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Show yew v) u 'MU1 , , ".'V THE TOOELE COUNT1; EPUBUCAN WEEKLY f . STOCKTON, UTAH, SATURDAY, NOYEMBElt 28, 1903. VOL. IV,: r No. 4. On a most enviable reputation throughout UTAH STATE OFFICERS. United States Senators, Tho. Kearns, Ike world for the liberal features of ight lode,' at m corner No. Reed 8moot. its policies and fair dealing with ths 2. Thence B. 49 d min. W. 554.4 Representative to Congress, Joseph public. w place of Howells. leet' to corner N. YOUR HOME PAID FOR IN CASE ' Chief Justice Supreme Court, Robert exclu ginping, containing 1 OF DEATH. slve of area in c lust with lot No, N. Baskin. CLASS 'T STOCK. Pedro, Los Angeles and 128, Eureka lode, a d pt No. 155, SovAssociates, George W. Bartch, Wil.Under the plan of insuring each mem.V X ran down in weight from 142 to 92 ereign lode. This Irh ia located in liam M. McCarty. who buys a home, it is so arranged ber of remedies the unsurveyed par ofT. 5 8.. R. 4 W Governor, Heber M. Wells. Salt LakeRailtoad. pounds. X tried a number that in the event of death at any tlma 1 X Hammond. T. Jas. of A re8. Minute L. B. One used sal State, nation no until M. avail to Secretary being during the life of the certificate, even TOOELE AND TINTIC DISTRICT. M. A. Breeden. Attorney-Genera- l, bottles of this won- corded in volume " I." (age 281, of the if only one monthly payment has been Read Up. Cough Cure. Four Read Down. Station. Nelson. C. A. Public of Utah.Tooele the records of me Instruction, Supt. Neighderful remedy cured entirely cgint made, the home is deeded to tho ..: Dally. cough, reDixon. D Daily, John folTreasurer, cgims'are as boring and adjoining or beneficiary free and clear, and is strengthened my lungs and M. A. M. I Lv. .At. P. 5.35 . 8. , jC. Auditor, C, .Tlngey. stored me to my normal weight, Health lows: without doubt the most practicable and 1:00. .Salt Lake City Lot No. 156, Bovfrelgi lode; lot No. effective 0.26 and strength. opportunity ever offered to.' ( 1:10. .Buena Viita M. E. 109, Weston lode; o. 171, Dwight s. A GOOD NAME. , It is practicable because i; 2 5.15 Mercur Meat and 'Gro, Co. and .... 00.Ritef .. r . .......... lode; lot No. 128, lode; survey From1 personal.-- ' experience X testify he is enabled to enjoy the benefit of I 6.00 Brown, Stockton. '( 8:40.. Gar field .... No. 4911, Eureka lode. that DeWltt's Little Early Risers are the money that would otherwise be ex8:03.. Half Way Spur 40 e be published 1 direct that this NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, for house rent. It is immediate-l- y unequalled as a liver pill. . They are 448 9:OO..Erd No. 5454. In the Weekly Seniii of Stockton, rightly named because they give pended in case of death, because his effective 9:15.. Tooele of the Interior, Land Office Utah, the newspapi iblished nearest strength and energy and do their work family is left with a home free and . Department 9:21..Buebl ;0 at Salt. Lake City. Utah. November the said claim, for period of nine with ease.' W. T. Easton, Boerne, Tex. clear, by the payment of the mortgage Ai80 8i8Siltocklinii.V 1902. weeks. FRA JJI D. HOBBS, Thousands of people are using these with the proceeds of his policy. ,9. 