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Show AMvteru e FINCH R VALUES. MOTHER'S OOUGHNU TS. struck squarely on the platform Instead "tbgn nilnii.g our abr-ad- ." of IUti'i'iug tbe mouth of the shaft. and riiiMratlr rrfulUN of thm Tim tub If you think there' no ss trying The chains looscnul anil fell off, aud tttbis lusy be ubl. d an 1 oi:r trputa-tue- s To tin siiMlimv el Miirth; ml Its C'lsMiirkrr. V ! r. COWS. loose. Vi'uTe hook lliiiik It but the steel swung ut yen great cipher hoiiuv" ilificM-n- t The T huiiih'-TTi- e From out the mans cl nihlud yexr Willi jov mv voire 1 hoar, finp'r In tl'C liiu'i ; .i i ul rsiih; Mahoney leaped up, show-rrii- g Fond nil meiy are far I rom hiiviiig the vtmo ni'aie Ju-t i ivi kiBlor l.iTitl nniiii:.', tl niji.iiip iii,"!ii-TMining, Bag-L'l.is curse upon the poor Raised by il,c noj'ni dtu jum appears 1 kiniie to aee u v lim'her' Bfll'-Ai-- I uiiHrti'ii to iht! gwi to thru finM.-iiui- i tie ,! .. . r a 1. 1. .Im.'c.t uitli pit-iul tiar, ' Arid vrakt lue ioaui of 1 bear my fa ! nor' bio.r.g. ilrvoted head. Finest ti.iiiv'ihUI (It (Hti-Ili- , Miit-l- i ii-will. ini tlie ii iiiHst ut wklrl. you dmi It briuji iiclure my raptured flue Is the .l;c Iluiil on, Mahoney! Interposed liny iu- jiisde sruuit'i s hc. is tlie tliiuiib, fur wiilimii it prchi-uviUlir j.'Uiig, the fair, tue Arsen. here irat!,- hvistta wave. sush ig o c';.ir v That'S u. i voice I of the v tLi.L p,i An fight (he mi iif oi I'liintUuiiil day y timekeeper. And wintry vviiid aie hloK.ug, Wtiiiid he vciy jiqu-il'i't. The I aii.l is If 'In j'.iti'ii is on year With luduudioly kp.iuhr. n tl tit I.in Wiii'ii- it iicier m.i ln j,. Inu.y grave. jour fault. You Mgimied for i quick YU ':ut mi longer mere!)' claw, i to ate In'tir loan My liim.ii - llilplV Uiop-i.tinning. you gt it. You'd ought wlieil of the t i :iil. It n..iy If Tiirouidi in'rrtt-nini- ! time an-- f ae, Ail. me! wli.it mini ot l.iy an. pilot Oi it li'i.ir.l, it li! t ie tiiic; or car that down you'll fort , steady, Luiir, A il su ilt piiiimiii bif uii-bv inrui.irv Aie w.iki-Ay. that I'C CM ill III led thill lilt thliluli rriIV-- i Ills ,lu- -i ,br;.nv ni"riier dous'inuls power. break smile of the men's heads. I to mv iruiv.- p'm. Like blonKini bn, lit and i iraf, W lull tin- of trmiliie roll a third of die tuiid mine tN1' intve In die i.ii lulij wmi.iii AS hi le ports ti.i In rie me. Saii-w-liie kunihiiie and tbi kbuwer. "I'll break jour head; roared the XW iiimiiii.ii-tiircd- . hand. ii.iuijiinul Oi'cns tlK. v. ,iy Agaiu LtT.ire me lit- m.:i,hI mil t Hir that Mt-- c Ur.. I mound a hole. i,.r face Ail passiuu-indauiehi bi.s, turiiing Green hdis ami nc.i.i!,iud m'rv. Tlie Mai ) of die ll.iniih is Here, like the girlnnd of the miring. tttr lias li,.,.., tu jui-a- t i'i la urea le upon the jniing man. h.V Again remuiiiil I he luui Mime joy that ouee ileliolii'il. seel, lury Ilf die Il' vim (liiiiL uiir next door iieigiibor Hut tho timekeeper smiled sarcastic- since Triiuj That Tin re bo)ie iie hli i on mid s it J iluuufii iiki vane' . llsd h ki.m Hi nu vuii; le Mcdecine Legale, lis llfleell St'i'it'le I.ike liavo w.nter If tn'lli.ip VUII lll.lde s lillhire and stepped gingerly down upon ally, ecu lu die rich! l. tlie for to of per ear thirty run f.iiili Again y Hot, froni the earth on mii.h tiny lie, And mI'Ccmi i lisrd to woo; the platform. "You ain't tit fur this Mv iiiintiMt .if irt i thnllmg. Bviiu'.d briolit tuith i springing. nlld tell tu tifleili per cent, fur tlie left Si Shat uiaki's to, ine unv you (our mi mad when Let me Attain re Mltliet ioii'h tuittlh And tu the friths Iniwuaoii high. place," he said, in disgust. ei'iiii'iit lo your sou! liv tlie hand, except for worker ill art, when iuvc-- i I,:.