OCR Text |
Show MISS WAITES NEW THEORY WISH GRATtFINO. Ceremony of Recognition That Wao I Almost Overdone. ' uua Mary Waite, 'he only daugh-tr- r of the late chief Justice of the United States. Iltca quietly In an pxrimcut In Wsnhlngiun since the death of her mother. Although her ball la turning gray, kh has youthful eyes sod sprightly an. She is fund of relating a story shli-- now for the first time finds Us way Into print. "One day, toys Miss Wake. "I aid to Justice Harlan, "How Is It that none of you ever bow to me when 1 come to the cupreine court room Several ladli-- s who have gone there have said to me, Justice Rosnd-Sbowed to me." I feel quite neglected.' Some weeks after this conversation I went to the court room near the close of the session, that my father and I might go home together. I seat and was quietly lipped Into enjoying myself, when a man leaned forward, layk.g a finger on my shoulder. 'Kzciixe me, miss,' he said, but rerhaps you'd like me to tell you who they all are. Thats Justice Brewer over there, and Justice Field nest him, and theres Chief Justice Walt In the middle.' "Ksctise me. I Interrupted, but as perhaps I know them quite as well you.' "At this moment I raised my eyes to the Judges lu nch and realised with a gasp that every gray head of them was making Inclination lo me. The notoriety hunter hack of me gulped out, Who are yon. inlas?' (lathering my sklrta about me, I hurried from the court room, the man at my heela. Hut he never caught me, for I knew those hake, na I did the Justices, better than he did. New York Herald. h OF THE CREATION. IF YGU ARE A Do- According to This, Adam Was Igntd as a Filtcrer. Many ri sautes have been assigned for the creation of man, snl many (he uses to which he has been put; but it was reserved for a woman to discover Mint our flrt parent was designed sa a fflierer. The1 Sunday school In ihe parish of 81. M. wa called to order by the gen The lesson w lie, genial pxntur. which tin- - busy. lumMing from Gene-da- , wife of ihe parson e pounded to a girls in Ihe class of siiieeu year-olfollowing manner; "You see, girls, by clo.-el-y studying the text, that by every natural and di vine law woman Is man's superior. In the beginning the Almighty made man out of black dirt, there bring no better material lying round. After the divine essence was breathed Into man, the Creator found a substance good enough Kve was for the creation uf woman. trained through Adam, the latter being used s a lllterer, so to speak. When woman Is wicked It I an that some of the gritty black particle of the original old Adam. have escaped In the process of For woman In comparison with man Is ns the purest, whitest diamond dust to the hlsckest dirt." What Mrs. Ford Says Concerning Williams Pink Fills will Surely Interest kiic.-rtcii- Fol-lol- fl- -i if elm Hy tM tbs ilt one function. If aut-fi-w- h-- W rt , : de-ma- h ihry ny. upnri. And w-- uiui- -r blue ax or ky, r i ae- - In meul eiii-lie Wuulil Thu IIIKhl Kill m he waiiilcied hy: "You think I'm a happy, I.llii hearted Jap Jappy. IVlih fun and with kay luruHol; Bui my heart' If v'Vw TJ;iyt "'WTCCr fj r re ihe Ay y; nun -- really lireakiiiK. nr you It la in, ThuUKh It only the heart of a dull The heart uf a Japanese dull!" TM dully nf wax her beautiful head A lid einili-ill lie ftit te.l hi fun, ujt: I, u liae.'lMiine i Mini Jiu i ii dull w iai ine." Kul-lo- -- l: l : Mn-- with a i.i in I lull uf Japan;" I u till Tli-- dull an cried may ilipnvl. I'm eel Ikilly, faithful and true. ud heneuth my mono a little l.e. itever ln-- l'.i ii Kul-ln- l! An-- I I nl caai-men- I.lkht-hearte- For you It to breaking. Though It'a only the heart of a doll Important to Mothers, carefully svary bottls of CASTORIA a ( sad aura rased for Infanta and ehlidrat and aaa that It grantee Fol-lo- l! The heart of a Japaneae doll! Mary