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Show i J. Dewey Knudsen Intermountain Obituaries Area Legislatures i COPPERTON Funeral or John Dewey . knudsen, 66, Coo- - Rv I who died jjerton, William Hunter Erastus Peterson services - The Salt Lake Tribune, Thursday, March 25, 1965 Ada Anderson Ada May Anderson, 66, 75 W ter St , Midvaia, at died Tuesday 6 45 am. at her home of natural causes. Bom Jan. 1680, S m o I a n d, Sweden, a daughter of Cart Adolph and Anna Katrina Nelson Anderson .Married Niei John Anderson Jan. IS, J 15 Cen- Funerals funerals legal Notices ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS JENSEN Funeral services for Nonce is her coy given that the Shirrel H Jensen will be held Thurs-Aonday w. District. herenarier reierred to as'oav. 12 noon, in the Haven Ward in a ) m Sait m in at the attack Monday School of board 2280 So. 3rd East Education, Jordan Friends will .aka FrtoS hospital, chapel, may m the 9 at p Va me owner, will reoeve uo to. but may cai at the Larkin Mortuary, 260 1 Thursday 1 to 2 21 Sou th State Thursda yfrom s home of a daughm , noi later man the times stated oe- - East So Temple, Wednesday, Copperton heart attack ter m Roosevelt prior to tervicaa. Cha-- i, low, sealed proposals tor the Addi-l- p .DS Ward fm- - and FrKlay m., and Thursday at the ward cha- Bom It Mf. Oliver Sept. of Btnghampei, one hour plror to service won to InterInterment, temerery. Born Nov. 17, where friends 1196, Lake Salt 1P93 Price a son j .all Thursday one Htgn school, Copperton, Utah. ment, Memorial Gardens of The Val- - Funeral directors, Kay Colonlaf Mor City, a son of Wiror Mechanical Wore and Electri- - iey Funeral directors, Larkin Mor-c- tuary and of ErasTus to prior lliam not P. and Jane later tnan tuarv Worn up to but , er vices. Saohron a Burial I Hjlda 1901 services for St. MrttvaleHe Me Duff tfor WEAVER Funeral Hunter Memorial Gardens April 1z, 19aa Peterson t j0 pm, lervlces Burgess JONES Funeral d Member, Clar Waaytr wm General Contract Work up to Eva fey Thuradav, Married Adeline the jf Ceo m Valley. Church 8 v Faya Baxter June will be held 2 p m . in ttta LarKm Mortuant Cha-A- 1 of Jesus a not o but jQ later than Jom 1 17, m4 axwIi Gregory June 12, May Delma Keel, July Grandview So. Christ t, Friend. M East M Tempi.. Ip. 1916 Salt Lake 894, Mount Pleas-in- t, f V C 20!ti So '17, 1914. Vernal 2930 Bios will be received at the office 2nd Ward Chapel, East.may c4n a, he mortuary WadnM-Frienday Saints to John end Retired Temple. divorced call at the Larkin Mor-iaaod Thuradav prior Survivors: iof the Jordan scnooi District, 93al sons, zmma ?m Christen purchasing coeni Sa't to So 260 Moved Lawn East Wasatch Temple, Interment, MidH Lewis South Stale st , sandy, Utan. and tuary, Knudsen for Utah Copper Lake Ctty m 1928 read atoud at tne times staieo day from 6 to 6 p m. and Friday at Memorial Park. Funeral directors Leo J . San- Married Ruby' E Burke June 2, 1926., Co , American 88C 1 at to Resided Ward Larkin the hour chapel otter bid 1 such received Mortuary. 24 H prior above Retired Any Kavsviile locomotive enoi' grandchildren, ' C.ia Members of the Idaho Legisla Scott Ave Mem ......ee. I Smelting and Reun-k.k. .h. Elizabeth stated times will be returned Mrs. sisters. Veteran World War I. Emoiove children, for fining Co-e- nd Church of Jr necott . 48 years U Betty) Mutch, Midvale; Mr s Vic- - opeted. Copper Corp ture abandoned plans to end the bee, U S Air Force In be and conform bid must Lacn sus Christ of LatteMortuary Member LDS Church Survivors wl- - tori El wood (Tory) Thompson, n9o per,,oent comrac,i KNUDSEN w Saints rtrtaT'aT Funeral brothers, sisters,' George W, Funeral services for Kearns 9th Ward, 5025 west 4665 J2XSS1?,? ,0 Friday I special session Wednesday, but r-daySurvivors Elmer V, moher, sons, daughters. E.der m Mrs Ann State, where friends pm.,6u90.S Wn2 wjJrt069 call Thursday OneIet of Dlans and soeclticatlons J0hn Deway Knudsen will be held South. Friends may can Friday 7 Sugar Lake both Mrs BiUv Do Sat Gwtrude Rasmussen, Derris, to 1 Idee, Friday before services at pm, hope get the job done by noon Von, Mrs p m in the Copperton 9 p m at McDougal Funeral Home, Thursday be in witnoul charoe may widow, Survivors examineo, daughter, jonMra. William (Ruby) W.seman, alt Buriat, Midvale City Cemetery. Begent, Joseph (Lois) South Redwood and Saturday At City; the ofwce of tne Architects Asnton. LDS Waft) Chspfl Frlanas may cai 43 Doherty, Salt Lake City, Mrs Vida Poulsen, o to sarv- Weimar, Calif , Mrs Johnny (Ven- Mrs John J.Lt(Shirley) Thursday. Brazier A Associates and at the Gott Mortuary, ,090 South the church one hour prior Memorial Evans, Comm. William