-- ; l tidr Her angel night Is t My telling eye aie tilling. a nut to; catch if Inilure proves that ltm.lln-going hook, jou're (lie grand iei wmgiug. lie estimate tu fur Hie right It'll dn some damage to those pipes tkit they might have had a lot more mill twenty-liv- fortyin fitly i'ljjt w.k l..i:nii-uigl- iniiini hole. fur cent, per furiy i Mi Wilson, in 1iu.k. The heavy hook was swinging to ml fa pending the die left hand. The Austrian sehedule money fro Hi'ioss the pipes, banging from one per tent. thn in giving it lo a board ut direc- give fifteen to twenty-livnifirv. jliij to another. Mahoney rushed at the Ill (icriiiuny twenty, mid (a r. ted iquamb nervy young timekeeper.; and had the up to lliirtj three mid iliret tenth per lie bave not aside latter might stepped cent. Im turn awarded. On nceuiiut At one time been thrown from the platform. i wa sHiken all if tlie great dilTereiice resuldng in uiir "Wlmt are you alaiut?" he demanded, oltt the uor'.d. In lisC. it i the e from die use rf tmth hand, opinion one with seising tlie swinging chain of tri.i "" 1 people, including we prefer, in the profession not resiiiium that when you go home hand and stopping Its pendulous mohand skill, thirty per your father will kill the fatted calf? Freneh tbe eoh.niis, w hile liermnu Is quiring special tion. Hint twenty per cent, cent, for the I wouldn't wondi r," replied the prods But .Malinncy wns not to lie held spoken by 1uu.iksi.ihnj mul English by for the left. right .AtOifc r was rallier a responsiute fellow, who usually bad a joke for tinned The percentage Igal son, lull I'm afraid bo might and be was known to lie a rela- now. He pickul up the nearest Imple- ljftOOO.OiN). X X position for a toy. but Him on HXI a the total industrial value of think I'm It- .- Houston Post. I O Mahoney looked at the tive of the contractor himself. McAiio ment to his hand a heavy shovel-a- mi the hand previously tu the accident, a came at the other a second time. 'Pa, w liy ('o you always insist on my face was the name of tbe mini who had Ruesls doubles her pinched, loss of fifty per cent, representing half p every population when Mr. Hissizleton cornea 'WOT of tbe applicant uiid divid- been flagging, and Corny knew It and The timekeeper could not pass biro and fifty singing years, Norway and Sweden In of Hint value and a loss of twenty-fiv- e here?" was Well, 1 don't like the fellow, the behind reach the nnd ed Hint this hoy, ut least, trembled, street; iu-- r etc. cent, o y 1 hate to couie years, (treat Britain and and irould not skylark, ati.l be saw a right out and yet He's no good, an' I've fired bln.." shaft nearly thirty feet in depth. The ludix Finger-T- he total loss of lteeord-IIer-ald- . Id to him tell go." chance of clearing a good tb-Hilt half Chicago from in the Mn fifty crossing lire, Belgium dollars honey declared, the Index cause au Incapacity estiHe block Corny, on the weekly payroll. Ko he offered never seemed to likebdligeienfly. mad away, saw the overseer's Italy In eigbty-fuur- , the Spain In mated at ten to flftecu per cent, lu Ausattack and realised tlie young man's 104, Corny half a dollar a day, and the lat- prrlinps because he feared timekeeper; So your wife does not approve of 110 and tria; sixteen to twenty Hr cent. In the lu latter's ter took tbe place of the dollar-n-dabaseball? No, answered Mr. Meek-toe eyes were sharply concerned In his em- danger. to fiftcni iwcuty-flvper Germany; Fduce In 1KL man, who drank too unit h to hold hi ployers interest. Henrietta can't stand It to sea Hang to tlie book!" he shrieked, and cent, by Thiersch; twenty per cent, for Job, and accepted the ofler and the I dont believe Mr. Hutferworth will his shrill video rose above the. noise Hie any mere man Uissing people around the and fifteen for rout, rigid per of the steam drills nnd tbe rattle of To Dtc in a modernised city, with a left red flag with au eagerness that almost stand for a boy to flag. docs." Washingby the IIhIIiiii courts; fifteen per the way the umpire Something tbe rnlilo. made Mahoney wish he had knocked might happen. minimum of taxes and a mnximuiu of by tbe French tribunals; ten to ton Stur. ((id. off an additional half do! nr. At tbe same instant he signaled the cosveotencrs, one must do Ills full fifteen Now, you let the lad alone, MaIf money talk' per rent, for Hie right ami five I wundrr why Cornys place wa at the narn w honey blustered. 