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Show Society 01ofe -- oj S octet f cJnfetet Jc Mrs. McDowell Powell 20. Mrs. E. J. Gardner entertained at a pantry shower last Thursday evening complimentary to Mrs. George Parns, a June bride. Arrangements were made for twelve guests at one table. spring flowers added a pleasing decorative note. Rev and Mrs. E. B. Pace, their daughter. Mrs. Elsie Lewis and baby Pritdaughter, Misses Marguerite chard and Virginia Boicourt, returned recently from the Utah State Baptist Assembly held in Ogden Canyon. They report a most pleasant time. Vari-coior- - PATRONIZE Is Improving nicely. . -- daughter will also visit a brother, W. N. Jem kins, returning to Magna July that she Mr. and Mrs. John Hancock have gone to Idaho to visit their and family, Mrs. J. Thompson for a month. ocaf fieOJllc Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wurzbach left home of his niece, Mrs. A. E. Thursday for a tour of California entertained at a family reception cities. Mchonoring Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mr. and Mrs. Nick Sandwlck and Miss Margaret ONlel arid Miss Dowell of Salt Lake City, who were sons, Raynard, Lowell, Donald and I1L, married last week. Bridge was play- Theresa O'Nlet of Bloomington, Dickie have returned from a two ed and prizes awarded to Mrs. F. have been the guests of their cousin. weeks visit In Seattle, Washington, to a Powell. Mrs. Arlle Bradford, after trip McDowell and Miss Pearl where they were the guests of Mr. A prettily arranged buffet supper the coast and Pacific Northwest. " Sandwick's sister. Mrsr Rena WU1- s. J. was served to Mr. and$ffs. lams. RiMr. and Mrs. R J. Norris fiijd dauPowell, Mr- and Mrs. L. Keith Mr. Norris and Powell. Miss S. R. Mary ghter, chards, Mr. and Mrs. a Miss Helen Lott will return to her Mr. and Mrs. Sam Haeflll, Mr. and and Mrs. Earl New bold attehded at bold New Mrs of the and family reunion Mr. Mrs. Harris Powell, nursing duties at St. Mark's HosVern Powell and Miss Pearl Powell Midvale on Monday. pital on July 18. following a six weeks recuperation from an appenand the honored guests. Mrs. McThe Magna Women's Club held its dicitis operation. Dowell was formerly Miss Edna Davregular Friday Bridge Party last ies of Salt Lake City. week at the clubrooms. Mrs. Frank Miss Bertha Jenkins, cashier at Mrs. Selma Peterson entertained A. Peterson and Mrs. W. B Boucher local J. C. Penney store, accomthe of affair. the High luncheon at were hostesses club of her the member AnderL. Covers bcore w as won by Mrs. Ida panied by Miss Pearl Jenkins, left on Wednesday afternoon 'a.st Friday by bus for Detroit, Michto were served Howard. Refreshments son. Mrs. Fern for were laid igan, where Miss Bertha will pur- Barntwenty guests. Mrs. Grace Thomas. Mrs. Leah chase a 1937 Plymouth coupe and es. Mrs. A. T. jlali and Mrs. Annie Mrs N S. Fowels has left for her drive it back. While in the east, they Williams. home In California after spending Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Duckworth, a month visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M N. MaLstrom and Mr. and Mrs. I. E Coon and familyMrs. Douglas Smith have returned Mrs. Edward Camion entertained, from a trip through Yellowstone at a birthday party in honor of her National Park. daughter, Betty's eleventh birthday. Miss Margaret McOlll. Miss BlanRefieshmpnts were served to twenty che Smith, Miss Elaine Spence, Miss four guests Doris Dlmond, Miss Lila Dlmond and Miss Elaine Haws left Sunday Many local people are answering to spend a week at the M I. A. girt, the call of the highways and enjoyhome at Brighton In Big Cottoning vacations by motor: Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Mantle and wood Canyonchildren left Saturday for WashingThe Magna Womens' Club held ton to visit Mrs. Mantle's sister, who Its regular business meeting and so- resides there. cial at the dubrooms last WednesMr. and Mis Max Jensen left day evening. The library committee reported that the circulation has In- Wednesday morning for a trip thru creased one hundred per cent dur- Yellowstone National Park. They ing the past month. Many new books will attend the wedding of Mr. Jenhave been added to the shelves and sen's cousin in Shelley, Idaho, the publtc ia Invited to read them. to the Park. Bridge followed the business meetMr. and Mrs Verl Haws are leaving. High score was won by Mrs Ida L. Anderson. Refreshments were ing Saturday for a trip through served by Mrs. W. B. Boucher, Yellowstone National Park. Mr. and PAGE Elr.itT Friday, July 16, 1937 MAGNA TIMES, MAGNA, UTAH HOME-t- o MERCHANTS! Mrs. Oeorge