G Midvale, Mrs. A. J. (Mabel) Boberg, Ices. Interment Redwood ice) Starr. Piacecville, Cahf ; Mrs. Lake City, Calif six m. to end P I from State, tneir Wednesday, be office, may procured granddHldren, $andy. In Nevada, a proposed civil Raymond (Ida) Tehdler, Lcvwew, nDrego, Funeral directors, R. DvrlK 24 South West Temple St., Thursday at tha ward one hour prior at located C,ty' Funeral services salt Lake Wash ; Mrs Stan'ey (Cleo) Worrynck, MCGILL, NEV Utah, upon deoosit of to services Burial, Memorial Gar- - McPouoal. Donald M, San iu'riSiViJ 13 19 for Haroid A ytdiey, 65, McGill, who 850 000 per City. rights bill apparently get Roosevelt grandchildren, set, as a guarantee of the dens. Goft Mortuary, funeral of natural cuases Monday in an died Reed, of brothers, return the documents undam- Burial Vault out of the Senate committee na ith 00 missing, A'den, both Salt Lake City Mrt. Eva Fav Baxter Jones, 46, o m Wuson- - sates JSrhfUZ'Fflam? LAWRENCEFuneral services for nv Mvitnin isi aftr rceiDt of Milton without change. Bishop, Cahf St 2M5 p M Lawrence will be conduct- Born Dec 17, 1K99, Perk City, bim Imperial Rooset,y 30 P m., Funeral Saturdayl Edna Mrs Smith ' (1700 to William A. end Annie Lindsey Did- East), died and 9d 11am Thursday from Evans and inu hinder wHa w. Friends Fletcher, 76, 757 velt Second Ward chapel oI a heart attack dStoihna check Early, 574 East First South, where ley. Marnad Melba Bates Nov n call at Olptn Mortuary Friday eve- S 6th West, died at 12 20 By John White 1927, Tuesday Kennecott d?rjdpsVnot to bid this 8ouermaer, ffnds may call one hourm prior to tly who Buria m, at her home at 6 15 Copper Corp, McGill plant Veteran Fnut ning, Saturday before services. "3. Tuesday Born Jan. 5, 1917, Associated Press Writer n a Sait & al, Roosevelt City Cemetery. pm shal1 ,or," ,h deposit mony unless mon!d McGill PossJrvivSs Cwo American Fork, Lake n!l soecificalion, re re- 0,an to Charles ThomRobirt BOISE The House and Senhome of natural LEWIS Funeral services for s9n er S1 ,urrlea ,0 ,he Arch.tect s oftic. within as and Sarah Ellcauses. aa ' Ruth Lewis will be held Friday at 12 tt', on Baxof Hitesman the Idaho Legislature ate noon at the Colonial chaoei the in to ter Married B.hfhhb accombanled by er, sister, Jeck, Boise. Mrs. Joseph (Frenchy) Frenette, a Deseret, Friends may call at 2128 , Mortuary Hartwell. Fall River Mills, Calit. Kenneth each , approved Perkes a reapport-lonmen- t 70,Oliver 1004 Indiana of certified or cashiers check pava South State Thursday from 6 to 8 Protection the Superior 'a daughter way. 6oM Jones 8, May Ave, d'ed .ues Notices Henry end pie to )he owner or a bid bond tn p m and Friday prior to services 1942, Lake Sait through all funeral director legal plan for itself Wednes- day at 6 30 p m of favor Owner the the executed Aiex Alice Smith 1 tv by J. Mart ell Bodell by Mtg. Sandy Solemnized interment, his home af er a"a a n d e r. Married NOTICE OF FILINS Lake Sait K,,,Sfc2; Funeral directors, Kay CokSilal Mor- day, but disagreed on proposals ata lingering illness ry surety company as PETITION TO DISCONNECT Johnston t a Samuel Temple July florists amount not less than five per cent to .revise boundaries of the Born Jan 9, NO. 159726 1955 Fletcher June 20, Prim u of amount ,(5S 1895, Lake Linden, LORING Funeral services for G IN Lake Sait THE .w feacher, 1906, i COURT !T,!n DiTkil. of dis- Mich , a soi cl two congressional or bid check tohd will E be Albert conducted uiew died Second He 262-253City 9 rr?hu LanE LUWN1I aiAle Or shall be given as a guarantee that Thursday Loring 2 In Ward the mwi Survivors Eugene and Cell-n- a pm Feb 3, 1947 tricts. the bidder will execute Marcotte Fren 26th in mi Matter of the Restriction of If It is awarded him inthe contract, Douglas Post Chapel Friends may husband, daughters, son, Leslie LorMember, conformity M a r r e d 574 ette raine Kenneth the Sarah Eflen, at Evans and Early, East Arnold, Cotpoidie Limits ot in uiy i with the Contract Documents Ward, Church of The Senate's approved reap1 Emma Abigail and call all Salt Lake City, sisters, brothers, Bingham uanvoii uiah 1st South Wednesday evenino 7 to 8 Jesus Christ of FLORAL provide the surety bond or bonds Mrs Hedve B Fnberg, Bovd Robert Dec 24, Irtc VIhic uF u t AH TO THEI will Latter-da- y Saints. as soeclfled therein within five (5) p m and at the Fort Douglas Post Valley Wide Free Del. portionment plan was subject to Owens LaU Mrs Salt both City; Lake Salt one half hour prior 1923, ' Samuel Alexander, Bdxer. Chapel Thursday 331 Survivors 39th South East MUNIcVAL aWard JSJfuRAnilil. N solemto services Interment, Fort Douglas possible reconsideration Thurs- City Later ;salt Lake City,' five grandchildren; HBaxterPteasan? Groyee'Funeral iO AlL rEkdONS iNicxcSitu gf'J'c'ontPac'00"0" Evans Funeral directors nized in Salt Lake The Owner reserves the rlaht to Cemetery Mrs sisters, one LDS IN Grandview Second I MAi-noon, 44 AbwVC EM The tNTliLcO Friday High reiect any bids or to waive any Irre- - and Early, day and both proposals must yet Temple Bertha A Reid, Mrs Katherine A Ward East. Burial cR . Chapel, . 