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Show held Its session, Washington was ap of the pointed (ornmaiider & American forces and In It tin- - Iieclsr-allowas adnpii-dof fnilepeiidiuce and frlm It step was read to the unblic. ft Is also hoM-- to have tinis on fils c( mg MERCUR NOTES. Thl Minlu Conpew. Dearer, Colorado. util I Iberty Hell, w bich now - resnin Is on the sick Hall, at tin- KxpoM Mrs Alma Suwiei-lion I si. THE GREATEST OF THEM ALL. Maryland will reproduce the Inline f Charles is visiting lu Mur Carroll, of ('arrollnui. Mrs. Win. Issi-oBid Charles Carroll was one of the signer The Jamestown ray for a churl lime. of Indcpeinleiire, of the Fair to Eclipse AH Other and tin? Carroll family Is one of the The Hon. Frank Uaffey U In Colo most noted In Maryland. One of the rxdu uu mining business. rooms In tho Maryland building sill .1 . CouMnui-from tin lat.) be fashioned after the chamle-- r In the Mr. Lyman Ilskcr has been laid uj where for a few days with la grlpps. Among tlieim foreign countries that old stale botiM! In Annapolis . . l the Invitation of ITexldent Washington resigned his commlsxloii as Commander-i- Chief of the Conti Mr. Henry M. Daniels has been cm, ltookcvell ami declared their fined to his home for several days tn participate In the celebration nental army. good coffee. The Talmage home, the flret Colo- with the grippe. of the three hundredth anniversary None in In cf that fresh reacted loose Connecticut, . . nial mansion eierled of the flrat Eugliah settlement atate as a Mr. Harvey Dunleavy has rcturaeri America, are. Great Ilrilaln. Germany, has been selected by that the store stuff from Ly pound Kuxals, France, Japan. Hwllxerlaml. model for Its building. Colonel Kenju from an extended visit to Missouri and manthe erected who and Sweden min states. eustern other Talriiailge. Italy, UelRlum, Spain. nobody knows where, full cf dust, .1 Greece of the eastern continent and sion, was a xtaiinch patriot, and one Genof members valued of S.ooii Mexico, shares of Ingot hold airr.esphtre and soiled hands, but the most Thursday Brazil, Argentine. Venxuela, staff. To him was at nine rent a share and 1,044 si Chill, Domingo. lorto ltlco, Salvador, eral Washington's the real c!d. genuine egg and sugar Anof Major nine and a half cents. I'eru. Gtialainaula. Mexlro, Kcqucilor. entrusted tin- execution Cunta ltica, and lanama, of the dre who was convicted as a spy and coaled ArLucLIes jt ARIOSA Mr. Dave Jackson is In thf Holy weatern continent, and, while there executed at Tuppan, N. Y. The orlg at stands I exact mansion the to Mult as lua official at which CJ!ct Gross folks Talmadge the Lake, suffering are no figure hospital keep in from a severa case of pneumonia. number of foreign wsr veewlt that Ufchfleld, Connecticut. ili as its has taken criminal and that estimated The Iluckeye slate package grind in will participate. It is j Ji posi there will be at least forty. Uncle model for a building at the e house Friday was a record breaker for the kltclien. Sam will have ten of his best and tlon, Adeiia." the first stone moun- Ingot. Five hundred shares sold si In erected west of the Alleghany 2.000 at 11 cents, and gnu inn most formidable sea monsters 1 lints Coffee! was cents. Saturday 1.000 shares Hampton Knuds, making a total of tains. For veara this Imildingand Is at 11 C wl u: :..Iiural ci d Nataul Pm went at 10 cents and 1,000 at 10J-at least fifty of the most powerful used as the executive mansion, his- cents. m. 