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Show T 1937 jane 18, MAGNA TIMES, MAGNA, UTAH there was lunch, a delicious lunch with chicken and asparagus and beaten blstuit and strawberries, and several nice neighbors to share it. Then all the men went to play golf on tha club links a hundred yards sway, and Kune of the women played contract Victoria played neither, and she and her hostess sat talking together. Vic, you mean youre that way again! September. I rather hoped youd not guess. Guess I A child in arms would know. How old, in heavens name, ere the. twins? Are they a year-ol- d yet? A year! Weve Just bad our second birthday celebration. Well, honestly, Mabel Gannett said, 1 think its dreadful! Going in for a perfectly enormous family these days! With Quentin as be is, and all tha women mad about him "Oh, that! Vicky said indiffer-eniias the other woman paused. And then. Just before the s went home at five, the odd thing happened. Victoria had led her troop upstairs for last wiping of small faces and buttoning of small coats; these operations well under way, she had gathered Susan under one arm, Susan's brief legs dangling from her hip, and preceded the others downstairs, to reassure the waiting Quentin as to everybodys being Just about ready, There was a wide lower hall in the Gannetts house; a hall now filled with soft light, and empty except for Quentin; the cheerful voices of the hosts, saying farewells, could be heard through the open porch doorway. Victoria had reached the landing and was about to call to Quentin, obviously and patiently awaiting his family, when another person came into the hall. She came from the direction of the dining rooms; a slender, graceful woman almost a girl, though the voice was a womans. It was a voice low with reproach and pain now, and as she company tspat ) the house were not sufficient to keep her occupied, then, she threatHerrendeea. a viv.ciou. mt1. ened, she would positively take on ome work for the blind, or for 7""f brtO too young to feel th Ke sat earn when her lather. Keith the city orphanage. A hi fortune. gentle. , lost -- But the blind and the orphanage SJ3w soul he U now employed had had no opportunity to experifrlicure chemist in San Francisco. . HU wile. Magda. ence her kindly charity. For from 0. CFJ 1 Lididiust herself to the change. She the Sunday night when she and fond of pleasure had ended their thirty-hou- r for men, attention. Quentin brunet e ' . uid Victoria have been down at honeymoon with a sleepy, slow trip to the city, and had found temporesort and Keith Join. then j f UfcTWk-end- . Magda leave, for a rary quarters in a large hotel, there be-lfor psrty. excusing herself had seemed to be no moment in runaway." The Herrendeen which Vic, to use her own words, EL, k their small San FrancUco Keith does not approve of had had time to sit down for five sunns id social life and they quar. minutes to ask herself whether or frequently. Magda receive, flower. not she was happy, whether or not I wealthy man from Argentina she was glad that she had married she had met les. than a week as she had. Manners arrive, a few hour, So the first year had flown, and (agda takes Victoria to Nevada to who ha. a daughter at the end of it Vic had awakened pda woman friend There she tell, her uoed Catherine. L join to get a divorce. Victoria Quentin in the early dawn of a a in boarding school with her spring morning, and had given him d Catherine. Magda marries Man charge of her waiting suitcase and her somewhat silent, frightened and they spend two year, in Argen Victoria has studied in Europe self. There had been a hospital she vlsiU her mother A at eighteen then; bright, clean rooms, flat a ferdy rents a beautiful home, clean beds, everyone telling her that jujda Is unhappy over Ferdy'a drink she was behaving splendidly, every& and attentions to other women. him. When her mother and one sure of it except herself. And to South America, Victoria after a while the realness of all with to them of because Fer Ujms go El mweicome attentiona to her. these things, and the city, and iigdi returns and tells Vic she and Gwen, and the big house and even fcrdy have separated. Meanwhile Keith Quentin had all disappeared into a L remarried Victoria U now a itu hot, hurtful fog, and still later, mi nurse. Magda has fallen in