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Show Tiled, Neivous Mothers Maho Unhappy Homes -- Their Condition Irritates Both Husband and Children-Ho- v Thousands of Mothers Have Been Saved From Nervous Prostration and Made Strong and WelL LAW URCED BY EAy SELF-SEEKER- Real Animus ef Movement Against Remciifs Deservedly Popular. An a. 'roil 1ml plausible scheme by pliii li it is hupi-i- tu prejudice the sale ia the prupo-ei!.i:nf j :d .ii i.i.") nii'iliriiit-in pruiib't tlie Male of any rem-dj- uniesa xb'.di "cmi: :iins poison cm-ip.u niii.--- it pottle la expressly luMl.s are also lu !. .1 I'nlsoii." Siu-well di fUiic I to impose upon iv.cn ho hair. uu (aiuili.iniy with the subject Tl.c .rt uv.se of prolcciins liie lu'.iiiic hialiii pul forth In support of nut ti li : s is rally ihe merest Kiiii'.tTfiipe; a m1 ulienetcr you hear a lieinaml for a law of tills kind It have vigiiiaicii with iho. uho a ill red peeiiulnry interest to serve by destroying ilie aaie of proprietary remedies. Some of the bet and moat widely used remedies in the world contain Koine one liip.re.lb nt which, If taken in siillicient quantities, might be poisonous. and yet the preparation aa a whole is not poisonous at all. Opium, for inslani'c, is used in small quantities in many of the beat curca for coughs, colic, diarrhea, etc.. In toothache drops and In almost all liniments. To require fin h medicines to be falsely labeled "poison" would le merely a cunning device to alarm the puMic and thus bring about the destruction of the sale of those remedies, and Indirectly to compel people to procure the medicine they want by the more expensive method of consulting a physician and getting hla prescription. In other words, it ia an effort to prevent them from getting cheaply the remedies which they and their fathers before them have used (br many years. Medical exchange. l n i ira-ier- JWrs. CAester A Chas. Curry nervous, Irritable mother, often on Mrs. Chester Curry, Leader of the the verge of hyutcricii, in unfit to care Ladies' Symphony Orchestra, 43 Sarafor children ; it ruins a child's disputd-tio- toga Street, East Boston, Mass., writes: n and reacts upon heniclf. The Dear Mrs. iinkham: trouble between children and their " For eight year I was troubled with exon by mothers too often is due to the fact treme ncrvouHUMvand hysteria. could neither enjoy life nor that the mother has some female weak- irraguiarilHC. 1 1 was nervous very irritable, nights; ness, and she is entirely nnfit to bear sleep dexpondput. the strain upon her nerves that govern- aiefLydia E. Pinkbar.i's Vegetable Compound ing children involves; it is impossible was nwnuiniended and provsd to lie ;he only for her to do anything calmly. remedy that helped me. I bare daily The ills of women actlike a firebrand improved in hmlib until I am now strong s and well, and ail nervousness has Upon the nerves, consequently of the nervous prostration, nerMrs. Charles F. Drown, vous despondency. the blues. of the Mothers' Club, 21 Cedar and nervous irritability of Terrttee. women arise from some derangement Dear Sirs. Hot Springs, Ark., writes : Iiukham: of the female organism. ldraggedthrough nine years of miserable Do you experience fits of .depression existence, worn out with (am and nervous1 should fly, with restlessness, alternating with ness, until it seemed as tiusigh extreme irritability? Are your spirits I then