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Show - 4B The Salt LakeTribune, Thursday, March 25, 1963 High Schools Set Abe Martin For Educator Sees Place for Television, Individual Teaching in Classroom five method of measuring teachaome teachers performing the ing, he said, and as long as do it you know very same work, he said classroom principals well personalities will determine teacher units are the logical bodies for evaluating teacher the rating. Thelma F. Davis, 'Griffin, performance. We still dont have an objec- - Ga NCT president, will address from Page Contained B-- l . AH State Forensics Meet ' v Utah School Administrators Convene Session In S.L. Today for Two-Day . Words full of sound and fury, Administrators from Utahs 40 j An evening in session in Grantraining, vocational but signifying something will school districts and the State ite High School auditorium will education, services, library be the weapons Friday and Sat- Department of Public Instrucbe keynoted by Bruce S. Jenk- summer programs and adult urday when 504 students com- tion will fneet Thursday and in the 1965 education will be discussed for the conventions first general sespete in the Utah High School Friday in Salt Lake City to ins, senate president sion on the theme I Teach a Activities Assn. State Forensic study new state and federal Legislature, and addressed by the first general session hour Child Thursday at 2 p.m. folMeet. Dr. Bell. Dr. Norman F. Hyatt, with section meetings on these public education programs. lowing a welcome by Robert T. scheduled from 9:45 a.m. And for the first time this Under direction of Dr. T. ,H. state specialist in curriculum topics Krueger, president, Utah Eduyear, regional winners from Bell, state superintendent of research, will give an overview to 11:45 a.m. cation Assn. about 35 Class A high schools public instruction, ADVt RTI5EM6NT a packed of state legislation for public' clash' at the University of agenda has been will for schools, and state staff memMajor Speakers prepared Utah Union at the same time 'the administrators. bers will discuss provisions of Other major speakers at the students from about 50 Class B National Defense Education Act To Study delExperiments conference bringing together schools are squaring off at the Section Sessions 2 I After 35. common Kidney or Bladder le Franklin S. Harris Fine Arts Starting Thursday at p.m. in egates from Utah, Arizona, Neoften oecur and may make yon Ofof auditorium the the State breakfast will be at ntations the on Saturday tense and nervoua from too frequent Center Young Brigham New vada, Colorado, California, 3890 passages day and night Second S. fice Building, Dr. Quentin E. Harmans Cafe, State, anly. you both flier aint nothin worries a University campus in Provo. may lose sleep and suffer frona Mexico and Hawaii include MarBackache sessions of Headaches. and feet old tired, state at administrator and site's both Utley, starting general Sessions begin at feller ao much as tryin t redepressed. In such Irritation. CYSTEX garet Stevenson, DCT executive member what he was worryin usually brings last, relaxing comfort b Friday at 8. a.m. with registrat- elementary and secondary edu- 8:30 a.m. will be at Granite curbing germs m strong acid secretary, who speaks Saturday about when he went t bed last ion. Round lof debate launches cation, will direct a presentation Park Junior High, 450 E. 3700 urine andirritating by analgesic pain relief Get CY8TKX at druggiaU. Feel better fast of 'South. 9 a.m. experimental programs. at 2 p m., and Richard W. night- competition at Batchelder, Newton, Mass., UEA who speaks at president-elect- , the concluding banquet Saturday at 6:30 p.m. A highlight of the conference will be a demonstration Friday which at 9 a.m. of brings a lecture into a classroom by means of telephone. The receiver is amplified so all in the room can hear. Each desk is Pre-scho- -- GETTING UP MIGHTS SKT" t actual I Spring means growth and needed nutrition for your lawn. It means MORGRO fj National Baby Week fertilizer time . . . Morgro contains all 13 elements vital to proper plant nutrition for results you'll see in 7 days. Look of the equipped voice - activated with microphones for con- two-wa- y lawns you envy,on your street . . . chances versation. ore they're 'MORGRO lawns. Enjoy MORGRO lawn this Summer by fertilizing with MORGRO Teacher Techniques Another feature will be teach-- 1 n g demonstrations Saturday from 9 to 11:15 a.m. in Lafayette School, 61 E. North Temple where various teaching techniques will be spotlighted. a healthy 'rich-gree- this spring. Pick-a-Pa- to cover your yards COVERS 1,250 SQ. ft. COVERS 2,500 SQ. ET. Secondary troduction 33.49 Elizabeth Gibson, Greeley, Colo. Elementary demonstrations include Teaching Fifth and Sixth Graders About Painting," Joanne Nouvelle, Salt Lake City; Using Music to Reinforce Other Subjects, Ruth Shock, Phoenix, Ariz., and Social Studies at the U Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back! and Save 754 South State St. SEARS Phone Larry T. Bessey, Salt Lake City; "SciMark ence in High School, Stringham, Lodi, Calif., and "Reading in the Junior High, Roir" Shop at Sears topics include "In to the Novel, 355-661- 5 Primary Level," Jean Bluestein, Albuquerque, N.M. You Can Count on Us... Quality Costs No More at Sears Just Say . . . ' CHARGE IT! Charge all your Baby Week Purchases on Sears Revolving Charge Account! Our Regular $2.99 cl Dozen . . . Cotton Sears Best 100 SOFT GAUZE DIAPERS Cotton gauze is the softest, fastest drying diaper fabric there is. These are our surgical-typ- e best-qualit- diapers y . . . made of heavy-weig- ht gauze that dries almost twice as fast as any other diaper fabric. Pinked edges resist rips, tears. Regular $2.49 Cotton Flannelette Diapers . . . 1.99 dozen Black, 7J4.11, 12D Mens British Imported Shoes of Traditional Excellence Sears Regular Snap-Sid- e for $2 Cotton Infants Sliirts So easy to put on . . . just slip babyi arms in and snap up the side. Rib-kn- it SuPima Cotton.' White. Sizes 18 mos. Their Fine Quality Is Shown by Superb Styling, Sears Regular $1.19 Cotton 3 Infants Gowns or Wrappers 3 .. I59 Combed cotton knit print with convertible mos. Dont d raglan sleeves. Sizes 8 no-bin- j A miss out on these prices. Comfortable Fit, Fine Materials and Workmanship ., - CHARGE Your Shoes on Sears Revolving Charge Youll $3.99 Baby wearing these handsome shoes with the supple French calfskin ' leather heel pads add to uppers. Full leather linings and comfort. Welt construction for shape retention. Made "on their American lasts for fine fit. Leather soles, rubber heels. See them today! enjoy foam-cushione- on-fo- Lotion, talc, oil in reusable nursers. Soap, cotton. 2.99 d ot Shop at Sears and Save Satufaction Guaranteed or Ytur Mootr Back SEARS Trays Nurser Kits set includes Thermoglas nursers, 44-p- c. cessories. Fitted Sheets Fitted print cotton sheets have bias taped comers, 2 97c $4.99 J 8 ac- 3.99 for $1.29 Blankets ends. 79c Cotton receiving STORE HOURS: Shop at Sears and SaveBack Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your white. 2 for 99c Money c .754 blan- kets in prints, pastels, Crib Blankets Shop Daily 9:45 a.m.-- 6 pan. Mon., Thun, FrL till 9 p.m. $3.99 Travel Seats o South State Street Phone 355-665- L ... Lightweight, comfort-- 1 able, adjusts easily. For travel, home. 2.49' $2.29 Mon., Thurs., Fri. till 9 p.m. Open 9:45 a.m. to 6 pun. Daily I r -- .3 j . |