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Show HO MAKE Hi" IHE PRESIDENT CONFERS CAN THE GOVERNMENT OH EXCEPTIONS IHE RAILROAD ISSUE KILLED Range Fences Must Come Down gardless of Consequences. 6ays Commissioner Caif.cld. Re- Sunset Express Meets Disaster in California. Twenty-si- x Lives Beins Lost. 'e Washington. p:Mili III, In b- - ' 'i l:i'kH of ilniibi'l slaii-- that (lii,..nil s Spread of Fever Continues and Heavy Rains Increase the Famine Misery. - It'li-uia- 1 Ya filing 'nit Au iinMirtant confer-cm-- was belli at the White House l. at which the railroad on was discussed. Present were Spasmodic Rioting Haa Occurred, But Nn.-imjf ilit Treasury Cortelyou, The Outbreaks Hava Not Been notary of Hie Interior Garfield, Serioua Relief Organization io Secretary of State Lacon, Taxed to the Utmost. "li.iii-maKnapp aud Special Counsel I: F. Kellog of ihe Interstate Coin-1- , i re commission and all the mem-1- , Shanghai The stricken that commission, except of Chinese have lifcu r act Itlng Prouty and Cockrell, who are lu localities where the distress out of ihe city. The conference lasted Is mom ucuie. The spread of fever iwu and a half hours. continue and the heavy rains are Ai.er the conference adjourned it the general misery. Spas- was slated that the meeting was modic riming has occurred, but the called to outline a scheme to be preoutbreak have not serious. The sented to the next congress for the famine relief organization Is taxed to federal regulation of railroads. Thu the utiuoM iu supervising the dlstrt lilaii promised by Jacob II. Hehiff for situation, billion of relief and iu niunaghig the remedying the railroad lia-- i attracted u great deal cl relief works. The committee is ap. which attention, wa not taken up at the puuliug for more voluntary helper Mr. Kellog. who has conference. targe orders fur grair. have been chat fie of the Ifarrlinan investigation, in America. Auatralla and denied that this question was brought placed up at I In conference. Bianchuria. sit-mi- Inins, he cannot make aii d- par ure from Trainmen Left Switch Open and the the order rc4u1ri1.fi lhal loneoil lilt: . a Derailed Governor Heavily Laden Train public lands I10 ie:uuw-dWhile Running Forty Miles was addressed lo III; llrooka an Hour Three Men Are of agiiculiiire. ami is as folsecretary Arreeted. lows: Owing to (he 'iMit of can In range in l.aramli-- . Allmiiv and Ciiiiverwt CViion. fai cun ii tb niovi ilins counties, V wiuiir-:- , it wmibl bn very rw k In Iht bi.liiry of the daiigi-roiiIron to have all ihe fences reKuiitlii-rurrnl one and a moved lhal Im sil ut Itisisevili fias Inr'.flc ( tl.is loan Tbiirila l.alf mile wmilil Is at ordered down, ns nlii'O a 11 bound Train No. 9. from and spread illsean everywhere. largo Tor S:ui Fratulwo. ran New Orl-aA few months' t.'iu- - should I given n vs itch while xoiug at Into au herds these rattlcmen to dip t hr rale of fort) n.lW an hour, and before the fence onb-- Is eiifoired.' wore dr. (i of (hr foiirtMii roarlir The eoiiiiiiiiiiieatiiui was referred by railed alih Irlclittul results. Twenty-Gar-fielSecretary Wilson to Hcreiary six Kr:aiiin an known to have lioeti and the latter leplleil: k HIhI and the final list will probably "As eoiigresH did not amend Ihe show more than this number. The Infencing law as suggested by ihe dejured number IOii, many of whom will partment, I cannot make exception re tile. garding sM'cial fences. The facts t.i The wrecked coaches were hurled which ASSEMBLY FOR FILIPINOS. you refer were fully known laat In every direction. Pour of them were Interests eat tlm lie aim to winter sheep Mont of the oinaiihed to fragments. Election in July if Commission Redead were liallana from New York affected, and ample notice was given ports Favorably. Fran-rlarenwent San no New result. Orleana and of tho legislation going lo Washington. The Philippine comThey occupied the smoker and acted. No 'action other than Ihe enday couch. forcement of ihe law ran now la tak- mission lias been instructed by cable The derailment of the train waa en tiy the government. to inform President Roosevelt whethcanned by the crew of a switch ener a condition of general and comtlila at awltch a open leariiiK gine SCENT GRAFT IN BILL. point. plete Nuce, with recognition of the 1.. K. Alvoi'4, W. K. Da via and J. O. Colorado of ilu Uulicd States, has of Debt authority For Bg Funding flueiwnmeycr, member of the