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Show Scenes and Persons in the Current News Hlpp Surprisingly Agile Some people regard the hippopotamus aa very gentle beast more or less In the class of the commoo-comon as a fighter. Actually he is surprisingly agile when aroused and has large, sharp tusks in his huge lower jaw with which he can slash sideways with devastating effect His weight sometimes amounting to four tons, is a formidable factor, especially when he is in TTT si Adventurers 4 Club ; t 0 t rr 'Zr I . v' -- f ' '1 V C boys and girls, in some of these adventure been telling you, everything seems to happen yams Ive Just one two three and its all over, second. j split I action every doggone minute. there are other yarns In which theres darned UtUe action, and of the story lie In the fact that some poor devil has to (suspense OU know, comet creeping up on him. That aort of adven-fdra- p for a long time. But the yarn I'm going to tell you today L both of those types of adventures. It went on km time, and every doggone minute of that time was packed And at the same time. It was so full of 4jnef sod suspense. you'd have a hard time pecking another single movement into g1! we of the meet thrilling tales Fve come across in quite a -- m. tod the honors today ga te a Chicago policeman . ' ' ' " J ; ri :?,W?r T wo Wanted Men By FLOYD GIBBONS Famous Headline Hunter si i' H:r- .j, . least one occasion the hippo is reliably reported to have upset and crushed between bis jaws a native canoe. He has been known "to ram even a river steamer. x Cattle Free for the Taking Horses escaped from the Spaniards on the mainland of North America multiplied fast on Argentinas pampas. Thus the Argentina gaucho (or cowboy) became a hunter of horses, while the northern plainsman became a herder. Cattle stealing was never the serious crime on the pampas that it was in North Americas Wild west because ln Argentina cattle were free for the taking. Washington Post. c, - p: k g while death out above-mention- it Chase After Automobile Thieves. Wild was col September on bln bands, he went afternoon In 1927. A1 was off duty and with over to the home of his pal, Emmett Hart-- l to a visit After hed been there awhile, they decided it would be Ld idea to go for a ride. Emmett got a car and they drove around fabout two houra. were on their way to a restaurant at Archer and Western As they came to Rockwell street things began to happen. redan passed them. There were two men In the car, and A1 them both as automobile thieves! jjil told Emmett to turn around and follow that car. They were eatch-- j to it when the thieves spotted the auto behind them and recognized Before House Numbering Before houses were numbered, Londons business streets were 1 View of Number 552, new superliner that will be sister ship of the Queen Mary, now under construction lined on both sides by a Succession of gay signboard exhibiting an alat Clydebank, Scotland. 2 Phillip Murray, chairman of the Steel Workers Organizing committee addressing a massmeeting of workers during the steel strike at Canton, Ohio, seen of the Paris Inter- most Infinite variety of blue boars, black svfani, red lions, flying pigs national exposition which opened recently. and the like. Even with these sign it was often hard to find ones destination, for the signs were often so badly painted that it would have puzzled a naturalist to make out th animal meant. First Lady in Role of Godmother dust bowl worker French Foreign Legion Rule Frenchmen are not wanted, nor can they serve as Frenchmen, ln the French Foreign legion. They may join it, however, notes a writer In Colliers Weekly, by securing permission through special authority and by forfeiting their rights of They stepped on the gai and the chase was onl front of them leaped ahead. Emmett stepped on The faster they went, the faster the smaller car A1 out his gun and fired one shot. But head traveled. it ear ahead didntpulled stop. those gas buggies were tearing along down the street at close j.p speed. The scenery was fairly whizzing past, and people along njf stopped to stare at a race they had never seen the like of .dg of a race track. u a policeman. The car in ud followed. First V. 8. Admiral The first admiral was David G. Farr a gut, who held that rank from 1866 until his death ln 1870. David D. Porter was an admiral from 1870 until he died in 1891. The rank was recreated for George Dewey in 1899, and lapsed with hla death In 1917. Bullets Didnt Stop Them. opened the door and climbed out on the running a better shot at his quarry. As Emmett drove and the car ttntd along the wide street he fired again and again Still the car Gua in hand, A1 to get sped onl Sow, Ai could ad see that they were gaining on the crooks. The small didn't have enough speed to outdistance the big one in which they A continued to fire until riding. they reached Kedzle avenue, and hit revolver was empty. The big car had almost caught up to ttie little one now. Bit by bit fained until at last Als car was nosing up beside the one in which two thieves were riding. They were running almost hood to hood have reached out and touched the other auto, when car turned sharply. They had jnst reached St. Louil avenne. .Al saw the crooks cat swerving toward them, but before he had n chance te de Thing about it, there was a crash. The crooks sides wiped Am, knocking