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Show PEOPLE OF STARVING T VTAU STATE NEWS LONDON Progruhsiv-- 1 ars organizing rltlun GREAT PROGRESS KILLED DESPERATE MADE FREE STATE RUSSIAN E of Hprliigvi!! club. ft Uniiinien-la- Thousand of Woman March Throui Btrscta to Lay Thsir Grievances Before Premier Balfour. raff to Ogd.ra ha thrvu hiimllpox ft apread at tight. ith th- - prospect i tbft dlHfftM-- . if ARE EIGHT The Hly council of Ogden has puttil an iirl m a in' lnrri,ihiiii! ibe salaries of ihi city cfllrialH. were Eight carl. al of - pulatian Fork Aruern froiu duriag shipped the week, beiiiK runaigned to Utah point). Kayavillf will pronably have electric light In the near future, an ap pllratlon for a franchise having been made last week. Klnier tirant. atp-- 21, foil from the aerand lb or of a new building on which be wan working In Halt City, breaking hi neck. Erneat Lobeck. aged 12, attempted to board a moving freight train ai Ogden, fell beneath the wheel and aufft-rei- l the lor of a foot. there xeem to be a shortage ot unkllled lalior In Halt lake City and It la projioHcd to advertise in eaatern papera for lalxirera. Korty milea of rapper wire ha been ordered for the construction of the fblephnue line from Price to Clear Creek, Winter Quarter and Heufleld. Judge Joaeph Mall, aged NO, who baH lived In Ogden fur forty yeara, full Into a rellarway laat week, Injurlea which may prove fatal. Harry Wilson, the colored man who ' waa shot through the body by Jmie Thtunaa during a light over a card game In Balt Lake City, will probably recover. klra. Emma Hbarkey, who had been a resident of Utah eince 1352, coining aenta the plalna with one ot the ear Heat rampanlea, died In Halt Lake City laat week. The child of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Inguraoll of American Fork la In a serious rand Ion a tha result of polMinlng, caused by the chewing of green paper. It Is announced that the Western Pacific railway, which la being constructed from Halt Lake City to San Francisco, will have branch lines througout southern California. John J. Moore, town marshal ot Price, waa badly beaton about the head with a by J. Wesley Warf, water commissioner and an at tnrncy. The men had quarreled over nr- " ii l ' r ' ...B i r ' Bert Parka of LIndon, waa accidentally shot, while returning from a hunting trip. While crawling through a fence III gun was accldentslly discharged, Kirlklng him In the leg, which was fearfully lacerated. Ilyniiu, Huberts, while at work In the boiler room at the sugar factory at Lehi, dropped to the floor and expired in les than a minute. A doctor was called and prumuinced it a rasa of angina pectoris. The report of the trustees of the school for the deaf and blind shows an enrollment of 121 pupils 25 blind children and 99 deaf ones. Of the total uiunber, 31 are from Idaho 2 from Wyoming and 1 from Arizona. American Party Wins in Balt Laka City, While Ogden Will Hava a Democratic Mayor- - Hearst is Defeated by a Small Margin for Mayor of New York- - d g 1 1 i James II. MeKendrlek of Tooele died In a Salt hospital last week M the reunlt of burns received while working In a mine at Stockton some four weeks since. He was caught by escaping steam from an overheated boiler. From all oter the west letters are being received by President Metier M Well of the Hull take Commercial rlub Indorsing the action or that body In calling a ronventlou of men to pull for the west nnd her In tereids. we-der- n M. Whittaker, sgeu M, of Halt lake, was thrown from a horse and dragged for a block, unable to extract his font from Hie stirrup until his broke. He escaped with severe bruise about the head and shoulders. Khm-Mtrin- A representative of the Swedish Lutheran of the United States is In Utah making Investigations of the climatic and other conditions, which, if favorable, will probAldy result In the erection of a sanitarium for consumptives. ltallroad uRieint reckon that during the month nearly Id.UUtl people will have puxsi-through Halt lake City en route for the west and Northwest. It Is really au exodus of population from the middle west. Utah will get her portion of the set tier. W. 11. lirown, I he negro who o capcd from the Utah state prison alsiut. eight years ten, In company with Harry Traey, David latnt and Frank Edwards, has Just been locat ed. He I doing time In the Kansas penitentiary for