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Show July 16. MAGNA TIMES. MAGNA, UTAH to pick it out and she had told children that grown-up- s didnt surprises as much as they hked getting Just what they wanted. And then-o- nly yesterday Quentin had KeSted tea he p'c ut her- - snapped off her light composed herself as if asleep. He mustn't teal himself watched. She heard him coma upstairs; he wasnt going to put his car away? Poor Quentin, perhaps It had really had said she would go in at been an operation then, at the City end pick out the electric re- and County hospital, or the emer-gencperhaps ha was completely frigerator. Her Christmas gift was to be an blameless, tonight at least . . . electric refrigerator. CHAPTER X Another oriental art shop. Victoria went in. 'Ymtave- -i tautifuT thawI in Gther sounds- - Victoria sat .up ta bed with her heart pumping. Evtadow the one. What price la a shawl like that? erything was all wrong, cold, terrifThat one, madam? Shall we take ying, shaken again. For Quentin, out of the window? That one is cautiously coming upstairs, had only put out his porch light, had snapped 23. out the drive light Now the car It s beautiful. But not today, Ughtwera up. agaiiv-andth- e ear thank yourmsnT as handsome as itself was slowly wheeling on th the white one, Vicky thought, wan- drive. hed resigned from the diplomatic dering aimlessly out into the e CHAPTER IX Continued Victoria, not knowing what aha 11 staff, she went up there one last again. It isnt anything like did, waa on her own upper -backgammon time and kissed the white shawl as handsome. Whet will he write trembling with cold and fearporch, yes, play Oh, and I y on good-bwith the card? But no, I wont bear despair ta her thin Spencer answered, with wrapper, Somehow, Quentin said, lost In it I wont bear itl her feet bare and her eyes straining characteristic little bitter smile Sb felt sick, sore, as if every After the somehow iltin hi mouth. But she gets his own thought the departing car. from playing thought of her going in there and bone of her, mental, moral, and She aw the car turn, saw it particular thrill laying her face against that shawl spiritual, had been jarred and hurt leave the gates again, saw it turn nth me." well, it gets youl I mean shes She couldnt even select the refrig- toward the Morrisons' house. It room was almost drawing 5 n erator. Feverishly, in a sudden need stopped at the side nothing but a little girl when they reached it, but door, and presto be home and with her children, And a the but little youre nothing up immediately snapped ently a house light went up, and raw I blind Victoria Tta. Only one lamp had been baby Vicky might think picked up Gwen, very chat- then the car lights were put out. But she never said it aloud. ty and gay, went to the garage, got Shrubs shut the Ijmmg, and in its light and that of hotly. doorway partially been No, he was in the grip of a fever into her car, and threaded her way from the window porch where Vicie dr Quentin and she had south-bounand now, there no was d traffic to- toria stood with all her world going at the hearth, saving him through the ittmg in big chairs, Until it went down. He could nei ward the Peninsula. to pieces about her, but she could id they been there all these long ther hear nor understand until them The trees were bare, end the discern two figures silhouetted for hours, Vic wondered? roads looked cold. Smoke went an instant against the open door. mo-sSerena detained Quentin for a One day Vic met in the street a straight up from all the little Then it closed, and the at the door. woman who stopped her with a houses; Christmas wreaths showed downstairs light went presently Some-mout, too, and, Are you working tonight? smile. A pretty woman, but wear ta their windows. Victoria shud- the cold Christmas countryside and I see your light quite late? tag too much rouge and powder, dered; It would be good to get her life and her love and her faith ast night you were late." home. lipstick and mascara, a woman were all plunged Into cold last night I was playing bridge gesting a gallant retreat from sugBut when she was ta a cotton youth her. told Quentin th three men, dress, and fairly smothered by the Victoria and beauty. She watches his light, An Iron winter was low over Marian Pool! Vicky said. Mar enthusiastic outer the into reception from the the world when sky lought, disappearmg came withwas ian the morning beautiful animated; even of then sense the nursery, over ickness with a farewell nod out sunrise; Vicky, waking at sevworked with their old fire; she sickness and shock did not eyes heal; en, shivered ir shoulder. down again had an adorable cattle king in even then she sat blankly, Maddy into her warm wearily SeIf youre working tonight, tow. blankets. It would be My dear, he owns half of ta her lap, the other children cirShnik good to stay in bed on such a mornta said to Quentin then, without Brazil! she said In an aside. In cling about ber ta the glow of the ing, she thought still catight ta expression