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Show ? v v - . v C;V THE ALTA INDEPENDENT Successor to tKltoh Pioneer. Vol. X. Alta, Salt Lake County, Utah, C?nesday, November The Alta Independent Published Every Wednesday at Alta, Salt Lake County, Utah. O. E. Despain Local Editor Entered us ueconii-clas- a matter. September VI, 1 !t5. at the PoBtofllce at s Alta, I'tab, under the Act of of March IS, 1879. Con-pres- SUBSCRIPTIONS. One year, 75 cents. Six Months, 40 cents. Three months, 35 cents. good until January do not apply to back These rates hold 1, 1906, but Advertising rales on application to our local or Salt Lake office. Salt Lake Office 257 Commercial Club Bid. and Postofflce Box 17. LOCAL OFFICE. The office of publication Is at tbe Postofflce, where the local representative, Mr. D. E. Despain, will ever be ready to receive moneys or attend to the business of this paper. THE MANAGER. NOTICE. subscribers . to the All former Pioneer who receive this p.tper with this article marked with a red cross will understand that their subscription lias been paid for six mouths from that date. If marked with a black cross, their subscriptions will expire in one month. THE PUBLISHERS. This paper is kept on fite by THE AMERICAN. MINING. CONGRESS, Chamber of Commerce Building, Denver, Colo., where our readers will be welcome, to the use. of. the. leading papers from the various mining sections of the west, a scientific library and mineral exhibit. READ THIS. All new subscribers paying 75 cents for one year, or 40 cents for six months, the American Farmer will be sent free for one year. This offer holds good until January 1, 1900. THE PUBLISHERS. METAL MARKET. Silver, 62fj; copper, 16; Tuesday, lead, $3.50. 24 Wednesday, 25 Silver, 16; lead, 93.50. Thursday. 26 Silver, lead, $3.50. Friday, 27 Silver. 62; copper. 62; copper, 16: 02; copper, 16; 62; copper, 16; Silver. 62; copper, $3.50. Silver, 62; copper, $3.50. lead, $3.50. Saturday. 2S Silver, lead. $3.50. Monday, 3ft 15; lead. Timsdav. 15; lead. 31 LOCAL 8TOCKS IN THE MARKET. Columbus Con. at Home. 100 Con., 300. $2.43; 300, $2.45; 800, $2.48; 300, $2.50. Tuesday, 24 Columbus shares sold at $2.42; 25900 shares sold at $2.30; 100. $2.31; 100, 200. $2.33; 300, $2.34; 175, Wednesday, $2.30; $2.33: $2.35. 2HII, Thursday, 26 500 shares sold at $.19 a share; 100 shares at $2.20: 200. 100. $2.21; 2.25. 700 at Friday, 27 a share; $2.22; 100. $2.24. and 100 shares sold for $2.14 100, $2.14; 1600, $2.15: 200, $2.15; 600. $2.16; 100, $2.16; 1000, $2.17; 700, $2.17; 1400, $2.18; 800, $2.19, In all 6600 shares changed hands at a total casL figur? or fi4.-308.5- 0. Saturday. 28750 shares sold at a share; 200. $2.11; 60. $2.12; $2.10 100, 100. 100. 200, $2.15; $2.13; $2.12; a total of 1610 $2.17; 100, $2.18; shares, which brought $3614.50. Monday, 30 200 shares sold at $1.98, 100 at $1.99: 800, $2.o; 300. $2.00; ion, $2.01: 200, $2.01: mo. $2.02; ion, $2.03: 200, $2.04: 5u, $2.u5: 100. $2.0S; 2oo, $2.09: 300. $2.10; 4oo, $2.12; 5o, $2.12; 100. $2.18. Tuesday. 31 The usual activity in Columbus Con. started in the market with a sale of loo shares at $2.22 per share: 100 shares sold lo. $2.24; 100. $2.26; 300 $2.23; lOP. $2.32; 2.28; 100, $2.29: 100. 