4r07 ' t 9:40.. St. Jobs f is hereby given that the fol Notice Register. tiny little pills in preference to all oth8A9 1 9:55, .Ajax.. . m,..! settler has filed notice of Harrington ft San Jit, Attorneys. because they are so pleasant and ers. JUST WHAT YOU NEED, 9.42 CI0d0..Foiut to make final proof in supFirst publication, egber 10; last pub, effectual. They cure biliousness, torpid Chamberlains ...i Stomach 'and Llvey, 2.30 his intentoin fl0:25.. Vernon .... said and conthat proof llc&tlon, December j of his claim, liver, jaundice, sick headache, Tablets, .2 315 port of the Clerk ,410:4Q.IiOfr66D the will be made before etc. They do not purge and When you feel dull after eating. f 11:00.. Boulter Summit court iu and for Tooele county. Notice of appHcstk i br U. 8. Patent. stipation, cleanse and strengthen. but weaken, When you have no appetite. . . I Decem8737. Junction M. on 0. A. ll.15.,Tlntlc i. Sold by f;:: Utah, at Tooele City, Utah, .When you have a bad taste In tho BOO. 11:19.. Mammoth Jet. H. n. N .. Survey 19, 1903, vis.: Egerton Longy, Mercur Meat and Gro. C'o. and M. E. mouth. 11:27. .Mammoth S. U. and SW4 Land Office,' 8 R Lake City, Utah, Brown, Stockton. 13,548, for the Ntt SEi.NE is liver When you torpid.' 11 :45 . . Eureka .. ................... .2.40 and lot 3, Sec. 7, township 4 south, 1903. October 3, - When your bowels are constipated. 2.22 ...... Mammoth .. .. Notice la hereby Eton that in pur 4 west, 8. L. M. He names the r INSURANCE When you have a headache. LIFE HARTFORD THE 2:02 range con11 :S9 .. Silver City .................. o suance of his the act to Cgigress witnesses prove approved following billoua. feel Co. When Investment ft you M. Union Tbe Lv. P. Savings A. M. Ar. tinuous residence upon and cultivation May 10, 1872, the E ek Ophir Consol! bas back of its Insurance feature the They will Improve your appetite, Trains at Silt Lake make direct con- of dated Mining com sar, a corporation said land, vis.: Francia X. Longy, Insurance Co., of Hart- cleanse and invigorate your stomach, Grand east. 1 s Rate of ' nection tor all points north end of Alvin laws under the B. Gordon, John Utah, by Willard Atkin, your liver and bowels. Allen T. Sanford, itbrney in fact, ford, Conn., which was established in and regulate 3. W. GILLETT, McCulstion, all of Tooele, Utah. 1857 Hnd now has assets of (139.00 for Price 25 cents per box. For sals by r General Passenger Agent. J. whose Salt Lake D. postofflee City, HOBBS, FRANK Register. For sals by XL H. Brows, Stockton. . J. L. MOORE, plcat1on for 909.8 each 1100.00 of liabilities, and which has Utah, has made L. L. BAKER, Attorney. Commercial Agent linear feet on the Una lode, bearing APPLICATION FOR PATENT. copper, silver, leac aid other precious M. A. NO. 8758. metals, the same b Ing 217.4 feet northand business Leave your orders for & United easterly and 92.4 Meg southwesterly ' for of Notice Application N. Mrs. W. pay hills due this office to ihift thereon, with States Patent. In the United States from the discover Lin width, situate Gundry at the postofflee. surface ground 820 Land Office, Salt Lake City, In Ophir mining di id, Tooele county, 1908. HATS the matter with ERATH'S STOREj jjjj 30, OFFICIALS. UNITED STATES Notice is hereby given that F. M. State of Utah, andi nwibed by the o AlStock-toherewltf all the time? dal plat, iened, and by the it is filled to Postofflee address is President of the United States, Theo- Davis, whose field notes on file the office of the and John himself of in behalf Utah, dore Roosevelt. City land district, Why, the reason is plain, he keeps the best Franks, William Kelly, Pat Kelly and registerasof Salt CABINET. wit: with Utah, him, follow, Magnetic Chester Worthing, John Hay, Secretary of State. selected stock of GROCERIES in Mercur and his has made application for a United variation, 16 degm H minutes east. Root, Secretary of War. the Ity. L at whence lode cp GLEN the Beginning for mining States patent Shaw, Secretary of Treasury. treatment is the same to all. .and is appreciated, by yjif mil 'al monument No. 6 claim, situate in Ophir Mining District, United States Long. Secretary of the Navy. 1021.6 62 1500 W. N. feet. bears mb. of deg. Tooele County, Utah, Consisting and Gear, Attorney-Genera- l. His business is Sovereign lode, m alL linear feet of said lode and surface Cor. No. 4,45 lot N9.II51 Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture. '41 284.5 nfa. E. N. feet. bears deg. by plat and survey, ' Hitchcock, Secretary of the Interior. ground as shown No. 6, lot No. 408, felah lode, boars promises to do so ad lib Survey No. 5014, and described in Cor. ' if Cortelyou, Secretary of Commerce being 662.8 Vil ,.V. 67 . .01 TV ml Cor. N. feet. official deg. ' the field notes and plat of the and Labor. No. 7, lot No. 119 Bhio Fly East and V.r survey on file in this office, with magbears N. 70 netic variation at 16 degrees forty min- Westerly lode, ; s' A SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERT. " ZSSESmLmm 9 16 4. 2 No. E. min. it Cor, deg. KodOl Dyspepsia Cure does for the utes East, as follows: 74 i No. bears 128, lot Eure e, N, do Beginning at corner No. 1, which is stomach that which it is unable todis-it. Thence S. 19 min. E. (p. 1 Identical with location comer, whence deg. for"lUeif." even when but slightly 45 2. No. 22 cor. min. B. 0 deg. Tfnrinl Drs- - tt. 8. M. M. No. 7 bears S. 41 deg. 56 min. ureka lode, jgn No W. 182.71 iJT 1, Dwight lode If! while the Inflamed muscles Ko-dwith location comer; comer No. 2 ofj bears N. 42 deg. 18121min. E. 397.8 feet gan are allowed to rest and heal. lot No. Eureka lode, at S. 134 (Struck It) Lode bears S. 61 Un line Dyspepsia Cure digests what you Lot No. 21 min. W. 280.1 ft.; comer No. 2 of 45 deg. 22 min. E. 35 feet from cor. No. eat and enables the stomach and dlves-tlv- e deg. No. 73 (Chrlsopolls Lode) bears S. 1. Thence N. 44 deg. 88 min. E. 909.8 organs to transform all food into lot 28 Is superior to the Royal and has no 23 min. W. 852.5 ft.; thence S. 22 meet to cor. No. I in gulch draining S. deg. 11 rich, red blood. 3 8. W. beam The deg. No. 4, 600 discovery to comer .05 min. E. ft., Mercur Meat and Gro. Co. and M. E. deg. feet Thence N. 45 deg. identical with location comer; thence S. min. W. 229.8 equal In this county. Brown, Stockton. 67 deg. 55 min. W. 1500 ft to corner No. 23 min. W. 320 feet to cor. No. 4. Cor. 6, lot No. 147. Arabella lode, bears beginning. From dis- No. UTAHS NATIONAL REPRESENTA- 1, the place of S. 6 deg. 16 min. W. 352.5 feet. Thence S. covery point the lode line bears N. 67 44 TIVES. 1000 ft., and from dis- deg. 38 min. W. 109.8 feet to cor. No. W. G. Van Home, Judge of First In- deg. 55 min. E. S. 67 deg. 55 min. V. 600 1, the place of beginning, and containcovery International. point stance at Cairo, Egypt, exclusive of area in conft. Expressly excepting and excluding ing 1.609 acres,No. 147, Arabella lode, lot con- - flict with lot the from following this application STEPPED AGAINST A HOT STOVE. No. 73, ChriRopo- - No. 171, Dwight lode, No. 128, Eureka Lot A child of Mrs. Geo. T. Benson, when tgg acres Lot No. 134, Struck lode, lot No. 155, Sovereign lode, lot No. night bsth. getting his ususl Saturday Lode 034 acres Survey No. 4849. 