in her voice troductag a copper-colore- d stout old nursery fire, with her eyes vat, le herlightest staring dreams what face, "come over when you person who spoke only a stilted into wabajl morning was this, space. Quentin loved another ssh and I will give you a cup of English and used that almost entireGood heavens, this was inutak anyway? woman. Quentin loved another socolate Christmas eve with everything to ly for labored compliments to Mar- woman A more beautiful womHe do . . . said. ian. Marian was still beautiful, an than she could ever Quentin Goodnight' to be. hope Then she remembered and the down the porch Vicky thought; she was not much A lowed Vicky strange, mysterious, fascinating When they reached their more than forty, but ten years ago ops. gray dark morning seemed darker, woman . . . ora be said that he thought he she would not have wasted any time The doctor will not be home for and her bones, her head, her whole to ache with the bitter oild do a little work: fifteen min-;s- , on Senor de Raa. Mr. Hardisty. Miss Cone being seemed dinner, Now she was working over him of coming back necessity majbe He an has operajust telephoned. The next sciousness. Ah, if she could only morning at breakfast industriously, laughing at his lame tion at nine. ic said to him and go on from sleep the to fat jokes, allowing paw casually: And the stay asleep, "Thank you, Anna. to death, beautiful, warm, friendly You didn t go back to the Morisqueeze her own pretty hands. a lulled for moment, Jealous agony, death . . . ons last night, did you? Watch me get a present out of She lay thinking, her throat thick, He him. his wife and shipped Well jes, I did, Quentin her head confused, her heart and on last the and steamer, daughters off his looking Id hes paper. ta confusion. Quentin. Quenmind said wild, going Marian, to leant take her a book and left tin and Serena Morrison. drawing Vicky with them into on my dresser I ran over with It, beautiful shop. She called Victoria suddenly felt that she :d she was making chocolate. She Marshs was suffocating, strangling. She ts she often has a little supper, the attention of the cattle king to the cabinets of jade jewelry. Vicky, "er hes gone flung off the blankets, reached for upstairs. We sat who had left Gwen with a dentist her heavy wrapper even while she the kitchen awhile. an hours straightening of was groping with her feet for her Well what was a wife to aay to for half teeth, looked interestedly at one of at slippers. the worlds finest collections Of she muttered, going to After that night there was an-horiental jewelry and porcelain, the opened window, shutting it with change. And this one, to her brocade and teak and ivory, brass one swift gesture. The garden beciing heartT seemed to Victoria salesand enameL A middle-age- d low the window lay bleak and bare acb more ominous than the first woman presently drew her aside. under a fine frosting of white; a dentin was always Excuse me, madam, but did delicate powdering of frost covid gentle absent-mindeunnow; friend speak of you as Mrs. ered the bricks of the walks and lay vested in what went on at home. your Hardisty? like lace on the soaked bronze red ! no longer defended Mrs. MoriIm Mrs. Hardisty, Vic said. of the leaf pile under the oaks. on, or seemed especially to want HarAnd your husband is Dr. She splashed her face with cold exchange family courtesies, din-T- . disty? I thought so. There was brushed her hair, looked at water, nd evening meetings, with something I wanted to ask you. e house the ghostly vision ta the mirror. next door. Whatever his This the is very unprofessional, After a while she went downiationship with Serena had be- woman broke off in a tone of smilto sit holding her coffee cup me, he was content never to men'stairs, apology. Vic could at the level of her mouth, an elbow s it; it was their own affair now, ing and eager to look expectation only'cbntinue i and Serena resting on the table, her eyes far s, and needed no and You see, the salessurprise. iologies, no justification. away. She could eat nothing, but woman pursued, Christmas is very she managed a few swallows of coffrom Vics confused thoughts close, and someone was looking at managed a question to the fee; we emerged surprisingly one cona present for you in here yesterday, maid: et fact she loathed Serena; she and I thought Did the doctor have his breakuld have been glad to hear of She had led Victoria into a small She Lay Thinking. Her Throat fast, Anna? scnas violent and sudden death. adjoining salesroom where there Thick, Her HesdConfnsed. !d thi No, maam. He had a cup of made it increasingly hard were a teak table and some chairs. coffee standing, ta the kitchen, he mdure Quentins and simple revela-b- s Do sit down, she said, and Ill began again, fierce and tearing sit down. He had an eight wouldn't a while Victoria concerning her neighbor. explain. Your husband was in here irresistible. After at the Dante. oclock She's hanroom and own Idly always been just a little yesterday looking at some of our was ta her Did he say anything about dinrl Quentin would say. She says lovely things, and he picked one dling the telephone. ner? hkes to get a kitten and a out for your Christmas present. Suddenly, shamed color ta her He said hed have Miss Cone apples and a good book on a Now, often when a gentleman does pale face, she called the hospital telephone. 