switch-lu- g iu all that ixfliou of the continued Strike. crew who are accused of leuvlng and mualng tint (be awlleh om-i- i Denver. The bill lo fund the debt archlimlago nut inhabited by Moras or tribes for 'the .'wreck, were taken Into custody and incurred by the stale through ihe op- other held In tl.iuiu Imll by Coroner Van If two the answer la in ycurs. past the militia atute during erations of the Wye. strike of coal ami metalliferous miner. the affirmative the president will diWENT ON RAMPAGE. three years ago reached final passage rect the commission to call a general The bill ejection July 30 fui the choice of in the legislature Friday. Sailors Front Battleship Connecticut received the twenty Republican votes delegates to Hie first lKipular assemAct Like 8avagee. in Ihe senate and the solid opiswlllon bly of the people of the Philippines. aalloro Oho hundred Va, Norfolk, of the Democrats. Il now goes to tho The proMiM!d assembly, consisting ot from the battleship Concetlciit, while governor for signal lire. The bill as two houses, tho upsr composed of on route from Willoughby tq, Portress passed provides for a bond Issue of the Philippine commission and the lower of the delegates to be elected, Mouroo, upon thn passenger steamer 1:100,000. Two years ago a similar will take over all the legislative powOcean View, without apparent cause bill providing for an Issue of bonds in er now exercised by the Philippine Under an act of took forcible charge of the steamer the sum of ysiiO.Ouil failed of passage commission alom and pul the crew lo rout. The anlloia by reason of the adjournment of tho congress none of the members of the tritms can participate In broke windows and doors, drove tho legislature. It was understood then the elections. rooks from the galley, imured out all that supporters of the measure had MEXICO AS PEACEMAKER. 4 provisions aboard, dumiied on deck offered to compromise with their oppotunieil kitchen In stove, Ihe Bro.lu the nents ou a bond Issue of 1000,000.Is Asked to Intervene to End CenirJB team on the fire exllnguianera and the bill in tho senate Friday, opposing did other damage. American War. faWhen the steamer landed at Fort- a number of Democratic members of Mexico. of Mexico has been tho vored City payment unhesitatingly ress Monroe the sailors hurried aboard contracted requested liy the republic of Salvador Ihe Connect lent. Their names are not all legitimate indebtedness In sevto intervene and use Its best efforts known. The owners of tho steamer during the reign of tlm military and three eral ago raniM years mining and bill for damages will make out a In Central Amerto bring alxiut e oud It to the commander of the Con- declared they were willing to support ica. Dr. Ilultazar Kstuplman, the necticut. ATTACK ON RAILROADS. minister of Mexico from Salvador, received a telegram from hla governHUGHITT SEES PRESIDENT. Suit Filed to Enjoin tho Payment of ment saying Salvador was withdrawDividends by Southern Pacific. But Not to Diacuas Railroad Situation, ing her troops from Hondurai terriChicago. Attorney Henry Crawford tory and was eager for jieace. Dr. la Statement Given Out. of thla city announced Friday that a Estuplnian then conferred with PresWashington. Marvin il. Hughltt, In equity In behalf of the Crocker ident Diaz. Aa a result of the cun bill president of the Chlcugo k NorthKslate company of San Francisco and ference a message was sent to Am of tho member a western railroad, board of trustees of the foundation Thomas II. Hubbard of New York, has bassador Creel in Washington by the AusThe contents of this disfor the promotion of industrial peace, been filed In the circuit court at president. PaSouthern the that Tex., asking tin, were not made public, but it Is at waa among the president's guests patch luncheon Thursday. Ollier incmlieri cific railroad company be restrained staled on good authority that Prescomident I Muz has Instructed Mr. Creel to of the board present included St'ore-larle- s from paying dividends upon its Join tiie American government in deto $4.0iMMMHi. mon stocks amounting Seth Wilson and Straus, Low, the cessation of hostilities. The court la asked to decree that manding haa Thomas fl. llush, Luhor Commissionbeen an active ally of Salvador tho Union Pacific railroads controls Honduras. er Neill and James II. Reynolds. It was said at the While House that and operates a system of railroad MAD HOUSE