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Show CHINA 8ENDS PARALYSISJURED CARE OF THE BODY Cm Seemed Hopeless bul Yielded to Dr. Williams' Pinh Piifa. from Mr. Kenney ha aetnally a the paralytic's fate to which hr liiniiirii Tim hurt tiiiia iin aarprixlhg retri lm. Ihii fully vrritied and aoiua iinKirtnnI l in a personal iutei view with Ilia recent sufferer. The durtor," sanl Mr. Kenney, pt that if I wsute-- i to llvwaiiy of lima I wruM havr tugivr up wuik alI hat together, and he fold my frn-mwould iu tha paraiyiii which had time tuvolve my whole boily.1 Jnat how were you nfllicted at thia time?" Mr. Kenney wan aiked. Well, I had til at her, and then cold and clammy feelingn, and at tiinea my body fell a if liewilea were Ireing atuik iuhl it. Three MtlOMIIoim were followed by terrible imina, and again I would have bo feeling at all, hut a uiimtiur. wimld aoiua over me, aud I would uni lie aide to nova. Tliemont KKoiiimiiK mriiirraeaiua from headAcliea and a win III tha epma. Night after night 1 could nut (et my natural sleep slid my eyelriu ws wrecked by tha atram of lortnriug paiuaaud tha affeel of tha opiate I waa forced to taka to induce tlitp. A 1 hak buck ou ilia tembla snffariiig 1 end lire I during thia period I often wonder bow 1 retained my raaaon through it all. Hut relief came qniclcly when I waa indai'ed to trr Dr. Williama Pink Pill fur lble I'MipIu. The vary Brat tins aawed to help me, and seven luxe mada lua entirely wall. Theracnu lie no doubt about tha tliorouphiieNu of my cure, for I have wot bed aleudily ever aiuca aud that la nearly four ycnra." Mr. Kenney ia at preaetit employed by tha Merrinuui Mat (.'luinpeiiy and reeidea at 101 Anhiu alreet, Ameehury, Maaa. Tha remedy which ha unl with aucb satisfactory results, ia aulil by all drug mala, nr direct liy tha Dr. Williaini Maduiiua Uuiupuiiy, bchcimctady, N Y. iioM-li-J- HEALTHY CHILDREN. Without good health life Is ant worth living. Sickly, peevish children are a source of endless trouble and anslaly to Iholr parents, yet tha children's condition la frequently due to their parent a' Ignorance or thoughtlessness, or both. To make children healthy and to keep them In that condition it la necessary to feed them proper food and to see that they get plenty of exere else and fresh nlr. Meat Is very bad for children. It should be avoided and foud rich In phosphates, such as Plllsbury's Vitos, should be given In Ita place. This food is truly the meat of tha wheat." It la made by the world's greatest millers and It la free from artificial coloring or adulteration. It Is not especially a child's food. Your whole family will enjoy this common sense cereal. It makes n wholesome, substantial breakfast or an appetising dessert and can be prepared In one hundred different ways. Every good grocer will supply you with Plllabury'a Vitos. large package enough to make twelve pounds of strength-buildinfood, 20c. Ask your grocer about It to day. Speed of the Gulf Stream. Three miles an hour la about the average speed or the gulf stream, which flows from the Gulf of Mexico. At certain places, however. It runs ns miles an hour. fast as e TEA is fine; that is, fine tea is fine. Tea thoughts are fine; that is, fine 'tea Tea thoughts are fine. Naturs Generous to Filipinos. With the exception of fund, the flbrous plants of Held and forest furnish nil the necessities of llfo for the Filipino. TEA How different tea and coffee feel! even good tea and codec. Ri'liillliitf'flllNiTsi ITrr IHi HoslsXsIidUthalTn. s ft book- - Origin of Knight Errant." Errant Is au abbreviation of ttlnere ant or traveling knlcht. It was first applied to Don Quixote. Ilow's Tills? Wt W On llun.ln-- lo:!are ltrwtrd for an, f I'aianS Uui cauuut lit canal by Hall DsuitIi Cum. F. J. rmtSKY CO.. Tlial., o St. (Sc rabw.lirwil. b kui'WB K J. I'lirur, fwilwlaal Hirer., aid Iwiii-- . him parfwllf bon and iaaufl.llj wi In ail hu.int-- iranrecit-.liblaw carry uui any uMISAlliwa aia.lt ly hi anil. Saiimmi KuuaCSiiria, HbnMr liruaaMa, ToMdo. O Han't Catarrh Cow la ukra lutnrnally, artlu, III! ..inacreof iih Slwrliy t free. Irlta tl aanu pet afHroa. Ihl'b. hold b, an Urnititl-d an . mw-ilo- . Taka Haifa Kaiuli, . rid. (or enOJdlpaUoe More Girls In School. In nil races and In all parts of tha country there has been n derided Increase since 1S90 In the percentage of girls among persons attending school. TEA So much goodness dwells in a little dry leaft Finest Tomb Britain. The finest tiurb ip Print Rrl'sln Is iul e of llam-fltogndoubtedlr that o' : In ibe r of (ho duke's In jest It cost m. and Retain the Priceless Posses- sion of Good Health 0.000, t Nature s Preparation for Winter, r w- -u fa.l, w In u I t ii d" un. id is tin appiom i.iui;, ! uni T it' r r.aii(i gin to il.iil.iu. J maid In the wiui r l.r.ni- -- i.f W Iu h i.