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Show 14 B 2nd Reply Granite Schools to End Double Days Monday said m 3005-290- 6015-130- District has opened two junior high schools Bonneville, 5330 Gur-en- e Dr. (1600 East), and the West Lake, 3400 S. 3450 West. Other elementarys which have opened since the start of school are the Lake Ridge, 7300 W. 3400 South ; Pioneer, 3860 S. 3380 West; Upland Terrace, East, and the Vista, 4925 S. 2200 West. 3700-286- 0 New Additions Dr. O. C. England, deputy su- -' To Honor Sheriff Special to The Tribune SALT LAKE Salt Lake County Sheriff George W. Beckstead will be honored Friday at the annual father and son sports night of South Salt Lake Lions Club at 7:30 p.m. in the Central Junior High School, - SOUTH Fire Engine Salt Lake City Parks Commissioner Joe L. Christensen Wednesday was forced to reject an offer to restore a horse-draw-n fire engine displayed at Liberty Park when it was learned the engine is not city property. he engine belongs to the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers, Mr. Christensen told the City Commission. This old gem is going to ruin by being exposed to all the weather elements, Jon Larson, Murray, said in a letter to the Commission Sept. - to it that Richard suffering an ailment that is slowly blinding him does not lose contact. - COLOR-HI- Just brush it on. New Color-Hwon't streak, crack or wear off . . . will recolor and renew any leather or vlftyl furnishings in homes, cars, offices, boats. It's flexible! it WILL NOT FADE -- CRACK -- PEEL Comes in 24 sleek, Smart colors smoothly professional. wish, you can blend color match or change colors. . looks If you WOOLWORTH'S 223 SO MAIN, SALT LAKE Please send me CHANGE YOUR CHAIR COLORS Color-Hi- 4-o- z. Finish with r Matt spray can CITY, Complete UTAH Color-Hi- t at $3 98 each Kits Color Gloss Finish Spray ot $1.99 eoch Matte Finish Spray ot $1.99 each condi- 4-o- z. t, soft finish, 34 COLORS: Money Order soles tox in Utah. Q I. 3':i AVAILABLE AT MOST WOOLWORTH STORES UNPAINTED FURNITURE CLOCK a full qualand rectifier clock radio. ity Automatically wakac you to music. Now, from Conorol Electric dynapower speaker. warranty on parts and Big Full 90-da- y Commission. It was felt by both departments that the proposal offers minimal program under which they can operate successfully. In comparison with the present salary schedule, the new plan contemplates the following percentage increase in the various grades: Grades 16 and 18 are un- Judge' A. H. Ellett of Third chaged because no problem Court will serve as,ists in these Grade 19(1) Still others saw that he went safely along the halls and up and down the school stairways. Others carried his books and his typewriter. Still others volunteered to correct his papers, or see that he understood the school work. And the teachers especially Mrs. Genevieve Wright, English, and Mrs. Norleen Z. Hambly, math are seeing that, where they thought Richard's presence might have been a detriment, it has been a blessing. levels; Really Achieves Richard, in spite of his handicap has really achieved, and is at the top of his class scholas-ticallThe Fourth Howitzer Bn 11th which has made him a will leave Saturday at real incentive" to the other Artillery Ft- mP frcom children who seem to feel that near. Dugway if he can do it. we should try Simpson Springs Ground toilake mart in Proving harder. a two-dafiring maneuver. Richard is a son of Mr. and The battalion, composed of 350 Mrs. Don F. Lane, 719 Windsor men, will spend Saturday in St. (860 East). and instruction. preparation will begin shooting Sunday 7 a.m. and continue until 11:30 a.m. They will fire 137 rounds from 105 millimeter how- Physics Building STATE Check Please add Only T ADDRESS (H t-- i. COLOR-HI- NAME CITY hike requested by the State Hospital and the Welfare $3,000 Helped in Halls y Zolor loss him. I i lolor tioner and fine bristle brush. - 1 L One kit recolors four dinette chairs. Each kit complete with Readies Salute labor. radio Draws 13 Bids itzers. Lt. Col. William Felt will be in of the maneuver. The Active bidding for construc- charge battalion will arrive back at Ft, tion of the University of Utah's at 3:15 p.m. new physics building brought Douglas Sunday an apparent low cost of Rim Steals $35 Tire, Theft of a tire and rim, $35 Thirteen -- separate bids were vaiue from the automobile of opened at the Capitol by Utah James A. Casagrande, Douglas State Building Board officials, Hall, University of Utah, while The apparent low was submit-- the vehicle was parked at 55 ted by Hogan and Tingey, Cen- Post Office PI. (350 South), was reported to police Wednesday. terville, Davis County. 