notiin.il a statement of a woman trouI wns, and the wntulerful result shs easily affected, so that one minute you bled as from Lydia K. Mukhain's Vegetable laugh, and the next minute yon feel Compound, I dM'iiied to try it. I did so, and like crying ? at tlie end of three months I wan a different Do you feel something like a hall ris- woman. My nervousness was all gone. I waa in ing your throat and threatening to no helper irritable, and niy husband fell in choke you ; all the senses perverted, love with me all over again." Women should remember that Lydia morbidly sensitive to light and sound ; pain in the ovaries, and especially E. I'inkham'a Vegetable Compound ia between the shoulders; bearing down the medicine that holda the record for pains; nervous dyspepsia, and almost the greatest number of actual cures of female ilia, aud take no substitute. continually croaa and snappy ? If so, your nerves are in a shattered Free Advice to Women. Mrs. Pinkham. Lynn, Mass., invites condition, and you are threatened with nervous prostration. all sick women to write to her for advice. Proof is monumental that nothing in Mrs. Iinkham'a vast experience with the world is better for nervous prostra- female troubles enables her to tell tion than Lydia E. I'inkham'a Vege- you just what is best for you, and table Compound ; thousands and thou- she will charge you nothing for her sands of women testify to this fact. advice. Ask Rrs. Pinkkam's Advice A Womu Best Understands a Woman's Ills. dissp-pearrd- nine-tenth- Vice-Preside- sleep-frsetneg- s, Send postal for "Hook of Presents " Do you know the secret of the Wave Send for KC right purer and 11 day 1 Jaques Mfg. Co. Chicago WE iiuuu iiiima Tmtnml Cum. Writs fur fruiynpinm list if you ei--t cull. CuuaullauuB I rm. Special Offer in Private Diseases nx. a. w. soonss. who mraaoltarliw from Pniau I'luawi- C.tortnnatrs. of both uu. br Igonr-anbreu lonkeS upon u iri-limit,. vMtRnS hy tna Sharks and t.oc or contaaion-lia-aaro -- alw.fi Cb.rlkl.D. who POM Sei. II.U" and mb Iho .iidt-ru-r l.lfor worm na Imstiacot. liKS. IIOIII T IkiI.LAK LX'i'ii. l.UKKD-UNLX- .W bHiiaKSIK) NOT ASK TOU TO PAT TURK YOU WISH TO YOliHSKI.P. IN BOTH fHS. NHnRIW KNOW THEY CAN CITRK AND DO CURB PRIVATE 11I9KAPKH and SEXES PKKNAKKXTI.Y. aid In PROVE their skill In Ihik (law of alum-nu- . tlwy I aura aura naso. Imfum lbs pallant Ik irqiilrad tu pay im. Shore.' uue dollar, or tbowwOnprafer. war say (he fee la snail weok.y or mnniKie In. alhnrni.aSt-a'ri'rapnwtvswM. THIS HONEST blow to the and kakirwbo I'KALlNli WITH THE AKPUCTKI). deal. PLAN over boar of quark for sniily piuouun. Old ) a Fakir rafundiB a dsauodaall oaah. In earnansa luae no rannot uuner If you dost ) ehaner. It oak Taka a your to jon dwpad patientr.ay OF MKN" arr Klue-tent- ln vw.nll of euiannd or of an rallsd ' WKAKXh.-K.imp. tliefor.orh rt. Plmrvk' new lAK'AI, TKKATMKXT laws. INVARI-AH1.- Y laS.uwd PRiSITATE I.I.AND-liCLHKS ok o h- -r Honor, bin aianr own itiry rare under the o d aud nanim plaa of teal sirat fur till, inmh'e. We rare l)wr MANIIooii. Seminal Wnaknevt. NnermaUwrbuea. ml s.iln aud binrtred Iroublta. I. n time and for lew lioNOUKKOEA. HYPIHlifS. VAKI-WKLI. mnttdoni lal we never use a bame or betray oary. than any Inwll utlnu In Ibe weal . every enaeFREE bv mall or al the noire I and Adviee Kiamln.'luo awsvot. KrenliuH luia: SuuiUvaaui buildays lOaai le It. OFFICE HOCUS: DRS. SHORES & SHORES. Expert Soeciaiists. 