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Show I We must practice now if we eyes open in the hereafter. ' Tbit accuracy review department I Jar cooperation in information o n the enemies of easy errors ami friends offorethought, to reduce mutually mistakes. It is fur mechanical, commercial and professional people; the indie ideal employer, employe amt customer, and consists of extracts iaktn by permission from the copyrighted Utters, the lectures, notebooks and libraries of Earl 11. He is hunting the Ihratt, Oak I'ark, Illinois. whole world or erf or information of every day nee to you, and he regrets hie inability, jiereonally to reply to contributors, tie far at possibls hs withes to hats in this space the very idea you would like to find here. You are at liberty to send Aim any suggestion you may cure to. Hit collection was startrd in Ian end now contains unpublished information dating back to lift, with systematic plans extending to tsa. Your short story of corns example of forethought glrtn to himmay prase to be your most valuable gift to others. KEEP WELL IF YOU KNOW YOURSELF. EA8Y TO Keeping well la mechanical. Eating, working; Bleeping, temperate enjoyments and becoming animated over some useful subject cover the field. It Is better to pay a doctor to tell you how to keep well than to treat you after you aro sick. But bo few do this the doctors hardly know what to say when one tries the plan. A suggestive fact is that a woman with continually poor health will take a sick house plant and bring it up Into a flourishing state, and a man who never sees a well day will take a sick horse and cure him. This Illustrates the power of special knowledge applied. But there are people with special tendencies and Inherited diseases, who break all rules of treatment and preventive science, though these exceptions are so few that no one need place himself in the list till he has tried a modern course of systematic exercise with proper diet and right remedies. It took one doctor a long time to learn that bread with coffee or fruit with bread did not agree with him. He found that potato and fruit or coffee went all right together. You .must. know. .yourself and tUa do m well as you know. A Chicago doctor tells me that a cold salt water bath before breakfast Is a favorite with him. He thinks more of soups than meats. Recently radishes and lettuce gave him such severe Indigestion that It required milk diet for days to restore his stomach. But for some people milk Is almost a poison, and for diet they eat graham wafers or dry toast Another doctor tells me he can eat anything hut liver and does not pay much attention to himself except to eat and sleep regularly. He has natural force, physical harmony, latent energy, and lives healthily automatically. It is Just as important to have a little reserve strength as It Is to have emergency money. Some people seem to draw money and health toward themselves con-- : tlnually, while others appear to frighten these blessings off. There are tew general rules. Some really .need medicine often, but many will never be healthy aa long as they continue dosing. It surely requires a clear head to decide for each case aright. Some are built to walk many miles a day and some are always Injured by a common stroll. One man told me that muscular exercise always destroyed his appetite and that a couple hours work in his study made him as hungry as a bear. Many eat too much. A few do not eat nearly enough. Light foods and no cold drinks for summer. Keep away from very hot air If you are going Into very cold sir winters. Be extra careful about clothing during spring and fall, rialn food gives rich blood. Do not experiment with your appetite. If ycu know by experience useful Information that would add to this or have a question you would like answered send It on. Eat for strength. Speak for truth. Live to spread good news. are to keep our HELP TO BETTER METHODS. The dally sources of the elements the places to look for profitable originality. It Is the restudying of a subject which brings out new thoughts having qualities of a winning nature. Independent good judgment executive ability and good health are cardinal forces worthy of attention. The day Is here when we must go Into all the world and collect better methods, more effective Ideas and profitable experiences for professional and commercial workers. Win the heart, and the eye will read agate type. Study the peoples needs and they will knock at your door. But It requires greater skill to successfully handle the people than It does to interest them. Who is greater than the Individual able and willing to speak to others to their benefit and his profit? Put your finger on some thought which you have read, heard or created about which you can say, That is worth framing, and send it What one person will throw into the waste basket another may' hang on the wall or paste In his note book and perhaps put under a desk glass. We are not all alike on details, but many of us are willing to vote in favor of a correct motive, a clear head, a strong body and a belief that It Is not necessary to he poor In order to be happy. of success are Self-contr- The Pleasures of Memory. Why does an old doctor, who Is visiting the city and calling at a medical college; smile at the students and their seal? He sees the old times over again when he may have wondered whether to go without his laundry or skip a meal. He sees the humorous experiences and the sweating times In store for these students. The first case one doctor had was an unusual one, difficult and requiring Instant action. For Your Vacant Time. not ride on