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Show WITH TACKS. PAPER-HANGIN- ELECTRIC SPARKS. SHOWS ADVANCE OF JAPA'4. Pretty Hard to Stump the Right Kina Crude Methods of Mining Discarded of American Idea. for Most Boy. of When lVIIbur Xmblt, aii'hor "Thu GiitUnian lUjinan, a a A buy b lived In a small toon in Ohio, and lie and bin bnithi-- r one muinimr con eluded that they wmilJ theniM-IvcIn busiut- aa jn per bans era. The Inti acre a ell liked and bad plenty of wink. t One eek t bey a ere given I ho to paper the uf a a:nie nmiu. 'The felling had never given a "while coat" of planter, but aaa ainouth coated alth ilie blown mortar. The boa fouiul that tin- - pa per would not adhere lo I be Inoan Uiortar becauae the Mind In it p.iie-tiff and let the paper fall. The owner af the ctorerwun bad a liitnUa;-tor- e a few door down the Kireet. Wilbur minU-i-Into the liaidaure atore and Imucht ten boxen ol lark. l ben atrolled back to tha place wheie hla brother was A the bothersome consultation wait held In mnlei nmea. the door and window on the street wtna aoon obscured by shades, and the hoe resumed woik. That evculug 'be paper was oil the celling, and pretty paper It was, too. In the design were Innumerable dark a nm-Irac- ii-- n lilark-htwdo- War lbs renter of the beautiful mountain Maud of Shikoku, and siamliug tather more than 4 .non left alsive the waters of the Inland sea of Japau. there h a peak of sulphide a feu ropjior ore whirh has ter of Indiisiiy ii;ml i:ly known ihroiiuhnii' the i il.intl empire as :!'in::iiu-I:,.... 1. Here, fur ceniii'iei tin. ::d i ml dovel'ipnie tit if In- world ;n begun by wlnte n:eu, the lap wi re min.iiK in a rude way m.d e.irrjing tin- - me on 'heir liariu in niimll v, irber basket isiii-I- i US are e II ns-- J lor roailliK eliijm at Nagii.ik!) down the 12 miles of anlumis leiiiiiitaln palbs to the Muellers on ihr shine of the Inland tea. lb" marvelous little workers are still at the pnrotit of burrowing out the mountain, bill a vast, change has rome oier the methods of working, says a wilier in tiro Kn Wheie In the gllieerliig Magazine. ancient times only a paltry few hun dred basket of ore were each day linrilH over the dlfbciill I rail, an out put of h.uun tons dally now glid- down a great eableway, ami Is carried from the fool of the slope b.v railiii-- 4 To-da- Showing New Canola Being Built or Projected A. D. TOBIN, An Indiana in. in ihrew a fcanclf'il ol gi.int powder min the stove to clean and Second Hand Furniture Sold and Exchanged. nought, , - pi!-t tinan Informal. nut lid also tin- - ihimney and the root Agent for Home Comfort Ranges and Supplies ol llo- - boil". 3:1 West First South do u'l quit charing If Mark Twa-SALT LAKE CITY iu a while ban mound tbia Bell 1287-Phones, Ind. 763 fit:) Mill with tinloving mark, Koine of thon-;liround this (Mention paper.) ni-- i an- - going lo gel him. New H i ..ii.I : l.ai Andrew CarnegiM ill, mu lo ina..- a gilt that Will casa. li ra fii.ObO.uOM to lank Mr. Kock.-rlike thirty Ity the time thl-- i Mirl warfare over, we fear the I price nr oil will be about $ .ON a gal- Men and women to learn - Dr. Wiley ay man should eat one per cent of In weight every day lint how can Secretary Taft afford dial at his present salary? Tim 9 BLf Sundays. 10 to 9. taBRING THIS AD WITH TOIL . 114-11- 6 If you need anything in Pure Wines or Liquors mail us your wants. We will do the rest. E. 2nd 8o. j r ' 3.50. ? Chicago office boy looking for s asked whether lie used language. He replied "O kin, if ncceKsary." He got the place. "Millions for education, says Rockefeller, "not one cent for the small competitor," A Job, wit pro-fain- - TO ANY LADY Interested In Fancy Work that will end ns 12 cents and the names of two other ladles, we will send our catalogue and a set of six Standard Dolllea. Standard Nov. Co.. P. 0. Box 664, Salt Lake City, Utah. e I wwrRitatwatwmt L. H. GRAY, 14-1- Silt Lake City, Vtsh A CLEAN that runs to all points of int with a good guide. Fare 1.00. . A Seeing Salt Lake" Car and Autos., j A MOUTH.. 