love ashamed and bewildered and apolo"th Lucius Farmer, a married artist. .ale the and Vic prepare for a trip getic, Vic had gratefully slipped Europe. Ferdy takes a suite in away into nothing just nothing-j- ust The night before Magda tdr hotel blackness and oblivion and rend Vie are to sail, Magda elope with lief from the task that was too uems Farmer. While nursing the Chil a of Dr. and Mrs. Keats, Vic meeU hard. Then there had been Kenty, and ir Quentin hardisty, a brilliant phyai. :jh, much sought after by women, Vic had lain staring at him thoughtrho is widower with a crippled daugb not of him but of her rr. In a at the Keats home, fully, thinking mother. My mother she was so e kisses Vic. Several days later be ivites her ith other guesU to spend a beautiful and young; she must have at his cabin. Vic is enchanted been so frightened, and she went nth the cabin Next morning She and through all that for me IV go hiking and return ravenous. After the long struggle she had to disrupted Sunday afternoon I dont want anarrival of Marian Pool, a dl-- said to Quentin; totted woman. Vic is Jealow of Mrs. other baby. This ones darling; I and few a fool days later tell Mr. want him. But never another! But setts she is going to Honolulu. In his 1 of having the ecstasy unexpected F ffict, Quentin question Vic about leav one child, after all, had made the I ft. Be proposes to her. possibility of having another seem nothing less than a miracle. SusanCHAPTER V Continued na Hardisty had swiftly followed her brother, and on Susans second I flunk youd better try Ger birthday, the crowded Hardisty ranJ For a few seconds Victoria nursery had been enriched by the eiHy fliought she had .aid it. Then arrival of Richard and Robert toknew that she had said nothing gether. Even the mother of what liidible. but that she was looking at she sometimes described as the um with her throat dry, and her Light Infantry had been tempoieut beating hard, and all her rarily left breathless and startled eases in wild confusion. If a man by this promptitude. Vic lived now ranted you he could get you, she in a world of small beds, small eard him saying. "If a man wanted stamping footsteps, small shrill rou he could get you. voices. Kenty and Sue, Dick and "I say yes, of course, .he .aid Bobs had filled her life to overflowfeadily. ing; she adored them even while she "Good!" he said. come out toiled herself into a gaily state of TH 0 dinner tonight and well tell Vi exhaustion for their sake. 'hd Johnny. Good-by- , Quentin meanwhile vwas busily Kate, give n 1 kiss-tthe girl! No, this building up for himself the most the ay out Important surgical practice in the Victoria left him there, city. standing bis white coat, with the little inThey rarely went to dinner pardent still in his big hand. ties. Sometimes after their late She was quiet that evening; quiet dinner at home they would slip for the days that followed, downtown for some music, final fe were but few between the the last acts of a play or the aludden talk in But almost Quentins office run of a good film. home In the evethe hour when two were ways they were at they wned. Only Catherine and the ning, Quentin glad to smoke his e Witnessed the very simple pipe, to go early to bed; Vic happi-iewhen she was within reach of ony. Victoria, with a .mart coat and a small hat, was any call from the nursery. Other ,e.rious ohild, obeying, docile, women laughed at her, perhaps pitiMm Kly bcu.idcred. ied her a little. She never pitied She had U0ntin W1h a mall hand on herself; she was supremely content she told We like each other, they went into the 'rjnT1' llTnan's study; had .poken in him on a certain Sunday morning P fear and nervousness: when they had been six years man ou?"entm you'ra ,ure- - ,rent and wife, and when an unusual lull in domestic and professional interhe man In.ked do ruptions had by chance afforded ide srrile. them a lazy hour together. J11?. arent Victoria looked enviously at the you? Ves. I comfortable peninsula homes they punchly. were passing, for by this time the hon the doctor and day had somehow rushed about to had ksed her. and she and one oclock, and Quentin was drivere down beside the ing her and the three older children 'ar Jtie ad anotlier mo--, down to Menlo Park. There was a ,f of skull fracture to be diagnosed at the jr