Farrah in New York Herald. Baanlhs Signature of la DM WEIGHT ED DOWN BY ORNAMENTS Over SO Yearn. Ths Kind Tm Item Ahrsya Far i Somewhat Indecent Haste. Jones, who had recently man Bmitli's Widow, hastily opened k which lay on the breakfast tabla out looking at the address. To discomfiture he found a circular a firm of monumental masons, end Ing a drawing of a tombstone with To tho memory of f Inscription: beloved husband, whom I can mi replace." TEA j I low strange that so daint a thing should possess sue I power! f p'-i- K11-nt-- Mllllara dy If yow 4oaftll Lucid and Sans. Papa." asked ths small boy, .vs was reading ths magazine, "what da It mean by severing home tles?"") son, one meaning," replied the pet families from behind his newspap "Is a term used to describe a aaA reelings In regard to tearing spy pertain articles of male neckwo usually presented to him by awk with a fondness for bargain aalss.'-BostEvening Transcript. on A TEA There are fewer nerves i countries. the Imagine a nervous Dutckng - woman I i U yea Sue Via T rwur nCin y fiqiy Srfellllae' Rt. Politely Unsophisticated. "A wise man," said Uncls Eben, 1 hard to deceive, but a maa nf sometimes make believe dat Ifi easy." Washington Star. TEA You don't read advertise- Pounda of Copper Always Worn by a Tribe of Burmese. gn-ail- y TEA Captain W. 8. Graham. 132 Eoff Her tea marks the woman; St., Winding. W. Va.. writing under 1 am so date of June 14, '04, says: but so does her coilce; and grateful 1 want to thank God that a friend recommended Cuticura Soap she marks both. and Ointment to me. I Buffered for a Tour groi-e- nun your meaty It yea dost Ufce long time with sores on my face and hack. Some doctors said I had blood poison, and others that I had barbers' Paris Debt Is $400,000, 0C0. Itch. None of them did me any good, Faria has the biggest debt of any but they all took my money. My lu the world. It amounts to 400, friends tell me my akin now looks aa city 000,000. dear as a baby's, and I tell them all that Cuticura Soap and Cuticura OintRiverside, with lta famous Mission ment did it." hotel and Magnolia avenue, lta acres of orange groves In bloom when uoFifteen Years on One Sermon. covers the ground in ITtah nnd Idaho Gwlll, a Welsh bard, ha just fin- is one of the uttnetive points renchc-ished to his satisfaction a sermon on hy (he new Suit Lnlic Route. Then which he has been engaged for fif- there nre great cities, resorts nnd teen years.. ocean-sid- e hotels also on tho lino. Deafness Cannot Be Cured What Might Have Been. Ono touch of liver makes the whole world glum, as Shakespeare mlgl: have said. If he had lived In an age of pepalne and pills. the dl by mci xppiiextlfxu, u tbry exouut b hjuhI punluu uf tlw ear. There I oaly uue wee lo cum drx(neu,iiail tuu l hr nuwlliuiioiiRl Kiuedle. IiexfueM hi cxued lijrin IniUined eundlil-i- uf llie niucoua lluluic uf the Keatxuliixn Tube. When (In ruubllnu sound ur Imjilieli Indented perfect heerluK. and whe It I autlrely duerd, Uenl-ice- e ie the result, and ualna (he indniumuthui cub lie tekeo out and this tub naturaii to lie annuel emuli-Una- , hearts will be destroyed (ureter; Bins rexes uut id lex nr eauaed hy Cxiarrh. which I nothin but aa Inflamed euadlihw of the niuenui eurfneaa. W will give One Hundred Uullara fur any case of Doafooct leuueod by catarrh) that c annul be cured by Hull'c Catarrh Cur. Son! fur elrculxn, free. r. j. cuxMsr uo., TuMdo, old by DnugleU. 75c. Tuk Hall'iFaully Fill! fur ootut! patina. . TEA Give a very naughty boy a dainty cup of fine tea, and see his face change gradually! a Eucalyptus Tra?, There sre several epeclee of the eucalyptus tree, one of which sttslne s height of shout E00 feet, snd single specimen have reached s diameter of eighty-one- ; but one of the chief recommendations of the eualyptue Is that, like the ellanthus, It la of rapid growth. At Cannes, France, a tree planted In 18C2 had reached a height of sixty feet In 1872, and there are specimens in Texas, raised like the Cannes tree irora seed, that attained that height In five or six years. Insanity and Love. by the' Insanity returns In 1,000 are cauled by love Judging en cases affaire. Among the Salun or Sawngtung Kerens, called Gaungto b ytbe Burmese, the men crop tbelr hair short. The women wear a smock which comes down to and on ceremonial orcaslous such as being photographed, twist a blanket round the waist to make up for the absence of petticoats. The most singular part of their J Pin's Cure for Conxumptlon In be dress, however, is their leg orna- medicine and colds. K. W. BuuiL for ments. Rattan rings, covered with Ocean Grove.coughs 1000. 17. N. J..Feb. lacquer, form a sort of gaiter, and below the knee there Is a very elabArchitect Had Hie Joke. On taking their seats for the first orate kind of garter formed by copper rings bound to the leg by these rattan time on the bench at the newly erected courthouse at Delmerhorat rings. d to half Germany, the Judges were much per The coppet la from an Inch thick, and about alx lnchea In turbed to find that the architect had the portico with th diameter, and the rings are festooned ornamented over the calf with a skill and symculptured head of a fox on one aide metry In which, no doubt, a good deal and that of a sheep on the other. of pride la taken, to the neglect of the SIX MUNTHS CIRCLE TOUR $62. hair, which is long and matted. On the forearms a continuous spiral Move by the New 8alt ring of solid copper rod la worn, Still Another Lake Route, reaching as nearly to the elbow as can be managed without preventing the The Sait Lake Route will sell round free use of the arm. Necklaces. of trip tickets to Los Angeles, returning grass seeds, nuts and colored pebbles through San Francisco and Ogden, for IG2.00, good six months. Tickets on complete full dress. Stockton, The weight of copper on the arms sale hy agents Salt Fork, Spanish nd legs amount to forty pounds, and Eureka, Mammoth, mors In some cases. Neither armlets Provo, American Fork and Lchl. nor garters are ever removed; they Foreigners Status in Berlin. cannot. In fact, be removed without In Berlin the authorities hold the the assistance of a smith. The women theory that all foreigners reside there fetch water, bos the fields and sleep by simple sufferance, snd may to be with their ornaments always on them. asked to leave at any moment. No London Graphic. reason is ever given for any expulsion beyond the curt police formula, FurNutriment In Beverages. ther residence Is denied. But expulsion Is rarely or never resorted to, except In the case of alien anarchists and International agitators and mischief makers, Including newspaper corm " EMU ft respondents who commit the offense " 3eSfc" of telling malicious lies not shout the course of politics, but about the high peraonslltiee of the court. The Prussian government has always allowed the fullest Independence of judgment to foreign correspondents about mat ters of general policy. mld-thlg- . ODD 5 r" "Sto- ments; why are you reading DO this? Tr eranr rtuma year Moej K rea Seat lh Peculiar Javaeso Orchid. In Java there Is an orchid, all the Rowers of which open at ones, u by the stroke of a wand, and they alw ill wither together. TEA There is better tea than you suspect; and yours h probably worse than you suspect Each Illustration represents half a pint (equal to half a pound). Ths shaded portion shows amount of nutriment contained, and the figures below give the proportion In ounces end drachms. Cow 8tlrs Rattler's Wrath. A cow which John Tukes of Butler valley was driving to pasture stepped the tall of a rattlesnake, and the on Tukes. who enraged reptile-turne-d fled to bis barn. The snake chased him to the door, which Tukes closed. Tukes was held Crying Good for Babies. prisoner hx.f an hour before th snake Crying Is the best Indeed Ihs stf; ceased its ratttlrg and went away. exercise a very young baby cu Uaxcltnn correspon lenev, Philadelphia take. Record. on y nri-n:un- one-thir- Ymf ererer rehmwyeer tea-drinki- Unromantic End of Wedding Arranged Letter from Marcus Mayer, the Great Patron of Music and Drama. by Parents. Marcus ft. Mayer, who brought to Tburi- - U an uid story uf llie era when all marrlwK- - aero roiitru-t-ly America Mme. Haiti, puse, Sal viiil. a lui.