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Show BEE IM pn'fsi A COMMUNTTV TMSTTT'rT'l'TOM PUBLIC WEDDING TO BE FEATURED Funeral Rites Today NeedyParsons h mUct and A cellophane public legal wedding will be a feature on the midway of the Firemens carnival this Friday night, July 16, according to announcement made here. A local couple will be married In a formal setting with attendants of bridesmaids, flower girls, ring and train bearers, against a backgound of a lavishly decorated stage. It Is sponsored by Yellowstone shows, and1vill be solemnized promptly at 10.00 p. m- - CHAIRMAN THANKS COMMUNITIES FOR Uu Editor has Mtr say t CHATTER Tomorrow ULY5 SUPPORT Garfield Pool ExcavationDone On behalf of the July 4th celebraBills A very good friend of mine, who tion committee. Chairman E. J. belongs to a labor union, has court- Gardner wishes to thank all the citeously asked me If The Copper Print- izenry of Magna, Garfield and othing Company had printed or knew ers who attended for their splendid who had printed handbills which support of the celebration in Magwere circulated around this vicinity, na July 5. Six hundred and twenty denouncing all types and classes of five dollars (625.00) was the total labor unions In a manner that close- net proceeds realized from the celebration. This amount will be put In ly approached slander. I wish to to this friend that the swimming pool fund, with T. A r Labor Ships Plans Are Given President Roosevelt has suggested Navy's two new battleships of Authorities Say Pool Will UrMpeO'J might both be built in Government Assistance Will Be Grantnavy yards, because the bids subWell-Know- n Magna Man Pered Be One of Best In Utah. To Needy Only mitted by private contractors are Shock To All sons over 6$. too high. That would be no novelty-FoMany Features all naval craft a reply century nearly EmanFuneral services for Henry The beginning of the fiscal year The Copper Printing Company has Marsh, treasurer. The Garfield Swimming pool dewere built in government yards down 43, of Magna, who took form during the past uel Hansen, Jr., The bride and groom will be pre- to the time when iron ships began of the State of Ttah on July 1 also never printed such handbills," and finitely The celebration committee feels after a week when the site was excavated marked the beginning of the new old will NOT print anything that perdied Saturday morning to replace wooden ones. sented with gifts. realvery gratified with the proceeds were conducted Tuesday mness, Uncle Sam still owns the largest age assistance law passed by the leg- tains to a slanderous nature con- ized from same and states that with and plans submitted to the State Immediately following the wedL. D. S. Green Pleasant the in islature session. noon during tw January a man will be shot from a can- supply of raw materials for buildcerning anyone. We consider our this splendid start, the fund should Board oFHealth for final approval. of Mr. ding, We wish it definitely understood code of ethics worth more than the The construction and cost is being Wanl chapel. The death non In one of the most unusual spec- ing wooden ships." That is live rapidly climb until1 enough is ob- undertaken was a craneman for by The Garfield Imoak forest on Santa Rosa Sound, that each applicant and recipient small profit realized from a job tained to construct a gjUisen. who tacles ever seen here. pool. came as provement Company, with H- Claude the Utah Copper Company, near Pensacola. No timber to equal under this act stall be considered where one has to stoop and slanlive-oa- k Anderson, superintendent, in charge. , peat shock to his family and for the timbers and "knees" needy this is rtajt a pension, and der an organization or individual. . The pool, located east of the Gar, friends here. Therefore, in order that the peoof wooden ships has ever been found. monies will be paid only to those, field teephone exchange, is across T. L. Thomas, counsellor of the So President John Quincy Adams who, according to the case worker, ple may know, any handbill that D. S. ward, was In char-- p. are in need of public assistance," goes out of this office hereafter, will the street from the former Sandy Spencer L bought this great stand of live-oa- k bear in small print, "Printed by The Burial was In South Jordan cemetbottom, chiefly as a safety measure timber and made it a permanent re- states officials. In order to receive this assist- Copper Printing Company, Magna." so that the children