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Show i f Zjjfay July MAGNA TIMES, MAGNA, UTAH ( Tt AROUND th. HQUSE THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE ' ' if ltrTE.iim ii ii..WW.w 'I'l'II'ISW x HHWW .n. L Bad Taste iTHE FEATHERHEADS HULL- O- HULLO-HU- YES- -I Lia DEAR WWATS FOR DIMMER MY tomksmt 7 Tell I'Ll WELL rrJ tell Yo- u- KMOW me 'TbUliy WEL-L- WOO KNOW THIS IS THB DAY MY BRIDGE CLUB that YOU WERE OCT THIS AFTERNOON AMO DIDNT HAVE Time uccTCm WELL I ALWAYS DID LIKE THIS y I not BAKED -- ham from we AMD IM AFRAID NtxJ DlDMT IT STILL ME I DIDNT IT COOI LONs- ENOUGH EATING-an- y SplNAC- HCOOKED I DEUCAT0SSET4 PREPARE AN'VTHinKt dont Tell BUT 'YOURE TASTgS LIKE . SPINACH, That mvsel- f- the Potato Cooking Soar Fruit Sour fruit .5 wjll require much less sugar, and be more digestible, if a dessertspoonful of syrup and a pinch of bicarbonate of soda are added after cooking. e , Ir.isrsa tortio Housuj, Keeping Bnuwtrt Bright Brass ornaments will remain bright longer if, after polishing, they are given a thin coat of white shellac. Clean Comics That Will Amuse Both' Old and Young - 1,ems ol e Dont Scratch the Table If tiny squares of blanket or astrakhan cloth are stuck tinder the comers of your hand sewing machine it can be used on any table without fear of scratching it. Similar patches can also be used on clocks, or anything that stands on a polished surface. . round of tomato and . mayonnaise, and top Bike of olive. Placek1 containers, sprinkle ?? ch. i yw g To Prevent ficwehW. I one small section of T.Ir" empty when putting to pan- - Fill this ter and gems will never K gj?' SJj Pans Warv-AWhy cooking pans warped out of shape by putting cold water to thS5 they are still hot Wt wJ Measuring Sugar- -n granulated sugar equals One pound of powdered fectloners sugar equalit, cups. -- H5 ad wish one-ha- lf . Cheese Savoury Spread seasoned cream cheese on small Banana Toast-Pl- acs iliad rounds of previously cooked short nana between two sheet hrj a Over cheese the place jjastry. spread with shortening iWk baking pan in hot oven until aL. ly browned- - "th J S T SWATTER POP Look What Ambrose Is in the Dog-Hou- For, Now! se By CM. PAYNE 0! y Bs id eat ights lUIU Ignorance Disappears it t (J Kidneys and Macaroni kidneys In halves, sprinkler chopped parsley, salt and twi' skin irritations annoy to taste, and fry. Takeonel WHEN smooth our favorite pound macaroni, break into us, ointment on our grateful skin. and cook to water, Like the other trusted friends in a little salt When quite ifc.; our medicine cabinets, this one is strain oft the water, place tofe mi' taken for granted. Not many of roni round a dish, and put fish; us realize that we should be grate- neys to the center, adding 1$ ful to the advertising which first gravy. Garnish with tie H atbrought these comforts to our boiled eggs cut into quarters a The best that modem four small tomatoes cut tention. into ca: science can produce avails us slices and fried. Serve ver?k nothing if we have no knowledge of it. Advertising brings us this To Freshen CoeonuUShn& necessary knowledge . . . and coconut, which has become ; creates business for the local mer- can be freshened by soethg t chant, thus enabling him to pro- to sweet milk a few nitwit., vide modem scientifically pre- fore j