'He's all right. engineer to draw up the hook. to fifteen per cent, for tbe left h) lu the preliminaries, maintains doty 1 only her crossing at Hlauk street, where a plat- B'sides, be tells me lie needs the place; Fortunately, the ilmekecper was a for Brl. lu workers Hmunnlrl, except It y good-byas tbe Philadelphia lteenrd. Vrlmn Im- These form of heavy planks had been built there's a raft of differ but little from young uns to home young man of quick brain as well Philadelphia Public Ledger. figurt over the deep ditch of the subway and no father nor mother. When lie felt the chain tighten provement! Is tlie order of the age one There ure too iiinuy grafters in tho another, and tlie figures from len Ill keep iny action. works. At one end of the excavation eye on him. under his liaml lie realised wlmt throughout the world. to twenty per rent., according to tbe world said tbe patriotic citizen. was the hoisting engine bouse, and And who'll keep nnsweted Senator on you, Corny's words meant, nnd slipping bis side, may be adopted, eyp TnqursHoniihly, foot Into tlie book be allowed himself overhead the heavy wire cablei carried Mahoney?" demanded the soon there won't The government of the Netherlands Tlie Middle Finger The tolnl loss of Sorghum. Pretty timekeeper, to be literally 'snatched" up out of the trolley car of earth or broken with a laugh, and walked i 'round." WashCole to Mathe middle be go by away, regarded finger cunugh has Instituted a competition with the graft atone from the further end of tbe ditch honey's fondness for the range of Mahoney's shovel. blcwskl ns often more prejudicial limn ington Star. liquor was pretty of cut to the dumping platform near the en- well known among the men, and on Hut the enraged boss flung the Im- object discovering a process of that of the index. Till la au Isolated Why, nuked the fat policeman, do gine. several occasions Hm boss hail been plement after him, nnd then began ting diamond which will dispense opinion. Almost nil the authorities say tbe prisoner Is s married you Beside the engineer was a window, within a narrow margin indeed of los- throwing pieces of rock nt the swinging with the use of an alloy dangerous to ascribe less to the middle mini?" importance Because, replied tbo great and through this aperture he could ing his lucrative and responsible jmisI-tio- figure lu the nir. Another signal from health. For a complete solution of finger than to the Index. Yet a great detective, lie la wearing safety plus eee the boy with the flag at the crossthe watchful torny. however, sent the observed lit the baud Instead of suspender buttons. Hartthis problem a ir.xv of SlfJTo Is of- loss of funll ing, a long block away. He governed Thereafter, for several days, Corny timekeeper sailing along under the trolla amputated. The ford Telegram. when tlie finger the speed and the raising and lowering shook in his broken old sliora whenever ley cables toward the pumping plat- fered. following are esHuiiites: The Austrian of the ear accord in:; to the signal of the timekeeper made his visit to this form, nnd ns he whirled above the Young Knllows time seems to be tariff, five to ten per cent.: Brounrdel, How's Au been lias publof statistics array occupied Just now." fully that flag. Iiortlon of the works. Hut the young finglioy's head he aetunlly waved bis five to fiftiH'U per ceut., except for and left baa He college, that? to horse to band ished lilm. of the just prove Corny received bis signals from the flagman was not moiested. and It even danger workers In art; Thiersch, ten to twenty lie eerlnlnly hasn't gone to work yet As for Corny himself, he almost traction on our man who stood directly above the spot seemed that the Jolly clerk took a likreThe highways. per cent.; the Italian law, five per cent. mustache." j fainted from the fright of It all. A turns are "No; but he's raising where the men were excavating, and ing to the soleuin-facrdown to the end of The flgnres eight to twelve per com. boy at tbe brought who as as ate be little dhl Iariger. who guided the swinging box among crossing. wasn't Philadelphia boy often are nearest the truth. able to stand ninny such shocks, ne tho year ltXVl, the whole period covthe great pipes and drains and conduits And when you told him I was map-rieDon't you ever laugh, youngster? annular (ring) finger Is the least The which seemed to hsiig In a perfect he asked one day, stopping beside him couldn't even run when Mahoney, ered being two years and four months imiKirtant. Its total los often does not said the girl who had Jilted him, Yes," renetwork above the beads of the labor- for a moment. scrambling for the ditch, and still seek- foe which period the figures are: tKMiT cause Incapacity. The Austrian tariff -- did he seem to lie sorry?" to on wns Ills some Tent said be ers below. he very aping one, fury the other, looked Corny accidents; G935 persons Injured; perconfused, and blushed assimilates this finger to the middle plied the Besides keeping a sharp eye on the furiously, I I dont see anything to proached blm. Ilronnrdel estimate the loss nt norry- -n It hough lie (lldu't know Ledsons tilled. 