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Show 8ETTLED BY ARBITRATION. VO CUM A COLD XV ONE DAY. Yaks Uutlrt Bromo Quinine Tablet AH druggists refund the money if It Strike on the Chicago City Railway tllfla to cure. X. W. Greva'a atgnatur Is at an End. to m each box. 25c The strike of the employees of the WAKTKD-- - SXYBRAli PERSONS Chicago City railway was settled at character and good imputation ir. Tuesday at a conference between the aah Mate (one in thie eeunty required) mayor, the aldermanlc peace committo represent and advertise old wealthy hualneas house of eolld tee, President Hamilton and E. R. tnnnodal standing. Salary 121.00 weekcounsel for the company, and ly with expenses additional, all payabU Bliss, J cash each Wednesday direct fron. the executive board of the local union hand offices. Horse and carriage The basis on which of the strikers. when necessary. Reference. was reached is a comthe settlement Enclose l envelope. Co.,. 334 Dearborn st., Chicago. for the company, as far plete victory of the men demands is the original are concerned. concessions The only Important made by the company was an agreement to reinstate all the strikers, including the outside unions, who went Vtews on Ambition and Dyo out in sympathy with the trainmen, with the exception of those who repcps!a. sorted to violence during the trouble. wrote Euctna FIsM, Dyspepsia, MILITIA WILL GUARD MINES. "often Incapacitates a mau for endnavi-and sometime extinguishes the fire o ! ambition." Though great despite bit Soldier Boys Will Preserve Order suffered Iron indigesField Among Strikers in Carbon County. complaint tion all his life. A a salt, tirsd stomach At 2 oclock Tuesday night a train can't digest your food. It nee's test. You can only rest it by the u. of seven coaches having on board' 400 of a preparation like Kodol, which members of Utah National Guard delievea it of work by digesting vour fv i parted from Salt Lake City for the Best soon restores it to ll normal scene of the disturbances between the Strengthening. striking miners and the Utah Fuel Suiidyinn, Likvlrreratln". company, in Carbon county. Preparedoelyby E.C.T)rWmr& Co.,t No troops will be stationed at CasTSeSL ImlU count... If, tit. Sue. tle Gate, the 400 men being divided Mercur fJrug Cctr.pany. and S. Stockton. posted at points surrounding Brown, Mary and Scofield. --uacraxxa uwinrmihasariaser ever k. C Nothing (quailed Nothing caa over surpass ed Mousy 2 Baths; Wa Irtld al 4) 4 Mm-M- a OCa uOw In Almost American Cities. James Farley known among union labor men as Boss" Farley who is now In Chicago, looking after the in-- DAILY b O til ! Far ntM, foMtn. frea lUuatrated booklet, alo., (nqaira ot your aearau Uokaiaeeat. apaolfylnf tho Ulo Oraado rouia, or aiUroo A. BENTON, G. ,Ai P. D L cl lea Tbs Scotiicislern Limited Leaving Kansas City at 6:30 P. M. daily, will take you to Springfield, Memphis, Birmingham, Atlanta, Jacksonville and all points in the Southeast. For detailed infenaatloa apply to Q. W. MARTIN OBSERVATION DINING CARS. Electric Lights, GENERAL WESTERN AGENT Electric fans. chair cars Reclining . (hit dayrun), Coaches. JAMES FARLEY . iMriu H. C. TOWNSEND, ABMT, ST. 2S2 OneRUnuieOoughGnre teres ta of the City Railway company, is celebrated as a strike breaker" whenever street car companies are affected. He is 6 feet 2 Inches tall, and thin, but exbroad-shouldere- For CoueliSy Colds and Croup MIMGpSks d, tremely muscular. He has steel-blu- e eyes, a square jaw and a chin denoting great power. He was bora at Plattsburg, N. Y. Illinois Central Railway. 