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Show ...rMA TIMES, MACHA, UTAH seated with a lovely gift. MAGNA NOTES ' Miss Sarah Dye of Wales, Utah, Mr. and U"- - James is the guest of her aunt, Mrs, LeRoy Magna popular Evans, ,row Olsen. i delightful reception was Saturday evening at the Utah SLr Club by the recent brides County ZnL Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. Willard Evans. James Mrs. Air and Tested stood In front of The bridal party which was effectively Tuberculosis fireplace ferns and flowery with decorated 2 bnde wore a lovely . A program for the testing of all en train and a full len-v- cattle In ,hlte satia Salt Lake county for tuShe carried a bouquet of berculosis will begin on July 12, acLeet peas and roses with white saticording tov announcement by V. L. streamers. chiffon n and Martineau, county agricultural Miss Patty Mar- Her bridesmaids. vdress.. The w ork of making this test will a pale green silk be Miss zenda Orr under the supervision of Dr. W. a pale blue jnd vyvon Chapman, state veterinarian, and Hendricks, of sweet Dr. F. E. Murray of the U. S. Burjdt. Each carried bouquets peas and roses. eau of Animal Industry, the county wiiiarri and Mrs- - Evans. extension with reof the bride and groom, these agencies. wore a model of late each spectively. In addition to testing all dairy summer silk print. herds. Dr. Hendricks plans to test called hundred guests during four all family cows in the Interest of the evening. making the testing of all cattle comIn the countyplete was Coon hostess to Mrs Eleanor The testing of cattle' Tor tubercuthe F. L. A. Club last Thursday eveon Franklin street losis is compulsory; however, the ning at her home test is free of cost to all cattle ownA regular business meeting was held ers. An indemnity payment approxfollowed by bridge. Prizes were to Mrs- Emma McArthur and imating of the appraised value of each animal condemned Miss Fern Coon. A midlnght lunchewill be made to the owner. on as served to twelve guests. This program is a real opportunity The members of the F. L. A. club for dairymen and other cattle ownentertained at a birthday party hono- ers to clean up their herds without ring Mrs. LaVem Sheppick on expense, and full cooperation with Tuesday evening at Mrs. Sheppick's the state and government veterinarhome Prizes at bridge were won by ians is urged by Mr. Martineau. The testing work will begin In the Mrs. Emma McArthur and Mrs. Jean Strong. A late luncheon was Draper community, to1 be followed served. The honored guest was pre- - by tests" at Bluffdale, Riverton, South Jordan and West Jordan. Further schedules will be announced as the testing work 2 Salt Lake Cattle Are d! For ea mo-the- rs service-cooperati- - two-thir- ds Her-rima- n. Nations of World Allot Year 1939 Fair To New York World Exposition Already Growing tip; Seeks Active Participation of State (Special). The New York' Worlds Fair, in which every itate In the nation must Inevitably take small or prominent part, is out NEW YORK. of its infancy. Preparatory construction goes on gbt and day at die Flushing Meadow a res at the geographiSite of 1216 es. centre of iew York City, A steady of dow activities sold an- nouncements emanates from the Fair on four Corporation Headquarters flwrs of the Empire State building. Judging from all of these, tht Fair is a lusty growing Institution that will reach full maturity no question about It by the scheduled opening day, April dO. 1939. The task ot grading the site is about hall completed. Battalions of men wiUi trucks have already moved over 3,000,000 cubic yards of dry Oil In the process of turning the waste marsh lauds of the Flushing River basin into park ground. Other battalions ara acoopmg out meadow mat for usa as ferule top soil for the made lands, sad in so aoing excavate the beds for the two large lagoons featured in plans for the Fair. The first o. the J00 structures which, iccordmg ti estimates, will bcuse the 1939 Fa.r, has been completed and Is ready for occupancy. This is the head quarters building for the held forces o' today and the employment department of the exposition period. Scheuuled for early in the new year is the start of actual construction of Uie $900,000 AdmimstraUoi bu.fd.ng. The designs for this structure, let under architectural contract S few weeks ago, are nearing the day of their approval in the CorporaUon's offices Upon completion of this building, late in August, 1937, the Fair headquarters, bag, baggage and sales offices, moves to the exposition site. "The must splendid and significant oditice projected for the 1939 international the Theme exposition," buildine as described at Fair ,s aiso well along in its per.od. Tne estimated cost of tb.s gicat ouildmg for the Thematic Centre' of the exposition is set at Jl.2uo.ouo The preliminary design. to ue brushed in about eight weeks und the lli.a) plans submitted witniri tour week, thereafter is scheduled to start tue uesigns are completed. Irum this fhema centre will radi-8- lt ad : is to be the 1939 Fair as toine.Lj uy .s founders and ren- u c.ui.k.l- letminology and die ta.r s Boar i of Design, i tioin now on is to give e. (. e.oum to tne plan anu is announced and ductlon oFrows In the wx.wi.tmn Ward teams last Wednesday. Bennlon team was victorious. was 624 pounds of milk and 26.4 pounds of butterfat per cow. The cow of the association for the month is "Big China owned by E. J. Dahl of Snyderville. In the period this cow produced 64 pounds of butterfat. The association is Just a new years work, and beginning a limited number of dairymen may participate by making arrangements with Mr. Martineau, county agent, or Mr. Charles W. Wamick, Tester. 