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Show r IMF A COMMUNITY INSTITUTION FIf e t no ittoa. t hu a5i fourfct 'IjhtTi; eV four & infant a It t t stherai D. Johnson Judge Tillman Rules In Favor of Copper Firm Della Hoffman was elected president of the American Legion Auxiliary, Cyprus Post No. 38, Thursday evening at the annal election ceremonies held at the Utah Copper Club, LaPrele Matthews is first vice, president, Clara Borland, second vice president; Catherine McBride, historian: Lucy Furrow chaplain and Vinta Martin and Pearl Hansen, sergeant-at-arm- s. The next meeting of the organiD. Johnson Mon-- y Judge Tillman sation will be announced later. ruled in favor of the Utah Copthe tailings dust" ier company In m which 275 residents of Mag-- w and vicinity sought in federal eourt an abatement of an alleged nuisance or $1,341,825 dam- - nchtt V tounny i, The Copper Company, which operated an open cut mine .In Bingham ArCanyon and mills at Magna and maintof been not has guilty thur, aining aspubift nuisance, the federal citing precedent judge concluded, To Be Featured This FnHayEve Evidence shows further, wrote the court, that dust storms occur in the area with relative Infrequency, are of short duration and do not occur In airier months. Summing up the case, Judge Johnspointed out that when both mills are In operation about 1300 on surface on the tailings pond In wint- constantly dry except er, and that winds from the north Beef Barbecue Will Be Cooked In New Dutch Oven The Utah Copper Club is entertaining at a feature beef barbecue and dance this Friday evening, June 18, at the Utah Copper Community Park, as one of their regular June entertainments. The huge dutch recently completed at the park, will be Initiated with the Beef Barbecue. The entertainment will be to club members and their families, festivities beginning at 9 00 p.m. The dance will be held on the double tennis court which has recently had the sides enclosed, music will be furnished by Adolph Brox orchestra. Large arc lights will furnish light to make the park as Sandwiches light as in daylight. will be served during the intermisen northwest with any considerasion. ble velocity carry this dust to homes George W. Smith is chairman of of the plaintiffs. They live In an area barbecue arrangements and J. S. of about four square miles. Powell, chairman of dance arrangeIn the original complaint, filed In ments. O. C. Finley Is In charge of September, 1935, plaintiffs set forth a refreshment 6tand. The club is also entertaining at a that the dust settled on and In their beach outing June 28 at Sunset homes, trees and crops and was Beach. An enjoyable time is slated Jurlous to their health. for that evening also. and YOUR ATTENDANCE IS DESIRED AT THE JULY 5TH CELEBRATION HERE If one- - were to send out a formal, engraved invitation to the lavish July 4th celebration (observance to be Monday, July 5th) to everyone in this locality, it would read; You are cordially Invited to attend the July 4th celebration in Magna Monday, July 5th. You will be entertained from earty morning until late evennng with parade, music, sporting golf, races, baseball game, tug of war, fireworks and a large dance. Everj thing Is free and your pre- V events-includin- g earnestly desired. gs p, well-kno- terp-sichore- Committees for the community celebration reported Tuesday evening to Chairman Ed. J. Gardner, that their plans were progressing very satisfactorily and that the citizens and merchants are cooperating in a splendid manner for the complete success of L O McMichael, the day. chairman of publicity and decorations, stated that the town will be decorated in an appropriate manner within the next eek, and that the celebration is already receiving considerable publicity from other communities. Several advertising stunts are being arranged to get other townspeople to attend the celebration in Magna. Deputy Sheriff Dell Hanks, chairman of the parade, reports that altho great deal of Interest is being in the parade, they still have not obtained entries from all the business firms. He suggests that this an inexpensive and novel way of advertising a firm and Its products. MAGNA-GARFIEL- for your float? Ferdie Barton, chairman of concessions, has the largest group of all the committees, to assist him In selling soda-pobars, pop corn, drinks, hot-doand