2.32: mo. $2.33; loo. $2.34; 500, $2.35; 200, $2.35; 100, $2.39. for LOCAL CRES AT THE SAMPLES. rate to El Paso will lie one & fare plus two dollars fur the round trip, final limit for return December 25th. Tickets will be on sale u week or so prior to the oH'tilng of the convention Excursion Rates. The transportation runiniltie has arranged for a series of excursions Into I Old Mexico, aud to all he great milling districts of Texas. Old Mexico, New Mexico. Arizona, etc. In no case does the fare for these special trips exceed one fare for I he round trip, and in nearly all instauees it. Is less. One trip deserving special mention is ihat ro Mexico City and return fare $2S.nt'. This trip will give the visitor an to visit the great mining districts of Old Mexico, ten or twelve of the leading cities of that country; also of viewing the ruins and relics of tbe civilization of the Asters; the palaces, castles uiui temples of the early Spanish settlers and missionaries, etc. Entertainment Features. The hosp'ltality of the people of El Paso Is absolutelv unsurpassable, as will be shown by the following features designed to entertain the delegates and their friends. On one evening during the session the gentlemen of El Paso will give a smoker in honor of the visiting gentlemen; and the ladles of El Paso will give a reception to the visiting ladles. Roth of these functions are designed to be brilliant social events. An Mexican bull-figwill le held at Ciudad Juarez. Mexico just across the river from El Paso, In which several champion matadors are entered. Other features are Inspection of the second largest smelter in the United States, visit to several old cathedrals and mission buildings, which have been in use for several hundred years; trolley rides about El Paso, plenty of brass baud music, etc., etc. Local & News Items !fllce Lru.; ' it H Hours: s 10 a. j i M. D. 2 4 j,. ni No. 14. ,- - g 5' m.; pl JOHN G. STILLWELL 5: Both Phones Bingham Junction 4 DEALER IN. ; Utah. ...General Merchandise... r Alta is very The ntlre camp active uud in better shape than before in niuny years. 4 Jl Miss Klin Siorrs of American Fork left Iasi Saturday fur n extended visit to St. Anthony, Ida. . .4 Miss Flora Bromley of American Fork and Alvin Nielson of Pleasant Grove were married Inst Wednesday, . KIEHLE, i Ten cars of potatoes were shipited from American Fork last week. Jt jt of 7-- g o i,i e A. IS OUR NEIGHBORS AND ! Chris Hinson. ALTA HACK LINE. From ; i landy m the Mountain City. U Every Day From Sandy. $1.50 to Alta $1.00 from Alta to Sandy. ; Jt f S ? j ? Will Curry four Express or Yoursolf fj to or from A P i ALTA. Aad Do It on Time Every Day. ) the Mine. AWX.V Miners' and Prospectors' Supplies J ; J A. W. THORSON The best place in Alta to get supplies for the Home or i isiti siiiaYsW Mrs. J. W. Ormond of American Fork sold the old Bennie Brown farm to Jacob K. Jensen. The consideration was $5200. J J We congratulate Supt. A. O. Jacob-so- n on the arrival of a new daughter at his home. May the little stranger grow to a handsome lady and marry some great mining ojrerator. . J Lolselles School fur Dancing, No. 115 East First South street, Salt Lake City. Ball room, fancy stage and ballet dancing. Open summer and winter the year round. Fall classes commence the week of September 18th, 1905. Correct methods. Thorough Instructions. To those who contemplate building Homes and Business Houses in Altai The Jensen Lumber Company SANDY. UTAH j Can supply your every want in BUILDING MATERIAL iTHE ROYAL BAKERY. Now Opon. . vest of the Grand Central EVERETT Prop,. Bingham Junction, Utah. ... HAMER A BUCKLE. :f L new rushed on the Attorneys and Counselors. in orbuildings of the b der that the wlntera campaign may Boot! Block ....Bingham Junction not lie delayed, said Manager James K. Beveridge, who Is down front cantp 564 MeCornlck Block Salt Lake City. superintending the forwarding of material. The seasons development work has been unusually satisfactory and Go to there ia small doubt that the property a Exhibits, Etc. will make a good record during the The Slate Mining association of winter. Texas will have a complete exhibit of . Jt minerals found In thHt state; the Oret1! Columbus Con. has