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Show ONLY $45.0$ ROUND TRIP 2 FROM fi OR. E. C. FAIRWEATHER, - V EL PASO, TEXAS. past threo years. llahillfla(a;0'',a VIA m R. H. Officer & Co.. Assayere and Chemlsta. . V. Temple fit, Salt Lak 111 City. Write Cor The Quick Lino to the Southwest. other Corresponding rates from points. Dates of sale November 10th and 11th. Final return limit December Mailing Sacks. it. 1 lSO ASSAYER. W. fnd Bouth. Salt lake Opposite Poetofflce. Mailing Sacks Kurnlibod. fymiTft- - , nf f fWi ihi''ii'i - Attorney A 411 Dooly Block. t sic Walker RulbUng, 419 U. F. Salt bXiftXMt'if City-- fr&XWtfiXiiA Cc City. ; w vww (.& iv w sxjjc REAL ESTATE CO. THOMPSON ajfrttable Wa Buy, Sell and Trad Real Eatata. We havn a larga list of farms and ally property, vacant and Improved, (beeper than any other Arm. Call and 63 A West Second South St, City. aea ua. Skit i i Articles Dropped in Calumt THE KEELEY CURE. Mine Shaft Always Found Cured. Drunkenness to Clinging to East Side Invert A positive end permanent cure dlaoaaen. Going On. the opium igatlon end s Rail- drunkenness There Is no publicity, no slckneee. It la an interesting scientific fad, treated as privately as at thrtf 134 and one not generally known, tint own homes. The Keeley Institute, W. Bo. Temple. Balt Lake City. Utah. nothing that fulls from the mouth (f from Omaha to Chicago. the deepest mining shaft In the woitd Flrat-claaalso lutwenu service WINDSOR. ever reaehea the bottom. This hai Chlt-agOmaha and Minneapolis and EUROPEAN HOTEL. been demonstrated at the famous Rtd Salt Lake City, and SL lamia, na well as all polnta In Jacket shaft of the lllg Calumet. Tie located In the heart of tha city. article, no mailer what shape or site the South and SouthenaL Rates Reasonable. It may be, is In variably found cllngiif rooms. FlrsLclaae For full Information call on or write In Light, airy, cleanSteam heat, Electric to the east aide of the shaft. every respect One day a monkey wrench wu Lights. J. A. FOLEY, dropped, but It did not get to the bottom. It was found lodged again Commercial Agent, QLAD1T0NI HOTEL the east aide of the shaft several No. 75 West Bocond South Street. Mrs. A. M. Marshal, Prop. feet drwn. This Incident con119 South Main Street Salt Lake Clt) ing to the o.tentlon of the Mlchlgu Neatly furnished Rooms by the Day, College of Mines, it was decided ta Week or Month. make a careful test of the appareit Rates, 60 cents to $1.50 par day. phenomenon. It was decided best M .jQarouflh Special rates by tha day, week or use a small but heavy spherical bodf, month. TO and a marble, tied to a thread wu about twelve feet belov suspended While la Salt Lake get your teeth of the shaft When tin mouth the fixed at marble wee absolutely still, asstriif AND TH THE EASTERN PAINLESS DENTAL that It would drop straight down, tha COMPANY. thread waa burned through First-clas- s work, a full guarantee flame of a candle. The marble tnd courteous treatment to alL Note a few of our prices. Full set of teeth, $5.00. 8olld gold crown, 12k., $5.00. RAILWAY Bridge work fur tooth, $4.09 American Settlers in Northwest Absolutely painless extraction. Rooms S, 10, 11, It Galena Block. Canada Stick to Their Favorito THROUGH SCENIC Entrance, 69 19. Second South. Newspapers Though Dwelling Central road ue-die- a J hui-dre- d Z22Z ServlM ST. LOUIS kCAST & Missouri Pacific COLORADO Under Another Flag. From away out at Calgary, To our Fine Selection of nPULLMANn CAROL In the northwest territories of CamuU, Into which we are Informed that Americans from our northwest are pouring PIANOS. LECPINf. OBSERVATION stream, comei an DINING CAR. ad minion a admission newspaper HJBBTRIC LlOirn, Piano Player, Victor Talking which will be read with lntcmt and el.ctrio Fans, J Machines, with a choice eelee- pleasure