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Show L.SCLE SA Proprietary Medicines. to tbv rliargt- - it Kit certain contain I ipu'.ur :ary Uhri-o'iIn.r's, an authority says: i mil-- of the leading uj-- j . iu cunutviion i f Auii phanuui to aiiii boi-- oilii ia! vunk, ail rlai'ni.iie inquiry iu cities of the couutry, of p;.Mi-luut- ' nliat pcici m.-jco!i'.:iin-a imn-utidrug of son.- - hind. Hut of in-iu drui; s: on. iu ail parts of the I'niU-Stales, it mus f.uiu.1 that 70 per edit or some one ol lia coutuiind prcpuiatUius arc almost "Iri.pri. ary hv the umst invarialily detailed and sp.; ilic ii kit t inns for iim. while the (linvilcua accompan.-'in:- ! are generally physicians' ery brief and sometln os Illegible. It la also true that brt a imub.-ruiof proprietary medicines contain any poisin or narcoiie, and, when in such small they do, it is by accomquantities or so pmu panying ant'dotes, as to carry with it no danger wliaii-vt-r.Safety M Ifeniedy That Ha Such Endorsements Should tn Every Home. ha yi-iii- rii-:i- c W . t g :: - .3: ,X s2sTV - v"ra e r3 ,7: rr, undt-Moo- rvpr.-sciiiat.- - disj-cnKc- d J 1 - prcsi-ripthii,.- u The Lriucgrocm's tiuery. bateu't i in siihie.t objection your git:i:g ail your lime to iht I (o dog my owr. but I ni.-- h It mite char uhc-who w.-r- Women and Hospitals. Men have not the time or Incline, tlon, as a rule, to study domestic economy In the minor details or household management, and the sinful waste, purchase of Inferior goods at high prices and several commissions, which have diminished the Incomes of not a few of our hospitals, would have been unknown had there been a committee composed of experienced ladies. Sphere. IIOVT FOKtiKT Ifoll Alarm Bos. pnrkncp S' Uumi CITY your grocer and see if he dont recommend it you as the most substantial Breakfast Food. Poet ana hare frequently seen a poet withdraw, haring enjoyed the moat part of a farm, while the eraaty farmer supposed that he had got a taw wild apples only. Why, the owner does net knew it fer many years when a poet has pat hla farm In rhyme, the moat admirable kind of Fai-men- rain-abl- e Invisible fence, haa fairly Impounded ft, milked It. skimmed It, and got all tha cream, and left the farmer only the skimmed rallk. Tboreau. J CURE THE f fHlNONEDAY Mrs. Wlnilow'S Soothing Tor rblldroa tartMoa, ooftcu ths kum, SsmUoa,llsyspsia,rrsytiloiiihi. For the Amateur Photographers Grain" la the enemy of the photo rapher who Intorests himself In copying. The beat means of obviating Its appearance Is to light" the pletnir evenly, hut this not being always pos Bible, expedient! are necessary. One la to cover the space between the pin ture and lens with tlaanepaper; another (If the plctnre la unmounted), to moisten the print and press It into contact with a sheet of glass, while frequently the application of encaustic paste will reduce In u very marked do gree the grainy" appearance of thr print London Answers. The Mother Tongue. A volume from Germany, The Mew Opera Glass, containing "the plots of the most popular operas," affords ths following concerning Goetaa The Taming of the Refractory": Fourth set Room in Petruchios house. Pe truck lo bursting for snger about nil things; nothing can satisfy him. Katharine, la nearly broken In the hearth; but aha loves him and her refractory 1st Justly going away. Petruchlo alas love her and after some quarrel! their hearths are finding together ta a happy life." HILLS Diemmr,M.O., XtmilMlonr.SjrriMfyeM, CANKER AND POM VHB MOUTH. TNNOSV. BTOMAON ANB BOWBL8 ROWE, MORRIS, Mm. BV ALL DUUaaWTB .IFVFR Pill A. Psmb OStB aNSHAL avoaas....... BEEF HIDES SHEEPSKINS 1 Salt Lata City, dial. Have You Any? J SUMMERHAYS CO., Vhat is wealth to home happiness? Take a little more time for'tea ! Needlework in Vogue. . Needlework la In vogue again. A man la always attracted by the sight of a woman at needlework she may be only engaged In the present fashionable pastime of beadwork. And women are once more returning to this dangerous weapon of fascination. World. , TEA Schillings Best is in packages; never comes out of a bin or canister. SAIT LAIE CITY, UTAH o Sehllllac-- ts Buka Uaod The DIPHTHERIA REMEDY Drag Co., Gsnsril Agents. TEA Hbw GRIP, BAD COLD, HEADACHE AID NEURALGIA. 