Weresolution. Har-dist8ong to Kill Valley? hospital, and after, that the the with you knew lunch to would go that, Quentin Mrs. Gannett, whose own Gannetts. aTc!, 1 ,know'" Victoria got into doctor husband had summoned Ve'll be back Monday, Quentin to this emergency case, had . Vi thnough the opened hospitably Insisted upon the lunch. e Keatses she waved; Quen- - It neednt be until two oclock; j small the the which fry beds had upon o4gtt ens"e; they were could take their naps; please, never house 00 Wa8hln please, please come; they morel O'erlooked any the saw the Presidio Hardistys Wjn W..cd thf lonH line, of pines They were at the hospital. Vic walked .about on ith shnnu11 1,ary reservatlon, and and the children inside. f th hiU while Quentlnwas descended range that the grass n e,ther de of the Then he came down again, and Dr. (Golden Harh3te There wa plenty of Gannett came down, and the Gannett on the summer mom- the follow to were ings anjer, distys Victoria, back garden cnr. often Snipping with milky mist. Their way wound up Into the hills near Woodside; they were presently on CHAPTER VI being welcomed by Mrs. Gannett as a porch; everything went Just Winning of her marriage such days always went, doctor talk, 'h a,d that she hoped to be nursery talk, spring Sunday talk. of her 0 tnny Wa.what Jeopardized Vic was alternately proud en 1 exasperated and anxiously haPPlnes. If her children duties wa'ked them hection responsibilities in con about them; a nurse th Quentip and Gwen and away with littla Betsey Gunnett, L 1,11 . Vie-Idk- Step-retu- stun-niH- R Har-disty- i Iluentin 1 hats 1 st C C ,.! JJnbsty bus-1- !'' Mother She Said. spoke she put her hand on Quen-twin- s arm. Victoria, halted on the landing, bad an odd feeling of amusement, a surprising feeling that was something like fear, as she watched. Quentin, the woman said clearly, but in a low tone, how can you be so horribly unkind to me? Victoria saw Quentin look down at her from bis big height; saw the d smile in his eyes. Am I horribly unkind to you? he asked mildly. Youre killing me! the woman answered passionately, with a little choke in her voice. Oh, I wouldnt say that, Josephine, Quentin said. You hate me, I know that! JosBut I cant help it ephine said. I have to see you were going Friday. Yes, he settled it I didnt think hes crazy. But were going. And I have to see you before we gol Will you lunch with me on good-nature- Wednesday? Operating on old Fuller in Los Angeles. I go down Tuesday night You know, I dont believe you, the woman said with a Quentin, shrewd look. But instantly her manOh, ner changed and softened. don't be unkind to me be kind to me Just this once!" she faltered, with unmistakable signs of tears. Victoria, rooted to the landing saw from Quentins face that he was embarrassed, but he gave no sign of nervousness; he was completely master of the situation. I dont know what you can have to say to me, my dear, he said, in the kindly masculine look and tone and manner that Victoria that all g Listen, youre women loved. yourself all wrought up, he added. And he put a hand on her shoulder. "Come into the library with me a minute," he suggested. They left the hall together. When they were gone Victoria descended the remaining stairs and Albegan her thanks and farewells.chilmost immediately the other with dren, Betsey, the nurse wereof her her, end within five minutes tableau having first glimpsed that in the lower hall she and Quentin were ou their way home. But it bad left its mark, she had to speak of it, the passionate young voice, horribly unHow can was ringing in her kind to me! scent-e- d ears and coloring the languid r with spring twilight get-tin- you-be-s- o Quentin, who was tha pretty girl one in lavender linen? Oh, that was Mrs. Billy McGrew, Josephine McGrew she's a nice kid. But nutty I Shes affectionate, I gather? Quentin laughed guiltily, giving bis wife a sidewise, shrewd smile. t th very enA-t- he A little." Victoria said nothing, but her heart was lightened again. It was all to silly! Bowd you know that?" Quentin presently asked, chuckling. . I was on the stairs when she was talking to you in tha hall, I got tha balcony scene. Caught with tha goods, eh?" Quentin asked. Victoria laughed in relief. "Poor little Jo." tha man said, after a peaceful silence. Shes aimless, she'a