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Show Lakeside Review North, Wednesday, May 9, 1984 Basket IFnncllnsnai garden centers 1 C llvy Gemmmaiiinni lIinmpatQeims Basket Time h'sit'd favorites. Many varieties and tolots toe boost' from. Shade loving, 10 baskets. 3B Basket Sun loving ivy geraniums in a 10" hanging basket. Beautiful addition to your garden or patio. Assorted colors Large, showy baskets of shade loving impel lens. Beautiful contrasting variegated foliaue. I0bnsket sie. Wx LIFETIME STAINLESS STEEL BANDS Acer Palmatum Atropurpurea Redwood Planters Mack' of California kiln dried redwood. Choose from 3 sizes of patio planter boxes or select the square patio box and dec oi ate your yard now Square Patio Box 16 x 16 Bloodgood" Japanese maple. Colorful spt coding shade tree. Can reach up to 20 feet. Deep red foliage in spring and summer turns starlet and drops in fall 15.88 12.97 15.88 19.97 . Patio Box Planter 24 x 8 Patio Box Planter 36 x 8 Patio Box Planter 48 x 8 mm v i Reg. 19.99 Magnolia Soulangeana Small, upright tree producing showy tulip shaped blooms of rosy pink, with reverse side of petals silvery white. Blooms in veiy early spring before the leaves appear. 5 ft. Whiskey Barrels Solid Dak barrel halves, hxiellent for bushes and small trees 2d1 1" 1.1). x 71 high. Reg. 39.99 Reg. 13.99 Malmo 3-W- quality ,iul teady la it l int sail mis Outstanding sail until it plants I, i 13.77 Ullll IIH' i ol r S i V Miitl for durability High tinpai t liiindles. 65U bM Fpoy t Use A lii'tli irnlaar iitul u I -l I wet. t t M d.97 A cum mis OGDEN COUNTRY HILLS 4335 HARRISON BLVD. , I ( it 0 ON i ilni i'll it K I MUMS hj S IMIAIL.IMIOI Red Clay Pot v j Fertilizer for tantutaes & all Gives gentle extended feeding to your plants Sottsfni Man guaranteed. S lb box. n5 a imiailJmS IT x4 10 10 exi client 01.97 VM1H Allans maximum breathing far . your plants Natural look tnmphtnetits any demt 12 we Limit 2 Reg. 2.49 IHKrnf N (Livhvilm " lc frxpin Limit 4 Reg. 6.99 tills! it li IN ( M,1 ,l, CM I yjLLBOT 2261 OGDEN CITY PLAZA 5 ( r "jMaliho All Purpose 0 ri OGDEN CITY PLAZA 399-441- ( , a . '. Vn 479-140- ' It Limit 2 Beg. 4.99 IN r Garden Hand Tools ay Planting Mix fill rili'i il -- imiaIljmioi IMIAII-I- M LAYTON CENTERVILLE LAYTON HILLS MALL 158 E. PAGES LN. 546-342- SI , c t.-f-ru-n 1 292-843- 1 STORE HOURS: C Mon.-F- ri 9-- 9 Sat 9-- 7 Sun 9:30 to 6 22 VISA 1 i MasterCard VJL) |