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Show 7 THE ALTA INDEPENDENT Vol. , Alta, Utah, Vednesbay, April 3, 1907. . The Alta Inuependen. Published Every Wednesday. By the THE INDEPENDENT PUBLISHING COMPANY. Offlee of publication, Poutofflce, Alta, Utah. One year, subscription: 2.00; six months, fl.25; three months, Entered as the cents. 75 second-clas- s at Alta, Utah. poutofflce matter at TTT O. C. DESPALN,... LOCAL MANAGER. . ALTA BRIEFS. SupL J. E. Beveridge, of the Emma Con. and Con. Flagstaff, went down to Salt Lake to attend the Shriner ceremonial. J Jl d J has returned from an ex- tended trip through California and Nevada mining camps. He reports them busy and prosperous. Ho found Yep ington especially lively. Jl J Work on the South Columbus properties is also being actively pushed, with sufficient money in the treasury to make of the proposition one of the large producers of the d district. Jl js Active development is being prosecuted at the City Rocks, where a foot tunnel Is to be driven to tap' the splendid ore bodies 800 feet below the bottom of the present deepest workings. 0, J Jl Albion has already reached the sulphide tone and with still greater depth will tap the same character of rich sulphide ores that has made a marvel of the Columbus Consolidated. Jl Jl Con. Friday,- - the 27th, Columbus sold as low as 55.25, but. immediately the next sale took a jump up to The same day 200 shares of 55.85. jsouth Columbus were sold and 100 at at Vi 51-1- 51-2- Jl Jl On the 26th ulL 50 shares of Columbus Con. sold at 5.45 and 75 at .f 5.50. The same day 400 shares of south Columbus sold at 51.07 Vi. Wednee- 51-0- at iffo' andf8ou th CkjTu at m b us 400 51.20. TRANSPORTATION FOR ALTA. 3-- Jf I. 3-- 3-- at MARBLE Bulk Is gaining Wont you ts BOUQUETS FOR JACOBSONS. To the Indefatigable industry and enerey of Manager Tony Jacobson and bis brother, A. O. Jacobson, are the Columbus Conoslldated company and the camp indebted for their present prosperity and promise of future greatSo spake W. J. Robinson, a ness. representative mining man, "While working for the best interests of their own companies, they have shown a spirit of fairness toward all Interests in the camp With which they have so long been prominently identified. They have also had the best welfare of the company's employes at heart The comfortable board and lodging house, with its clean rooms, iron beds, spring mattresses, hot plunge baths, reading rooms and other conveniences and comforts are things that it Is Impossible for the visitor to overlook. "At the Columbus Consolidated and all other properties in the camp, for that matter, a spirit of oiitimlsm is everywhere present and it bodes good the dlsrlct. EVOLUTION ILLUSTRATED. It Is estimated .that the shadow or the Kewhouse building, when will reich the corner of Third South and Main, at high noon, on this WHISKEY, In Bond) new friends every day. try itf For Sale Every- - RIEGER A LINDLEY, The Whiakey Merchants. Salt Lake CUy. Bole Distributors. . 5 d ore-hous- SPRING A Bottled 4-- 5 7325.6 scheme of providing Alta properties with better transportation facilities seems very well worked out. It is stated by those who should know that it is the Intention of the capitalists connected with the Continental Alta company to extend the railroad from Sandy to Wasatch. At Wasatch will be erected a huge in which will be separate for the producing mines of Alta. From Wasatch to Alta the present tram will be overhauled and rebuilt raised to a degree of efficiency demanded by the occasion. It is also understood that this new tramway will 'be in a reasonbly perfected condition for operation Inside of ninety days. There can be no question of the wisdom of providing Alta mines with some means of reaching the local ore market with their resources. Such a thing has been mentioned and planned ever since Alta began to show merits during the rejuvenation period. The Columbus Consolidated company will be able to send from the mine by the new means a tonnase of or that will serve to demonstrate, the richness of the property and camp, while other properties now well under the process of development will be able to demand a liberal space in the o rehouse at Wasatch. com-pb-tP- of 