48Fagu t VwLly t mtatntsa. $3 PER YEAR, FOSTPAID. sno roa iauplh corr. Non-Unio- non-unio- n PRESS JIIMG-'Sdfflti- flc mam et six rajuicaaca oosEATS YOU HEARD OP TUN LIONS MOUTH? mb ' - SANTA Collier' Weekly conducting vent 0ovel and Intersztini oenpetira lor ltd yaadcra each moaih. Te outer th sen t review th tost 11 one has to da lamaa of Collier's tor the current month sd answer the two or three quee-ypwhich are printed ta each giving such opinion and such ragq nations as will all in improving the napar. Coiners aims tn this oneway of to aacura tha aaafetanca ot avary Its readers tn making the paper mora to their liking. Every reader, in tact becomes one of tha editors and has hi voice In building the greatest Illustrated journal of the age.each month, awarded The first prise In tor the meet helfful lurgeatlon. la caah. cash, with a seco.vi irlae ot MS In and eighteen oth.-- prizes of sets of, books, ranging In va.te from 112 dowr-ot value giver, to li. making In all to prises each month. Thera are. In addition, cumulative rv- prises, for these who win prlsea lr. month, of 11000 for th; and a big cash moat valuable aug;.rkt!i na during 1S93. For tha convenler.'.--s of intending ba promptly supnta who can plied by aewadea!?1. . all tha coplaa of Collloi'a for the current month W.l. be send postpaid, trti:er wlth'a 411 Trade Marks Design Copyrights Ac. irlptlonn tending a krtrli and merit in orr opinion free whMbar fnvontinn i, prolnI lT HAtiS tlon i r i for 1 urincunU fc t .- aepni-tnkiraloni :;.rouh Vuim 4 Co. melve wlftinutch.rsa, iiitlM jit"li" Jftiirican. TerrMt eta A li.idfnoiplT dlndmlnl wfciT- C'i'.iiim of hot n'i.'i tuiR liiurnul. Term, fl S . fur !ri, CL 6old hyall newadealora t Kl'iii! ' -- -i o.33..Ksw Yp ua S'. r.isnu. w WnjMukOU. . -- - - . - ck ' . - - ' ... . : ... ' Dooly Block. . ' e- - t la Pacific iijd Urjioij 1 w 5t. PauI THROUGH LINE 6&ico, iilwhaHee -- r - t & Ry. The Union Pacific and Chicago, Milwaukee & St, Paul Railways are now running first-clas- s Sleepers, Tourist Sleepers and Free Reclining Chair Cars through to Chicago. For tickets, eleieping car reservations and farther information, apply to t i con-tea- rt ts F. A. MILLER, CLAUDE S. WILLIAMS, hnnd-aom- a lT FE RAILWAY. In cnnnerMnn with the R. Q. W. Tty. the SHORT LINE from Utah to Kan- aas City, fit. Joseph, Chicago, Galvei- ton. El Faso and the mining camps of New Mexico and Arizona. Special at- tentlon paid to "Wool and shipments. For particulars about the REDUCED PASSENGER RATES EAST this autu- mer, apply to C. F. WARREN, live-gto- Phe Old Venotliin IJea is Adapted by m Progressive Amsrleaa Newsp pea to Meet Madera Heqairo-mast- s. and ATCHISON, TOPEKA INDISPENSABLE TO MINING MEN. TROOPS AT TELLURIDE. non-unio- Buffet-Librar- 1106. ITth.St. nCNVER. OOLO. - Effort Will Be Made to Open the n Mines With Men. Six companies of Infantry and two troops of cavalry of the Colorado national guard, about 500 men, under SUFFICIENTLY SERVES A VAST command of Major Zeph T. Hill, TERRirrORY By through servloe to and from th reached Tlluride safely Tuesday aftfollowing cities: ernoon. The train, in four secOmaha, Neb. Chicago, UL tions, was run very slowly, great preBt. Louis, Mo. St. Paul, Minn. cautions being taken to prevent any Minneapolis, Minn Peoria, UL Vaiiaaa City, Mo. Xvaneville, lad. disaster. Mine owners will now at Vashvllle, Turn. tempt to reopen their mines and mills Memphis, Tenn. Cincinnati, Ohio, Atlanta, Oa. men. (Louisville, Ky. Jacksonville, Fli with A special from Cripple Creek says Kevr Orleans, La. Vicksburg, Mies Weekly through eervlee between Chi- that in consequence of the recent attempt to wreck a train, the Vindicator sago and between Cincinnati mine explosion and threats against And the