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Show U TIIE VOICE OF DIXIE STATE COLLEGE OF UTAH i r K 3 t. J M t a i i. j r a t. students: stand out for best jobs the internship coordinator who works in the Career Center with Donaldson, said internships are one of the most important things you can do while in college. If youre up against someone with the exact same degree and the exact same credentials, an internship will set you apart, Christensen said. She said that internships can turn into job opportunities, but they can also turn into letters of recommendation and connections with other companies, just based on your ability to network. Donaldson agreed: Networking is one of your most important tools. Learn how to make lots of friends, Donaldson said. And keep those friends active. Its through those friends and your ability to network that 60 percent of the time, youll get the job you want. Donaldson said salesmanship is the key to getting what you want during the job hunt and after youve been hired. Students should try to lose any disdain they have for sales and salespeople, and learn the skills they know to influence people, he said. Thats all sales is: in some regions, a strong resume is more important than ever. Thats why teachers and advisors are suggesting some steps student can take to set themselves apart from the left. Brittany Hammontree, a junior pre-me- d crowd. major administrative assistant to the senate from rump, Nev., Chaz Whitbeck, a senior biology major and student body vice Bob Donaldson, president from St. George, jMike Sheffield, a junior business major and student body from St. president George traveled to employment outreach Jis Capitol to seek more funds for teachers, and to meet increasing tuition costs. coordinator at the Career Center has been consulting businesses for almost 25 years. He finds internships and job opportuni"ah ties for students. Employers do look with the representatives You guys are a powerful BY TAYLOR GRIN Leavitt, then former stuat and they like to GPAs, of their districts to make News Editor dent body Vice President force. focus with on students demands. and now Student ReSenator Steve Urqhart 3.0 a GPA or higher, We want increased ong with nearly was less amiable to the gent and a senior comDonaldson said. They students from every munication major from idea of additional fundfunding to ensure the also look for resumes j school except for Bunkerville, Nev. We competitiveness of Utah ing. While he approved of in which the student hem Utah Univer-Dixi- e a percent wage increase couldnt get to many of schools, said Student has some distinguishState College our representatives, and I for professors to work Body President Mike ing thing that theyve lent Association feel like a lot of time was toward catching up on Sheffield, a junior busiaccomplished while in ibers traveled to Salt ness major from St. wasted. This year we had inflation, he said rather school. a more effective message than getting more money City to persuade George. We also want Donaldson said emand spoke with the right representatives to in-- e to retain world-clas- s colleges should change ployers look for a balresearchers and profesthe way they teach. funding for higher people. ance between a students ation. sors at our schools and Nothing in American Rep. Ronda Menlove, academic and social told DSCSA members to maximize workforce orkmg with Education society comes close to activities. He recoma political action the rate of inflation in that she was policies and educational mended getting involved rsiittee dedicated to tuition, Urqhart said. goals that increase student with legislation to fund with student governSchools need to stop chances at high paying sorting higher educa-- . higher education, but she ment, social clubs, the Utah Student advised student governjacking up tuition. They jobs. technical projects and need to stop charging so ment that their time xiation organized A delegation of eight charity work. He said much for books. It needs g would be better spent on left DSC on a ;e gathering of the this balance shows a cerent to be a broader conversamobilizing student votes. trip. A similar trip was government tain level of intelligence, tion than getting money. ers from involved held last year, but student Im a Republican, so but it also shows that you 'ols. These student They need to be talking you wont hear me supgovernment members felt have the about innovation, flexibilMenlove Obama, ;mment officers met more assured about this porting to do what you set out said. But he mobilized ity and money. press conference, meetings. years to do. t. the student vote. You received training on Last year I felt was Lindsey Christensen, need to do the same. ineffective, said Thomas 2 ying, before meeting see USA im CSA seeks fuindiin Legislature under national average for higher education 1 e on-boa- rd i, day-lon- influencing people. How does one influence a teacher to prompt self-discipli- see JOBS page 2 page i n t i l ' i n r i - Students attend for better jobs f t ! i vr " " js ' ' ' jf a- $ n t J f co jt I s Dixie State College students go to college for multiple reasons, but one purpose trumps them all: money. Why are you en- - somewhat applies answer and 1 representing a doesnt apply answer. Do you go to college to get a better paying a see COLLEGE page 2 Why do you go to college? 4 i job? Students responded with a 4.45 average response. This shows students main intent of college is to enable them to achieve higher paying jobs. This may es are based on a scale with 5 representing a strongly applies answer, 3 representing rolled at DSC, and is your motivation to attend school the same as your fellow students? A Dixie Sun survey of 68 students on and off campus was performed to find out why they go to college. The respons BY GREG LAYTON Staff Writer c over your sweetheart th these Valentines gifts j classy cups to a dress for a hot date this sets the trends to help you get your spe-- 1 someone the perfect give for Page 8. V-da- y. athlete Jcides to play softball ormer two-spo- rt 4.45 4.09 3.79 3.39 3.08 Brown played both basketball and ball at DSC for two years, but this year she 'ded one sport is enough. Page 3. nna How do you pay for it? us: e State College Ungs s UT 84770 8 (435) Jeorge, I ')) ( 7oo E ne: 652-781- sundixie.edu asked 5 questions with a number scale response from to 5 with 5 being it strongly applies to them, and that it doesn't apply. They were then asked how they pay for school. 1 Bldg. i c' 4 u , Ur 1 A ILIUE COUTGtJTf j h J nun 68 students were 1 4 Uui PODCAST J SLIDESHOW THU UMITJ STATCS Ol'AMflRJF V n -- 4 5 ? 4 v I A', s ft .'I n r K i i 7 A H t 0 t "( ij Ms Self dependence L cans 38 VIDEO Government Funds 23 Parents Other 22 Q ONLINE Scholat ships DISCUSSION |