using. WJTU Sarrle. pared products. ittia iJJ Seri :ent 'hi met alt l It t ".th Shi lOUgl acid tr sh If i Tj Kll her iish :ocol I Go C.owi MESCAL IKE By s. .The Young Un Gel the Bird L. HUNTLEY .ps. icm OOFS :id CD n ,es, The PET SHOPPE sa ic sung Voi sons "Wcl lered "Here, Dad, put Some of this on itll fb leant IT :i she farther!" ITS Si ter I -- v the Well, f at? After her c oovrleil. FINNEY OF THE FORCE PfASE IS AND OFFKEP-- X This MAIM WALMUT STREET NO. MUM I BLOCKS it" Two DOWM, A TURN! LEFT ? By Tod 1,1, fcy L. HuntUr, Tr.d. Merry-Go-Roun- PT LAtR same- OH, YES NO, MUM (So DovvM - XCORNER DID Times a PL One) iing i MOVING d .entii idler ASK You SURE KEEP terest They AMD YOU C exch in. a e hou lation A LOT WAl no ! SM, AROuMD To DIFFERENT CORNERS ME-- IS THIS MAIM I several TsNO- - PAPDOM C, aeh OlMgUia HOUR Vftrk me, I Bit; anc i GO BEFORE The Warning By FRED HARMAN M . rf... FMmEZ. from ereei etefa YOU NEED A QUART )uld g '.W vy.1 1.MA V iMMw mi co She'i . A f rL" Q i til e VJtU. Oiscoss WHATS Trt Fot I &GU06E? Ml VEAUtfi Yboe CATtur AMO OFFeCiMt, iy Nelp. ft i 1 t ; ny a! he an Quaker State endeavors to meet this desire of the motoring public with a motor oil of supreme quality, that is economical, and available wherever you may go. Try Quaker State. Youll find you go farther before you need to add a quart because "thms an txtra quart of lubrication in tvtrj gallon. "The retail price is 33ff a quart. Quaker State Oil Refining Corporation, Oil City, Pa. -- YoO A60UT llliS ate of Everybody wants to go farther. .THAT LATtR UK COMC to WACfi thi endu w umt wp sw y I rena'i id J BRONC PEELER ologn ;vust is WO id i pc raous Mi tt io od is f that e told Wee anc d Sp. ha t bu Not i eA !thtn Too Late A small boy was celebrating his birthday with a party In the garden. He had a quarrel with one of his friends, Billy, however, and did not invite him to the party. His mother insisted that Billy should be invited, and finally prevailed upon her son to do so. The litUe host called upon his former friend. Will you come to my garden party tomorrow?" he asked. It's too late now." answered last night I prayed for a Billy, The Curse of Progress blizzard. CALLERS Salt By GLUYAS WILLIAMS - Tr Lakes Most Hospitable The Newhouse 400 ROOMS smus ccnreMiBtV fee twt ivTxKa. hiarj WR S1W "oinwNcw Mcwstiy 400 f thro hy, imbui, aTw Hotel o to ace! 1 PfccS mlb URMklRA Mm. (fen jot Mat. FlS HER iwr sums off m ww Rowe ROOM IfltiM LOOKINS JRcrs ti m. W Hit TiRPS-WE- ttfMUKlWfMhM MtRIMftWIirsNp '$ Well, :T er She i nder j ?rd of me had f00. la wh toa si ai Dining Room UNPIR WVNUS CM OH AS BEaRW6SAMlil,Wlft CsuiNo.ooftf bRtRfit, manner most pleasing to Pai hur tlif It is our aim to serve you fa hwfiw bins os coat wmir poohio ' ou; BATHS at Moderate ? chat fthinj Well, othi at t! The Finest in Hotel Accommodation tbwwwjauBs. tor hi r Hotel Inrites YOU No Bench A salesman suffered a slight accident to his car. Unable to find a monkey wrench among hit tools, ho went to the nearest farmhouse and Inquired of the Swede owner: "Have you a monkey wrench here?' Naw," replied the Swede. My brother bane got a catUe reneb over there; my cousin got a sheep reneb down there, but too cold for monkey reach here.' HOT tL IVKWnOlS Ccfcteria Mrs. J. H. Waters, IVw. Sut,fl' tl r tan han !ethw h aa tr awl d |