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Show HER BONNET. The old maw rtiose a spot of level; It Is somewhat too late for the Ilus-etaREST AT LAST. ROMANCE OF A HYMN. set to work. He drove one and ground terrorist blown own his up ly bonnet's Jnit the sweetest thine. llow th Fbuivbi AlriiW With M" fain Ih-- lira her head on the lap of earth, Her bonnet jut the sweetest thing. H;r float of the little stakes Into the ground, un- bomb to the world I'ui- Hie first tune slue mi It t li$ Hrltlrn. mce lh bod .be goes by. explain that he dldu't know It It roof ia juat the aweeteet hair. so coiled drove and the twine, down tird another, It'1 of her birth. by the sw'reieet tiring, And rye and mouth the bird will aing, was of Hint r loaded, Frauds autli observes Orethe Port Henry Lyle, laud a lore to be that airir.g, but my! until he a marked out had square, They think it spring when aha ia there, on, inuti'hli-Abide With Her (itrliear fur age were folk knows to The bonnet might not be the thine composition, It'a just because ibca about a yard on a side. On three sides gonian. passing by, So sweet if 1 should be the airing. 1 want that bonnet, but, ok Me, fur twenty years was a sufferer tame, the twine was carried on the stakes mjl lu- as in her day daughter The pure food and pure drag agi- from runsumptioii, 1 Miring this time And thu a few luchcs above the ground, and Her bonnet jiut the aweetet thing; slid d.iiue. White roee of roece. why be eby a was he over minister the H tips a bit above her rye. pmli from this fence, every baud's breadth tation ha brought up the question Aliout the awerteat bonnet airing The bird, the bird begin to aing. snd retd conqioscd largely of fisher folk in a She ic!inged to tsehc The lad, the lad will aigh and aigh, or so. hung a little noose of fiber. Is a drug? what The Government at kiglit. JLusii They want to mug a she , labored town coast God' white rose that make it spring He of for by. England. a was fourth stde cf the square The They ibiuk it'a davbrrak. and, oh And chemist fur tlie bird, and I to define It as any faithfully among Ids people, yet he And cried on Hie sihoul board with prsie wall of brush, and at tluceiitre of this It a juat becauke .he'a pacing by. my! .luat daybreak want that bonnet, but. oh my! lisiigi.iy delight. Bubstsnee used from "Kchue from the Glen." Copyright, ISAM, by William 1'age Carter. luteriiHlIy or externally always longed to do something tlmt the old man now drove a fifth stake, iiiilueuee for the good At Hie merling of mother ,lie sit and tied his fighting cock to It by a as remedy ami which la licit her a woahl have an of hit timidly after his death a longing qierr1how lit titvery short tether. Then be opened all food nor a iundiiiieut.'' This definition tint all should bs whieli found expression lu a beautiful To tellresthem red. the little nooses and spread them care- la broader Ilian the medical accepted poem. Tlie story of bow tills desire fully on the ground within the square. dclnltim:. the came to tie fulfilled through writing She foiled and she kodaked and automo-tillePathfinder comments. Justin inspected hla work. Abide With Mr" is related ill the By is announced st he "It her he turned And whenever it very good, ROWLAND lit a very interesting paper by Farmer are to conceded be the lireled. ill Slid greatlast. "One would not believe that this THOMAS. old man could be so wise. Tbe wild est daw, the most honorable class, Allan Fuilicrkiinl, giving tlie history Tii luncheon and tea snd iuurtinne and romance of the famous liymn. rooster hours this one. He wishes to tho most iiM-fgalore class, declares In of Ills the 1SI7 nutuiim physialAll roosters wish to fight Which kept lu--r all smiles made her husABLY one morning, just bi- - showed a battling sliyness, and many fight. Farming, the countrys depend- cians Informed Mr. I.yte that It would band sure. dancdawn. tluve of u were weeks went by before I eaugbt more ways. He comes from the wood, lu all ence Ills him lie to for of either relinquish peace iifccseury out so! crows fluffs one This and ing, When lnM nowhere to go, a. she found wear !y tlmvii tiro than a distant glimpse of one. his feathers, so! The wild rooster or War, and the greatest of wealth work and spend the winter in Italy. niw day. of