40 B 2nd Soi sssssssaaa4S4a4M4saiMa4! ..IS E. H. EARDLEY CO. ) East First South Street 6 St Salt Lake City, Utah. JraxrrvrorssMrsrvrvraMffi DON'T MIS8 THE LARGE AIIT MOBILE J AN ATTRACTION EYERY0NE SHOULD HAYE OUR PRICES. A BR08., of Teeth, comfortable to wear, natural In appearance re tores lost expression 8.9S A Gold Crown, made of the very heat gold, will not oomo off, or wear out 94.00 to Bridge Work, the kind that lasts, made of the beet gold, will not 94.00 to 9M9 break and fully guaranteed Gold Fillings, absolutely pure gold, and guaranteed not to come .... out .... .... , .... and ng Alloy Filling, the next beet fillings to puro gold and guaranteed 76e to U9 to preserve the teeth from farther decay 60e and ep Silver Fillings, guaranteed not to oome oat If YOUR teeth are crooked, decayed or broken the ELECTRO DENTAL CO. can remedy the defect and do It perfectly. They have three doctor! each an expert In hie branch. A Bet Everything ELECTRICAL. 64 Market St. Both Phonea 99-9- 91-6- PETERSONS Land Attorney. Attend to all business before United Stain Land Office. U. B. Bur eyorGeneral, SUte Land Board, State Engineer. taws scrip bought and sold. 100401 D. F. Walker Buildipg Balt Lake City, Utah. DETECTIVE SERVICE COMPANY, 328429 D. F. Walker Bldg Balt Lake City, Utah. We are prepared to undertake ell proper detective business intrusted to ua for corporations and Individuals. Consultation and advice free. Call or write. Phones: Ind. 3988, Bell 1316-Y-. Wewaut three good, Capable, detec- ' tives. I -- MVLVEY Knit Underwear and Woolen Goods. Rest pants on earth, to order, ; 36 Main Is this a Joke on the pure loud law or not Swift Was Bold. An amusing affair happened once between a coal dealer and a Mr. Swift of Uoaton. The latter was very anxious to ace that the former did not cheat him, so he the purchaser Inspected the weighing of the ral himself and felt perfectly aatlsfkd that be got his allowance, without any desire on the part, of the coal dealer to share. However, while the coal was weighing, the driver of the team could not help laughing, aware at the lime that the purchaser was partlcu- - vea. - Ysar entrants. FREE SsSrZS1 barber trade i tic fears. How inmauus, im- 13 (Opposite Grand Theatre.) Cut flowers and flora! work for Mrs. Thaw has had a respite from all occasions. a the wiiin-stand, but what about the ; 5 We make a specialty of shipping J of the country? funeral designs. Write . telephone It look like a race from now on, between Rockefeller and Carnegie,! nor telegraph. 5 which shall live tho longest and din1 a . P. O. Box 443. Plioues 106. till-,eil 1 From the language used on laitti li Is evident that the revolver hid... bus fallen inio Innocuous deauetudi CUTLER BROS. CO. in Texas. cun of asparagus recently explod-in Washington and raised anarchis- spots, forming tho stamens of gurgo-ou- a dowers. When the hardware man paid the boya for the work, he aald: "Hut what the dickens did you do with all those tacks?" First Blowing the money away In Ills pocket, Wilbur exclaimed: Oh, we Just tacked the paper m the celling with them!" Library Gossip. db. a. PARK CITY, PROVO and LOGAN - A dotted line show absolutely new routoa. Branch Offices at Utah Dental Co., nandy metal In 8 much, la proposed Soil Lsks City weeks. Wages paid every night. Graduates earn 15 to 925 per week. Cat. free. Write ua. Mohler System or Colleges, 62 E. First South St., Salt at Hr City. Utah. A Chinaman mine very near being because in hi Winning, lynched laundry iuierieit-- with the window' 'I he race problem and washing union. ilie color line play no particular sec- vevrrrrrrrrrivrrr.i.wrwjF.si;st HUDDART FLORAL CO. tions. e r that It Mala i zi-- fhain-olloDay aaya that the poor are lazy and drink too much. The hanecllnr la energetic and talks too Solid black llnca Indicate old waterwaya 334 Furniture House 9 9 DENTAL DR8. WARD AND EDGE, Open dally until S P. State Street 179 Write for particulars , M. Room Galena Block. 14-16-- Sundays 10 to 9 Ind, Phone 2986 to enlarge; WASH IT AWAY. roail to the aea. In abort, there Is established at Sumitomo neasla a modern mining plant, modern In all essential details of engineering construction, and the wonder of the transformation la that It has boen wrought without tho direct assist ance of a single foreign englnoer. Was of High Degree. A little West Philadelphia girl a few wceka ago became the owner of a puppy and the sister of a new baby brother all In oue day. The puppy was uf valuable collie atock. A week or so after these important events she met tho iiilulater of her church and he asked her the baby'e name. "He has not yet been named, waa the child's answer. "How about your little doggie; has It