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Show MTi iu"' "a made by prisoners neu man of Stonehaiu. wan Rlll.;,rUl,j the other day whi-- he went out In hla back yard to nee his pet cat and a squirrel eating out of the same dish. HAN OPEN THE WINDOWS: FRESH AIR ESSENTIAL TO PRE VENT CONSUMPTION. Whittled by Southern Soldiers in Captivity and Worn by Southern Girle From the German. A nail secure the horshne, fhn Evidently Had Memories for ehoe the horse, the le.rse the nun, Old Lady. the man the castle, u u l tin. eastle the whole land. German. OniMiui:i. just h"K at those fuuuy j riiiKM in that wiinl.m." said a young ady on Sixth suvi-- the other day a 00 lie and a lady nr.ich older passed the ,rf " lico to lay their hand, upon a gang hv three lame gilt of burglnrs and their very valuable buils booty. saw black Tbe inhabitants of a bouse in the ; "They an Muck. I lK'fmv. And look at that one. rings du Faubourg Temple quarter, com- It's fiat and set w :ih silver slurs. And plaining to the police that for some there's another with a little gold time paat they had heard an oxiraor- plate. Are tlu-- moiiriifu- rings?'' dlnary amount of what Bounded like electric bell ringing in the night time, out"Xo, said the old lady, they arc mourning rings. They are re- that seemed to come from rooms In a minders of that awful wnr." certain direction, the police first veri"Why, what did lliey hure to da fied tbe fact for themselves and then Dangerous to Neglect Even an Ordm- ary Cough or Cold Simple Rem- - T, i Ingenious Scheme of a Man Disabled by a Train. Tf there Is more than one way to skin a cat, there la certainly more than one way in which to acquire a cork leg. The usual way is to earn money and buy it, says the New York World. The way adopted by Julius Thorne, who Uvea at Glena Falls, Is to let a cow raise herself and then raflle her off for a leg. Thome was hit by a railroad train about a year ago, and when the doctor cut off Ms left leg, a disease of the bone set in. The injured man was taken home, where, while he lay on bis back waiting for tbe bone to heal, he cast about for some means whereby he could procure a cork leg. Being supplied with little In the way of the world's goods, Thom waa forced to use his ingenuity. From a neighbor he bought for a couple of dollars a sickly calf leas than a month old. This he raised on skimmed milk provided by snother neighbor who made his own butter, and In time the calf got strong enough to be turned out to pasture. Grazing around coat little, and while the calf was 'growing snd fattening' Thorne triads baskets that be might have enough cash to winter the alnmaL By fall be had earned enough to more than do this, and recently he started a raflle. All hla friends took tickets, and when the drawing takes place Thome will celebrate by wearing his new cork leg. O, Picklssl A woman writer says: Marry m man with a good digestion and no nerves if you want s pearl of a husband. All of the seven deadly sins do not make a man as hard to live with case of as a genuine, liver. Choose, therefore, as a husband a man who is hearty and husky snd who can eat three square meals a day. A preferred type of thia man is the one who Is frankly fond of good eatr ing snd who has a welsh' rarebit recipe snd a special way of making salad dressing. Grab a man like that the very first opportunity you get, for as a husband he Is lovely. Milwaukee Sentinel. In aUrssUva hew Iwsiadlataly. S.parioc M fasa powdars. liaaiaUnatdstsatsd. For sal avarywharo. Frio SO Mats can get treatment just aa 0I You good by mail in the matter of Jewelry or Watch Kepairing as if you called in person. Drop us a line. i7d SALT LAKE PIANO IIN Sfl CITY, UTAHJ WEBER UPRIGHT USMcash SALE $175 FOR INFORMATION ADDRSSS MR. WM. ANDERSON NIS FOST OSFICS INISAL DIMVSRT j J-- " "Kings like those were made by the confederate prisoners right here in St. Isnils, said the old lady. There were many prisoners, huo Ireds at a lime, locked up In the old McDowell college at Eighth and Gratiot, and In the old