1 voetnll AeiUCrtirtee to s dealer vho wont Oeareetee It. Cell lor year MOIST BACK. IP IT DON'T CUBA JT. TP. l.-.- l - thi--.ii- i:tr. - 1 111 to.-.- y - HER HUSBANDS BEST HELPER Vlvoroua llealth la the Ureat Source of tbe Power to tuplre eml Encourage -- All Women U tumid Meek It. One of tin- - nioM noti-d- . i uf I Iiin arl'u-ie- , has suul. " liuti-vi-- r richt-- a Ban TW la booh Tao. tastes good and makes one feel good besides. Schilling's Best is the tea. Tor rraer rvianu jour mwt II job Svb'I Ilk SdlllUBaiSal. Marks of a Vicious Horae. Invariably a home la vlc'o-- s when It has an eye which show-- ' the whi, glancing backward. I i mig liuvi- - iilluiiu-i- l mid Aay laager io online la aa about Chrislotaa Bieaeala We haea irwelrf lot aecrykady, nia, BamiB ar child, ailear, diamands, ostchaa and clock, laialuduo re rcqueBl. 'L&t&L iu thin world mu- a!) to my w ife. From tu--r the day I t km-she has t an imiiratitiu. uud the helpmate of my life." - I lii-x- rno lu-i-- MAIN grt-ute- SI mtfOHtiii ohicea W. L. Douglas ltsdf. an-- l three hours later a shot it, lanu-dlatilafterward ihe farmer whooeeu; ie,l the house illscovertsl lying In a corner of the lower room n heavy Iron box which, on being forced opet, was found to contain a large quantify of gold and silver coins of tn tints of Emperor Charles V.. their value being toiighly estimated at $7Ti, SHOES cut -? fr-i- W. L. Douglas 84.00 cannot bo equallod CdgeLine at any price. poll.-e-m- 000. The IveaMire bo-- t bad become dislodged from lis Hiding place under the floor whm the bull had crashed t:.ruii.-- r.u- - woodwork. Iam-do- n Expnss. To be auch a wife, to retain the love ami admiration of lu-husband, to iinqiire hiiu to make the most of himself, should Ihi a woman's constant Kt inly. If a woman Hilda that her energiea are flagging, that he gets easily tired, dark hliailuwa appear under her eyea, r has haekaelie, fcho puiiis, FEAR TWO ESCAPED KANGAROOS Maryland Mountaineers Are Behind Barred Doora. Living Mountaineers in the vicinity of thla place have barricaded their honiea In tear of two kangaroos which have been loose la the mountains for two days- - The animals wore part of Robbins circus which waa going over the mountains on a Western .Maryland railroad train when tbc projecting roof of a station knocked open the rages and the kangaroos escaped. Tbe cages of lions were knocked over, but the beasts did not escape. Tbe two kangaroos are loose In a with boarding houses country dolti-and .hotels, and their tracks lead close by the most prominent excursion resort on the mountain. Posset of men searching night and day have failed to find the animals. Pen May (Md.) North correspondence Philadelphia whiten, irreg- ularities or the lilueu, she ufluuld hi art at once to build up her svutein by a Undo with aneeiliu powers, auch as Lydia E. linkhain'a Vegetable Com- pound. Following we publish by request a letter from a young wife : Dear Mis. llnkiiam: " Evar oiiuw my child eras born I have Buffered, bb 1 hope few wuiimi ever have, with inwrakm-BB- , lBrinR-duw- n flammation, paiiM, backache and wreUitml hreiUcimi. It affected uiy atoiuarh ao I could not enjoy my sneala, and lialf my titue wbb upt-ii- t in bed. " Lyiie-E- . Pinkhntn'e Vea-taol-e C(Hiimuiid made me a well woman, anil I fed 1 grateful that I am glad to write anil tell you of my It lirought recoverr. new life ami vitulitv." 