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Show PAGE FCl MAGNA TIMES, MAGNA, UTAH SUMMONS THE MAGNA TIMES Edith M. NltUon. Published Since 1906 second cMm mail matter under the act of Entered March 3rd, 1879, at Magna, Utah laaued each Friday morning at Magna. Utah lubscrlption, in advance, per year Published By The Copper Printing Company Edltar-rublUh- er ! R. BRADY, Attorney for plaintiff P. O. Address: 206 Kearns Bidding, Salt Lake City, Utah RAYMOND IN THE THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF THE STATE OF UTAH. IN AND FOR SALT Date of 1st publication May u LAKE COUNTY. THE BOTHWELL CORPORATION, PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES - $1.0 a corporation, Plaintiff 14, 1937 (Consult county clerk or the reinforspective signers for further vs. D UNFORD; JOHN MORELAND mation.) LOYD; JOHN W. SNELL, THOMAS TANEY; THOMAS TANEY; JOHN SCOTT; JOE JENKINS; WILLIAM DAVIES; ROBT. L. e, JONES; THOMAS C. WILLIAMS; Estate of Emma Elizabeth ISAAC ROWPAT LONEROAN; e. also known as Emma E. LAND; JAMES, JOHNSTON ancH deceased. Creditors will present claims with SALT LAKE COUNTY, a municipal vouchers to the undersigned at 454 corporation; JOHN DOE, RICHARD South 5th East, Salt Lake City, DOE. and JANE DOE, together Utah, on or before the 15th day of with all the unknown wives, heirs, October, A. D...J937. legatees, devisees, executors, adminHerb-r- t Edwin Lofthouse, Exeistrators or assigns of the above parties, together with all other per- cutor of the estate of Emma Elizasons unknown claiming any right, beth Lofthouse, also known as Emtitle, estate or Interest In or lieu ma E. Lofthouse, Deceased upon the real property described in Bowen & Quinney, attorneys. The girls skated for seeral hours and then returned to the home of Notice To their Bee keeper. Miss Alice Bawden A hearty welcome was extended for a midnight supper. The entertainment was the first of to Elder Lovell Smith upon his turn home after spending two years seriis to take place during the in the East Central States Mission summer months. The girls are c allying out the plans outlinod After being released Elder Smith by the Stake Mutual Leaders. spent two weeks visiting points of Interest In the East. He went to New York City and Niagara Falls WOODBURY - WHITAKER The marriage of Miss Irene Woodand spent several days around Washand Mr. William Whitaker took and the C. D. bury Capitol visiting ington White House. He stayed two days place Thursday June 10, In the Salt with his cousin Elder Hugo Smith I ake Temple A reception was held who is now laboring in the Northern n the evening In honor of the newly States Mission. Elder Smith re- -' ! wedded couple at the Granger Ward the complaint adverse to plaintiff's turned early Thursday morning Amu'vriHnt Hall Th" bnde wore a dress of white ownership, or any cloud upon Date of first publication June 11, 1937. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brown announce satin and a ,si!k finger tip length veil plaintiff's title thereto, imad also her carried of last publication July 2, 1937 She vdumd of Date their the engagement daughter Defendants THE STATE OF UTAH TO THE Ruby Louise to Eugene A. Todd. The a bouquet of Bride Rases. Mrs Helen Bates acted as matron SAID DEFENDANT: marriage will take place in the near EVOLUTION DESCRIBED AS rf honor and was dressed In blue verslty. You are hereby summoned to apSPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT torched chiffon and carried pink pear within twenty days after the buds Miss The bridesmaid, Martha Eldredge returned this ice service of this summons upon you, Is the Universe, including Man, week after completing a year of Pearl Woodbury a sister of the bride, if served within the county in which Evolved by Atomic Force?" is the starched and also chiffon woie pink school at the Brigham Young this action is brought; otherwise, n in alb subject of the earned a bouquet of pink within thirty days after service, and Churches of Christ, Scientist on Mr FiiUs was best man defend the above entitled action; June 20. Mr. and Mrs. Dave. De Lancey and Appiopriatc inusle was furnished and in case of your failure so to do, Sunday, citations include The n CaroScriptural North Mrs. the Ella from mg Charlotte, family evening by judgment will be rendered agalnstL 'the all the earth fear Let following: lina visited at the home of Mr and Whitaker and Mis Alta Jones ac- you according to the demand ofAftiP inhabitants