not very happy with McGrew ha has nothing but money, apparently. She'll get out, aoma day; she'll quit him cold. She wanted to say good-b- y to me theyre going to Biarritz, they have a place there and she had to tell me that It was all over, and we would always be friends and all that! "What was all over?" "Well, exactly. Nothing! He laughed heartily, engineering the car through the complicated turnings of Daly City, and Victoria was silent for a while. Victoria laughed, her fears all laid Red-hande- to rest. The five children were uproarious in the nursery at supper time; their long sleeps in the car coming home had refreshed them, and they were full of life and mischief. The nursery was full of noises and thumps; the childrens laughter ringing high above every other sound. Mollie brought Dicky to bis father. There's one that'll take all the loving you want to give him, she said, and Quentin sat holding the quieter twin, loving the serious exploratory glance that Dicky occasionally sent over his shoulder, as one who would be sure that these big arms, these big knees were quite safe. 1 thought a girl wa: always gentler than A boy, Quentin said. I knew youd break that, Kcntyl" he interrupted himself. You jerk it, and then Susan jerks it; why dont you wait until you want to use It? Theres nothing gentle about Susan, Vicky said, the broken cord already mended. Bobs, the other twin, having finished his entire dinner with scrupulous attention and thoroughness now came to climb up beside Dicky. Gwen was animatedly demanding if Daddy would like to tee her new dress for dancing school. "Somehow I never thought Id hear you talking about dancing school, Gwen, Quentin (aid, his arms full of nightgowned small boys, but his forehead held up for Gwens suddenly affectionate kiss Oh, but you know I limp. Daddy? the little girl reminded him animatedly. I kin limp' Susan shouted with the usual accent on the personal pronoun. And she gave an exaggerated imitation of a cripples gait She to Gwen's immense delight walks just as if it hurt her. Mother! exclaimed Gwen. After a while, Quentin, with the sureness Of long practice, slid the sleeping twins into cribs and left Victoria reading. Victoria called After him: When youve made your telephone calls, Quentin, see if you can get Dora, and find out how Dorothy is, and remind the Findleysons that theyre coming to supper. Tell Billy not to dress, and say to Sally that of course if her father's with her we want him, tool And shake the hall rug and see if theres any mail," the doctor added. But be was grinning as he went downstairs. About an hour later, when a party of six had just harmoniously settled down to Sundays cold supper there was an interruption. It began with a ring at the doorbell, but that was nothing in a doctor's household; nor was Metas appearance a moment later. What was unusual was the appearance of the woman who followed Meta; the sound of her voice. For a moment Vic didnt know the voice at all, or the little tinkle of high laughter, or the person in d hat and frilly silk the coat, frilly blouse, frilly sweeping skirts wbo stood there. Then the whole world turned upside down and she got to her feet snd tried to speak, but couldnt hear her own voice and tried again with better luck. "Mother! she said. "My Hear, the proverbial bad penMrs. Herrendeen laughed, ny! coming in to sit down at the chair Quentin provided, and looking about Calling Upon Bermuda's Varicolored Finny Tribe (TO BE COMTISUED) at home with the fish. Underwater View ef Fish Ideal. Wandering through thla twk lightnmdersear world ima haa tha queer feeling of being a disembodied spirit, of pressing against warm wind, of wading, not up to one's ankles only, but with ones whole body. Distances under water are strangely deceiving. The diver progresses through sunlit water for what seems a city block only to ba told on his ascent that ha has covered no mors than scora of feet Those who think all fish are silvery and torpedo shaped are surprised by the variety of beautiful colors and the strange shapes of Bermuda's fish. While on 'gets soma slight ides of them by gating down through a boat towed slowly over the reefs, one can sea them atlU better, without distortion or foreshortening, through tha helmet Colors of birds snd butterflies art lasting, but tha radiant