1 U. Model C403 Sets Registration Friday Saturday , STEAM AND DRY IRON CHEST leetjr to paint ar varnish '19!L ChlST, 33x36x1 S , to Finish, 30x30x16 Two Irons in One Even flow controlled Lightweight 13 DESK Read $12 Model F60 qxtio 'u "To WO"T UnP6 Hospitals Plea on Pay sto-oth- THE FIRST BRUSH ON COLOR COATING FOR LEATHER-VINYor PLASTIC T advertising. . ITS NEW! COLOR-HI- to Classmates Fill Roles as Eyes, or Youth Going Blind tion. Commissioner Christensen suggested Mr. Larson contact the DUP. BRUSH comes State Studies Maestro Maurice Abravanel, conductor of the Utah SymphoThe Utah State Hospital, Pro- ny, will receive commendation reformed. vo, through the State Welfare Ears-Ev- en from a nonmusical source the Included in a list of speakers and the Stat "and" Healthl?m.nlissjn Tuberculosis Utah at the conference, Mr. HumHealth has reDepartment, Assn, at a noon luncheon on phrey said, are Labor Secretary a revision of the Medi- quested 17 in Newhouse Hotel. April Legs-fWillard W. Wirtz, Office of EcoHe will be cited for his work ca Fay Pannomic Opportunity Director R, Members of the State Board as chairman of the 1964 Sargent Shriver. Administrator 4 and of Examiners Wednesday took a terrific desire to remain would never give Seal mas They campaign Robert Clifton Weaver of the the proposal under advisement. Hn school. thought to a little, blind boy Housing and Home Finance Present salary structures, acto him. tease except perhaps Concern to Teachers Agency and representatives of' This is the heartwarming cording to State Hospital offi- They pictured the classroom, agencies involved in urban rv of Richard Lane, 14, whose This. desire caused some have proved inadequate ca's. medical American and with in Richard services, the is no handicap. sitting there !sterr.alion among teachers at programs. darkness gaining nothing, the Medical Assn., Chicago. His for recruitment purposes and His classmates at Roosevelt R00seveit when he enrolled. other children unruly and re- subject will be, Will Utah Be the retention of present staffs, Junior High School have willthemasked What, they Radiator Vanishes sentful of his presence. the First State to Conquer Tu- particularly, in the field of psyingly become his eyes, his ears, will each and chiatry. other, selves berculosis? A radiator w&s stolen from a and even his legs. They Were Wrong to him here? his happen for Three Vacancies Small and Bruce owned truck frail, age, by pickup But they were wrong Three Schools Rate Electric Co., 41 W. 9th South, Richard has been gradually They pictured the big, robust Richards presence in the Of 131 high schools entered in Currently, the State Hospital while the vehicle was parked going blind from a diabetic con- junior high school boys thunderbas blree vacancies for near the business, the manager dition. But he has a lot of spunk, ing along the stairs or jostling school and especially in his regional contest conducted bylatrists which it has been unabl and math classrooms English a happy engaging personality in the halls. told police Wednesday. the Mathematics Association of to fill for 10 months. has brought about something America, three from the Salt Meanwhile, the Health Dewonderful a voluntary sense of Lake area were in the top 10 per partment has not been successloyalty, love and cent. ful in recruiting a psychiatrist ness in the other youngsters that Report of the placement came for the post of director of even know perhaps they didnt, f the association headquart. tal health and a specialist to su they possessed. ers at Colorado State Universi- - pPrvise the tuberculosis pro-tin class Richard hadnt been Fort Collins, Colo. a fully funded Federal very long before some of the Olympus High School of Gran-;gra- gram, seventh grade boys voluntarily ite District placed ninth. state Hospital officials feel became their "brothers keep- Highland High of Salt Lake that under the present shortage er 'City was tenth. condition and the extra work They made themselves res-.- ; Skyline High of Granite was load, the treatment program for ponsible reading assign- twelfth. soon will deteriorate. to the from blackboard jments Richard so he can copy them on Less Than Original his Braille typewriter. They The proposal as submitted to T! made sure Richard knew what the State Board of Examiners, was in the books by reading to involves less than the original Mr. Larson, who asked that the fire engine be placed in his care for rebuilding and restoration, offered the fire department use of a late model truck during the restora- CLEANER intentions. You will call a plumber if Mr. your toilet overflows, Thomas said, but would not think of asking for help when it They Like Ilis Spunk 30. Strrint families tor Over 100 Years A evidence stor- dence needed for pending court age facility has been installed cases, Sheriff George W. Beck , by the Salt Lake County Sher- stetyl said. iffs Department to retain evi-- All evidence held by the department has been inventoried, and the county attorneys office will be asked to prepare orof property not ders for Radio executive Allen Thomas needed disposal in court action, said Wednesday urged businessmen Chief Deputy George Q. Nielsen to quit taking themselves so Jr., supervising