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Show HAVE A CARE THE MAGNA TIMES Edith M. Nielson, Editor-Publish- - er H- - Martin left When one person is killed it may be an accident, July 6 for Watertown. New York. three weeks visiting with but when 43 persons were killed in automobile trage- to spend and friends. of the United States in relatives dies in the National Published Since 1906 class mall matter under the act of March 3rd. 1879, at Magna, Utah Issued each Friday morning at Magna. Utah In advance, per year lubscrlptlon, Published By The Copper Printing Company Entered Mr. and Mrs. C. u second 1- - Capital the first 22 weeks of 1937 as compared with 33 for the same period last year, it is a challenge to those who have charge of law enforcement. cities show increases in traffic fatalEighty-nin- e ities. Only 38 reported a decrease. New York has had 383 traffic deaths in the 1937 period against 330 last year. to The new automobiles are the drive that ever came out of factories. They go just where the drivers direct them and tTiey obey command for. either high or low speed. The streets and roads are marked with - signs,- -, cautions and commands.' The traffic authorities offer plenty of help, and their rules for speed and manner of driving provide for every condition that the driver has to meet. Still certain drivers kill people needlessly. i TREAT THEM KINDLY By one infallible ign may all business men know ' Mrs. B. E. Mix entertained the Club members of the Merifylatrons -afterThursday last home at her noon. A one oclock luncheon was served. Prizes at bridge were won and Mrs. by Mrs. Charles Anderson Justin Peay. Mrs T. P. Maher, Mrs. H. Claude Anderson and Mrs. Helena Evers that school holidays are here. It .is the sudden jump in were guests of Mrs. Hodge Marshall easiest-machinas which comes along, inevitably es applications for jobs at Maxfleld lodge in as the Summer solstice. Blg Cottonwood canyon. Mr and This phenomenon marks a regular time of the Mis Marshall are spending a month the lodge at nehas a or who son a know year when everybody you Mrs-IClaude Anderson. and dauphew, a daughter or a niece looking introduction. of note with a around him sends ghter, Marjorie are home for a week hopeful from their summer cottage m Vivian holia crustiness deserves It also marks a time when Paik. day. That business men should be frequently interrupMr and Mrs Frank Bertoch and ted at their tasks for interviews that must be hopeless babv daughter, Elizabeth Ann have whom no for and girls is hard. It is still harder on boys been the guest of Mrs Bertochs parReports from the country as a whole indicate that ents. Mr and Mrs R. J Henroid job may be found. Even when conditions of employ business the past week. Mr. Bertoch has for the is it never possible this will be a farmers year. Not only is the crop out- for ment are normal, rt turnrd home to California but Mrs. ofwho world to assimilate all eager Junetide recruits look good, but prices are also good, a combination Butoch will remain in Garfield for fer themselves. In recent years conditions have made which doemOt always occur. Of course there are op- a longer visit. it impossible to assimilate a satisfactory proportion of portunities yet for the picture to be spoiled, but so far Mr and Mrs Sam Bullock and them. the growing season has been good, moisture has been family left Monday for Provo to But the optimistic youngster who comes knock- plentiful and crops are well advanced. spurd a week not that. for is blame Probably ing at your door not to all of these really believed the graduation day orator Mrs Millie Christofferson enter- V.WV.Y.mV.VAV.'