11 Month tilth Street. a Mre. e me Aiueley, IVaah. W,L.noifrt.tlAKtSaDfFl.ia s.i.so hoes thah 1 tt AMT OTHER MAHUFAOI UFtER. rnpFvch gin nnn -- KtootinpNBhiai diipcec thw cttliiactt. V I UjUUU W. M.M chore hsva by thdr ae. Ctllrnt atyla, eaay filling, and surer for Wrariftg SoalHfos, achfot ad th forgret talc d aay tJ.iO Mica la tho world. 1 key ar lust as goad aa Hums (hat cast yao f.W to f7.00 tha soly dl Iterance la Ilia price. If I cuuld faka yoo lata my tactory at Hracktoa, Maas., tha larysat la th world under one nwf making mea's fine (hssa. aod show you tha car with which every pair of lluuglat shoe la made, yao would rsallxa why W. L. Uoo lot fij.sn shoes an Ike beat hue produced n I ha world. II I could how yoo tha dltterouca hctwsco tha hoct amda la mv factory and tbaaa of other makes, you would understand why Ifooslaa tJ.RU shoes cost mart to make, why they bold Ihslr shape, lit better, wear longer, and are af grealar Intrinsic value than any other 8J.B0 shut on tha market 1Y L Aroi-- i Fads Met fap y, What Lydia E. Iinkham a Vegetable Rtmm. 04.60, 014.011. Roy fCAssf ft Compound did for Mrs. Aintdey it will DrmmmShomm,02.6O, 02, 01.16,01.60 do for every sick and ailing woman. haeli-CAUTION. Insiel If you have symptoms you don't un- las sIhivs. Tiika lm sulwlilnte, KoueW.L.I)ng. derstand write to Mrs. link hum, at oilliuul his naiua and pi Ira siiui-e- oa but lota. A alma dealer In every fnvavbsro L.vnn, Mass. Her advice la free and W.WAVTKIX I Ihmglea are not sold. Kail line of amilro sent frro for Insfiartloa upon request, always lielpfuL OjF n d Klu-e- s faet defer I yefels seed; fkey mill net aoar foaaep Write for lllnafrated Catalog of Fall Hlylrs. W. L. DOUU LA U. lirockloa, Ms American. A Study for Lunatics. Good Teeth A Good Temper Are characteristic of the Atkins Saws always. That is because they are made of the best steel in the world Silver Steel tkat Itnoaijiaw...,.. . men. tnaklcd with OU FMaHar ts wmw- their acs. aaad aa a tea eke fa b kills tlsssn eg nai csctal. Ssala faflaaimaitaa local aad stsyc dicchaigca, Futinc I la powder ferae to be diced md la pom water, sad Ic for nuns clmnclng, healing, miaicidhl .. by ' lhaa liquid ATKINS E. C. Llrm Is CEL MaaBbcniwB rar stls at drattpsu, Trial Boa aad Bank af lacUwcttaaa Prow, Boavoa, am ta a. paavsn compmcv CO. Ino. la ft IT COTTON MATT nr 33. Factory aad Executive Offices, Indlcaepollc Bbabcmu Nrw Yack, fhlraf, MlBBaspalis rcitlBBC (OcrfBBi, kraille, kia rnaricca Tsiaals (CbbbCs) HckfUl, tikaji ut sc th Atklac Braad Accept M acbctitota-ac- iit 1 Tfij) BY C000 flEALEHS EVtHYMtffMT- - I Around the World naad yanr FMh "I havetUfckara Mr years Bran! tha Hawaiian MlaaCa aaaC tamC thaai tha Tklc la ths Matt mm yoa mad abnat, Madalafro dlffarsat grade. Prleae from KIN M llblM. Ata dealer fur It. If geualaa, oar Trade ywraraTtara Utah Bedding & Manufacturinc Co. aaxT I artlda that adlK asw TUa famous obelisk which was a faraJiar feature of ,SL Georges Circus, London, for many years haa now . the usual size, in op der to make them light enough In weight to accommodate the native cantera, who carry them Into the Interim- of British East Africa. The outftle label should be pasted on the end of the rolls, instead of at the center, as la usual. The reason given for this request la that the carriers Always carry the roofing on their heads, and It waa found they thought tha label, which waa stuck on the middle of the roll, was meant to show