hamburgers during the day, but as this is one of the largest assignments, he needs the cooperation of each and every committee member. J. S. Powell, dance chairman, reports arrangements are being made for the engagement of a orchestra to furnish fun for all and F. C. Green and Dr. P. M. Chase, chairman of fireworks, are working with their usual zeal for one of the most beautiful and unusual fireworks displays ever seen here. Both are experts in this line, having had considerable experience. Russell Magleby, popular Cyprus mentor and chairman of the sports committee, is very enthusiastic the sports events for the day. He states that a program for the enjoyment of young and old is practically completed and will include novelty races and events. More particulars about this phase of the entertainment will be given later. J. C. Denton, chairman of solicitations, reports a fine response from the merchants, while A. H. Maiben, chairman of First Aid and his crew, are prepared to handle any emer-jencirequiring their aid during the eventful day. All in all. everything promises hot time in the old town." Have you made arrangements D MILLMEN TAKE 7-- 6 GAME FROM MINES Hopes of u. S. Mines for the first a'f Utah Industrial League title Were blasted Sunday when the Mag-fi- a Garfield squad defeated them by axing a 7 to 6 decision. The dose racas was played at Bingham. Lief Erickson, Magna-Garfieroundsman and Frank Shepherd, bigham fllnger, were each touched r 12 hits. Frank Christensen hit a ome run for the visitors with one and Wally Walbeck and Froggy i. rr each came through with dou-Jo- e Vecchio hit a triple for U. Mines and Dee Mattson, Johnny d. Bill Gates and Rod Adams cs Magna Ward Holds Unique Court Of Honor Tuesda A combination troop meeting and Court of Honor was held Tuesday Ward. evening. June 15 at the Magna other from awards of lack to Due court was troops of the district, the 98. This for Troop held exclusively was the first Court of Honor of this district. type to be held in Oqulrrh of the summary Folowing is the the out during followed as program flag the troop, evening; songs by ceremony, drill on scout laws. Court of Honor in charge of Chairman Chas. E. Pickett, stunts by the patrols and a marshmellow roast after which the flag was cased. ftacte doubles. The following awards were made: ass award; Lynn ,ourrun . uprising in the fifth, Ray Jensen, First LaVan Dalrymple rea three-ru- n and Dlmnnd splurge in the in woodcarving; Rave merit badges visitors their margin ceived 01 snd victory, TifflT Goodman, handicraft -- ld a ). OF JULY cently from a war veteran friend, the annual Memorial day festivities and how it affected him. The concluding paragraph of his letter is well worth quoting. If this country must go to war," said the veteran, "I think I am speaking the thoughts of the war wounded veterans when I say that it should declare war on disease, on poverty and on arid land. Let it be a war that will have for its object the clothing of the one-thiof the nation that are badly clad; the housthat are illy ing of the one-thihoused, the employment at a living that are poorwage of the one-thily paid. Then, if that war be won, it will Indeed be a glorious victory. A war with such alms, certainly, would be one that would pay definitely greater dividends than the one we engaged in 1917. os Undoubtedly one of the feature attractions of top community 4th of July celebratlda here Monday, the 5th, will be the Popularity Queen" contest, to decide the most popular girl in Magna, Garfield, Bacchus, Hunter and Granger, according to plans made Tuesday evening. Three womens organizations, Magna Womens Club, Firemens Auxiliary and Legion Auxlliaiy, are completing de- tails. Full honor Vill be accorded the chosen girl and her two attendants throughout the day. She will head the procession In the parade in the morning, attended by the next two ranking girls, on a large, beautifully decorated float, and also reign at the big dance that evening, being THE Between You and Me Little Carma Cammons. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Cammons, is not only one of the most intelligent children I have ever seen, but has another charm the inherited good Clem and looks of her mother Vera Jones lovely youngsters are just about perfect in everything.... The ideal father is B. W. Richardson and one of the grandest mea it has If been my privilege to know ever I wanted a star, super salesman I would choose George Douglas he could sell anything and leave the purchaser with the Ratified feeling that he had engineered a profitable SorYy, Mr. Hodge, but I deal didnt look up that data on the Bat-t- e of Bunker Hill that you suggestwith advered for an edltorial-w- hat others, and many meetings tising there just arent enough hours in But somehow one the day now a little more if work in can always they have the energy and will...... One of my favorite persons Ed Anyone as sweet with Gardner children as Mrs. Jim Mandelas was Wednesday with several youngsters, should be given at least an oral bouquet. g; Mack Jensen, reptile study. The marshmellow roast was another surprise treat by the troop officers. The meeting was held outside scouts e by a camp fire. Twenty-threand scouters were in attendance. Mack Jensen. The Relief Society of the Pleasant Green Ward entertained at a lovely honparty last Thursday afternoon faithher for S. J. Mrs. Taylor oring Zal-l- a ful work as counsellor to Mrs. is retiring Mrs. Taylor Spratley. o from her official duties. A one clock luncheon was served to a targe crowd. GIRL? A great deal of interest is being taken in the Queen Popularity contest for girls of Magna, Bacchus and Granger, the winner and two attendants to reign at the large July 4th celebration in Magna. Although there has been but little publicity thus far, the following girls have been entered and their ballot boxes placed in the named stores: Bunnie Wlmmer Grand Hotel Coffee Shop. Mary Cannon White Lily Bak ery. Mildred Turpin Mori Market. Jails Benney Midget Bar. Florence Baker Fair Store. Alice Pappas-rClt- y Bakery. Nola Mecham Woolfenden's Elaine Haws Safeway Skaggs. Elizabeth Aston Elite Cafe, pern Pearce U. P. it Light. Entries may be made at The Copper Printing office, with the entry fee $1 and votes lc each. The contest is being sponsored by the Firemen's Auxiliary, the Magna Women's Club and the American Legion Auxiliary. SHOE PITCHERS TO . CONDUCT CONTEST HERE JUNE 28,5:00 An elimination horse-sho- e pitching contest will be conducted at the Utah Copper Community Park on June 28th at 5.00 p. m. The four highest men will play at the July 4th celebration at Community Park. Horse-sho- e pitchers from all over the state and especially this vicinity are invited to compete in the elimination games. Grim Reaper -- Y Commemorating the adoption of the Stars and Stripes as the official flag of the United States, June 14. 1777, patriotic and civic organizations and private citizens of this vicinity. Monday, put up Old Glory as their means of observance. VOTES TO DECIDE MOST POPULAR MISS IN VI. CIN1TY. CONTEST OPEN TO ALL GIRLS. REGISTER NOW. What has become of the man a ho thought something dressed in appropriate costume. The girls win be presented with beauticould be settled by passing a law? ful corsages. When Malthus predicted the evenThe contest Is open to any girl in tual overpopulation of the earth he this vicinity between the ages of 15 did not foresee the automobile era. and 23. Each entry must be accompanied by $1 00. entrance fee, entry One serious disadvantage of the being made at the Copper Printing machine age for many of us is hav- office from June 8 to 26. This ening to worry along with last year's try fee entitles the girl to 1,000 votes, each additional vote costing lc each. model. Votes wiU be east until July 1, when We often wonder how one of those the contest closes. high pressure salesmen make out Each girl will have her own sepwhen trying to convince his wife of arate sealed ballot box at the varsomething. ious business establishments with her One blessing conferred by radio is that some speeches have been lim- picture above for identity. Money will be collected from the various ited to 15 mtautes. boxes each morning by two repreof the women's "Organizasentatives True Friendship tions who will tabulate and record Real true friendship is proven in the votes, posting the results In The times of emergencies. It is easy to Copper Printing windows. They be friendly to those whose presence will also be published in the paper. makes you more comfortable but If it should be more convenient thats only a selfish interest with the for any person desiring to vote for mind on self