249 HUMSt. 25 Cts. PRICE, W1 ONE CAY E Lj "w to EijtjAL rot Mtooiat HILLS for the mouth, throat. Kelden-Judso- IS GUARANTEED TO CURE GRIP, BAD GOLD, HEADACHE AKD NEURALGIA. Ivtoatsefl AalbDHrl.e tu a dealer whn won't fSaueuateu HAfK IF IT 1IO.VT CUKE. It. F, H. Itlemtr, SS. SI., Muaulaelurer.Appf ngfleid, Jfea CANKER AND DIPHTHERIA DTOMACH AMO IOWILBsmi . UCVFR AND Sait Lake City, Utah. Drug Co., General Agents. n REMEDY ,Y tt ?! SlNIRAk ITOHIBuNNa FAII well ? Your rroFor roturu your money If yon 4oni Ukn fchJUintfiikvt. When Marriage Begins to Pall. The greater proportion of divorces lake place betwern the fifth and tenth year of married life. TEA was a royal indulgence two-hundr- ed years ago. Tis yet. Yonr yroeor returns yonr Monsy If you 4on1 llkn SriUlUaVs'Mi TEA Was ever a wicked mar. Mr r5lVm-- ot U ripxnt 4 tarter ratal apart- - Wnt than aovsthwSte, to too toadM-H- aw On I, , " '' 10c sack coiw all Rbors. to Dr. Hteae and Uu Cato. , a tblag roll! , i y btf husbu i, d. Oi!i , WFf1 Hut Unr.;.M-cl'.jci-tIs Uiv ocra.-li.if i;iS iI:.. kai Xi'twii'i-.uiiiiihis tfP1 t expri , , n; mi, jtd. the rvji. u:,; nL ; riuvs wn. grfergone ,h,o ilM wtl.k Ht Ul1 h KaitiRiil h;;irilrcKSiT. jIpK.e, the four ni.i was f ( gl Iniorestt'M (ilfsi inuTa dflM if AS fijv'; 7 ft - !"( iir li.im-iiic- r(r Tw, Hoi--' r. 4 srn.l i,.r mot her, vfbth the llit i nil-- . mt lu,l gnm, "I cst wxnt jon to s.,y inijiiiiiiR to your fSlbcr ubnut uu:ii'i::i had her b trsst-d- ('onT noflea 1 if l:aiiiK li, y in im lcriilaiiil? If tell bii'i perhaps hi won't . course (iromised to main-tsa dlstn-i-- r which she did to I o'clock, wlii'n, her ftflicr at the the sren-- t was piantptly sarriflred on the altar of 11111 affection. The man waa mad and lad so time in saying so. After he gst through talking waa inter vis' by her other imrent. "Iiessle. uid her mot her, sternly, bat made you tell? I told you not tn" "Oh. that's all right." said llewsle. "Bout worry. 1 can easily lie It back Ilia." New York Times. ? Of sih-mv- niiR-tln- cr.sl riiildrcn. Th3 Kind You Have ... . - w - j Jways Bought ?- Ali.it.il'lirrcpnralionrcrAs &lniilaiiiiSUuI:v.!ii!u'iitc(iI:- luiSUicSUniuiclisnikllkiwi'isi'r i j v I -- ' Bears tlie rromnles ITi'AlionJCluvrriil-- . ness and losl .Conklins ucillu r 0iuun.Morliiii? noriiiu.Tul. Signature Not Xahcotic. Mtouarxuaumaax ARalo W ' jttx Xum AaaiaMtAAr-Aoav.- Ua a Ukt fflnirlinal iKyai'ni Aperfecl llenimly forConslip.1 lion. Sour Slonuirh.Diarrlvva Worms onviiLskms .Feverishness And Loss o F SLEEl. Facsimile Sigiuilure of Where Marston Law Waa Good. In Exeter, Mass., acquaintance of Get. Gilman Marxton say nothing ever amused him more than the fullering: A Ixvorlte niece living In the adjoining town of Brentwood bought a hens which, not coming up to requirement, the promptly took bark and left In the seller's barn. Next day he found the horse Twice more she left ;. ill" I - For Infants s XEWWUK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER back in her barn. it and twice was It returned Then she railed on the general. He told her to notify the owner that If there was any more trespassing In her bsra he wouid be fined $10, and to tell him that Gilman Marston said so, and not bring that d d horse back again. The niece promptly larked up on her barn the following notice: Any tree piling in this barn by man or beast will be fined $10 by Gilman Marston." The hone dlil not come He Knew Hie Mother. Georgia's mother wax very Insistent in demanding trailing stamps when-eve- r abe purchased anything, and littls (Jeorgie knew that. A few day a ago hla mother was bleMicd with baby twins, und aa soon aa Gcorgie heard of it lie haatened to hla mother's room, and whispered Into her ears: Say, mi, didn't you get any trading stamps with the twins." Wa Have Often Wondered. you tell a girl Why la it that wiu-he haa pretty hair ahe always says ahe JiiHt had it waahed the other day and haun't been able to do a thing with it since? Cleveland Leader. n When the leaves beglp to fall, when blow Ihe winds down through the canyons, when the snow falls think of California, the laind of Perpetual Sunshine. Then oak the agent, of the 8an l'edro, I os Angeles & Salt Lost His Leg. Lake K. 1L about lintels resorts, rates At Fittaburg a man with n wooden and excursions. Or write to J. L. saw two over a bone Moore, D. P. A., Balt Lake City. He leg dogs fighting and, attempting to play peacemaker, will answer all your questions. he balanced himself oA hla peg and kicked the bone with hia sound foot. Main Point Overlooktd. Whereupon oce of the dogs grabbed Many a man whirls In to reform the the wooden leg, upsetting Its owuer world, only to discover at last that ha and yanking It loose, and made off didn't know how to reform himself. down the street with It. Atlanta Conatltution. -- back. Cell on a Lynn Bark for Beer. A business Institution like a bank sees little of the humorous side of life, elthough now and then somet- hing happens to vary the rontlne. The employes of a certain national bank in Lynn., Maes., noted for the defence of Its furnishings, such as desDf msrble floors, etc., were In the lust rather the worse for west quids entered, leaned against and tolled along the shelf reaching the whole length of the bank to the teller's window, where he deposited nickel and stood rather unsteadily When asked whst he wanted, he said: Glass (hlc) of beer. When Informed It vu a hank desk he was leaning against and not a saloon bar, he hast ily murmured an apology and sham- quarried nt a very low cost Prico. 35c. sad 50c. M Oress as the name of the bluing you Aisk your are looking for. grocer. HeaellaiL Remember the name. A large package for only S cents. After yon are your clothes !s s. White imiowy made so by P.EI) CROSS HALL BLUE you will want no other. TkGmaTOWEM POMMEL SLICKER like yours. ADVERTISED HAS AND SOLD FOR A QUAKER Cr A CENIUEt LIKE ALL .jS&raiHDQf agricultural implement business, drug store, and cigar shop I man nee to get along. In addition to that the posh tlon gives one a sort of cr standing In the community. Instructor Hat Held Many Cffieea. H. Bue!, the new of Georgetown university, is a son of Col. David H. Duel. U. S. A. I?e was graduated from Yale in 1883 and has been successively instructor in claxslcn at Holy Crosa college, in elasr'cs and higher' mathematics at SL Kianc's Xavier's college, professor of physics at Ft John's college and of pnyslcs and mechanics at Georgetown univer- W-Toucl- Hall iOuie "Why, as to that." aald the postmaster, the salary la hut $12 a year, but It is paid with the utmost promptness and with my life and fire Insurance ageix?. law business, carpenter shop, CLOIK It is made of the te& matcralx in thcfcoryclow full nuu'Mitccd. and sold hy rciablz d!?ra cvepaScrc. ftVKHTO