by the friends these Americnair car RKOUj ind csve rmi,Mi can settlers have left behind them J tion of the iTgostr cosoni under the atnrs and stripes in NevLates and Beat Rolls and Records. braska, Iowa and Minnesota, say lIMMi fdfcra, sfa,at Transcript. The admis3 the Boston In the form of a comsion comes from the Calgary Herald that plaint I Tlio Popular Music House, 46 Bo. a in Calgary and other western Canan. n.Towwsrnn, BSD MS MMNk SS dian cities the newspapers of Chicago. -u Main Rt., Balt Lake City. New York and Minneapolis are found vrrvrrvnirvmiMgrgMgwrv In greater numbers than those of eastern Canada" that la than the Ind. Tel. 755. newspapers of Toronto. Ottawa, MonBell Tel. 755. DR. ALVAH LEWIS. treal, Halifax and St. John. i SALT LAKE PRI VATr ' This preference for American newspapers may be disappointing and n little discouraging to the Calgary Herald. But is it not natural? The JVo have added the Chase A Baker J In one continuous Beesley Music'Co. . . v I-! f- 4 t .Vl A;4 ' . United States Soldier Admits Good Qualities in Little Brown Man Whom Ho at First Rathsr Looked Down On. Conft'ksinu tip cf Hunk Jenkins, private Inluri try. rrMnhng one the lighting inun aero tMun-- littl-- i sea. Special Attention given SURGICAL and OBSTETRICAL CASES. TUB ONLY STRICTLY 1RIYATK HOSPITAL IN TUB STATE. No. 351 E. lit South. Salt Lake City. TAYLOR. ROMNEY. ARMSTRONG CO. Wholesale and Retail LUMBER DEALERS Corner South Temple and 2d West St. - - 444444444444444444444444440444444444444444444444444 THE TOURIST'S FAVORITE ROUTE PAST FLYERS DAILY BETWEEN OGDEN AND DENVE- RCHOICE OF BOUTEB. THROUGH Meets him flrsl In N n grrsni'k.-r-loShint sonic o' tny h rhuck-t- . illi j v It pinch. 11o tills hi III Ilf ort O And I sort o' ri'inhwviuh'ii,, looked down nil unbfndi-dAs it white man to a htulhcn. that's finch. in a way But Jnp h tliul1 iTnr hfgnliir. rorllicxl little rut you ever And ho hand ine out ntory bout his e ilglilln' itlory 1 takes It mid diitfoi it in mjr craw. ki-f- p m. olil-tim- Think I. as a pris- - blower, this feers hen l hen la a goer. For bruKKln he' entitled In the cake. And I. n fet shove him, fort o' non fertcit to love him (I lit- - to hear the spoutin' of a fakel. Next time I meet this banty wa i mnri-hlon hi nunty. The lady what o'er Uhlny bolds th UTAH In School Children. Diphtheria Attention has been railed tha fact that there is an observable in crease in diphtheria casei among school children almost immediately upon their return to school after tk holidays, and a gradual decrease as the term advances. This Is accounted for by the fact that during raotttlons the drainage la Imperfectly attended to, but with the opening of u-bo- xirrunw PULLIHAH AND TOURIST FROM OGDEN OR BALT LAKR TO ST. LOUIS WITHOUT CHAHGH DP CiP Free Reclining Chair Cara. Dining Car Sorvloo la carta oa all through trains. For Foldare, IUutratod Booklets, ota., BENTON, O. A. P. IX ft t.aitr BALT CITY, UTAH ff ff TO CALIFORNIA 44-4- AND ITS FAMOUS 44 WINTER RESORTS. s 4 44 4 44 44 44 44 44 4-- t 4-- i 4 4- - 4 DIRECT TO CORO NADO TENT CITY. 4 4 4 Palatial Vestlbuled Trains leave Salt Lake City 8:30 p. m. dally. Ob-- 4 serration. Drawing Room, and Standard Pullman Sleeper, Tourist and Dining Car. 4. . ' Americana who are In northwest Canada are there because land is cheap; and because theyy consider that In their particular lines of enter-pris-e mostly farming and stock raisare more opportunities there ing than In the states from which they Back of all, too, have emigrated. there la the Inherent love of I he An for movement and change; for pushing Into new and untried fields, and meeting new experiences, These Americana on the other sld4 of the boundary line. In the northwest will undoubtedly make good subject of King Edward. They possess the same qualities as the men who settled our own western states, and these qualities will come Into play whether they are under the British or American flag, and will help to build up the new country on good lines and on an endurlrg basis. It la, however, no disparagement to the newcomers In the Canadian northwest to say that they at 111 cherish the Institutions of the country whlrh they left; and among those which can be practically cherished and carried along Is that great Institution, thl American newspaper. 