7 afternoon and curl up in the that, Mrs. Mooreweather went on Was Dr. Hardisty there? Was he All the Keatses would be coming and read ? confidentially, I like to give the to be there? No operation that down tomorrow to have Christmas 'Just Vy to imagine It, Vic, lady just a little hint, when I can, dinner with all the Hardistys. There oman who has been adored 'You can get him at his home, would be because sometimes, as we all know, presents for all the little spoiled by some of the most tastes do a pleasa differ, and when present Atherton eight eight eight, the little Hardistys Keatses us persons m upon the world! Rothe-- ? is very handsome and this is handant girls voice presently said. eve. HateChristmas was This tree. Middleton, for example you some its so easy to give a gentleVicky waited awhile, and the ful, unendurable, empty, Christmas that every woman T Holly-tr'lr'g ir man just a little hint, and say, d winter world and the eve and Christmas day must someto get him? She tells think your wife would surely prefer wind whining over the oaks and how be endured. she marned Morrison , d him that that, and then she gets what she the blighted gardens seemed to She mounted the two flights of she had to spend wants, and we please a customer. too. Presently she telephoned stairs to her mothers room. Magda wait, week every year with Middle-- , While the amiable endless patter to Serena. nd no always stayed in bed ta the mornQuestions askedl She had been streaming on, Victoria had What are you two doing to- ings; this morning she had a fire, er almost lost hi nund been smiling vaguely, hardly listen- night? and was cozily ensconced in her reconcile himself to the ing. 'Tve ut m the said Serena, dear, pillows, with her light burning, and 'My end he gave in. Now, this must be a secret ordered an early dinner for her breakfast tray on her knees. ust much to his Vic credit, Where is that? I thought oh, yes, t submit be a darMagda said, You look tired, dryly. But, fortunate- - I know where it is! Mrs. Moore- Spencei why dont you backand over come play with a glance. and Guentln was usually too ling .ur' in she drew as tick weather was saying, with himMve been called sorbed m his "I started trimming the Christsubject to see and out of their frames great deep gammon A old friend, Mary mas tree night; before last, Vicdear town. to amiss rttg black drawers filled with silken Catherwood, is at the Fairmont, and toria said. I had to get some more he couldn't have ntU gotten beauty. r This must be a little se- she wants me to come ta and dine And when I think things for it in town yesterday." la. .?r"lsc' you and me, she ran cret between such She disgusted her. Im with ,eUow late ha stopped, remembering Put her on. lougf but what can you Marshs and the white shawL The night, a frightful her. Her Victoria did not hear sick reluctance to believe it all took trough "0W d yU mean put head was spinning, and her mouth do7 of it. It was possession of her agam. more was There salt water. Her brown not quite conGod Quentin gore7 be was filled with mknl, folds very convincing, but were lying on the royal hands When the converto 11,6 top in diplo-- 0 He went early I didnt see enough. sCTlrig.ht vincing n he Chinese shawl. was ended, there was noth- bun. g0 hurt! They were of a white n 5 she was out in the sation Victoria but vigiL Restless, while a After lhat (TO BE COTILED) for ing businessa cei n,Pam. 8 lots one of the fat street walking in of the the hours of money: nth-- u again, sleepless, J feverish, i eouid ave stopped him I She like way toward the White House. to go by. It was s Basal Heat Prodnctlaa and corners night began hCr trunk when he The familiar shops in winter sun- still night, the eve of Christmas The once accepted general law 's hurt"18 went by her; flashing world tightened under that basal heat production la deterW ii !ofl$ moving ve, with the light and cold shadows, with suppose he and every outdoor sound mined by the rate at which heat Is the a frost, enjoyedt with forms and sounding a pistol shot like lost cannot be valid. Possibly beechoing of feet CCS and the chip and no cause of some activity of the ductMidnight Eleven. Je' Quentin said in a horns of cars Ten. Victoria felt dazed and weak; she twelve Vic- less glands, most heat is generated n Td of Smv e; not hearin At half-pa1Ck5r had that her knees would give way. Quentin.drowsing with her reading when an animal least needs It A felt ad she itltf . toria, God! before the smash in' her eyes, start- living animal ii like an engine. It "Oh, my God. niy God, my had been lamp shining full plaaninB to buy a cer- - Victoria said, half aloud. aense that bumi up food like fuel and conpo