then where to put their heads. They, therefore, moulded a hollow in the roll without damaging the roofing, so that It Just fitted the shape of their heads, and so carried It very easily. The perspiration, however, completely destroyed the label and made It unreadable, ao that when the roofing reached Ha destination they were unable to distinguish the different piles, etc. two-third- s Wallachlan, existence. The stamp, which la bine, Is round, like a sealing wafer, with Indented edges. It bears tho arms of Wallachla an eagle, resting on a sphere, with outstretched wings and cross In Its beak. No value is marked on the stamp. Ancient Foot Race. The oldest annual foot race In the country, that for the red hose" at Camwath, Scotland, was run recently. Tt waa established In Hill, and Its maintenance la one of the provisions of the charter und-- - which the Somcf Tarnwath. ervilles held tl e P London Tlt-RIl- IWIM WORDS tiaa at Tawer'c Water- proof Oiled Clothing accurca tha buyer ol tha poaltlva werth of tana OitV. Utsm Gnat Wistiralon and Ilital Co. IHCOaPOBdTBD. FAIR. 1D04. rt8ffTDii W? Psld ap wpttol ntJHO. Wholesale aad BaMiL Wa pay blgbsat pries fnr Herap Iron, OiMipar, Brass, Lead. Kill. RnMmr. Houlss. Hldas, Falls, aid. hall PforaaMWA Indapaadaal IM1. Boa. fit to MS Booth first WsstlUosS SALT LA UK CITY, UTAH sicn"uni5: A rolla thla canatry TbaworfwMcrraatn- - Curious Transportation. large shipment of Ruberold roofing some time ago went to Chlnde, East Africa. It had been ordered in mmif I a as (Africa) aaS think a gnat WlM your eastm. final aa mjmtbn) mcm-S- Inside the rails of BetUem hospital. The lunatics want to bow what they did to deserve this. beet In nrc COS fit DOING UTAH WI4 1X1 plies lor slls mutt a hsa. ..ND'wocagBVBarBcua.-vaaa- AtklM lawig Cra Kalvtff, Ferfecfla Fleet Den pert, etc , tr sold ky ttl good kvdviit dialogue m rvqucet. non-sporti- TEA r DONT WAIT i Unique Pottage 8tamp. What does the girl do A unique postage stamp haa. It la while her sister la playing games? Does she hasten to (he kitchen and stated, been discovered In Roumanla ake cakea or to the workroom to It dates from June 1, 1813, and It for Roumanla had then no darn stockings? By n0 means. She makes a leisurely and careful toilet and ealllea forth on a round of calls and I - Girl.' Non-Sporti- n1 in u iiii-i- whuli-vi-- ntm Is Kealwtua. River of Genuine Ink. Algeria has a river of genuine Ink, caused by the Joining of two streams one of which comes from an Iron re glon, while the second stream flows from a peat swamp. On meeting, th acid of one stream blends with th Iron solution of the other, and Ink 1 the result la TWT siekae IS GUARANTEED TO CURE MSPINE Tilln-Jads- N a ANTi-GR- in (HP 11 1 , After talking over old times asked him If he bad ever got a letter from his brother. Bays he: Yee, I did, but he had stamped on the corner of the envelope, return in five days, so I sent it back." Boston Herald. 25 Cts. .PRICE, The K: rii-ia fsrm luiiMr nl a hi, bit 11 iriii-inv- . to the i li-,,I B-u.i, u.ri iiiif- - two (nurils waiK-Inby th- - hui;l.sf ihigallop- - d . after Tint nishi-i- l tor sin !tir Into at old farn bnusiund locki-in an i.ppi-- rcuii.. Tl.o bull. thesis- - it . hoWitvi-riiiCowc, ,t upsiairs, and. ust 1.,- - dour of thu rooip. bulling i! n i pj, ri sbivcri Suddi-nl(!,i- - old of tlirouV cc1.i:m-,under the heavy lm pact of th,- anln.al and the next lh- two were amaxed at seekiP the bull's bead and shuuii'ers u huge gap lu the flooremerging ing, While the lower part of its body was in The animal was unable to extricate A TRULY IDEAL WIFE 1 Dept P. Minneapolis, Minn. Wedding Rings of Old. There ere some heavy old wedding rlngg at Kirk Braddan, In