.V.VMW.V.mW.W.W.AVi when he told them why that occasion was called a tained the New Idea Club at her home on Center Street on Friday afcommencement. They will soon learn that he was ternoon L. D. S. TRAINING PAYS Members present were Mrs. will rounds their on who must start The Lima Olsen, Mrs. Anne Weichers. many right. find the beginning anything but easy. Nor will it com- Mrs. Allie Gee, Mrs Ella Peterson, The best way to get a job is to get ready for it. Mrs Nina Harris and Mrs Elvira fort them much to be told how their elders had to tread Jensen Mrs Belle Chistopherson this same weary round before them. and Mrs Margaret Christopherson ? Our short, intensive courses will prepare you Doubtedless in due season the worthy will find of Gai field were special guests Mrs !? quickly and inexpensively for a chance at the bet- Ann W( lchers entertained the club footholds from which their own industry and ambition at its nuetlng the ter positions. previous week at Capitalize on the general educa- will enable them to climb. Meanwhile, if No," must the home of Mrs. Lima Olsen. tion you already have by adding to it a specialized be said, common decency admonishes that it be said course in stenography, bookkeeping, or general as gently and as courteously as possible. 5 office proceedure. The cost is low and the time is c 101UJC&. S short. The investmentwill pay dividends through- VAVVVVVAY.YAYAVV.V.VAV.V....Y.V.'.V.V.W out your working career.' 4 nt OUR SPECIAL THIS WEE- K(Specials are From Saturday to Saturday) iBiDCID CARMEL PECAN ICE CREAM 40c IPeintime qt. True Fruit Punch, made from fresh fruit juices and 1 gal. $2.00 Put up in qts.50c, gal. The punch is concentrated and should be diluted 4 times to obtain its true delicious flavor 1-- 143 I AND) L Fill out and mail the coupon below for full information. EJ - . uC COMPLIMENTARY TICKETS This ticket presented at the GEM THEATRE, Mag,,, within the next week entitles Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Humphrey Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harris Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Harkness Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Christopherson A FREE SHOW ASTSUESTS OF THIS PAPER IThexe names are taken from our SubscripUon List.) COMPLIMENTARY TICKETS This ticket presented at the EMPRESS THEATRE, Magna, within the next week entitles Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Powell Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Strong Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Latimer Ij Dan Rinaldi and Partner Mr. and Mrs. Victor Weaver A FREE SHOW AS GUESTS OF THIS PAPER (These names are taken from our Subscription List.) ' L. D.S BUSINESS COLLEGE 70 north Main Street Salt Lae City, Utah 2 PETERSONS ICECREAM Phone Gar. i thTdiTr Wednesday at ture readings were givenh. Ma Pl6 accomPaaiei2y Mr. and Mrs. John De Bruin, Jr., son, David and two reading . of Los Angeles, California, have retag, by Cornelia turned to their home after a ten day -Today. Job, by AngeXj visit with Mrs. De Bruins parents, presented by Mrs. E T Mr and Mrs. O. A. Jones. and readings, Taking the OtI Relief and The Primary officers and teachers Cornelia Otis entertained in honor of Mrs. Evelyn J. E. Rothrock. UghtSSfi Harmon, retiring president, on Wed- were later served by Mrs. rvt' nesday evening at the home of Mrs. bouneLillian Coe. Games were played and refreshments sejved. The honored MAGNA NOTES guest was presented with a lovely gift. The Primary of the Magna enterttaed at a stork shower Mrs. Mary Brown on Mr. and Mrs. J. ML Whltbeck and, orlng WeJ afternoon. Games were day Yelweek at a are spending family and prizes awarded to Mrs. pWt lowstone National Park. sen and Miss Sarah Dye fotZZ ments were served to Mr and Mrs. Earl Carlson have twenty returned home after spending a week guests. Mrs.a Rue Packard. Un!x McDonald.-Mrs.