burglary, George 8 Haskell, aged 65, was at rack by a train near Thistle and killed. Haskell hail seated himself ot tha track and did not hear tho ap p reaching train. He had resided in Utah County for several yeara, conducting a saw mill In the mountains. Slava Trade Has Disappeared. Villagea Sprung Up, Railroads Built and Country is Prosperous. Result of Tuesday's Battle of Twister Passes Through Oklathe Ballots Throughout the homa, Dealing Out Death eondltitk London. The desperate United States. and Destruction. of the poor ot Ijondon was brought V the notice of Premier Ezra Thompson, the American party candWatn for mayor of Halt lake City, was elected on Tuesday, a was the balance of the rlly ticket and lx rnunrllnicn. Cbb-- f of IN.IIee Lynch, the candidate fur mayor, wa third in the race, Morris, the mayor, second. An increased vole over 1903 was cast in Ogden, Conroy, the Democratic candidate fur mayor, was elected, as were the candidati-- for treasurer am attorney and two council-men- . Hall Ijike City pri-xe- s Balfour 1 i- The Republicans of Provo elected Krisby mayor of Provo Tuesday with a plurality of about forty over Mayor Rnylance. W. K. Henry, tlm Democratic nonilm-- for marshal, received 226 majority over Hllas 1 All-reThree Republicans and two rouncllinen were elected. At Park City the Democrats elected their entire ticket, with the exception of treasurer and recorder. elected the entire Republican ticket by an average majority of ltia votes. The Citizens' ticket triumphed over the Republicans at Kaysvllle by a small plurality. The Republican of Richfield elected their entire ticket, with one exception, a Democratic marshal WOULD EXTERMINATE JEWS. being elected. The Democrats made a clean sweep Riotera Are Encouraged by Police and In Metier and Richmond. Horrible Crimes Are Committed. The straight Republican ticket for town officer was elected at Price, the St Petersburg. From Bachmul, vote over the Citizens' ticket, comcornea an entirely new Bessarabia, posed of Republicans and Democrats, A three days' attack of revolL tale two more to one. than being on the Jews began Thursday of last week with every Indication of pollca Throughout the Union. Jewish students were organization Washington. Election returns comstores In the man the Jewish beaten, plied here show that the Democrats and have carried the mayoralty campaign keta were sacked during the day resiof the the plunder during night In New York City; the entire state dences commenced. , Troops arrived ticket In Pennsylvania; the state ticket In Virginia and the city ticket on the scene, .but the following dar In Isiiilsvllle, while the Republicans the work of pillage waa resumed Jr mw the eyas of tho aoldtere and-licItavi faiadr an-rnn- i' awcwp lB Maaaa-chuset- s The prayers of the hunted Jew and Chicago and Cook county, were unavailing. Towad for mercy and have carried their tickets In New noon was applied to store torch' the Rhode Island. Nebraska anu Jersey, Maryland. Itlrd 8. 'Color waa elected and houses. The police would nd borough president of Ilrouklyn on the permit the Jews to fight the fire, ad Kips were withdrawn. Then tk municipal owueruhlp ticket. The New the York election shows' that municipal pillage began afresh. It waa tee morale ownership will be a considerable fac- porarlly stoppl'd Saturday through the efforts of the Russia tor In the rliy's pclltlcs. peasants, but he police spread falx The suffrage amendment In Maryreports whic-- n roused the mob an land was defeated overwhelmingly. waa a renewal of the work there Massachusetts a Republican plunder and ntassaere. The lossa governor by n majority aproxlmnt-In- are said to bo In the millions of Hint of Douglas, the present Democratic governor. For the third consecutive time EuCHEATED THE GALLOWS. gene Hchniltz, the Union Labor was mayor of Hun Escape Francisco by a majority of at least Murderer of Bessie Bouton Arrest by buiciiie. 