the Iale of Man, inch as might be handy when the fluttered bridegroom loaee the ring. Leaning againat the north wall are some very ancient rings of stone through which, in days of long ago, bo fere the Jewelers' windows glistened with wedding rlnga at all prices, the ibrlde and bridegroom Joined hands, ft !ls said, and were wedded. The man star rings of atone were always there ,ln readlnegg for any ceremony, and they are there to this day, though .whether the present day bride would ! consent to nee these "rings" in place :of the orthodox pledge is donbtfuL Upstairs and Broke Througn Flooring. uf ;j fiirii.us buil Into Pat Murpby. us his name sad wo will mall you Free bury Sample Package Pills Men Ae I was going along the street tbe other day I met an old friend of mine, Price 20 cenlt per Pickefe und nub Ikiul, lua TREASURE. Obeyed Direction. Satisfactory. Pillsbury Quality Excella fmilg to lupply you tVmjtn.iv, A Tha National Mining Congress Will be held at El Paao, Texu, November 14 to 18, 1905. Interesting program and entertainment lor visitors. One fare plus 82.00 round trip from northwestern territory, with cheap aide trips tq Old Mexico, and other points, via Santa Fe railway, the quick line. For dates of sale of above tickets and for train service, bee or write, C. F. WARREN, Gen'l Agent, A. T. ft B. F. Ay., 411 Dooly Blk. Salt Lake City. Utah. to gay rcaton ha Tlie Tllur, only Important Subject. How to manage self la an ever important subject, but bow to use onee strength, when It Is like the last flickering match in the damp forest, la the object next to preparation tor eternity. Earl M. Pratt. Mention Pillsburys Vitos II for ; -- teem. Economical. i' it was r From now until May Is the Ideal weather in Angeles und vicinity. Excursions via new Salt I a he Route our Catalogue "B" of Gold SALT LAKE wlii-ihe- brin-Mi--- FREE BOOKS WORTH READING Our Catalogue "A of WilohM Jowalry. Botl contain hundrada of lllustrallona and cover a groat range of prices. Sand name and addreaa and both catalogues will be mailed free of charge. We have been Belling Jewelry and Watches to Western people for near ly 30 years. jim had m:o!i u:i nu cna on our I and were the dog, or wnetl er It was you and the dog who wer bringing me." New York World. bringing it, Election Returns That Interest All Parties . TWO Chased pn-Tiri- - iu f UtL UNEARTHED A. J. TOWER Ca, Baeton. U. S. A. TOWER CANADIAN CO., LIMITED, Teraata, Canada. IU Makayoarham brethar CL SALT LAKE CITY upeiintondsnt O. HUNTINQ, or bob a pnw eat of a ehala HOWARD E. BURTOH, A,CB7.?.ND made of year heir. Tba lady Baeetmea prlnss: OoM. Hllvar, Lead, Cl I Bold, SIX Madina as eat hair or oou binge, Cl. i'yaalda I liar or Copper. va will aiaka a seala hair cliala (r. 1C Oidd.luei cad fall price Hat cent ea appltaa-Ifoa- . aaaioantad fraa. Just tba tlilag MslllDf cavalupac ContRd urk sulleltcd. and liaiplra fbra Xmu praacat. Wa Baaa favtura hair mods of all kinds, villa, Colo. Kersraaoa. Csrbuasie M sUuasJ haak. Ltit. - a 1X9 head fur free catolottna. Whan Anawaring Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. ST. PAUL HAIR CO.. East Third Strata, ST. PAUL. MINN. REMEDIES VETERINARY are a necessity to every Farmer & Stockralser. MAILED FREE. Sloan's Treatise on the Horse, and Sloan's Advice on the Care of Horses, Cattle, Hogs and Poultry. Send your addresa to DLL EARL 1 SLOAN, 616 ALBANY STREET, BOSTON, MASS. 11 BAD CO. All Kssl Keute. Loans.Pniv-laeaarh lands, dames Uttcss.O'lidlly lua. Tha A. L. Head Karans W. N. Salt La k a--No. 45. 1905. PI30 Cuba iney Island Souvenir Past Cards. i bssuttrul eolutvd ccauas ta Be. Coney Inland atai Card Co., Coney Inland, N. V. Um drugglda. iJi- gf t . |