FOR THAW., klr. ItuKhltt'a visit was not for the which Is I11 constant and natural compurpose of discussing the railroad sit- petition with the Southern Pacific beuation w ith the preld Mil. Secretary tween Sun Francisco and New Or- Court Suspends Trial and Appoints a loch anlil that other than the lunch- leans. contrary to public policy and Commission in Lunacy. eon fur Thursday. Mr. Ilughiit had in violation of laws of the United the New York. Harry K. Thaw may Ihe no engagement wlih president. States and the laws of Texas." never again fare the jury empaneled more than nine weeks ago to try him Subject to Awful Abuee. EFFORT TO FIX BLAME. on the churgc of murder in the first Thun. Sw llxerland. Mile. Tatlna launtieff, the Kusslan wmnnn who Inquest at Colton Develops That degree. J mil Ice Pllzgcrald ou Tuesmurdered a Prenchnmn named MuSwitching Crew waa Inexperienced. day unexpectedly ordered a coinmls-alo- n In lunacy to inquire into tho ller at Interlaken In Scpieinlier last, Colton, Cal. The list of those who met death in Ihe wreck of the Sunset present state of mind of Slzufnrd mistaking him for M. Durnovo, an of the Interior of Russia, hns express, which was wrecked Thurs- White's slayer. The decision of tho disinterested men mimed ., onbeen sentenced to four years soli- day afternoon In Ihe Southern Pacific three conduct the inquiry will guide the futary confinement and to twenty years yards, was completed Friday, and the ture action of Ihe rourt as In orderThe search for additional bodies of the de- ing Thaw to an asylum, or directing expulsion from the country. had molished cars were abandoned as use- that the trial shall proceed. she that prisoner complained been sentenced lo four years solb less. The corrected list of dead. InWorst ia Now Over. by the examining magistrate auil the cluding two men who have died since, Cal. AltluniKii ail thn Sacramento, prlsnn wardens, who. when called to ia twenty-two- . Eighteen of these were rich island districts between Gwrt-lanihe witness stand, were unable to d Italians, nearly all of whom were imanil Anltoch arc under water deny the clinrgea. Frau-ciscmigrants on their way to San and thousands of dollars of damago Youthful Murdresa Insane. haa boon done by Hie recent flood, tho A half dozen witnesses were examCarntel. N. Y. The Jury found Jen reports from down Hie river may bo nla Rnreh not gnllty on account of ined, incimllii!; the switching crew that termed enthusiastic. The worst has been blamed for ihe acridenL The her being Insane. It is believed thlf testimony deemed of most Importance over, the water Is fullim:. nil district verdict will result in her committal was that relating to Ihe experience of not already flooded will be saved and o the Mattcawan asylum dor the the men who rotuimsed the crew. It waa the determined people w ho were drivot work one been that had admitted criiuinul Insane. Jennie Iturch, who two days; that the service of a en from their homes are preparing to la 15 years old, was tried for the but second had been but two weeka dura- go back and begin over, to build their murder by poisoning of a child named tion, and thut the third hail been em- levees higher and lo 'save their lands from disaster in the Wlushlp. It was shown Miss Lurch ployed in the yards three weeks. One. was suffering from a mental malady, the fireman ot the awltch engine, had which dulled her understanding. never reud the rules of the yard. MURDERED HIS MOTHER. Vice President of Life Insurance ComBLOW AT SUCKER INDUSTRY. Drunken Californian Confesses ts An pany Must Do Time. New Law Makes Gambling a Felony In Awful Crime. , SL Paul. The slate supreme court of Texas. Statee Cal. Oakland. Kurland II. ha denied the appeal of Dr. Jacob F. Austin, Texas. Governor Campbell berg has confessed to ih detectives Force of M!nnaioll, who waa sentenced to three years In the state has signed the bill making gambling a that he murdered his mother, Rr, felony In Texas. The bill provided a Martha I. Roderberg, whose body was prison on conviction of misapprofound on Sunday last locked In a priating ft;;:, of the funds of the penitentiary sentenre for any person closet at her home on II street. National Life Insur- convicted of gambling, a Jail penalty Oakland. He gave a history ofNorth Northwestern ance company while he waa lie vice for the owner of a building In which crime lu detail, claiming that he waa president. I lining the release of Dr. gambling devices are kept, and Impris- drunk at the time and that his mother Force on ball pending hla appeal he onment for thirty days for any person had angered him by upbraiding him has spent most of hla time In Cali- found guilty of playings ranis In a pri- for not treating her right. 