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Show V I'z.ir Nlriiul.t li MS V NEWS SUMMARY 1L Ui. i. bus purl Ion of AttihWurHi dxlni)iil tiy lire. Hfiy more persons have lieen Many American Czar Nicholas Surrenders anc Count Witte Uccomes Head of Russian Government k (bill. have gone to Ru la the rioting ut Santiago ! will anon be u big liul'ixlrial revival. Klght thousand t roups, after march-Inoverlami. have arrived at Moscow to strengthen the garrison. A fire at Point Richmond, Cal., destroyed four large busluesN houses, causing n total loss of about $.Vi.GdQ. It Is denied thut r.eu. Guinea la In the Tnilcd States to buy nrius. He I guiug to rent a plantation and raise ugar. it Is reisirted In lauuloii that Emperor Nicholas has decided tu grant a aunxtltutlon similar to that of Ger- FREEDOM FLOWING IS CELEBRATED BOSTON ALL OVER RUSSIAN EMPIRE DESPITE CZAR'S PROMISES JdiMUCkl- - lirlwilllTk liiiMlnfHM STILL BLOOD DRESS SUIT CASE MYSTERY SOLVED AT LAST OF THE PEOPLE ull ill" i TO lit, believing there Scenes cf Violence Reported From Over the Russian Empire, Witl a Heavy Total of Dead and Wounded. St many. The wreck of the British steamer removed and Chatham has finally the Hues canal will again ho open night and day. of the Imj Fearing a panic mense crowd, President Roosevelt ahsndoned making n speech at New Orleans. which The Kuselan transport had been Interned at Mare Island alnrt last spring, was released and enlled fot Russia cm Sunday. wae A New York tenement house badly ahuken by an explosion of dynamite, presumably the work of the Black Hand aoelety. U has developed (hat a meeting ot New York City employees was recently held at which the candidacy of Wil liam U. llenrst for Mayor was In dontod. An elevator carrying seven employes of the (Robe Tailoring company in Cincinnati, fell seven stories Saturday causing probably fatal Injuries to four of the uii hi her. During the smelting of s quantity of cat scrap Inin nt the Kuxho-HuIHworks st Riga, many Isimlis were found In the scrap Iron ready fur the furnace. One bomb exploded. Chairman Shonts of the Isthmian eanul commission, has Issued n signed statement emphutlcnlly deuylug that there Is any friction between Secretary Taft and himself. The dead body of a sailor found floating In Ran Francisco bay has been Identified at that of If. Peterson. He was In n small Unit und was run down by the steamer Furlong. 1iHirs Manual of Railroads" Just Issued, gives the length of steam railroads In the United Stales on December 31, Hint, us 213,349 miles, a nl lurreaau of 5,014 miles in the year. A joint Anglo-Frenrl-i punitive expo ditiun had several skirmishes with natives In the New Hebrides last month The unlives hud murdered four of the crew of a French recruiting ship. ,A rare riot between school boys occurred In ludlunuiadls, lnd., In which white William O Von noil, a boy, whs shot and seriously wounded neby KUwurd Hausford. a lo gro. The pension bureau reports n kiss by death net The decrease durlug September. of pensioners was 941, leaving a total of 99G.270 on the pension rolls Reptetn ber 30. The private bank of Harvey Hong nt Barker, Niagara county, N. Y., was rubbed curly Wednesday by three men who got away with $3,000 la gold, after an exchange of allots with the of 2,01)3 civil war pensioner rltlxen. The Norwegian hark Astrld, bound to Idxngesiind. and the Gorman steamer Rchaiunticrg, from Galveston for Ham burg, were In collision in Cuxhaven roads. The bark sank, hut all on board were saved. Mrs. Sarah Watson Andrews died at Silver Springs. X. Y., last week, at linage of lie years. She was horn in Bennington, Vt., and was the oldest surviving Daughter of the American Revolution. Kx President Grover Cleveland has written a letter to Mayor George B. McClellan of New York Indorsing his und expresscandidacy for the st astonishment hysteria marking ing the campaign. John Weir, president of the Wesleyan university at Buckhannon. W. Va., was burned In elllgy on the campus by the students, us the result of following the president's decision practically forhlddlng football. The monthly atatemeut of the collector of Internal revenue shows that during the month of September, 1905, the total receipts from this source were 121,224,573, an Increase as com pared with September, 1904, of $1,212, 217. It Is charged In Chicago that Insu nee companies are holding Illegally millions of