-- - !:- i j j - f ilicir h tlilu. fer : li.-i- ilium. r f.ir l.c.i Ki nii. Tlii.. ll-.- biry n.veiiiig l a m (bat ' ry id !.' I i -'u. ;i,;1 f ir ,i . .: i1 ji .:i l.u1 !; winter. ' l'!.sc-li- t A ClirraHMilirl iliK c!iui.e In-ir.-.-a- , a.ii'Mill tins As Ho plkiils, liiialit s an-- l rlirul.s. . I In r cold appriait.i-sin thnr rap, and (heir l.ark, diaw and ibe tins cluniidiyl of (heir leaved fall off. Sonus lltll t.uu- - ib' the leaves fall, we i tin giei-- cd-o. Till rloruidiyl and the dlsapiK-arbeen stored up for use In the sap bad spring, aud thus preps rai inn Is made for winter. Corresponding changes take place la human beluga if ihisy subject themselves to natural coudltions. A shrub that is left standing out of doors Vet ready for wiuter. If It should be taken up in September and kept in a greenhouse at a leinpcraiurts of 7u degrees, It would not make preparation for the cold weather. , l'ut. an animal In a warm building and keep him there, and tils fur will not thicken for wlu-tosi-- r. Rome Interesting ohaelvatlona have been made concerning sheep. In the tropics they grow only thin hair, hut when taken lo Siberia they began to grow flue wool, which thickened with each generation until they had a thick woolly covering that was ample protection against the acvcrltUm of the climate to which they were exposed. a sheep out of doors unit It gets lirlng it imliasrs ready for winter, where It Is not subjected to nutural conditions, and it Is not affected by melerologlral changes. This same thing is true of human oplo, when rold Many beings. Weather rumen, hide away In their f houses, thoroughly barricaded against fresh sir. Under such circumstances, the power to make heat diminishes, and they are afraid to come In contact with cold air, because they have coddled themselves too much as the cold weather has come on. When a person Is In that condition, bis vitality Is lowered, his resistance weakened, and he Is an easy prey to disease. There is no tonic so good as contact with cold air. The body rallies its forces to repel the cold, and while s the forces of the body barricade against eold, they are also barricading themselves against germs. All the vital functions are affected by the resistance of the body forces to the contact of cold. The stomach makes more and bolter gastric Juice; the process goes on with greater rapidity, and more and richer blood la produced. One who can resist cold ran realst pneumonia, consumption, diphtheria, Iu fact, he la prepared to fight every disease. This power of resistance can he cultivated by dally exposure to cold air. Go out of doors each day and get into the fresh air more and more. At night let the fresh cold air come In. The one who sleeps in a tight room will strive In vain to accustom himself to cold, for he will undo during the night all the good be has accomplished dure wind-proo- them-selve- blood-makin- ing the day. Woman's Kingdom Sacrificed. We have somewhere seen It asserted (hat the women who have done the most to move the world for good, were the women with natural-slxewaists. We do not doubt the truth of this. Deep breathing bus much to do with deep thinking; a constricted waist means small vital capacity; a natural waist means largo vital capacity. and consequent ability of healthful, vigorous life and action. Raid Mtsa Frances Willard, In one of her addresses; Be It remembered that until woman comes to her kingdom physically, she will never really route at all. I'reated to be well and strong and keau'irul, she long ago sacrlllred her const itu tlon, nnd has ever since been living on her She ha made of herself an hourglass, whoso sands of life passed quickly by. She ha