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Show n -- 12- y r r?V irifirm WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY OPINION DIXIE SUN eye Take time to iri Recycling cons outweigh benefits recycle, save money trucks. Also, steel am rubber are manufac. tured along with largf amounts of petroleum that have been extract and refined. The goal, recycling is to keep environment clean, recycling is polluting earth from the logistic BY SHELBYMISRASI Sports Editor What happens to that waterbottle? It is such a cliche ' fwhen people say they have ' dreams to vy save the world, but there is one way you can fulfill that dream: recy- j Ocean: soft plastic in seawater doesnt just float or sink intact, but can break down rapidly, releasing toxins Trash: more than 1 billion water bottles are winding up in the trash each year. That translates into nearly 3 million empty water bottles going to the trash every day . n cling. Can you imagine living in a world where nothing is done with the materials used by the human being? If not, remember the DisIt is ney movie Wall-about a little robot that has a job of cleaning the world by organizing trash. The humans are out of space is surrounded and Wall-mountains of garbage. by He works every single day to clean up the mess the humans made, but as you see the world around him it seems nearly impossible. I couldnt say I want that to be the fate of this world, so why not do my best to prevent it? Recycling does many things to help make this world a better place. It prevents pollution, creates jobs, sustains the environment and saves money. According to the article How can recycling help Traditional plastic bottles can take 1 ,000 years to degrade m a landfill E. . ..... ill .if end. Natural fossil fuels precious geological terials take epically periods of time to f0ril It only takes 20 years for a tree to grow mt0 harvesting size. TAPp a professional organs 0 tion specializing in pulp and paper industr age has information about coll the current tree situati mal According to the orga age n k w zations webpage, E prevent pollution? published on July 6, 2011, on eHow.com written by Sil Onsola, the landfills are sending off air pollutants that contain methane, potent greenhouse gases and known carcinogens. When people decide to recycle, those landfills dont get used as much, which results in fewer air pollutants. The article also states that recycling not only helps with air pollution, but it also helps with water pollution. Recycling aluminum cans and paper causes less water pollution than the manufacturing of products from virgin materials. Landfills contain many toxic materials that eventually seep pollutants into underground water, and that becomes the major water source for many people. With the economy these days, there are more people without jobs, and the more people who recycle, the more jobs it creates for the people who need them. According to a study done on Sept. 14, 2010 by Friends of the Earth, CRUSH continued from page 10 out, they might assume you got a good grade in the class for reasons other than studying hard. There are plenty of other catches on campus. Put the word out to friends in your apartment complex that you are looking for a fun date, or next time there is a school activity find a cutie to sit next to. Meeting new people will help get your mind off the situation you are in, and who knows, you just might meet a more suitable soulmate. One thing I want you to also keep in mind is it isnt too late to switch classes if there is another teacher and time that you can find. You could drop 8 Release of Carbon Monoxide CO can cause harmful health fects by reducing oxygen delivery to the body's organs (like the heart and brain) and tissues. At extremely high levels, CO can cause death. ji Soft plastics can be made into garbage sacks, tarps and other flexible products Hard can beplastics melted and molded into: Automotive Parts Railroad ties Furniture Waterbottlcs Household products -- ef- to shouldnt be. -- -- -- -- pro-recycli- Fleece clothing Luggage Carpets d ,400 jobs could be if 70 percent of waste was recycled. Another 1 8,800 jobs would be created if commercial and industrial waste were recycled at the same rate. Recycling also sustains the environment in plenty of ways one being less air pollution by using less energy to create products. Another way is getting rid of all the trash that is on the street and landfills that could eventually end up in the ocean. We never know where our trash ends up, but imagine the little animals looking for food. 1 ere-ate- They just as easily pick out trash as they do any berries, nuts or any other source of food. Sustaining the environment also helps sustain the animal species. Yes, we all know it costs money to be a part of a recycling program, but whats $35 a month com- the class and pick up a new one on the block schedule or perhaps even next semester with a different teacher. That suggestion is a last resort if you think it will continue to affect you throughout the course of the class. Sometimes these crushes are a passing phase. If it makes you feel any better, I remember I loved the Jonas Brothers for a hot minute or two. All jokes aside, if you feel this is a serious problem, I hope my advice will help you pursue either another class or crush. Best of luck, Amanda Do you have