1 a for house vate be. to believed where prlxc. he fornia, - Scheme for Federal Regulation of the Roade Discussed by Roosevelt and His Advisers. y ji-- canul-baliH- n Ix-e- iufi-cie- r d n SAYS IT WOULD MEAN GRAFT. Clark Opposed to Government Control of Rvilroada. W. A. Clark, Boston. of Mon tuna, in an interview expressed his views cm the railroad sltuaticn. Senator Clark is 0 posed to Fedcial ownership, believing that It would result in disgraceful isilltlcal graft, eoiniietcnt men could not be to work under gov- found fur executive w But he does not control. eminent think there is any danger of government ownership. He believes that tho t rate law Is unconstitutional and works undue hardships on roads In the west. He thinks that the courts will suspend the law in some cases on the ground that is confiscatory In unjustly depriving the roads of property where they are obliged to operate at a loss miller its provisions. lie-ca- twn-ren- 100,000,000 DIVIDENDS. April Disbursements of Railroads and Other Corporations Will be Large. disbursements Dividend Boston, for the month of April will' total over $10().iHiO,OiiO for the Disbursements of tire countrythirty-on- e leading railroads and industrial corporations alone will raise The two 175.000,000. Harriman roads. Union Pacific and Southern Pacific, will pay out $11,705,341 and I4.94C.231 resiectivclya while Canadian Pacific will pay $5,01 5,807 and 8L Paul y4.G39.800. Southern Pacific will also pay Interest, $1,018,579, and the Atchison $3,082,690. Northern Pacific interest will he $1,622,860. American Smelting will disburse the largest dividend of any industrial. $1,850,00, and American Sugar will he second with $1,575,000 and General Electric thinl, - $1,304,000. NO MORE NEGROES FOR ARMY. Black Men Now in tha Service to be Sent to Philippinee. Houston, Texas. Anouncement. was made Wednesday at the local recruiting station that orders have been received from the war Ueiuirtment at Washington. Instructing that no more negroes lie aoepted for service In Ihe army; also that ell negro troops in the United States will lie dispatched forthwith to the Philippines. AM HIS PLACE IS THE ASYLUM. Colorado Youth Trie to Blow up County Hoapitaf. Cripple Creek. Colo. Roy Lour-qnln- , aged 17. is under arrest, charged with attempling lo blow up the County hospital. The boy placed several sticks of dynamite in the furnace of the hospital, and had It exploded, heavy loss of life would have resulted. I.ourquin has a mania for blowing np things, and about a year ago lost an eye and his right hand as the resalt of an explosion. 1 Witness Loses Easy Money. During Wednesday's Washington. session of the trial of Linger Hermann for alleged misconduct while commissioner of the land office. Judge Stafford fined Witness A. G. King of Seattle $300 for refusing to obey a summons which mnde It necessary for him ,0 be brought to Washington by a marshal. King's fee and mileage as a This will witness amount to $304. leave him sufficient funds to pay for his return to Seattle, which was the basis of the flue. Disastrous Dynamite Exploaion. Atlanta. Ga. As a result of the explosion of eight rases of dynamite In standing near the Southfreight railw freight depot on Peters ern street, two negroes were killed, mis was fatally injured and several others were severely Injured. Three freight rars were wrecked. The dynamite Is reported to have been shipiied from Ihe Dupont company's branch store iu Savannah to Atlanta, and was declared to have been exploded by percussion caps. ur NEWS SUMMARY MINES AND MINING Tha German steamer Tlera has been annk in the North sea, with the lost of twenty-on- e Uvea. The upper house of the Danish diet has passed a bill carrying the adoption of the metric system of measures in Denmark. The Russian evacuation of Manchuria I complete. The last battalion of Russian troop left Harbin Thursday of Iasi week. Thirty woman suffragists were arrested Wednesday afternoon for attempting lo force an entrance Into the House of Commons. Six former or present attendants of the State hospital for the insane at