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Show I ROLAND AND Ona Call for Physician That Mat mrtth Quick Raaponaa. well OLIVER a conatunt rush to a known physician that lo secure a Ufa IMPORTANT FARM IMPLEMENT. BUTTON THEIR OWN WAISTS. FOUND HE COULD MAKE TIME. la auch By S. E. KISER. llUla recreation he baa ractiunia to "Well, old man, I'm mighty glad to rune. A visitor called ona night. and you. When did you leave home?" aervant: to the began a siitwch "Tbui-adamorning. I came at might l want the doctor to romp over aa through. You're looking well. aa ran." ba quickly Yea. I'm feeling flint rale. And Ha can't do It! the servant an ou left Tburaday morning ' it aeem He left order that he wan awered. I ao liuay that unleaa ll waa absolutely au age lnee cairn- away." "ilow have you been here, long a matter of life and death he couldn't now? go out at all till evening. tin- Itith of next It'll lie live i Hut," auid the caller, It lan't Illliiouth." ness at all "Aa long aa Hint? Ilow lime Ale, "What then! back at net- - you've never come over and hint to "We want have all, you?" taka a hand In a game of wblut. No. I've every ettiMi'ting Oh, that'a different." a The aervant disappeared. and reap- milliner . to be iilih- lo get away for Inn s. iiw-- i him; hu ulwaya few ww-kvmoment later. a peared liaiM-iielu iiin-- l my .Iuiik. How I "The doctor aaya he'll be over in ten anyhow?" everybody, mlutea, air, be announced. Oh, ahour the suite-- . I suppose you know tlml Have Simmon and hi FIFTEEN YEARS OF ECZEMA. - yi-a- ln-e- d wife have Plain Talk on the Modern Harrow! and Their Use. New York Women A Marvelous a It may seem, Nea York women hate lately discovered a way of fastening their waists up the on every The harrow I a farm, and whether that farm be large or aniall. Tbe principal use of the bar row. Is to pulverize the soil. The Implement came into use after men that it waa advisable to re- luce the soil to as fine a state as pos-- r i hie. The harrow ha been greatly improved since It came into use. The little old or wedge--.liuiieharrow having wooden teeth eion gave way to a harrow having iron teeth, and that had to give place to the harrow with steel teeth. Now til harrows have Leeth of ateel, but hese take a multitude of forms. Some it the teeth are merely hooks, some are still straight spikes, others are a multitude of little plowshares in their effects ou the soil, while still others are dines. The gnat number of styles show the great Interest taken in the putting out of a harrow having the greatest possible power of fining the soil. Any farmer will find himself well repaid by making some study of ihi matter of harrows. He will be MrhapB surprised to find that one kind of harrow will do the best on one soil aud unother kind of harrow on another mill; for the reason that different soil respond lieut to different conditions. On some farms where the soils are diverse In character and where different crops are being grown it will farmers to have several harrows of different styles. The soil should not be harrowed when wet, because in that condition it Is Im Iiosslble to pulverise it. When wet the harrow would but make some ol the soil more compact. When the soil Is In s state to crumble the harrow should be put lu and lie used behind a good team of horses, as a rapid harrowing will give a better pulverlza tlon than a slow harrowing. Ths finer the soil the belter will the plants be able to get the fertility that Is in it. A soli that is not well fined lx full of lumps little and big. The roots do not penetrate these lumps to a large extent. But In these lumps lx much fertility that Is rendering sc vendee at all. Plants growing in thoroughly pulverised soil, says Farm er's Review, will send out more roots than plants growing In poorly pulverized soil. The more roots the more rootlets, and the more rootletx the more thoroughly will the plants be supplied with plant food. Ic soils thoroughly pulverised and that are supplied with an abundance ol plant food the crops increase witt surprising rapidity. Manure on suck land gives the greatest possible re turns. On poorly pulverised kind it may take years for much of the barn yard manure to become available. As s means, therefore, of better utilizing the barnyard manure, harrows should be used freely. Often it pays tc 'harrow a field several ' times. - The