26th oularities or Informalities In any bid in Toiman, Mrs Grace A Giaque, all Sait Lake City Cemetery. ii You are hereby notified that be approved, by the opposite priest nunerai services ror waiter or In the biddmo FLORAL Salt Lake City Ward, Pioneer id me ot LOrooranon cooper No bidder may withdraw his bid Former Funeral Saturday J pm 36 E 7th body. 30 r a "- -r the date P m at the Me Doug at Funeral Home rlod at 2MvCfun.meur,Bt;oyur!'aa,r reulion "IS FREE DELIVERY molder ron South, where friends call Friday, 6 8 4330 South where Redwood, Chapel, hirlc nf TOr me ftnnira and State Brass p m 7 "Saturday before services LAKe s leading hluwii, certa.n territory within sef Leaders abandoned plans to AmeTtcan. Foundry may call one hour prior to LOGAN Funeral services for uiscunneci kpnnfth i "ppiwrp friends widow, daughters son, iaj wasatch Lwn Memorial Park. ana iymg upon me ooraers o? services Interment Valley View MeRoy Birrell, Las' PEPPERIDGE FLORAL Thomas c. d,gam L.nyo,, xrum end the special session Wednes- - Mrs Peter R (Lorraine) R. Pork Funeral morial directors, Ly Clark, 77, Logan, LiiV ot bufe'iam London, Ocscnbed Vegas, Nev , Mrs D Wayne (Laura), David McDougal Cottonwood Mati . who died of natu- follows Salt Lake! Seated proposals will be day night but said tfpy hone to Procter, Oliver E, bothbroHler' Graveside services for ral causes Mon- v,li Mrs. will b. held rhors-wniMcC Counfy Keaoildren' 1 -ay ,n an Orem get the job done by noon Thurs- Special Notices un"' o clock noon t the Sxlt Lake ra E Ci,v.' it will be ;day hospital, Funeral Saturday noon, 26th Ward Funtral v i! .v; a'rac,ors' Thursday day. West ES0!rJisSav a?4 9 and 7tn South 9th chaoei, at Deret Mortuary Logan Sixth LDS ft 461 lee. ti Jin ine oliiicasi s Friends call at 260 E South Temple. Ts0ay South, Room 105, for as Two Amendments Ward Chapel. tne Suumeasi Quarter or Section McDONALD Requiem Mass for GOLDEN WEDDING, Friday 68 pm a) tne chepel Satur Friends call Hall aoum. Range j West, Pa paving and rubber aphalt pav Felix iownsnip McDonald will be celebrated j Burial, before one hour services. Thurstwo schools in accordance Mortuary nahJra Salt Laxe Base ana Mendion,1 ,n Introduced in the House were day Friday 9 a m. at the St Vincent de Sait Lake City Cemetery. day prior to servIcauses. tnence aiuno m boundary nne ot'With drawings and specifications Paul Catholic Church, 4900 Wasatch BIRTHDAY ices Burial Logan said City norm 46 otu. 2a mm.l Born March I, two proposed constitutional amQualified bidders may obtain draw Street Recitation of the Holy Rosary Cemetery Born a !S79, N.ifloV ,n9s and specifications at the office Mortuary, Kamas, T. State Street, 4760 South 7 1 Va1888, Jan. 23, of John endments sponsors said would KEARNS 0, BU"dln8S where friends may call 6 to 6 p m daughter ANNOUNCEMENTS NullQ.' w' Ind , to ,6 lparaiso Mrs Alice Elizabeth an3 R&$,na Warr Thursday 8 p m at the Jenkins Scffe Peter Thomas and qeg. ao mm. tab! 490o feci to Coremove what they labeled a fume- - Wheaton Interment Mount Calvary 1 1 J u Allen e 3u mm A certified check or Bid Bond ot Thursday rner uo Nunn dcu. 43, ti, died aj Kearns, Funeral directors, V. C. Married bast iu4 9 teei to corner No 11A not less than five per cent of the Cemetery cnc Photographs for us with Birthday legal cloud over reapportion- - ot Burdick Ernestine ana Sou m 6o otg 2o mm. Last 48 amount of the bid must accompany aofTe anq at anWednesday and Wedding Anniversary 1912, 3, Nov 11 for teet, niure or less, to a point on each proposal ervic 48 a m Funeral PORTER in a Pa Worked In oil fie'ds Carvville, me oumwest comer or me uropei-tThe Board reserves the right to re- James Earl Porter will b held Frimust be submitted nouncements hospital Murray ViolinLDS Stake High priest Logan annexed to me corporaie limns ject any or all proposals 30 Born July day at 12 non at the Larkin Morto the Classified Advertising Deor me liw or bingnam ist Survivors widow, sons daughcanyon, 1921, Montroe, BOARD OF EDUCATION OP tuary Chapel, 260 East So. Temple ters, Francis E , Mrs Sterling utan ov Utdmance ixo 45 cuv of Colo , to Paul and the call at Friends mortuary SALT may CITY LAKE partment four days in odvcnca of Her-on tne both loin (Marian) Webber, Logan, bingnam Lonvui, Utan Mary Larsen Tur bert- Pa . Mrs Mildred By order of .SteJtnS?. Sat publication data. A chorg. will i9ji, me.ie day ot uecernoer, to Fradtord, ner Married "poor day Roberta Ledford, Provo, Mrs. ROBERT L BRIDGE, Victor W Whea aung me boroer of41 said property Funeral direc- - made for the space required for Lake City Cemetery Lake mm. Thomas, so annexed, Nonh (Verna) Mrs ?ce ocg. ton July 5, 1944, sons, daughters. and Survivors 17 tors, Larkin Mortuary o4 (c 79) v reu, ixonh ot dv.g grandchildren. the announcements $5 70 for tha Vanti LDS Tern tasi Young, . Purchasing Agent Indra M Oakley, Summit City; Norih j mm Vnest 46 6uU memteei, deg e p Active Fune-e- l ervices for anTT?BTnfnuTP RICHARDS Counly Mrs Dav d L (Doris) . armpc first Inch, and $4 20 for each mm taxi 314 5 teei. South cjl o Zora will Gardner, Mrs be Richards One would repeal the section LOUIS Albert Coalville, son, will Sealed be Lewellyn received Lj. m7n East 34 s ' feci ietyLDS oregs? proposals and additional inch. b Board of Education of Salt held Thursday, Ham, In the Berg Neola, Duchsne County, J 61a ne h loth Louts Errwst Patch, 74, mm ' Kamas, Keith H , Salt Lake City, 14 of the State Constitution requir- - sc mamst sum- Utah, SSi,n more0 Lake City, Utah, until 3 00 PM, Mortuary ChapeH to d husband, ,y o r s. call Thursday friends 31 where will be 1, 1965, ot?ne and grandchii Thursday, April exgreat grandchildren, faugnte-s- , wNonneriv baundory Provo The newspaper suggest that yo that each county have Interment, opened immediately thereat- - prior to, service dren, brothers, sisters, A W, Floyd, townsire, 'publiciy tension al0'a Bmonam Da Funeral directors, forward your check with th pic at 440 East 1st South, Room 105, City Cemetery Etta Sdiwder, all Los An- -- 12 55 am ,n om ter sMTOndav least one representative in the ividwaynKimbrlv AnnMrsSusan K, Mrs Union R Merrill Mortuary. 2 Holbrook, tor of at classrooms 5teremodeling to 4 W deq. min ca Mary geles; Clifford, Logan; Mrs. Eva all Kearns, Salf Lake hospimother, tur and copy if you do not hova School in accordance with Corner 1a and south it deq 56 West Highand House of Representatives. ROSS Funeral services for Dr. phens, Bakersfield, Calif Grand Junction, Colo , broth-tal Born Oct. 27, Tiry, specifications Clauiffed South 1890, Italy p m , min. West 2li.u teei, moie or less drawings Funeral Friday, MarOrlando Louis ILynn) Rcss will be on account with th ers, sisters, Mrs Verl D (Helen) obtain draw bidders may Qualtft'to 2 Kamas ried Nina Pacionl The other would strike the Stone, Spanish Fork Mrs Hal (Mar (Summit Stake Center, in corner no l situate iouth Wasat the Office held Friday et 12 noon1455in the specifications Advertising trom West Deportment. fee! of a min le3j.o son, at Donald home Salt deg 20, Lake call Banks jo Jan Emerson City. Friends Kelly, Superintendent of Buildings for atch Ward Chapel, section prommting dividing OlElene)Turner, Corner 01 section 23, Northeast p m , 1948 Franx P (Blame, Kamas, Thursday, Retired car Fresno, Calif Ave Friends may call at Larkin Townsmp 3 aoutn, Range J West, ia e??s'at,,1i4 $J.J?5irpr-- 8A Denver Funeral Saturday! Friday before services Burial, inspector , South-260 East So Temple, Pictures will be returned by mafc in cretltincr cpnatoriAl Turner bid bond of Mortuary, Salt Lake Base and Meridian, Ninth LDS Ward Cha-- j sh,p Cemetery Pacific ern Kearns 1pm, 48 Thursday from 7 to 8 30 p m InterWest tha aouth however, ct2L(fo!ete2l3S thence min. cal! deg. 55rf Veteran jJ pel 5025 W 4865 South (Friends 7 9 of Memorial and representative districts. amount Lawn the bid Wasatch Pak, after publication; ment, 4213 u feet to Corner No. 2, bouin i, Rd , S War World Redwood 4330 Friday assumes no respont) Proposal Funeral directors, Larkin Mortuary. newspaper deg. 07 min. West 4106 4 feet, more Memoer American If the two proposals gain leg- - p m . Chapel Saturday one hour The board reserves the right to or less, to a point betng tne North Burial Redwood Memori to Legion, St. Ann's bility for pictures submitted. any or ail proposals 1 GRANGER Walter east corner ot the property wmch Cath-o- l illative approval thov will go on ai services Special Notices Estates Bv BOARD OF EDUCATION was atsconnecied trom tne City ot 3"86 Sur-- v St, Beuve c Church OF ALT LAKE CiTY i v o r s Bingham Canvon bv a Decree of the 19 general election ballot d ed Wednesday widow, the u is tr tc t L ou r t ot barf Lake 7 3 ? m Mrs. daughters, Sehwen for ratification County, stale or Utah, in caae No. Clerk, Treasurer, Puichasmg Agent Lucille .. Sat Lake hospital 623zu, doiea the 4sm dav or JanuHarold atfr a imaenng for Wash , Mrs