will not have to serve for the navys use. It is still ery ance the applicant must first fill Orchids To Yon cross the main thoroughfare. It will Mr Hansen was born In South Federal property. of son 120x60 feet graduating from a in a to a blank of as 9, date 1894, be etc., birth, Jordan, January The two semaphores contributed Christ-tn- a of 2 to Hie only use that has been made so that the correct age of the applifeet There will be depth Henry Emanuel and Maren local cafe proprieof it in recent years was to supply cant may be determined. The records by Andy Dallas, showers and lavarooms, Howard Hansen. dressing tor and member of the Magna-Gar-fiethe timbers to repair the famous of birth may be obtained from the tories. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. ElLions Club, to benefit citizenry Officials of the State Board of frigate "Constitution" and so make church, county clerk, department of of Magna, arrived here sie Pierson Hansen of Magna, daugduring the LouiOld Ironsides Health stated in Garfield Tuesday seaworthy again. vltaj statistics. Insurance policies or week and will be installed immehters, Bessie Marie, Henrietta We shall probably never build any mairiage certificates. that the swimming pool when comse and Helen May Hansen and Mrs. diately by the county department. Recreational No more will wooden Friends Give assistance be war to but j a the Community of all pleted. will be one of the best in ships, Boy Many granted Magna Party Floyd Anderson, Although Mr. Dallas possesses a state. of persons having more than $150 In Scouts the who the have Mrs. Well-Know- n Ned the White, privilege sisters, Association For pandson; Sponsors quiet, retiring nature, that shuns Magna cash will be obtained from the In k Water banks. In the in the Martha forest, get Mrs. determining camping Rees, Murray; Magna; sway from such publicity, we believe Local Sport Man Wednesday need of the applicant the case workat the large cave at the turn spring something worth while out of It. Mrs Miltoff Nezos, Rolapp, er will examine bank pass books or that he should be given at least oral the road, providing a constant in Mrs Joseph Morrison and Mrs. orchids for this splendid community A tennis tournament under the diT. O. (Ted) Peterson was duly hon- Postage other records before the assistance supply going in and out, draining off Albert Johansen, both of Salt Lake is such citizens as Mr. Dallas rection of the act It was Franklin When Community Recrea- to the canal, where It will be used Benjamin is at a ored him for party all given workers however, by have granted, Hainsen, Orson half brothers, who contribute to a bigger and bet- tional Association, headed by Paul City, five fellow workers and associates Postmaster General it cost a shilling, been Instructed to keep all records for other purposes. It will be tested South Jordan; Parley T. Hansen, ter town. , to from send 25 a letter about Schultz, president, and Matt Broder- at regular Intervals for purity and cents, last at the Utah confidential and on Investthe Wednesday evening carry South Hansen and of Ruddy Magna in charge, was announced for will always be maintained at a high Copper Club. Mr. Peterson, who has Philadelphia to Boston, by a mall igation in a courteous manner," furIt is to be sincerely hoped that ick America men and women here Wednesday. standard. The ther says officials. been a valued employe of the B & G messenger riding horseback. this most commendable gift will be ( Mr. Thomas opened the services Railroad for the past twenty years, rate came down to ten cents about Assistance will be granted to those the means of perhaps preventing ac- Competition will be for singles, douComOarfleld The Improvement two mixed bles and doubles, with a by-a duet received a Railroad Brotherhood 10Q years ago. JThenas steamboat, who do not have an Income from all cidents and saving live. with remarks-follow- ed hope to have the pool comand stage lines Increased It was re- sources, the total of which Is more year trophy to be given in the sin- pany given by Mrs Lester Hales and Mrs. pension, after twenty years continby early fall It will be fenced pleted to men doubles both Vacationing and gles and Dora Lund, prayer. Bishop L. uous service, being over 65 years of duced to five cents. The first post- than a yearly average of $30 per a distinct Improvement and provide Returned Sunday evening from a women and another suitable award age stamps. Issued In the 1840s, were month; provided, that