whit. a frightened yOO ed up with Sn She couldnt stand her like an aU wrong. Fire ac- verts it into muscular energy. Also, at. th Sea CaP-was Shop ' everything would notice her. Shanghai She says idiot; passers-b- y it stores up some fuel ta the form the cident calamity gorgeous thing she She walked irresolutely toward J"0 waked had of fat and tissue and draws on it ta what h beard Then she cl'anredd hat When their Plani Geary street turned back. She had knew She time of need. AH thi is called on the drive. nd befor she knew had something to do somethin to her; his car and the metabolism. TheJdlihg rate of the ;?ther the of engine sound be saved IiSn when it is doing do at three oclock oh. yea, Quen- the ey waa oln of the gravel; her heart human engine, ,he used to go tin had asked her whst she wanted .crunch than more breathing easily, trJ was nothing and sad as it for Christmas, end she had said- heavy of reassurance and calm. She ia called the basal metabolic rate. wbenitwas U over and that be would meet her some after- thin Foreign Words and Phrases - O Resurgam, (L.) I shall rise again. Presto maturo, presto marcio.' (It.) Soon ripe, Soon rotten. 4Js litem general (L.) Strife begets strife. Homlnia est errare. (L.) It Is common for man to err. Bacio di bocca apesso- - cuor nonTlocca. (h.) A kiss Of th" mouth often does not touch th y; . heart Fide, sed cui vide. (L.) Trust, but see whom. Detur dtgniori. (L.) Let it be given to th more worthy. Contra fortune no vale arte (Sp.) There le no fence against fortune. E fimma clbum petr. (L.) To get food out of tha fir to get a living by desperate means. nln-gun- sun-bin- 14 requires 4H yards of 39 inch material for the dress and shorts, and 1 yard for the topper. Th dress alone requires 3 yards. Send your order to Th Sewing Circle Pattern Dept, 149 New Montgomery Ave., San Francisco, Calif. Patterns 19 cents (In coins) Se-Je- etch. Bn Syndicate WJRJ Servla. at et -- : ... d, OURRAY for dear A old Johnnla I SALT LAKES REWEST HOSTELRY Two-Wee- k Haa recently nod to these three sweet young laborers and now theyre off reaping the rewards. Yes, theyre vaand howl But, of cationing had them course, dressed right up to the hilt. Chle in Chiffon. Miss M, picturesque blonde, above, left, knows what glamour is and how to have it Thats why she chose this softly feminine frock with its swirling skirt and delicately slim waist. You should see her of an evening in the outdoor terrace. Shea a picture in black gossamer chiffon trimmed with white satin. And to think, given th Sew-Your-O- Oar lebby Is defightfaDy ceeled dartag the fidence end pride. She haa a clever way of achieving variety by switching scarfs and belts. Cool (or Sports.N Miss Y, the sports enthusiast at tha right, says that her three piece ensemble is so very, very end practical she wears it almost to the exclusion of her other frocks. Her idea is to aoak up as much sunshine as possible, and that'a pretty easy to do when she wears the halter and shorts sans dress. The Patterns. Pattern 1241 is for sizes 14 to 20 (32 to 44 bust). Size 10 remad it all herselfl quires 4 yards of 39 inch maCunning In Cotton. Miss B, above, center, and cen- terial plus 1V4 yards of ribbon, ter of attraction at tha Eurf and 3 yards of trimming, Pattern 1310 ia designed for club, has everything under perfect control as she strolls along sizes 12 to 20 (30 to 38 bust). Size the boardwalk. With not a care in 14 requires 4 yards of 39 inch her pretty head, and lots of material Pattern 1333 is designed for streamlining in her natty little sports dress, she walks with con sizes 12 to 20 (30 to 38 bust). Size ftarfle far Iran Jti I'!:! HOTEL Temple Square Wilts f I .gQ to $3.00 Tha natal Tntpla Sqaaia haa ilwaai highly Swlfibh, phooa. Yoa wlil always f lad It tmaaas-ulat- a, aapaaaaaly eomfartahla. aadrs thoroughly i,n blq.Voo aaa taora-fowdrrrlaad why this hatal lai trl-ad- ly Taw UICOLY RECOMMENDED aaa alaa appraalala wfcyi af dlatfncMsa la sta Ifi aalmark SMa Saaatilal fcostaJry ERNEST C ROSSITER, Mgr. good-nature- d ... eve-nmg- cold-boun- L 1C- er P. V W dani 4yoUR MONEY BAC- KIF SWITCHING TO POSTUMj . doesn't help Vou If you cannot safaly drink coffoa . . . try draft Ganaral Foods, Limited, Cobourg, Ontario.) Portum contains no caffein. It ta simply wbola whaat and bran, roasted and slightly sweetened. Fortum comae In two lbrmi... Portum Cereal, tha kind yon bod or percolate... and Instant Portum, mads instantly in tha cup. It is economical, aaay to main, delicious. You may miss cofiaa at first, but altar 30 days, youll Iowa Portum far its own y Poitnme tait. Bay can of Portum and drink it inttaad of cofiaa for a full month. af better, ration tha not do If. ..altar 30 days. ..you flatop of tha Portum containar to Ganaral Food, BattJa rich, vor. A product of Croak, VH'lgan, and wa will chaarfully refund tha full pachas pnea, plus postaga! (If you lira ia Canada, ad- - Ganaral Foods. i Ctr. MT, Else Tm lnaW O. r. Cora. I Irwirrr (Thi, offer expiree Deo. 31, 1937) 30-da- air fusiweoassat fur-line- d U a. |