I.yncli prisou for ilares, at Broadway and Clark avenue. Your grandfather was in college, and the habits of '.he Inmates became pretty familiar to aim before he got out. Most of the prisoners were captured in the field, with nothing lu the world but the alothei they had on, and those were often very ragged. The government supplied dollies for such aa needed them, and benevolent iieople In the Sity, both Northern and Southern sympathizers, sent great bundles of clothing to the prison, but some of those poor' fellows were so proud that they wear the government's wouldn't slothes, anil said theyd die In their rags before they'd wear charity gar ments. So they made rings. The guards were permitted to buy gutta percha buttons for them, and they were allowed, by special iiermlt, little pocketknives that were gathered up by the guards every night and issued again in the morning, and all day long they would alt and whittle tough black buttons, making tings like those, and rounding them and polishing them by rubbing them against the walla and on the floor. It aometinibs took a man two or three days to make a ring. Then the union soldiers would sell them for the prisoners, and there was a good sale for them at a dollar apiece. Some of those with silver sets were made out of dimes that the prisoners hammered until they were as thin as paper. I suppose that gold set may have come from a bit of watch chain or something like that. The Southern girls all wore them for s while. The two went on. A day' or two after the young lady was passing the store window with a companion and thought of the rings and the story. Let's go in snd buy one for s keepsake, site said. But the rings were not in the window. The two went into the shop. I'd like to look at some black rings you had in your window. They're gone, said the proprietor "An old lady came in and bought the whole lot. St. Louis half-aune- (jTMMMjR Wage Good Smellera" Earn. There are several trades which provide men and women with good living simply because they enjoy an exceptionally keen sense of smell, ssys the London World. Scentmakers, for example, need some one with a very delicate sense of smell to aid them In mixing the ingredients of perfumes In proper proportions. Queen Alexviolet andra's favorite perfume 10 iter ounce bottle, and It costs has to run the gauntlet of five probefore it le fessional smellers" passed as being correctly blended and ready for her majesty's use. Some of the Tending firms of persmellers fume makers pay their from 4 to 7 s week. Contractors for the lighting of streets, large public buildings snd pleasure grounds very often engage "smellera to find escapes of gas, one shilling being generally paid for each escape reported. Some of these men frequently make 3 in a single week, the result over being that In many cases the fee has been reduced to 9d. per escape reported. Coincident Inventions. Almost at the same time two different Inventors in different places have announced their success with electrical devices for seeing at s distance. They are J. B. Fowler and William H. Thompson. In Fowlers device four wires are required to accomplish the combined effect of distant vision snd hearing. Details of the operation are withheld, however, on the plea of getting out a patent Each Inventor uses the name Televus. Globe-Democra- t. the Conversazione. The Literary Lady Do you think Hamlet was insane or merely assumAt ing to be? The Victim I beg your pardon, didn't catch the name. The Lady Hamlet. The Victim O, yes, odd name, isn'i it? Friend of yours? The Lady I am talking of Hamlet, prince of Denmark. The Victim To be sure. Hamlet Prince of Denmark. I know a lot of those Denmark Princes, but I don't seem to place Ham. lly the way, Denmark's getting to be quite s town They tell me they have two regulai trains running there now one them s freight. And I heard just the other day that Eastern capital had secured an option on the building lot across the street from the livery sts ble for a clothes pin factory. Den mark is certainly