30-d- Sunday evening Mrs. J, H. for Mr. and Qrayston of Holladay. New- ton entertained Mra-Harol- d HUNTER NOTES Mrs. 6. R. Sutton entertained at a birthday party Saturday In honor -- lias New' Ideas Aboufr Amusement Features During the past month a number of delightful partiea have been given In honor of Mrs. Lynn Baker, formerly Miss Afton Moesser of Oak- land, Cal tfomtarMrs.'Marthi ser gave a delightful luncheon at ed of the light and might of intelliher home for a few friends and re- gence and Life (p. 215.) The evidence latives in .honor of Mrs. Baker. Mrs. T. J. Evans, Mrs. Ezra Day. Mrs. Lawrence Doxey of Ogden and Miss Beth' Evans entertained at a lawn party for Mrs. Baker and Mrs Harold Walk also entertained at her home In Mrs. Bakers honor. ever-prese- Mrs.' Loom. C. Breeze nf nrinm left last week with her sister, and brother-in-laMr. and Mrs- John Nielsen, upon their return to their home In Baltimore, Maryland. Mr. and Mrs. Nielsen visited here with Mrs. Breeze and another sister, Mrs. Hill, for a short time. - The members of the Beta Lambda Club met Thursday, July 8 at the home of Miss Lilly Bawden. Everyone present had an enjoyable time and after the games and entertainment, light refreshments were serv- ed. Friends of Mrs. LeRoy Petersen of Granger, extend their deepest sympathy in her serious illness. They are hoping for a speedy recovery so she may soon return home from the hospital to her family. Mrs. John Rex Winder of Granger returned to the hospital last week. Her many friends are hoping she may soon be well enough to return home again. A softball game was played between the Granger and Bennlon REPORTED A report has just been received by V. L. Martineau, county agricultural agent, from Charles W. Wamick, it Daicovering the Salt ry Herd Improvement Association work for the month of June. During the month 26 herds including 570 cows were tested by Mr. Wamick. The report shows that a total of 30 cows produced 40 pounds or more of butterfat per cow. Twenty-thre- e cows produced 50 pounds or more of butterfat per cow. The average pro Lake-Summ- NEW YORK. (Special ). Only V TelIeving. TsyrPril-- " dent Grover Whalen of the New York V orlds Fair 1939 Corpora.ion, as he tries to envision what the Fair Is planning, more than two years In advance, In the way of tacllitlei (or recreation, entertainment and amuse- ment Every man, woman and chil In the United States, he says, has an Interest tq the 1939 Fair and to some degree or other has a p rt in the building of that Fair. Tbo exposition, therefore, will surpass all previous fairs, not only in the demonstration of the wonders of the world or present-da- y life and in the projection of the World oi Tomorrow, but also In providing the utmost variety of entertainment and amusement tor every man, woman and child The entire world will be tapped for The every amusement possibillt; tiresome mediocrity of stunts end relics side shows the of the amusement world of yeitercfey -- will give way tr a new and modern standard of excellence. The plan of the New York Worlds Fair has anticipated the requirements for entertainment and Is making them a part of the general scheme of the Fair, rather than allowing them to spring up aa an appendage or an afterthought. Even the tiny children will have a playground reserved exclusively tor their own use. . stock-in-tra- SERMON HOLDS LIFE TO BE "Life" is the subject of the m. THE BEST BUY IN CALIFORNIA WINE m. m. to. STATIONS EVERYWHERE ' AlCOHOl "ILEARNaTO:DO- and Other Beauty Services Interesting and Profitable Careers Beckon to Professionally Trained Beauty Operators Wcstinqlinuse Electric Range Contains All These Features riaht in th iang NEW FUT-TO- P DESIGN tra work PiotUm pac srasOT srsisonssna dosir.d tomporaturo is roachsd. . . . . . 2XPPdT dh' 1 Pr -- . for : SJjSS m,al DEALER SEE YOUR WESTINGHOUSE r & M APPLIANCE SHOP UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO. read, at th wt, th list this new streamlined Then see it with your contains. range own eyes. You'll be convinced immediately that it gw you morn value for your dollar than ever before in the history of electric ranges. And, with prices steadly rising, perhaps never again will you be able to buy little Carefully SPECIAL fir i IN VT7T l TrhLa.ic., '.k'tfittii;Li; that the beauty deprofession answers your imsires, then take the second portant step. Investigate carefully before enrolling in any school. We welcome your investiga-- . tion of the Excelcis Beauty School. We offer certain ad-- g vantages that no other school in the west can give you. Send for