148 Selah lode, lot No. 119 Shoo Fly East lot No. stepped back against a hot Btoy Maud s'. Lode, 2.635 acres. Said Glen and Westerly lode, 2 a lode No. and 157, burned him severely. The child was forming 16.704 acres. Sovereign of area net a contains in great agony and his mother could do an(l iB situated in an unsurveyed portion portion of the unsurveyed part of T. 6 said nothing to pacify him. .Remembering West. SL. M. 8. R. 4 W.. Salt Lake Inmeridian, h book O. page location being recorded that she had a bottle of Chamberlains are and rclalmi Nelghborlng 280 of the records of Tooele county, Pain Balm In the house, she thought an Lot No. 73, Chrlsopolls Lode; Lot No. she would try It. In less than halfwas Adjoining and neighboring 134. Struck It Lode; and Survey No. Utah. claims are aa follows: hour after applying It the child two 4349, Maud S. Lode. and In less than Lot No. 119, Shoo Fly East and Westquiet and asleep, Mm. of Location of this claim Benson Is a well Is The Notice lode; lot No. 157, Sovweeks was well. erly Recorder of Office the in the recorded No. 2 lode; lot No. 155, Soverknown resident of Kellar, Va. Pain ereign at pages of District, the Mining Ophir lode, lot No. 128, Eureka lode; lot Balm Is an antiseptic liniment and esand 2fl4 of Book ;.j of the Records eign 171. cuts, bruis Dwight lode; lot No. 147. Arapeclally valuable for burns, Jr Mlnnff Dl8trict Tooele County, No. bella lode, and survey No. 4911, Eureka es and sprains. For sale by. Utah. airect that this notice be published No. 2 lode; Lot No. 148, Selah lode; surFor sale by M. E. Brown, Stockton. j lode. In the Weekly Sentinel of Stockton, vey No. 4990, Osceola , notice be published this direct that I DISTRICT. nearest JUDICIAL THIRD the newspaper published S. ut&h, Weekly Sentinel of Stockton, the Baid claim, for the period of nine In the the Judges. C. W. Morse, W. C. Hall, newspaper published nearest Utah, FRANK D. HOBBS. weeks. W. Stewart. for a period of nine said claim, the Elchnor. C. Register. Attorney D. FRANK D. HOBBS, weeks. L. L. Baker, Claimant's Attorney. Register. First Publication, November , 1903. FOR A BAD COLD. ft Sanford, Attorneys. Harrington need cold you bad a If you have First pub., October 10th; last pub., good reliable medicine like ChamberNotice of Application for U. S. Patent December 5th. reand loosen to M. A. No. 8736. lains Cough Remedy No. 4990. lieve It. and to allay the irritation and 8urvey NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. and lungs. Inflammation of the throat U. S. Land Office, Salt Lake City, No. 5445. For sale by. Oct. 3. 1903. the Interior, Land Office, of Department In purFor sale by M. E. Brown, Stockton. that is Notice hereby given Salt Lake City, Utah, October 13. suance of the Act of Congress approved 1903. OFFICERS. lr ConsolEureka-OphCOUNTY TOOELE May 10, 1872, the Notice Is hereby given that the idated Mining company, a corporation wing-named settler has filed notice of under the laws of the State of Utah, his Intention to make final proof in supCommissioners, Hon. George Bnan, Hon. T. Powell, D. chairman: Hon. by Allen T. Sanford, attorney In fact, port of his claim, and that said proof whose postofflee address is Bnlt Lake will be made before the clerk of the John Rydalch. Clerk. Ivor Ajax. City, Utah, has made application for a District court In ami for Tooele county, Sheriff. R. M. Shields. patent for 557.8 linear feet on the Os at Tooele City. Utah, on Novemceola lode, hearing gold, copper, silver Utah, Attorney, I L. Baker. 