one of tlie groat u him Hi of his slay iu When the last Tranquid hunted them with painful comes to the little fence anil She fell tu the floor and died where the ley. look producer, but when It comes to dis-- s.uuc they bills deiutimi. Gut he was a child of the at each grassy people other, so! said Justin, using posing of their products they play a England (September 5, IS (7,1 arrived, And now lie her head on the lap of earth. cud ibeiu iiwuutaiua wliivli li- be- cities, lost in the mountains as a puppy he determined to preach once more for illustratiun. lie cannot siuiller Tranquid first tune she reals sii.ee the hou tween tbe provinces of laanela and would have been. When a cock crowed than the manufacturer to lit little flock and to celebrate with For tlie her too is under the little hirtli. of it fence; near a camping place Ida face would pass Kueva Vizcaya. them the Iirds Supper, lu spite (if I.ippincott'a. low. He cannot step over it; it Is too of the smallest article of rumincrce. We bad been traveling all night by b!ghtiii hopefully, and he would go tlie protest of friends, lie carried nut so! Ilia foot falls In He high. hops, of a the noose, and so! said Justin, dancaiooullgbt, and now aa the eat win. creeping with the iiolselcssne St. Petersburg, like other eapituls, Ills Intent Ions, nltliniigli scarcely able (rowing roay we were winding ibiwn young elephant. Hack and forth he In wonls of ou one foot anil cackling shrilly. publishes economic Journals, anil one of to stand In the to I little wood In tbe valley, where we crushed In the brush, pulling branches ing iiieltiug teiidcrucK tie pleuded with his is very good. Tbe old nun (hem of Alisa. It leading authority says that in hoped to And a mountain stream to aside with excessive caution and peep- Is much wiser than one would think people to live holy lives, and wheu he Russian provinces notwithstandmany took his leave of tliim there was give u water for our breakfast, and a ing behind them. to look af him. At last the bird would flush from a thing of far more importance, gracing the coun- senreely a dry eye III the church. The mono- ing the calamities from wlilt-man to The old listened this well-nigfor the horaea, for it wax the dry rea- tree and shoot sway in a blur of colperfect, and lu with disgust, try In general is suffering, there is an day liiid been Then Tranquid wouid logue son, and tbe gras ou the hills was ored light. late the aftcriiixm, recovering some"Now we shall go and be very quiet unusual degree of prosperity, states The breakfast straighten up with a nervous Jerk, aud what from the strain of tlie service In parched aud dead. The manuk del monte does not like tbs New York Tribune, It declares the church, he walked swung with nioeklug lightness behind cry triumphant. slowly and noisy oues, he said, glancing at Justin. the financial outlook for the year frelily down tlie terraced walk to the Justin "There, senor, I have found him! saddle, merely a handful of A friend in need will keep you broke. So we went aud sat down where that cold rico rolled in tbe butt of a bn mum There he goes. Look! Look! olutiiig some bushes screened us and yet left Is good and that the revenues will be wutrr he loved so well and which he Philadelphia Record. to waa also tiffin and dinner, fur up the tree where he hud been. leaf. It was about to leave forever. The spell us a view of the trap. After half an easily collected -- a note of encourageMr. Part iny hair in tb Riukpate Oil these occasions Justin always lay pre were traveling light and fast, aud hour Justin curicil up and went to ment rare of home welcome, whether of the hour was upon the minister. middle, please. The Burlaw But carried not even chocolate, limbing but on the grass und laughed. While the bright sunset oliirs faded was cool and tbe The turns out to represent tbe fact or into the sober grays of twilight, he there la an mhl number, sir." Cleveit Just In was a woodland philosopher, sleep. was breeze the rice. land I'Hiler. soft, and soon I followed his not. grass folk I was watching tbe gyrations of the ami has discovered that town-breslowly made tils way hack to Hip house example. Anil you have no complaint to make 1 was and 1)1011 for wild In chickens breakfast moodily, bad sent into sleepy prayerful