-ipan-n- t Cuqiielin ami oile r affair, alih-ifatuous slug' r ns. I at the iau and tifiuiMi-.-'iactors. wriii: the Iso principals. Thu father and had ar Cicn'lemm: I u ;h inoihcr uf one Count Kliu-- l a mauy ur.iiii: j ranged with sume friends In uiurrv . I mi In th ir iliiiighiiT. Tin- - young mi ii and wuaieli L 1 I count nnd he bad never met, can reach to left the town In Germany ahere he know ihe excellived umil the wedding day. and nv lence i f Doan's soon as the was over he Ihiis. I wax unluied his bride wiih graceful respect benefited by lliis remedy and saying: "Madame, you and I have in order to fulfill our parents know it cured sevbehests. You have the prettiest figure eral who had kidney (rouble so badly in the world and the must admirable (bey were agonized with psln In (ho stature I have ever seen on woman Lack, head and Inina, rheumatic at1 am But I must leave you. I cannot con tack and urinary disorders. cesl from you that for a long time my glad to recommend such a deserving heart taa been captured by a love remedy. which I do not know how to stifle.' MARClS R. MAYER. (Signed) His post chaise awaited him at the Sold by all dealers. 5i cents a box. church door, the count quickly stepped Foster-Mi- l burn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. Into It, and the countess never saw him again. A Text of Life. "I Said the old colored deacon: CAPT. GRAHAM'S CURE. aint bothered bout whether tfar's ll'e p life in de moon or no. How for 1; Sores an Face and Back Tried Many swine on de enrlh is what gits me." Dcctora Without Success Atlanta Const ii ntion. Gives Thanks to Cuticura. r and only fur you! Ynu think lm m hiippy. I.ialit hearted Jap French Fond of Vegetables. Willi tun and with say paraxul; Hut I'd die fur ynu gladly, Vegetables are great features b j love yuu mi madly. French households, and neither pot TIimiikIi I'm unlv a Japanese doll toes, beans, peas nor cauliflowers art Im uiily a Japanese dull!" ever served plainly boiled. Csullflowci name uf that golden-hairecut into small pieces and served wit! Xuw Illie d wax doll Ine a rich bechamel sauce Is s favorlti W.i Huiii thlint like youra. It may he. dull with the fun and the gay It and and carrots 'cut dish, potatoes iiia-t rounds are often cooked in tho samt If uii tuuk from your you'll way, while beans and ess are grefil RK. t rrald of old England, my heart St ly Improved by the addition of a llttk uur feet n Hr I I beheld you was luld. butter, salt and pcpptT. They atev Oh!V1:Hake from yuur xlumbeix to hear me pears to perfection, whole, In syrup, lepeill aerenude: os with tho stalks left T!il and Japaneae dnll'aYou peeled think I'm s After they are thoroughly cooked the; happy. d are put on a sieve to dry and cool, ani Jap Jappy, the syrup la cooked a little more,?i With fan and with gay paraanl; little red wine being added andaomt Uut with love my times lemon peel to flavor It heart'! aching. j rvh-aa- e ts r A ini s isis-aiui- iMilr. a (lie k' ldni flux; I lei eye wuiild open Hlld NliUl wlih tu-ali- Urn-awl- s ex-pe- Japane,- dull fell In luv r,iie day Will, an fciighxii ilii'ly f aim. Her k were mi link ii nd her - 1 well-poise- d j A nb that propi-ilfails to l La no end I,f phvnii iil misery. I from licit uijh chumI for two yca during one uf which I wif wax kept m 4m all the tune. 1 tried eiiucgh to cur any illue,. but lull lung gam inn 'he liglilekt bene, til until I Uv'iui uxing lr. William' Fink. IMIs fur Dale People. 