15.itiu over John H. Partridge, the Joint nominee of the Republican and San Francisco. Trapped In ht Democratic parties. rooms by the police, and fully awaa latlituui. Democrat, was elected that his last avenue ot escape hd governor of Ohio hy Cit.oon majority. Claude E. Swenson, Democrat, was been barred. Milton Franklin Ax elected governur of Virginia by about di . s, who murdered Mrs. Beam 20.000 plurality over Judge L. U Bouton on tho top of Cutler mountah, Lsw, the Republican candidate. (Juvernor (1. I'tter of Rhode Island Colorado Springs, ten months ago ail was elected by a plurality of at least murderously assaulted and robbd 3.000 over the Democratic nominee, William Ellis, an Australian hor Lucius F. linrvln. Momlir A summary of news received front man. at Berkeley, Cal., on the election held tn Indian Territory night shot and killed Nulda Olivia, s indicates that the total vote on the last female companion, and then aim Heiiioyali ronstilullon will not reach a bullet Into his own head, causing ) out of a posxtldc 100.000. Ill tnnt death. That Andrews, for whoa many of Hie towns poll were not the prlice of the entire country wen In and numerous instance opened, the vole for Joint statehood with Ok se;. rolling, was fully prepared for & Idlionia far exceeds the vote for the tragedy that closed his career, Wa separate state const Uni ion. The vote shown by the fact that he acted w t ts un overwhelming Indorsement of of a moment whet Joint clatelioud for the two territories. officers cam - to arresthesitation, him. , i Not twenty per cent of tin- - voters of Indian Territory tune Indorsed the Lawyer Involved In Todd Mystery. Sequoyah const iim ion. Now York. Ingersoll the lawyer for Mr. Marg-re- ta TojU, New York. District Attorney Jewho, after lil client's mysterious rome Is bv several thousand death in l'lilladelphla, attempted majority, lli triumph was almost obtain eon I ml of part of her estati entirely a personal one. and showed here a beneficiary under her win, that an npiwnl may be giade sueccxs-fnllto the voters on the strength -- t on Monday denied the statemeg personal honesty and persistent, sys- made by an undertaker that on tha tematic denunciation of graft am' after her death he ordered Mm political boxstrtin. Mr. Jerome's earn day Mr. body rremated. palgn was conducted with a spacin' Todd wood announced that. he expected tt opposition to Charles F. Murphy leader of Tammany hall, and his re be the first witness before a grant puled wealth, and the result prnr Jury before which he had been givrj tically Is a defeat for Murphy as well to understand the district attornej would lay the Todd case. as for Osborne. J. II. e Kishineff Horrors Arer Repeated a Hundred Fold, Thousands Brussel. The conimltuslon appointBeing Slain. ed by King to Investigate the a Monday by a remarkable deputstun of the wive and other women reb live of the unemployed, who did oA hesitate to tell the premier unle speedily dona to leas aoineihing the. - suffurng there will be bloodshot "Don't forget that hungry men ate desperate men, said one of tha speaker. who all had the same tala to tdl of husbands out of work and atarvlag wives and children. The pinched facts and tattered clothing of tha womei. aoma of them having babies in thor arms, bore eloquent testimony of the truth of their complaints. Enormous crowds of women from all parts of Ismdon marched through the streets headed by a deputatioa which Mr. Balfour received at the office of the local government) board. The "Marseillaise" was heard as the procession advanced, perhapa thf first time it waa ever beard under such circumstances lu tha streets of London. Only thirty of the women ware admitted In the presence of Mr. Balfour. Tha premier waa very sympathetic, lie acknowledged that tha evil waa very real, but he had little to suggest In the way of alleviation except aa expression of hope that public charity would come to the aid of tha unemployed. lie deprecated the socialistic suggestion that Industries should he started at the national expense for the benefit of tho unemployed aa calculated to destroy the springs of enterprise and energy of the nation. nb-cte- d can-didiit- e, d ill-ou- i- conditions In the Congo Independent state and the charges made against the administration of the Congo, has Unfortunate Hebrew Hunted Down One paragraph of the re reported. In Streeto and Beaten or Killed 1 port aaya: and Their Shop Pillaged by "Our voyage to the Congo produced Roughs and Cossacks. Havoc Waa Great in Track of 6torm, Homes Being Destroyed and Unfortunate People Pinioned Beneath the Debrla and Killed or Seriouely Injured. Mountain View, Okla. Eight per sons were killed and thirty Injured, four fatally, by Saturday'a tornado. No damage was done outside of the town. The pathway of the tornado la about 100 yards wide and only one mile