'vi fi.j it- . ftjud Lav. fighting ship in the wrld. assembled closely Identified with the early in Hampton Iloads, the broadest and tory of that state. Manufactured John The Massachusetts building Is a THE HISTORIC WORCESper by deepest harbor In tho world, and num-Im-In t realfca State of House, In which that first TER. the Keevea Co Salt Lake, and the ni:e only haps of v easel could manouvra or which the original constitution of the QUEEN OF ALL SAUCE indorsed by tho M. ft M. United States was ratified In 17811. aufely anchor. Sea the Aaan of Utah. Axk your her will have states Little while already represent Ilhody The following On tha Labels. Grocer. Is an or It Imposing provided first Stale building. made appropriations, and and attractive structure, and occu funds by apeclal subscription, for pies one of tho most desirable sites many or the buildings provided have been completed or are nearing on the grounds. As far back as 1756. when the Mother country and Francp completion: Connecticut, ISS.Ood; District of Co- were at war, Khodc Island was the lumbia, $25,000; Delaware. $15.1100: first to supply troops, and also lilted Florida. $54,000; Georgia $itoii); Il- our fifty prlvateera to prey on the Kentucky, $15,000; roiiiniercp of the French. While Kluxlt1 linois. $25,000; faiulsiana, $15,000; Maine. $10,0101; Island was loyal to the rolonles during the revolution and furnished some of Maryland, $r,G.OOO; Michigan, $ii0.000; Missouri, $40,000; Msssnrhusotts. $50,-00- the best troops, she was the last to New Jersey. $75,OoO. North ratify the constitution of the United New York. $150,000; Slates, because she feared that be$15,000; Anti-Pai- n North Carollua, $30,000; Ohio, $75,000; cause of tier dlmlnutlvenesH and pecuivnnsylvanla, liar location, she would be destroyed, Oklahoma, $10,000; Islund. $50,000; or. rather, absorbed by her more powIthudn $100., 000; Tennessee. erful neighbors. It was not until Month Carolina. $20.oon; $10,000; Virginia. $30n.nno; Virginia 1700. afipr an amendment tn the origor inal const it lit ion had allayed her counties f additional I. $150,000; Almost instantly and leave no bad effects. mont, $10,000; Wlsroiislii, $r.0,0o0; fears, that she ratified tho rnnatltu-tlon- . I They also relieve every other pain. Neural-gi- a, $15,000; Hliode Island also deserves West Virginia (at least Wash- credit for the distinction of being one Idiilio and Monlana. Rheumatic Pain, Sciatica, Backache, Oregon. ington (Joint building) $250,1100. Hie of the first states to make an approache, Ague Pains, Pains from Stomach in the In fact, almost every slate In priation for participation the at tn first and will be represented Jamestown Exposition, (he Union pains, Indigestion, Jamestown Exposition and the State break ground In the erection of her and Sleeplessness. Nervousness Inter-eatinan building. nulldlngs will certainly lie Missouri will have a alalely buildand Inslrncllve feature. The prevailing style of nrrhlterliire Is ea ing of large dimensions, built after the colonial style, and that will be In lonlal. but some of the states will produce famous buildings of differ- every way a credit to that state, while ent types, the purpose lielng to pre-st- tho four great and growing atatea of the millions of Exposition visi- tho Pacific northwest, namely: Washtors types of famous homes anil halls ington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana, where great personages dwelt und ; are arranging to erect a gigantic Joint j Maltese building In the form of great events occurred. The Mlutea liulldings, like many of' cross, each state to occupy one secthe other Kxixisltlon edifices, will lie tion of the cress, $2110.400 Is to he expermaoeuL and aflej the Kxopslllon pended on this building, each state will lie transformed Into holm's, club aliartng alike In the cost. Tho materbouses, hotels and the like. Most of ial for lit construction la to be of the All-Ach- es these Interesting historical buildings natlvo timber of these states. will be located along Willoughby bouA nnmlier of other atatea have selevard. facing Hampton Iloads, and lect ei! sites and ylnns are now lielng By taking one or two Dr. Miles' Anti-Pai- n from them visitors will he able to drawn which will In every way conwhen you feel an attack coming on. Pills the aee the ships entering and leuvlng form tn the architecture and historis You not only avoid suffering, but the weakcal character of tho building now