Eileen Graveside services der, Centraiia, ary, 19j9, a certinea coov ot which Funerals stepsons. Joe Crane Rice, San Francisco, McCv, 6t IS 2 W 2nd ,nness Lnder House was recoraeo n tne County RecorSo-Gene all who was fojnd dead ot na u Pacionl, Bonks, Banks, Ray h Born 0ct der's ottice of Salt Laxe County, Woods Fred Lake Sait ral causes March 18 at hi, home, 10fti Banks, City, BARNET Joint funeral services cnrpt,ir Utah on Jonuary 25, )y.9. In book Lnder the House reapportion- - Will be Thursday noon, Sa't Lake Cross, Ernest Pacioni, San FrancisJames of No. 2U ot Liens and Leases, at for Wendell Ray Barney and his son 17 greatco, Cem',erv c,tv grciochildren, nd Mag waiter 31V, 341, as tntry Kent Ray Barney will be held Thursand the state would pages ment proposal, 3aj brother, grandchildren Thomas, No 856117; thence along the boun- day, 1 p m at the Monroe LDS Ward Xi ge Norton Lon Spokane, Wash ; sister, in Italy. Rebe diuded into 2i districts, 12 of Married Wilma dary line of said prooerty so dis- Chapel, Monroe, Utah 8 Friends may quiem Mass Saturday 10 a m , St. connected North 69 deg. 38 mm. call Wednesday 6 to E 430 p m at the 21st South Ann's Church, multi-countsSu8 Lake them West 4(4)2 feet, thence North 8 Me Doug a funeral home, 4330 South .Membership 'Holy Rosary Friday 7 pm, 372 E D TemDie deg 30 min West 1417 feet, thence Redwood and Thursday at the church Member, 1st South, where friends call Friday of the House would be reduced North 20 deg 30 mm. bast 1069 one hour prior to services. Inter8 P.m , Saturday prior to services 00 36 feet mm. thence North deg. Funeral di ment, Monroe Cemetery from 79 to 67 members. East 700 feet, thence North 29 deg rectors, R. David McDougat G. 30 min. East 720 feet; thence North The measuie, the first of the BURTON Funeral services for 11 mm 299 feet, 30 East deg APRIL ST JOHNS, ARIZ Mrs. Myrtle 12 introduced m the House to thence North 16 dea 28 mm. West Charles Kenneth Burton, husband of Greer Brown, 79, St Johns, died of 175 feet, thence North' 24 deaTo Alice Holbrook Burton of Kaysville, natural causes Wednesday ar 4 30 min. come up for final debate was, ir 835 feet, thence North 63 will be held Thursday at 1 pm East am in a Sait Laxe hospital Born dea tf) mn West 22 6 feet, thence the Kaysville LDS First Ward Cha Feb 18, 188o, Hunt, to John Harris than after South 23 deg 45 mm West 543 pel, Second West and Cen'er Street approved, and Arpha Nichoils Geer Married thence bourn 9 deg J5 mm Friends may call at Lindquist Chapel fed, an hour Of debate that included 22, Sat ten' 'Lee) Shockley both lo Beriamin Brown, Salt Lake LDS Robert Gourley, West 960 feet, then South 44 deg of Memories, 340 North Mam, K ys He died 1935 Survivors Temple Salt Laka City, eight 4 Vl,,e an attack on the Supreme Court L,fana HurriWednesday from 6 to pm L LeeV7 Mvrlan sons, Caldaughters, G, Sa,t Lake brother, sisters Clint Alameda, ?k2Utth?4?nrdevft,,?h iT!LftW?st,J40i and Thursday from 11 am innl Beniamin, u,ah' Err01 Ge md (Zei a) Dr' cane ,..r 12 30 Han- n the m Mr. Louise Bloi-- . bo.h Kanab, ruling that .state ,ntermwit p SELL THE ?e2 Utah, John Joseph Ryman, 17, Roselle John ILCa) thence VhUJJ idnh0, uJfft 345 vHle Layton Memorial Park 11 Funeral Mrs Doug'as (Ha ! if Sou n ham, Pocatello teei, mu') repicscnt equal numbets 7 Funeral Idaho 50 min C? 'ofext- West 176 feet, Erectors, Lindquist Chapel of MemDowney Hall, zel) deg in of persons. (i7,nQar Johns, j2 grandchildren FnoaV i r r brothers, sisters, John grandchildren, 1196 feet, tnence South 52 deg 25 DARLING Funeral ser'vics for H Greer, Leland Greer, Nathan min East 250 feet, more or less, to Forest V Darling will be held Thurs-- a Greer, all St Johns, James Greer, A proCARSON CITY (AP) point situate South 4 deg 36 min day, 12 noon, in the Larkin Mortuary WELL $4anton, Calif . Mrs Bra Law, MurEast 65 7 tet from Roadstone No Chapel, 260 East So Temple mends ray, Utah, Mrs Kathrvn Hall Mrs 6, said pomt beina the Northwest posed Nevada civil rights bill cai.f may call at the mortuary Wednes-corne- r both Phoenix; Nichols, Marguerite of to was and which the dav, 68 16 property Thursday prior Salt Lake; pm, ' Don L Merrill, Mrs Florence Crosby, Greer Funerwont get out of Senate commitLIST disconnected from the City of Bin- - service Burial Elvsian Interment, Jeanette Hawkins, 18 Salt Lake al Saturday 2 pm St Johns LDS Funeral directors, Larkin gham Canyon bv the Decree of the Gardens tee without changes, Son James Edward LeRov Ward Chapel. Burial St Johns Cem- CENTERVILLE District Court of Salt Lake County, Mortuary Ervon Walter Knorr, 25 Salt Lake, etery. Center71, State of Utah in Case No 62320 Helen Lorain Underwood, 20, Salt Porter, said FAULKNER Funeral services ITEMS above referred to, thence along the for Kenneth J Fau'kner vilie, d ed of a L will be he d iea t boundary line of said property so Wednesday. 