iridescent Colors of fish fad at death. Many fish, pals and uninteresting looking on ica in Bermudas markets, appear full of brilliant coloring that flashes snd changes when seen alive under tha water. Summer visitors and budding scientists have found sjijwJhrUl in Bermuda. One of tha most popular diversions of the summer is amateur helmet diving, made possible through the government on. Harrington sound. "Although not a new idea, this Is the best opportunity tha public has been given to enjoy this unique sport, snd hundreds of sightseers, including many women snd children, are taking advantage of tha privilege, says a bulletin from the National Geographic society. Heavy Helmet Becomes Light After visiting tha aquarium, on of the finest In the world, more adventurous Ichthyologists add to their acquaintances among Bermudas fish families by descending beneath the clear, calm waters of Harrington sound to view them in their natural surroundings. It is an Alice in Wonderland experience feeling fish frisk about you unseparated from your touch by a tanks glass walls. Divers on their first descents are apt to be nervous. Clad only in bathing suit And sneakers, the novice may eye with apprehension the strange-lookin-g metal helmet with its snakelike air hose. The helmet, flanked with lead weights, rests heavily on tha shoulders, but as soon as one ventures to descend the gently sloping and lower ones head d under the surface, the helmet seems much lighter. In fact, its weight is scarcely felt Water rushing In under tha open helmet almost to the mouth may cause alarm, but air pressure holds it at about chin level, and one soon relaxes again. Should tha diver feel ear pressure, as in elevators, it can be alleviated by swallowing. Ones he becomes accustomed to the silvery bubbles, and the gentle gurgling of the air as tha pump forces it out under the bottom of the helmet, and assured that tha m sea-floo- glass-bottom- Cecil Rhodes Knew Little Aboout America The fact that there are today more Rhodes scholars from tha United States at Oxford than from all tha British dominions put together, is due to an extraordinary error on the part of Cecil Rhodes. He believed there were still only tha original thirteen states in tha Union of America, says Sarah Gertrude Millin in her biography of Rhodes. Nor did tha solicitor who drew up his will, knovTbetter. In assigning his scholarships, Rhodes alloted so many for each stats and colony and a complimentary few for Germany. Kansas City Star. r, alr-fille- -- 'St - Wants Yon to loin Ks MELVIN Americas s f Al 'iyi tell u DOING IT scar-abae- beetle for their symbol of creation. They associated the symbol with their god Khepera, who rolled tha sun across the sky as the beetle rolled Its egg. The Egyptians that by wearing the scarab they absorbed the strength of pastel-colore- d so-call- High Bridges The bridge highest in the air is tha Viscus railroad span in tha Andes in Peru 15,000 feet above sea level. The bridge highest above the water spans the Arkansas river at the Royal Gorge in Colorado 1,050 feet above the surface of the stream. H EL PLOT PUrVt a Letts a SECEUrE t.t uf MIS SECRET OfEXAIORS.., I Lisisaiito fitoiillEeNi jUH' "W beard ibat Ftrgq, lbs bask fobbtr, had boarded a traia at a coast Iowa bet whea we were sboat to setae bus be opeaed a wiadow while the tnio wes rrottin in embankment..." ... W quickly stopped the train and picked up Fargos trail, tl was head-la- g for Sulcld Rock, a great cliff that Juty out Into th ocean. W figured he didnt have a chance to escape u up there . . . CREAM! ANO THIS IS ini I MOT1CEO THAI THfc Of (VtRY FOOTPRINT WAS QftPtft THMt TN HHL...AFC I KNEW THAT MEN A MAN WUJCS FOPWAPqTHt HUL PRINT IS DtEPtfl THAN THI 101, WHEN HC MALM BftCKWAPQ. TX KX PRINT DECPift. IMMttMmy I FIGURED THAI FARGO HAD WALKS) M HIS OHM FOOTPRINTS I StMStO DANGtA, AND JUST WAIT A MINUTE 1 THERE BACK, FOR YOUR UVEl! M SOMETHING FUNNY here!. PACK) MTlMCee. A POINTS OUT A FACE ALL OPERATORS MUST KNOW-Vt- tCN BEWARE OF A TRAIL SUDDENLY END AN AMBUSH! WELL, WELL, I SEE YOU THAT STORY SECRET SECRET OPERATORS HAVE EATEN UP WERE TWEY?P J CRISP, DELICIOUS BREAKFAST TREAT POST TOASTItS THOSE gJ ft -- Millions I of boy and girl can better corn ar ...from thethatweet, tender For Post Toastie flakes mad only littla hearts of tha corn, where