silence and went to his call I was awakened by a bell-lik- e and hungry and sore, when suddenly tlie world for Ills amusement. lie from tlie forest. The captive rooster The popularity of hunting In England room. When he Joined Ills family n almut the flat?" Fure, th flat's so small there ain't room for complaint. from the wood below' us the crew of a uever deigned to take any further purt was iluiit-lnat his stake. Presently he has resisted all attacks from the days Utile Inter lie Imre III lii hand the -wonts Brooklyn Life. cock rang out, shrill aud triumphant. in the pursuit. move to wen1 that destined Dr. reof who Johnson, scornfully flapped his wings and stood on tiptoe anThe IsiNiiieiN! jwli been I waa surprised, for few people live When it came to stalking a deer or and hud thousands, lit prayer answered scornfully. They chal- marked that It was the lalair of savla a terrible thing if it gitsu. swered. Ills Inst evening lu Ills old along a trail used mostly by bandits running down a pig he was all eager- lenged back and forth till at last, with You're up in ilie air ages, bnt tbe amusement of English Inline hud produced that which will ness and skill, and would lead me for a boom and bead hunters. Before you know wlu-rof wings, the wild cock, the You're at wlit-- tbe awful thing hiliu. Suddenly from the slope of a farther hours without a thought of rest, but very one I find been dreaming of, gentlemen. It seems, however, that it lie a blessing so long its the heart turns bill the rail rang out again, and then chickens were beneath him. OccasionNew York Mail. la now threatened by tbe automobile. to its Mukcr fur help m times of on the grass. Miss Ann need. Trek look like a nice the whole wood echoed with the sounds ally, however, as we rode along, a crow dropped It As lie caught sight of the traitor he A special dispntcli from I union In the f the farmyard. would eaw somewhere nbove us. Then hut does It swear? parrot, Dealer and his all York splendid plumage spread New Herald notes the reiunrknhle Th Mall Order lloim? What town la this? I asked the Justin was full of excitement. but "No, he that'll iiiu'nni, easy enough. anthe crowed again. And red bird In (lie following brief article from He'll he of accidents in tlie bunting "Look, senor! he would shout, point- swered boys, although we were at least a quick to liarn. Philadelphia After all, it was not frequency bravely. field this lesson, aud suggests that the the North East Breeze oil tlie Mull OrLedger, day's Journey from any settlement ing up to the empty sky. I have found his fault that he was a traitor. House I food for a whole lot of' Towne "The Which I knew. him. There! There! men are not In such good riding form der weather seems to he a The wild bird ran forward with reflectlnii: thought and It ia no town, senor, said Justin. In spite of Justin's Jesting my desire swift, steady gait very unlike tbe awk- as they used to In. I'm clearing up. sorry I took this Because Why? When the catalogue cornea from It is the manuk del monte the wild to see a wild rock face to face only in- ward strides of his tame cousins, and y Browue Yes, the sin of luni-e in much the time an the mall order draw your formerly sprat easy Is nil Hie greater when chicken which you hear. creased with repeated failure. lowered his head anil spread his ruff. addle is you steal someclmlr to the table where the light will now devoted to nuto-earI never tried to shoot one after that Then he stood After saddles were off and the horses' don't need. Philaand thing you really up straight shine full on tlie pages and put mi your bocks were washed, the animals rolled first experience. I would as soon buve scratched sticks and Press. delphia grass into the sir Score another for the automobile! no glasses, that bargains may escape and gruacd luxuriously by tbe swift, thought of shooting at a monkey. But with a i Gay inn n (in front of the mirror) sturdy leg and crowed. Tbe your eye. Wlmt a wonderful book it clear stream, and Tranquid, prince of I wanted to have one for my own, to traitor kicked When were railroad first his at don't know whether to wear tether, agitating furiously white' to lie sure is wonderful what in it servants, dexterously unrolled the look at, and draw pictures of aud show but It