them over te the side of the street. There was another crash as the car lurched into a telephone pole, Al wasn't inside the car when it hit. Aa the two cars came together at caught between them and knocked down on the running board. and Al could denly o the front Gases in Sea Water The water of the ocean, like any other liquid, absorbs a certain amount of the gases with which It Roy L Kimmel, whom Secretary is In contact Sea water contains of Agriculture Henry A. Wallace has dissolved oxygen, nitrogen and care co- bonic acid absorbed from the Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, holding baby Eleanor Ruth Armstrong, appointed to direct a and Mrs. Ruth Bryan Owen, former U. S. minister to Norway, with baby ordinated program to prevent the Rotiert Furman Armstrong, pictured during the recent christening cere- Southwestern dust bowl from beRats Busier at Night mony of the twin children of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Armstrong. Jr., at coming a desert, in a plan which Rats are mostly active at night berecommendations the as D. which served at C., closely they Stahding godmothers. Washington, tween them is Mrs. John Nance Garner, wife of the vice president. The of the Presidents great plains com- They begin moving about an hour after dusk, continuing throughout mittee ln erosion prevention. Armstrongs are Washington newspaper correspondents.''' the night They usually will feed twice during the night first shortly after dark and again early in the MISS ECCLES TO WED morn big. 0 d her, water-soake- d S nr. Iff d 1 Fat If id d, k r Cabbage Cooked with Mil- kTwo cups milk, six cups shredded d cabbage, cup milk or cream, two tablespoons melted butter, two tablespoons flour, half teaspoon salt. Heat milk and cook ccbbage in it two minutes. Add milk or cream, flour blended with butter and salt. Cook for three or four minutes, stirring constantly. one-thir- Cooking Rhubarb Rhubarb Is disliked by some people because of its acidity. But this can be considerably reduced if the fruit is covered with cold water, brought to the boil and then strained before being stewed in the ordinary way. This method is only recommended to anybody who dislikes ordinary stewed rhu barb, as the healthful salts are lost when the fruit is cooked twice. Custard Sauce One and lf cups scalded milk, teaspoon salt, cup sugar, teaspoon vanilla, yolks of two eggs. Beat eggs slightly, add sugar and salt; stir constantly while adding gradually the hot milk. Cook in double boiler till mixture thickens, chill and one-ha- one-eigh- th J Ar. raf ww flavor. a Bolling Sirup If the saucepan is well buttered around the top sirup that is being boiled in it will not boil over the top of the pan. Storing Tea and Coffee-Ho- me supplies of tea and coffee will keep their flavor longer if stored in stone jars. a Rubber Rollers The rubber wringers on washing machines can be kept clean by washing with kerosene. Cleaning WNU Service. Don't Neglect Them Netore the kidney nreetom MpM Job. Their leak ie t u ? " H r ; v Water Follows Oil Usually oil ln an underground reservoir is backed up by water ln hydrostatic connection with the oil, so that as the oil is produced at the wells water follows in its place. Y - A recent photograph of Miss EleaoFMar-rine- r nors May Eccles, daughter S. Eccles, chairman of the Federal Reserve board, whose engagement to Harold J. Steele, of Houston, Texas, was announced recently. Miss Eccles is a junior at the George Washington university, Washington, D. C. Steele is associated with the electric home and farm authority. They will be married In September. 3 n.nV hJL Breaking Promisee "To break a promise is easy, said Hi Ho, the aage of Chinatown, but it may injure your credit, even to the extent of destroying your faith in yourself. QMfi SHOD Elephant Is Good Swimmer The elephant la an excellent swimmer. Elephants have been known to swim in deep water for more than six hours at a time. PHOTOGRAPHY GSjEQQSIH3o BOLLS DEVELOPED IkriDiildnvbltvBtrbtBiiltriBiBBiiU, of your cboloo of n print wltbooi alRnrBU c coin Mprioti le black coated penguins are among the most popuForest Land More Poroui at the Great Lakes exposition at Cleveland Government tests show that the this summer. Exhibited on Admiral Byrda Antarctic ship, the City of soil In forests is 50 per cent more New York, they constitute a third of the present penguin population of porous than bare earth. This forest the United States. sponge grips a flood in its mesh. These white-veste- lar attraction with crowd Londoners Ride Buses Again After Strike Tobacco la Venezuela Guacharo tobacco, the famous cigar leaf discovered less than fifty years ago, can be grown only ln a certain part of Venezuela. S5SgSv.Urr B!GLASSlStoCERS Musk-Oxe- n St P3 I sentence. The other one three days later in another The musk glands of the are used to' musk-o- x keep the animals free It has no of mosquitos and flies. taiL About Half Inch Long When Born SALT LAKES HOSTELRY air cooled during tbo summer moutka Itadfe For Srery Room jf tOO ItoooM 200 Both J Lko,U bear 4 NEWEST Our lobby Is firilgbtfelly ion. When molested, a little one wiQ whimper and cry like a hurt baby. Australia most The koala reaches maturity at is a lovable live about four yean and may live to Mason Warner In the reach the age of twenty. Full grown li'ci. and He never grows ones weigh about 30 pound be