28, 1903, vis.: Joseph Tanner, AdJ. ber same Frank Frailey. The metals. and Recorder, other precious and e H. E. 12.498, for the iu e. , a w Treasurer, Whltehouse. Instruction, being 331.1 feet northeasterly and 226.2 section 35. tp. 5 s, range 6 w, Public Unwli, the from Supterintendent feet southwesterly discovery S. L. M. He names the following witA. J. Stookey. shaft thereon; the surface ground 160.9 nesses to prove his continuous residence In feet In width, situate Ophir mining upon the cultivation of said land, vis.: district, Tooele county. State of Utah, Mahonri M. Stookey and Orson A. THE BEST REMEDY FOB- CROUP, and described by the official plat here Johnson of Clover. Utah; George RemPThlstise tteeaMnhen the. woman with posted and by field notes on file in Tooele City. Utah, and Richof T .... ington nt Balt sV. tk. ard N. Bush of Clover, Utah. FRANK D. HOBBS. Register. utes east, middle v awakened In the W. S. Marks, Attorney. 1 No. corner sawed a at from one of the- Beginning First publication, Oct 24th; last pubofthe night by iMrboopremedies are al- pine post. 4 inches square and 4 feet lication. Nov. 15th. stones mound of earth and molt as sure to be lost. In case of croup, long, with S. U. Whence the U sureto be lost, in case marked 14990. to be mineral monument No. 6 bears N. 51 CURED OF PILES AFTER 40 YEARS Thera dfor Mr. C. Haney of Gineva, O., had the 1392 18 feet. Corner No, min. W. croup, deg. Mhloneeremedy 2. lot 128. Eureka lode, bears N 72 deg. piles for 40 years. Doctors and dollars but tolu. Ko and syrop min. E. 177 feet. Corner No. 8. lot could do him no lasting good. DmTmero mothero say that Cham- - 57 Salve cured him 155. and Sovereign lode bears N. 13 deg. 28 ewitts Witch Haxel Is Finin' better, Invaluable for cuts, B. 45deg E. permanently. 666.8 feet. Thence min. E. the causes SstioRemedy much. It burns, bruises, sprains, lacerations, ec160.9 feet to corner No. 2. On line 2--3. patient Wthrow up the aVorter ,ot No.. 109. Weston lode. Discovery zema, tetter, salt rheufo and all other N. 84 deg. 32 min. E. 226.2 feet. skin diseases. Look fbr the name De Glvthirromedy as soon as the- bears N. 49 deg. 80 min. E. 554.4 feet Witt on the package all others are Thence It will proirs and falls No 3. On line -2, lot No cheap, worthless coqjiterfelts. corner to and is Itever Co. and M. JXSJJff lode, at N. 45 deg. W. 294.7 Mercur Meat and Gl to tete. For sale by I 1U Dwight corner Stockton. 45 Brown, 1. N. No. Thence feet from Brow? Utah. deg. W. ifin.a feet line 12. lot No. 8. 46 deg. E. 144.4 A REMARKABLE CASE. Time Table. i. NO. 20. Su One of the moat remarkable cases of on the lungs, causa cold, deep-seate- d ing pneumonia, is that of Mrs. Gertrude E. Fenner, Marion, IntL, who was entirely cured by the use of One Minute The coughCough Cure. She says: ing and straining so weakened me that . be-sere-s, , - , t -- t S': t I. . bome-buyer- - - .......I , - . . r. !-, ' b f ' x . r ' lowlng-name- d- ,.iiwa - . -- 0 1 :ber I . . . . 1 -- Old-Li- ne i Utah--Octobe- r 1 n, m w overflowing . rX increasing dally X X Xf X X w . . 1 1 m m - . : v j m ol 2, I to-w- it: I I 1 .SLl follo- - . I I I I S. mwmrtnS thfack. Stkto IK 1- 1 FRflUK FBHTH'S RRrflD ; h- MSI |