trains very often some do four to six times a day. Ton may not have lunch some try to eat a lunch every day some others always have breakfast, dinner, Yon may But whoever you are, you supper. hare a minute a day vacant time and I would like to be able to coax you to devote that minute to studying with me for better methods In common life. The Old and New. A publisher was ready to attend a convention. I thought of an Idea useful to him in bis work at the convention, but I felt that he had known it longer than I had. Finally I decided to give It to him anyway and then I found It was new to him and he was very thankful to me for It Since then 1 have been braver. Agents as Educators, If you have time, listen and learn. Was not Washington a book agent? The person who would sell to you may grow famous and may not. By asking a few questions and being polite though you buy not you will know more and give for next door seal or hope to the one who is trying to earn a living- I A SUMMER O t nJ Q PARADISE 4 ueen of Watering Place I8pfial correspondence:) I of vehicles, from a drag to a perambulator, each buried In flowers and driven by a beautiful woman, gowned in colors to correspond with tbw Cowers, There was one English which, had we been Judge, would have won the first prize. It was a solid mass of azaleas, the horse wore a wide collar or azaleas, and the beautiful French girl, who was driving, was gowned in soft red crepe, with a hat of red chiffon. Another cart was covered with hydrangeas, and the girl who held the reins was in soft Liberty silk In pale lavender shades. I The Judges at the kursaal evidently had great difficulty In awarding the prizes, for nearly every carriage received a banner. As the carriages If one can lm&jtae Long Branch, There is no lolling about on the Atlantic City and Xarragansett Pier sandB, as one does at home after bathrolled into one, lie would have a very ing. One steps directly from the good idea of Osiend t the height of water Into the bathing machine, and is the season. The mist Important sea- not drawn to the beach until clothed side town on the continent of Europe, and in his right mind. When his toilet Ostend well deserves Its title of is quite complete he opens the door at the end of the house ana Bhoms queen of watering places. Along the broad boulevard of the digue one meets people of every nar tlonallty, with perhips a predominance Ostend is of French and Belgians. also a favorite remit of English society during the summer months; Indeed, an English min, Col. North, was the promoter of the vast enterprise of building tlw digue. The costumes of the ladles are tuost elaborate, and a glance at the widows of the numerous shops will pri' o that the distance from Ostend to Ft Is is but slight Ostend, too, is the summer residence of the King of Belgians, whose villa may be seenjm the digue facing the sea. Leopold CL has a great fondness for Ostend, j and often strives early in June and remains till the end of October. Durlig his sojourn at Ostend the King, and his daughter, the Princess Cleneitine, are familiar figures on the dlfaja All sorts of sports are provided for the visitor to Ostend. There Ib lawn tennis, polo, golf ind horse racing. The hard sandy beach makes the best of tennis courts and the younger portion of the visitors apparently appreciate this fact, for there are dozens of nets set up daily. ' The greatest sport of all, however. Is the bathing. The water at Ostend, notwithstanding the fact that it Is the North sea, Is very warm as compared with that of our own New England seaside resorts. It f also very buoyOn the ant, so buoyant Indeed, that It seems as If one could nod help but swim. Cocher! Cocher! and presently the Swimming, however, seems to be a barefooted cocher comes galloping rare accomplishment among the wom- down, and the house Is moved back en bathers, for the shimming of an to the beach. American girl, only the other day, Although the bathing hours are caused the wildest excitement among from 7 In the morning until 6 at night, the popular time for bathers Is during the bathers. One uses a bathing machine at Os- the forenoon. Then the beach pretend, an experience which Is quite sents a lively appearance, with its novel to an Americas. One procures rows of bathing machines and hooded a ticket at a little booth on the beach, chairs. The beach is so wide that It Is a and, bathing suit and towel under his arm, he sallies forth Into the midst of veritable paradise for children, who the village of llttlcrhouses on wheels can play upon the sands wlthput the which covers the bathing beach. An slightest danger of being swept away old lady In white cap and kerchief, by the waves. The beach Is covered with her blue skirt pinned about her with little ones all day long, and the flags which they place waist, disclosing a red underskirt and bare feet, takes the ticket and calls to at the top of the mounds of sand which the cocher. She Is called a mistress they build add a pleasing bit of color to the scene. of the baths. The great event of the summer at The cocher comes forward, seated on a sturdy horse, which he hitches Ostend is the bataille de Fleurs, to one of the little blue or yellow which occurred this year on the 13th houses. You enter the little house of August The writer was so fortuand shut the sliding door, and Imme- nate as to be in Ostend on that day. diately the journey to the water be- The parade took place on the digue, gins. When the water reaches the which was thronged with crowds of d horses knees the house is turned people, laughing and about so that one may descend the chaffing as they pelted one another