kept the stock sevMountain district and gon mining brokers guessing the last few days or eral other local mining camps of New the last week or so. lTp and down Mexico, Old Mexico and Arixona will the stock perambulated with apparentalso have displays of minerals. basis.' ly no established However, Several large mining machinery good prices have rather prevailed and manufacturers will exhibit various better prices would be sufe taking the kinds of mining machinery and the actions of the mine the past season Humphries Photo company will have and the statement of Manager Jacobon display all during the session an son as authority to figure on.- - Mr. --AND LIQUORS. Immense collection of photographs of Jackson says the mine was never, lfl mining operations, camps, plants, ma- better shape than at the present 'thne KERB chinery, etc., representing the mining He reports that shipments xf ore ary Mexico, , Arizona. So; 6 large Industry of New, 4h..TvV f A nora, etc. Improving. Not only this, but in near future the output from the mlnqa Programme. lood Treatment Assured. will be Increased from new ore bodies. The programme for this convention The shipments for the past month will follow more practical lines than have already reached the $50,(84 Utah. 110am Junction it hns at any of the conventions held mark.. heretofore. All papers to be presented will deal with live mining questions, FINE THE DRAMA. and the most representative ones will he printed and distributed to the del- Last Week, This Week, and What Is egates in advance of the session, and Coming. a time net apart for their exclusive discussion during the session. At the Lyric Theatre this week Dr. C. O. Townsend of the agricultural department, Washington, D. C.. the May Howard company holds the left l,ehi last Sunday. Dr. Townsend boards. A company of very pretty hns been conducting experiments at girls and beautiful ballet. The six the Saratoga farm, west of Lehl. and numbers in the "Olio are worth the has been making effortB to produce a single germ beet seed. Should Dr. price of admission without the mala Townsends experiments finally prove play, and beautiful girls In their besuccessful, ns he says they will, many witching ballet. The numbera rethousands of dollars will be saved by ferred to consist of three sets of livthe farmers during the thinning-nu- t ing pictures Musique Proflro, The season. This Is the third year that Dr. Townsend has been experimenting Angelus and the Hall of Babylon;" along this line. Russell A Izicke in song and dance; will leave Eugene Mason of YOUNG MAN The Musical Craigs in Interesting next week for a mission to Holland. If your taste for sweet-tonean good clothing leads and performances unique Mr. Mason takes with him the best you to he wishes of his many friends. Instruments, and Lavelle and Finish of critical of Stylo, Fit and your garments, you will One night each week has been set Grant, physical culture models and save no end of trouble by yourself club of Commercial the Iehi apart by hand acrobats, the greatest muscular looking into our store and examining as "ladies night, when the club rooms the class and mawill be turned over to the ladies, who exhibition ever presented In this city. terials we of workmanship turn out. Next week the bill will be "The Star will take charge of the entertaining. Show Girls In delightful specialties. JOOD BUSINESS SUITS FROM $18 FOR MINING CONGRESS. The patrons of the Lyric always go UP. home feeling good because they alDelegates chosen by Gov. John C. In have a e good hearty laugh or of Utah ways Cutler to represent & at the eighth annual session of the other words an evening of laughs. Our American Mining congress: 149 W. Second readers will be