the free booklet and get full particulars. A SUCCESSFUL INSTITUTION We operate fully equipped schools in Salt Lake, Ogden and Idaho Falls. Each school is completely furnished with the latest facilOur licensed instructors have had ities. many years of experience. A large number of customers who come in every day, give our students ample opportunity for actual beauty work under the watchful supervision of the instructors. Excelcis has a reputation for turning out thoroughly trained and competent beauty operators. Mail the coupon or write ns n card or now letter, today. Take the first step toward an interesting and profitable career in the growing beauty culture profession, TUITION lliitii till nlf All EIICLL I0VI BEAUTY SCHOOL Salt Laks City, Utah Headquarter - Li f lEIlllS decide! If you decide EX -- CEL-Cl money. so much value for so This offer expires when your dealer's present supply is exhausted. f J j. i REDUCED VESTI6 ATE FILL Discuss it with yonr family and friends. Consider all angles pleasant surroundings, income, working conditions. And then TWO IMPORTANT POINTS There are two vitally important points to keep In mind. First decide you want to be a besuty operator. Second select the best school you esn find. The first point is entirely up to you. Only you can decide what trade or profession you want to follow. Think it ever carefully. Ens - IEI COUPON BELOW American women ipend million! of dollan every year in ehope. Permanent beauty wavee, enampooe, finger wave!, facial!, manicurea, eyebrow arching . . . these are juit tome of the services for which women are glad to pay good money to competent beauty operators. The field is most attractive to young women and men who are ambitious for a successful career in a pleasant profession. however, depends Success, largely upon correct and thorough training in all phases of modern beauty culture. The work is not difficult young person of average ability can become a professional licensed betuty operator after a few interesting months of study and practice at the Excelcis Beauty School. Look ahead! By enrolling at Excelcis now, peryou can be earning a good income orown-in haps even be operating a shop of your less than a yearl this JiEW ' IIIILET FIEE MAIL for os iitlls os j Ell SEMI . mokASoto tcoo Ui; - WAVING- ; jn-- ...In Utah and Idaho ASK ABOUT THE SPECIAL ON COMMUTATION TICKETS MAGNA SALT LAKE FARES: ONE WAY 50c, ROUND TRIP 75c Let our drivers help you arrange your trip via Union Pacific or Pacific Greyhound Lire. P IE R MAN ENT oporation.' Drawlr - Heres a partial list: Dry Fly Fishing . . . Wet Fly Fishing ... Bait Fishing . . , Spinner Fishing . . . Casting , . . Ifowo Tie Knots . . . When and Where to Fish. m. i- z IMMAV m There are tricks in all trades, and fishing is no exception. In the new, revised edition of Fishing Hints are many helpful pointers. Pj intccl Oiv Magna - 1 new equipment in operation. He will be glad to take all through his plant. LET THE BIG ONES GET AWAY - TATIOtSay 1937 con-Iract- . an Invitation In md see the Mr. Paulos extends D0WT TIME TABLE i nt lesson- Outstanding (or Excelcis osmetics 00 worth of new equlpment for better service to his patrons. With the addition of modern equipment, the. company is able to meet competition of any automobile repair shop in the west in all Churches of Christ Scientist on Sunday, July II. The Golden Text is: Now that Magna Depot Rasmussen Service Station Phone Gar. Ill Leave 9:40 a. 1:41 p. 6:40 p. 7:40 p. 11:10 p. O. A Paulos, owner of the Paulo Auto Company, has added over $6,-0- -sermon Passengers and Express Leaves Salt Lake City 7:00 a. m. 11:00 a. m. 4:00 p. m. 5:00 p m. 9:00 p, n. , ADDS EQUIPMENT ETERNAL SALT LAKE & TOOELE STAGE LINES Effective March I, PAULOSAUTOCO. Mrs J. W. Sugden was hostess at a luncheon at her home on Yale Avenue In Salt Lake City In honor of Mrs. Baker. 1UAIL8W Salt Lake Depot Union Bos Station 77 West South Temple of man's Immortality will become more apparent, as material belief are given up and the immortal facta of being are admitted. (p. 428.) -- bead-Quartu- r- the dead are raised, even Moses at the bush, when he called the Lord the God of Abraham, and th God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. For he Is not a Ood ot the dead, but of the livings for all live unto him. (Luke 20:30,38.) Among the Scriptural citations U the following: "O, death, where is thy sting? o grave, where is thy victory? (I Corinthians 15:55.) Correlative to the citations are the following from "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "Mortals claim that death is inevitable; but mans eternal Principle is life (p. 312.) Whatever Is governed by shewed of her son, Chad. The party was given at the Sutton home on West 52nd A large crowd attended the Utah street hrMunter. Sweet peas decorated the tables and twenty little Copper Club dance and barbecue friends were served. Wednesday evening at the Copper On Sunday, Mrs. Sutton entertainCommunity Park. ed at a family birthday dinner in honor of Mr. Sutton and son, Chad at Fairmont Park. 1939 World Fair GRANGER NOTES SALT LAKE SUMMIT DAIRY HERD TESTS ARE The fSS , |