930, or more than one death one. a of man. Corny was expected to be on the laugh at, lie stammered. However, policecouple brawny Philadelphia uiau personally. five to ten per cent.; the. Italian law. , r. lookout for vehicles that wished to I dun no, said the othrr. Most men, summoned by the excited shonts P eight per rent. The French and Ger ger. . of the spectators, qutckly overpowered cross the ditch and to allow none to boys of yonr age would laugh If Edwin I'm poor, dearest We shall man Judicial deciKiona are often In acthey the not croas while the loaded trolley waa run- got six dollars a week," and be went madman, and be was marched Mbdal parties of the future may cord In refusing Indemnity, considering have to live very almply." Angelina ning overhead, A Wt of rock might on, leaving Corny dumbfounded, for away to the nearest station. Thnt gars raffs In Its present beau- - the Incapacity resulting from the loss Why, of course! Wheu we're married ed bis rnreer as overseer for Contractor fall from the car, or a horse might be didnt know that iut exPH golf and yacht Just lota! Because was Mahoney they need not be unhappy; An as very slight. become frightened by tbe rattle of the tracting an extra generous commis- Bntterwortb, and in the general ty, one be eon do those things in such simple auricular The 1h (illtlei may finger that of Argentina says sion from tbe pay envelope of the straightening out of affairs tbe time- explorer trolley, the in to tbe you know." Chicago Dally annular, except dresses, compared Tbe flngboy certainly earned his half flagman. keeper learned how Corny had ben falls of the Iguassu, about a thousand In which it serves ns Newi. professions dollar. There was no time for skyBut collecting a tax upon the wage cheated out of balf bis pay every week miles north of Buenos Ayres, are point of snpimrt for the hand. AcciWronger1 "Is the cashier of the local larking, even bad Corny been so in- of the laborers employed on his sec- by the boss. larger than Niagara or the Victoria dents of Travel. a tall man? Nallve-'Thysle- ally bank clined. But Mahoney had been 'quite tion of the work was not to Well, wip'H Just mnke thnt up Falls of the Zambezi. Whether or not Mahoneys speaking, yes. Rtrangcr-'Tliyslc- ally correct In his Judgment of Corny's only sin. The man was a tlis timekeeper declared. Ive Two Cot That On to rhnrrh. good work- you, Natlve-"Y- es; otherwise I speaking!" face; life waa altogether too serious man when he let liquor alone, but be been telling my nncle about you, and if the statement Is exaggerated, there Old York lie Is short something like $30, (SW. on I'ark, Opposite limiting to him for tbe flagboy to enjoy bim-el- f grew botb reckless and abusive when yon want yon ran bave a place at eight evidently a new, delightful excursion road, resides a family. Torpey by That's why he hns taken a trip ns did other boys. be drank, and as the contractor himself dollars a week down to the office. I've for tbe newly married. name. The Torpeys own two eats abroad." Chicago Dally Newa. AVben a person of fifteen feels the seldom visited an told I need yon assistant, and you're the piece of ditching thnt are different from other rats In J It' funny, said themelittle pig, responsibility of forty live resting on there wns nobody to report Mahoneys just tbe sort of a fellow I want. A German geographer calls attention that they go to church. As regularly right, Tiny didn't build his shoulders skylnrklug Is a long way Inpses unless it was the And although that was all tbe time- to And nuke my etnmach just as big the fact, known to few, that the as Sunday morning