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Show -- V Charming Panel to Croci THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE Clean Cornics ThatJVill Amuse Both Old and Young felix FEL DIMMER'S heV READY There the charm of Grand- the stitches usedTalJlrT panel-inse- t, quirements. mothers time in thia lacydress-up a luxurious bit of best bedspread! In string it measures S4 by 35 inches, but goes quickly, for the background is in lace stitch. It would for your To obtain this natt cents in stamps or fcpreferred) to The Household Art rvf? Fomteenth St., NeVfJ Please write von - 1 j Foreign Words and Phrases Pretty Soft THE FEATHERHEADS l!' ,Jfissez Allow SOUNDLY YOU SLEEP THERE OH THAT SMALL SOFA AMD VHENl YOU GET IW A BED COMFORTABLE WOVs J (F.) (permit) (smS to answer you, Tout le monde est un coup. . (F.) After-w- mans wit Sans les injustices Pattern 5790. also be effective as a door panel. k it (F.) But for (were A I dei it injustice of men. Une nuit sans sommeO. sleepless night Dehors. (F.) Outside. Uberrima fides. (L) abounding faith. 3 frJ sJ The stunning panel running lengthwise of the bolster may also serve as a scarf. Crochet this beautiful design of humble, durable string or in finer cotton for smaller panels. In pattern 5790 you will find detailed instructions and charts for making the panels shown; illustrations of the panel and of A Moral Success The highest needs must have most care, and the lower needs the least care, and we must so train ourselves that hunger for the ideal things shall chasten and subdue overy worldly hunger, fulfil the true ideal of men and women, and make life a moral success and not a moral failure. John Hunter. luaiua-- ypmimim, I, TURN SPARE Tin INTO MONEY There ere hondrade at retfch caa eell to row (nende eod eeWfaT Lege 160 pere book lane Iprcaaa andeoaipanMw carefully "Ox- - Seoree of there fSm rent you with ntare Outfiu ABSOLUTE.? FREE and aU offer yoolupM opportonitioL Thoorenda of p,Jj aaite food atone; at thia tat Sead ereW Mr trek ffewf Ore, DIRECT SELLING INSTTrUTlW i 75 E. Wck Dri-- a, n lapis mb as re eit e L tA iCk Eui MESCAL IKE i dr 1 nd Vv iOUS a ol Ir. Qu an. moil rr. Ii t tar ivitci irek-- r.th It hantii 1ltor 'orred 'ool a rati Set. I I 1 rany eiDy iheki ludib1 cm leart GO 7WRTMEK BEFORE mei i ante leard YOU NEED A QUART h ou 7 i ileadi Gc du ind . ViY.'tV. ne .rnJ. i the Vici Always adding oil 7 Then make theFirst Quart test. Its easy. Just drain and refill with Quaker State. Note the mileage. Youll find you go farther before you have to add BRONC PEELER By FRED HARMAN Bronc Witnesses a Brandin Party V WHOA, WIND- YVJHATS IhiAIT. A STCE( BRANDIN' Down ? She !jrin, here 4,1 d t " The retail price is Quaker State Oil Refining Corp., Oil Gty, Pa. every gallon. 33 per quart. AiNT MeacWY T'ioH A BRANDIN' AmeiY SttEiSl teren loose ea eem gotta see who rr is. 'ettei J "Qi Literature Counteractinf ttyie In hterature consists of is th Knowledge proper words in proper places. I far Tmrgon. . I Fear anti Th; W Y ttaun $ Lr Aft Viole UOTEL Playground heavens name, asked tha prospector, "why did you coma out into tha middle of thia dried-up- . barren. God forsaken territory to build a home? There Isn't a tree within 100 miles of you? "What else could I do? The wife was dead set on learning to drive the carl Philadelphia Inquirer. MORNING EXERCISES ; GLUYAS WILLIAMS The Newhouse Endearment Have you endeared yourself to the people? "In one sense of the word." answered Senator Sorghum. "Im afraid I have. Some folks out home are aayingf that legislation I have helped to put through la going to coat more than It's worth. Washington Star. Before Her Time exclaimed s very Grandma, modern young lady, who was engaged to a man with Ideas, "can you tell me what this la Bert has given me? "Why. bless my soul!" said grandma. "It's a thimble I Stray Stories Magazine. . Salt Lakes Most Hospitable Hotel Invites YOU -- M rou?' tia JL In a :lerg luick P Curse of Progress hit itruin the first quart. Thats because theres an "extra quart of lubrication in keerAjl Windy : 'SPECIALLY IP' Iterl IS oucs BUT W n 400 ROOMS wwis w wants vurtVtfhcaxihiMr vasoi6 smrf past EXIKCStt ssomb 6ns w am costs wwsow WdctSHEweefaj WEU.wvfRih jams 6Ef WVtn MiD sack wib sep AWHILE 0Cf ENILIS THE climbs BOH AXP SHE PipfVJ liAJ him oh 400 Hotel BATHS The Finest in Hotel Accommodation at Moderate PnccS the It is our aim to serve you faianncr most pleasing to Dining Room Mrs. J. H. Waters, Cafeteria Pm.W. B. Sutton, 1 k a w y Vdj |