10 a m at the Larkin Morat Friday mornSalt Allen 24, 7 Cochran, South 12 disconnected yvednesday Eugene min. deq Sen. Slattery, Senate minority Lake West 43 9 feet, South 9 dea. 04 mm tuary Cnapei, 260 E Souin Terrpie ing at his home MOUNT PLEASANT, Sanpete 15. Born June West 56 5 feet, South 9 deq. 23 mm Friends may cntl ft th morkarv Funeral services for SherAnnette Olsen, 21, Salt Lake. County to 1893, man Oscar Smith, 58, Mount Pleas- leader, has opposed civil rights West 79 6 feet. South 80 deg 07 Thursday from 6 to 8 P m and FriOgden, L services Interment, Mt. and William mm East 20 4 feet, North 35 deg d)T t10' ant, who died Aftonday night, will be Ste legislation on the state level. 19 mm r Friday East 84 9 feet and South 9 Ol.ver Cemetery Funeral directors, pm, Mount Pleasant SecPorter d h e n s 474 5 38 Mortuary Larkip East to min call feet the LDS ond Friends Ward Chapel. deg These ministers and civil Manorie Married Funeral Home Thursday Ursenbach East boundary line of the City of FLETCHER Funeral services for F Coe June 15, Bingham Canvon and fhence along Edna Smith Alexander Fletcher wii! Friday prior to services. pm,Mount rights leaders are trying to say 1917 died She Pleasant Burial Cemetery. be h'ld Saturday ot 2 pm ,n the ?e.xb0,unilar'nllnei 0,,si".d 1959 481 08 Rose Room, 36 E 7th South May 13, Born April 16, 1906, Mount Pleasant, another Selma. he said, deg Inter- owner Pert- to Oscar J and Susan Kump Smith T!fhm?irertra e 52 !?,0rF.xtNBsi3 5 menl- Wasatch Lawn Memorial Park Co. Married Olive Truscott Aug 17, 1925, referring to supporters of the Richard D Andrews, 23 Salt Lake, er Floral at M MemxVv 4 South 89 deg Mofh , feet to Corner No ihL 8 p m ember Manti Sheepnerder, stockman "Oy Constance Sisenore, 20, Granger v ibill. Third Centerville 43 mm West 13216 feet to Corner ber LDS Church Survivors widow; Fun-15S Ward Surv W Turner, 27, Moos, Wyo No 5, North 23 deg 49 mm West I"?, Saturday prior to services sons, daughter, Sherden. Tooele, AllThe Assembly-passe- d measure Haroid ors directors, Ol2 Lake 46 No to DeseretMortuary sons, daugh Corner Bernice Jensen, 23, Salt 6, South feet en Ray, Colorado Springs, Colo t 23 mm West 192 5 8 feet to Co ers, , Charles L , Mrs Don H GIBBETT Saft Lake Funeral deg City, for iver, services has been approved by the SenSalt b oomington, III George Irwin, Mrs (Betty) Brown, Vernal, 13 grandchil20, Lonmt Ralph Hackett, rn- -r No 7 and Nor-- h 54 dea. 43 George C Gibb-- tt Fri-mwill be DOLLARS DAYS LINES Lake Pea- -' Stock both Roy, William E, dren West 1329 0 feet to Corner No day at 12 noon m the Rose h,d Alien, Los ate Judiciary Committee. brothers, 36 sistrs, Room, A 18 Lake Sal! 'with U S Army Hawaii, Gene, Mrs Angeles, Dick, Medford, Ore , Mrs Candace Winslow, c 7, c01Jth intprmpnt 9ait a a 8, the point of beginning It is expecicd to be reviewed both Mrs. Randall, Centervilie, Mount Dorothy Melba Pleasant, Averett, co Cl mter?eJdm?oerexcemnuSaod'nlb0. Friends may call ., Alden L. Bcteman, ait Lake Cemetery rs F'orence Camo Empire, Calif , Wanda Mont , Billings, Stewart, Due lia Bradshaw Dewey, 51, aa t bv the Senate Finance CommitMrs Mildred Smith, Arnold, both Rose-burrs Mariorie Kent tUcr Thursday. those so designated in the Resolu- - 6 to 8 Layton BIG TAKE Lake p rn and Friday prior to the Louise Waeers Senora, Calif ; T2 tion by the Board of Coun- adopted Ore. tee before fating floor action Funeral directors, Deseret brothers of Salt Lake sister. Wit- tv Commissioners David William Newman, 24. Mur- - srarHacH.ldren County, State of Utah, creatina the Mortuary. The upper chamber approved ray UlSTt 5an DLvUee, Town of Binoham Canyon, dated HARRELL Funeral services tor ' ' ' January 18 1904, tiled m the i Coun- - Ehzabeth McCerthy Harrell will be amendments to a bill requiring Lake .L'ndq9'5t pa,u,;d rhADd4 Ooetw Theodor ORE ' whrA friends PORTLAND, rft 2 p m at the Larkin hHd rS Frid'' " Ogthat the State Gaming Control Bill L Mellenfhin, 22 Salt Lake call Friday 79 pm. Saturday prior Jay Smith, 48. Portland formercauses hi78M? Febur4Mortuery Chapel, 260 East So. Tern-Yo1904 Tite No den resident, died of natural services Su an Lynne Cclianna, 19, Salt Lake Board recehe copies of woik-perml"or, F"fnd are further notified that If vou morning in a Portland Wednesday and frwT) 6 to .,he p William H Berry, 74, Salt Lake; toitua!7 hospital Born March 17, 1917, Stone, have any obiections to or desi-'C. Interment, ... D. Knight, 62, Orem applications for casino