dollars worth of property, a state law providing that they must a (Ter at public sale nt least once n year the property owned by them or In their possession through foreclosure. Pt and Autocracy a Thing of ths Free Granted Speech, Are Psopls a Free Press, Right of Aem-bl- y and Habeas Corpus Imperial Manifesto Issued. g. h new-foun- (del-ratin- s Monday, October a day to be vento mine by all (pal cltli-nxax it wax upon this ItUhHian dale that tin- - aillix racy of the Roman-PIand Mu- - old order of thlngx ceased to exist In Riixxia. Emperor Nicholas Count V Ills has surrendered and Sf. lvterxlmrg to, noil, will erated for l- - UK-'- , Into Mwer as minister-presidentwith an Imperial mandate which will enable him to convert the farcical national assembly into a real legislative body, elected by greatly extended iM- -e suffrage, and to confer upon the Includcivil fundamental plu welcome tiding free speech. Tlu-sings reached 8t. Petersburg short ly before G o'clock Monday evening. Count Witte had spent the day with the emperor ul Pelerlinf. going over the fluiil draft or the inunlfeHto, to which he Instated that certain minor tiiodlflcatloiia be made und, before taking Hie train for St. Petersburg, bo telephoned to a friend that the hnd ufflxcd his signature and the thut Imperial mandate comprising the roiidiHiiiis upon which he had agreed to nccept office was In his pocket. These Include freedom of tin press, llie right of assembly, and the Including the Immunity of the right of habeas corpus. An Imperial manifesto lias been Issued. npMilnlng Count Witte prlnio minister, with sperlnl authority to coordinate and unify tho powers of the different brunches of the nrmy. Civic a sre grunted to the Russian people, and to tbe national assembly Is given legislative power, while the suffrage Is enlarged. Count Witte Insisted on n cabinet on the British model, with s selected premier responsible to the Imperial douma, or parliament, while the emperor dung to the npisiintmeht of the members of the cabinet, on the Anierl- can plan, by the emperor as chief of Ilia-rile- em-ja-r- R Although comtipn here and in jjd tiw. a Hood of dispatches from parts of the empire report diuor- in many mli-s- , with a heavy tola dead and wounded. The people w if their freci S were in man v Instances set upon osHHi-kand police, while sotneti the spirit of mob violence broke f d und Hie lower elements of the i0-lion rave themselves to pillage , miction. serious disorders si- r The uio.-occurred at Odessa, where I rf (in-dof persons are reported to I, been killed or wounded, and wl the rioting lx momentarily expM.te flare out into a repetition of slaughter of last July, and at KagL where a three days' reign of tei rv was ended only by the retirement to thi-l- r barracks. ull Cossai-km A deplorable feature of the from the Interior Is that antl-JewIn niaV uprisings have occurred In southern Rusia places. where the tNipulace vented Its luupd of the Jews hy sacking their stora and (dubbing the members of the rack lu some eases resorting to the torch. The attacks on the crowds are to be In most cases the woA of Cosmic ks. who many times wet pparelltly let loose Uism the jsyip's or HUthorlty. wl I iv'cr-'i'ir- live quiet I will be three niua eipal tick-it- s in the field at Li hi. The Arrupiue Commercial club of Uanti has filed its articles of There i dt-.- - s csM-eiall- y liiri-clio- WITTE DISAPPOINTED. While Socialists and Revolutionists Are Dissatisfied, Most of the People Receive the News With Deepest Joy. Murdered Girl Wss Member of a Theatrical Company, and Man to Whom Sho Was Engaged lo Charged With Crime. 8t. Petersburg. On Tuesday all Ruaala was busily engaged In celebrating tbe emperors gift of freedom, which the greater part of the people received with deepest joy. though In St. Petersburg, Moscow and other cities socialists and revolutionist! ordemonstraganized tions and red flag parades, which, with tbe patriotic demonstrations, led to a number of conflicts between the reds" and whites," as the and royalist factions are respectively termed. On the whole, the day passed more quietly In Russia than had been expected. Riots were reported at Kazan, Kishinev and Ptiltava, and two men were killed. In each of the two capitals, SL Petersburg and Moscow, the day waa one such as the Russians never before have seen. The Slavic people who, during tbe long war Just closed