Cleveland. O., were indicted laat week for alleged attacks on patients. As the result of a collision between a passenger train and a freight train at Turuschiche station, seventeen perInsons were killed and thirty-fiv- e jured. Mrs. James Tolbert, wife of former Mayor Tolbert of Fairmont, Ga., waa brutally assaulted aud her baby was murdered by a negro at theii home. Secretary Tuft and party which is to accompany him to Panama, Cuba and Porto Rico will go on the Mayflower, which the navy department has placed at their disposal. Peasants have again invaded Botos-sahn- l and set fire to different parts of the town, especially the Jewish quarters. Trooim intervened and severs.1 of the peasants were killed or wounded. Every man in Fort Dodge, Iowa, he tween the ages of 25 and 45 years must become a married man or pay a fine, aa the result of an ordinance Introduced by Mayor Bennett and passed by the city council. Count Arco, in his vireless telephone experiments, says a Berlin dispatch, haa succeeded in obtaining distinct exchanges of words In a tolerable natural voice at a distance of two miles, by using poles thirty feet high. Two corps of Western Pacific engineers are surveying the proposed line between Ely, Nevada, and ths main line of the Western Pacific, and will complete their preliminary work within the next thirty days. Mrs. Fred Belasco, wife of the senior partner of the Alcazar theatre and known on the stage under the name of Juliet CroBby, died suddenly In San Francisco, and an hour later M. L. Mayer, Mr. Belaaeo'a partner, died of the shock. Edward Howell, one of the moat Influential negroes In southern Mississippi and president of the People bank, of Hattiesburg, Miss., waa shot in the back and killed while on hia way home late at night No motive la known. A Santa Fe freight locomotive holier exploded at Simms, Cal., killing Fireman J. B. Kerr and fatally scalding Engineer P. Barnum. Brakeman J. L. McElcry waa badly hurt Four cars were demolished and the track blocked with wreckage. The new smelter at Ogden Is rui ning smoothly and Is handling a goodly quantity of ore. During the week past a total of 230,-59- 5 shares of slock, with a selling value of $2(j6,G54.55, changed hands on the Salt take mining stock A murder trial presenting features of unusual interest Vegan at Carmet, Ilia., Monday, when Jennie Burch, a fourteen-year-olgirl will be called on to answer the charge of poisoning Wilbur Wlnship, a child whose nurse she was. President Baer of the Reading Railroad company haa been authorized by the board of directors of hia company to advance the age limit of employees from 35 to 45 years. This is in line with the recent action of the Pennsylvania Railroad company. When Mrs. tavi Jett, of Ashland, Ky., was bathing her infant, she suddenly was seized with a pain in the head, it la said, and fell dead. The babe fell from the lifeless arms of Its mother into a tub of hot water and was scalded to death. Governor Folk of Missouri haa signed the bill passed by the last legislature making It a felony to operate a bucketshop In this state: the penalty clause also includes any telegraph or telephone company which furnishes information to a bucketshop. Arthur Bean killed his wife with an ax at North Baltimore, O., and then committed suicide by shooting himself. Bean had forbidden his wife visiting her family. Shq visited her parents at night, and he Induced her to go home and then murdered her. The court of inquiry appointed to determine the cause of the explosion of March 12 on the battleship lena. decided that the disaster was caused by a spontaneous explosion of B powder, due to decomposition and the elevation of the temperature of the magazine. Major C. W. Penrose, of the Twenty-fifth Infantry haa been acquitted of the charge of neglect of duty, preferred against him at the Instance of President Roosevelt for alleged misconduct in connection with the "shoot-tag-up- " of Brownsville, Tex., by negro soldiers. Prince Hermann von Hohenlohe Iangcnbcrg, viceroy of Alsace-Loraln- . has arrived at Berlin to make a personal report to Emperor William on the mine disaster at Forbach. The cause of the explosion by which seventy-four persons lost their Uvea has aot yet been decided. d d At the Boulder group of claims near Idaho City, Idaho, a force of twenty sien haa lie n at work since last July, but this number will be Increased to ftfty the coming season. What