looking up. The literary lady glares at the vie-tincoldly snd removes herself to another part of the room. Whereat the victim smiles. Cleveland Plain Dealer. The Benefits of Travel. SomeTravel broadens a man. times, when the engineer goes by the red target or the operator is taking 40 winks, he finds himself boardened out over half an sere of landscape. Travel shows a man the resources of his country. He may look from the rar window and estimate the millions of feet of lumber required for pickle ads. and corset billboards. Travel teaches a man to respect his fellow citizens in fact, at the end of bis trip he will have learned to raise bis hat to any man in uniform. Travel develops the brain even one week of solving time-table- s fits a man to tackle 15 puzzles and propositions with a confident smile. What Did Ha Mean? Doctor You must he very careful With her throat trouble your wife will not be able to speak uliove a whiapet for two or three weeks. Husband Oh. doctor, is there any uossltlllty of her disease becoming lmmc? Translated for Transatlantic Tales from. 1 1 Motto per Kitlere. Statesman's Simple Life. Herr Bebel, perhahs the moat Impressive orator In the German relchs-tag- , usually speaks without notes of any kind, thinking as he goes. Not even well off, he leads the simplest of lives, shunning society snd finding his chief recreation In the cultivation of flowers. He told an Interviewer once that when he wants to get ready for a speech be goes into hla little gardes snd trims the rose tree. People appreciate the delicate taste and natural action of Garfield Tea, the mild herb laxative. Bent for liver, kidney and bowels. Guaranteed under Hie Pure Food and Drugs Law. AVfcgetaUe PrcparalionllirAs similating The compound must present a stability which is not affected by changes of temperature, not affected by exposure to the air, not affected by age. It must he eo combined that it wiU remain Juet the earne whether used In the logging or mining camps of the northwest or the coffee plantations of the tropics. A complete list of the ingredient of Peruna would not enable any druggist or physician to reproduce Peruna. It in the ekiU and sagacity by which these ingredients are brought together that give Peruna much of its peculiar claims aa an efficacious catarrh remedy. However much virtue each ingredient of Peruna may poaieee, the value of the compound depends largely upon the manner and proportion in which they are combined. Tbe right ingredients, put together rightly, la the only way a medical compound can bo made of real value. Of Skin For Infanta and Children. Tortured Disfigured Babies The Kind You Have Always Bought -- ihcFoodandBctfuIa-lin- the Stomachs andBowels In any medical compound aa much depends upon the manner in which it la compounded as upon the ingredients used. First, there mutt be a due proportion of the ingredients. Each drug in the pharmacopeia has its special action. To combine any drug with other drugs that have slightly different action, the combination must be made with strict reference to the use for which the compound is intended. The drags may bs well selected as to their efficacy, but the compound ENTIRELY SPOILED BY THE PROPORTION in which they are combined. . take years snd years of espenence to discover this proportion. Then is no law of chemistry, of pharmacy, by which the eaact balance of proportion uu be determined. EXPERIENCE IS THE ONLY GUIDE. In compounding a catarrh remedy Dr. Hartman has had many years' experience. In the uee of the various ingredients which compose the catarrh remedy, Peruna, he haa learned, little by little, how to harmonize the action of each ingredient, how to combine them into a auble compound, how to arrange them into such nice proportions aa to blend the taste, the operation and the chemical peculiarities of each several ingredient in order to produce a pharmaceutical product beyond the criticism of doctors, pharmacists or chemieta. WE REPEAT, THAT AS MUCH DEPENDS ON THE WAY IN WHICH THE DRUGS ARE COMBINED AS DEPENDS UPON THE DRUGS THEMSELVES. 