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Show ; c- - f ' V, - rf- - - V THE ALTA INDEPENDENT Successor to thf Utah Pioneer. K Alta, Salt Lake County, Utah, Wednesday, November 8, 1905. Vol. X. Alta Independent ThePublished Every Wednesday at J Alta, Salt Lake County, Utah. Local Editor O. E. Despain matter. SepEntered as second-clas- s tember 13, 1905, ut the Postofflce at Alta, I'tuh, under the Act ot Congress of March 3, 1879. Mr. Brown, principal, and (jpdereil. McOavlu, 1M an entitled to much We pray Thee still, we pray Thee Iplsv. McmlM-- of the u. A. H. presstill! to ?,ire aKl Department CommanP- - Burn ds' ami Past CommanOur mountains filled with wealth unAlfred Kent. Julies present were ds told OUR NEIGHBORS AND OURSELVES H. P. Burns, Mrs. Mary J. Hugos The flockB and herds of hill and dthe I tiles of the li. A .11.; Mrs. fill, No. 15. JOHN G. STILLWELL Local & News Items DEALER IN. pluin, P. J. Donohue, the mining engineer, 94hla Warliurst, president J. H. Me-Kay they not bring oppression's gold. spent Thursday at Alia. W. U. mill Mrs. E. U. Bums, Nor men but toil for others gain; msnliei (5. f. Maxwell. W. It. C. May we live nearer to Thy will. Charlea D. Hanks of American Fork, We pray Thee atill. We pray Thee who Is operating In the canyon, ' still! Truth from Seneca. unusual activity there. SUBSCRIPTIONS. The best place ia Alta to get supplies for the Home or Our alarms are much mure Jl Jl nutnei love To this great nation may our One year, 75 cents. in American Fork oB than our danger, and we suffer The Milkmaid the Mine. TCXXTC Miners' and Prospectors' Supplies Unchanged be as our mountains Canyon is preparing to ship ore and uich ofieutr in Six Months, 40 cents. apprehension than la cents. 35 great; Three months, the Wyoming is shipping ore of great rHty. Seneca. Our lives as pure and simtless prove values. our of emblem until As is the State; January These rates hold good J fill. back our bosoms With patriot fire 1, 19015, but do not apply to The Albion ia looking fine, and u To those who contemplate building Homes and Business Jl We prav Thee atill. We pray Thee Chris Hanson, though It is shipping now In an atill! conALTA HACK LINE. Houses in Altai way, there will be made jjc. Advertising rates on application to tinuous. - . From us still lead. God of the nations, . J our local or Salt Lake office. amiy to the Mountain City, Till all discord and strife Is done; the Flagstaff, s' , directions all From Every Day From Sandy. and sons in deed, now Till Utah's thought Commercial 57 MiOffice Lake Salt being worked under a bond by 11.50 to Alta 11.00 from Bitr: as march one; Utah's For glory tonout a will Club Rid. and Postofflce Box 17. Alta to Sandy. Harmonious make our hearts alway. chigan parties, that ofpour the Columbus. nage equalling we we for this this For pray! pray, ; LOCAL OFFICE. SANDY. UTAH The office of publication Is at the The management of the Mountain THE DRAMA. i I sVsl aj alsl sltl bYSXbX?XI 11a initial shipment of a f Postofflce. where the local represenmade Chief tative. Mr. D. E. Despain. will ever Last Week, This Week, and What Is car of ore a few days ago, and has A. W. THORSON he ready to receive moneys or attend still another car In preparation for Will Carry Can supply your every want in BUILDING MATERIAL Coming. to the business of this paper. shipment. ' Your THE MANAGER. or Yourself . . Express g j The White Tigress of Japan, to or from jj which has been running at the Grand . The Albion of