fnng, but within thla small area the havoc waa great. cotton gin, with The furmcra and maaaive timbers, machinery heavy is a complete wreck. In the building J. S. Barkley, employed aa packer In the gin, was crushed to death. His body was found pinioned under the debris near the press, his head and shoulders crushed Into the ground. The Barkley home, which was near the gin, was carried about 200 yards and dropped. Mrs. Barkley was found Imbedded In the mud In the street, her head and face covered with wounda. Further to the northeast was the Shawl feed yard, where five horaee were crushed to death. Adjoining tho feed yard was the Ilulme home, where Mrs. Ilulme and her brother, Frank Clark, were found dead. The North Side hotel, near this point, la a masa of broken timbers. Directly east, In the edge of town, la the wreck of a carriage in which seven members o( the Hollis family, who were leaving town, which waa struck by timbers. J. E. Hollis, Joseph T. Hollis, Ed Hollis and John Gudon were severely Injured by flying timbers from the gin. Ed Hollis Is thought to be fatally injured, aa portions of the apllntered timbers penetrated his body. y The large school house waa lifted straight up In the air, turned completely over and crashed down upon the roof Just beside the foundation. The Methodist church la also a wreck. The Christian complete church, which was used as a school building, was totally destroyed. The sides of some houties were crushed In. an Impression of admiration and wonder. Security reigns today In a yeara ago country which twenty-fiv- e was plunged In barbarity, plundered by Arab tribes and strewn with mar kets for human flesh. The slave trade has now disappeared, cannibalism seeks hiding and human sacrifice has heroine rare. Villages have sprung up, railroads have been constructed to the head of the equatorial forests, steamers navigate the rivers, the postal system and telegraph are In operation, hospitals have been established, and government administration proin that vast ceeds, uninterrupted country. The report points out that the mutilation of their bodies la an ancient custom of the natives and that all the caaea of mutilation presented were at trtbutable to naUves. The commission therefore concluded that there waa no testimony showing that the whites had been guilty of mutilations. WAS REVOLTING BUTCHERY. Jews Slaughtered Without Regard ta Age or Sex. It la believed that the Odessa. worst is over here. Owing to the ntoba being satisfied with two days carnival of murder and ' destruction by flames, the revolt against law and order la dying down, partially, perhaps, because of lack of material upon which to prey. Almost the entire Jewish quarters of Moldavanha, Slobodka and Rugalovka are devastated, and their inhabitants have either been killed or wounded or have sought refuge In other section) of the town. The whole fury of the mobs was directed unchecked against the Jews, over During the first demonstration the emperors manifesto and the sudden acquisition of "freedom tens ot thousands ot men who hod hated the Jews through generations became drunk with the desire for Jewish blood, swarmed Into the Jewish sec tions of the town and killed for the WITTE NOW IN CONTROL. very Joy of killing. In some Instances the military aided Instead of preventCount le Bringing Order Out of Chaoa ing the work of vengeance and fury which culminated Saturday In the in Ruslan Empire, mentioned. Every Jew SL Petersburg. Count AVItte Is get- quarters man. woman and child who was ting his hands on the helm, and the caught was slaughtered. The methods Russian ship of state Is beginning to employed In the work of butchery were too revolting for description. right Itself. Gradually the disorder that followed the promulgation of the AMNESTY MANIFESTO. constitution giving the people liberty la being put down. The premier has Pardon for Offenses Committed Up to met tho Immense difficulties confrontOctober 30. ing him and the pressure of the deSL Petersburg. The text of the immands of the different classes of so- perial manifesto, granting amnesty to ciety with energy and sincerity that political prisoners, signed by Emperor ire more and more giving him tho Nicholas on Saturday, declares that support of the moderate liberals, who by virtue of the Intention expressed have been frightened by the carnival In the manifesto of October 30 to acf