walked when she should have run, sat when sho should have walked, reclined when she should have saL She has allowed herself o become a nuro lay figure upon which could he fastened any lump or hoop or that fashion monger farthingale show; aud ofttimes her head ia a mere rotary hall, Upon which milliners porch whatever they please he It bird of parmllse or beast or rrceping thing She has bedraggled her senseless long skirts In whatever of filth the street presented, submitting to a motion the most awkward and degrading known to the entire animal kingdom; for nuiiirc has endowed all others that carry trains and taila with the power of lifting them without turning In their tracks, but a fashionable woman pays lowliest obeisance to what follow lu her own wake; and, ns she does so, ruts the most grotesque figure outside a Jumping Jack. She Is a rreature horn to the freedom nnd beauty of Pinna, but she Is swathed by her skirts, splintered by her stays, bandaged by ber tight waist, and pinioned by her sleeves, until, alas, that I should II c to say It: a trussed turkey or a si l;tco gitusc her most appropriate eaildemr 'xmil-.iuutlo- TWISTER. GOCD Absorbing Russia of Ping-Ponand the Saucers. China, as everybody knows, was the birthplace vr one of the birthplace, for It had many parents of the . Many of our best brain twii.;ir were known to Chinamen thou.-aud- n of years ago. The following is a little poser that we picked up In our wanderings in fliluu. It was a favorite recreation of a certain 1'ong-Iing- . The puzzle iliiit he is shown in the illustration to be engaged in solving is simply tbls; lie ha placed sis saucers or basins of graduated sixes in j.uz-ale- r Handled Dynamite Too Carelessly. At the'Allaa mine, Southern California. Mrs. A. W. McNae, who had Juat arrived from Bakersfield In hat buggy, proceeded to band out to hat buaband what aha bad bought In Iowa Among other things was a SSpound box of dynamite. In tha tranafer II The axplnalon killed Mr droppad. and Mrs. McNae, a son and three bystanders fifty-on- How (o Acquire BRAIN Physical Reinforcements. ; Our of ILt most sensible tbl&l )ii i jn an do. whether he Is siTF ;!. is to reinforce his strengvi fust as pOKniiile, by availing bill it -- I 'bn that be c: oiiv by tin; enthusiastic and 1: i tiiidci.iuieiii of the various ! ini. jy .cal agi iirit-- that are with! II :ifh. Tl.c 'in. ft iriipiiriant trio of ntis dietetics, bydruthi g rt and proficr exercise. Other vsl are pure air. light In vs forms, iriciiy and cheerfulm Most people could very materia: their physical defense L ruling the reaction from a dail l liialii.ii of cold in stiiue form, fill observations have that such a treatment Increases a immediately the number of blood cells Iu the general clrcul.llA thereby Increasing the ability oi Imdy lo rapture germs aa well 4 a n palr diseased structures. A general who could so easily to the fighting strength of bis ata would certainly be regarded as a I atlc If he did not avail blinself o opjmniinlty. Yet there are thouskdi of semi invalid who do not coiei thenivelve In the least aa to how may improve their weakened and ing life forces. There are multitudes of these only need to adopt a wholesome rational dietary to be speedily emgid-palefrom tbelr present state Others would In au sparingly short tlmo bn able to shakt off the moss of disease if they woulj sufficiently aroused to rM their sedentary life, aud begin tu . In aetlve, stirring physical Of course, at first there wtuld be some rebellion on the part of tto uuused Joints, and muscles. The same sunlight that can plana hulo of glory on all nature, can pat color into the pale chneka that hit been so carefully shut away from Hi health aud beams. sii a pile on one of his four mats, and he wants to transfer the pile to one of the other mats by moving one saucer at a time from mat to mat without ever placing a saucer on one that Is smaller than Itself. This can be done In seventeen moves If you go about It in the right way. Can you perform the feat? If you can. then try to find the fewest possible moves for removing a pile of ten saucers, and also a die of thi,1y-slx- . A practical way of trying this puzzle is to use a pile of counters numbered 1. 