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Show TBOVD FATHER'S FIUST OffE TAYLOR, ROMNEY. ARMSTRONG. CO. Wholesale and Retail .ii. LUMBER l.i 1 I,., 1 cant stand 'or young couSi--.,tin car Wlll aitti.3 ii.airuiily woman nil' i I ('IT I Le lot -- "Thin tl hear 4 em bawl fellow dout talk jet, does he?" aaked the pr gently. He ain't but 11 "My laud, i.o! months old jw. O, he says sonic things, bur not real plain, as you may aay, to talk. His sister, she talked at t' rnn-lui-o- liiin with f: io!i. "I Hi afraid lliat cart's goinf I,.- in way," kbe aalil. "Nut at alt, ma am," replied the cy.iitf I he cart with some ln-"Them' mighty handy. he remarked. "I khuu Id aay they wa. said die woman. adjusting her Infanta bmd and removing Mime traces of recent rooky from its mouth with her I don't knw "My land! how I'd get along without this. "I'm family man myself, aaid !he rcndurior with some pride. "Thi-you ought .to know hoe a womans tied to a baby. Wherefir xoi'5 the bahy'a got to go to. "That' what, said the conduct)ii.iu liinK the baby under the chin. !1 "Hut they're great comfort aa ; u can. I've raised four of 'em, an' Id lo I. ind o lost without a baby. "I would myself, said the coniine or. "Ii sounds good to hear en a Kx-ini llin' uni. like home, don't haii Li I it to leg. S' and loMing 1. -- - Corner South Temple and 2d West St. - - UTAH SALT LAKE CITY Ind. Tel. 755. LEWIS. SALT LAKE PRIVATF HOSPITAL. DR. ALVAH n - rr ? . A 'V' i , i Jr - i iL "" 3Ta'.-wu i Plus $2.00 Round Trip November let to April 30th Final Limit June 1st, 1906 Daily Through Sleepers Every day after Nov. 14th from Colorado to Florida without change, Let us figure on your trip. N. L. DREW, General Agent, E. DRAKE, Diet Agent,! 800 17th Street, Denver, Colo. G. A. BIBLE, Trav. Pass. AgL,g 100 West Second South SL, or Salt Lake City, Utah. Pa. aassasMssassssassaaasaaas aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaa. IT- - w-i'--- 'V. !& 'i'. i v, tin-e.- if THE TOURIST'S FAVORITE POUTB TIE SV1TED WHOLE FAMILY ell I'own-eaxit- r Uhl. Chance bail broiuht i hem lug Hut in tin. biiMling limit of the in ' smith, win it- Arkansan Iurits are Into wnei-- and carriage mall lials. They sat before a table laden with butter heana and fried eatfi'-and other southwestern delicacies, ami sighed for the more familiar food of their eastern home. I want most of all, said Tim- some of mas olu mosaic pie. is mins, Mosaic pie? chorused the others. "What in the. name of New England is mosaic pie? Mosaic pie, explained Timmins, "is to other pies what America la to Arwhole kansas. It is the of which I he other kind of pie is a mere offshoot. While apple pie or cranberry Is for your man of narrow and prejudiced taste, mosaic Is the wand which appeals to true catholicity of taste. "But what is mosaic pie? Well, gentlemen, moaalc pie is this way. In the Tiinmina household there were Just live members pa and ma and Bill and me and Suaie. Pa wai Tli-- Special Attention given SURGICAL an d Uua 1 MICAL CASES. THU ONLY STRICTLY 111 VATU II OSIT1AI. IN THU STATE. No .153 K. let South. Balt Lake City. 1 Iiimi'i'i-i- I 1 2 DR. e. s fairweather, Hulld-J- ; rith Dr. Hector Griswold for th g TO past three years. 2 MINING CONGRESS, EL PASO, TEXAS. if 99999999999999999999999999 VIA K Mil! Santa Fe a R. A. A A mm HASBROUCK, ? 4 4 Phyaician and Surgeon, Hlock. CO Commercial Salt I dike City, Utah. 'Phones 1112-- and 1129-K- . 