disorder into which the country has cord the population Inviolable prinbeen plunged and the Inordinate de- ciples of civil liberty, free pardon Is mands of the proletariat under the granted to political criminals of varileadership of the reds and Social ous categories, which are enumerated, and also to participators in strikes, Democrats. , for breaking Count Witte has solved the railroad and those responsible to The pardon extends strike at a conference with the strike contracts. prison and to those not leaders at which he did not hesitate those now in not to make a practical surrender to the yet tried or on whom sentence has been yet pronounced. strikers' reasonable demands. MOTHER'S AWFUL CRIME. Murdered by Filiplnoe. Denver. A letter from Captain W. Shoots Fatally Her Four Children and A. Groves, commissary officer of the Herself. United States army In the Philippines, Minneapolis. Mrs. James D. Brenreceived by Police Magistrate B. F. nan of this city quarreled with her Stapleton, contained the news that husband Friday evening, and after he W. H. Rogers, who was a private In had gone to work attempted to kill the Colorado regiment In the Philip- her four children and herself. She shot and killed two of the children pines during the Hpanlsh-Amerlca- n One of war, was murdered October 3 last by and wounded the other two. and the two boatmen wbom he hired to row these died at the hospital him from Cavite to Manila. His head other cannot live. The mother shot waa cut off with bnlos and the body herself in the left breast, and It Is believed will die. waa thrown overboard. two-stor- Isx-kwo- Acute Crisis Nearly Ended. 8l. Petersburg. As the divers regions of Russia are becoming pacified It la evident that the acute crisis, precipitated by the shock of the nev system In culllskm with expiring ten dencles approaches nn end. The tragic and deplorable events of the past week In many pnrts of the en' plre may lie regarded as tin- - spentar eoua react Ion of the ronservatlve ele ments of the population against tiv manifestations, perhaps exaggerate of the radical elements. i ! Wholesale Bankruptcies Feared. Odessa. In view of the entire da vast at ion of almost all the JewlQ mills, shops and factories, the trada of Odessa Is threatened with co plete ruin, and wholesale bankrupt, clew are feared. Involving the Interna tlonal credit of Russia. Home of tha banka and all the shops have reopensf and the streets are being cleared of debris. It la claimed In some quartet) here that estimates higher than 2.otq killed and 5.U0U wounded are exss. gera tions. JEWS Body Weighed Down by Stone. Kansas City. Mo. The dead body .of Winona Newton, aged 15 yeara. was found Saturday beside a bridge over a small stream near Fifty-linstreet and College avenue, on the outskirts of the city. The girl evidently-habeen inurdered. .The girl's face had been disfigured by many cuts, there were finger marks on her throat, weighing 150 pounds weighted down the body. The police are looking for a young man with wnom the girl had been keeping company. n d Venezuela Still Quibbling. Caracas. The Venezuelan government on Saturday delivered to Mr. Russell, the American minister, a note reaffirming the willingness of the government to withdraw Its note concerning M. Taigny. French charge d'affaires at Caracas If the French would do likewise. The note says the government will permit the French Cable company to transmit cables from Caracas and coast offices If the company will undertake to make satisfactory arrangements with the government within eight weeks. Courier of Death la Killed. Iowa City. Stella Dreyer, 16 years old, employed as a messenger by a telegraph company, was run over and Instantly killed on the Rock Island tracks on Saturday. In her hand, when the body was taken from the rails, was a telegram conveying the news of a womans sudden death at the wedding of her son. It was while hastening to deliver this message that tha girl was killed. She was a daughter of the Rev. C. Dreyer and had only been at work a few weeks. Killed His Wife and Then Committed Suicide. Los Angeles. Ira Caler, a blade smith, on Sunday shot and Instantly killed hls wife, and then shot himself through the forehead and died In the receiving hospital five hours later. The shooting was done with a revolver. The Immediate cause of tho killing was a quarrel over $1, but the couple baa not