-LimOlsen at Fish Lake. Clarence Mitchell and Miss San were special guests. The Employees and their families Dye of the Hercules Powder Company, Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Hoops will enjoy their annual outing and and Mr. of Lyman, Wyoming on family at Lagoon Saturday. picnic last week of Mrs. Hoops T W. Jones. Mr. Earl Carlson and guests n. Mr. L H. Whipple are m charge of! ter, Mrs. LeRoy Olsen. A the arrangements of the affair Mr. and Mrs. Amel Elder, Mr. bathing revue, a baby show, races and and dancing will be features of the Mrs. O. C. Finley, Mr. and Mrs. 8id Rolfe and Mr. and Mrs. Dell days entertainment. gw. pick, enjoyed a canyon party . A very enjoyable meeting was held Sunday evening, the occasion mark-ta- g Mrs. Shepplcks birthday. by the Hercules Ward Relief Society BACCHUS NOTES NOTES GARFIELD glad to deliver. will be for your Party Orders. We VWAYiWSVWV.V.'.V.V.'AV.'.V.'.V.V.V.'.V.V.Y.V.V.V dfiatdtofieai? ComSinatim EMPRESS THEATRE I THURSDAY. RIP AY. JII.Y 6 First Show Thurxdav, 6:15, Frida. 7.00; Last show 9:00 p. m. MT t I 1. BIG 1 BIST I. P.U.I. I.XTR r.XTK d ck Fight Midnight Taxi - Angels Huhuav - L Serial. "Secret Agent." Sri RDYY ONLY first Show 6:40. Draw .11 in; 17 1 ..1 9 00 p. m. MONEY NIGHT NOTICE -- - At Jhe Gem or I ipres thLs week ituiday $20 Requn ement the awmd given away th. A and To be pedal selected show every are.... present registered This Week Saturday SPECIAL BIG 1)01 BI.E Bill. I At MONEY NIGHT. $20 Cash is SING AND BE i iAPPY Tony Martin. Leah R ly. Hi lilt show1 Wt lley and a huge cast bn A swell - WE HAVE OUR MOMENTS Sally Ellers and James Dunn in a gay lom.uue MND I JII.Y , First show Sunday 9 at 7.00. Last show 6 00. Monday 9.00 MET HIM IN PARIS Melvyn Doug la.- - Claudette Colboit. Robeit Young with romantic fun and ski thi ills tOMt DY JULY 1UESDAY, WEDNESDAY. Spukling NEWS 20-2- Fu-- 1 7 00 t Both nights THE LASH The picture sensation GEM THEATRE Notice: EXTRA first I It ID show 6:15, I, BKi SIECI YY last JII.Y 8 p. m. EX BII.I. 1 RA Interesting information, but not nearly so impressive a great, big baked patato nice and its russet mealy jacket bursting steaming hot with a couple of pats of fresh some salt and pepper . . ; thats really something to eat. Yet, this is only one of a hundred ways of preparing and serving this marvelous food. Now here are such excellent potatoe s grown as in the higher altitudes, the mountain valleys, the great plains of the est, and the Pacific Coast slopes. All of these regions are served by the Union Pacific Railroad. ANGELS HOLIDAY Jane Withers on her LEW1S-BRADDOC- t rip-- i aonngest lun.p.ute! FIGHT K Slow motion of the knotk down and knock out1 Si i nil S. c.it Agt nt ' SAll KdY ONLY, JUl Y 17 First Show 6:40. Drawing at 9.00 AT The C.LM or EMPRESS p. m. MONEY NIGHT If you are at either Theatre you are eligible to wm Same quirements and the same show at both theaties You May Wm re- AY, .K EY 90 AND BOmEO Thf n,ILi5D OLD QUAKER COMPAN Efficient, rapid railroad service specialized cars for safe shipment brings potatoes to your table from this area every month ol the year. Among the nation's railroads I nion Pacific is in the front rank as a transporter of potatoes. Last year Union Pacific moved 41,422 car, of the worlds staple vegetable-t- he nutritious, economical potato. CAWRencebuTO. TE 13TH INDIANA PRODUCTS CQMPjJjJfa P"? w 20-2- 1 ;; H Club nights. Shews Tuesday, 6.00 AVednesdav 7:00 Drre qua proof BURbonWHI5KEY Call on sour grocer today Poiss the potatoes to the family tonight NO SHOW AT THE GEM THl's SlNDYY OR MONDAY Tl'ESDAY-WEDNES- ..- .- & yi ws Fxcitinint' IVmlev til Vitamin C, readily available calcium and phosphorous, and a high content of iron and Vitamin B all important elements to good health. 13 16 MIDNIGHT TAXI Frances Drake Brian brand Scicnie lias discovered that potatoes provide extra starts show 1BIITE saveduM fasti tufl&i $ SAT. Off. ...i GRAND FOOD! Not loi ch. Idlin THURSDAY. Dated CttG. U. CHAIR May Whitt v Madge Evans, Lewis Stone. Ehssa Landl STrntlor.ai mv Dry NEWS MUSICAL COMEDY t Next Thursday "Money Night " There Goes M.v Girl." Friday, Saturday, July 23-social Holiday Double Bill. J A PACIFIC RAILRqa SHIP nr- s Old Quaker brand 90 proof straight bourbon whiskey. Also available in rye. Copy'S11 1937, The Old Quaker Co., Lawrenceburg, InL Schcnley - AND RIDE UNION PACIFIC This ad released by U.L.C.C. |