unharlxir, ami also see the naval and nnutleal contests. der course of construction. It Is now ening influence of pain upon the system. If Georgia, the empire state of the certain that more states will erect nervous, irritable and cannot sleep take a south, will bo well represented at the buildings and participate In the Jamna tablet on retiring or when you awaken. agriIts and geological, town Exposition than have ever done exposition, This educational and soothing influence upon the nerves ao at auy other exposition. cultural, horticultural exhibits will be among the best. lirings refreshing sleep. Oklahoma. the progressive territory cents 4 Never sold in bulk. Georgia will sMnd $54,000; on a state and prnspcrtlre new state, will parti7: Hnac. The Klalt cipate In the Jamestown Exposition building und exhibits. of with it iiHtinl building will he a reproduction patriotism and vim. Ok lliilloch hall, tho birthplace und home (Continued In our ncxL) of the mother of l'resldent KuohcycU. o PLACE YOUR EYES IN OUR HANDS. at Kusrwall, Georgia. All of the deII. of Rosebud. Ner., Mr. II. Ilrowu, tails or tho original structure will lie Is In Mcrrur Stop Thoe HeaH looking the enmp over preserved, even to the furniture and and business In mining transacting whole and the decorations, aches. landscape will no doubt atirnrt unusual alien same rich Nevada properties. i ytfJWi arfLy Those Dizzy Spells Hon. GEStftKSiX George Z. Kdwnrds, who has been at The great Keystone slate will repro That Strain. a of Eye better Is the part Ycrington, spent duee old Independence hall, which . He the pride of lhlladelphlii. and fondly week nt the Ncvada-Douglareferred to as the Cradle of Utterly. think this la one of the coming big Alexander-Dlbbl-e The original building was erected as copper mines of tho country. Great the worked presare In by being Fnrnu-rlfor IVnns.vIvanla. House things a State Alexander Optical Co. 1741. In It the Continental Congress ent efficient management. Atlas Block, Salt Lake City. Both Phones 4444. E f EDITORIALS. jjpr u News Items Local CALIFORNIA , Aim-rica- e BEST REACHED VIA THE NEW AND POPULAR hiit-pUH- inU-u-tln- . . .WINTER RATES,.. Shortest and best line to Bullfrog and Nevada's Mineral To nop ah Railroad. Ask Belt, via The Las Vegas the Agent, but specify San Pedro, Los Angeles 41 Salt Laks . J. H. BVRTNER. D. P. A.. Salt Lake City S INDUSTRIAL WORKERS TAILORING CO. Every The only huinse In Salt Lake City placing the Union label on popular clothing. priced, custom-madSUITS FROM $22.00 UPWARD. PANTS FROM 6.50 UPWARD. f Garment Bears ili Label. Rooms This m Nothing but 9 w Of ft guaranteed all wool made up. good 18-1- ox Eagle Block, Salt Lake City. Sir l)r. Miles' Pills Cure Headache Dia-gine- SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD. CANYON of the GRANDE ss, g Prevent nuiu-euvre- J PANORAMA EAGLE V OF NATURAL RIVER WAGON BEAUTY ALL CANYON. WHEEL GAP. GLENWOOD THE WAY. CANYON of the GUNNISON. GARDEN THREE THROUGH TRAINS. SPRINGS. OF THE GODS. MANITOU SPRINGS. THE ROYAL GORGE. THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOURIST 8LEEPERS. h TO DENVER. ? ST. LOUIS AND For Folders, Booklet, Etc., Address k CHICAGO I. A. BENTON, G. A. P. D b 5. Salt Lake City. Sounds Big, but if s True - . - If you want to talk with every town in Utah, Idaho Montana and Wyoming, you MUST have the BELL. Otherwise you CAN'T! - ittxzm lgggddiM444d Co. I 230-31-3- 2 We Cure Men For in New House, New Furniture, Elegantly Furnished Suite. 