many modern harrows now on the market make It Inexpedient to use the old crude affairs, even though they may still be found In the toolhousea of some of our modern farms. Have Surmounted Great Obstacle. back without calling for assistance Thought not lacking in generosity, they became so tired of tbe outstretched palm of lh chambermaids that they rime to guard their now feel that it dincor-crwpockets The Gotham woman that If she put her blouse on hind aide before, with the sleevae hanging tree. It cuuld be fastened fmtn top to bottom, with the excep tion of the book at the neck, and then turned around and the armi slipped luto the sleeves . without unduly straining the fastenings. So simple! Bo atrauge that no one had thought of it before. Or is It poailble other women have used the plan and Wifi meanly kept It to themselves? the waist that but tons in the back now have a new lease of life? 1 l DURING THIS MONTH. iii:K-l?- "No! U I hat ao Well! What was Excellent Advice Which Our Readers I he truiilile?" Will Benefit By. Got tired or each olher. I gueaa. to be Iiave and Ahhie liramwell am Now la the time to get the rheu"I bad enema nearly fifteen yearn married soon." matic ihjIooii and foul acids from tbs "Ahhie Drain well? Why, be marThe affected part a were my handa, blood and system, states an eminent arms and leg. They were the wont ried Jim authority, who suys that Rheumatism "Y'es, hill lliey were divoreed over a and In the winter time, and were alwaya Kidney trouble are caused by tht itchy, and I could not keep from year ago" blood, which often becomes sour from The dlckcn you Hy!" and also tell what to ncratchlng them. I hud to keep both excessive "Tom Keeker's wife wa.-- mentioned do to makearid, handa bandaged nil the time, and at and healthy. it pure as a corespondent in llielr ease." from Get good night I would have to snatch though auy prescription phan sake! Fhuny Keck fur heaven' one-hal- f ounce- Fluid Extract the bandages ns I ho Itching was no macy was It. in wsmii'I any truth mvere. and at Uiiiuh I would hava to There Dandelion, one ounce Compound Kaw tear everything off my bands to there?" three ounces Compound Syrup gen, I don't know. They kept It out of Mix by shaking In a scratch the akin. I could not real or Sarsaparilla. the paiier. The Keekers are living Bleep. I had several physicians treat bottle and take a teaspoonful after ass but they could not glvo me a apart, f hough. and at bedtime. What next? Arthur meula "Ily George! Jtist permanent cure nor even could they Creatnn try this simple blood cleaner and Madge lliirmugh were After using the at the first sign of Rheutonic stop the Itching. and to lx mnrrled when I left. Cuticura Soap, ouo box of Cuticura engaged or if your back aches or yos matism, Ointment and two bottles of Cuticura How are 11they getting along?" feel that the Kldneya are not acting "They veil together about a year Resolvent for about six days tha right Any one can easily p re pars Wentworth's Frank half. She's a and this mixture at home. Itching had coastd, and now tho sores wife now. have disappeared, and I never fell "What! Well. I'm not so much surBheep Raising In Australia. better In my life than I do now at Unit She and Arthur might prised U. In 30th 8. The greatest Industry of Australis Hand Edward Worell, have known I hut they'd never get is sheep raising, mainly for the sake fan try, Port Crook, Nebraska. along together. What happened to of the wool, but also In part, ot Frank's llrt wife? I she dead? Varnish Secret Lest. course, for the meat. Australia now No, she gut a ilivun-- and went on ranks second among the great sheep Tha Crentons varnish disappeared stage. They aay alie's doing pretty raising countries. Argentina being abttl 1760, and no far the recipe has the Of course, you've heard almut first with 93,000,000 sheep, Australia well. It not been rediscovered. Whether was a gum or aa oil or a distillation llllly Heinenway and hi wife? second with 72,000,000, and Russia "They're not divorced, are they?" from aome plaut or a chemical Is mil third with 70,000,000. Only n few "I should say they were. She was yearn ago Australia was first, posknown, nor bow It was mixed. Many theories regarding It have been ad married to Fred Reybura last fall, and sessing no less than 100,200,000 head former wife, of sheep. That waa In 1891. Provaaced from