the combined talk, President H. Edward age. to the copper community. most week in enjoyable doubles. spent mixed sunny in the five cents. By the 1850's, the letter income of a married couple living toSutton, vocal solo, Mrs. Florence California- - (Only it was very foggy F. O. Haymond, general manager rate came down to three cents, and The contest officially starts MonCockerill, talk, Bishop Beckstead of gether as husband and wife shall and cool during my stay.) day, July 26, according to Mr. Broand superintendent of the B & G there it stood for 30 years. I remem- be extremely Softball considered in determining the Motored down Jordan, talk, Darrel Schow, duet by with Mrs. William derick, entries being taken beginning Railroad, was the keynote speaker ber reading letter postage was need of Mrs Hales anc Mrs. Lund, talks, J. and fureither; provided of the evening and related many In- reduced to two cents in 1883. To It ther, that the rental value of the Slice Hook before her trip to New July 15. A 25c entry fee is being H Jenkins, Mr. Thomas and solo. York where she will join friend hus- charged and entry blanks with comthe thirty five years climbed to three cents again in the home of cidents during the Jack Herzog Closing prayer was givapplicant or recipient band and make their home. He he has known Mr. Peterson. Mill Employees plete data which the entrant will en by I W. Coon. Spanish war and the World war, which is owned by him or is being Had a marvelous trip on the drive fill out, may be obtained from either extremewas Mr. said Peterson that and then a few years ago when the purchased under written contract by The sincere sympathy of the comdown with the exception of crossing Mr. Broderick or The Copper Printly well liked by all his fellow workhim and is actually occupied by Mm the depression hit us. Softball teams, as sponsored by munity is extended to the bereaved ers -desert The thermometer record- ing office. associates and had long and shall not be construed to be Income. ed 128 at the family Mr Hansen was a fine, upCommunity Recreational Assomovement a is Baker Now the there hottest place strong Contests for the Juniors and boys been one of the railroads most Assistance he ciation nyust , continues to hold the interunder given standing man and highly regarded two Ive ever been. The heat really did and girls will start August 2 and to put letter postage back to trusted and valuable employes. A. this act to any person who has at- not affect me of all participants, numbering est by all a ho knew him. Is not the Mrs. but Dels was not? cents. It be will object was master of ceremonies. Why by single elimination. Any- over 200 tained the age of sixty-fiv- e men, all employes of the years, very uncomfortable. one Interested is invited to particiOn behalf ofhis friends J. R. of the postoffice to earn a profit or In ed and Utah durArthur Mills live Magna years Saw and visited a numberof for- pate. Quinn presented Mr. Peterson with a even to cover expenses. It exlsts to ing the nine years immediately preteams Fourteen participate consermer residents best i. possible including Mr. and beautiful traveling bag- AH his give the people the of his redifferent departand has ceding eight application sisting Mrs Ross Hatton of Torrance, where friends later autographed a leather vice at the least possible cost. sided therein continuously for one Mr. Hatton Is Arthur ments, electric, LEGION ELECTS Foundry, a superintendent of bound book. Arthur boiler, dyke gang, BAG, The postoffice deficit is something year immediately preceding his ap- large Industrial plant (he will be Mr. and Mrs. Peterson left Thur-da- y is as about. to able been definOFFICERS never yard gang, Magna mechaniFOR plication, I've needy Magna worry already remembered as a former superinmorning for Vancouver, Port- I would be concerned if the postof- ed, is not an inmate or being mainand cal Magna cleanup and six of tendent Arthur Mill,) the J. A Seattle and down the coast fice ever earned a land, of tained The eight team teams ENSUING naYEAR operators. by any municipal, state, A profit. Sutherland family who Just returnto San Francisco where they will be on Thursdays while tional bracket or Institution play at the private er from an extensive tour of EurCoolness guests of their daughter and son-i- n six team operators play Tuestime of receiving such assistance. ope, (Mr. Suther'and was a Officers of American Legion, Cy- the former In my recent travels I have had An law. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Williams. unless there is a postponed of inmate an institution days, may, erf of some C. the No. to J. manager 38, direct activities Penney Magna prus Post It is with a feeling of regret that the satisfaction of seeing or some other contributing The Magna-GarfieLions Club make however, game for such application were elected last store,) Mr- and Mrs. Henry Larson during 1937-3my own predictions come true in a factor. There are an average of 16 golfers aie leading the state league the community sees Mr. and Mrs. but the assistance, if assistance, coland In and several Utah others. Five years ago this family CopThursday evening at the ith three successive wins and no Peterson leave the town they have big way. men on each team. granted, shall not begin until after per Club. Ferdle Barton was nambeen residents so many years, al- umn I first predicted that the air he ceases to be an inmate. losses to their credit. They JourneyGames are played at the Commall send sincere to They greetings offices of first ed houses, stores, commander; Harry Adams, ed to Ogden Tuesday evening, playPark In Magna at 5:30. Everythough the best that life has to of- oonditionng No applicant may assign or trans- their friends here, especially Ross unity fer is hoped. for them in their new and factories was going to become a fer his property with the intent of Hatton, who expressed desire to be vice commander; Russell Goodman, one is welcome to witness the games. ing 18 holes at El Monte and emsecond vice commander; R H. Cushgreat industry. It was a new idea erged victors by a 14 to 3 score. Rus location. himself eligible tor as- back with the old gang again and Now more than 500 companies rendering ing, adjutant; Amel Eider, finance then. Magleb.v, A. C Ensign, Harry Lott, sistance under this act at any time his fondness for a small town like MAIL THE are making and Installing air condi- within five officer; Pete Disera, sergeant-a- t Val Garfield, H. Claude Anderson was years immediately prior Magna. It very gratifying to arms; Dr. George E. McBride, hisEDITOR FORMER tioning. and Howard Ridge made the pleato the filing of application for as- hear of all th$ old residents who torian and George Andrus, chapI have been riding in air condisant trip and report a most enjoysistance pursuant to the provisions can not quite forget the copper lain. July 1. 1937 condiVISITOR MAGNA in air tioned trains, sleeping Miss Nielson: Dear able time The towns. of the matact; this that provided, three proremaining The executlve committee consists tioned hotel rooms, eating In air vision shall not ches in the Please do not send any more paHad an accomplished and capable of Frank apply to any transleague will be played In DURING Jeel, P. W. Seay and Ray restaurants, conditioned trading to 2213 Main Street, Peoria, ith Salt Lake , Provo and Ogden. in the sweet person of Delsa pers fers of made guide to Janproperty prior air conditioned stores, visiting in air uary 1, 1937. as I will not be there to reHook. Having lived in in Los Angeles Wyatt. Illinois Alter all the fun reported Tuesday, Delegates to the Departmental ceive them. Howard A. Jarvis, former publish- conditioned homes and inspecting more players are tor Inknows she will be Assistance many years, to make every to those given expected er and editorof the Magna Times air conditioned factories. It is liter- who are not because of physical or teresting, lovely place In that strange convention at Price August 5, 6, and I enjoyed the paper very much the trips and play more golf. to 7, Include Perdle Barton, chairman, and wish to compliment you on the and Garfield Leader years ago. ally true that we have learned mental conditions in need of con- city places that the average tourist W. A C. B. E. Hoffman, A Eckersley, but now manager of a prominent make our own weather indoors. things you put In It. tinuing institutional care or those never sees. Elder, Harry Adams, J. R. GoodWhat we need now is air condi- who The Utah Copper Ten-Ma- n team company in Hollywood, California, We went on a Thanking you in advance, I am, ten are memorable thru years trip immediately priH. J. R. Prank and man, Cushing a?am plays Sunday, with the Port was a visitor in Magna and Salt Lake tioned automobiles. We have heat- or to the Hills Sincerely, and Beverly of the Hollywood, filing seeing Peel. The drum corps will also make application ers for use in cold weather, and I Douglas golfers