instead of others. True a girl to come to The Copper Printfriendship follows after the fellow ing office, a sealed ballot box will that is down and out; when discom- also be here for all contestants. If fort to ones self does not stand in they vote at the Printing Of ice, they the way of helpfulness. will place tbir(fianey in an envelope, stating'' the girl's name on the Boies Pavid F. outside for whom they wish to vote. Magna and vicinity are bereft of The Auxiliaries of the Firemen and a citizen of outstanding Influence and personality in the untimely Legion and Magna Women's Club will aid the queen in dressing for the death of David Frank Boies. more float and other arrangements as well can imprestestify Nothing sively to the respect and esteem in as her attendants. which he was held by all who knew All entrance and vote money dehim, than the depth of mourning rived from the contest wiU be put which spread over this vicinity at In the fund for a swimming pool news of his sudden death. Who is the most popular girl In What was there about this man this locality? Will a Bacchus miss who Those attracted people? that as queen of the day or will knew him in various walks of life, reign a Garfield, Hunter or GranMagna, would say that it was his appealing ger girl capture the crown? popular and character, high principles, kindly votes will decide. Watch the Your love affectionate and profound stores for their contestants. Regiswas He constantly ter at of humanity. The Copper Printing today. looking for opportunities to be use- Each will count for the success day was He to ful and helpful people. of your candidate. strong and courageous. Though we have lost a fine man in the flesh, we are bound to be WHO WILL BE comforted and encouraged by the MOST POPULAR living memory of his rare personality. wood-carvin- DAYM0 NDA 4 GELEBRMIOII an interesting letter re- ed Evidence, Judge Johnson commented, showed the company made s judicious selection of a site for operation of its two mills, the only site convenient and available, adding that the evidence showed no feasible nor practical way by which the dry dust area of the tailings pond may be decreased, or how the company might prevent the wind from carrying away this dust. sence is 1 received EEfllE Quoting h MAGNA, GARFIELD OBSERVES FLAG 10 BE QUEEN say! Just Comments cases in proof. Is Well-Wort- tJu Editor Has rd igea seres of In uttiicfi rd publlc ui V POPUir Hr CHATTER. rd Barbecue Dance feHotfr Number 3 Magna, Utah, Friday, June 18, 1937 LEGION AUXILIARY ELECTS OFFICERS THURSDAY EVENING t , ! teenth year r Claims Ice Lue 01 D. F, Boies Unexpected Pasting Magna of Well-Know- n Man Flag day was first commemorated in the United States June 14, 1895. All after ifhr. B. J. Cigrano organized an association to keep the adoption date Magna and vicinity were deeply of the Stars and Stripes ever in the shocked and grieved Sunday at the minds of the citizens. Shock To Garfield Play By Howard Ridge To further golf interest and play, the Copper Printing Company, thru yours truly, announces the spon- Center Will sorship of the Copper Printing Cup. This will be a regular match play event with club handicaps applying. In general, the rules of play will be quite similar to the regular Directors Cup Play. Handicaps, set by the handicap committee, subject to correction st any time, will be determined by three competitive scores for 18 holes, no one hole with more than two over par being permissible. Legs will be held in June, July August and September. The player first winning the cup for any three months or legs, automatically becomes permanent owner of the cup. This offer is open to aU members of the Utah Copper Qolf club and everyone has an equal chance to win. Come out and try your luck. team match is The next ten-mset for June 20 which is the coming Sunday. The team took a highly severe drubbing last week at the hands of Bonneville, and they are out to take vengeance on Nibley, the opThe ponents for Sunday's match. same lineup will be used with possibly a new face or two on the lineup. However, the match might possibly be postponed due to the playing of the City Amateur tourney which is being played at Forest Dale. Late reports indicate that the leaders of the Public Links team are trying to boost this team by incorporating it with the City Amateur tournament. The