held, aud the wild cock advanced the country there were gloomy predic- ikies not contain as well as what it necktie or a black one this evening. to my poor friends who lived down in to the fence. breakfast. tions that the steam locomotive would does. We miss some things we would Wlmt ia good form for man over sixHe laid stones on the corners of tbe the plains through tho hot season and For a moment the two looked at each ty V Mr. Dayman' Chloroform. th fate of tbe horse, says Victor be glad to see. leaf, and patted the snowy mass of complained of prickly heat I even other with lowered heads, and then Chicago Tribune, Where is their uffpr to pay cash or rice out smoothly, and filled a bamboo dreamed of presenting one to my they sprang. Tbe traitor, of course, Smith, In the New York Tress. It did to New Boarder The dealers say the for wheat. good while I front the brook, your frieud, the captuin, and letting him collapsed In an Ignominious heap. At Jnst tbe reverse of drinking cup laying him on the mill, wry -l y pretended not to see. At meal times create a new and lusty race of fowls, a the wild cook landed inside tbe fence, sheff The same prognostication waa hay? ltow much do they pay for catTranqnid has a solemn and Important breed which would meet the hawk lu his foot barely touched tbe ground. a few years tle and sheep f. o. b. your depot? How ilo to tell. The scarcity of egg at this automobile ninft about the most autocratic own of hla of the clement and laugh at woven But the touch was air worthy One of the enniign. much tux will they pay to siipmrt linsliery Is caused by their high price. London butlers, and I am a babe in hla wire fences. little nooses tightened shout bis legs, ago; it would retire the horse perma- your schools aud eduente your ? Chicago Tribune. At last, up in a little monntain vil- and as he bands. again he, too, came nent?. In England horses are dearer sprang and roads For Why are you so irritated, old chap? improving said Breakfast is served, senor, lage, my opportunity came. Tranquid down with a Jerk. than before tbe coming of th. motor bridges, for supimrt of the county, for Can't help it My wife Jnst brought announced, with the respectful elation Tranquid, grarely. The birds were rising to face earh "I come, I replied, with equal grav- he sometimes permitted himself, that other when we ran forwnrtl, and he ear, The only sufferers in that coun- the expense of running the iiuslucss of some friends in to see the cozy corner.' Fold it was a great place for and State? ity, and rolled over twice and came up a man had a wild rooster. Would the turned toward u at the noise, I ex- try ire tbe railways. People can get the township, county mere trifles. What of that On what pnge do they offer to conWell, on my knees, Japanese fashion, beside senor like to come to see it? automoIn a island little pected to see him struggle madly to bog the tight to siqqKiit the church? 1 was sitting In It. Chicago New. tribute money so was went senor The we my lowly table. willing, escape. But the brave little fellow biles much better than by train, there- What line of credit' will they extend lo We're living in an age of doubt. street faced us, and flapped Ills wings and Just as I was going to plunge my down the narrow grass-grownew school of travel has been you when your props are mor aud And, if for woe or weai, fore loud crowed cock Into a over the rice tlie together, stepping carefully fingers stretched Ids nock, challenging us fearNn mure with simple faith we put or Illness when our through of money In gone; created. course, America, close at babies and pigs that were basking In lessly. In a moment the old man bad and dear among the trees Our shoulders to the wheel. misfortune you arc not able to send But in tlicse ispid-aulband. A great ferocity of meat hunger tbe sun. days tossed a handkerchief over hla head mapifleent distances preclude the for We count that lielp too alow; cash with order your groceries, In tlie yard of a little tubledown and loosened the noose, and I held him awept over me. of automobile successfully - We all crawl underneath to find clothing, farm tool and crockery? Justin! I shack we found a rusty brown bird between my hands. Give me tbe boom-booJust why it doesn't go. conqrtlng with the railroads, except