is believed to be an entirely sew vein Iia Jusl been opened in the properties of the Mason Valley Mines mmpany at Yeringtun, assays showing .he ore to run 11.8 per cent copper. Arrangement a are about completed for the ailjustment of the Raven Mining company's affairs. Directors have voted to ask for authority to increase the capital front 500,000 to 1,000,000 shares ut $1 each. Machinery for a dredge at Jack Rabbit Springs, Wyo.. will be installed aa soon as the weather will permit on the placer ground, which ia 125 acres in extent and of an average thickness of live feet. The sand runs 50 cents a rard In gold. Dennis Ryan, one of the four own- ers of the Horn Silver .mine at Frisco, Beaver county, who cleaned up a fortune in the ground in the early days and then sold the property for $5,000 000, Is out from St. Paul looking after interests which he still retains In this section. The recent copper discoveries east ef Monroe, Utah, in what Is known as Main canyon. Is causing a lot of talk among mining men. Some very rich ore has been taken out and at present the Indication are qnite favorable. The locators are making nn effort to begin the development of some of the properties. The raise at the Ely Witch has been completed and will hereafter be used as the main working shaft of the mine. The raise is from the Witch tunnel and the distance from the tnnnel to the surface is 260 feet , A well is being driven by the churn drill in. front of the mine boarding house to supply the miners with water. Considerable interest is being manifested In and around Koosharem, Wayne county, Utah, over the discovery of some very rich ore which had. been exposed In the roots of trees pulled up for wood. This is the third time that good ore has been found in this manner, and this time an Investigation is being made. The Pittsburg Silver Peak Consolidated has a force of 250 men at work p mill at Silver. on the new Peak, Kev. Nearly all of the machinery la on the ground, and It is calculated that the mill will be In commisA large force of sion by miners is employed In the mine, blocking out ore. tons of ore from Its For forty-fiv- e Idaho properties the Welmcr Mining company last week pulled down s check from the smelting company for The control assays gav $2,711.67. the copper contents of the rock at 16.34 per cent. This Is the twelfth carload shipped since last November, when the initial lot hit the market. The governing Board of the Salt Lake mining exchange has posted aa Important notice. In effect, it Is that any broker found cutting commissions, or accepting any commission aside from the amount fixed by exchange rules, will be fined $100 and suspended for ninety days for the first offense; for the second offense, he will be fined $?0 and suspended for six months; and for the third offense he will be excluded from the exchange without the privilege of Owners of the Kindergarten claims In the Seven Troughs district, Nevada, report the performances of tho mines e se being sensational, gold area being the characteristics, and the high grade values running up aa high as $?800 per ton. Recent developments in the Aura King mine, east of Tuscarora. Nev have disclosed a vein about four feet wide, carrying gold values all through, but most Important is a twenty-inc- h streak of high grade stuff, carrying $350 In gold per ton. Among the latest enterprises of the bustling young camp of Wonder, Nevada, la the organization of a .movement among the stock brokers to hold Informal meetings daily at each other's offices and, when the time le ripe, open a stock exchange. While waiting for the gasoline hoist and other equipment to arrive upon the Beaver county property of tho Utah and New York Copper company, the management is doing some inves tlgating upon the lower levels of the property, where work was done some time ago. Agents for the Guggenhclms are said to be bidding on the Boston curb for large blocks of Giroux Consolidated stock at around $9 for control. Engineers for the Guggenhehns are now examining the properties at Ely camp, Nevadn. and it le expected to report shortly. The Silver Peak Ynlcnlda, at Silver is pushing construction Peek, Nev p work on Its new mAL All the machinery has been received, aud If there is no unexpected delay, (he Stamps will be dropping Inside of ninety days. Development work Is pro recsing as usual In the mine. 100-stam- r. high-grad- ten-stam- |