea, displacement or ulceration of the womb, that bearing-dow- n feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, backache, flatulence, general debility, indigestion, and nervous prostration, they should remember there la one tried and true remedy. Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound at once remorea such troubles. The experience and testimony of some of the most noted women of America go to prove, beyond a question, that Lydia E. Pinkliams Vegetable Compound will correct all such trouble at once by removing the cause and restoring the organs to a healthy and normal condition. If in doubt, write Sirs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass, as thousands do. Her advice is free and helpful, , No other medicine for women in the world has received such widespread and unqualified endorsement. No other medicine lias such a record of cures of female troubles. Refuse to buy any substitute. FORFEIT H wa esanot forthwith modnr, the original letton Hi slgnatarw of tw t tunonlal, Which will pror, their ahaoluto canuineneH. . WllUUU bdlaariaklum ilatliclna Co., hg an, "-t- s. HALLS CAHKER FOR THf MOUTH. THROAT, STOMACH AND BOWELS.... Nsiden-Judso- NFVFR Fill 3 HLf Efl IAILO . OR SALS BY ALL DRUQI8TS QgNERAL STORES....... AND The fresh sea wind a for her moment or two, made feel, as if she could banlly breathe. Upon Arentas brother he had not produced a pleasant impression. Without Intention, he bad treated young NO Van Ariens with Hint negative politeness which dashes, a sensitive man, SLICKER LIKE1 and makes him ronntfully conscious that he has been rendered incapable Forty years ago and after raw years oi doing himself justice. And Rem of use on the eastern coast. Tower's tried in various ways to introduce Wderproaf Oiled Goats were ihtrodjxd some conversation which would afford in the West and were called 3Hdiers By him the pleasure of contradiction. He the pioneers and cowboys. Tits graphic failed to consider that his barely reeve has core into such general use that veiled antagonism compelled from the it is frequently though wrongfully applied doctor, and even from Cornelia and to ray sitotitate. You want the qenfce attentions be might not otherof the Fishand Arenta, Lo4 tor the have receivei'-- So Hyde easily wise the Miic Tower on the buttons. became the hero of the hour, he was aw vtuow aw rwet N permitted to teach ihe girls the charmSOLO BY REPRESENTATIVE TRADE TWfc WORLD OVER. w step cf the Pas de ing A. TCWncaKSTON.HASS.aiA. to sing with afterwards and Quatre, TOWHUAMAWAMCO.bHteiTOtOWTO.mt them merry airs fo-Figaro, and sentimental airs from Lodolska. R. H. & CO., Fortunately, some ofIn Dr. Moran's the evening. neighbors called early ASSAYER8 AND CHEMISTS Then whist parties vere formed. But nuR Smfta by nain prompt hit Liki CHj, nd careful though Cornelia was all sweetness and graciousness; thouyh Item played well and UeuL Hyde plajM badly; though Howard E. Burton, Rem had the satisfaction of watching Bpodmau pricM. Gold. itllT.r, LMd.il; Uold Silver. Ha; U)4,M)e; Slna or Ooppar. II. craalda toatc while he Hyde depart in his ltalUna oavolopaa and fnU prln, Hu Mat oa Control and Umpire work aolleiMd. Iaad-H- i. stood with a confident friendship by Colo. Bofaroaoo. Carbonaio RatT Book. Cornelia's side, he was not satisfied. wss an air of weariness and There CRtSMON & NICHOLS, WX2US constraint in the room, and the little SBND FOR FR'CE UST. stir of departing visitors did not bids ,L his sister and lake errr It Rem approached borne. J Os Arenta aid. It is time to go Drug Co., General Agents. n REMEDY DIPHTHERIA AND Salt Lake City, Utah. THEBE IS task iha thliii lor A A'1 X POPr platad and Hi aat lor 6wrA-tra- d 2Bc. Ian yaar. UcttMIHAV JEWELRY CO Salt Lak r x old-worl- d wyiiiiiiuiinuiiimMauuuuuuuuuuma 1 Fergus Coalter MUSIC CO. $350 PIANOS FOR $190 $ 150 ORGANS FOR $75 3 a I 1$,0SP SHIRT MUSIO Pl01$PIN OOPY AT IS OSNTS Fergus Coalter Music Co., SALT LAKE CITY. j OFFICER M appll-eatlo- Jr,. salt title s gainst tncTJier.'TiiYr'jiOTTSsr-voiewof the sailor men, the scent of the salt water, and all the occult unrecognized, but keenly felt life of the ocean, were ministers to their love, and forever and ever blended in the heart and memory of the youth and maid who had set their early dream of each other to Its potent witchery. Time n. . and the bright aunshlne. chimed eleven as she entered her room. After all," she mused, the evening was a possibility. It was a door on the latch I may push It open and I saw how go in who can tell? amazed he was at my beauty when I first entered the parlor and he Is but a man and a young man who likes his own way so much is evident. Then she heard her brother moving about the floor of the room above her and a shadow darkened her fare. She had strong family affections, and she was angry that Rem should be troubled by any man nr woman, living. "I have always thought Cornelia a very saint, she muttered, but Love is the great revealer. I wonder if she is in love to tell the truth, she was past finding out. I cannot say that I saw the least sign of it and between me and myself, Rem was unreasonable; however, I am not pleased that Hem felt himself to be badly used. And she said her prayers, and fell calmly asleep, to the flattering thought, I would not much wonder If, at this moment, Lieut. Hyde Is thinking about me." In reality, I.ieut. Hyde was at that moment in the Belvedere club, singing the Marseillaise, and listening to a very Inflammatory speech from the Frenrh minister. But a couple of hours later. Arenta's "wonder would have touched the truth. He was then alone, and very ill satisfied; for, aftei on the stair-landin- g went swiftly, and suddenly Cornelia remembered that she was subject to hours and minutes. A little fear came into her heart, and closed it, and she said, with a troubled air, My mother I will be anxious. I had forgotten. must go home. So they turned northward again. At the gates of her home they stood a moment, and there Hyde touched her hand and said, I have never, in all my life, been so happy. It has been a walk beyond hope, and beyond And she lifted her face, expression ! and the smile on her lips and the light in her eyes answered him. Cornelia trembled as she opened the parlor door; she feared to look Into her mother's face, but it was as serene as usual, and she met her daughters glance with one of infinite affertlon and some little expectancy. This was a critical moment, and Cor-nclia hesitated slightly. Then she said with a blunt directness which put all subterfuge out of the question: Mother, I have been a long time, but I met Lieut. Hyde, and we walked down to the Battery; and I think I have stayed beyond the hour I ought to have stayed, hut the weather was so delightful" The weather is very delightful and Lieut. Hyde is very polite. Did he speak of the violets he sent you? I suppose he forgot them. Ah, there How they are! How beautiful! lragrant! I will give them to you, mother." 1 They are your own, my dear. not Take them would away. yonr give flowers and put them in water the young man is very extravagant. I think. Do you know that it 1b quite noon, and your father will be home In a little while?" And there was such kind intent, such a divining sympathy In the simple words, that Cornelias heart grew warm with pleasure, and she felt that her mother understood, and did not much blame her. She went with some haste to her room, and, forgetting all elBe, sat down and permitted herself to enter the delicious land of Reverie. She let the thought of Hyde repossess her, and present again and again to her imagination his form, his face, his voice, and those long caressing looks she had seen and felt, without seeming to be aware of thegl. (To be continued.) |