'It I e f t Townsend's Ensmel Cream i1' Kos-(utiia- l. . RAFFLE9 COW TO BUY LEG. ; nt j The Modern Youth. Few young men nowadays cultivate tbe art of making themselves agreeable. This was one of the things they managed better in bygone days. Xo doubt some of them proved abject failures. but they at least deserved credit for good Intentions. Nowsdays they rarely, if ever, make the attempt. Ambrosia, in the World. . fur-li'.u-- i " . Rosenthal, the piautst, la on of th entitled to have bis crankiness termed the eccentricities of genius, lht, SaIl K,.ilm.lst.l, Chrollk.le. Vi!cn he lnsjicrted Ins rooms at the II. or uo viHin hi arrival very late the he w,!in tf11 ! joining doors, and placing his earl to the exclaimed In b.iikrn ".guild, no sounds fin iliers." After nodding bis ap-o- f e the grand piano aud the he frowned ut the Uu colored tmii-alludes. "Must he green. He Sa assured tliiit a change would lie iiaie especially for him the next day. At five o'clock in the moruiug clad only In his pajamas, came fcuirjlng excitedly down stairs aud hi'.o the office, where the drowsy tight eleik was nodding at the desk. 'Ze si reet cars! Noise! Must Nervous" me! 1 cannot topped! Kn-li- sh. ! 2iirr ; Much l.uod food, fresh air and tent, keep your mcr." So we are told by the great scientists who are certainly doing wonders in reducing the death rate from Tuberculosis. They also warn us not (0 neglect a cold or cough, and it is most that this advice be followed. While the cough or cold may not bring consumption. It Is belter to be on the safe side and take no chances. Here is a simple remedy that will break up a cold In twenty-fou- r hours, and cure any cough that is curable: Glycerine, two ounces; Virgin Oil of Pino Pure), one-halounce; good lie i'll." The clerk hurriedly sent for Mana-c- r well snd n half Shake Whisky, pint. use In teaspoon fill doses every four (iiistav Maun, and Mann spent hours. The ingredients can be secured two hours telling Rosenthal funny rom any good prescription druggist at dories in German trying to divert his intall cost, but must be pure to effect Hind while the clerk was upstairs the desired results. For this reason it quating the mangement for waking s always best u purchase tbe Ingredi- t guest on the Gough street side and ents separately and prepare the mix- trderlng him to move at once to the Suiter street side a a gas pipe had ture at home. burst under the floor aud had to be Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure) should be e purchased only in the original vials put up for druggists to dispense. Each vial Is enclosed in a round wooden cane, with engraved wrapper, with the name Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure); guaranteed under the Food and Drug Act, June 30, 1906. ! Prepared only by Leach Chemical Co., Cincinnati, O. plainly printed there-sn- . Imitations and oils sold in bulk pay dealers larger profits, but they are dangerous to health and should never be used. t two men busily engaged lu testing a number of timepieces, aif which they bad stolen 200 from a manufacturer's warehouse, and were selling as tested. ! MEDICAL COMPOUND A PE-RU-- NA RoMnthal, th Pianist, Mads Troubla In Hotel. a Ho called to his cat, but the anlu-.a- i refused to leave his uew fouud friend. Uoaton Post. 0F DELICATE NERVES. SHOULD KNOW g Bears the of Infan tsV( hildrlnn THAT Signature Promotes DigcslionJCheerful-nes- s and Rest.Contains neilhcr Opuun.Morpliine nor Mineral of Not 'Narcotic. jkteujystKaa.mtM SmU- Halii tJtxJmum In I Use i Remedy for Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms Convulsions .Feverishness and Loss sleep. A perfect For Over or Tac Simile Warm Baths With Signature of Thirty Years NEW YDTIK. And gentle anointings with Cuticura,the greatSlonCure, afford instant relief, permit rest and sleep, and point to speedy cure of torturing, dis- figuring eczemas, rashes itchings, and irritations of infants and children when all else fails. Guaranteed absolutely pure, and may be used from the hour of birth.