1'l.ey cured me. all the time prno Why, I wns suffering of the aunnacb, from sickm-ndixauieM nr swimming ill my beat! and . NnW I am eutirelf in my bw-kIiu nf that aurt. 1 ms fn-from not only able tu km-- on my feet, lmt to do my work as a teacher, mu to eu jot the pleaxuri-- that come through tbt i of aound health. Within three weeks after beginning the ne of lie. Williams Pink Pills 1 such relief that 1 knew thvj iiiukI be itdiipted Pi the needs of my case After using I hem for u short while luiigH 1 beeaniw and have sines mimined r well woiiihii, and Him rennoti why lsioi' thutl look Dr. William Pin X Pills. iyT1u-xpills iiiiiku uterine action regular and Miiib-s- , biiniih liuuihirlie, lancrania appetite, pro guor, mote digestiiiii, put color in the buildup si rviigi h ami health. Every woman should scud Pi the Dr Williams Medicine Oumpmiy, Bcheuae booklet, e tally, N.Y., fur a valuable titled Plain Talks to Wcuiimi." It wil be mailed free in analed envelope to tin address of any applicant. Dr.Williautf Fink Pills are sold bjr all druggists e GRATIFYING PRAISE. LEFT BRIDE AT CHURCH DOOR n.-v- li J.i'-- t p n. s You. ),-U-l- Ask Your Neighbors. Oelatt, Pa., Nov. Cth (Special) Mrs, II. W. Bterns, a well respected resident or delatt, tells In convincing words, what Dodd's Kidney Pills have done for her. She says; "I was a great sufferer from Rheumatism, caused through my Kidneys being out of order. I wsa subject to It for years. It would take me without warning, and while the attack lasted I was so lame I could not get around. So I had to send for Dodd's A Georgian's Will, Kidney rills. I took thdm for threa A correspondent sends us n copy of days, but didnt feel much benefit, but an old will on record In tho office of on the fourth day I noticed a great the ordinary of Lumpkin county, floor-gi- change, the lameness In my back was After appointing three esecutors, gone, and Ihe pains I used to suffer he "solemnly" requests them to law were loss. I kept on with Dodd's KidN. Nicholson to the full estent of the ney Pills and now I am glad to say lew. 1 Impute my cramp eollc to his I have no lameness nor pain of any llo further roqueais kind. I feel ns if I didn't know what Injustice to me. that "they pay themselves and our Rheumatism was. I shu'l never be attorneys and spend sa much as la without Dodd's Kidney lllls In the necessary In buying a slab and place house, and 1 bless tho day I first heard Here lies the remains of S. of them. on it: Douglas Crane. Horn the 8th of No- MINDS BROADENED BY TRAVEL vember, JHofl, who served live years In the Georgia legislature and never lost Companion. a day; and dies In the full faith of the Forming of Intelligent ohlpo Ono of tho Chief Benefits. Methodist doctrine end in full hope, to Among tho pleasures and profits ol whleh church ho wills (50." In con be "to Intelligent travel sra the companion elusion, the testator request The hips ono forma. burled on the highest hill In the grave-yarwith the honors of war, a colo- traveler is never afraid to make new friends. He soon learns to read ha nels salute. Law Notes. man nature sufficiently to know whom to trust, and one cannot travel, ever Ths Dark Hour. Whoa the blUht of (ho night presses to a very limited extent, without meet down on my hand and Ihs slow well worth knowing Coming on of the dawn In tho Iowa Undo Ing many people (ho heart uf mo low; circle la delightful home The little Whan the gray of tho clay la tho ahado and often helpful, hut the viewpoint! of the gisy of a aliruuil On that ili'Hpe phantom shapes as If and opportunities of our fellow cltl - McdNWHmi wo nMnakfA next-doo- r mind wnm tram a drew. For