arrives the pair of from his thoughts. Tbe pitiable three When that Individual waa timekeeper. keeper ever said about being grateful Aa ie my appetite. Tor-ieythe about, lie seen the felines following Rhine water may from some Its of gets dollars a week Mahoney allowed him boss was usually very for tbe service Corny' quickness had Philadelphia Praia. circumspect. Broad to Chureh, St. Stephen's So Mala was expected, with what Jobhny could To oversee the various Via McCall that's really youl Some the rendered above Miss miles Italy. the him, flagboy was amply of men and Butler streets. No matter what the Miss Newrlch earn doing chores for the local store- and plan tbe work a man'sgangs tbe Rhine Is augmented by a turbulent family head should satisfied. Classmate. weather or traiisplrlnga on back fence -"- Yes." Miss McCall What's thnt keepers and Ben ronld lrnke selling be clear all the time. Corny was Immountain torrent, whose chief tribu- tlie two pious cats brave possible at Miss device In the centre? The Value of Laughter. papers to clothe, feed end bouse seven pressed by this fact, for at first the queer set an r that's pa's tradeIf more women realised the saving tary lo a brook that comes from the tacks by Impious mongrels nnd Newrlch ravenously hungry, active growing hustle and confusion the steam drills Why example that many humans would do boys and girls. going at several points along the ditch grace of laughter there would be fewer Val de Lei, which politically belongs well to follow. Neighbors will attest mark. He Insisted upon ringing that bad not In this to Italy, though separated from the It Iedger. always been so. Six where veins of rock bad been found, tragedies and heart breaks to tlie truthfulness of Hie statement world. months of trial ami privation had made the rattle of the It appears, was unable te Brackett. rest of that country by glneier covered trolley overhead, and cliiircli-golnfelines tbe spend (lint a very If you. dear madam, were able to boy Indeed of the shouting of the underbosses and get into uuy of tlie college fraternmake your lover laugh, you mlgbt con- monntalng over which there is a trail to the very early morning hour of Sun ities. Cornelius Ilarney. laborers seemed quite Why whs he so unpopular? "Oh, overpowering. day lu licking themselves Into Hint 1 Tbe Hartleys had only lived a year He began by being afraid that be sider yourself clever Indeed. But If Cblavenna, tlie lsys lidn't like him guess he to Is said which cleanliness of state and a half In the city before the father should transmit the signals you can keep your huband laughing studied so linrd that bis pitchhe to wrong should be enrolled among the Tlie German Lutheran immigrant secondary only to gislllness. Their fur ing suffered, anil the team lost most died They bad come (rom tne old the engineer; but that individual told you stul Is their ImmarulHtc, paws glossy, seven wonders of the world. and after her man was him before Ida first week was country, when he wns in tbe boz. Society In New York has just begun not a whisker Is nut or up that place. Arrived of the games You see, a man's life is usually full ltrcord-Ileraltaken, the mother pined mo-- e and more he was the best signal man they had use Chicago of Its new and splendid build at the church the cat content them of duties and cares that you. possibly, the for the old English villnge where she had on the Job. Perhaps the engineer, caunot realise. If After big. tbe fatigues and trials of selves with peering In nt the door. had been born. She tomd do but little who was a (Jlx-lr- r you could, perbnps, (ilva I'p Used Hndle. fellow, said to delegate to to belp support tbe fainiy, and soon a word In Cornys faror to the time- you might try chase the ben vines t steerage passage and after running They are seemingly content of a guide's body after The recovery tbe orphaned children saw her laid keeper. nnd that Is the reason he was from the spii-i- t of moodiness from the tbe gauntlet of the Inquisition on Kills tlie praying to their owners. ofTlier (iilonibnient In a twenty years' right the vestibule Into the they slip mein of your best beloved In place of Island It la the third Rosa allowed to keep liis position. away