enabled to South, Hon. Reed Smoot. Provo. Utah: enjoy them when In Salt l,ake. 8ALT LAKE CITY. Hon. George Sutherland. Salt Luke City; Hou. Joseph Howell, Salt Lake City; Frank Pierce. Salt Izike City; srrvssvsvsrvsvsMvsvpvvrr Henry Perry. Salt ljike City; David Keith. Sail Lake City: H. S. Joseph. A Salt dlv: P. T. Farnsworth. Salt Lake City; William H. Tibhals. Salt Ijike City; Capt. Benjamin Tlbbv, Salt .Saloon Men! Lake City; Caleb Tanner, Salt Lake City; Comer Thomas. Salt City; E Cigar AImi ! .1. R. Twelves. Provo. Utah; Alma We M ont mir Business ! Coalville. Utah; John C. SulliIilEOKIi & van. Eureka, Utah. JOSEPH BURKINSHAW'S Jt J -- LIVERY Work Is being . . ABIE f, .t s mJy, Utah Opposite San Pedro 0 A the Any kind of rig or fiddle hortc it mr diy or night, aad reasonable rates and courteous treatment guir.ntced A' Kurlrinthaw's teams art well known in Alla, Wasatch and other Cottouwood resorts b-- - ' Wm. T. Vincent TaTlORING 'Ji THE BIO SANDY MBRCHANTXXX .- Miners and Prospectors, Don't Forget the Place. ... - J v.. . . iii. f.i ijii XXXXXX. C. CRAPO SANDY, UTAH - t C. CLUB SALOON Geo. Helbert, Proprietor Bingham Junction, Vfah Corner Main and Railroad Streets For the Coolest Glass of Beer in Town Bottled Goods of All Kinds. rod ELIAS MORRIS SALT LAKE (SL SONS CO. cmr, OypMlta ImA Gst. Temple &. d Sorenson the-Stat- Larson, Y MONUMENTS. HEADSTONES, MANTELS. GRATES. TILES. w chimneys, cement. ETC. fire-pro-of BtHtifnllj IDntrited Catalogoi Sut Fni. Writs Ds. KjtArtAIWLIWVVIVlflfYl n 'iverirwrwrrwrrrrrrrr it t Eld-ridg- il ii ltxdley, TIk Whiskey Merchants, 11 ZZZZZZZZZ?w""mm"9pr99"wppvv9 ii A LOCAL ENTERPRISE! West Jordan Manufacturing and Mercantile Company Manufacturers and Dealers In Salt Lake City. II Fine Grades of Flour, Bran and Shorts, Cereals, General Mill Produce, Coal, Etc. Try Our in Salt Lake. Send for Catalog. Walk Over Shoe Store, 177 Main St, aa aa aa Salt Lake O.Jy. ia . I ' aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa i The oldest reliable Shipper and Outfitter for Alta ........ CHEAP RATES TO EL PA80 Wednesday. 25 AND CITY OF MEXICO. two Thursday, 26 Three from Frisco, On Nov. 10th and 11th the Colorado from Alta and one from Stockton. Midland Ry., will sell round trip tickFriday, 27 Two cars from Alta. Saturday. 28 Three cars from Alta.one ets to El Paao for $45.05. Tickets good until Nov. 25th. with final extended Monday, SO Three from Alta, from Milford and one from Stockton. limit of Dec. 25th If desired. At El Paso round trip tickets to City of Tuesday, 31 Two cars from Alta. Mexico will be on sale for $28. Now Is the time to visit liesutlful and antique THE AMERICAN MINING CONOld Mexico at greatly reduced rates. GRESS. Start right by seeing that . your The eighth annunl session of the tickets read over the Midland Route, 55 congress will be held at El Paso, Tex., thus assuring you a pleasant and InNovember 14 to 18, 1905. teresting scenic trip. Excellent conFurther particulars and 55 nections. Rates. Transportation literature at Ticket Office, 77 West From all points In the territory un- Second South, Salt Lake City, Utah. o der the Jurisdiction of the TransconHon. Mr. Fisher, member of the Cantinental Passenger association, which practically Includes all the stntes west adian Parliament and chief executive of the Missouri river, the rate to El of the agricultural department, acPaso will be one fare for the round trip, tickets good for thirty days. From companied by Mr. Frank T. Taylor, 5 s all other points in the country, the was a visitor to Lehl last week. Three cars from Alta. P0ERICK 1905. 1, " " " r,,T 4 While Lily High Patent Flour Prompt and Efficient Service, Your Patronage Solicited, JORDAN, UTAH WEST PUBLIC TELEPHONE M |