and the anxloua period preceding the announcement of the new era of constitutionalism, seemed aud apathetic, gave themaelvea fully to the exuberance of the moment and spent tbe entire day In parades and assemblies, which for the first time in tho history of Russia were freely permitted. Under the orders of Count Witte and General Trepoff, tbe troops generally were withdrawn from the streets of the cities and the fullest rein given the people to leLout their enthusiasm In demonstrations, which, so long as they were not destructive, were not interfered with. The soldiers off duty mingled freely with the demofiatrators and fraternized with the populace. A number of them. Including several officers, placed themselves at the head of one procession, provoking wild cheers. inA feature of the day waa the tense enmity displayed by the ora-toagainst General Trepoff, the agitators universally demanding his removal, and at a great meeting In ther unlveralty one orator oiienly called-foCount a volunteer to kill him. Witte, however, does not seem Inat clined to throw him overboard, least for the present, and has also refused the proposals for the removal of tbe troops as sheer folly. nt d Liberals Are Not Giving Him the 8uf port He Looked For. St. Petersburg. Count Witte's task In securing a fair trial for the ncs experiment In const It utloualisiu is i most difficult one. lie is disapisilnud ut uot securing the support of tbe lib nils, on whose cu-- iteration he counted. Many of these are holding xluol and seem rather to enjoy the predicament lu which tbe new premier flmli himself. Meanwhile the Socialists and revolutionaries, who believe they have the government stampeded, are benilni every effort to keep the movement go Ing and to precipitate a catastmht PRESIDENT RETURNS TO CAPITAL from which they hopo a Socialistic a i f Has Completed Tour of the Entire . , .Wk " United States During His CHINK8 MURDER MISSIONARY Presidency. Ropsevelt Washington. President! Two Men, Two Women and a Child state. came ashore from the Dolphin at the Massacred. Count Witte, Russia's first premier, yard at 11:55 Hong Kong. Four Americas mis- Washington navy has sent the following message to the and five o'clock afternoon, Tuesday sionaries and one child are reported to American people. had the left he later minutes yard for I.ieschow. have been murdered at I am sure the American people, The names uf the victims arc siren as the White Hours in a carriage with who uuilorxtand what freedom Is. and Dr. and the trip waa at Chestnut, Mr. and Mrs. Peak and Mrs. Roosevelt, the American proas, which voices th-- t Airs. Maclilu und child. No detsils of an end which rounded out his tour of the entire United States during his wlxhes of the people, will rejoice with tin- received. tnaswicre have presidency. the friendly RiimhIuii nation at this ni from Canton say that the ORDER IN FINLAND. nient, when the Russian people huvl murder of the tulssiotmries took place received from his Imperial majesty th October 2N. Regime la Return to Constitutional promises and the guarantees of freein Court Room. Scene Wild Promised. dom. and will Join In thn hopo that ths St. lands. A wild seem vu creHelsingfors, Finland. The proclaRussian people will wisely aid lu ths In Wedneserlminal ated (he court. of civil liberty In Russia was mation b realization of those liberties fot day, when .Joseph W. Gray, on trial followed on Tuesday by the announcewith the government for murder, suddenly sprang it Chief ment of the return to a constitutional their peaceful Introduction. (July Dr. H. J. regime In Finland and the abolition Physician thus will It be possible to secure ths Dispensary to do of the witness the Schcrck. tin stand, conferred arbitrary conditions under full benefits of the freedom him bodily harm, shook off four dep- which Finland has been governed the upon people." a') the while reviling the dnee the accession as governor genThe effect throughout Russia Is ex- uty sheriffs, court, and was finally overpovored eral of Count Bobrlkoff, who, In June pected to be instantaneous. While thu after fought all over the court of last year, was killed by Eugene revolutionists threaten an attempt to room. having The jury t returned i ver- Schaumann, son of Senator Schumann, the assassin afterward committing keep up the present struggle, the best dict finding the defendant Insane. suicide. opinion