also, Monte of ghiricr will lie no little comfort to nnd linuse adjoining, curl up priest' silent want hi Cornelius was the oldest boy. Mary, and at sitting in grieved kind the to of seemrd restoration Alpine hislike Evprylmdy the timeHer man immigrant to have the assurdoze until church Is out, when they wbo was two years his senior, kept keeper but the Iwss, and when Ma- of cheerfulness. saw blia tourists his 1877. In tory. ml n live home Sometime you fool that so much ance that they will not he without follow Hie Torpejs house for them and tried to keep the honey. as the men said, hnd the drink the body and In the crevass". disnppenr cat lives until another Sunday. garments of the younger children de- in him." lie was ugly to everybody. merriment inny be beneath your 'dig- friendly advice and iissistaiicc. This could not I lieu be recovered. But durPhiladelphia Telegraph. cently patched. Nobody seemed to One afternuou the half-tipsoverseer nity. Dont believe It; men ofipn long society has been In evidence for many ing Hie Interval the slow movement of want a boy of Cornelius' age until lie sent the man who stood on the plat- for tbe joyous spirit that so the glacier lias been conlliiniilly bringyear, ami by It wnlchfuliiey and ru, Kiir I'aller. bad drawn tbe attention of Boss Ma- form nlKive tlie end of the ditch where them in sweethcarting dn.vr. it down, until It bn been disgorged ing All the raa I arlisiif taste that has It serins a little tiling to provoke energy lias saved multitudes of desirthe shovellers tilled the trolley car honey at the underground works. Insl- hi lee axe still In the dead nt l on tlie guidance of our Those throe dollars looked big indeed away on another Job and took his laughter, does it not? Somehow you able Immigrant from wrongful de been expi-nd- i torkct. build, Ills piM in hi nian to think it hardly wltlili. the line you portatiun. to Corny until he began to try to ap- plaee for n time. At onee things people liu ii'it been aide sensibly Incident a occurred two The previous cheek tlie craze for p.ilurn. When ill the Glneier d Rosanna, beneath ML to go wrong, for Corny not always have drawn for the conduct of a wire. portion them out so much toward of Into tbe draw But it I a saving graced you may deso much for food, mid such s understood Hip Isis' signals, and When a new where the remains of the vicconsul bad been ap- one goes tbe ill off nor ill Blanc, nriiln-n mini little pend; for rcuches perron, a ami many was distance period pointed to ery nothing rlotliin.;, too far for audible comrarely Hie Hamel ruin strophe in IftM of tims in San France represent of life when there Is no more of tin1 islii' iitcd. anil turning oiie's eyes wearat all for extras, Johnny's and Hen s mand to be repeated. years, and niqienrcd after forty-onbv Francisco, before lenving Inri Incomes were not to be depended iijuiri, ily about from patterned carpet, put Onee Mnluiney walked over to the boy left n hi nature; tbe of (Tiptnln Arkwright (lost ia those is still there or, rather, the called nu tbe official bating charge of ti'i'iied rug-- ', patterned walls, pat INiMti, after thirty-one- . for they varied according to the num- bo.v nnd gave him n tongnp-hishinPerhaps this ber of errands Johnny could run mid which very nearly paralysed him. Of spirit of It and jnu need hut give the consulate affairs, who said: Oil, by len ied cliiiir. pniierued chair hack, third ease may strengthen the hops chum, linns aliroliitrly tu tbe number of papers Ben sold. course the Imss blamed all the mistakes opportunity to bring it forth, with the way, the Governor-Genera- l of Tu piiiii-riu-- Mirfioi1 to rest iiisiii. one r Him, n some have been predicting, the great hciit-U- t to the family generally. And to make snre of tbose three dol- upon the flagboy. quiet 1 liialv of Lord Francis Douglas. Inst 11 a great friend of mine. If you hill Iilizes with envy that a sturdy in lars Corney had to be up at (5 every But when lie liad gone back to the Chicago Journal. Ihe'first ascent r Ihe historic Matter-Horever run down there to spend Sunday difference to sense iinpreiiiii i sli! morning, rain or shine, warm or cold, further platform the timekeeper may lie given up near Zerina'.L A Jokm oa 1h Doctor be sure to raff on him. and he did not get back until fi at stopped beside Corny. He bad been It take only the isotioii of not n few English pco pie.