time to time, and bod they say llllly and Fred's , wa Hertha longed droughts were the cause of ths who died In 1330, claimed to have who, you rememlH-rrediscovered IL He employed others Steele, are going to try their fortunes destruction of many millions of Austo make his violins, hut always var- together." tralian sheep, but since 1902 there "Go on! You don't mean It? How has been an annual gain. Yet these nished them himself. Ills varnish li very superior, and his violins corn Is your ah how Is Sam Davlu get sheep were not Indigenous to Ausmnnd high prices. Tha varnishing ting along? It aeeiua to me that 1 tralis. They were first Introduced In and polishing of a violin are done heard somewhere not long ago that he 1797, being of tha Spanish merino bad hint most of hla money. species. usually by a woman. It requires tint "He's all right again. I guess he and practice, for the finest Instruments . Detective's Parable. did drop a lot of It speculating, but are gone over an often ns 30 times. K. Adair, the dr Hilary out had Investments that turned he March Circle., , ... . very well, so he Isn't hard up, by any tectlve, waa complimented in Calve to means. He marriod Abble Willard ton, Tex., on an arrest that he had Prodigals. Tip made. The arrest had been mysteri "I takes notice, philosophically after she and Jov were divorced." achieved and Mr. Adair wax nnld old Brother in tiger, who waa a ouly 'Joe and Abble Willard divorced! to axked dene In to "dnt explain 1L Thl though, be Whatever made them separate? They cogitate, great hand daya, whilst we are desa aa glad aa we were the last people on earth that I'd refused to do. There are no many ways of catch ever was when a nlnnah refawma, wo have expected to have trouble." dont make ao much fuaa about It aa "I guess It was Jim's fault. He be Ing criminals, he said, laughing ws used to. We reajiecta and came pretty gay after he got thal "You know what the old man told hit wife? 8he first said to him: his action as much as ws ever money from his grandfather. " 'Don't talk, John. You can't My 1 did, but we don't shout so loud. Nows "Who's he going to marry ran after you.' ever own his de along bring days, prodigal "He aud Helen llassutt have been " True, the old man assented. And calf; If he don't he's llhle to butt married for nearly a year. you can't say the trap ever runs nllei up agln dlsapp'IntmenL We's a heap "Helen Mussett?" the mouse, either, but It gather hlir mo for solid business, dene times, "Yen. Dick Iburnctt's wife, you and lota lean for noise, dan ws used know. Dirk let her get a divorce, and in Just the tame. Puck. to was. Taasah! Joe Willard Is said to have given bin. Democratic Danish Statesman. 130,000. 1 don't know how true It Is." Tbe Danish minister of agriculture British Foreign Shipping. "Things seem to have been hapien Ole Hansen. I one of the inoxt popu At the done of the year ended June I left. How Is your I mean lar and democratic of the public men 33, according to Lloyds Register of Ing since or hi country. HI daughter, deslr British Foreign Shipping, 10,066 mer- how are the Spencers getting along?-"DID ing to learn practical h()UHekeeilng you mean Kd Spencer? chant vesaela Teglstering over 19.000,-00- 0 tone gross held classes assigned and his wife got divoreed and she and decided, with her father' consent, tc Dick Itassott have since been married start at the bottom of the ladder by the committee of Lloyds Register. They say Ed and Wallace Harper's Therefore, she went to Berlin sad former wife are likely to pair off tie took a position as cook at a modest fore long." TOO YEARS IN BED atlpend at the home of a small government employe. Iler employer for "Is Wallace dead? . Dr. Williams Pink Plllg Cured Stub "Hardly. He's very much alive. ID a long time had no ausplclon that the born Rhoumatlam When Other and Alice Carter were married three rook was a daughter of n minister of Treatment Gave No Relief. week ago." state. Dr. WUIlama' Pink Pills have been "Who Is Alice Carter? GOOD NATURED AGAIN. curing the most stubborn cases ol "Why, you niut know her. She rheumatism for nearly a generation was Johnny Booth's first wife. Re and thousands 'of grateful pattenti sinned her maiden name after theli Good Humor Returns with Changt to have given tesllmouy tbut cannot bs divorce. Proper Food. ignored. "Great Scott! The Johnny Booths, Mr. Robert