lived together happily and the woman had recently begun suit for divorce. The family came here from Transylvania the first of tha year. 4 Odessa. The massacre of Jews continues. They are being bunted down In the atreeta and killed and beaten, while their shop are given over to pillage. The streets are In possession of a wild, disorderly mob ot roughs. The city rings with the reports of rifles and occasionally a volley is fired. Every house and tenement la bolted and barred. The Infantry par trols are doing their duty perfunctorily, declining to fire on the mobs until The Costhemselves are attacked. sacks are said to have lost over 100 men by bombs and shots from windows. Cossack patrols carry carbines and have their fingers on the triggers. The streets are absolutely unsafe for civilians. The casualties up to Thursday night are believed to have amounted to 5,000 killed and wounded. In the Jewish quarters bodies still atrew the streets and sidewalks. Jewish women and children were strangled and hacked to pieces In the streets where the mobs gained the upper band. A Red Cross doctor says that the Kishineff horrors were repeated a hundred-fold- . The students alone saved the city from wholesale massacre. The military la now placing a hundred machine guns at varioua points. The Cossacks eagerly attack tbs student militia, which is courageously trying to stop tho bands who are masacring and pillaging, principally The looters In the Jewish quarter. openly divide the goods, the Cossacks In the in many coses participating proceeds of the robberies. CLEARING UP MY8TERY. Two Men Confess to Throwing Body Into Water. New York. Two men are under arrest at police headquarter! In thla city, charged with homicide In connection with suit case mysof In Boston. One the men, Wiltery liam Howard, is said to have contested that he end hls fellow prisoner, Louis Crawford, alias Albert H. Emory, were the ones who took the body from a hospital on Tremont street, Boston, and threw the dismembered portions, which were concealed in a dress suit case and a hand satchel. Into Wlnthrop (Mass.) harbor. Howard denies that he knows anything about the cutting up of the body, while Crawford reuses to say a word. Chief Inspector Watts, of Boston, is on hls way here with witnesses who say they saw the men throw the body from ferry boats. the-dres- s Taft on the Isthmus. Panama. Secretary Taft arrived here at noon Thursday and was received by a special government commission. In company with Governor Magnon the secretary in the afternoon paid a visit to President Amador and hls cabinet. During the conference that followed President Amador asked Secretary Taft whether some arrangement could not be made whereby long leases could not be obtained on lota In Colon owned by the Panama Railroad company, so that permanent buildings could be constructed, thus decreasing tbe danger from fires. Secretory Taft said he thought that the matter could be arranged. Many celebrations have been arranged In honor of Mr. Taft. Socialist Riots In Vienna. Vienna. Grave disorders, In which It Is reported more than forty persons were injured, occurred Thursday night as a result of a great socialist meeting in behalf of unlvercal suffrage. It is alleged that the socialists stoned the pollre, and it is sold that the pollre acted with brutal violence. The masses resisted angrily, and a cafe on Ringstrasse woe almost demolished. There were no policemen among tbe Injured. Wants New Trade Agreement. Ambassador Speck Washington. Von Sternberg of Germany, who baa been In Europe for several months, much of which time was spent 1 hls native country, returned to Washington Thursday afternoon. The ambassador brought with him the invitation of the German government for the negotiations of a new trade agreement between the United States and Germany to replace the existing commercial agreement which expires early next spring. Imprisoned In Frozen Arctic. The whaling v easels Monterey and Alice Knowles arrived here Thursday from Hakodate, Japan. They confirm the news that the greater part of the arctic whaling fleet has been caught In the ice and that the Imprisoned men will probably suffer for want of provisions. Captain Charles II. Foley of the Monterey believes that the ships ore In a very serious condition, and may have to be abandoned altogether before tbe Ice breaks up next summer. San Francisco. |