2, 3, 4, etc., dor n wards, and never plare a counter on another that has a smaller number. When you bare found the easy solution for six you will not be satisfied until you have mastered the case of ten. The case of Is given for the benefit of ihirty-sl- s those readers wbo like a hard nut to crack. Solution. With six saucers, first make a pile of tbe three smallest (five moves), a pile of the next two (three moves), remove the bottom Baucer (one move), replace the two (three moves) and replace the pile of three (five moves) film will not let him In tbs hsuas altogether seventeen moves. With ten 1,ntU lie wIim--s his feet. Then she sails out in liar saucers you niurt first make a pile at gown, sis (seventeen moves), a pile of three And wipes up all the street. (seven moves) and proceed as before. This will take forty-nin- e moves. Thirty-Things Out of Sight saucers may be removed in At this season of the year, whs six cellars are being filled with tha pit 1,793 moves, by making piles of twenty-ei(769 moves) and seven (127 visions for winter, the utmost pate ght should be taken to provide against dr moves) London Introduction of unnecessary dlit ud Old Mill Now a Church. Tubers Jftk decaying substances. Interesting to note a stored In the food cellar ikoiw been made Into a which has bulldinir be either brushed wqpkjfUuL Ait ot lime purely secular unnecessary dirt may be IntAshled c tWfch Into the room. Everything ahtsld be structure, and a church which, havso placed and arranged aa ti faclll ing outlived lta day In a generation, tate frequent cleanings, and to prw Is sold for a purely commercial purvent the accumulation of dtst and pose. It is not often that a church or chapel bears the mark of Us predirt In nooka and corners. Each autumn and spring, the en vious purpose as the church of SL tire contents of the cellar steuld be literally turned out of doon, and every portion of the room through ly disinfected with soap anc water fresh whitewash or in sons othei At any fme an practicable way. odor of miistlneas In the cellar should be considered a signal of daiger, tc be attended to at once. If a careful cleaning and airing does not remove It. more vigorous measures should be employed. Examine the tlralage and the rnntciiia of the cellar, and remove the cause, if possible. If the rause Is not disrernlhle, the whob room should be disinfected, or, as say be rrot't-In some cases, reconstructed The basement or shed whttw fuel Is kept should in no wise he wglect ed; a floor of some sort Is ewntlal to protect from dampness. Decompoft Ing matter of any sort Is to beatold ed If one desires a healthy hoar. d e eitr-rise- g Isng-trwl- Tit-Bit- s. d Medical Progress. The materia medica of twesty-fiv- c years ago Is obsolete. No good doc tor now treats sy iiiptom- - he nelthei glres you something lo settle yout stomach nor to cure your headache These things are timely tlnga-llngnature's warning bell -l- ook out! And the doctor tells you so. and rhargea in impress you you a fee with the fact that he no fool, but that you are. The rhilUtine. s Kiiffli-ii-n- r 1 Exi orictiec will learn scarce In 'hat.-- fools a in d-- ar 111 school, other, but and s L.st Way to Develop Sound Taste In Literature. (utzl.i to he a collection ot within tbe reach of every cltli 1 truiii the jeais. ThcKH li.fl-ouL-.'ito t.e with the ii'u.ntit iuii, Mil rhoiild exclude all irfi-- i al and careless witling. The l:r ought to exclude t laii;- - i; u!ub'-- r nf the hooks written i.iliy for children, hi muse many of ili. -- e biads lack reality and literal duality. a child who Is brought up with well-brepeople will han- - good manner fur more certainly than a child who is taught good manners In any formal wuy; and much the best way to devi-hia sound taste for literature in children is to make them tamlllar with the beat writing from the very first, ai:d to shut them off from acres tc inferior writing. The best literature offers every kind of writing which should interest a child. Weekly Scotsman. Tl i ri- - . We ask you to uae Three Crown products becauae they are the best of the good onec. We aik you to insist that your grocer supplies you with Three Crown good, because every time you buy a can of Three Crown Baking Powder or Spies, a bottle of Three