the revised eviseriously and strive for the dence storage procedures. soft sell in their advertising. an- also The department Mr. Thomas, vice president of nounced at the identification radio station KLUB, told the division will be manned 16 hours Bonneville Kiwanis Club, meet- a day instead of the previous ing at the Hotel Newhouse, to eight hours. Felon- showups in consider wisely the disburse- the for all law encounty ment of their advertising dol- forcement- jail agencies will be ex- lars. to three days a week panded He urged businessmen to qmtjinstead of the nt days. relying on alleged experts who, often misdirect their advertising Try Soft Sell President Johnsons invitation to attend an Informal dinner for mayors at the White House no to March 30, also said Vice President Hubert Humphreys invitation to a conference the same day. Mr. Humphrey, acting as liaison between the President and the mayors, said he is confident communications of benefit to the President and individual mayors can be established. "Your telegram indicates conference with mayors to find more ways of spending peoples money, Mayor Lee declared in his telegram to the vice presiI cannot afford and the dent. city cannot afford conference to learn more about what we al- Richard Luker, left, and Holger Mannek, right, are two of Richard Lanes classmates who see ready know. We would be interested in conference to relieve tha taxpayers of some of the burden they now carry. Let me know when federal government has S.L. Helpless To Restore East. d ' g Mayor J. Bracken Lee, who Tuesday afternoon turned down 4340-270- 0 Inddjtion, the Granite District Sheriff Installs Facility For Storing Evidence X O Capital Trip: Lee Says No Again additions perintendefit, Special to The Tribune of four have been completed Double PARK GRANITE Elerooms at the Canyon-Rithe for1 will end sessions day 0 six East; mentary, rest of this year in the Granite rooms at the 0 Woodstock, School elementary 14 rooms at West East; new when the schools Monday 4901 S. 4720 West, and Howard R. Driggs Elementary Kearns, a shop at Cyprus High School, School opens. 8623 W. 3000 South. 740 students Approximately He added that Wasatch Junwill be transferred from the ior High is the only school at Crestview Elementary School, the present time which faces to end double day sessions for double day sessions next year. both groups of students. This will probably last until Fifth for Year about Thanksgiving when the The new school is located at Churchill Junior High is East, and is the fifth elementary school in the district to open its doors this year. 3033-2n- Salt Lake Area Briefs The Salt Lake Tribune, Thursday, March 25, 1965 YOUR HONEYS WORTH HOSE AT stegm Registration for spring quarter at the University of Utah will be Friday and Saturday in Orson Spender Hall, it was announced by Joseph A. Norton, registrar. Students must present a fee payment receipt in exchang for registration forms, and new students also must present an admission statement, he said. Registration forms will be issued according to the following schedule: only 3 lbs. $ 88 Students in the College of Law will register Friday between 8:30 a.m. and noon in the Law Building. Students in the Graduate School of Social Work will register Saturday between 8 :30 a.m. and noon in Room 336, Orson Spencer Hall. : - 12(4 per cent increase; Grade 141 2 19(2) per cent; Grade 19(3) 15 per cent; Grade 19(4) 14(4 pee cent and Grade 19(5) 12(4 per cent, Dollar The Spread dollar spread between grades is $125 between 1 and 2; $110 between 2 and 3; $95 between 3 and 4, and $75 between 4 and 5. For comparison, the current salary schedule has a $90 sPrpa(i between each- grade The percentage increase bel-a- t ween steps remains at five per cent in each step, as is the case in the present setup. Other Action In other action the Board of Examiners referred a contract dispute between the Utah Fir a Board and Wasatch Electric Co., to the state attorney gener ah travel expense requests approved for state da partments included: Max C. Gardner, State Land Board director, to Washington, D.C., maximum of $381.80; Stephen L. Brockbank, Human Resources corrdinator, Washington, D.C., maximum of $112; Phil L. Hansen, Attorney General, Washington, D.C., maximum of $400; Clarence Williams, adDiviministrator, sion, Department of Highways ta Santa Fe, maximum of $324,-4Lynn M. Thatcher, Director, Division of Environmental Health to Denver, maximum of lev-Th- Right-of-Wa- y 4; $104,65. Other Trips Rowan C. Stutz, Education Department to Phoenix, and Denver, maximums of $596 and $71; Walter D. Talbot, Education Department, to Phoenix, maximum of $96. .Algie Ballif and William S. Ward, Department of Welfare, to Los Angeles, maximum " of " Mrs. Beverly Hyde, $348.60; caseworker supervisor, to Washington, D.C., maximum of $174; Harold S. Crane, Donald Andri-an- o and Ralph Noble, Fish and ame Department, to Las Vegas, Nev., maximum of $165, S'. |