99; thence N. 10 deg. 37 deg. 23 min. E, 1120.4 feet, R. A. B. offlee of the County Recorder at Salt E. 13(14 feet to interseet line N. 42 deg. 4)6 min. E. 2808.4 feet. Cup City, in Salt County, Utah. of Klarti.a; tlieuee H. 37 deg. 33 min. nearest known locations being 1! feet to corner Na 3 of Martha; negie N. 52 deg. 31 min. K. 1605.8 feet, The aforesaid conflicting claims. Hence N. f.2 deg. 24 min. E. 840 feet Martha N. 50 deg. 37 min. E. 3573.8 the I direct this notice be published Corner No. 4 of R. A. B.; thence feet 99 N. 47 deg. 08 min. K. 4947.4 in the Altathst Independent at Alta, Utah, B, 37 deg. 30 min. E. 6(H) feel to Cop feet and Joe N. 50 deg. 05 min, E. the newspaper published nearest the f R- - A. 11.; thence N. 44 deg. 5581.7 feet distant. said mining claims, for the period of course The E. 1481.8 feet to Corner Na and leugth of presumed weeks. f K. A H.; thence N. 37 each vein or lode line Is as shown up- nine deg. 36 on E D. It THOMPSON, the plat of survey. Said consoliI'Jii. W. 23.3 feet to intersect line 4 of Carnegie; thence 8. 82 deg. 20 min. dated lode claims form a portion of the Register. - 130.7 feet to Corner Na 4 of K. E. Ross, Claimant's Atty. part of Tp. 3 8 R. 3 E. Cap uusurveyed t hence N. 7 deg. 40 mini. E. S. L. B. ft M. Utah, said lode location First publication dated Mar. 27, 1907, 1 feet to intersect line of Ida-n- mining claim being of record In tbe publication, May 22, 1907. thence S. 82 deg. 20 min. H. 5.g feet to Corner No. 4 of Idamay; tlence N. 7 deg. 40 min. E. 1500 feet fa beginning, survey of exterior boun-asrle- s Offlee. Salt United States tl Lake City. Utah, March 21. 1907. Notice Is hereby given that Mountain Lake Mining company by Ha agent and attorney in fact, Jacob Evans, whose postofflre address is Provo City, Utah, has made application for s United States patent for ilie Jennie K. Angler. Wedge and Wedge No. 1 lode mining claims con- nle; solidated, situate In Big Cottonwood, Little Cottonwood and American Fork and Utah Kilning Districts, Salt counties, Ulsh, consisting of 792, 1499.1, 1500 and 1491.8 linear feet reof the consolidated claims, spectively of said hales and surface ground as shown upon the plat of Cflatainins a net area of 92.343 acres, and 5607 ttifeby claimed and applied for. Survey, being Survey No. I'he areas in conflict with Magnet described in the field notes and WHt of the official survey on file In tula Buvey No. 3787, Jack Mine Survey offlee, with magnetic variation at 17 N 3788, May Flower No. 3786, Brigh-t- o Lot Na 147, Catherine Lot Na 148, degrees 00 minutes east, as follows: Begginging at corner No. 1 of Gl Liter Survey No. 3785, Sun Beam and Si vey No. 3789 and Snow Drift Sup Wedge lode claim, of this Survey, running thence S. 42 deg. 14 min. K. vi No. 37S4 are expressly excepted 240 feet to corner No. 2 of Wedge: sip excluded. thence S. 53 deg. 20 mtn. W. 1496.2 he quarter section corner on South feet to corner No. 3 of Wedge; thence be indary line of Section 35, Tp. 2 8., corner to 1491.8 W. 27 S. 64 deg. min. R 3 E. bears as follows from Corner 42 N. No. 3 of Wedge No. 1; thence N4 1 of each claim: Idamay N. 40 deg. 14 min. W. 6'Ml feet to corner No. 4 of Wedge No. 1; thence N. 13 deg. 16 mitt. V. 600 feet to corner No. 4 of Jennie K; thence N. 65 deg. 28 min. E. 287.3 feet to Intersect line of Angler; thence N. 71 deg. 10 min. W. 562.2 feet to corner No. '4 of Angler; thence N. 54 deg. 56 min. E. 1081.7 feet to corner No. 3 or Angler; thence N. 14 deg. Oil min. K. 875 feet to corner No. 2, of Angler; thence S. 71 deg. 10 min. E. 6(H) feet to corner No. 1 of Angler; thence B. 14 deg. 00 min. W. 519.2 feet to corner No. C of Angler; thence S. 58 deg. 40 mlu. W. 5(H) feet to corner No. 1 Jennie Beek K; thence S. 13 deg. 16 min. K. 600 And chase the festive fly. to corner No. 2 of. Jennie K; feet Times changed, and drugs now occupy N. 66 deg. 28 min. E. 708 Teet thence The cradle of this old creek. to cor. No. 1 of Wedge No. 1; thence N, 65 deg. 33 min. E. 1563.8 ft. to corner No. 1 of Wedge, the place of beginning, containing a net area of 52.031 acres the area hereby claimed; l and applied for. Tbe area In conflict!? with Snow Drift Survey Na 8784, Sun Beam Survey No. 3789, Century Copper No. 3 8urvey Na 4902- - Gitech vey Na 3714,' Glaser Surrey Na 3711 and Alpine Survey No. .'3750 claims are hereby expressly excepted and excluded. The quarter corner. o south boundary of Section 35,. S. R. 3 E. bears as follows ner No. 1 of each claim;-.38 tteg. tS'lniu. C. 6t50.5 tceV. UeUgt No. 1 N 43 deg. 39 min. E. 7875.3 feet; Jennie K. N. 48 deg. 59 min. E. 8240.9 feet and Angler N. 50 deg. 39 min. E. 91-2- fr'T No 4181. M. A. 36. 