Crown Extracts, or a package of Three Crown Tea or Coffee, you are helping to build up an industry that haa been helping to build up Utah for 18 years. We furnish employment to a large number of people we want to furnish it to a larger number. These people build home in our state, they help the grocer, the butcher, the coal man, the ice man, the clothier and dry merchant, and other line by good giving them that support necessary to their success. When others protper YOU must share In their prosperity, and therefore it is to our mutual profit and advantage that you inairt on being Dead Reckoning. supplied with Three Crown Products. Dead reckoning Is a term used In We thank you for your past sup navigation to express the estimation port and encouragement, and in antithat is made of a ship's place without cipation of your further patronage. Respectfully, having recourse to observation of tbe HEWLETT BROS. CO celestial bodies. It is made by observ8alt Lake City, Utah. ing the way she makes by tbe log. and the course on which she has been steered, making allowance for drift, TO leeway, etc. . . Abssl injrihinj yau will need ia Jrwclry Watches or Silverware far Chrioimcc- - Ws pay ECZEMA FOR TWO YEARS. , chirfu articles ml ws lor reptirs s ii-- WRITE cvrr-prrven- t. p.--- d US NOW sipmi Little Girl's Awful Suffering With Ter rible Skin Humor Sleepless Nights for Mother Speedy Cure by Cuticura. "My li.le girl had been Buffering for two years from eczema, and during that time I could not get a night's sleep, as her ailment wgs very severe. I had tried so many remedies, deriving no benefiL I had given up all hope. But as a last resort 1 was persuaded to try Cuticura, and one box of tbe Ointment and two bottles of the Resolvent, together with the Soap, effected a permanent cure. Mrs. I. B. Joo3S, Addington. Ind. T." PcseoNSBLK TOatS ited number of bronze coins of the nominal value of kopeck, In English value of a penny. As these coins are practically not In circulation only a few are Issued. The remainder are sold by the mint authorities, at about double their Talue, for use at 4 pnicaa IN WALT LSKB AND DSN VSN Must Vote in Switzerland. In Switzerland every male between the ages of 20 and 65 Is obliged to vote, unlPKR he be a pauper, criminal or a bankrupt. These have nut tbe right of voting. TEA Russian Coins Cornered. The Russian government corners Its own coins. Every year it mints a lim- Coffee is fine too: but fine has a different meaning in coffee. Wrlla for oar Knowlcdr OMIMf.luKfurlafA Book, A. iefellltaf A Women Doing Good Work. The Women's Army and Navy I am sure Pieo'e Cure for Connumptiou saved league, Washington, sends books and my life throe years mex USA. Tkos. Hobbisi, papers to soldiers and sailors abroad. Norwich. N. Y.. Feb. 17. 1N0L card-counter- s. Maple Street, At the Charity Bazaar. Lieutenant I shall not pay you for the two kisses, hut I give you permta-fcioto use my name as reference n Meggendorfer Blaeter. The National Mining Congreaa Will be held at El Paso, Texas, November 14 to 18. 1905. Interesting program and entertainment for visitors. One fare plus 32.00 round trip from northwestern territory, with sheap side trips tot Old Mexico, and other points, via Santa Fe railway, the quick line. For dates of sale of above tickets and for train service, ee or write, C. F. WARREN, Gen'l - TEA It wouldnt cost much to " burn all the money' our grocers pay-bac- k. Your grow rrf nnu ScfcllllnfB Bnfl. joorMoaejIf jroa float Uko Fuel In Irish Bogs. Experts calculate that Irish bogs ars capable of turning out 50,000,000 tons of fuel a year for a thousand years, and If this were sold It would bring in 960,000,000 a year. Agent. A. T. ft S. F. Ry., 411 Dooly Blk, Salt Lake City, Utah. 8uch la the State of Man. "Which I have noticed, said the man who waa chewing fine cut and telling how to run peace conventions, and dig canals and do other odd Jobs of world work, which I have noticed, speaking about nothing In particular, that before a man ia married he wore rles because he knows he isn't as mart as the girl thinks he Is. and after he ts married he worries because he knows she knows he Isnt as mart as he might be. Omaha, Nebr., Oct. 28. It Is reported from Casper, Wyo., that sales of