Marci Idaho, to Jay and Susan Goss Smith contest the granting of said petition, Fnday prior to services 17. Wasatch Lawn Memorial Park 1937, Fun Senn in to Roma April you are reouired file an answer Dewey Calder MacKay, 65, 1337 Married employes. Member writing with the Clerk of the above eral directors, Larkin Mortuary Gary Lee Mortensen, 16 Salt Lake, Garland, Utah Divorced Colonial Cl. 0800 Bonnie Lee Baker, 14, Granqer LDS Church machinery entitled court and to serve upon or HERE'S HOW IT WORKS: If you have something to Heavy HARRIS Funeral services for E a s t died mrr 9kSZ5 1th? ISmfot0 .trirnaTw Former resident T remonmechanic Pwl . Harris will be held Thurs-Behi- e Lewis Clinton Lockwood, 20, Salt Wednesday at or sell Uteh Survivors sons, daughter, ton, something to buy something to rent 10 45 a m at his Lrke cSIihI Garry W , Lynn Carl Mrs. Mary Lou for Kennecott Coooer Corporation, 184 East 5770 So Winifred J Smith, 18, Sandy. a home after to svap, just dial EM 3-- 1 525. Ask for T, Columbus, 520 Kearns Building Salt Lak City, Bragg, Ogden something 7 9 call from short illness Bo-- i Wednesday pm 04101, and to VanCott. Bagiev, niay brothers, Ga , it grandchildren, r. 1899, 28, She will help you write April AD, an Thursday from II to 11 45 am ter, Charles Smlthfield Utah Mrs !Cornw:i & McCarthy attorneys Everett, The Anaconda Company, Suite 300, t fhe Jenkins-Soff- e Mortuary, 4760 Laura Wright, Tremonton, So St m State Caloer and Interment , run it 4 DAYS and bill you 4 DOLLARS. Easy as Funeral Saturday p Murray City Portland East 1st South Salt Lake City, In lieu of flowers those Rogers Funeral Home, Tremonton. Utah, 84111, within 30 days after the Cemetery Births in Sait Lake area hospitals MaTKaiMarripd that. Y. of the first publication hereof It desiring may make contr buttons to Friends call Lindquist 6. Sons Coloni-iat- e ?' In tne 24 hour period endec Wednes- RpJff 5? al Chapel, Ogden, Friday 7 9 P m , you fail so to do, your default willitho Murray Baptist Church Funeral pdbn day at 10 30 p m included satMortuary Saturday two hour he entered and the said Petition will directors, V C Soffe & Sons (Rogers JLake LDS Tern'prior to service. Burial Riverside HUNTER Funeral services for further notice to von Cemetery. Ijj1' , 0cnh,ef (Sorry, Commercial houses cannot take advantage William W Hunter will be held SatDated March 15th 1965 urday at 2 p m in the Rose Room, of Railroad. it is reserved for the this special discount rate Active BEHLP EVANS PARSONS, Mr. and Mrs. D. Nile Jensen, 776 member 36 East 7th South Interment In Salt Coiomaf & LATIMER Lak Carnation Dr , Sandy, daughter City Cemetery Friends may call 'Hills LDS Ward lines and no refunds classified 4 W EVANS. ad ELLIOTT family only. By Only 229 L. Mrs Jack at the Deseret Mortuary on Friday 6 Metcalf, Albertson Juliete stake missionary, HYRUM Mrs (A,MlAa Attorneys for Petitioner, W 800 South Bountiful, son to 8 p m and Saturday prior to servNo for results. for late results, either.) cost Hillside 61, died here Tuesday, extra Seventy, Kennecott Coooer Andersen, Corp. early 727 LDS Stake ices Funeral directors, Deseret Survivors ?? rs van 520 Kearns Buiidmo widow, sons, natural causes Born April 13, 1903, tDr Dwev C Jr, Bountiful, Dr Cal- - iHvrum, to Iver and Matilda Ander- 841n Utah wS? Lake Salt C'tv, R orvin, 45 E vm R JGaaing hiicinpccmon in til6 Ug HATCH Funeral services for LlMie Northrldge, Cahf ; 10 grand- - sen Albertson Married to Delos An- VanCOTT, BAGLEY CORNWALL Vance Hatch will be held Thursday, 8, MCCARTHY sisters Eugene, der9en, Aug 11, W30. Farmington Hon area atfpnrtaH a kirlrnff d Jansen, children; W,brothers, an VmL.SOoiai 3-12 noon, In the Union Mortuary Msh Roland C, Harcid M, He died SeptembfcrT 1963 Survivors ChaBv S N CORNWALL, 1 lGeo'ge Attorneys for Petitioner, 4 pel, 295 North Main, Bountiful, where breakfast here Wednesday to both B Willie, 7 Anaconda (Gwenna) The to 9 friends may call Wednesday, Company James E , Phoenix, Anz , Lt 141 Eat Ht South P m , and Thursday, 10 30 to 12 noon Hyrum; Boyd raise $400,000 in voluntary con20 Kan L , Manhattan Salt Lak City, Utah 84111 Interment, Bountiful Memorial Park IT" Douglas -"March Funeral directors, tributions for the proposed DaMernlJ R. grandchildren, two Mrs Nellie An- Date of First Publication Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Shields, 1050 Stepmother, (brook, Umor Mortuary. 