1 FREE RECLINING CHAIR CAR. 4 I Ask nearest agent for Information on Pacific Coast Excursions, or 4 write to J. I Moore, Dlst Pax. Agent, San Pedro, Los Angeles A Salt 4 4 Lake R. IL, Salt Lake City. z 4 444444444444444 4 4444444444444 .t t . 444444444444444444 44444444444444444 REMEMBER, IN RCURXNO YOUR TRIP EAST THAT THE n Oregon Short Line RAILROAD Bl E. BVRLEY, f IMS DDUCT CONNECTION WITH G.P.OT.A. Bk 1M UNION PACIFIC S. SPENCER. A.G.P.OT.A. THE OVERLAND ROUTE w vmch b G0UUNN0 m popular noun to ail icons gaev 0 K- -,. BREED COMFORT SAFETY oifiicinm 201 TTNION PACIFIC Unexcelled JT MAIN ST. rogressive SALT LAKE CITT, And tt mmle u iiowuy Imppy fvr to tuk o' Juppie the dust - V give m (Th wh- the Reiser hiked VTA. I TUB OVERLAND ROUTE) J- paint). Jr' Didn't park no fancy dxlo's. rice .nid llvit. s. Ife leads ii like n quarter ho rare. it Mt o' tttttvtt It would I uy to Ki ie Mazy. Dy the god, the Jap1 a daisy! Head hint uit mill I'll uy It tn his fiirr. Kcr n yer orn o aeh paper tell o' how eaper. he rut One cheerfully .igiu the shinin' steel. livin', which And )e take u liain't you know Ana now to ties Id pardon strong 1 feel. And to up and rap It clever he don't loss no licts whuteter. the little inure dove on the He to So r 1 He don;t win no bunrh o' money, but I'm here to tell you. sonny. He gits the world's respect, and thut'l Japplj IS Course T knnw thl mint-eyea hiMHlful. chesty chappie. same nil he the hill. aller But Jr' the him. and There I few can hope toI het meet him the nest time that At Attention" I snloot him, sure 1 W,U" there 44?574TiM?T' 1 your next trip East toll your looal ticket that your ticket to Chicago must read via the agent Oil -- iCh icago, M il wau kee & St. Paul; 4 4 4 Robert V. Carr. 4 4 la abundant flushing of pipes by reason of constant use. This theory ta interesting when it is taken Into consideration that a number of violent outbreaks of this disease have followed long dry spoils. An ample supply of good water, with the free use of potash or good soap, would do much toward keeping not only diphtheria, hut many other diseases, In check. 44 4 tName Your Route East Railway d reins; SALT LAKE CITY The Rock Island System now offer a choice of five daily trains from Colorado to Eastern paints. THREE of them are for Omaha and Chicago, and th other TWO for Kansas City and SL Louis.. The equipment la new and and a dining car on every train.. All leave at convenient hours. Let ua figure on your trip." A folder and full Information from N. L. DREW, General Agent, E. DRAKE, DisL Past. Agen $00 17th Street, Denver, Colo. G. A. BIBLE, Trav. Pass. Ag 100 West Second South SL, or Changed Opinion He Formed in Haste 4 V but at a point CO feet from the surface brought up against the east wall or the (haft, The same would be the case were a man to fall Into the shaft. While It would mean sure death, the body, badly torn, would be found lodged In the timbering on the east aide. Mem' bers of the faculty of the College of Minea are now engaged in experiments with a view of developing data aa to the thickness of the earth's rriist. It Is not hoped to aolve the perplexing problem of the distribution of the earths matter, but It la hoped 10 add to the Information collected concerning It. To this end the Red Jacket shaft presents advantages possessed by no The nthcr place