4 fjti. APPLICATION FOR PATENT. From all appearances it would seem Curious Compound Capsuleo Combine that the last blank cartridge has been the Virtues of Big G, Pabst O. K fired in the campaign of railroad exa 8anta Pepsi non and sell for tension to the mines of the Alta camp. Box. Mail Orders promptly atIt is understood that some strong Easttended to. ern capitalist has been going over the DOULL DRUG CO., field at Alta pretty thoroughly of 338 Main St., 8a It Lake City, Dislate, and after conferences with tributors. parties in Salt Lake, the inter-ertse- Do Subscribe for your local paper. . The Flagstaff Consolidated Is being developed actively along the sale lines and In a few months the sulphide soue should be reached. L. A. Jeffs date one year hence, and Balt Lake will have stepped from her swaddling clothes, to lie Introduced as a meiro-IHilita- n city. Now that the ground Is being cleared for the skyscrapers and preparations for the excavatloq are under way, the most skeptical must surrender to the overwhelming evidence of reality. The change in this section or the city will recall to memory an Item printed some two years ago by Moody Dow of Montana, who foretold .the Improvements which today interests every real Balt Laker, although at that time no one surmised any such movement as was indicateu by the article. The above item was inspired by the discovery in the cellar of the Owl Drug store, the earmarks of CUy creek's former course through that section, and carried the reader back to the time pf the famous Creek path of '51, when men, kida and cattle followed the path until Many men wound in and out. And dodged and turned and beat about. And uttered words of righteous wrath Because twas such a crooked path. But still they follow, do not laugh The freak migrations of thst creek path. Huge masses of sagebrush adorned the section occupied by the Federal building and spread over an area of four blocks, as the creek spread out in small branches after leaving the point where Third South meets Main streeL' A pen picture in the possession of Mrs. Kimball illustrates the march of progress on lower Main street in vivid reality. The changes foretold by the poet Dow were easy in 1804, and conclude! with an Introduction to the new drug store location thualy: Where t roust were wont to hide and No. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR UNITED 8TATE8 PATENT. M. A. No. 4183. In the United States Land Office of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, March 22, 1907. Notice la hereby given that In pursuance of the act of Congress approved May 10, 1872, Columbus Consolidating Mining Company, a corporation of Utah, whose post office address is Salt. Lake City, Salt Lake county,' Utah, by lta agent and attorney-in-fact, Tony Jacobson, of the same place, has made application for a patent for 1500 linear feet on the Columbus No. 6 I --ode. sun-eyeas Lot No. 6488, bearing gold, sliver, and cop-ethe same being 1400 fet northerly and 100 feet southerly from Discovery Monument theron, with surface ground 600 feet In width situate in I.lttle Cottonwood Kilning' District, Salt Lake county, State of Utah, and described on the official plat and by the fllelri notes on file tn the office of the regis ter of the United States Land Office, at Salt Lake City. Salt Lake county, Utah, with magnetic variation of 17 deg. 45 min. east, as follows, Beginning at Cor. No. 1 of said Col unibus No. 6 Lode, whence the sec. cor. on the S. boundary of Sec. 32, T. 2 8.. R. 3 W., S. L II. and M bears N. 40 deg. 13 min. E. 1643.4 ft.; Thence S. 65 deg. 13 min. W. 600 ft., to Cor. No. 2; Thence 8. 