Alta will have a good THE file on by I is week. kept This paper Theater the first part of this week, is shipment on the market ethis tons ot ALTA. CONGRESS, MINING. AMERICAN. one of the most interesting probably reaching seventy-fivDencertainly Do iijd It on Time Every Day. Chamber of Commerce Building,will be dramas brought to that reports the ve popular ore, and Manager Hatfield r In fine ' ver, Colo., where our readers shape. up house. Our readers, when visiting property opening welcome, to the uee. of. the. leadinge Salt take City, will be well repaid for various mining I the from The Peruvian Is under boud to east-th- e papers attend if and time money spent they v' the royal bakery. of the weet, a ecientiflc library ern men, and g large force of men Grand Theater. i Now Open. and mineral exhibit. will be put at work oiienlng the known jl j, This mine. properin the bodies ore Jwri wait of the Grand Central Ho-exdtweek the The last half of the NOTICE. only needs the money now forth-em,- " laL EVERETT ing drama, Escaped from the Iiar-lt- y Props, be produced at the Grand coming, to make It one of the beat will Opposite San Pedro iJ nJy, Utah Bingham Junction, Utah. former subscribers to the Theater, Salt take City. There are in the camp, All I -Pioneer" who receive this paper with several very exciting and stirring I Any kind of rig or saddle boric it any inur ol the day or night) Gs (s talselles School for Dancing, No. piece. reasonable rates and courteous treatment guarmteej. X HurLinihaw'i this orticlo marked with a red cross scenes and tableaux in this Salt take street. South 115 First East 75 50 and Popular prices prevail 25, will understand that their subscription cents. well known in Altai Wasatch and other Cottonwood retorts City. Ball room, fancy stage and bahI from months six summer and winfor Open Iqt has been paid dancing. jl jl e The Star Show Girls at the Lyric ter the year round. Fall claasea com-havthat date. If marked with a black of 18th, week mence the September U. 8. to the . Issued a will challenge expire cross, their subscriptions Inarmy or 8tate militia for a compstl- - I 1905. Correct methods. Thorough In one month. The oldest reliable Shipper and Outfitter for Alta structions. ti ve drill. This aggregation of pretty THE PUBLISHERS. moat are the interesting among girls I The Alta mining district bids fair to programs given In the Lyric which is I be one of the heavy tonnage camps deal. a metal market. good saving during the next few months. Not onColum-Joll- y a Continental-Altcopper and 30 are the Silver, Monday. Next week, beginning Saturday, the ly wmeb lead. 63.50. Grass Widows" will hold the bus mines sending out a continuous -- AND LIQUOM. copper, near In future BIO SANDY MBRCHANTXXX the 31 Silver, of stream ore, but boards at the Lyric. Tuesday. number ot others will join the la lead. 3.60. . jl I Nov. 1. Silver, Wednesday. Ra Shopt Girl" now on at the throng of producers. PUCgKE'Only --AND OIOAIIB. Don't Mincw and copper, 15; lead, 63J50. Theatre ia a draw card and will II copper, Grand Alta looks lively and lots rf work A Thursday, 2. Silver, be followed by a stranger one t win Jthere r wlU r on during ' I6ladv63a-' iter. bwrutax ' 9--4 irrpprr Homes mi NMrtJ:. jj etirreT-,"t!e A pipe line is now being put in Oasd Troatmont XXXXXX SANDY, 63.50. the Columbus Consolidated from lead. 15 nntil "Midnight Thursday Tuesday 1: Saturday. 4. Silver. 