( Snid mttlMwarM. rvpou: Lufco, tf OlarirrhniM. 8q.: hr t Rim do Is Fall: Swim. CO. Kydwjr, Indio. S. K. nil. oi)- llx R. SICK HEADACHE Positively one by these Little Pills. They slso reUevs Id tress (roar DjRKpala, Indigestion sad Too Hearty gating. A perfect rem. edy tor Dlzzlaesa Kanset, Drowsiness. Bad Taste In tbs Mouth, Coated Tonga Pain In the Bide, TOBPID UVBL Thqr affiliate the Bawds, Purely VegetaNe. SMALL PILL SMALL MSE. SMALL PRICE Genuine Must Bear Fac-Sim- ile READERS Uiinc adraniMdi Bs columns should Insid upon h. ' what thoy oik lor, rduting all tutw or isuulioni. mu: Via. jinne King finis fl.id.. Tnkloi Ramin. Frnrnn DEFIANCE Gold Bakao laundry work a pteasura. W. L. IS os. pkji. Uto SHOES W. N. U.. Salt Laks City, No. 13, ALL WOMEN SUFFER from the same physical disturbances, snd the nature of their duties, in many canes, quickly drift them into the horrors of all lcinds of female complaint, organic troubles, nloera-tufalling and displacements, or peril a p irregularity or suppression blanche, nervousness, if ritshility, and sleeplessness. Women should remember thateverywhere the medicine that holds the record for the largest number of actual cures of female ills is o, Lydia E. PinkhamsVegetable Compound made from simple native roots snd herbs. For more than thirty years it has been helping women to lie strong, regulating the functions perfectly and overcoming pain. 1 1 has suo proved itself invaluable in preparing for child birth and the Change of Life. Mrs. A. M. Uagermann, of liny Snore, L. I., writes s Dear Mrs. Plnkham: I suffered from s displacement, excessive and painful functions eo that I hsd to lie down or sit still most of tho time. Lydia EL Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound has made me a well woman so that I am able to attend to my duties- - 1 wish every suffering woman would try Lydia EL Piukham's Vegetable Compound and sse what relief it will give them." Mrs. Pinkhams Standing Invitation to Women Women suffering from any form of fr mala illness are invited to write Mrs. Plnkham, at Lynn, Mass, for sdwe She is the Mrs. IMnkhsm who has been advising sick women free cflRrge for more than twenty years, snd before that she assisted her mother-i- n law Lydia EL link-hain advising. Therefore she is especially vrell qualified to guide sick women back to health. m 1907. DOUGLAS GILT EDGE SHOES CANNOT FOR EVERYBODY thjFwoSld EQUALLED AT ANT NICL AT All PRIOESl Man's Khotin, S3 to SI JM. Hoys' Mimm, 03 to Ol.liS. Woinrn'i 4 to B1.AO. Mims' Jk Chlldren'a MtiMW.03.g5 toHUM. W. L-- Douglas nliooo am rscognizail by erpt-r- l juilito of fiKdwrsr to be lbs bust m 11710,111 nuil wrnr iiimlureil In this country. Kuril port of the ilios nnd ovary detail 01 thn making in lookml nftr.r and watched over by akilled shoeuiikeni, without regard to tPaa or oont. If I rould taka you into my larxe fartorini at I Brockton, Main., ard show you bow carefully V. L. Dougina) hoes are made, you would then undent taml why they bold their shape, fit bettor, wear longer, and am of greater value than any other makes. W. I. IlnartM'isineaiisprleelsFsmKdsnlliehMtto. wkieh snani. the weaivrarslnat klfh h"ld kyllie mi artMaadTilfariH Take Rw knhslluale. W. L, IMIliULAS, SrMkUHMb you OkrJ'inkA (kUklsiiWiM Hhona, REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. To forgive a fault In another Is more sublime than to be faultless DEFIANCE STARCH wSwl to wart wttb us one's self. George Sand. u. rtaA AND $3.50 SHOES $3.00 IE 14.00 V. L DOUGLAS Signature - Water Starch CUT: Japan. ApMul, U Lrnniin. Tdd. Vpa T(in.ata.:nomi JldL. JwUl Afrlm. I min Onrp..flo!ia Pmpa.. Hanoi. Um. Cutieun Book an Uare o atm , BALLARDS SNOW LINIMENT Is a Quick and Permanent Cure for Rheumatism, Cuts, Sprains, Wounds, Neuralgia, Headache, Old Sores, Corns, Bunions, Galls, Bruises, Contracted Muscles, Lame Back, Stiff Joints, Frost Bite, Chilblains, Ringbone, Pollevil, Burns, Scalds, and ALL THE ELLS THAT FLESH IS HEIR TO. Three Sizes, 25c, 50c and $1. Sold by all Druggists. |