town lots for tbe new town of Shoshone, located at the edge of the Wind River Reservation on the new n line of The Chicago ft Railway across the state from Casper, have been unprecedented. Bidding for town lots runs high and a large number have been disposed of within a short time. Buyers evidently figure on tho growth of the city bore when the Indian Reservation Is thrown open to settlement next June. Mill KILLS PAIN. Dr. EARL S. SLOAN, Pawnbroking in London. More than la.OOd.ona visits are paid every year to Inilon pawnbrokers. The exact figure are on an average 50.30D times a day. Throughout tbe whole country the number of pledges I said to amount to 190,000,000 per annum. IM1VT FOKOET ft'-Crows llall AlsrenOnt. ioenux Tbe Hus Company. South c III.K-- . only luiL Have Good Memories. The Hindu priests tn India have re- markable memories and it is said to be easy to find one who ran repeat the 300,000 lines of the Mahabharata without a mistake. ir.b.-ri'.ir.r- braln-rggee- BVILD UP UTAH. North-Wester- Church. Cross of Reigate Heath, England, which was formerly known aa Mill Chapel because It had been at one time a mill as the huge arms upon it still show us. It is served by the The clergy of the parish church. charel stands In a very striking potd tlon and can be seen with Us great gaunt arms from a long distance. Exterior of Heath Boots as Cribs." One of the universities has instituted a special inquiry into the reThe Call of the Wilderness." The "Return to Nature" cry, which markable success which attended Its It is becoming so prea:.iif nnd tnilstent students In a recent examination. leaked out that the students wrote In these days of physical Is. HMoriling to Richard A. Raite, an dates and namoa on thrir brilliantly hlaek-leaeffort of n Vitro to preserve the race. polished hoots with ordinary means of and bolding by pencils, Vo are," he says, ''becii'nlnj over the feet In s peculiar position the civilized The rod j, t)!inPing n writing was legible to the randidate, our veins, ai d the of our invisible to any one who though hone Is drying mv Th world In too locked at It from smother nngle. much with Wo are wa,;ll.g our power nnd W.vg dehf nf our origin. Trout Pulled Boy Into Stream. Rut there are Mmes when we are New Edcar Hacar, a reminded of our the free- Hampshire boy, was pulled Into the dom of unlimited : see. and our kin Arukee river. In that stnte. and nenrly ship with the life nr the d jn (i,e drowned by a big rainbow trout, which midst of our vrus to get o wpen he had hooked. R.v clinging to a tree surfeited with book nr fallen Info the river nnd nt with too much tliinklrg. when the fin- whirh had same time fighting gamely for his the have grown numb with the han gers the boy finally tired the fish out dllng or ledgers, and the evol dim prize, 10 pounds. Hagtr weighs weighed It with gazing at 'he dollar 60. sign: In the ng.mv of that attends this r'erna! strife r get Free to All. ting nnd spending. ;hrre en- - es ta A young Maine couple went for everv one. I.ke tie echo ory, ride in the country on a recent 4hin the distort r.V! of the wlld-r-of,,. n . Th day. They saw n woman gathering call Is Inslstet impu'r,, , heed npp'.es In an orchard rear the road Insllrrtlre. I' j 3- - nvr(. s ri and asked If they might have serve tlon and a n if,, Guess so." was thr r.irling reply . yhw of race I'm stealing them. rv?tm. 1 FOR CHILDREN. READING TEA stop diKksrges, bMls uuumautioa oresHi. ViulM k ia powtkr imm lo be (Psaolvcd ia pare water, tad k Ur more clearei-- s, hrai:n, ccimiCKUt Sad Komnial than liquid amiiuptKS tor aU TOILET AND WOMEN'S SPECIAL USES V Wu at dnifgiiM. AO ccnla a bni. Trial Bu and Book it Inatructimw Frew. aosTON, Icabo. VM R. PasroM Company How little it is! How little it adds to the weight of the cup! It has covered the sea with ships for a hundred years. Tallest Man In Mains. a it. Everett E. Parri, connected with the Tmauiba M irere you .a flv re.W ' I1MO A.k iii.irn- aiauva P'IT. Maine United States coast survey. Is fvour oar Trad furntnm- d.a.pr (or II. If the tallest man in the State, standing Mark ioa Ihr (asix feet seven inches In hi slocking Utah Bed 'in? & Manufacturing Co. feet, but weight only 2'5 pounds. SaxT Laae CiTV. UTAH Ma-l- 1 - i - - i |