4 Office, A A J A 4 I The Quick Line to the SouthweaL other Correa ponding rates from points. Date of aalo Novamber 10th and 11th. Final return limit Decem- PPP P 99999999999999999J9999 W 4 4 2Sth, 1005. Land Attorney, e For Information regarding train and cheap rate, for tide trips to Old Mexico and other territories, sea or writ aar-vic- J - IS NATIONAL ber c. it- - lie ii. r ii'uir-ionue- Hank FROM OGDEN AND SALT LAKE CITY mostly partial to apple pies. Ve had them on Monday, say, Sunday having ilevtin il to a rich brown Indian Iiiidding. Ma, she Inclined toward the seductive eon r ness of a cranberry tart, ail'd If we had apple on Monday, cranberry was elated for Tuesday. Wednesday was Hill's turn, and he voted for custard. I got in an appeal for lemon pie In time to be fied on Thursday, and Susie ruled the table Friday morning with mince. Somehow or other ma never did get the knack of dividing anything Into five pieces, pies especially. She preferred the easy regularity of the hexagon, and as a consequence there was always one pierc left over. On Saturday morning ma came to the table hearing aloft a triumph of art, constating of the five extra pieces built into a new pie all frosted with powdered sugar. Out of that pie ahe drew a wedge of apple for pa. cranberry for herself and so on down the line. That, gentlemen, was mosaic pie, and as long as I have lived I have nev er seen another variety better suited to satisfy the wants of the most pernickYouth's Companion. ety appetite. Auerbach Building, Salt Lake Clty.g M C. F. WARREN, DOIffC BUSINESS Iff LOfiDOJf Of the busmens life In London of beloved machinery clearly visible; but In 'the Wllbo Tompkins writes aa lollo in control pulled the young hnstesi The Mefcleew, Topeka & Santa Fo I CYRUS GATRELL through and had her steadily in 'easEverybodys: Railway Company. "BuslueKS in fxmdon Is done lardy ing influence In Sprague's favor. 411 Dooly Block. To these dinners and lunches came Attorney 4k Counselor. over the dinner table. If It Is ft be women are asked ind engineers. M. P.'s, peers of the realm, turlt business, Salt Lako City, Utah. 410 D. F. Walker BuIhUng, the affair has apparently the brijlsnt heads of traction companies, wi.ters Miss Rawls talked Salt Lake City. irresponsibility of any other aulal for the press. for open discussion, only! sen electricity and multiple unit control event; (EXSSXBKWitWXjWtiWitjXj stets&XsXe until she was popularly supposed to are ascinldid. champagne Is ihe through which all be a lcadirg authority and something The rtm of of an Inventor herself. Of course, her btislui s projects llow. Mr. Spracue's i.ew partner was lardy good advantage lay In the fact that & ihat or busies Kvrry one who jfwld the system nlie was pushing was. as bo of service, direct or Indirect, toihe has since hen proved, the best thing Asaayera and Chemists. The facts 161 B. W. Temple St, Balt Lakeg Multiple I'mt f'unirtd was glvephls of its kind yet invented. were all on her side; her task was and Ins and ehanre (liss dinner, City. Rawls presided with a calm grargind to get these facts a proper hearing. Writ for Mailing Backs. To be assured of a pleasant trip never deserted her, even whop as For this, her clear husinera head her nts, often bappered, she had to takeihe strong grasp on the salient east, purchase your tickets via tha table a lone woman with ten or loz-r- n were the best weapons. Moreov , as men. militant companleto hostess and guest site had the gi ' of 4 RailI dimnot an inventor nuct rousing friendliness, and direct, al M. . ple matter; genius is aa always asiot most selfish interest both of which likely ASSAY ER. in arrive an boil or mi late, with aitnd inclined men to listen. It was, after ; 120 W. Ind South. Salt Lake Cttj. ne all, fairly simple. from Omaha to Chicago. above apology end the traces i Opposite Itoatofflce. First-clas- s service also between ! Mailing Sacka Furnished. Omaha and Mkineapolla and Chicago (V.TiXftWXIXWtWXWXM? 