young art born In measure 24 to 30 Inches from tip of ate. little more than nose to where the tail would begin in ln t J.ch Ien8tb. and are ear if they had tefl. They range to brown. in evePcd color from dark gray the mothers uch f si mntha, at the The Australian native bear loves of cb time the , baby meat-rh- i the tall eucalyptus tree and he is ,ix tnches in length, Jk adapted to its environment He can trees 0UnCeS' nd POrU climb the smooth, barklesi bicolt l50? with ease and grace. Hi powerful four months longer limbs and strong, (harp clawa en Cames the cub on her able him to keep his position aloft i fm ,'t holds on with Its unperturbed ln the fiercest gales. neCk 0r cUng to The koala is the personification of boCw er Protecting arms Indolent lelaure. H doe not move found u d N until U 018 Pouch is still about while the aim is high. Ha aita young one baa grown and sleeps in the crotch of a tree iobig id nto ft- - Maternal care most of the day. He apparently bepmi. tiU the cub comes active only to eat snd pre' PearS? Cntinue A mother will hold fer! to go from the limb of one tree 5 her than itrok, 1,7 V lap and fondle to the limb of another rather almost human fash descend to the ground. I te de he the momo at Sowtnc blood atrram free o I tonie fin perl tke. The set at II trio iie ftlf-- to eonetanUjr predudn mote toot tor the kideeyt must remove from the Mood U food health ie te ondarm Wbee the kidney loll te (unetloe ee Netore Intended, there Is retention et nets that mop rouse body-wid- e One may euSer norlnf beckaehw pentetent head or be, otter ko of diioinooa, etUng ap nlfh to, swell lnf, puffioese nder the eyre ierl tired, aerveiM, oil atom eat. Frequent, esaaty er burning Managua tap be further evidence of kidney er bladder disturbance. The reeofnierd and treatment a a diuretic medicine teproper kelp the kidneys rid of eorem potnoneue body waste. (et Doan' a Pill. They have bad more than forty years of public approval. Are endorsed the country over. It Oaama. Sold at nil drug stores. and reel weighed 106 pounds and was almost 6 feet long. The largest caught by apy method weighed 134 pounds. r " he caught drew a fourteen-yea- r by an Englewood policeman r one-ha- lf Amber jack, Salt Water Fish it, Al felt a terrific bump as his body There was a terrible pain In his ton Foocd leg where the tire was scraping the flesh away. His ck aw" sides were being braised and lacerated. The car traveled a hundred feet through the prairie and by that was numb from pain and shock. Then the car bogged doom in ud and came to a stop. Als clothes had been literally torn from body by then, but he still had his gun clutched tightly in his hand. "There was no chance to use It, he says, but as soon as the car bait, I began struggling to get my leg out of its trap. The Ji mped out and ran north across the prairie.1 Got Him With the Empty Gun. For Blacking Stoves An old shoe polish dauber is an excellent tool for blacking stoves. An amberjack la a large salt water fish. The largest caught by rod prairie. last I got my leg loose and crawled out from under the car. aicd my gun and pulled the trigger, but all I got was a click of the In the excitement I had forgotten that I emptied the gun dur-- s chase." As the gun clicked, the second man leaped from the car and started iV0L And then Al made the pinch of his life. Helpless and unable to tnuch less run after the fleeing crook, he got up on hia feet and mpty gun after him. That gun went straight te the mark. It caught the croak an f the head and he fell forward an hla face out cold. 7 at une moment Emmett extricated himself from his Tcked car and came running scrota the street. He grabbed trook. ett took them both to a restaurant a block away and there be the station house. They took Al to the hospital, and b stayed three months, Id getting over the Injury to hia leg. The rear tire J ndge right Into hia flesh as the car dragged him across Tinting MilkakWheirsmall chit ' dren refuse to drink their daily milk requirements, try tinting the milk with vegetable coloring. Penguins Star at Cleveland Fair Dragged along behind Polled over the curb. At Dis- Keys fol-lo- Then, i Brightening Plano colored piano keys can be bright ened by rubbing with a soft cloth dampened with alcohol. long-rang- Al Was Dragged by the Fleeing Car. at the smaller car veered away again, his right leg was ched between its rear fender and the bumper. He felt a tug at that -- felt himself falling to the pavement and then he was being dragged I behind the fleeing car. The car was out of control now. The crook at the wheel was trying P it going straight, but it shot up over the curb on the other side It crossed the sidewalk and plunged on over a stretch jb street ( Queslojif one-quarte- gj rd Household w K I, IS! . ' dm J HOTEL Temple Square $taSO to $3-0Hotid fraipl SqatN ddrtiirabl 0 A BUNS TWo OP mtAIOHT WHISKIM . hmm frbiidl; Btwps plir.YMwUl always find itlmaRaa Xulata miPMWMlf comfortable, and hnronahly Mrakla.)(Mi eaa tnm fata madatfatand why thU hotel tat I hlgblf u HIGHLY RECOMMENDED ' month- Bridge station as the first buses appeared on the streets after a and unsuccessful walkouts in the history of the most unpopular the of ona UikrecenUy thusending movement British ado uni00 . , . r n.jon 99 PB009 Yaw mm alaa apfvtdalt wbyi dafMetaa to itoR if s 9tMark IMt bmamtiimt hmtmtry ERNEST C ROSSITER, Afjrr. |