of all let the the . Mrs. D. E. Smith. Lord, are fuends Mrs They Molly Taylor. complaint which has bee affiled companied by of him For awe In world stand who thq of Lovell Smith, Just returned with the Clerk of said Court. he spake, and It was done, he comhome from a mission. - PETERSON I.I (run This action Is brought to quiet manded, and it stood fast (Psalms A wedding reception wa held SatMrs Velmah Morrow, a resident ire! i June 12 at the Jensen home Ltle to the following described real 33 8.9 ) of Pontiac, Michigan, visited during' for Mi vs Among the correlatives are the Vrginia O Rullian and Mr propertj The South J of Lot 9. Block 12. following from Science and Health the week with Alice Bawden while on Gordon The ceremony her return trip to Michigan, after was performed fust by a bishop Of Section 16. Township 1 South, with Key to the Scriptures." by Mary t.e L D S Church and was followed Range 1 East. Salt Lake Meridian, Baker Eddy: The universe is filled spending the winter in San Francisco, California. according to the survey made by F. with spiritual ideas, which He (God In a dance Thebride was dressed In white M. Lyman, Jr., the plate of which evolves and they are obedient to the Mrs. Morrow and Miss Bawden Mawere friends two years ago when saun and carried a bouquet of survey is recorded in Book D" of Mind that makes them ip 295 ) the evolution terial great of implies records Salt Miss Bawden spent the summer mange gladiolus tied with a large Plats, pages First Cause must become material. doing mlsionary work In Michigan ' bow Tile bridesmaids were Miss Lake County, Utah She had with her several of a f itbel Willace who woip a dress of choice breed of Persian Cats, one tofJita Ms Aiulmn sister of the VA'AV.NV.NV.V..NNV.VNV.V.V.V.V.V.V.VY.V.V.V of which won first prize at the re- bride who wa-- , dres eci in yelow orcent Qolden Gate Peninsula Coun- gandie and Mrs Mabel Anderson, OUR SPECIAL THIS w e blue wh cil net Mr. Nolan Fit :v u void a, best man (Specials are From Saturday to Saturday) The third year Beehive girls of MINT CANDY ICE CREAM 5 Dee) Granger spent an evening of enirpathy was extended to . M: w Tm hen they pm after the death of her joyment Friday night attended the Wooley Roller Skattrhanrl wm died last week due to a bnef illness ing Rink in Salt Lake City GRANGERNOTES Creditors Loft-hous- Loft-heus- , and afterwards must either return to Mind or go down into dust and nothingness. The time theory of the universe, including man, is not In material- - history but in spiritual development accompanied by his daughter June and 6on, Platt visited with another daughter, Mrs. Herman Nielson last Friday and Saturday. and Roland Turpin; two Mrs. Beth Taylor and JeaTjl aU of Granger; x grandch six brothers, Earl and pin of Salt Lake City; ciare CLASSIFIED ADS pin of Magna; William J. South Cottonwood and Turning FOR SALE Delaval Milk separator, George Turpin of Blackfoot. J? original price $85. Only used one ho; four sisters, Mrs. Sarah year. Big bargain now for $30. See C. win of Blackfoot; Mrs. Mary Avenue. J. Hutching, Cyprus and Mrs. Lucy Hansen of GraZ! FOR SALE-Ro- und dining room and Mrs. Fannie Moesser of Hunt table in good condition. Bargain price. See C. J. Hutchings, Cyprus l BACCHUS NOTES A splendid meeting was held at the Bacchus Club by the Bacchus Relief Society Wednesday. Mrs. E. T. Rountree gave the literary lesson which proved very entertaining. St Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Jones and Miss n LaPrele Spiatley attended gradua-lioFOR SALE Mr-a- exercises of Mrs-Jone- nd Alfr' s son. LeRoi from the Brigham Young Mr. Jones University Wednesday. received a distinct honor when he was presented with a gold Y for com- petition in dramatics. The Granger Girls Softball team defeated Bennion Ward 14 -- 10 last Wednesday on the Bennion dimonds. Mr Larsen, formerly a resident of Granger passed away in a local hospital after a brief illness. Services were held for him at 2 p. m Sunday in the community in which the family now reside Mr Joseph Ward of Preston, Idaho , Electric range, In good condition. Used only one year. $50. See Grand Hotel Coffee Shop. Brother of Magna Man Dies At Home Isaac Herbert Turpin, 53, a farmer of Granger, died Tuesday at 4 40 a m. in a Salt Lake City hospital He was born in Granger, October 3, 1883, to Jess Richard and Hanna M. Decker Turpin, and had resided in Granger all his life. Surviving are his widow, Lucy May Drage; three