Is that (he hacklxme of ilix One Killed and Three in Autoinjured strike is broken, but In the final analyMurdered by the Roadside. mobile Accident sis the effect will depend upon how far Fresno, Cal. Three miles east of Philadelphia. .I.inu-- II. A Brooks Count Witte will be side to execute mutilated bodies of W the heavy task which he has as- of this city wax kille I and Mirhed G. Jameson the Justice of the a pioneer sumed. Price and ill-- wives of the two men J. Hayes, of this county, and his wife Some persons high In the govern- weie peace an automoseriously Injure ment believe It will he ncci-siry to were found dead by the roadside. ncridt-u- i on WY.iii---l.ir near use ball cartridges to suppress the bile was evidently getting supper In i N. .1 l.ilv mile from Hayes present movement, but Count Witte which was made beside the his camp, vv.u. i here. The acii-leu- i a road when the trouble occurred that appears confident, lie lias become whereby the pejdc are to cross tire of their .I slipgilgr off ended in his death and the death of Hu- rear wheels while i hey were drivto constitutionalism. his wife. Hayes was shot through the I ih- - party Tin- - count has already teui.iMvoly ing :it hi-- It lUj on back at close range by a sbotgun and cabinet of his its way to Ail line cpy frum this his wife had been struck over the selected Hu members AM He will himself hold no portfolio. Instrucity. head with a Hie present ministers except those ot ment. war. navy and foreign affairs, will be Bribe Taker A iowcj to Visit Their retired. Prince OUdensky, one of Home. Lawyers Get Into Trouble in Endeavor former assistants ill the minI'oraii-:to Hold Up Client. Sacr.ituen'.o. State Senaistry of finance, will heroine minister tor iiieui-i'Kmiuoii. si to flv years' Seattle. The special committee apanother of Interior; M. Romanoff, r former assistant to the minister, will imprisonment bribe pointed by the King County Bar assoreceiving lake the finance portfolio; M. Koni. wax on W.-- ties i.ij granted leave to ciation to investigate the acts of Atat present n senator and Russia's visit bis home m nd ar- torneys John C. Murphy and George ablest Jurist, will be minister of jusgo his husim-saffairs on giving B. Cole In exacting $2,250 from "8wirt-wate- r ia" the of M. president Krosovsky. tice; Bill" Gates, made a report on St. Petersburg municipal council, will $lu.nim bail. A siiiui;u order w given take the ministry of education, and M. in the case uf Former Senator Henry Tuesday, recommending that Murphy Ziegler von Seh.iffhiiusen. chief or the Bunkers, Ilf s.m Fr., arisen, who ha be disbarred and that Cole be publicly railroad department of the m'nlstry of been sentenced to live year' impel eensured J. W. by the court. finnnre. will become minister of way I outneut in Foisoin prison and whose was crttl another attorney, case Is now on appeal. and communications. ctsed for the manner In which he tea titled before the committee. Will ba Changed Soon. Company I Blamed. Incl After Forty Years. It. Petersburg. A ludicrous it). me wnmers J it occurred at midnight on Monday which invest ig.iteii ffio wreck on V Philadelphia. Ed Bryan, the ba) Wllllstx r the university when newsboys day last of the gelding trotter owned by Cstlfor thi Robinson, on Tuesday broke h an extra edition of the Official limited passenger train on thn A record which haf two-mllworld's & Ison, ot Sam Ke Topeka ssengcr hurried Into a mob rslhray s stood for forty years. The time was ikers. The Instant the news became this city, in which thirteen pen Tbe best previous record was 4:56K. made by Dexter, br. g. by awn tbe strikers raised an uprour-i- s were killed and thirty lujured. has on Long Islcheer and the Cossacks, who were turned the folios ing verdict-caus27, 1865. Tuesday's per October and of 1m-rthe wreck t s briie't0 h trolling the street, mistaking the romance waa considered remarkable of the demonstration anil thlnk-- : been a defective track and danger . - horsemen wbo saw tbe event, as of rate speed with a poudemurieni the cries were seditious, charged Mxter'a time was made to a skele in some manner caused itL 1 dispersed the workmen with their that record t ion wagon, while Ed Bryan's ing of a rail." waa made to a bicycle wheeled read ri o lilM-rtle- la-e- In-- s - I . i. .il'-'.i- - . throe-cornere- f.