In the universe. deer shafts In other parte of the country and In foreign lands generally began at an altitude and end above Or very little below the act level, wher aa at the Calumet mine the Red Jacket abaft starts In a comparatively low altitude and pierces the earth's cruat deeper and further below the ocean level than any other in existence. It la hoped within a year to be able to give some intelligent Information regarding the lnvestiga! Ions. Lake Linden correspondence St. Paul Dispatch. Still Read the Newspapers from Home FERTILE KI3SAS !! IV.SSOOM FIVE TRAINS Puzzle for Scientists to Worry Over To be assured of a pleasant trip east, purchase your tlcketa via tha Illinois half-hou- r s j G. GATRELL CYRUS Salt Lake City. Utah. ii F. M. BISHOP. 25th, 1905. For Information regarding train service and cheap rates, for side trips to Old Mealco and other territories, see or write, C. F. WARREN, (jenernl Agent. The Atchison, Topeka A Santa Fa Railway Company. i under this drug's rjifll. Suppose I wanted you to see a luvcly dream city, with young men and maideca In while robes pacing the rourt yards of marble palaces. I Cho'-'ii- . hallucinations pah! would give you opium and. seated In 1 can make : l.e ptiyiiiiiloKiat. tfiot office you would see and )uur You ran make them. It Is a ipid renu mber chair, much what I wanted pretty of and knocha ii.urter drugs onl you to. Afterward you would say. if head. I had given you the opium secretly, "What Is it that does our feeling Well, there Is something In ghost joicing, mourning, hoping, feaid stories, after all.' If I bad an enemy and wished to It U a maaa of St Milking, fur us drive him to suicide I would give him of i.i.ofcphorizcd fat, two pound: Hasheesh ulf.-ht- , culled the brain. We asi hasheesh on the quiet. creates visions of horror. In hashi ho brain continually. We get eesh dreams great apea strangle fair and better every know it blonde women. Ruffians murder help-leaAm! the line is now come whei old rlergymen. Wild beasts, leapc:m play tricks on It when we on rarevane, carry off In their ing ilcluse it with ghosts, poultergo A mouths babies and little children. iljiniis, hobgoblins, doppelgan: in the depths of primhold Cannibals h h i. tom ri. eval forests orgies Indescribably obWith drugs administered In scene. nr poisonous doses 1 can give the Ry whacking yon on a certain part ci--l mini h.ilhicliiatlone. And I of the head I could make you smell lireiiy well regulate the hallu phantom odors. A shark in another lions character, for one druc place would make you hear phantom known to runs; one sort of pre sounds. A whack In a third place nifut. another another and no on. would give you phantom sensations of cold. "SupIKMie I want the bishop of to see the phantom of n beautiful "Therefore, don't have a superstiI give hint, then, belladonna, tious belief in ghosts or halliielna-Mona,- " Jj for ended the psychologist, riounr In toxic doses creates fair tuna or enniely persons. The Ms i any scientist can ninke them to your of Kk, I assure you, would have order while you wait. ; Ohoets end Hallucinationo Eaeilf Made to Order While You Hi tor th Mere Matter of Drugs ? Hard Blows. H'lllil torn 5 and 0 Waih- - r ; mg. Salt l.ak 4 "H I'With Or. Hector Griswold 1 lit OGDEN AND SALT LAKE CITY TO NATIONAL MINING CONGRESS. Human Brain at Mercy of Scientists .v.iiririi.i.i.r.i.iii : 4 4 4 4, I You will do yourself a kindness, securing the maximum amount of comfort at the minimum cost. Don hie daily train service from Ogden to Chicago an from Denver to Chicago. Date in through sleeping ears. Ogden to Chicago, stan.lard, $9.50; tourist $4.75. Folders and complete Information free. Any ticket can ticket you East via this line. Ask him to doagent ao. C. S- - WillUms, Commercial Agent, Salt Lake City. 4 44 44444444444444 |