confetti. There flight of Bteps at the back Into the with water. Then the cocher taps with were several bands playing at Interhis whip on one of the tiny windows vals along the digue. Old women carand demands his ten centimes and woe rying baskets filled with bags of conbetide the man who refuses to give fetti mingled witb the crowd, calling bright-colore- d gayly-dresse- bright-colore- d dog-car- t, Digue. drove along, the occupants scattered nosegays of fresh flowers among and were in return pelted with confetti. The digue presents a beautiful picture when it Is lighted In the evening, its three mileB of electric lights gleamlike a diamond ing In a chain, with the great group of lights at the kursaal hanging like a pendant in the mlddldT Ostend, by evening, with Its lights and music, and cafes filled with women in gorgeous evening gowns and men in spotless evening clothes, is quite the maddest, merriest city In Europe. jlo not think, however, that the fine hotels, the the concerts and the other summer amusements form the whole of Ostend. They are but a small part of the town. Go Into the back streets behind the digue and you will see quaint little s drawn by dogs and filled with huge brass cans and with an old woman in wooden shoes, and 'curious headdress running along beside. Turn another corner and you may come upon a row of lace makers, each with her pillow on a wooden standard before her, making the real old Flemish lace. The old Ostend, the winter Ostend that Is, has a population of upward of 30,000 good Belgians .who for Blx months of the year are quite lost sight of In the throng of some 250,000 summer visitors, who Invade Ostend from all parts of the world. semi-circl- e sea-bathin- milk-cart- A More Daring Exploit Admiral Clark, the famous commander of the United States battleship Oregon, passed some of his early years In Greenfield, Mass. There In the winter he coasted down Burnlston mountain, a experience, and one dearly prized by the youth of the village, for it meant much to reach the bottom In RHfety. Shortly after the Oregons remarkable voyage in the war, one of the commanders boyhood friends wrote to him. It was not Just an ordinary letter of congratulation, but a handsome end sincere tribute to personal splendid seamanship and bravery, such s any man would be proud to read aloud to his wife before In due course the answer mailing. came. Dear Old Man. It ran. It really wasnt much after taking a. double runner down Burniston mountain."' - Things Worth few years ago an Ohio newspaper of national fame had a request for a certain poem and readers were asked for a copy of it. A great many copies were Bent In snd as I remember it the paper reprinted the poem the second time on request of readers. It Is peruseful arsonally helpful to ticles. g. hair-raisin- A g Spanish-Amerlca- re-rea- d Hitting the Wrong Man. One employe shoved a block so It fell on the head of another employe. The latter blamed an innocent person and without listening to explanations pitched Into him. The innocent man proved to be the best fighter and came out victorious, and all the observers s saw a sermon illustrated. n first-clas- Queer Disappointment When a person succeeds along favorite lines why Is it that some friends who have predicted failure appear to be disappointed over the success, no matter how useful the work may be? We do not enjoy naving our predictions go wrong and the apparent disappointment inay be surp "ise. Hopeful Imaginations. A messenger boy was ordered to deliver several valuable books. No. IS of the series was reported lost, as party to whom sent had not received it During the search for It and until it was found the person most Interested had Just as much right to Imagine cheerful ae dismal results. The Ups and Downs of Life. A member of one of the best and When We All Whine. When you get impatient with another person for whining, repeat to yourself that at times all whine. Some do it more than others, but all do It some. Charity suffers long and Is kind because all of us at times are In need of charity. Where One May Be Serious. this, as the man who refuses to give this, as the cocl'T has his revenge by Thoughtful Intoxications. When I saw a porter push a drunken refusing to take him back to the man out of a building and Into the beach. The bathing suits which are furmuddy gutter I wondered what other would cause a panic at one of nished things thsn alcoholics 'people get In- onr benches, for they are the same Ar toxicated on. Useless ideas and foolish schemes rule in many heads. Fast both sexes, and consist of but one error is good building material for piece of red ami white striped flannel, made with loose knee trousers. future use. I Confetti, mesdames; confetti, mesThere was no rowdyism sieurs! such as one would see on such an occasion at home. Everybody was showered with confetti, but they laughed gayly and shook the little disks from tholr hair and clothes and returned the compliment by a volley from their own store. And the parade! There wore dozens oldest English families is now earning his living in Johannesburg, Transvaal Colony, as a cabman. Finding himself in adverse circumstances, he invested the last of his capital In a rubber-tirevictoria, a pair of grays, and a cabbys badge, and seems to boon comenjoy life. His panions at the club and on Change are his best customers; while it is no uncommon thing to find him driving one oi the fashionable nttlred belles whose steps lie has more than once guided through the ms7.es of the dance at some fashions Me ball at the Wanderers, Johannesburg people take their ups aud down very philosophically. d one-tim- e |