been named V was the nest question. re"Yea, sir; we cull him Tip, plied the girl. "How la It the puppy has a name Muttia PIANO Organa And AH Musical Instrument Beesley Music Co., a South Lead and uremic poisoning cured. Castilla Hot 8prlnga Water does the work. Rheumatism vanishes at its touch. For rates apply to C. H. South worth, Manager, Room 222 Commercial Club building. Salt Lake City. Balt Lake CU 60 EXPERIENCE For In ax Room in a u go to t; ax Hotel First-clas- s the " NO Cand-- J Jj MMrtdMiwmui(WdW4Miini Trade Marks Dcsiqns Copyrights Ac. jmn, Mwiittns our.katrtl uid dMirlWImiIwan ee vfHmueiisewly wfrtwu ' m pntbaMy truly Kill Mwii, uxm a lo. lath, tnnHwh Mann rMwtiM, wHImnlchnra 4 TRAIN5DAILY 4 E AS T VIA min Eslabllshcd I8S7 The Oldest Electric Supply Bouse in Ik ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION GLOBES AND SHADES 33 W. riRST SOUTH STREET month. St SuhlbyWI twwKtealtn, S4sla. E. G. HOLDING MOTORS. CHANDELIERS. Scientific American. imiutwmiid' lUrntnitwl vtrtly. I me Hi. fcHiriial. Tmn s of an? ir : 1 Jm Jm jm SALT LAEE CITY, UTAH UNNiCowjiNewYork Knuietl EVERYTHING In the This Includes the famous OVERLAND LIMITED end tha new LOS ANGELES CHICAGO LIMITED Strlotly Twentieth Century, Vestl holed, Elec trio Lighted Steam Heat-aTrains operating Pullman Palace Sleepers; Incomparable Observation Send ue your Library and Dining Cara of tha very RubberGoods line Fresh Stock. All goods guaranteed. ELITE DRUG 338 8alt Lake d latest manufacture. mall orders. Ms-- CO, St City, Utah, ONLY 41 HOURS, SALT LA KB TO CHICAGO. Office. 201 Main SL BALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. City Ticket 1908 MODELS. lar about the full weight of the coaL and the little hoy has not?" asked the Mr. Swift, noticing the laughing driv- minister. "You know that Tip has a pedl- er. asked him what It was all about TM. ta So the driver told him. "Why" said he. "when your coal was weighed you were standing on Physician The majority of my tients are victims of a peculiar pa- hallu- cination. Druggist Indeed! What Is the naly 200 pounds!" M. IL 1 Columhla l'honngraiih "Well, air." aald the driver, "you ture thereof? pany. (leneral 127-1- 1 Main 81 are sold." City. Utah. Physician They seem to think I me I'leaM send your I waa "and have uae haven't any earthly Fre, r.i, for money. the reply, "Yea," Easy IWyment Offer with i.liistrai Utica. N, Y Observer. bought myself, too." traturw MM4l)IA9fl!Ria1eSamioie!eAie!e Salt Lakes Greatest Btrfft City im Minim Slid No IMIIIIIIIHHIIIHHII Stall All-Yea- r . - Aitractioh The Satnitarium Baths. Swimming Pools! Turkish B&ths! Private Baths! 52-- 54 Prize, Paris, 1900; Double RRItMMMtWUMWMMHrrRyvvwrRFit Grand, St. Louis, 1904. Send coupon below, filled out, to MMMMUW444MU44aiaa4a4 our nearest dealer or to ns end get our Free Trial end Easy Payment Offer to responsible parties anywhere In the United States. Dont delay. This Is your opportunity to secure absolutely the beat Talking Machine made, on payments that will not he felt We accept old machines in part payment A written guarantee from the oldest largest and most successMaful manufacturers of Talking chines In the entire world. Columbia Phonograph Co GenI. MAHIG . a Natural Hoi Sulphur Water is Brought Right to the very Heart ol the City. PEN DAY & NICHT. W. 3rd 3. St, SALT LAKE CITY. Grand The picturesque ruin Illustrated . herewith la at Williamsburg, Va., and was once a Masonic lodge, the first headquarters of the order In the state of Virginia It has been unoccupied for many yearn, but steps have been taken to rescue It from total decay. Patrick Henry was a member of this lodge. JJ 144 WEST FIR8T SOUTH STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH kK P. H. CANDLAND. ax 4AwXRwiUti(JlitatatwRrrrrr.vrsrrvi,itwvrrriiRirjrrriisjk Z -- uaa li aa aa li aa li lights andaa New Southern Hotel. if Hot and cold running water and steam heat, electric service In every room. Rooms under direct charge of Mrs. w aland. Hotel centrally located at E PtiyuMaa and Burg sen, SO Commercial Block, Offio Bill Lake City, Utah. Phones 1412-- and 1419-- YEARS iriRi s 2 bell IL A. HASBROUCK, uun. rwrrwwrrrmrrevwxFxaiw I4 rnmmm Main (uSdoiil Ud. HANDBOOK ua Cuau uaml) it Im, INM wwmt fttr palauu. FIRST MASONIC LODGE ROOM IN VIRGINIA the scales and weighed with It" "la it possible? Why, I weigh near- . kk44444M!l444MM!m!MM |