Where Is their offer to your entertain-nien- t We will have manuk til'd to a post by a hit of twine about commanded. Judge. I could feel tbe lithe mnscles taut as In mburban travel. ? next Fourth of J uly his leg. The old mnn, his owner, scat- steel wires benesth my fingers, and the Tlie Rev. Dr. Fourthly del monte for breakfast. I hope. to will do In t anything they short, Brother Hardesty, you are not tinctThe cork crowed often while I stole tered a few kernels of corn, aud the heart beating furiously, but be made no have for market what a yuu Balts In 1004 of all kinds of goods, provide Deaured with anthropomorphism. through the nndergrowlh, as softly as pour dingy thing pecked at them in a sound and did not struggle. I looked the ferns and bristly creepers would let half hearted way. A hen caine bust- at the lustrous markings of his back Jl.4s.0u0.000; purchases, $2,083,203,-673- ) to Bell, oud thereby Weiqi up thedovalue con Hardesty (wondering where he ha anyof your real estate? Will they me. heard that word before) Well, someling up and he pecked peevishly at her and wings, and the long, drooping The difference alone is over a for social, church, school or gov- times 1 tldnk I thing As I drew near the crowing ceased, once or twice, and then hopped back am, and then, again, I and then all at once came a blll) dollar; this represents the in- ernment supimrt. or ilo they take yonr don't know. When youve hud th and I was peering about the brush to bis post and stood there, dull and picture of the draggled, spiritless cap- terim abroad no investments with on British the of out dollars rominuulty and abrub for a sight of the cock when round shouldered, like a sulky boy who tive hack in tbe old man's yard. I grip good and hard It alwnyn leave a lot of aches und unpleasant feelings whir! From the lower branches of a had decided that the corn was not of plucked away tbe handkerchief and and the profits of the carrying trade, returns except the goods you buy? states tbe New York World. Great tree, fifty feet above my head, a splen- much importance, anyway, and bad tossed him Into the air. you don't get over fur a lung time I TU Krr- - lllMwlUnril Social Uimlian. did bird shot out with a boom like a put his hands In his pockets. Ill New York (lie dissatisfied mail or know that. L'lilengo Tribune. Ills wings beat very lond In the still- Britain builds more ocean going ships I was slow to believe that this could ness, and we all started. Then I looked him full the achieved woman who partridge and sailed away between the rest (1,4(6,000 tons in 1004) than all the Fnalllva Pie. trunks, a dassllng vision of white and be a .brother of tlie swift, bright bird round sheepishly. Tranqnid waa star- of the world (1,075, 000 tons). Great round of society and discovered Its uta boomed out In a crowded Sixth avenue trolley which of and had that treetop gold. ter vanity, If not Indrad worse, may green ing up stupidly, with hia mouth in a I waa too startled to shoot, for I had first morning, but I presently discov- big. round O. Justin was laughing, but Britain's output of ships declined only Imagine, if not familial' with Loudon ear the other flay a well groomed never before seen chickens that roosted ered that it was. The long, slender suddenly he pointed excitedly to Tran-quld- 's two per cent, last year, that of the rest or Paris, that In those cities exists a young woman had to stand dose to a like eagles and flew like pheasants and body, the powerful wings, the sharp, man, who month and shouted: of the world fifteen iter cent. Tbe iron superior class of men and wouira, more initehet fuceil miildle-age.were as brilliant as humming birds. heavy bill, were the product of generaLook, senor! I have found him. audited product amounts annually to Intellectual nail less brutal than those seemingly was too absorbed In hla And it In a moment I hard hla strong wings tions of wild life. And under tbe dnst These he goes. Look! Look of whom lie knows. The newspaper to relinquish his seat M' $sdMXX),000 a year. Britain! 