-- Ruk-rsfi- e e (iTsdyke-Hambletonla- n d ludOr-poratio- The Independent Telephone company has finally begun construction Boston. That the dismembered body work In Park City. found In n suit case at Wlnthrop on The city council of Coalville has September 21, la that of Susan Geary, fixed the rate for electric lights at 60 of Cambridge, is the belief of the girl's cents per month, flat rate, for each family and friends, and of the Boston lamp. police department. Some of the Logan athletes are orMias Geary, wbo waa the daughter ganizing a football team, which they of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Geary, waa a expect to make champion of the chorus girl or the "Shepherd King" State. company and was known on the stage O. I. Reed of Snowville was kicked as Ethel Durrell. She was 21 years of In the face by a fractious horse one age. Mrs. Geary on Sunday Identified day last week, his nose being broken three rings taken from the right hand and hla face severely cut. found in the second dress suit case Second Vice President Daniel Wilpicked up near the new Charleston in an interview at Chicago, conlard, bridge on Frlduy last, as those worn firms the statement that the Burlingby her daughter when she absented herself from tbe theatrical company ton road will he built to Salt Lake City. on September 11. Thomas Carter of Ogden waa found Confirmation of Miss Geary 'a disap- in an unconscious condition on the pearance from the company came from sidewalk at midnight, he having been Morris Nathan, secretary of the company, and to whom Mias Geary was en- sandbagged and robbed. He will re gaged. After a long and searching ex- cover. amination at police headquarters, he N. L. Jacobson, aged 30, of Bancroft waa held on a charge of murdering his suicided In Salt Luke City, on Idaho, vlo-tlsweetheart Miss Susan Geary, the of the Wlnthrop suit case mystery. Saturday, swallowing a large quantity of morpnlne. He had been drinking TOOK REFUGE IN VAULT. hard for some time. Arthur Bcnere Grant, the Crazed Murderer Holds Posss at Bay son of J. F. Grant of Ogden, died last for Hours. week, after being operated on to reBloomington, 111. Mayor Charles move a peanut kernel which had Nickel, of Chenoa, was shot and killed lodged In the windpipe. Saturday afternoon In the Bank of Dr. Alfred B. Putnam, for many Chenoa; Hugh Jones, a brick mason, years a-- resident of Hooper, waa found was also shot and killed, and two dead sitting In a chair nt the Lawrence paaseraby were shot and slightly house in Ogden. Dr. Putnam was a wounded by William Leduc, a farmer veteran of the Civil war. who Uvea near Chenoa. Western Union telegraph business In After the shooting, Lduc dragged and v nt of Salt Lake haa Increased ec the body of Jonea into a vault and stationed himself beside It for houra much of late that It haa been found holding hundreds of people at bay nccet i ary to string additional lines to who attempted his capture, aevenil accoi miodi.te the business. hundred shots being exehunged. FinalA party of men has been In Parowan ly he surrendered nnd is lu jail. recently looking over the field with a Nickel married a sister of Leduc was married some years ago. view of establishing an auto line from It la alleged that he had domestic Cedar City to Parowan, and probably troubles, which Nickel adjusted, but extending the line through to Beaver Leduc always imagined Nickel had The daughter of Yan Beck not acted fairly In the matter. For a some time neighbors had said that of Alpine waa Bitting on the Leduc had acted queerly, and it is when Bhe fell Into the well, a distance supposed Saturday's crime resulted of 25 feet She was rescued with a from Leduc brooding over hla wrongs. broken arm and several bruises, and will recover. HARRIMAN AND HILL AT WAR. The millers cf Salt Lake county As a Result the. Burlington Haa Defailed to come to any understand 3 cided to Build to Salt Lake. in regard to organization and It is b lieved that the organization of a millA to Salt Lake City. tbe special Salt Lake Herald from Boston says: ers' cooperative association is now a It Is a fact, although James J. Hill In thing of the past A long cherished hope on the part ol an interview Saturday Issues technical denials that the Burlington road will the Greeks of Utah was realized last enter Salt Lake. This was learned Sunday morning, when the now East Saturday from an official source. The ern Greek Orthodox church, recently move la only one In