a Palm tlmt will calm II or blind It furnish as neighbors are not apt tt with di rains that are wiel; profitable friendships at Than thr soul In Its dole slnmla all persona we meet whoee environment! end bare. lark. utiprtHM-tri- ! And the hour of l ha taiwer of tho dark-nr- n ire different, nnd who have, perhaps on. It ttirrrl had a wider range of opportunities Then the wHlil of a fata that la strongand aeon more of the things worth er than life, or Ilian dittili. Seems to rest on llie Inreat that no longwhile, which are the heritage of the er holds lulai ur biealh. Hut, lo! As ilia woe of ilia spirit to traveler. ilreiwel, a word When the man who la familiar with and of peace ran you hear Of Ihe Kast meets the man w ho has learn Itf The wing uf a toMidi The dewnlng nf morning heVelhe re- - rd the great atory of the West, the day Krleie of the has won over fear and conversation Is pretty apt to be worth has driven him awayl News. listening to. Four-TracBut, oh! It Is slow and 1 wonder some-time- s. a Makes What Diamond what If fata Sparkle? Should forget or aliould let tho gods A diamond la the moat lustrous of blunder and dawn coma too falaT all known substances because It Clevaland Leader. all light which falls on Its Why Norah Was Worried. poster or surface at an angle of Incl My maid Norah went lo consult a deuce of more than 24 degrees. It Is fortune teller and returned walling so hard that Ita power of refraction la Immense, and the cutting Is dismally. of prisma, which sparkle the "Did she predict some great trouwhite light Into the colors of which ble?" I asked sympathetically. "Orb, mom, slch therrlble news!" It la composed. moaned Norah, rocking back and forth OLD FASHIONED FARE wringing her hands. "Tell me," I said, wishing to comfort Hot Biscuits, Griddle-CakePies and the glrL Puddings. "She tould me thot me father wurks hard ahovclln' coal an tlndln folrea The food that mads the fathers for a livin." strong Is sometimes unfit for the chil"Uut that's no disgrace nor sorrow," dren under ths new conditions that I asld, a trifle vexed at auch affectaour changing civilisation Is constantly tion. bringing in. One of Mr. Bryan's neighUch, mem. me poor father!" sobbed bors In ths great state of Nebrakka Norah. "He's bin dead these nolne writes: , "I was raised In the South, where years!" Judge. hot biscuits, grl.tdle-cskcs- . pies end puddings are eaten at almost every Insinuating. Ths following story Is told of one of meal, and by ths time 1 located In ths former governors of Georgia: It Nebraska I found myself a sufferer seems that he was out walking ons from indigestion and Its attendant morning, s few days prior to his elec- Ills distress and pains after meals, tion. when he met an old nrgm Ths an almost constant headache, dull, heavy sleepiness by day and following conversation took place: at night, loss of flesh, impair"Morning, Maras John." ed memory, etc., etc. "flood morning, uncle." "I was rapidly becoming incapaci"You all Is looking mighty fins." tated for business, when a valued "Yes, I fed pretty good." "Do you know what you looks like, friend suggested a change In my dleL the abandonment of heavy, rich stuff Msrss John?" and the use of flrapu-Nutfood. I fol"No. What do I look like? "You looks as If you htd a dollah lowed ths good advice and shall alIn youh pocket and was runntn foah ways bo thankful that I did sa "Whatever may be the experience Governor." of others, the beneficial effects of the change were apparent In my csss alFeminine Logic. My stomach, After ths tea thing had boss most Immediately. si eared sway the young wife cams which had rejected other food for so most kindly; over and sat on hubby's knee, put her long, took to Grapo-NutIn a day or two my headache was plump arms about his neck and kissed gone, I began to sleep healthfully and him half a dozen