Odbert, a machinist, liv"For many years I was a constant Iluw Is your sh ami so Johntoo! Z0I Cameron at Street. Detroit, sufferer from Indigestion am! nervous ing Mich., bad a very distressing experi- ny's married again, too?" ness amounting almost to prostration," Yes. lie married Maud llankin. ence with rheumatism for about two writes a Montana maa. state-menThere was a good deal of talk about yearn. He makes the following iniiiovcrished, the "My blond wa "About the year 1SS7 1 felt the him and her before Johnny ami Alice vision was blurred and wenk, with effects of rheumatism which gradually separated." This moving spots before my grew woree until I was compelled to "There was, eh? How Is your I was a steady dally I grew give up work for a time. The years that la are you traveling alone? and eventually got so of 97 sad 98 1 was confined to my bed No. My wife's with me. How is nervous I could not keep my books most of the time. 1 was under doctors' do you like It here? treatment but found no relief. My yotiiah posted, nor handle accounts satisfacfirst "Y'es. rate. I didn't nt (he start, torily. Swollen were I can't describe my suffering. from tho hips down, legs ward and red blotches appeared all hut I've become acquainted now, and "Nothing I mo agreed with me. till have been coming my way ons day I happened to nutii-over them. Frequently they pained things me so that I had to bind them tightly pretty regularly lately, so I'm very Nuts In n grocery store and bought with strips of linen. This sometimes well satlHficd. Id like to have you a out of curiosity to know package, relieved the pain but at other tlmea and your nlfu come out to the house what It wax failed to do so. At times 1 had to and u. Cant you come this eve "I liked the food from the wry first, crawl to my work, using two crutches. tilng?" It with cream, an.l I gating During these spells I suffered greatly "It's mighty nice of you to ask nv it by the ease and use It d:illr. buy from pain around my heart which I at- out. I'll he glad to go, and I think nt j soon found that Grape-Nu- t fund u tributed to the rheumatism. wife will appreciate it. too. Does yum "At last my mother wrote me and supplying liraln and nerve f.ree as It here? asked me to try Dr. Williams' rink wife like nothing In the drug line ever l ad dons "Oh. ye: you couldn't get her to or could do. Pills. I did and la a short time I found myself getting belter ami have live any here else. She wa born and "It wasn't long before I j bad no trouble since. I may here add reared heie. yon know. All her pe stored to health, comfort mid happthat I consider myself perfectly cured. plo and her friends live here, and" iness. Through the use of C.v.ipe-XuI have not had the least sign of the "Then you that Is I hadn't heard food my digestion hud bn-restored, disease since and feel brtter now than my nerves are steady er.ee m,ir0 , 1 ever did. For theso reasons 1 Yea It was two year ago. Ol eyesight Is good again, my mortal recommend Dr. William' rink Pills fa, course, I'd have felt differently about ultles are rlear and aerc. aud I hxvt to any one affected the name aa I was. had we'd but if It oh. any children, so become goodnature,) Dr. Williams' rink rills aro sold by that's all paM now. I'm glad friends are truly atonlsliedtj,at all druggists, or sent by mall, postpaid well, brnii-.-.tiat the t wlf with yon. Ifi change. your I bid younger and ou receipt of price, SO cents per box, you better six boxes for 3.50, by the Dr. Wil- he a plea .Hire t.i hra- her cheery langl. than I have for 3'1 you- -, x., liams Medlclna Co., Schenectady, N. T. again. You'ie n- on luiKiues j of money would li.dtuv me p, ,rron I supi e?" der what I lt:m- - rn'i-e- i the -don't quite tin use of Grape-Nu"No, we I g.ar food" N.vimgTn ,!?"