Romrell and children have returned after visiting friends and relatives in St. Anthony, Gleanor Girls of thetfpencer ward entertained at a surprise party for Mrsz Dick Wilkin, president Wednesday evening' at her home. Games were played and refreshments served to eighteen guests. A lovely fountain pen was presented to Mrs- - Wll-k- in in appreciation Ada' RkarifUsserrofSalt La reCity, formerly of Magna, visited latives in Magna last week. Mrs".' Teful$ CLASSIFIEDS - Snuelopes faithfuL --of-her Mr. and Mrs- Sanford Peterson D. C. Honeycutt and daughter, Mr and Mrs Frank Olsen and Katherine, left Sunday. July 11, for son of Lehi, Utah visited in small Mrs. to join Shreveport. Louisiana, FOR SALE Electric Westinghouse Honeycutt who is visiting her par- Magna during the week. They are range, reasonably priced. Inquire ents- The party plans to also visit former residents here. Utah Copper telephone exchange, New Orleans, Memphis, St. Louis, and letterheads GiveIJsYcwt Orders for Erinting 129. Chicago and Denver. Mrs. M J. Brady was called to San Francisco to be with her mother, Mr and Mrs- Emil Williams and Mrs. Ellen Marlor, who was operFOR SALE Dining room table, daughter. Nancy, returned recently ated on for gall stones. Mrs. Marlor buffet and davenport. All in excellfrom an enjoyable trip to San Fran- was visiting her daughter, Agnes, ent condition. Big Bargain- Inquire cisco and Las Angeles, California when taken ill. Latest reports are at Magna Times office. PAPER and INX - plf rocognlzo tho quality FOR SALE OR TRADE- -3 room home on Reid Avenue. See Frank Hemmlngway. - - 4 I" on you gat whee your printing horo. On order win vine you for y m, of Our printing and the Ugh grade Hammermlfl fad popor wo V.V.V.VAV.V.VAW.V.WAWAWAVW.V.VVV,' J CELLOPHANE PUBLIC LEGAL WEDDING te Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth flaslam are Miss Louise Mon sen has gone to Los congratulations upon the receiving Beach. and California, Long Angeles for an extended visit with relatives arrival of a baby girl born Monday at the Cottonwood Maternity home and friends. Mrs Haslam was formerly Mias Ailce Miss Josephine Mix has gone to Sorensen. Long Beach and Los Angeles. CalL. L Reed of Caldwell. Idaho, was ifornia to be the guest of several a visitor during the week at the aunts who reside there. This queer structure, built anchored in the rocks on the peak of 14,000-foMount Evans in Colorado, Is a cosmic ray laboratory of Denver University. The structure must endure violent storms, heavy snow, bitter cold and lightning discharges of high intensity. The roof is a Salt Lake product, built by the Copper Roofs Co, of Salt Lake City, !; ot At Firemens Carnival on the Yellowstone Midway She knew she was buying a good washer when she got THE Wlien shall DEITER 1 put in your telephone? See Man Shot From Cannon at 10:30 p. m. GJfJpJfJrjfjpjfJrJrirJrirJrJrifiipa l PRAGMA CASH MARKET ! CORNER 3rd SOUTH, MAGNA STREET, MAGNA, UTAH .Look For Our Special Saturday Bargains. WE CARRY ALL THES& W PRODUCTS R S. POWELL APPLIANCE SHOP It's easy to o frier telephone service. Just tell any employee or call our business office . j FRIDAY NIGHT JULY 16 IN She says--- I have had three washers before, but never had a washer, until I got the DEXTER TWIN It saves money, strength and time-- A Continuous Process. Washing-Wringin- g and Rinsing-al- l at the same time. Have the DEXTER Representative come and demonstrate, Shows Tele. Gar. 103 Specials for Saturday, July 17, 1937 i I 1 i 'A telephone keeps you in touch with friends, the stores, saves time ind trips for a few cents a day B LAVA SOAP, lge. bars, 3 for 25c Best Foods Mayonnaise, lge, 41c 1 l I CREAM CHEESE, full flavor, lb . . . 15c ..51-2- c BANANAS, fresh, lb Chase & Sanborn Coffee, lb . . 24c 1 i White Fawn Flour, 48 lbs...... $1.79 (MADE IN UTAH) DESERET FLOUR, 48 lbs i $1.69 J UTAHS BEST FLOUR We guarantee every sack j i i i Mutual Creamery Co. FINANCE SERVICE Maid OClover If you contemplate the purchase of a new or used car on a deferred payment basis, see us. We are in a position to assist you In arranging the financing on most favorable terms. OUR CONTINUING' POLICY WILL SAVE YOU APPROXIMATELY 40 PER CENT ON YOUR INSURANCE COST. Fisher's Vitamin D Bread and Cakes. Fresh Daily Automobile Inter'Insurance Exchange J. REX HAMILTON , Dist. Mgr. South State St, Murray, Utah i MADE IN UTAH (No Charge for This Service) 476S i American Lady Baking Co. I'LL BF GLAD TO HELP YOU Farmer Butter-Chees- e MADE IN UTAH i Phone Midrale 93R1 fall Louis Falvo, 42 AND WE manager WILL BE GLAD TO DELIVER-- The Little Store With The Big Stock i i |