5 JV and St. Ixiuls, aa well as all points in Confirmation of the report reewd attempt at escape, believing that noththe South and Southeast THE KEELEY CURE. some weeks hko by Itcv. Father Jaa-ing worse than robbery was to be Drunkenness Cured. A. Walsh, dloo-sadirector of thtio-rlct- y feared. For full Information call on or write A positive and permanent cure 1M lor the Propagation of the Fth, The chief of the troops ordered s nodrunkenness and the opium diseases. of ibis city, that one of the snclq'a torious character to murder the misJ. A. FOLEY, I There Is no publicity, no sickness. missionaries bad been put to deatkin sionary. Commercial Agent. dies treated as privately aa at theii Tibet. Iia been received, say the baThe Tibetan shackled the feet of the 134 Institute. The Keeley own homes. No. 75 West Second South Street. Globe. ton but leaving hla arms free. InUtah. priest Lake City, W. So. Temple, Salt the victim was dealt a blow stantly The vlrtliu was Rev. Father Soke, who originally ratne from Rota, with a sword slmed for the head but QLADITONB NOYBi. France, and was inxt closing a scon of only grazing the side and scarcely then ervire in Tibet, whither ke wounding Father Soulle. But wound years' with a Jagged stone a severe . Mrs, A, M. Marshal, Progb went lu was inflicted in the side of the body lit South Main Street Salt Laka Cltj The details of his death come fro, a and from this the doomed priest sufNeatly furnished Rooms by the Day, lama of YarcgnnK. whw was a frind fered Week or Month. greatly until the end came. The mission was ransacked, properRates, 50 cents to fl.50 per day. of the deceased missionary. On fee AMB YWB Special rates by tha day. week or dav of the massacre a troop of lasts ty and provisions, though meager, beof Uathong had been running amuctln month. ing takcii. Father Soulle was then tathe territory, and. among other ken outside the village proper a short had captured about sixty VIA way and In a lonely spot was tlei to a WINDSOR. who were stationed at three tree. The end was not long do. yed EUROPEAN HOTEL. r1oe together. The lamaa A rifle hall from behind passed at Father Soulie's mission a boat through his head and a moment later a Salt Lake City. rundown. Located In the heart of tha city. second shot pierced his heart Reasonable. Rates it the Wbtr Soniie deemed Father The body was cut down and covered -nAH-WAY Light airy, clean rooms. Flratelaaa course to surrender rather than Kike with stone and brunches of trees. in every respect Steam heat Elec trie Lights. IN SOI General Agent. Eiu Rawls Reader, Financier, Jiliet natural ease and a firm belief . a (evi-tabl- R. H. Officer Illinois Central jr Co., FAST FLYlSIiS DAILY BETWEEN Oft I) EX AND DENVER -- THROUGH road F. TOURIST SLEEPERS TO ST. LOWS WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS Free Reclining Chair Care. Dining Gkr Service a la cart oa all through trains. For Foldan, traled Booklets 111 addr LA. BEHT0N, Ck A.P.1X 44 44 44 BALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TO CALIFORNIA 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 4-- 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 Vestlbuled Trains leave Salt Lake City 8:30 p. m. dally. Ob-4- 4 serration. Drawing Room and Standard Pullman Sleeper, Tourist and 4 4 44 Dining Car. FREE 44 44 or 44 RECLINING CHAIR CAR. Ask nearest agent for Information on Pacific Coast Excursions, 4. 