-T- he yiiciii. night. There certainly was no thought In tbe engine bouse and bad seen '.be Marti In Itrlrk A Baltimore physician says that re- about four weeks for a steamer to sail of play In the flagboys mind. Tue re- whole ocenrrence from the window. By a recent Canadian luventio cently he boarded a Charles street enr from San Fraueisco to Tali III. Tills Don't fret yourself over what that that waa sadly overcrowded. He soon recall lire Kronsht lo Ainrrlra. sponsibilities resting on bis you.-brick laying Is done by machine. Tho the remark of Robert Louis de shoulders spurned Corny to do his best brute saya to you, he said. Bering the observed a A race of bee 1ms been brought to machine will do all plain work and big Herman sprawled over Sterrnson in He qnickly learned tbe signals by tenrs running down Corny's pinched an area sufficient to seat two regard to Samoa, where Ibis country ns an experiment by tlie it more firmly tbnn la possible by jiersons which the engine wss governed, and cheeks. He Isn't so big a man as be at least, while In front of him stood he lived so long anil eventually died (.Tilled States Govern men t. that has lisnd. Eiieli machine is managed by be was never Inattentlre when the thinks himself. If lie has got a brother a poor, wan just two men nnd a Imy and does tbe work woman hanging to the While the novelist waa paying bis last been found the gentlest In the world. to trolley was In motion. Mahoney ad- In the City Hall and a pull In Four- strap. Indignant at this exhibition of visit to. his native land e of six or seven skilled bricklayers. Hi beekepji-Jndrawback one great The friend, whose mitted that the kid" waii a good find teenth street." selfishness. on tbe part of tbe German, recollection for most people has Item the fear operation can be learned lu two weeks. of geography waa rather for him; but bp still appropriated the Then he went on to the end of the the physician tapped him on tbe shoulof stings, hut recent exter!inent at shaky, asked: A Hue Task. other three dollars In Corny's envelope ditch. Mahoney was bellowing at the der, saying: Where the deuoe Washington. I). (.. have proved the on pay day. men in bis nsual aggressive style. The After ten years' Incissant labor Mrs, Samoa, Stevenson? See here! Why don't you move Ifa the second CnusHlnu lees to lie the most remark Tbe timekeeper, who came up from timekeeper stood near-band watched little, so that this tired woman may turn to the left after you leave San aide in existence for their gentleness, Lixzte Hoffman, of Anthony, N. J.. bae the contractor's office every afternoon him unobserved. finlshpil what ia probably the oddest hare a seat? Frnnclneo," said Robert Louis, whose We do not mean by Ibis that the lire to get the details of tbe day's work Just then the empty car ran along for they posses tills or- bed quilt In the country. It la patch For a moment the German looked memory of are stlngles. of from Mn honey, gave poor Corny a seri- the cable and stopped over the plat- daxed. Then a broad smile niapa only ran to reco! lecso necessary to their welfare, and quilt made of H.Htst pieces of silk spread over tio" In going to Samoa from the gan ous fright the very first day. and piece kinds suit every form on which Mahoney stood. Tbe his countenance as be answered: to use all that colors, resort its do so seldom they a different brides Where's Me Ado?" asked tbe time- lioss motioned for n quick drop," and Say, dots a joke oa you. all right! rHclflc, Con; one always stopped first they are for nil practical pnriwse uon nr silk came from lu America, keeper, briskly. He was a lively young tbe enr came down on tbe run and Dot's my vifer'-IIarp- er's llouLluiu. bat Life st Uiiglng.-Coun- try Weekly. KtTROSPf.CTION. j no-aa- i lj I - i A'-nv- pilM-i-l's- . ud ll- t.i-f- i - f - i d csti-mille- d . r e e The Boy With the Flag Fn-net- Ian-gOP- r'u-uii'i- 1 mie-fourt- fifty-tw- (ler-min- oe seven-ty-oln- e, Austria-Hungar- n. . r n. 1 t d . g be-ran- good-nature- d -- nor-mil- y 1n-g- Un-ren- t, liig-rooi- e g d rnlan r 1 y i |