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Show 1 THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME j t ir,v Pueimti. U t Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words. 040 Legal Services 035 by Henri Arnold and Bob Lee "W ,vr V ji Dating 4UU JVp Vj $ i tv 0 vt f t ( I 5 i C Mur S C S C S L C CAul I'ltivn MM MiltM agumaham concerned . private 24 -- Hear YOUR DATE on NO DATING SERVICE FEES? 1437 w 2100 So. lie 247 mm. 45c oddi. mm, M LEISURE Special Notices Plastic bog wrth clothes ana gloss, vie, 3900 So. ond Wasatch Bfvd, Sunooy Jon, 19th. Cali or PLEASE CHECK YOUR AD! LOST Rose Park area. Blonde Cocker Spaniel. Named Duke '. Please contact Marilyn bet. 9 The NEWSPAPER AGENCY makes every effort to ovoid errors in advertisements. Eoch od is carefully checked ond proofreod, but when hundreds of ods are processed o.nv5p.m. Monday-Fndjy- mole, block brown, togs, vtc 9th So. 2nd E. Rewcrd. 335 SO. 900 EAST j to FRIENDSHIP or ROMANCE TELEPHONE PERSONAL ADS 49c minute CALL 24 HOURS FREE Matchmaking Details! WRITE or VISIT DATEMATE 369 East 900 So., SX.C. BL 699058 CALL RULON PRICE ATTORNEY at LAW 715 EAST 3900 SO., SUITE 102 MARRIAGE 268-312- 1 - Practice Concentrates DIVORCE - On FOR THE NEW YEAR 1986 make marrtoge ond dating your resolution. Call CONTINENTAL MARRIAGE BUREAU. 260 East 6th South Lie 7290)01 (niaAMCRUPTCY or BUSINESS OR PERSONAL STOP FORECLOSURES STOP REPOSSESSIONS STOP COLLECTIONS REPAY ON YOUR TIMETABLE FREE: CHAPTER 11 BOOKLET LINE 13 CHAPTER 800-662-91- 8. A.M. TO 4 P.M. DAILY MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 4271 $90 1793 FEE ON FREE FIRST DAVID W. HOLBROOK ATTORNEY KNOWN LOST light groy and yellow Cockafiel, Murroy area, LOST on 1886 Mikkl a 5 yr. old unclipped block min. male poodle. Lost 4 mi. south of Moab. Ut. on Hwv 191 wearing no collar and has bod eyesight. Coll collect or (801) LOST PUPPIES: 5 mo. brownwhfte spring spaniel femoie. 3 mo. block lab female. 3 mo. block tan female. (Vic. 40th So. 2lst West) REWARD!!! LOST WVC yr old mole Dobermon pinscher black ton Reward 966- - 23 7 LOST: Young, block, male Lab. White on chest. Lost In Bountiful. Childs pet. PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATES DIVORCE 24 HOURS EXPERIENCE 5th EAST, SUITE SO. YEARS $W 7 5th East. LOST Maple rocking chair, natural wood finish. Lost December 27th. No questions. REWARD. blue leather trench coat, men's med. Large Rew. lOST-nov- Special Notices Exciting new product from Europe that actually grows holr!!! or GUARANTEED INTERVIEWS Professional Resumes from the notions largest resume writing service, $9 and up. See our od under Service Guide & Directory. ideas & Socioi Situations Exchange ADOPTION, CLARK A MOOEL or just took Ike one. Purchase of a portfolio not necessary. Call Prlcillo 4455 WARD, ATTORNEY S. 700 E. Evening Wilmington Ave. BL 7920242 $150 R. 205, SIC CRIMINAL Bod checks, embezzlement, drug credit card offenses, forgery, theft, sex offenses, burglary, 13 DEBT ADJUSTMENT PLANS shoplifting, drunk driving. Felonies and Misdemeanors Triols Statewide City, State, Federal All - TO DECIDE APPROXIMATELY - SHOPLIFTING No Charge for Initial Consultation Evening appts. available DAVID MADDOX: 263-64 East 6400 South PERSONAL INJURY AND EXPERIENCE QUALITY LEGAL SERVICES Accident ond iniury coses, simple ond complex divorces, custody problems, adoptions, employment over problems, discrimination, time ond minimum wage. P. GARY FERRERO Auto Safes 60 $9 254 W AUTO. ACCIDENTS f BL um Ancient Mqrmer, Trolley Square WANTED. People seriously interested m losing 10 to 79 Ds o month. O 6 CALL for CAR INSURANCE OUOTE Reese insurance Agency CAROS, PALM; PSYCHIC JUDY: 9? PSYCHIC COUNSELING, 20 REFERRAL yrs. eves members. WOOD CARVINGS, ART AND MUSIC MONEY; LOANS; TOOAY. VISA CARDS. NO JOB NEC 58 M 200 COUPONS, HOROSCOPES: tarot reodings, yrs, prof, ostrotooer, CONVENIENCE have found it impossible place, renew, cancel, or extend your Classified Advertising during regular working hours (8 am to 5 p.m,), then you will be happy to know that we want to serve your needs and are O.PEN TONIGHT from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., phone service only. If you to Please Dial And thanks for your call REMEMBER: Daily Newspaper Classified want ads do more things for more people at lower cost than other forms of adver tising. A Reminder. Daily 8 am to 4 pm, call free from anywhere m Utah Joan Employment Services. East 400 South 661 ACCOUNT ADMINISTRATORS Challenging positions with new recall store franchise. Need Oood telephone skills ond enthusiasm. Computer experience helpful. 310 East 4500 So. Coil Angle at ACCOUNTS Payable experience necessary. Salary 1, 000 month. Acquire Gentner Engineering Co, West 3560 South. ADMINISTRATIVE PARAl EGAL tostest growing field In the professional world American Paroiegal Assoc, sponsoring S.L.C. seminar Feb. 11th L Imlted Ccpocfty! $75. I We Now Honor MasterCard and Visa. (Circle one) So At Low HARRY Litigation, Criminal Defense, Collections, Per sonol injury, Family Low Divorce, fcve oppts, ovall. Free Initial consultation. at: 540 Curd J ADVERTISING MANAGER Looking for key per son to heod thing dept of national catalog Must have exper. In oeprafion. catoioo ond newspaper tovout. Solar v based upon exper. ExcelIn exciting new lent opportunity compony. Coll Pom at I I One letter stands for another. In this sample A is used for the three Ls, X for the two Os, etc. Single letters, apostrophes, the length and formation of the words are all hints. Each day the code letters are different. CRYPTOQUOTE W w Q IT IS WELL THAT THERE FAULT FOR HE WOULD NOT NO ONE WITHOUT WILLIAM HAZLITT THE WORLD. FRIEND 100 Nells Volentlner $450 settlement) Holliday BANKRUPTCY? Attorney who will sincerely work for ou. Divorce, iniur les. Reas rates. Fr ee 1st con. sulfation AmyB. Dlshell DIVORCE -- ADOPTION Changes In Divorce Deciees CATHMYN J. JUDD A1TORNFY 100 660 So. 200 Easl Rkhardl. os graphics computer background necessary. Apply with portfolio at operator-ar- t REULL'S PHOTO BLUE 370 South West Tempte, Soft Lake ARTIST, with sewing appt. skills. Coll for ASSEMBLERS Needed to stuff PC, Boards. $4,35 hr. afternoon shift available. 3:30 to midnight. Should have previous experience. week temporary osslonment Never o lee. We pay salary. Coil Loyne Cencor Temporary Services. ASSEMBLY MANAGEMENT I'm needing you to help supervise teenogers making pizzas. Sal only. $75 given to vou at the end ol fhe day. Loll Chrlstl at ASSISTANT MANAGER HIRING IMMEDIATELY TO START Bonuses $?95WEEK ( ) One of the most dynamic lewelry wholesalers hos openings for 8 Individuals to start in our office warehouse troining progrom. We troln in areas of Inventor control, imt distribution, per NO EXPER., NO PRu Jomes 4547 .,i For Interview call ATTENDANTS PART TIME RAIN80 OIL seeks honest, reliable individuals to work swing and graveyard shifts, 3 or 4 dovs Sand to: Thursdoy, Friday at 3500 So, 4000 West, Auto Body $517 hr JOBTFIL Employment Agency Tuesday, I 11 4703 at Law inlmy Auto Meh JOBTt LL I I I ! ' to bang h yanked uovvand Jout of your socks! Buy a super CLIMBING BIKE through the I classified ADS! hr. Z37-2O0-0 automotive tfchnician We offer the best pay plan In the area, plus Blue Cross Insurance, retirement plan and mony other benefits We need experienced General Motors hr y duty' technic ion Must be able to build oil GM otrtomahe transmissions, and engines. P'eose coil Jerry Nielsen ot arry Jensen at Jerry1 Seiner Chevrolet, 7)0 West 2100' So Sort Lake Oty, Ut AVON AAA Beouty-AA- Earnings Soles Farnui AVON 50 Jonet Anni Adt,n 3V Hull Ptttim Dept. J os Fresh fakf Iribunf lashions 7115 Fashions newest pretty knit. Has a collar and garter sts at wrist & Use waist acrylic worsted yarn in one color. Sizes Send $3.25 plus 754 postage, handling, lor each pattern. 12-1- 16-1- Send to: 30 Northern Blvd .Wooditde NY 11377 Print Nimi. Addriu Zip. Size. Pettern Number. tmptoynient Aoency AUTO SHOP Mgr V500 wk 4660V19 JOHThLL Eniployment Agency Thrill SIZES So few pattern parts, even a beginner can sew this sleek chemise in a few hours Pattern 4547: Misses Sizes 8 to 18 S3.25 lor each pattern. Add 75C each pattern for postage, handling one-butto- work ond keeping station Immaculately cleon. Apply: 2372 tost 4500 So., i to 5 p.m., Monday, Expiration Dulo Curti Holders Nurnt 170 DIVORCE ACCIDENTS FRi E CONSULTATION! 378 Randoll Holmgitn Wanted 8 Wednesdov DIVORCES: Mk hoel 6 T olbot 64 Fast 6400 South, Suite Murray Wanted ARTIST To train weekly (Includes weekends). Must be at leoxt 21 years old. Duties Include cosh hondling, paper Civil JANE AlU Divorce Personal 735 I East 300 So I AXYDLBAAXR Assoc. CLERK ACCOUNTING CLERK (Receivables) for busy downtown company. Must be sharp In appearance, personality ond accounting skills. your l 237-200- 0 work it: I Cencor BARNEY DRUNK DRIVING how to Yesterdays Cryptoquote: $800-- PERSONAL INJURY SIMPLE WILLS-143300 - Heres isLONGFELLOW Wanted (Please enclose check or money order) S. DEE LONG GENERAL PRACTICE OF LAW East subway t Simple 7102 Maria" aus LETTERS AND SPACES LINE MINIMUM GuardlanTrust Provision Personally Video Toped, Add $150 8. lily A IS SENIOR ACCOUNTANT Frustroted-dlssotisfied- ? IN Lose DOMINOS Pizza Distribution is seekHAVE A ing on achiever in financial weight, osk me how, Sue control. Re1966 King Features Syndicate, inc MARY KAY COSMETICS 50 OFF quirements include: 3 years of comprehensive accounting, experience including general ledger YOUNG Couple available for house100-H100-- Help Help elp and inventorev control, computer sitting May thru Aug. background. College degree in ac9 MONEY BY MAIL Pvt. Report counting preferred. Non smoker $10. No ob or credit check necesAVON Sales HIRING! beauticians only. This a fost poced company ADVERTISING sary. 1865 So. Main ). Booth rental or comm. Must have with excellent potential for adAccount Exec.Advertfsing Soles BABY SITTER needed to live In LDS 7 some dlentei. 14. vancement. Send resume to: An opportunity to live in San Diego HERBAL RESULTS! Murray home. Ref. DNC HunwlckSolt Lake with the Enterprise Newspaper Wife tost 60, golned 15 lbs. BEAUTICIAN OWN YOUR OWN 2288 West Custer Rood BABYSJTTERMOTHER'S Group Expansion. 2 Years outside HELPER In Hoilodov PSYCHIC READINGS. GUIOANCE business S.L.C UT 84104 In Sandy. Mature, responsible and soles experience in business comFOR YOUR LIFE NOW. No colls or walk ins. must like smoii chikken. Room munity necessary. This soles LOVELY HOME tor elderly care. BODY FENDER PERSON well must woman be ond board opttonoi. groomed, ACCOUNTING assertive and enthusiastic. The Hohoday area. Terry and MECHANIC References Required CORPORATE ACCOUNTANT Person will be working Fender position will entail a troining peri., BABYSITTER. In in od new soles Chysler dealership. newspaper advertising High tech mfr. hos Immediate need my home or Sugarhouse area, 4 Great DIAL A.D.S.-2.0.0.- 0 In S.L.C before relocating to San pov! Heofth benefits negotiafor a strong accounting profesmo. old baby. after 6 p.m. must be motivated; ble. Person Compensation Diego. depending exBocheiors sional. and (237-2000- ) degree on experience ond ability. Please BABYSITTER-lwill be own boss. my West Jordon perience in cost accounting, micro coll for preliminary interview. home. Perm, with ref. 5675328 Mechonic: Must be somewhot TO PIACE YOUR computers. AP, AR, payroll and all Mary Anne Weder experienced In electronic BANKING phases of general ledger reCLASSIFIED ADI Equal Opportunity Employer diagnostic equipment. Prefer quired. Send resume with solary some Chrysler bockpound. PART TIME Fito: Vice AID President Loan Counselor. Great Future! history Both must be willing to relocate We froln. 1865 So. Main. nance, BSD Medical, 420 Chipeto CREDIT UNION TELLERS to Delta, Utah. 140, Soft Lake City UT 84 108 Aircraft Mechanic Send resume to: Start Immed hours per week, ACCOUNTING JOB TELL Employment Agency SAHARA CHRYSLER 11am.-4p.rCan work into full CO KIRK LEWIS APARTMENT MANAGERS time position, exp. preferred, apPAYABLES CIERK P. O. BOX 174 RETIRED COUPLE ply in person at 3088 So. 1300 East 40 units. HINCKLEY, UT. 84635 TO $15,000 bet. 9:30am.5p.m. Light maintenance, yd. EVES. work, apt. furnished. 21st So. 300 BANKING Payable Clerk needed in Weber East. Send resume to P.O. Box BOOKKEEPER receptionist for conCounty. Associates degree or 1, Centerville, Ut. 84014. struction company. 10 key by better with computer experience touch, type 50 wpm, accounts APARTMENT MANAGER ROBERT HALF LOAN and Lease Col lections. Expepayable and payroll experience Retired or couple OF SALT LAKE CITY, INC desired. Salary negot. Send refor tocol frienced needed to manoge person complex. sume to PO Box 7141, Murray UT inancial Institution. Contact Larry Partial rent reduction. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 84107. Grant, APPLICATIONS PROGRAMMER BOOKKEEPER SECRETARY BANKING ACCOUNTANT Full time loon servicing clerk avail, Accounting experience necessary. Accountant with a 4 year degree ond A leodlng computer graphics comfor downtown Savings & Loon. Type 60 wpm. word procesor ond Loon experience Savings pany hos on immediate opening knowledge. Full time $1,000 per Type 55 wpm, excel, benefits. for an Applications Programmer needed. Salary to $1,500 per mo. and up. Resume deoaine Jan. Coil Shelly for appt. 538-- 100 to devetope CADCAMCAE softmonth. 31, 1986, Asian Assoc. Of. Utah, Equol opportunity employer ware for applications in FOR28 East 2100 So. SLC, Ut, 84115 ROBERT HALF BANKING TRAN on VAX's running VMS. BOOKKEEPER OF SALT LAKE CITY, INC Requires BSCS or equivalent ond Full time teller needed for branch operations. Some experience re- Full charge Bookkeeper, 4255 So. 5 years experience. Expertise in TO ONE LINE 300 West, Don Asay quired. See Sally, Wllllomsburg EMPLOYMENT AGENCY other program languages, (espeSavings Bank, 7? So. Main. Is a plus. Apply to cially PASCAL) ACCOUNTANTEquol Opportunity Employer Personnel or send resume In care ACCOUNTING degree required. of Professional Placement to: BARBERSTYLIST with clientele, Consumer lending or data proRose Park area. BUYERS cessing experience helpful. Good EVANS & SUTHERLAND Coll aft. 6:30 p.m. typing skills required ond must be COMPUTER CORPORATION Looking for dynamic, oggresslve able to work with the public SolaBARBER COSMETOLOGIST. or Full P.O. Box 8700 buyers to purchose furniture, ry based on experience. part time booth rental. 6980 So. SLC, UT housewares, electronics SEND RESUME ONLY TO: Garfield State ask for Roxonne, Phone (801) towngarden and automotive. ExCredit Union, P.O. Box 440, cel. opportunities in exciting new equol opportunity employer- BEAUTICIANS for full a UT 84044. progressive, Mogno, notionol retail franchise operatservice salon. Experienced. Good Apprentice Elec. $7 hr ACCOUNTING ion. Coll Angie, al centrgi toe. Coll today, JOBTELL Employment Agency Construction equip, company needs individual to perform ond superARC WELDER, $5J0hr. Call by 3 vise all accounting functions. Prep.mv vious experience on retail busiARCHITECT DRAFTSMAN ness ond computer knowledge Firm needs architect ond tkofts-mapreferred Please send work hisfor project coordination and to and tory sokry requirements for commercial proproduction 460 So. Redwood Rd., Salt Lake tects. CAD background helpful. CHy, UT 84104. Attn: Rofoel PROBATE. DAY Stringed instrument DAILY CRYPTuQlOTES a PERSONAL INJURY AUTO ACCIDENTS DEFECTIVE PRODUCTS Free consultation with attorney ex per fenced In Injury coses. No fee unless o recover y Is obtained Steven H. Lvbbert, WILLS. I'tah ACCOUNTING- - HYPNOSIS CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE. Phone:531-907- FOR 1 1 3 4 i NOW HIRING! AARON RENTS INC, THE NATIONS LARGEST FURNITURE RENTAL COMPANY Is opening 3 stores in S.L.C we hove immediate positions avail-ifor entry level manoger troinees. A career opportunity with excellent company benefits and working cond. Coliege background and resume preferred but not required. Apply in person: IfrOO p.m., 520 W. 1300 So. AL JOLSON SOCIETY. Seeking new PAY ON THIS SCHEDULE SERVICE you to on attorney oreo who handles kind of problem First hour consultation $15 oath AARONS (Subject to receipt of order. Rate schedule applies to consecutive running data only, i.e., Sunday skips are charged the day rate per Sunday desired. Days ol run will be adjusted to reflect the payment submitted). BAR Will direct In your YOUR help newspaper nx.es every attempt to inform ocfvertlsers erf the civil rights regulations that apply in help wonted advertising. experience. AIRLINE DISCOUNT BUY OR SELL poetry 43 Mimed letter This RENT MY FURN. BRIGHTON CABIN, FIREPLACE. EMMA, AFFECTED by someone's drinking? Coll ALANONALATEEN. 41 Cnfold, in monk 22 Armadillo 39 Overhead 42 Kxpectant 44 Candle 45 Apprehend 46 theater 47 Brink DOWN The word employment ogency will appear in ony job offer listed bv an if you ogency. Please call find any exception. FRIEND? Tibetan 21 sword wanted column of this newspaper lists lob ftttes in SPA Membership, no money down arrangement. This is done low payments. Julie for reooer convenience m looking bus. home, for o particular lot possibility. WANT to build clientele on Light Strokes Noils, mention this od ond Job offers that mislead have no By aopt. sove $15. Julie pioce in these columns. Please coll WHAT you need is less pressure, If find any exception. you you work, earn the money, i'll clean the house, ONLY Job offers through commercial emFEMALE IN 60s, smoker, desires ployment ogencies will be found in healthy, sincere male tor these columns. These companies companionship. are in private enterprise and the reoder should be odv tsed that a fee is involved when the applkont is WATCH: FOR YOU pioced paid by the apolkont or ELDERLY CARE: the hiring company. P lease request Lovely Holladav home. Warm information regarding the fee on evmeals. Private room. ery Interview. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Info, and Assistance. time 40 Exclude 36 Hebrew NOTICE Dates Desired FRtE LAWYER Recreation Resorts, Travel PEST Wanted The style 20 Civil wrong 32 Just the Way You 33 Boundary 35 Fencing Help AiRUNE TICKETS, LA, Son Diego, Denver S49 50 Phoenix las Vegas. Boise, $39.50 Need 40 peopie for Physician endorsed Weight Loss Program Money bock guaranteed. 38 Teeny 39 t hie shelter B04082 AUTO CARAVAN Needs drtvers all points guarantee yesterday's Answer 31 Bivouac MASSAGE AUTO DRiVfcAWAV CO 3965 South 700 East Classification Required BAILEY, NELSON & CONKLIN 160 7050 Union Pork Center, Midvale STATE PERSONALIZED E. 3J00S. 360 srA'SET cant 29 Fireplace shelf Suntanning, whir ipooi, and mor e New Help LK. 1820 BARBARA'S HEAL TH STUDIO 891 E 3900 SO. BL00)648 accounting and computer exper. preferred Must be detail oriented, occur ocy or required Call Clara at apply at 1075 So. 700 West. ACCIDENTS UTAH missile 'SULTAN'S" So 300 West I 18 SuhMili- 19 Coll.u 26 To pieces 28 lnsignifi 3269 SAlE PREGNANT? Need BIRTHRIGHT: llfiklcr's 24 Benefits. Fee on Percentage Bosls WANT-AD- S rtH k 199Q PAYABLE ACCOUNTS Full time position with AUTO. Special Notices MinsU-i- i 21 Molti-- Downstairs I 9 lernut 10 In the know 16 When thou'. 17 Shopping plaee 18 466-074- 5 RESUMES that veil OU Get then you want with o resume prepared by the w fting or ofessonoi Diane Devine Coil Emily gt 2 MAiE, mid 40 s seeking femoie for fun m Mexico. companion Share week in Mazaftan Respond PO Box 232), Sonay UT 84091 ELDERLY CARE P ivate i oom ovoiiabie in my home for on eider iy woman. 24 hour care Warm atmospnere 7621808 ART 3300 So., Iniil Automaton Warner Infrequent Italy's Alilo 13 14 13 17 STiJDC A TOUCH OF CLASS EARN free lingerie wrme you and your friends hove a great time Great for Valentine s' ENCHANTED LADy HOME PAR T S 322-- AD V Fee on Percentage Bosls Evening appointments available MADDOX & SNUFFER 6400 South State Across from Fashion Pioce Moll PERSONAL INJURY IAWYERS 18 YEARS EXPERIENCE No Charge for Consultation DAY & BARNEY: CLASSIFIES. 26 (second word) (first word) APPOINTMENTS 0 10 M 2 DRUNK DRIVING CONSULTATION Mike jt If you are unable to phone or bring in your ad, clip this coupon and mail it today. Please print with dark pencil or ballpoint pen, using one space for each word. Johnson & Stillman $6090 TO START Reduce your debts, rebuild your credit, get up to 3 years to catch up house payments, stop foreclosures. Chapter 13 may help you much more thon tiling stralg-.bankruptcy. HEAiTu I of Cadmus 12 Wailmi; f xercise Equipment Whmpuoi 10 orn-am Open Sot Sun., am Visa Mastercard Welcome A 3JU) SO. bl 1254 Now Taxing Appi notions 1 EASY ORDER BLANK WANT ADS MAIL ORDER oppts. olso AD-0-GRA- CHAPTER State. SKYHAWK AVIATION Start spring flight training now at 2. SkyhowL Located at Airport Learn from the ieoder. Financing avail. Al or Cindy oddl min. EXQUISITE ESCORTS 1214 So. GROUP ond Indivtuual psychotherapy for chemical dependencies; 79 day treatment, Personol Growth Emphosis. Feb. 8 March 8, 1986. $2 5. between 6:30-- am. DEFENSE OR FREE THINNING? car? Divorce, Bankrupt? No credit? Coll Car Citv. We carry KNOWLEDGE LOST: Friday, January 17th. 9 wk. old German Shepherd, wearing leather collar. Vic. 945 East 45th So. Reward! or PROBLEM- SADVOCATES Col) (Ogden) YOU need o marketctoie skill to earn over $30,000-yrThen you need someone to help you uncover appropriate career opportunities. If you are qualified , we con help! CROCKER ASSOCIATES controct. 35)0 DRUNK DRIVING BANKRUPTCY CASES 6 SECURITY NEED o 12 Wu man ive m Our L0eobie CLASS ROUND trip AIRFARES TO MANY US. OTif-Some restrictions apply 3 HOME MOVIES ON VIDEO! Tronstef your movie film, slides ond prints to video tape. Coil 566-010- 0 $115 blind. Shepherd femoie CREDIT SERVICES 24 HR. RECORDING Cockopoo. block 010 Hove you been affected by a poor credit history? Need to improve your credit rating? Contact Utahs Credit Improvement Specialist! Simple plus court cost. BANSUPTCY white Shepherd near 53rd So. th West. or Please call So. IMPROVEMENT CREDIT A First 103-- DISABILITY R ur VpnfV-- nj OT ;0 N FplR. G A ab'oveJOmelon M N EQl.E N' TV 8 I laughter 10 Throw UMPER H 7 ( ry - 11 I'lukvsiMi-- iOENTiAlL, if you hove O problem with credit, t can help 9 55c 1st min. 45c N 5000 LOST: Ladles gold Rotex watch smoli dkjmonds around face. Lost Tuesv 11486. Sentimental volue. Reward. mos. Vic. 6th 2225 CAN SEE YOU TOOAY! LOST: Jon. 17. with white, 9 mos., no me tzshe. Possibly pregnant. Vic. 3900 So. 1100 East. REWARD. Please coil - SOCIAL BALD-HAI- DIVORCE NAME GIRLS State, Suite Silver dollars, Indian cents, gold proof sets, old coins, Mormon corns, tokens ond script. Rust Com & Gift, 311 South Main BE A ESCORTS ELITE BASIS RICHARD CALDER IN LAST LOST: Femoie White American Eskimo, ISibs. $200 REWARD. Mike heod, white body, parfiollv Vic 9300 So. 7700 West. claims mode. CALL HOUR MESSAGES & CALL BL799-008- INTERVIEW ACCIDENTS RULON T. BURTON LOST: $200 REWARD!! Ltrge curly block Airdoie Terrier, ton legs, ond heod. BROKEN HEARTED, 3 ond 5 year okL No meeting nec. tor reward, please coll. Pie 24 ONE SlCK! Nirsing Service now all kinas ot Home Care. 24 hours. "if BANKRUPTCIES With FOUND: Lodies Gold Watch To Identify FOUND female Husky. 5975 West 5925 So. About 6 mos. Reward. LAW AT CONTESTED 278-040- 4 HEAR OUR LOVED Community provides hour to 1331 So. FeelLine Lost and Found LOST-$1- 00 $50 487-824- 1 ALL LOCATIONS FULL SERVICE Open 7 days 7 am.-l- l p.m. Dog cRCENTAGE WILL SEE YOU TOOAY! West 7800 So. FOUND: Block Shoggy Choln Sondv Area $60 fj ADOPTIONS $150 WILLS INCORPORATIONS $150 INSURANCE COMPANIES HAVE A LEGAL DUTY TO PAY YOU. West 3500 So. successful dieters clinic Personals newspaper recommends that any such participation be undertaken only after consultation with your doctor. This newspaper neither endorses or condemns any weight loss program nor does it for assume any responsibility PLUS $52 FILING FEE West 4160 So. Carrlooe Square LOST 70 ibs. in 5 mos., con help you lose weight, fost, safe, never be hungry1 Reol food you buy at grocery store Everyone loses 1st week1 Con lose 30 lbs. m 6 wks. Claudette inexpensive! CALIFORNIA As a reminder to all those considerin any type of ing participation diet or weight toss program, this $115 1730 H )j K.itlillDIU- ZODIAC THE FAMILY memoe ship to Sports Moll Reg. $l,Ju0, selling $650. 5 3 Tene SMlO'KE ,J by THOMAS JOSEPH 5 Saloon ACROSS 6 Mmln mat I Fake ll.Ult 5 A lor r CONt Co 466-098- n ly J gm Lj1 Von Mon j on Many mosvjges to ifnvse ft on rtith Sounu So ec Wet Visa MC Between Mom W bi eJll Now Kjung uppiKJtvjns Age 60 O' Older Tu l Hume LOvmg Care Reosonupie Rdtes CALLPAT268-67I- 100 STOP SMOKING 201-- NOTICE BANKRUPTCY AUTO ACCIDENT East 3300 So. lurre'tt i(XkiNG BUY Never any waiting PROFESSIONAL DRY CLEANING ) near you! 5 locations 910 West No. Temple 202 filing fee $52 (UNCONTESTED) machines Reports. New prugrom guarantees you quit or your money bock' Coll Pat until 9 p.m. for detoiis. BL3766 Ogden, Orem 5620 Woterbury 50 DIVORCE ALSO TIRED of old crowded dirty loundry mats? Try the Cleon, Spocious and Convenient CENTURY COIN LAUNDRIES 100 $115 CHAPTER to pioce YOUR AD In Classified Over Latter Day Ideals NATIONS LARGEST for LOS Only Sharp Educahoned clientele. SLC, plus Lake Area) WATTS FREE DIVORCE Large 7, Bod Credit CREDIT. DIAL DATEMATE BANKRUPTCY Fresh Start' Chapter ERASE BAD CREDIT (MPROvE Obtain NEW 427-00- Legal Services 035 & Take odvontoge of our TOU ASSOCIATES Cose Too Small or Too Zealand, Australia, $1,899 some re- H RUL0N T. BURTON RESIDENTS Soft Services $W5 (bus. class) 350-868- (UNCONTESTED, SlMPLFf UTAH STATE (outside Legal $598 CREDJ CONSULTANTS eoch day, mistakes do slip through. W6 osk, therefore, that you chedk you r od the FIRST day ft appears ond immediately report any error to the Classified by Deportment calling We regret that we cannot be responsible for more than one doys incorrect insertion if you do not coil the error to our attention. Thonk You. ASS for other destinations, strictions apcxy, ACCEPTED CALL 1464 V4.1 JOBS $16,040 Now hiring Coll Ext R V46 fur 6UX) fesJeroi list Fee rtOokS $649 Fiji Coil adult emend pmittments td ugnt nuuseftnv le AIRFARES ROUND TRIP ESCORT 24 HOURS Bl a J" Wfmlpuut, Wuiio, Moyvigv mum lex tr K ok Hi ate fuurn and bum (u q mum ?4 nour su and fAxa ' 648 ar be 'Sion STiNAuV, 17827) C HOWOH C AidSkO C fc ur ope ' rtAj pi TXiTtri$EPA.L E L D E rUa'lAM O The Kina's Palace .1 3 $649 . cropped ears, leather collar, no "SI $150 V1SAMASTERCARD (Answers tomorrow) BLITHE SYMBOL Lost and Found L hlMi assistance C3 JANUARY 21, 1986 TUESDAY, Massage fe i U.tRNMt-S$iV 2Ju 74 tuKeninp s Auuuo preasenom auxjt vou love cur ee firorxe ond neom-5umm Bus ,hce 9? v;2 FIRST S.l OPEN 030 OtH w iWi J uo"i'ny jt 8' LOs c Jtkm .ouse tr juts m Sunov on v ! J pointing pf 04 Sis yjt an 6 0 mean $vuv FOR v.E RE E. 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