?! l Wo derstaud. on rn our mlDfnMt. I Mfpt immiii y. iuhrfi t wed ;' inr by Dostum Go. KarMo t'n-- , k. Mick Pvrvi wairr JtitfurM. r- topslrrfttHilih - I hi a ;o It ;o;i r In aid. , There's a pmhoi." piani antfittrTP' rir to trom fahi.itiai-JHFtlU- . ding Kip."iittu NslFfilfBiimgn lh'lff!i1IN Wri'FlitfilRl um fccrat thii-oiibook, "The road to WelN i in pk' coui'i.ikiMitst9vrBiMwi Prevented Sleep-Ha- nds, Arena and Lege Affected Cuticura Cured In 6 Daya. Terrible Pl'TN.tM FADELESS DYES root but 10 mil ei lurkaiii-- and color wore goods toiler awl lirigtiUT color. Itching t well-know- f !ie-eii- three-cornere- d d - - e e t, - h-- . y-- t - A n-i- Mr. Winslow's Soothing Nyrap. PorrklMrva Mtiliiiw, ufua ui fumi, rtdao to l.wumtip.an? oJa.i:aru lwl oia--. Wc.ukOo, The average woman makes a strenuous effort to discover her huaband'e faults for the purpose of hiding them from other people. A Natural Remedy Garfield Tea! It i '1 .hr it for eorwti-patwmade of nimple it regindigent mu. ulate the liver, purities the blood, bring Good Health. -- Ili-rl- Slept with His Dynamite. A French contractor of Kalem, Mass., slept with his dynamite In his bed to keep it from freezing. Found Out for Himself. as to the stability of the steeple of St. Michael's church. Hath, England, the rector climbed It and Investigated. He Is an enthusiastic mountaineer. Doubts being entertained ing, nervous feet and Ingrowing nails. It's the greatest comfort discovery of tbe age. Makes new shoes easy. A certain cure for sweating feet. Sold by all Druggists, Sac. Accept no substitute. Trial package. FREE. Address A. S. Olmsted. Le Roy. N. Y. Nervy Reggie. "Look here, young maa thundered the old gentleman as he came down the stairway three steps at a leap. "Didn't 1 tell you if ever 1 caught you around here again 1 would play football with you? "Yes, sir, I think you did, replied the calm youth. And yet you have the cheek to call again? "Oh, yea, sir. You see football la now out of season. $100 Reward, $100. Ths MSders of Ibis psprr will ba flnci M tears thai ibais 1. to ms draaded dUssss ibat setauea baa bsca ahia w cars lu all lu ataosa, and Uial la Catarrh. Haifa Catarrh Caro la tha only pualllrs ear. au kuuiru to Uis medical fnuaralir- - Caurrb bales a euaiiltuUmal dlwass, require, a em.Uiu-Uuua- l traatmoBb Hell's Caurrb Cara la takes actio dlracilj 011 Hie bluud aud mucoua aurfaeaa of iha ajreum, thereby deatraylua tha bwadalloe of lbs dleaaaa. aud clvlux the patient strqwtb by bulldlo up Iha aouHltutlue and aealeb-Ineel u re In dulii lu Work. Ths preprint, ire have au mack faith lu lu eurarlra powers that tbey offer One Ha adred Dollar fur any earn Uuu It falls to aura, baud for llet of taetluumlsls. Address F. J. CHKNKY CO., Toledo, Bold by all Drumteu. ns. Tau H all's Family pula Air erautlpattun. u Another Silent Senator. In substituting Major Frank O. Briggs for John F. Dryden New Jersey will send another itlent senator to congress. It Is said that Major Briggs has never made m speech or written a public document of any kind. Nor has he had any legislative experience. For a long time New Jersey has been represented In the senate by men who have not displayed forensic ability. Mr. Kean, who Is now serving his second term, ..has never participated in senate debates. Total All for duce our will send Berliner with our 12c pout paid in order to warranted peed, and if you FARM BOOK A Talk m Pstsl." gIVM flllitOlM iofu mM-UiUS UlB PBIBt NATIONAL LEAD COMPANY in iriMnvp of rtf .WfcfffoI BWff8 Nf II ing Hhf Ynrfc. ItaBfoB.B Buffalo, flWtaaJ. 1 hiJfeilM C'.IIU'iliiuhtl. i urMxit. bs. Hiub.Co.ii PUtoMirfth T. pbunJnhn UMhUueiil Uwi Mica Axle Grease Best lubricant for sales in the world long wearing snd very adhesive. Makes n heavy load draw like a liht one. Saves h Jf the wear oa wagen and team, and increases the earning capacity of your outfit Ask your dealer for Mica Axlt THE GREAT DURABILITY WATERPROOF er1 QUALITIES FISH BRAND POMMEL SLICKER Make it First Choice of the man Who Knows EVERY RARHENT GUARANTEED IF YOO MAL ft OUT orrtsmjkND. dont CMS YOU MND. MAt er men on seno mi onoen amofmot to os &SO BLACK M YELLOW tr hm .wre-aFmj- To eonvlnoe any wunan that ma- FREE'for It. ana do all we elnlm We will end her absolutely free a Urge trial box of Paxtlne with book of lnstnia-tlon- a and genuine testimonial, fiend your name aud add re on a puetai card. el Cannes and heals mueoua m e mbrans af fections, such as nasal catarrh, petvle catarrh and ItiflnnnnaUun caused by femisore throat and nine uis; sure eyes, l treatment Itaeun-ativmuutli, by direct to extraover these troubles power ordinary and gives Immediate relief. Thousands of women are using and it every day. eo cents nt druggists or by mall. Bemember, however, IT COSTS TOIT NOTHING TO TUT IT. THU li. PAXTON CO Boston, Jtaae. FACTS. The best brood-sow- s in the land is not always the most costly. now. There isn't much doing on the farm these days, when