sons, Vernal, Bud PRINTING Out plant is complete loe evwytluaf you Mod in the iio ot priitoa. W can assur you first fruJtcA oa ") Unl-vers- lt. lesson-sermo- - This ticket presented at the GEM THEATRE, Magna wthin ihe next week entitles - Mr. and Mrs. Bert Brown Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fairbourne Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Uns worth Mr. and Mrs. Mike Perrick Mr. and Mrs. Udell O. Bennion A THE BEST BUY IN CALIFORNIA WINE s' TICKETS Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Mike Siouris Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Kirk Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Craig Mrs. Helena Evers and Partner A FREE SHOW AS GUESTS OF THIS PAPER (These names are tiken from nor Subscription List.) W AW r.WA,.VA,.V.,.,AW.V.V.,VAVVW.W V.V.VAV.V.V.V.VAV.V.V.V. qt. for your Party Orders. We will be glad to deliver. 145 True Fruit Punch , made from fresh fruit juices Put up in qts.-Sgal.-$1.- 00 2 and 1 gal.-$2.- 00 The punch keeps for several months without os- - ? ing its delicious flavor. Oc, Pf 1-- Y siFku: V- - 6 Li v v"-1 3 w.K 7 f.I j f. i'h) PETERSONS ICE CREAM U7-- V .V.V.W.W.VAV.WAWAVA'AV.W.WAVAV.V.VA." ft Z .1 A EMPRESS THEATRE 1 111 RSDAY-- I 8 RIDAY, JUNE first Show Thursday, 6:15, Friday 7:00, Last show 9.00 SFU IAL BIG DOUBLE BILL Outcast of Poker Hat" When Love Is Aoung " New .Serial SECRET AGENT." SATURDAY - h V l-- ' EASY TERMS at a small additional cost 17-1- ONLA, JINE p. m. 19 Alt I'iX,' A 'A i f - First Show 6:40, Drawing at 9.00 MONEY NIGHT this NOTICE At the Gem or Empress this week $60 Cash is the award given away this Saturday $60 Requirements are ...To be registered and present. A special selected show every This Week Saturday SPECIAL SELECTED MONEY NIGHT SHOW READY, WILLING AND ABLE Ruby Keeler. Lee Dixon, Allen Jenkins Its more fun for you1 Songs, dances. COMEDY MARCH OF TIME" Its different! It's new1 cntaiiis SUNDAY. MONDAY, TUESDAY, JUNE First Show Sun. 5:30, Mon., Tues. 7:00. Last show 9:00 One of the Outstanding Specials of the T ear! Janet Gaynor and Fredric March All in coinExcellent' A powerful human-interedrama' Beautiful A picture the whole family will enjoy' - at0.0 s sat off. st Colored Features v,oc a. A STAR IS BORN fftaS) QUAKEfl AllTHese vvfl pc .rt-- r,TstU- - Never before probably never agab will you be able io buy ,xtl TtoTii - to. a " new, modem, Electric Range for Mickey Mouse," News BRAND cooo GEM THEATRE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, JUNE Notice: First show 6:15, Last show starts 8 p. m EXTRA-SPEC- IAL BIG DOUBLE BILL-EXT- RA "coo STSU 17-1- 8 .toc., ho uodlfc OUTCASTS OF POKER FLAT Prwton Foster. Jean Muir. Virginia Weidler Biel Hart's stirring action drama of the gold frontier! 7 Second Feature $2X OthS3IKEY fEN'LQVE IS YOUNGS ' NeSeriil UWRENCCBUTO. INDIAN "SECRET AGENT." SATURDAYONLYr. JUNE coo0"ookug to. It you are at either Theatre you are eligible to win. Same quirements and the same show at both theaties You May Win .cV 0 SSSBg See Your Wcslinghnuse Dealer aPPa. AM' 7 asssgssssS-;- -. T le P Sunday-Monda- i;M, THE SOLDIER AND THE LADY Holywood's new star. Anton Walbrook Blore. A great love story. Excitement! MUSICAL COMEDY NEWS - Margot Thurs Frl . Silent Barriers. Way Out West Saturday, Make Way For Tomorrow. -- o re- TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY. JUNE7-1- 3 Club nights. Shows Tuesday, 6:00 AArdnesday 7'M Schenleyi Old Quaker brand 90 proof straight bourbon whiskey. Also available in rye. Copyright 1937, The Old Quaker Co., Law rfinceburg, Iod. the nse of an Electric Range reduces the rate for all the elec- tridty you use in your home. o,,iitool duuv JillU MONEY NIGHT at the Gem This This offer Is limited, 19 First Show 6:40, Drawing at 9 00 AT The GEM or EMPRESS No Show so little Act nowl And remember i Virginia Bruce. Kent TayloX Walter Brcnmui Xove, laughter music andjsnmmce that thrills! g however, and is good only as long as the present supply lasts. .t.o katodeaW , speed-cookin- money. NO SHOW AT THE EMIRFSS WEDNESDAY Oraham, Eric - at I FREE SHOW AS GUESTS OF THIS PAPER names are taken from our Subscription List.) COMPLIMENTARY WEE-K- 40c ir This ticket presented at the EMPRESS THEATRE. Magna, within the next W'eek entitles 40-4- 1, Fhone Gar. Aik (These ' I stock. ummmn TICKETS COMPLIMENTARY rose-bud- HammarmiU (lti, r,;, R. S. PoweJL Appliance Shop Utah Power & Light Co. V.Y.VAYAVW.W.Y.V..,.,.V',',V |