63; copper, in Chinatown" is holding the bead at to the Utah. dwMtfon lead. 63.50. can. carry compressed air, which will be the Salt take Theatre. Go If yon 63 copper drills machine In utilized operating Monday. I In the tunnel during the winter. Poles 15 lead, 3.50. WHERE IS E. PLUMY land wires are also going In for elec- LOCAL STOCKS IN THE MARKET. E. Plum, editor and publisher of trie lights, that will also be supplied the Boyd County Register, Butte, Ne- - by the Columbus Columbus Con. at Home. J J braska, for seven years previous to over the hill from Alta is tbe .61-98- . 1st. 1905, was last seen and jUat at so d 39--200 July shares Monday. Geo. Helbert Proprietor at Portland, Oregon,- July II property of the Files Mining ft Milling Bingham Junction! Vtah 100 at $1.99; 800, 62.00; 300, 62.00. heard from dewas In now Plum under is Mr. mine 1905. As rathpr This 22nd, Streets company. Railroad Corner Main and 100, 62.01; 200. 62.01; 100, 62.02; la feared I velopment and a larger number of men it at that time, health poor 62.05; 600, 2.04; 100, 62.03: 200. he may have become temporarily de- - I than ever before worked in It will be 100. 2.03; 200, 2.09 ; 300, 2.10; 400, ranged, ss no possible cause can be I put 0n at once. All Indications point to 2.12; 500, 62.12: 100, 62.18. this property Joining the producers learned for his disappearance. in activity 6 Tuesday, 31 The usual In was feet weighed Plum thln the next few months. There Mr. high, marthe started Con. Columbus about 170 pounds, dark brown hair are many other prospects which are Bottled Goods of All Kindi. at 100 shares Of ket with a sale deep blue eyes; had I being worked and the old camp is the gray, slightly sold 100 shares 62.22 per share: activity, 300 broad shroulders and stood erect; had I scene of Intense ' for 2.23; 100, 62.24; 100. .28 : two small dark moles on left cheek; a j$ jt 100, 3.32, 100, 2.28; 2.29; quite The strike of 50 ore was made last r uvuwim 100. 62.34; small blue scar In forehead; 100, 62.32: 100. 2.33; brown, slightly sandy mustache week In the Mountain Chief mine, heavy 100. 2.39. 500, 2.35 ; 200, 2.35; have heavy I Cottonwood. M onager Fred L. salw when last seen, and woulddark Nov. Wednesday. hair on 'Much If let grow. beard baa been systematically explor-wrtRts- , market The young man amounted to 64.582. 36. arms and age for months past, and body; mine the 82.40 Ing CUT, I started with 200 shares sold at Mr. Plum was a practical mechanic haa gathered In some fine ore from the If y for good clotblng leads taste 100. 100. 82.61; 82.43; a share; work. 82.57 ; 200, In all lines of newspaper Hedge. It was decided some days ago you k he critical of Style. Fit and 200, 2.53; 100, 82.54 ; 200, A suitable reward will be paid forl MONUMENTS. HEADSTONES, cut nt0 600, quartzite on what was Fin I xjf your garments, you will 82.59; 100. I 2.58; 100, 2.58; any Information which will locate his I bought to be the wall of the vein. savi gmrself no end of trouble by MANTELS. GRATES. TILES, whereabouts It proved to be the casing of an ore loot lig into our store and examining 2. 200 shares sold at 2.05 Adress and not which of the has extent yet of the dus workmanship body Tahare; ii00 at 82.06 : 200 FRANK MOTHEDSEAD, been determined. b turn out. FIRE-PROO- T 1.400. 8207; 100, 82.07. 1.3. Nebraska. Lincoln, Euclid 1943 ave., 100 J Jl 82.10; 950. ; 82.08; 200. 82.09 300. Mllvtanddm2boardf At tbe Jordan school a pleasant af- soon business suits FROM 18 2.12 ; 500. 