the old cow and the hen are taking a vacation. Ye had some late corn fodder, which we fed unshucked to the cows, that was bard to beat as a BAKING' IMTlf? g IfL'U POWDER ounces centa food. Now we build air castles and farm on paper In tbe most scientific way; after while we get to the real thing and Just do the best we can. Better commence slopping the spring One month before pigs pretty soon. and two after farrowing are the most important In the pig'a career. Marketable horses are selling at Is all right for the long prices, which farmer so long n the good mares are not sacrificed. A feeder ssLs If one lioat for em h teer Is enoush. I should prefer two or three when stei rs are on full feed I When you have plenty of hogs there nothing wasted, snd nu can clean out the bunks oner a c!r.y. " 1 Ux-a- the plenty of exercise. They won't hurt the pastures Give SEND FOE New Danger for Burglars. phonographic device that will call the police by telephone adds a new hazard to the dangers of the burglar'! profession. When an attempt la made to force a window or door with which the proper connections have been made an electric current operates a phonograph In the garret The machine calls up rentral and asks for DO YOU BURN KEROSENE ? more If so get ear-th- ir ths police station. The phonograph lishtwilha "BINS SUSS then Informs the officers of the robCONE UHPBUBUI." The rUmtt! does it. They an bery, giving street end number, and regreat fit common lamps. peats this information as long as the Sand your dealers name Indown. and 25c fora BINS receiver is Meantime, the sine No. I nr 3 pnnt paid. truder, ell unconscious that an alarm BING BURNER CO. has been rung in, virtually walks into Btsk 42, Miaataiii. Mian. res trap, and if the call Is promptly 0EF1AKCE STARCH aulast m work vita sponded to is soon In the lockup. A at cafe-guar- d. Improve intro- pun-lmeer- least six Inches in diameter, seven feet long, and put together after manner shown in the accompanying Illustration, that 1 could get more satisfactory results Slots should be cut ;n the ends of the poles about eight Inches from the extremity, then two by fours placed In these and bolted to the poles. Care should be taken to ee that the polea are level on tho bottom, and see to it, also, that the clods do not sun bake too hard before 1 find this more effective using. than the land roller. is tins Antlneptle will her health 81-0- 18c we will add one package of Earliest Cauliflower, together mammoth plant, nursery stock, VMetable and farm need and tool catalog. Thia catalog is mailed free to all inWrite tending John A. tsilzer Seed Co., Box Y, La Crowe, YVi. found If cmic i riih enough to rrpaint hi buildings evrry year fur the pleasure of having a change of color scheme, the quality of the paint ued way cut little figuie. But if it is desirable to cut the painting bills down to the least amount possible per year, it is of the utmost importance that the paint be mode of Pure White Lead and the best of l.iweed Oil. There are imita-tiurin the form of alleged White Lead, and there are substitute in the form of paint. to be We guarantee our White absolutely pure, and the Dutch Boy on the side of every keg D your Luok for him. a e Three Pole Land Drag. that by taking three poles ' Poor Paint is Expensive ready-prepa- In a Pinch, Use ALLENS FOOT-EASA powder. It cure painful, smart- A Big Bargain for 12 Cento Postpaid. Tbe year of 1908 wa one of prodigal plenty on our need (arm. Never before aid vegetable and farm uced return uih enormous yield. Now we wih to gain 200,000 new cusTHREE-POLtomers this year and hence offer for 13c LAND FLOAT. postpaid 10c 1 pkg. Garden fleet Does More Effective Work Than Two-Po- ll I " Earliest City 10c Ripe Cublage 1 Enrlient Emerald t'urumber.... 15c Drag. Lie 1 La CroNe Market Lettuce 10o 1 13 Day Radmli I find that a two-poldrag float does 1 15c Blue Blood Tomato not run well for me, and does not 1 10c Juicy Turnip seem to do effective work, writes a 1000 kernel gloriously tieuutiful flow15c ...... seed er I correspondent of ITalrie Farmer. " t: There ts always room for a man of force, and he makes room for many. - 23 for 25 is the purest and most efficient baking help in the country. It's a waste of money to pay more for baking powder not half so good! KC Baking Powder is made and guaranteed by Jaques 71fg. Co.. Chicago. J nkbba . e |