far reaching and completed, was dedicated with approgigantic railroad ambitions In which priate ceremonies. Hill nnd Harriman are opposed. There The Utah building at the Portland la no truce between them, as early deThey have exposition haa been sold for $275. The velopments will show. reached an agreement, but it la an commissioners are confident that there agreement to disagree. The Burling- will be between $2,000 and $3,000 ol ton will build Into Salt Lake, though Mr. Hill continues to Ibbuo technical the appropriation left after all the business la closed up. denials. Western Pacific engineers have auo More Moros Made Good. mile cessfully closed the thirty-eigunder Captain gap heretofore existing In the line ol Manila. Troops Frauk R. McCoy of the Third cavalry, the Western Pacific across the desert to Major General Woods, The line was run a few days ago after have surprised the Datto All, head of encountering many difficulties. tbe Moro Insurgents of the Island ol Harry Wilson, a colored piano playMindanao, who has been on the war- er, 22 years of age, was shot down by path for aome time past, and killed him, together with his son nnd ten Jesse Thomas, a colored porter, If wounded Moros years of age, Saturday night In a followers. Forty-thre- e were taken prisoners and many arms "dive" in Salt Lake, during a quarrel and n large quantity of ammunition over a card game. Wilson will prob was captured. Three Americans were ably die. killed and two wounded. Jim Gemmll took a shot at Lon 8TRIKERS HAVE FUNDS. Perry, proprietor of a saloon In Park City, hut missed him, and then left ths Rumored That Millionaire Merchants saloon and shot himself dead. Gem of Moscow Are Backing Them. mil had been on a protracted apres The strikers evi- and was probably insane when he comSL Petersburg. dently have some funds, but whence mitted the crime. The Score club of Park City Is makthey have been derived is a mystery. According to rumors lclng circulated ing arrangements to give a minstrel milIn 8L Petersburg, the Moscow performance some time next month lionaire merchants have lieen nnd The club Is composed of twenty of the the constitutionalists have made large rontrihntlnna to con- young men of town and they promise tinue the strike under the belief that that the entertainment to be given the government will be forced to sur- will be of a high class. render. Wild animal bounty certificate Va. 2 Found Five Thousand Dollars In a since the new law went into effect wae Issued from tlic office of the county Baby Buggy. of Salt Iike county List week. clerk Pittsburg. The persistent report The public library building donated that Mrs. Cunllffe, the wife of Edward to Salt Lake City hy John Q. Paekard George Cunllffe, the Adams Express was formally opened last week. or 1 ibber, had In her possession $5,000 new departure on the Harriman A the $101,000 stolen hy her husband on Is the converting of some coaches lines confirmed was October 9, Saturday, when Superintendent H. J. Riderman Into hospital cars. One of the cars wifi of the Pinkerton detective agency be stationed at Ogden and anothet went to the Cunllffe home, No. 314 at Pocatello. A surgeon will liOrenx street West End. this city, possibly and In the lining of n baby carriage be assigned to the car, which will b equipped with all necessary appliances found n package containing $5,000. Eric Ostlund, a resident of Utah fot More Trouble for Insurance more than thirty years, died at hit Companies. home In Sandy last week of old age Akron, Ohio. Quo warranto pro- Mr. Ostlund had been an Invalid foi ceedings were commenced In the cir- twenty years and had been confined cuit court here Saturday afternoon by to hla bed during most of that period Prosecuting Attorney Hagelbarger on He came to Utah from Sweden In 1871. General the advice of Ray Yardley, of Beaver, accidentally Monnett of Ohio, against the Mntnal shot himself while hunting ducks at New and the Life Insurance compnny Mlneravllle reservoir Sunday. The York Life Insurance company to oust the the jaw, tearing away a them from the state hy taking their charge entered portion of the head. Death was infranchises from them, on the ground stantaneous. The accident was witthat the companies have misused nessed Puffer and Herbert by 8tanley in five the for years their powers past Harris. violation of the laws of thn state. well-curt- ht aide-de-ca- g |