1!XH unfamiliar wllli New York, hope to iladys hand was full of bundles. The beating on the other aide of the Talley, and mstiness of the feathers there wonld be hard to say whether tbe old and I went back and ate my rice were still traces of the green and gold man gazed at Justin or me with the sources of wheat showed a great shift- discover In Manhattan something dif- eouveiitlunul feet disturbing of the fdrest. The changes were due deeper disgust. Youths Companion. vibration pit In their accustomed quietly. ing trom 1303. From tbe United States ferent from that which Is to ie found III spite of the protection af fine of work resident Western The That Incident began my acquaintance only to a changed mode of life. the lu city. imports fell in one year from 43,000,000 Haw th Star Chan. The man says, explained Tranqnid, with the wild chickens, and they toon Omaha per imp thinks tlia. if she could forded by the leather straps. RusfiOUO Of the stars or more that an bushels to 13,000,000. Argentina. tbRt he has had this rooster for a long attain Chicago she would find her The man wiili Hip newspaper chanced grew to be a very dear part of tlie forto the naked eye, there are be- sia and British India gained about ideal est life, bringing me an mhl mixture of time, and it is dirty. He says he will visible society, in Ilaxtlrg, Nob., ilonb;. lo rest one hand nn his left knee, and tween and 100 which show con- whst we lost. less there are very ninny who think It forthwith a corrugated expression sc pleasant memory and homesickness as catch a clean one for tlie senor, if he spicuousfifty variations of brightness; and i ccu.mitcd the -- oilmens or his cuunte would lie a lira ven to attain I listened to them. pleasea. If the telescopic stars are included, tbe Mrs. Ellen T. Richards, of Massachur.ciii-e- . out the Of course the senor pleased, anil one Oiiinhn. in And Then he tried the other knee. oil We heard them always when we prominence number of known "variables is at ill we old which homes The set woman's With fi'.utiixpiei'p exemplifying com out our are scattered hninlets made and left a was bright morning setts, prairie addressing least 13,000. The stars "Deuebola and i along the trail. The cocks proved to man, our guidp, marched in front, most "Castor, for in New York City recently. muiiy socially amliltioiis young gils i'fni'.l egret aud discomfort, he said example, have faded by and mothers look toward Hastings to th" pnr-- el limirer: be jnat as exacting husbands as their importantly, for it is not every day more I one-halwords: These some her of are than really as a social Mecca. It all reminds mii while Beta, ii in. your bundle Is dripping ou domesticated cousins, crowing their that one has a rhn nee to show a senor Delta and Epsilon Cants Majoris dont wonder at the young men cf to- of the translation of Omar's linos: my i lollies:' families home and abroad with fussy what a clever mnn one is at catching are sttadily brightening. There are day not marrying. If It be true that Till on the stilly top of heaven's sinir. "Oil. my! she exclaimed. "That wild chickens, and tlie old man knrw punctuality. other stars of a class known ns temI looked- - ninl laughed and rhubarb pie will lie no good. ol Im If a gay youngcockere! or a giddy pul- that his grandchildren would tell their a $3000 la least tbe young inwyer year porary, whlrh suddenly Maze out for climbed nn mure. John Brlxlicii wary ii limit the leak, sir! let lingered too long aflpld, the lord of children about tills expedition. he feels or clerk a even or or a then weeks few professor gradand days Under his arm be carried a red fightlie snrrrudeml his seat. New York Walker, til C.Yisinniiolltiiii. the flock grew noisy with anxiety as ually fade away in a year or two. Sev- can Barry one, then all Ive got to say Press. tbe sunset faded. With the dawn he ing cock. It struck me as a bit mhl to eral explanations of these curious variwomen. A I'rlek of Imagination. woke, brisk and Important, and woe rarry such an animal on a hunting ations of stellar light are given by the Is it's disgrace to our young Knife rnmrlen In Cntm. on In no to There's live two a lillle mental science trick feels is for betide the sleepyhead of surprise the trip. One Professor It entirely possible astronomer, A pnriy writing to (lie Post men I ve pen-oto will teach 1 tlmt in meeting people with roosters distinguished I'luigliiiil There waa no llonse up. sweet slug1500 that know don't yeur I Charles A. Young, of Irinceton. in nu liablt