winner of the City Amateur will be the captain of the Public Links team and an effort is being made to have all the team matches played at Forest Dale in order to boost the entry of the City Amateur tourney and therefore make a better entrance fee for use in the Public Team trials and subsequent trips to San Francisco. an The Open Friday Recreation Leaders Take Course in Salt Lake City During Week The Recreation Center at Oarfleld will open this Friday, June 18. ac- cording to announcement made by O. J. McDonald, recreation director. Races and games will start the festivities at TOO, continuing to 2:30 at the playground. A dance will continue the program from 2:30 to 4:00 p. m. for children at the Oarfleld Mens Club, with Miss Catherine McBride In charge; baseball game between girls and married women at the ball park, 8 00 to 6:00 p. m. and boys ball game Immediately following. ice Hamburgers, candy, cream will be sold at stands. Mr. McDonald and his assistants Mrs. Ray Merrill, Mrs. Verena Waldron and Mrs. Irene Wilding, attended a recreation meet during the week in Salt Lake City. They report that they learned many new ideas to promote and stimulate Interest in recreation for all types of youngsters. ,, , . Every child is invited to attend the opening and enjoy the recreation facilities during the summer months. sbft-drtn- Magna Playground Opens With 500 Attendance 2-D- ay Lions Club ten Salt Lake City Lions in an informal golf match next Thursday, June 24 on the local links. Howard Ridge, charm an ofjhe Lions Team, invites all Lions down in order to get in shape for the Salt Lake Magna-Garfie- ld Success of the Magna playground, conducted at the Copper Community Park under the supervision of Miss Pearl Powell, seems definitely assured, when a record attendance of 500 for two days was reported at the opening this week. Lions. The playground is conducted Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, ThursUtah Copper Golf June Leg pair- days and Fridays from the hours of ings are released with sixteen play- 10 a. m to 4 p. m. All children from ers in the first round having until the ages of 2 to 15 years of age are June 23 to complete the first round. welcome. Second round dates are 24 to 27, Miss Powell supervises croquet, third round from 28 to 30 and finals ball, checkers and various games as until July 4 to finish the June leg well as swimming. of the regular Director's Cup play. A request is given to the parents The matches are: Rue Packard vs. to kindly caution their children to Rus Magleby, Keith Barton vs. Or be careful of the equipment at the son Naylor, Jack Johnson vs. Paul All of it has been obtained grounds. Garside, Max Wlmmer vs. A. C. En- at a great deal of expense by the sign, Abe Larson vs. Wen Wilkin, Women's Club and it should Jackie Ridd vs. W. 8. Hook Wes Magna be given careful care. Christensen vs. Val Garfield, Ray The playground Is free and open Cromar vs. Tony Lewis. to all children. will entertain The three-ma- n team is scheduled to play every Tuesday evening with Girls the first match set for Tuesday. 4-- H June 22. Twelve three-ma- n teams To are participating. The teams listed below will participate. Any members, At who have not had the opportunity to be placed upon the teams that are Miss Bernice Anthon and Miss named here, are Invited to form new Julia Sutton will represent Salt Lake squads. County at the third annual state No. 1 team Art Marsh, Hy DuckClub short course to be held at the worth and Harry Quayle. Utah State Agricultural college at June 14 to 19. Logan No 2 team-- H. F. Lott, J. W. Rldd This distinct honor for the girls and Ray Corfield. will give them an opportunity to Club boys and girls from No. 3 team W. Christensen, Ray meet other counties in the state as well Cromar and Max Wlmmer. as reoeive information and ideas on No. 4 team R. Erickson, Roy activities! Haws, and Gene Wallace. Discussion groups, project demonstrations. play hours, nature hikes, S. Hook, Abel LarNo. 