meeting the local the past week. Nora Brown. tor assistance been convicted of a all the movie stars homes and out- the Priceto trip fans on a Mr. Jarvis called upon many was told by a fellow traveler that felony. (Miss Brown Is on an Eastern States neutral course, which will attractions. Delsa was thorstanding he Bonneville. L. D. S. Mission.) Fort Douglas and friends here He reports a better along the roads across the great The amount of the assistance to oughly familiar with Beverly Hills VACATION TRIPS Bonne Ule are each tied with no business trend in California and also American desert there are, filling which each applicant or recipient and the separate residences as her which sell the motorist a Lsses charged to them, and Magna commented on the evident improve- stations shall be entitled be $30 per month, former employer owned the home ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Gardner son has lost to chunk of dry ice to put inside the less Bonneville so that a win ments in Utah. of the average year- that Marlene Dietrich leases, and she Jack and Mr. Gardners father, E. car and reduce the temperature 15 'er Fort Douglas will probably ly income of the applicant from aU had been required to come in con- J. Gardner, sr., left Thursday for a throw the affair into a three-wa- y or 20 degrees. It is with sincere appreciation and tie. other sources; provided that no tact with many personages when a two weeks motor; MAGAZINE FAKIRS Barrie trip through the thanks that we acknowledge the conThe plavers who will probably play more than $15 plus cost of medical private secretary. viPacific Northwest. They plan to re Ed tinuous patronage of our Magna We saw the beautiful, palatial The world lost a genius whose life service, hospitalization, medicine and Kingsley. Jack Robbins, Abel sit Mr. Gardners brother and famLarson. Delbert when but friends during our 24 years of con- the happi- special diet when mansions year never brought anything of It Is the time of Marion Tom Johnson, Paul Gar-ldDavies, Portprescribed shall ily in Seattle and a sister In s, when Sir be provided by the state of Utah. Kfith Barton, Keith Spratley, personable appearing young men ness to his tlnuous business operation. Mix, Gloria Swanson, Myma Loy, land. Wead At this time we wish to announce Janney, Bill Van, Clem Jones, and women are going about solici- James Barrie died the other day at No recipient under this act shall Wallace Beery, Pickfalr, former Amil Elder the purchase of the Magna Drug Co. and Wen Wilkin. The ting for magazine subscriptions on 77. A'pennlless Scotch boy, he went be required or asked to reimburse home of Mary Plckford and DouMr. Andy Dallas is enjoying a two len U1 be determined Mr. to Victor J. Duke. Mr. Duke, few a earn to need ago to London nearly sixty years the plea that they glas Fairbanks, Cecil B. DeMille, weeks vacation at Lava Hot Spring, by the state for any of the assist-aby scores. who has been prominently associadollars more in order to help them seek his fortune in the world of lit- received hereunder, except where- Joan Crawford and many others. Al- Idaho. ted In pharmacy for a number of Qualifiers of the July leg have un- - go to college next year. erature. His first published book, in said recipient has received as- so saw the famous Trocadero, Brown u July 18 to complete their rounds It has come to our attention that My Lady Nicotine," made him sistance fraudulently or contrary to Derby and Coconut Grove. Really large vaults and burial places as years, will continue to serve you with Ulth sixteen well as the famous Last Supper are, the same courteous service that has places open for the low several persons have recently given world famous- I still recall the the terms of this act, and no lien wished tojiave dinner at the Troscores The winner of this leg will orders for magazines, and then charm of its graceful humor and or mortgage shall be taken on the cadero but decided we wouldn't af- requires a pass. Delsa obtained this been extended to the people of Magone keen Insight Into human nature, Piay the May estate of the recipient as a guarantee ter we were Informed it was $25 a pass and we were privileged to view na for so many years. leg winner. J. W. Ridd, learned that the solicitor got h the We extend to you on behalf of Mr. grand semifinals in Septem- hundred per cent profit because no though It Is many years since I read of repayment; provided, estate has plate. However, we substituted and the large vaults