a question youd like to answered? Send your letters to Ask AmandaJacobsgmail. com. pared to millions? According to the article Recycling Saves Money, published in the winter 2003 issue of King County Greenworks Newsletter at your.kingcounty.gov, there are a variety of companies that have saved money from recycling. In Seattle, the McKinstry Company, a mechanical contractor, saves $4,800 a year recycling mixed paper and cardboard. The company also makes $40,000 selling scrap metal. Texas Instruments recycles 8 1 percent waste of and saves a minimum of $16 million. Apple Inc. also reports saving $1 million per year by recycling. Youd never think recycling a cardboard box or a piece of paper could help make the world a better place, but even the littlest things can make the biggest difference. us GUNS continued from page 10 Sheena McFarland, that universities should not politicize these kinds of tragic events in order to argue for both deeply expanded gun control nationwide and the need for more concealed weapons permit holders on campuses. There are people who are passionate about self protection who are willing to be responsible for protecting society if needs be. Those with this passion already own firearms and could be the breaking point of any dangerous situation. These are the people who are already on the scene and who are able to take charge long before the police are able idei and vict den Cor imp for prei ord of) S der idei $7(1 B moi Sources. SURGE rN BOTTLED WATER POPULARITY THREATENS ENVIRONMENT and The Container Recycling Institute 5 Am who recycle dirty pap The can do more harm tk oft good - an estimated met cost of more than gin million in contammat eve each year. http:ww ster -- i V mis According to a ston on the website Earth91 1, per The flakes can be melted into liquid and then spun to make filaments that go --into: Wall cover ings -- -- eaij trees are planted even year than are cut dout Recyclers need to won less about saving tret and focus on consen irreplaceable material Recycling takes won and responsibility product consumers make recycling work correctly, but people be lazy, which results in recycled waste BY GREGORY LAYTON Staff Writer Re- - cycling STJis just a Jj bunch of jgarbage "producing more harm than good. have been told since my elementary school years that trash is poisoning our planet, and recycling must be the atoning answer from the sin of waste. I used to believe this until I examined the recycling process. Recycling wastes money, time and resources while benefiting political, journalistic and environmental groups. There is nothing in it for you, and it doesnt help the environment as much I non-replacea- to arrive. Robert Heinlein once argued in his book Beyond This Horizon, An armed society is a polite society; manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life. Guns have been a form of protection for more than 500 years, and Utah has an extensive history of guns and open policies that make it stand out against the more liberal states. There has never been a dangerous situation involving guns equivalent to Virginia Tech. Seung-HCho may have thought twice before taking a gun on campus if he had known other students would be able to shoot back. Using a concealed weapon as a form of security on school campuses will reduce crime and threatening situations. ui as you would think - so why try? Constructing buildings, recycling factories and recycling trucks cost millions of dollars. Recycling programs are instituted by state governments, and you, the tax payer, have to fund the programs, but money is not the only issue. According to Daniel Benjamin on perc.org, more than 400 garbage trucks were added to Los Angeles streets when the California government started a recycling program. Think about the magnitude of resources required to generate such a fleet of trucks and then to operate and maintain them. Massive amounts of mining for materials such as iron, ore and coal are undergone to build those In the federalist papers No. 46, James Madison wrote: Americans have the right and advantage of being armed ... unlike the citizens of other countries (where) the governments cycling.html There are many mo: mal clui negative sides to the recycling process, the real problem is flawed recycling is matter how much al is recirculated thro, the recycling process people will still thro away waste using the' landfill garbage systr1 Recycling is a costlj battle with no victor)' bill ho ma1 sight. Instead, why not si' tt money by reducing harmful waste produ being recycled? Gou' mental bodies will tinue to be persuaded" environmental lobby to enforce regulation' B. promoting earth cc money required to recycle should be Thi directed toward redui reti harmful waste recycl' are failing to elimiDSj Wit Dont waste yourtij o'' money and energy f recycling because thej( current system is fl' J cc heal-Th- are afraid to trust the people with arms. it Using that trust to full potential will keep ba: campus safe by the of the people it was As IS V res 0 m Do V-,- i jJEKs 'V.m-int- o tkinian!' ll st youneeid to selFsomething? Have been looking for a part-tim- e employe Are you trying to find a car or scootef Need to advertise your company? NeL find a new roommate? Do" To place a classified ad, contact Taylf or by email Forbes at a1 435-705-19- dixiesunads 77 dixie.edu |