82.13; 400, 500. took place Friday afternoon, the fair Scat Fra. Wrttills. i 100, 2.16; 500, 82.29; UP. CHEAP I ly msstnttf Gitsiogm of a flag under the auspl 2.31; 1W.32.32: 200, presentation nsMMEXICO 350, CITY AND ,4.o. mak Grand army departmPnt 100, ; 82.35; 200. & sold. On Nov. 10th and 11th the Colorado of Utah. A programme had been ing a total of 8.300 shares dea 1 tick-cnlldren 82.17 well the at and sold round right pared trip Ry., will sell Friday, 3. 200 shares 149 W. Second South, r Thirty scholars ets to El Paso tor 45.05. Tickets good ported themselves. share and 200 at 82.20. UVWIlYYl 82.15. at were present and all parts were well sold i SALT LAKE CITY. extended 4.--300 final with shares Nov. 25th, nntil Saturday. 82.18, limit of Dec. 25th If desired. At El 100. 82.16: 100. 82.17; 100, Paso round ; 2.18 100, 100. trip tickets to City of 82.27. Mexico will be on sale for 28. Now Is 82.25 went for 2.20 the time to visit beautiful and antique Monday, 6. 900 shares a 82.-Old Mexico at greatly reduced rates. a share; the next 200 brought 1; &S 400, 82.25; 100. 100. 2.24 Start right by seeing that your s tickets read over the Midland Route, Saloon Men ! you a pleasant and InVLOCAL ORES AT THE SAMPLES. thus assuring teresting scenic trip. Excellent conCigar Men ! and one Further particulars nections Alta, Ye Want Your Business! Monday. 30 Three from Office, 77 West from Milford and one from Stockton, literature at Ticket & LINDtiEV, Utah. RIEOEll take City. Salt South. Second cars from Alta. Tuesday, 31 Two 1. Alta tfrom Two The Merchants, Nov. Whiskey Wednesday. Manufacturers and Dealers In Iiake and one from Stockton. Nama. Salt Is City, Popular Washington of Alta Thursday. 2. Three cars There are more counties In the I Alto. from Two 3. Friday. United States named for Washington from Alta, cars 4. Two Saturday. than for any other man. The capital, ? Monday. 6. Two cars from Alts. a state and two cities exceeding 20,000 nsme. in population also besr his ANOTHER OF THE TRIBUNE'S PRIZE POEMS. ...General Merchandise... 51 The Jensen Lumber Company " JOSEPH BURKINSHAW'S s . . eec-tion- m.E LIVE1? f 0 T. Vincent 62; 62: 15: 15; na THE 62, Pfopecor, 62; ' i- 15; Pl.- -'-r UTAH C. C. CRAPO j 7-- PywUlit r 1 6.-S-ilver. 7-- CLUB SALOON FNE TAILORING. For the Coolest Glass of Beer in Town Jl Jl I'lYlV ELIAS NORRIS CSL SONS CO. salt lake jr A. 82.: HIMNEYCtML il 62-3- d Sorenson Larson, 1. A 82-25- l 82-2- i LOCAL ENTERPRISE! t- West Jordan Manufacturing V and Mercantile Company. Fine Grades of Flour, Bran and Shorts, Cereals, General Mill Produce, Our fathers God, whose gullding hand tad on the sturdy pioneer. O'er trackless plain and mountain land. so To these fair vales so loved, dear, Light Thou our pathway by Tny will. We pray Thee still. We pray Thee still! That Utah's name stand proudly bright. May she with sturdy sons be blest.or Whose willing hearts and arms might Will build an empire In the west. Where love pr right each heart win FREDERICK A. KIEHLE, M. D. Hours: Office m.; 7-- 8 a. m.; 0 S-- 4 p. m. $ Both Phones Utah. Bingham Junction J 1 HAMER ft BUCKLE. 2 Attorneya and Counselors. Booth Block ....Bingham 504 McCorntck Block Junction Salt Lake City. Coal, Etc. j;S4a4MS4444425i&444MM4444U s ,J We earry the largest stock of Mens $3.50 and $4.00 J J Shoes and PKOSPECTOliS and MINERS BOOTS i in Salt Lake. , Send for Catalog. Walk Over Shoe Store, 177 Main St, " Salt Lake City. Try Our White Lily High Patent Flour Prompt and Efficient Service. Your Patronage Solicited. UTAH JORDAN, WEST PUBLIC TELEPHONE |