where rests Jean ber Duke & most cordial InvitaVictor of followed. $25,000, vault one dinner had of her It. Mon at the (cost Harlow evening magazine a combined assessed valuation of to was tion for never bitterness, magastop in and become acquaintany There your restaurant at exquisite marble and design that Better subscribe less than $3,000. A1I liens heretofore teray, a one could never forget.) Alexander ed with the new management of the Qualifying round dates for the an-u- al zines through your home dealers or only kindliness to ail mankind, in taken by the state department on more (much more) modest prices. Club Championship of the Utah through your home newspapers and anything Barrie ever wrote. His If anyone is contemplating a trip Pantages, Florenz Zlegfleld, Will Ro- Magna Drug Co. the home of any recipient having an With best wishes for your continupper Golf Club, are announced then be assured of your order, as memory will live longest In Peter assessed valuation of less Los Angeles, one of the main sce- gers, Russ Colombo, Wallace Reid, to than $3,-0success. to the w'th sixteen ued about boy home Ernest of nic people play Interest the is Forest Lawn, Barbara LaMar, Torrence, Pan, places places being open. Play- - well as help are hereby cancelled. THE MAGNA DRUG CO. will do who never grew up, and The Little of have uPtB it dozens where and beautiful memorial Sherman Lowell and burial money their park 25 to complete spend July lr of By P. E. Athas. Is good. hundreds. famous home Minister. also the people. people It medal play qualifying some of the Mrs. Marie Richards, Mrs. Laura place career denied the combeauto this describe of A home the To Barries famous little churches. hot attempt contest for Mrs. looked is Melva Larson J4 and and mon belief that to become rich and Rasmussen, 7 BIRTHS in uch stars as Jack Robbins, Ed first match schedule is released Z Mrs- - LaVerne Larson entertained at Wee Kirk o the Heather (where tiful place In the short space left over match He this enemies. must make must one Is Impossible but Bill get Delsa and column vows took famous and their this tngsley, Abel Larson, Deb John-u- n players shower a lovely arranged honoring medMr, and Mrs. Hal Barton are reamassed one of the largest fortunes their sister, Mrs. A. E. also Pauline 8andall and Glenn should like to take my friends thru an( others. In fact, there are before next Tuesday. Two gold Vaughn, a reon no display are and man, a In winners 8ht or ten who are the congratulations upon the arwriting made ceiving ever for by place cent bride Tuesday evening at Mrs. Clegg recently.) and Little Church this unforgettable, holy saw fully capable als of a baby son born Tuesday rival Faas it. innin the most coveted event at the golf course, and a dozen balls critic ever had an unkind word to next of the weeks Flowers. I informacolumn, I gathered Rasmussens home In Shields Addim the local golf fields. Little Paul will be given to the runnerups. tion about this beautiful place and mous incidents that will be recalled evening at a Salt Lake City hospital. i ,6ay of him. tion. Progressive games were playwill give it more In detail in next by everyone, the marble statues mut be considered with aev- ed and prizes given. Out of town chilMr. and Mrs. Ernest Drown anflne sub-pwhich are famous in themselves, the week's issue. Mr. J. R Quinn leffc Thursday by Mrs. Delbert Thomas and 33 scores to his Mrs. Joe Mrs. were McPhle, are guests AnLos California, nounce and the arrival of a baby daughFrancisco "edit. auto for San dren of Torrance, Although the principal buildings millions of dollars of exquisite art Mrs. William Davis, will Grover Ross, mother and He ter born week Thomas visit two tew Mrs. Wednesday morning at their a a are shall I one see, Just are for to the may Jo open visiting general citizenry, geles Miss Mabel Earl and Miss Erma Earl Williams L. on N. A Center Street Mrs. home Quinn and to George Mr. describe. enter the holy sanctuary where the attempt .Continued rains are da using a father, visit his brother, of Salt Lake City. here for a short In San Francisco, relatives cat deal of other and postponement of the 0 man team matches, but the time, f that our ay - Fellow Workers Tennis Tourney Honor Retiring To Open Here Railroader Here ld For Senior1 live-oa- half-siste- rs sixty-- i -- Continues Draw Interest From u '"TJ has-resid- a - out ld - 8, EDITORS WEEK - - one-twelf- th p- fellow-human- - well-kno- 00 the-wlstf- ul o-t- le ar . |