Pacific Coast and Montana n minors, a vigilance commitTerritory. tee, to be known as the Committee of Connections at these terminal for Forty, is being organised for the purpose of dealing swiftly and severely the with violators of law and order. EAST, SOUTH, WEST AND NORTH. The Bath Killed Him. Fast and Handsomely Equipped News of trouble with threats of vioCara Trains Heated Steam Dining y Care Sleeping Cars lence at the Jicarilla Indian Bchool Free Reclining Chair Cara New Mexico has department in Ask ticket agents for tickets via ths reached the Interior department from ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD, or Johnson. He teleSuperintendent apply to that an Indian boy, who had graphed J. A FOLEY, entered the school, fell dead in the 75 W. 2nd So. St. Salt Lake City. arms of the teacher, Phillips Sayles, immediately after a bath yesterday, and that another boy who was being 60 years- dieted on account of stomach tronble Xti EXPERIENCE had eaten a largo quantity of prunes which he' had stolen from tho school kitchen, and that his death resulted. W SALT LAKE CITY From Kansas Cy, Saint Lonls and Hemphis to points in the South, Southeast and Southwest FERTILE fn. w DENVER Dining Cars, service a la Carte on all through trains. Thstn that via th KANSAS UISSG&RI PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS. A nvnne Oil Irk It sqcirrsD OGDEN AND CETWEEM Through Tullinan and Ordinary Sleeping Oars to Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Lonis and Chicago without change. Free reclining chair cars. Personally Conducted Excursions. Tiisres no Ssiter Seivice All sriJCNnioLT Thrra Saparata and UUtlaat So. II. BaalM. yhaam f SililaUMihi4tknlilai LaAa. OMbMm i COLORADO Igff nj. NtbRnta ILai.ktaakfiN4 THROUGH SCENIC TICKET C52 FASTViTRAINS nw.l T BREAKERS. el Ogln UniM Dspei with all Southern PzcTe and Oreson Short Uns Ths only Lina passing dirsetly l irough Salt Laks City. . RAILWAY AM Sab Lake Cby Kal Sulftuar Bmh.lnpMC.Unaq Jams Farley Well Known Missouri Pacific MUHl Tralsa mmtOa ptP th panla m VIA Ftiftrs, its., CmneeilA 52V.3J3m& la It. Ta BiShl OMrtllf MITMUl VaUa Mta Imn f watar Sun-nysi- hr lirtis, Tlckifs, Glenwcod Sprinja, Aspen, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado Spriaja, Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, i and all points east i 1 tar kjl Ur'to-pat- e 44mt4m444 THE SCENIO LINE TO Sanitarium nu-s-i- AND THE t Qty fuu SALT LAKE HOT SPRINGS t..j ST. LOTS EAST ..Sts-health- TttkSMMkritll a U. r U tM! Salt Lak HathratokSids i UWQUEl FieSdPs Through Service I I Gtji For ill Throat and Luoj Troubles. took If It fall. Trial BotUaaft-M-. Cure Eugcno STRIKE H4 t Wbittnaore, Bic:er & Cherrintos A Perfect Coio-Bla- OF Salt LaJrj i ftrCggg'VM. d KING C. V. PARKS, Or. Kings New Dissever? enia'u-BAe- d fnr-alebe- it Ended Life by Jumping from Train. General r.ccencr Agent proof of a t awing by Chr 40 r cants of Dana Glbaon, upon c!pt John Templeton of Humboldt, Neb., Chicago to The Ldon'a Mouth a passenger on the fast Burlington Colllara addressed 43S West 12th atref Weekly, train from Kansas City, due in Chi- Haw York cago Tuesday, committed suicide by Jumping from the stops of one of the i. coaches while the train was going st full speed, near Chlllicothe, Mo. Mr. Templetons sister and daughter were on the train. He was in largely the result of worry over business troubles, and was much deSeven MiSion hexes cold In past 13 months. C:.2tCTO, pressed, imagining that lie was about to be arrested. w.rT-.Tiagi- i fl Tckei Commercial Agent 106 V. Second South St, Sait Lake rtaM To' Core a CoM h Ono Day live Bromo Tth zs: ca every 25c. 3EBC OCX. |