moat of th flavor la stored. And flakes ar these tasty, golden-brow- n so they will toasted double-cris- p, keep their crunchy goodness longer in milk or cream. Get Post Toaatiea right away the price is low. A THEYRE THE BEST THING EVER, ANYTIME 17 anct 3?oyj SI ffCSIT OPISATOS Post Cereal mads by General Food. in mv n(w ie-A-0- I mv ncw itcxft i smkio and mv HCUT OMtUTOat MANUAL CONTAtNINO SVCCIAt WStaUCTIOtM ano or VASSwoaos... sccuts cximc rctccton...how ...coro A etr PATioti VXO MOTION TO HtCNt ortTo BANKS... ALSO HCTUMJ Of Mt THC COUVON SCLOW. tomt 2 UB tOSJ many sort of stones. In many varieties of stone the Egyptians copied the or sacred beetle. The ancient Egyptians took the scarab helmets window. Many forma of sea life, other than fish, attract tha attention of the diver. On the rocks are chitons, related to snails, whose shells are arranged in overlapping plates. Pulled loose from a reef, they curl up like miniature armadillos. Lovely sea anemones wave tentacles to and fro like tha languid arms of odalisques. On ths sand art puffy black sea puddings, tiny scuttling crabs, crawling starfish, and spiny sea urchins. Stepped on, ths spines of these hedgehogs of tha sea frequently break off in ones foot Bermuda is an ideal place in which to observe fish by means of helmets for two reasons. Tha Gulf stream, which flows like a warm sapphire river through the Atlantic north of Bermuda, protects the islands from cold snd Insures a teeming supply of semi tropical fish. The islands art coral formations on the top of a submarine mountain, and thus scientific dives may be made very near shore, to observe both deep and shallow water species of fish. aw. purvis! while youre WEU HAVE SOME MORE THEE NO OF THE TRAIL. CHIEF -HE MUST HAVE JUMPED OFF SUICIDE ROCK TO DEATH IN THOSE BREAKERS BELOW. GUESS tha cr POST TOASTIES I s, an SO SECRET OPERATOR JONES WANTS TO KNOW HOW TO PICK UP A 'LOST TRAIL, EH? WELL, THERE ARE LOTS OF WAYS A FUGITIVE CAN COVER UP HIS TRACKS. HERE'S ONE OF THE CLEVEREST RUSES I EVER CAME UP rOH red feels blue Grunts, Sergeant-MajorAngelfish, and many others dart past 1937 CORPS OF SECRET OPERATORS KEW time to read, to succeed. goes out and Red Squlrrelfish, striped Yellow AN Pretty Boy Floyd, Baby Fact Nelson and many others. Now Melvin Purrls, who founded the Junior Corps, baa formed a great new organisation, called Patrol. Members are Melrin Purvis Secret Operators. They hav special codas, passwords, and special equipment. Here is one of many adventures, taken from the confidential Secret Operators Files and published to prove that CRIME DOSS NOT PAY I DilUnger, V path. If you havent you havent time Tha man who paints the town in the morning. tot G-M- th young lawyer who became and directed the capture of PURVIS Is Ac row Vis FOILED A SINISTER PURVIS ro;cT MELVIN i ed ( ALL fttftO AM PON FWT TOASTtf ft m MT1LI, MftTAUftANTft AM MV at send orctuto. aroNisrL ran rancti to sc a sccacr TOASTIES VACKACE The Egyptian Scarab quickly it can stop. It takes some people so long to ba sura they are right that they have no time left to go ahead. ' Thera is a lot of parking space on the straight and nar- - of being TO WIN The Scarab is made of No man can be made a fool of if he doesnt possess suitable material for the job. It la not how fast an automobile can go that counts, but bow water will not rise abova his chin, Trip Underseas in Diving th newcomer in Neptunes realm Is ready to look out of tha glass Helmet Lends Thrill window in tha front of tha helmet to Visitors. and enjoy, the strange spectacle lace-edge- the circle gayly. Well, youre havshe said. She was ing a party! introduced, all the voices spoke together cordially. To the Point TOfl. JL secret PV I MttoKO sorr shieu (.t triii.cmrueas Shi.ld (bovt). nd Metric Parris' stem aria. MeMs Pvrvti ewswa V1 TOTS MANUAL sent FREE lot I Pert -TeasOM fracka4opt. a Peat Teattiaa, Settle Creek, Michigan I aocloa red PoM Toamrt perkaae-top- t. Pieaaa aeed ma tha beau cb retted below. Cbaek whether bo, ( ) or air I ( ). ( ) Secret Operator Shield (2 paduswtopt) ( ) Secret Opera lor ( Kus 4 packaaeope) (Ba ton to pet corract pettaaa oa letter.) M PAtaot SECRET ePItS-Tor- s BINS. 24- - carat (old Eaith. diattabla to as, tmrac. FREE far 4 Po Teattiaa packaaetopa. u Clw Ujrrtxptrm I StateDee. SI, 1917. Geed emit mU.S. A.1 |