THS $!CM Cf T!!t FISH. " toimiuulaiiL Dr. David Plan to Change inaugural Date. District Commissioner McFarland of Washington, chairman of the national committee to consider Iho advisability of changing the date of the ceremony for the Inauguration of the President of the United States, haa leaned a call for a meeting of the committee on Nov. A. The committee la composed of th$ governors of all the states and territtflea and ffteen residents of the District ol Columbia. V.oes.d,. St. Jacobs Oil frees the circulation, allaya the pressure and soothea away tha pain. Had Its Other Advantages. The relative from the East, whs had come to visit hia cousin, the postmaster at Boom City, waa surprised at the smallness of the place. "1 expected to see a larger town than this, he aald. "Surely there can't be much salary attached to a Job (or the swelling, throbbing aeho of Neuralgia Hills. tea, do you think? Concentration of Thought Concentration of thought Is most in. portant on whatever exercise is belnp carried out the: comforter A congMfrd vein pressing on a nerva account bled onL or woman especially fond of 4n in told MOMMOK BRUQttlTuuloJSllZ Thry ill (,'.!! of :in who U, FUI .it r ii;,. i iiiui'ri tu 1:1111-- i sity. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES brighter . Magnesite In the neighborhood of Malelane and Kaapmulden, 10 miles from Lour-enco Marquis, in South Africa, large said to be deposit! of magnesite, equal to the beat Grecian article, have been found. The veins are of varied width, in many places being Mrs. Wlnalow Soothing Syrop, more than 10 feet In thickness, but Pur ehlMraa teMtalog, soft a. tba jruras, radam to flanniai Kip, allays yala,coraa wloC aoUu. StcaMIMb the central hill near what la known u Salt Creek appears to be one vast deposit about 2,000 feet long by 200 Cure for Hard Cough. Flaxseed tea with plenty of lemon fret wide, and upwards of 300 feet Juice and loaf sugar la very sooth lug high. According to the estimate made to sore lungs and will often cure a by the consulting engineer, the deposits of magnesite at this particular hard cough. point exceed a million tons. The topographical position of the magnesite hills is such that the deposits can ba Spend $60,000 for Baskets. The central markets of Farls use more than $60,000 worth of baskets every year. TO CUBE THE GRIP VVIN It U the Can it be that anyone else can serve you as well? Can it be that anyone else is disposed to serve you as CATARRH and all eurablo diuama I ths ays, ssr, MU, thresi. lung. smash. livsr, bswala. hidnrya. bladdar wnd all chroai. wervaws sad private d iuiui f both him. and af childron. laauiipK AF. ntZTE Difficulty. I Iv TEA TREAT and CURE or N 8nakea Barred From Hawaii. Snakes are not wanted in Hawaii. A circular issued during the past summer by the secretary agriculture sayi: "Until further notice, no permits ahall be Issued for the delivery of snakes of any kind at any port iff the' Hawaiian Islands, and that shipments of snakes presented for entry will be Immediately destroyed or returned to the port from which exported nt the expense of the owner or agenL" All grocers ft. A. 9. AUAN-L- RIGHT. t of their dally labors when in only certain mouth ly regulator. Cures female weakneeeee, Backache, Kidney sal troubles. At ail Druegists or by Urinary mail fiO cts. Sample mailed FKEK. Addrsss. The Mother Gray Go., Lcltoy, N. Y. oz. for 