4 write to J. L. Moore, DIsL Pas. Agent, San Pedro, Los Angeles ft Salt 4 Lake R. R., Salt Lake City. 44 a a4 444444t444ttt 44444444444 4 44 4 444 44444-t-- 4-- REMEMBER. fa IN F1CUKING YOUR TRIP EAST THAT THE Oregon Short Line -r--n Ok Bk TIBET e. bvrley, - RAILROAD THB G.P.QT.A. S. SrENCER. A.G.P. 4kT. A. DUCT CONNECTION VTTH i IBS UNION PACIFIC THE OVERLAND ROUTE 4WCH B THB KTULAB ROUTB TO ALL POINAgacT ' 1' " ' ft s Sbmiflh Servlo AND FROM OODEH OR BALT LA Kl BISHOP, MET MABTXRDOM choice of itorrr FA-- PULLMAN ne : ! s y iOnly $45.05 Round Trip 4 Florida lOne Fare 14 montbs, though little gells gener ally talk aooner n boys, they say." Mine's a little girl, aaid the con doctor. I've got three boys and a gjll," said the woman. I've sure got to get one o' them little carts, the conductor declared. "Pick 'em up, take em anywhere, cant you? I've seen lots of 'em, but never paid no particular attention tc em before. Pul 'em on a street cat anywhere. "It ain't so easy as It might be.' said the woman. "All o' the conductors ain't as clever an' accotmnodat in' as you are. There's many of 'em 4 won't never offer to help. "I know how it. is myself, you see hi inK a family man. "Have you put any? ".lent the one. hut vlie's a corker. "How old Is he?" ,i ?" The eoinlncior iiilli-.- out hi" watch "Yoi're ill rent front most of am! ciirsulied It cant'dly. Vc!l," he n if you M.e It. ksM the wmroii. 'Vila's j'i-- t k hours and ,1i min"My bui hand likes Ills children, buihi1 utes old riKhf now." Chicago News. n DEALERS Hell Tel. 755. i. .hi- Th.- - CQtMiMNB SPEED COMFORT SAFETY on non ma 201 RAW TTNION PACIFIC T. Unexcelled SALT LAKE CITT. rogressivb (THB OVERLAND ROUTE) VTM. Is-"-- 1 ObTlouis iEAST es rs 'AER3 .OOIABO VIBtILI inissca IAN H OAR& lATION CANA. BECAME ALARMED TOO SOOJf 99999999999999999999999999 eral days looking for just such place as jrou represent. Now. you wlli find him at I giving the address). Just say to him that I sent you. n Mrs. H. found the place all right, n also two young men, each about 25 JYe have added the Chase A Baker 4 4 years of age. in the doorway. To one Piano Player, Victor Talking of them she said: "I am looking for liar 4 eelee-Machine, with a choice a Mr. X. at this number. 4 was the tion of the A lady frond sugcrs'td that km. "Tha that's iny name. t II. make the known at iht Y. reply. 3 Late and Beet Rolls and Records. "Well," continued Mrs. H.. "your 4 M. C. A., where on; would be sure of 4 cet'inc jiist the right person. Tkls name was given me by the clerk at 4 was dune. anl the faro of the yos the Y. M. C. A., who said you were a man desk at the lighted looking for a roommate; now. I up right J The lopular Music House, 46 So. as hr said: "I think I have Just "Yc ye yes," broke In the blush4 Main St., Salt ldike City. man for you: a rti'ansir of good id. ing young man. "I I waS; but 1 4 1 wart a gentleman "Host on Herald. m arum I hire for ins 9999999999999999999999999 n JTn our Fine Selection of ; J PIANOS. ; A few weeks ago a lady itviniiu Hie vicinity of Copley square wasqu mmched by a particular young tin ; dgcr. who said: "Mrs. H.. if jtu could find Just the right kind of afci. low. one who would appreciate a m home at a low price, it would k' a to me lo as io reduce my expenses. room-map-s- agrt-calil- 4 1 1 Name Your I Route East I On your next trip East tell your local ticket agent that your ticket to Chicago must read via the t Ch icago, M il waukee & St. Paul; t ' Railway You will do yourself a kindness, securing the maxi-- a mum amount of comfort at the minimum cost. Don- - 4 o Beesley Music'Co. doi 4i t. $4.i t). Polders and complete information free. Any tleket agent ran ticket you East via this line. Ask him to do so. C S- - Williams, Commercial Agent, Salt Lake City. |