17, 1965 F vid O. McKay Hospital brothers, Ivan, Og F 13th SoqtFridersen, Ogden, EMr,.Snd"&rSnj Date Curtla, 343 Funeral den, Boyd C Jr, Hyrum pm Hyrum Second LDS J R Bachman, genwal chair-saraonFriday c.rr, 729 call Thompson Friends Ward Chapel man of the fund com- - w c,Blto1' son Funeral Home Thursday 7 9 pm, Split Delays Gem State William Woodruff Hunter, Ave Westminster at died Tuesday 7 15 p m in a lotcat hospital of a Peterson. ROO$EVELT-Er- tv' 71. died of a heart atBWT nature 1180 68. at ctuse; 6 30 tour Married Session End Kit i ' aSlat - jp mr Later t. f nr. . wont far Edna' Fletcher ..,. l4,tj,ijct.ons SJ lohnSDn Drus. VnUlti nursing cVy.Taro.JlTr.dnrI KSf 'J, "f" bdrtiFh'h ai states INTERMOUNT AIN loti Stake BROWN Thomas Clark Nellie McCormick S'.? fN", salt JVelfTm.r!; JWsm.Fr, IS? cr 2ifrla Dam, u?,ln9 Wheaton Alice hfcBSvd oflEdwJi'Sltai. SPmV obnh.mS,crv S ,'V ir, ,h. K a 1?'"" Clark carcinoma b. 24,eV n J atin- rath ts in.r?. acSinin fJe Parish, me Ilan NATIONAL nine WEEK WANT-A- mcna nf Tfprnrfl m Brown Myrtle MARCH 4th 28th TO Salt Lake County bss t Frce, legislator THINGS YOU NO LONGER NEED - WRITTEN WITH A 3 OR AD. Slattery, attack 4 TQ. EACH AD Sherman Smith Margaret were m, rn naaa 4-4-- 4 ADVANTAGE J VoifVu- - Theodore J. Smith 55! r, BIRTHS For Ogden LDS Hospital ON WANT ADS DISCOUNT MacKay Dewey Drive Zooms 3313 a fr rJn LDS Hospital Juliet Andersen i m DIAL EM Joseph Wilde building mittee, told the businessmen as-signed to collection committees; that 80 per cent of the construction costs for the eight million dollar structure would be paid by the Church of Jesus Christ of 1 y w Winwir Mrj Joh Mr and aMrsSSeth W. Taft, 1416 S 1?th West daughter Mr Saints Tie remaining 20 per cent Of the amount. $1,600,000 would be raised through the combined ef- forts of the Thomas D. Dee Memorial Hospital staff, along with businessmen and LDS Church members in the area served by the present Thomas Dee Hospital. The area includes Weber DcvrPV aCnd' VTnd Mrl LMrVs. DPMsr,0and50 Alden V. Johnson, Ro(rt0nF. Orton, clyde R. COnd.., 17" emC"' ch Henry Wilde. Fry? died Tuesday at 6 a m in a Rock Springs, Wyo, hosoitat Born July 9, 1878, Coelvilie a son F. of Thomas and Fannie Gunn Wilde SALINA Joseph Francis Poulson Married Mary Jane Sawley Aug. 20, 1902. Coalville Solemn zed n Salt 85, Salma, died of causes Incident to) aae Wednesday morning in a Rich Born Dec 14, 1879 fieid hospital to William and Darthea Redmond, Married1 Poulson Larsen Elsma Anderson Anna Mermda July 26 1901, Manti Farmer, stockman, min sw01 iT thrMb?shopr7csa n FtercyCFra! sSan'T.) COALVILLE-Jo-te- Ho!y Cross Hospital 54 206 Joseph Dee Hospital administrator Kenneth E. Knapp said better than $440,000 already as been1 donated bv the Dee Hospital family of employes, and wards and stakes of the service area have pledged $80,000, which is already coming in. ,7 Foulson TheyTl Do It Every Time! cTufLdws WSurv,vors Ellis Mrs daughters, (Vera) Mrs Fox, Rock Springs, Reva Clark, Coalville, Mrs. Law- Jenk ns, Plain (Genevieve) two seven City, grandchildreh; brothers 8 sis Earthjliaf Calif fclanch Sterns, Sacramento e Mrs Robert F (Algie) Wagner, 13 land, Calif, five grandchildren, nl O mond F , .brothers Parlier, Calif ; Albert, Red Saturday 2pm, Sali-n- a Ward Chaoei Friends Friday 7 9 Mortuary prior to services Saturday Redmond Cemetery. Funeral LDS irt Peterson call o m , Burial four-count- y County, North Davis County the soutnem end of Box Llder Coun-- . 525 CHARGE JUST SAY Latter-da- OF THIS Anna K. Kap LA5. Vf?A? fir,nk HxU92 FJrn" Mr. end Mrs. Bruce Bailey, 5587 S 52, Las Vegas, died of a 17th bear! attack Tuesday at his home .. west, west Jordan, dsugnter C Dan,el1' Born July 31, 19)2, kanab, to Frank .8KRonid son 5239 W 4p4.o L and Lillian Turner Farnsworth i 7oTL,"trDr w Mulr' 9te gt MarU.s'HcSpital Mr. and Mrs Dave C. 983 w. 3rd south, son Mr. and Mrs. Gil A. v1. F gtlTSfin in'ToThA;. 'fe,,Kcha; Utah,- - sisters, m,s Rona'd iviimT) Hargrovt, Stewart, Mrs. Hazel Trumble. both Mf$ 3250 Bsi MJresannjeudyHo& Cantwell St , Granger, son. Delmonf (Athene) - McAllister, call Friday two hours prior to service. Burial Kanab Cemetery Kruitmoes Anna Mrs OGDEN Kap, 76, Oqden, died Tuesday night in an Ogden rest home after a long illness Born Jan 13, 1889, Slddebu-swortren, Holland, to Derk and HIM Prins Mamed to Jacob H Kep Kruitmoes Snot. 10, 1913, Salt Lake LDS Tem pie Came to Ogden from Holland, 1904 Member, Nineteenth LDS Ward Sjrvivors husband, sons, daughter, Helno, Eden Weber County; John, Roy; Mrs Blame (Helen) GledhIH, brothers, Oqden; six grandchildren, sisters, Ted Kruitmoes, Burley, Idaho; George Kruitmoes. Cedar City, Mrs Roy (Jennie) Burt, Salt Lake Geerdlena Oosterveid Mrs City; Holland Funeral, Satur Gronlgen, & Sons Colon 'toay, 1pm, Lindquist ai Chapel, where friends call Friday, p m., Saturday prior to services Burial Washington Heights Memorial By - Jimmy Halle - Park. . V I Y |