5 team-- W. tours, educational trips, geology son and A. C. Ensign. campfire programs and a social and No. 6 team Amel Elder, Wm. dance will be included in the course. and T. Larson. Miss Anthon, President of the loNo. 7 team Joe Rlbbotta, Orson cal group, will receive an additional Naylor and Orem Stewart. No. 8 team Paul Schultz, Bill honor, as she was chosen as chairman on Tuesday. Congratulations Larson and Keith Barton. No. 9 team Mead Janney, Deb and best wishes are extended to the girls. Johnson, and Jerry Dunn. No. 10 team Steve Powell, Dell Miss Beth Harding has left for Shepplck and Wendell Wilkin. Team No. 11 Val Garfield, Rus- her home in Los Angeles after a vissell Magleby and. Clem Jones. it with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. No. 12 team W. O. Rouillard, R. E. A. Harding. Miss Harding is emThompson and O. H. Jones. ployed in Los Angeles. Nine hole matches will be played Complimentary to Miss Harding with handicaps applying. 4 30 is the and Miss Vida Baer, Mr. and Mrs. time, wit hthe following lineup: 1 vs. Harding entertained at a family din2; 3 vs. 4; 5 vs. 6; 7 vs. 8; 9 vs. 10; ner Sunday at their home. Covers 11 vs. 12. were told tor fourteen. Chosen Magna Represent Logan Meet Group 4-- H 4-- H 4-- H Hef-fem- an death of one of Magnas oldest and most beloved residents, David Frank Boies, who was claimed by the Grim Reaper after a sudden illness of uremic poisoning in a Salt Lake Hospital. Mr. Boles died at 8 30 a. m. following an illness of several days. He and Mrs. Boies returned only last week from an enjoyable vacation In southern Utah where they attended an Elks convention and visited the scenic wonders of southern Utah. Mr. Boies had been employed as a conductor for the Bingham and Garfield railroad for twenty years and was one of the hardest working and most popular workers of this concern. Despite his advanced years, he worked dally, being one of the most valued employes of the railroad. Mr, Boles was a son of Thaddeus W. and Viola Clark Boles, being bom In Washington, Iowa, October 19, 1860. He received his early schooling at the Episcopal school at Nebraska City, Nebraska and the University of Nebraska at Lincoln. He married Margaret Jane Ewing May 20, 1886. They celebrated their golden wedding only last year. Mr. Boles was a member of the B. P. O. E. and the Brotherhood of Railroad conductors. He to survived by bis widow and a daughter, Mre. Vashtt E. Nevin, Stockton. California; a niece, Mrs. Cecilia Baldwin, Salt Lake City. Although Mr. Boles was well advanced in years, his passing vu totally, unexpected and left a trail of shock and grief In Its wake. He and his esteemed wife, Mrs. Margaret Boies, were among the early Magna settlers. (Continued on page I.) -- FINAL RITES HELD FOR FATHER OF LOCAL PEOPLE Funeral services for August P. Larson, 70, of 1149 Lake Street, were held Sunday in Salt Lake City. Mr. Larson died Thursday at 8:45 a. m. In a Salt Lake Hospital following a brief illness. . He was bora January 3, 1867 in Sweden and came to the United States fifty years ago. He had been employed by the American Smelting St Refining Company at Garfield for many years. He was pensioned five years ago. Mr. Larson was a member of the Swedish Lutheran church. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Mathilda Larson; four daughters, Mrs. Oeorge Rider, Calumet City, Illinois; Edith Larson, San Diego, California; Mrs. J. C. Denton, Garfield and Irene Larson, Salt Lake City; three bo ns, Harold Larson, Salt Lake City; Clifford and Theodore Larson, Garfield; a sister in Sweden and seven grandchildren. Spencer Ward Girls Softball Team Wins From Taylorsville The Spencer Ward, girts defeated Taylorsville in an exciting soft-ba- ll team match here Wednesday evening, 14-- 3. Spencer won through the fine pitching of LaRue Breeze. She was supported in a fine manner by her team-mate- s. The locals had four errors and 12 straight hits while the visitors had 7 errors. The personnel of the team includes: Donna Andreason, short-sto- p, Lenore Breeze, third base, Grace Jacobs, first base, Inez Ek, catch, Helen Jones, second base, Romalne Zlto and LaRue Breeze, pitchers, Betty Walker, left field, Mary Hansen, center-field, Mardell Walker, right field, Lyle Coon, left field, Mary Coon, second base, Lizzie Sutton, left field, Donna Reese, catch, Dorothy Reid, right field, Hazel Poulton, second base, Bernice Gam, right field, Allene Thomas, short-sto- p and Ruth Breeze, oenter-flel- d. Woodmeu of World To Meet Monday Woodmen of the World will meet Monday evening. June 21, 8:00 p. m. at the Magna Women's Clubrooms. All members are urged to attend, as several Important transactions will be completed. r |