times. before a week was out tho scales now?" what Is It he "Well, queried. showed that my lost weight was com"A new dress, dear. she answered. back. My memory was restored Out don't you know that times are ing with tho renewed vigor that I felt In he awfully hard Just at present? body nnJ mind. For three years now queried. Grupc-Xut- i food has kept ms In prims "Of course I do," she replied. and 1 propose It shall for condition, 1 want lo give the poor "Tbst's why ths rest of my days. dressmaker something to da" ChiAnd by ths way, iny 21 r old cago News. as I am, baby Is ns fond of Grape-Nut- s always Insists on havlug It. It keeps Pensions to Confederates. her as healthy and hearty as they Texas. In the fiscal jears ipofi nnd make them." Name given by Postum J907. will psy fwn.rno o ConfidenT. Co., Battle Creek, Mlc.h. There's s veterans for prnsfon.'i, besides verisou. l64Ji3 for ;he support at ling Read the little hook "T"? Road to the Confederate home. Wellvills" In pkgs. s LOVE WITH AN ENGLISH DOLL OF WAX. IN In-i- Ultra-(Ion- sleep-Ii'nuio- Dr other women " I wi-- h 1 ciiiiM rid uf cvrctiu physical trouble a com-- ! "I'd Die for You Gladly, I Lowe You ! In getting So Madly, Though Im Only a Japs-ns- s k 1 have Mrs. h. IL Ford, of Mid rid i,f iiiiiie, ! Im Only a JapaDoll, You' I'ushiiiaiabii, Mi., recently. ns Doll." , that a wr.nmu'l knuw,"sie ('11(111111-11- Indl-entlo- n d HAITI LITTLE J.VITV WOMAIlj Brains end Climate. Tne weight of a man's brain is said to have nothing to do with his mental power. It ! a question of climate, not of Intellect The colder the climate, the greater the size of the brain The biggest heads of all are those of the Chugatehes, who live very far north, and next cornea the heads of the Lapps. strong, at least good, if possible fine, and brewed by one who knows how. Temperature In Sahara. Sahara the temperature rises to ISO degrees in the daytime and sinks below the freezing point at night There Is no auch variation In the In Great American desert CtZ TflE FAMOUS I Bed Ctom Ball Blue. Large -- . package Tbs Ruin Company, South Bend, iud, cent. Pier" and Pferglass." pier" properly should be of tone. The word la identical with the A A "Flerglaas" la a French plerre. glass that should be placed on the stonework between two windows. TEA Did you ever hear of a nervous Englishman? They drink more tea than we do, six to one. Tobacco an American Plant. Tobacco Is a native Americas plant and was first observed on the Island of Cuba. It was used by the American Indiana before Sir Walter Raleigh Introduced It In England. $i jnnoToBeGi,cntr Reliable Information Dollar for a Postal Card giving the Bret reliable news of a chance to tell horizontal steam engine of our stylet, within our range of sizes. We do not want Inquiries at this time fovertical, traction or gas We will give One engines. ATLAS ENGINES AND BOILERS far yen beta the sixadird ter all iwix Best el xu (trial tad vorkmaaxhlp. plxaie. Our biiaaipatMibka m aril anaaell prof-- ! h. Aa Ailax, (he brat Is the world, eeets so noro (faiiihtwbar kiad. Writt tetUy ttr tar tpaeial tfftr, fcive Mila In all dM INDIANAPOLIS Bi(kWMentiM imim railan ( (nflnlarldm, AnOmMcfalaaa ThaaMlin beinaa Nratairtl.o Alh, tattaw la Hitita XMMN S. P. Atta, Sdnii la aanta UOM . P. MiaMM IVarTal of him- self and makes him forget himself Let it be neither weak nor ATLAS ENGINE WORKS TEA "It takes one out TEA rlm !" PATENTS1PR0FIT "What a comfort! United States Pensioners. There are l.'ton.onn pensioners on the roll of (ho In1 I Stafos covern mrnt, lfnMng an mi; lay of (110, 000,-00annually. 0 MUST FULLY PROTECT AN INVENTION. k LAWBEME, Patent Lawyers, Washington, D. C., Estsbllthad ISSI. NASON, rENWICK ra1llMtrt!oti Wrl Anulwamry frre uf MrehntjlcRl ICh mu 4 ' touDtsadN of mMlfd ritaulk MN, H?fiittrr$t CeaiyiloUuM eoUduum. Vsiit u $o4aj. |