4,I8k" j I No Pay Unless Cured Pure Gold Rings ha? Rooms, Single or WE ARE THE CATARRH Flours: a. tn. to SALT I p. m.; evenings, t LAKE to 1:10; Sunday, I MEDICAL a. m. to II nogn, INSTITUTE, 159V s. MAIN ST., SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. liniA i CANADIAN We Want Every Man in the Country Who Is Afflicted to Write Us About His Ailment. WHO CURE all suahl end skrsai. dlisasa of th. Tkro.X Xldnsjr. Bladder .rid Bew.il, HmM DIic.m, 8na Uw, DImum, Dvsfnsu, Fit Cherts, Bkauutiaa, PIIsl BmtureT Lest M.ehwdT viff mssIs, Oanerrheu, Braklll frastetls Troubl.i, and Chreua Kerreas and Frivoia Dlosossa of Man, Worn. ud children. SI trsnhnsnt er iljTfSr'n snre piunissi II a Bsnlki msdlslnas free for nil skrsnis dissnsan. lamtat Not only In Balt Uk City, but In tha whola t'actflo West. Th results of our work are bringing to our ofprofession! fice men from every sluts and Territory In the West. Ws use the miaomsonpe to make our diagnosis. If you want a permanent cure, consult us. Wo cure all forms of Blood nd Skin Plseieea. Nervous Decline. IMh-s- . Fistula. Kidney, Bladder and all Urinary IXsesse due to Weakness and tlis result cf speetro diseases, and all Private Dlneuses of Men. OUR SYSTKM OF TREATING Is superior to any In this country, and our curse are the result of these methods. We never foil to effect a cure lu any ease we take. If you suffer from noglert, from sent of or from unskilled practice hsre la an. opportunity to get tbs servicesimmey of a skilled phyali-lnna of with specialist, years graduate rips experience in trenllng complicated and apanlal disorders of MEN ONLY. It wll cost to talk to us. and may be the means of restoring you to health and nothing happiness. not Our call offirea You aee only tho doctor. Why art very private. today? Our fee being eo low, It enables many who are afflicted to procure the highest scientific medical aaalstanre Terms mads to suit If necessary, ao that anyone need not go without treatment. Telephones have this OUTSIDE. DOCTORS AWA44A4AA4A444ANVWWVWVWAAA4AAAAAA4A4A4AAtWY Leading Specialists INSIDE. TUXEDO! Opposite Elks' Club, Salt Lake City, 44 S. State St. Steam Heat, Hot and Cold Water, Public and Private Bath. Ratee Reasonable Independent Phone 2117 . . M.T. MARKS, Prop. Consultation Free. k" 18 PACIFIC RAILWAY CONSULTATION FREE Ore. Shores' Ere Deportment far the gnlsk sore ef ell bsln la shore " Xssfis4. ,UtfOsassltatisn ead Ad else Free. proper fltting !. 7 ye ore' stondlng. England, via Detroit and the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Through car service from Chicago. Rates of fare and further information from A. C. SHAW. General Agent Passenger Department 232 South Clark Street. Chicago Ere DImbici and for the Bpssisli i on the Eye sf ,i,8h0T.h,r treetment and ear. nil Prirats Diseatea of Man. vhstksr eenesd by rely Icnsrensct axemsss nr sanUgioiij Young men who ham been led eitrey by bed ssmpenlens middle-ecemsn whs have gone ta sxaeuss old men whs and tbelr esxnaf gone nnfurtnnetss whs hers wmtraetsd diieesss the rlstlms sf Bleed Poises rigsr end .there whs jsd th. sf And all principal points in Canada and New a 1 A Special Department for Men. Spsslsl DspsrUnsnt ex elnet for the C TORONTO. OTTAWA. MONTREAL. QUEBEC. PORTLAND. BOSTON. for"c-Unrh- Invited Is eoniult sure Is the sure ondor DHU. BHOREBMObng METHODS la all Private Dleeseee. that you may arrange Is pay the fee fa a ears la em.ll weakly or monthly installments, ee the ears progresses, or yea may PAY WHEN CURED. DKS. SHORES advartita 'retas" far any ailment" and then charge yea tow times e. mash "Ingle the amount advertised becanae the ease Is "eompU. at cetod." Drs. Shores leave that to the 'Take Medical Dre. Shore guarantee that one fee pays laelitatea." for ALL jour ailments If they treat your seat ead that th fee for a CUBE win bo cheaper than yea sea be Dre. Shores alee furnish your eared for elsewhere. FREE there Is na "hold op" for "MedialnM" after yon have arranged the fee. Queeka and Fakir, resort to such Irickt to rob the unwary but Legitimate ahhor end denonnr them. lieu are of any fakir who hide behind a "feke Mtdl-re- l Instilulo" berenso he dare not edrrrliw under lus uwn name. There must be e reseon fur It. Il .m Tree 'meni Cures, time for Free Symptom List If yon Ptnnut rail. nnaul!atinn free. 10 IlOLR9: p- . T to I; Sunday, and kohdey. ig . m.to 'la? Bo' wtd-lein- s "" Drs. Shores & Shores, Expert Specialists, 2 W-San $' wity, utih |