25c. 25 la, oMledAUSTlt THINGS knew Slirplc Way Out of Jbt Hotel Here Is Relief for Women. JDont delay another more efficient than any Bak-- i ing Powder that costs three times as much. Proof That Wilful Woman Will Have Her Way. An old lady In New Hampshire derided to try matrimony for the second time In extreme old age. Her children and grandchildren and expostulated with her. nut she remained firm and declared abe was going to marry the mas. "Why, you're too old," said they; You you're losing your faculties. can't see; if this man was on the other side of the street you couldn't tell him from any one elae." The old lady said she was going to marry him. At last a daughter said: "Now, we'll put ihe man on top of the barn and you shall stand in the kitchen door. If you can see him on the barn 7ou ahall marry him. The prospective bridegroom aat on the ridgepole of the barn, the old lady came to the door, looked, shaded her eyes and looked again. Do yon see him? called the family. "Oh, yea," was the reply, "I can see the man all right but I don't see the barn. Another Girt Llfll Mother Gray, a nurse in New York, lie covered a plea aunt herb remedy for women's Circle ? Wonderful! Its SAW WHAT 6HE WISHED TO SEE. TO MAKE T0W to KLOPIWLK MAKES A HO SELIM PONF A! PA Ml t'J.Bf! SHOES THAU AMY OTHER MAHmAOTUUM. ttWARD Is Sfiyaatwha cas 1n 1 U JuU duprar Uw atataawirt. W. L. IVkixIh M.M aher have by their 0 nn style, rwy flitlnc, and aorcrhr wearing the loremt sale of any SJt.lQ snot In tha warid. Tkry or just as rand thnte that emt yoo 1.00 ia S7M ths only diiwrtncs I Ihe price. If I cnuld tsks yaa tat my factory at Brockton, Mass., the larprat hi ths world onder on mil maklrg men's (ins shnes, and ahaor vno tha cor w ilh which ovrry pair of Ifouxla .inn i. made, you would mil why W. L. Doo la. U.N abacs are the best shnes produce I In the world. II I could .how yoa tha dilfemnee betwern Iho turn mo'la In mv factory and thoao of other m.krs, you would understand why Itaaxta b.I.M ahnra cost mora to mokr, why they hold tlwir shops, fit bsltrr, wrar tanycr, ond or of rratcr Intrinaic valoa tlion ouy other M.M aha an the market Mf. Lflsapfa ffrsog JVarfa Shomo Foe y. SP.tttf. Paym School 4 Man. Drooo Shoom.t2.50. $2, tUT5.SI.50 liorli'C W.LPmr CAUTION. In.i.l Nrnio SV-fi'- J. FLUF F'RUCS HWH GRAUF. - AVI) IIEVLKIHLB Mud from toii- oH and Hmxw U. Kreluhi paid on way FLUFF-RU- I)frlr.s lurtslL. fcio. G Tinp)fli uJdeUSSSnt TbowlW. WORKS City rvh Hril ffcoM SW talt PMENTShPROFIT MUST FULLY PROTECT AN INVENTION. LAWRLME. Palsnl Lawyers, MASON, FENWICK Established 1861. Washington, D. C., d AimlrorMry fm Hi.klrt. rad fur Mnvmnn-- . ICpfnr-enni'. if Inc nf .Hll-kr- a llr.d.lrrai nd ilnni.sinl- -Writ o. kuoiinuuic.il'io. CiuSiiantlsi. t i'r Island Soavenir Post Cards. iiur- KH hraatl'nl-iu- d N. Y. Postal Curd Co., vonor lolond, Coney sIiiimi. Inks no aiitlltiil. yrmiin arilhciit bis nam. ami irii-- rianiiml no but turn. la. W.IWTrik. A I a mil la. Slu its ara not wild. Kail lino of uniii- - mini frra fur liui-thiupon request. Fart Color CyrMi Kurd; lh( mill Hot ooor tmarg Fall Hfvlca. VTrlla for llln.lr.t-- d fafalog W. L. W. L IMIl'ULAd, llrocktoa. Moos. I Thompson's Eye Water When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. W. N. U.. Salt 44. 1905. Lake-N-o. OR EF (LSI FILL ll'f.ll nttlt iiou.1. Uso iLuimu rjrriip. in llin. yiMliy ilrnrci.la. !." 11 NStlMPTIOHW |