1 deg. 1 min. E. 1500 ft. to Cor. No. 3; Thdnce N. 65 deg. 13 min. E. 600 rt., to Cor. No. 4; Thence N. 1 deg. 1 min. W. 1300 rt., to Cor. No. 1, the place of beginning. Said Columbus No. 6 lode contains a total area of 18.909 acres, but applt cant excludes therefrom the area In conflict with Lot No. 163, Garfield Mine Lode, auch conflicting area being 1.349 acres, leaving a net area hereby applied for of 17.560 acres, said claim la situated In unsurveyed psrt of Tp. 3 S. of IL 3 E. of Salt Lake Base and Meridian in Salt Lake coun ty, Utah. The namea of the adjoining and conflicting claims, as shown by the No. 4991, Flat of Survey, are: Columbus No. 6 Lot No. 4991, Columbus Lode; No. 163. Garfield Mine lode; Lot No. 4991, Columbus No. 2 Lode. i hereby dlreet that the foregoing be published in the Alta Independenta weekly newspaper published at Alta. Salt Lake County, Utah, for a period of nine consecutive weeks. E. D. IL THOMPSON. Register. First publication April 3, 1907. Last publication May 29, 1907. feet distant. The presumed course and length of each vein or lode line la as shown upon the plat of Survey. Said consolidated claims form a portion of the tinsurveyed part of Tp. 3 8., R. 3 E. 8. L. B. and KL, Utah, said Jennie K. and Angler locations mining claims being of record i nthe office of the County Recorder of Salt Lake County at Salt Lake City, Utah, and the Wedge and Wedge No. 1 lodes, locations, being of record in the offlee of the County Recorder of Utah County, Utah, at Provo City, Utah. The nearest known locations being the aforesaid conflicting claims. I direct that this notice be published In the lta Independent at Alta, Utah, the newspaper published nearest the said mining claims, for the period of nine weeks. E. D. R. THOMPSON. Register. R. E. Ross, Claimants Attorney. First publication March 27, 1907. Last publication May 22. 1907. . -- d r, to-wi- t: 4 . ot ot APPLICATION FOR PATENT. M. A. No. 4182. United States Land Offlee, Salt Lake City, Utah, March 21. 1907. Notice ia hereby given that Mountain Lake Kilning company by its Agent and Attorney In fact, Jacob Evas, whose pn si office address is Provo, Utah, has made application for a United States Patent for the Iilimiay. R. A. B., Carnegie, Martha, 99 and Joe lode mining claims consolidated, situate la Big Cottonwood and Little Cottonwood Districts, Salt Lake Coun1471.6, ty. Utah, consisting 1500, 15(H), 1500 and 1498.8 linear feet, respectively of said lodes, and bup face ground as shown upon the plat of Survey being survey No. 5595 and described in the field notes and pint of the official survey on file In this offlee, with magnetic variation at 17 degrees 00 minutes east, as follows: Beginning at corner No. 1 a corner of Idamay lode claim of this Survey and running thence N. 82 deg. 20 min. W. 600 feet to corner No. 2 of thence S. 7 deg. 40 min. W. 196 feet to Intersect line of Carnegie; thence No. 82 deg. 20 min. W. 626.8 feet to corner No. 2 of Carnegie; thence S. 7 deg. 40 min. W. 1340.7 feet to Intersect line of R. A. B.; thence S. 49 deg. 06 min. W. 593 fet to intersect line of Martha; thence N. 37 deg. 33 min. W. 437 fw to corner No. 1 of Martha; thence S.. Ids-ma- 2 4-- 1 2 52 deg. 24 min. W. No. 33 15(H) yiSA. mjt For information concerning best investments in the new Gold Field.'' Troughs Mining District, Humboldt County, Nevada. We will inform you of stocks in good properties now selling for a few cents per share, that will sell for dollars in a short time. feel to corner, 2 of 99; thence N. 79 deg. 40 min. W. 382.3 feet to corner No. 2 of 99; thence 8. 10 deg. 37 mtn. W. 333.7! feet to Intersect line of Joe; thence No. 37 deg. 33 min. W. 6.6 feelj to corner No. 1 of Joe; thence S.j 61 deg. 57 min. W. 1498.8 feet to Cop! ner Na 4 of Joe; thence S. 37 deg-- ! 33 min. E. GOO feet to Corner No. 3 of Joe; thence N. 51 deg. 57 ntln. of feet to intersection line 99; thence S. 10 deg. 37 min. W. 267.8 feet to Corner No. 3 of 99; thence deg. 40 mtn. E. 600 feet to Corner. 2 2-- 3 The Seven The new camp that is only a few months old and now shipping car after car of ore going five to ten thousand dollars per car. of Martha; thence S. 37 deg.' min. E. 181.7 feet to Intersect line 4 . SLivd Vnion Trust Investment Company TOM D. PITT. Pres. BOX 1511 M.nrtan This fw G. R. CLEVELAND. Secy. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH |