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Show The Salt Late Tribune, Thursday, March 25, 1965 4C HURRY Mont Blanc Becomes T asty Blancmange Time to Place Continued From Page C-- S pudding, which may or may not be molded. The latter is the one your undoubtedly and mother used to make Your heres the recipe: Blancmange (Cornstarch Pudding) v Mix in top of double boiler: cup sugar 6 tablespoons cornstarch teaspoon salt Gradually add while stirring 4 Lines 4 Days 4 Dollars well: cups milk Place mixture over boiling water and stir constantly for 8 to 12 minutes. When it begins to thicken, cover and continue to cook about 10 minutes more. Stir 1 cup of this thickened mixture, slowly, into 2 well beateff eggs Return It to the milk mixture and continue to cook for 2 minutes, stirring constantly. Do not overcook. Pudding will thicken more' as it cools. Remove from heat, and when 4 Take advantage of this big discount 3313 on Classified Ads -- cooled by gentle stir- slightly ring, add: 1 teaspoon vanilla Pudding may be chilled in individual molds, or into one large mold, or spooned into dessert cups from a serving bowl. Increase speed and beat for minutes longer or until mixture is lemony in color and .stands in soft peaks. Gently, add: 1 teaspoon vanilla . Fold in: 1 cup sifted cake flour Add the melted butter with folding motion. Pour batter into the pans and bake about 40 minutes or until done. Turn cakes out at once onto a rack 2 ... Sfly LINES "CHARGE IT" Here's how it works: If you have something to sell (any hem you no longer need or want) something to rent someor something to buy thing to swap, just dial Ask for an She will help ad, run you write a it 4 days and bill you 4 dollars. 363-152- 5. r. for the Peanut Butter Kathryn Cope and Mrs. Ellen Mack ay send the recipe for Genoise requested last week by Mrs. A. Crookston . . . No, its certainly not pasta, Mrs. Mackay writes . . . Its the most elegant cake Imaginable. Genoise Preheat oven to 350 F. Melt and put aside: Vi cup two-lay- butter. v Do not let it get cooler than about 80 F. Break into a double boiler over hotwater until-the- y are lukewarm: 6 eggs Add: cup sugar Beat with rotary or electric mixer at medium speed for 7 minutes. Add: d cup sugar Two-thir- One-thir- (Sorry, com-ercia I DAYS houses cannot take advantage of this special discount rate it is reserved for the family classified ad only. Only 4 lines and no refunds for early results. No extra cost for late results either.) m SINGER ZIG ZAG Smooth zig-zzfltching with, oat n attachments. Exclusive bobbin. drop-lag Modal ViT cheese it! TO MAKE ASPIC: 3 cups beef broth or stock 1 cup madeira wine 2 tablespoons gelatin Cottage cheese It that Is. Here's a swell salad Idea that lets you please with cottage cheese and golden California cing peaches. Just place a cling peach half on a bed of lettuce and then fill over the brim with cottage cheese. Heat most of broth or stock to boiling. Moisten gelatin with a little cold stock or water and stir into broth. Add any remaining stock and the wine. Let stand until cool and slightly thickened. Pour over meat as described above. Chill in refrigerator until firm. Makes 1 quart aspic. Serves 6 or more. Deee-licious- ! CUM FCACM AOV1BORY PIANOS j ! $eU'J Ontjf. tmtf stum ITOPS ID Wliy Grow Old? j OUflUIYH Sale Rent By Josephine Lowman If you have a green thumb you are lucky! I love flowers and get the biggest kick out of seeing $10.00 down, $10.00 per month GOLDEN WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. Heber J. Smith will be honored at an open house In observance of their Golden Wedding Anniversary Sunday, March 28, at 12721 South 950 East, Draper, Utah Friends and relatives are Invited to call from 3 to 8 p.m. They request nq gifts. The court ware married In the Salt Lake LOS Temple April 15, 1915, and have bean g residents of Draper. Mr. Smith was active In Sunday School, M I .A. and was first bishop of the Draper Second Ward. Mrs. Smith has been active In Relief Society and M I.A. They have four children, 24 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren. Let Gardening Provide A Hobby for Relaxing cultivate. can You make changes in your garden every PARK FREE - Walker Center LOW IN PRICE year. the amazing which things come up out of the winterized earth each and spring summer. However I seem to have no talent for gardening. When I plant flower seeds they take one look at me and just stay down there, or if they came up at all they are already discouraged. However, I have new hope, I have just read the book, Clear and Simple Gardening Handbook. Its author is Samm Baker. This book gives detailed and understandable instructions which make it all seem possible. A Relaxing Hobby Gardening is one of the most rewarding hobbies a person could have. It takes you1 outdoors and is relaxing. That is, it is relaxing unless you do as my sister did once. The directions said, Plant the seeds an inch below the surface My sister thought it said a foot below. Seriously, there is no better hobby. It does get you out in the fresh air and sun many hours each year. It is a mild form of exercise which can be indulged In at any age. It is also creative and I think that is important. It has great variety. With your own efforts you can create something beautiful. You can choose any kind of flowers you wish to PI Terms A I a BLUE LUSTRE Electric tl Shampooer Carpet ... u.rffwBI.UEZUSTWg Available at Your Local Singer Center Downtown Cottonwood Moll Place sauerbraten ing dish or mold. Cover and surround with aspic; decorate raw and cooked with fancy-cu- t vegetables; chill and serve. Terms as tow as Eo$y 327 1 tablespoon ... Gil-var- ry Pop Corn Balls 1 pound brown sugar 1 can condensed milk 1 square butter 1 cup light com syrup Place ingredients In saucepan and boil to soft ball stage. Pour over popped com. Enough mixture to make 40 good sized balls. rump , ... also printed last Cookies, week. Mrs. R. Christensen . . . can thank Mrs. Richard for the following recipe for Popcorn Balls: quid and bring to boil, then lower heat and let simmer about 3 hours. . Melt remaining 5 tablespoons butter in a pan. Stir flour smoothly into it. Add sugar, blend and let brown to nice dark color. Add to simmering meat mixture. Cove and continue cooking until meat is tender, about 1 hour longer. Serve with Potato Dumplings. Mrs. Bellon recommends serving Sauerbraten cold aspic. Heres the recipe: - Cold Sauerbraten A la Mode in Aspic or salt teaspoon pepper 2 onions, sliced 1 carrot, sliced 1 stalk celery, chopped 4 cloves 4 peppercorns 1 pint red wine vinegar 2 bay leaves 2 tablespoons butter 2 to cool. tablespoons kidney fat , t 6. tablespoons butter For a very elaborate Ge5 tablespoons flour noise, sprinkle it after cooling 1 tablespoon sugar with kirsch or Cointreau, fill 8 or 10 gingersnaps, crushed with cream sauce, or cover it Wipe meat with damp cloth; with whipped cream, or frost with salt and pepper. season with Chocolate icing. Place in earthen, glass or Sauerbraten is one of the bowl. Combine onpopular meat dishes that ions, carrot, celery, cloves, Americans have taken to their peppercorns, vinegar and bay heart from the Old Country. leaves and pour over meat. Mrs. Albion can thank these Cover and put in refrigerator ladies for the recipe today: 4 days. Mrs. Arthur G. Emerson, 1373 On fifth day remove from E. st South . . . Mrs. Caro- refrigerator; drain meat, and saute in kidney fat and 1 talyn Lawson, Caliente . . . Mrs. and blespoon butter until seared LeVera Bellon, Vernal on all sides. Add marinade li- Kathryn Cope. . . . ... to Mrs. Ladd THANKS Davis, Milford . . . Mrs. Owen J. Gudmundson, 3381 S. 900 West for the Chocolate Chip Cookies . . . (printed in last weeks column) . . . and to Rofe Neria, Salt Lake City Sauerbraten beef, round 3 pounds in America KETCHUM'S Sugarhouso Provo 4 a 54 w THRIFTWAV FAMOUS MEATS DOLLARS ALL MEATS Tender '4' sale '4' for '4' for '4' NE STEAKS ft SO SELL IT RENT IT FIND IT SWAP IT GUARANTEED FRESH 79, Tasty BEEF ROASTS 43, Betcha cant eat just one! b. AIR FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE PLACE YOUR AO AT OUR BRANCH OFFICE... 4091 SO. STATE d, Bologna 3 d. it:l - THRIFTWAY Optn 10 o.m. to 10 p.m. Special, firm potatoes are used. In a matter of quick-cooke- d minutes theyre out of their peels, thin-sliceThats why the last golden chip in the and double-wrappebag is just as fresh as the first. And maybe thats why no one yet has been able to stop with that first one. Can you? Dont bet SLICED MARKET 8th South and 8th Wast (Dontbet) - FREE GIFT STARS for valuable premiums. Dont eat em. Save them. Youll find theyre on other quality products too. Redeem them for valuable gifts from famous names like General Electric, Kodak, e, Ronson, Mohawk, Sunbeam, Speidel, Elgin, Norelco, International Silver, and many more. Timex, Com-ingwar- XATCpotetochi9ti9feadtn4frauko(rtito-l3rgIx)- i l 4 a I |