so much a perfect, graceful poise. One lions tin abed for him, bnt an ear splitting call, under their arms; it Is quite the usual would trust the modern young woiiinii acquire in article Weekly. interesting Harper's the old mnn. says "ininglnntive" with reason, for in rnne in Cuba, ami aki that wa and we often chuckled at thought of thing. Tranquid followed with less. In New York City there you have to have sii imagination to do enniiiii! our campaign against It. We Tan Thun hi. tbe sheepish haste of the laggnrd when i spectfnlly hopeful. Then raine Jusare rear. I So.inni the hla Is and to there a Wherever there marriages a year, continues If. You must Imagine that you r a will inniiiuie Hie riiiiipiilgn against sleepy tin, smiling, brought up that sound penetrated victory a mile or an from the village the must be a defeat. tlie New York World. Ireland and scintillating star on your hrenst anil n Ibis vice until the proicr notice has brain. lni'ii taken of it. though this lie years A tropical forest is a thing of awe wnll of the forest rose, dark and imMany brave men have been shot in Scotland combined have fewer wed- bnsket of eggs on your bead. now. All of ilic lower classes, infrom will one twia Tbe stream at first But dim the back. uiimusciniisly fancy point and mystery, with Its eternal penetrable. as many. fluence Few iieople are strong enough to dings; Switzerland only half you to rarry your shoulders like with hardly nn exception, carry light and tangled creepers and Innum- came down from the hills, and there knives. If they cannot afford The marriage rate in Manhattan Bor- a military mnn bent ou exhibiting Ills erable dark Tlstas which hide inhabit- the field extended Into the woods for a enjoy themselves. a knife from a store they find a i secon-tciieli will selbuttons. a sort and TIip cool the of 13.30 per thousand, The song tlmt reaches tbe heart room, gold ough ants one seldom hears and never sees. little way, making gently and piece of steel nuil slmrieii It into a Most of tbe creatures seem to fee! tbe and shadowy, and carpeted with short, dom staya there. ratio is increasing faster tliun ia tbe yon to sink Into a chair Into It. deadly wenMiii and carry it wrapped Tbe centre of dramatic emotion Is gracefully. Instead of Imiu-liitisilent immensity and Tagueness ns a thick turf. population. By the statistics, the Mas- Also, it will train you to Hi mb stairs in a piece of pnier alsmt their clothe Here the old man halted and waited usually In the gallery. man does and seek safety in unobtrns-lvenes-s. fails In the pres- erect. You cant twist, or l ou the slightest occasion. over. ready to ii till we all stood about him. Then he Humility is often a cloak for hatred. sachusetts prophetess this is uw.iy murders, of result Tbe on Our York w facts. ence a basket of If linve susyoung of his eggs a to of your the to wen from blouse believe is yon better alone drew birds than It These brave, cheery pocket men do not poslpoue marriage fatully head even an Imaginary one can you? whlrh would not occur under other unaffected by It, and they crowed and bundle of twine, wound on four point- pect. If the police were inFo put on the flushing gold star, The weak chain wastes the strong long on the question of income, and we cackled and clucked aliout their busi- ed sticks. Justin stopped smiling. on tbe watch for to structed a set tie to and keep worn is which seen, a nature in of tbe ns if there Anything ness of living ns carelessly trap, any- anchors. woman wlm does Imsket of eggs on your bend, anil see knife curriers It would 1h a very short at night. have many a young vre no snob thing as fear in the thing which matched mans wit Diiwii is the day smiling All shores are fair w hen the tide 1 not demand an income of $1300 per what the combined fancy will do for time until tlie hnblt would become unagainst the Instinct of the wild creatworld. popular. Havana 'Post, vnu carriage. Philadelphia Bulletin. interested full. ISrioriu. Justin. tear. let with ail their independence they ures. s r - - -- - Manuk Doi Monte. I d. Efore - h d jiu-jits- e urn-hrcl- la to-da- s. cl e 1.. ehll-dreu- r n pos-sibll- ty d Uhli-agoni- back-actio- n au-'.a- con-fereic- e one-nig- f, ear-eye- d Plill-ippln- knife-carryin- g Is-n- niur-dero- to-bu- 1 , |