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Show 9lofcA -- - nBS I1 HANSEN BREEZE matrimon-'Incemen- ts interesting of the month Is mpnt of Miss eftter m Grace Ja-t- w the late Mr. and Jacobs.! tarty Utah and oneers, to Bishop J. H. resident. prominent Magna, antTMlss .Jacobs July 1 m th.Ealt with a recep-iT- .t D s Temple evening at the home of the JPSS L. V oj Social ofntoioit PARRIS Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Hansen announce the engagement of their only daughter, Garry, to George B. Parris of Salt Lake City. The wedding will take place June twenty-sixtat the home of the brides parents on Louise Avenue, Following the ceremony, a reception will be held at the Hansen home between the hours of eight ana eleven in the evening. Miss Hansen is well and popularly known in Magna, being a promi- h Ooocuf fPcojifo FATA DEVINE The marriage of Miss Clara Fata.' daughter of Mrs. Anna Bess and Mr. Lou Devine of Winnemucca, Nevada, formerly of Magna, took place In Salt Lake City last week. Mr. and Mrs. Devine are making their home temporarily in Salt Lake City. Congratulations and best wishes. Mrs. Nephi Howarth entertained the members of her club at a prettily arranged luncheon on lost Thursday afternoon at her home on Center street. Covers were laid for Mrs. John Olsen, Mrs. George Lamb, Mrs. Scott Haucock, Mrs. Floyd Mrs. Ray Jensen, Mrs. Vera Newman, Mrs. Ed L. Cannon and Mrs. Don Shaw. Prizes at games Mrs. Valeria Young and Mrs. Wil-fe- were awarded to Mrs. Lamb and Mrs. Nielson entertained at a miscel- - Jensea The next meeting of the dubwffl be held at ley Searle of Toele at the hoipe ,1 jrg vern Newman. Mrs. Nielson on Tuesday evening. Games were played and refreshments Mrs. Clyde Coon entertained at a served. The honored guest was the miscellaneous shower on Monday of beautiful recipient many gifts. Mrs. Searle was formerly Miss Dor- evening honoring Mrs. Frank Little, Miss Helen Herroa othy Nielson, daughter of Mr. and formerly Mrs. Wilford Nielson. Her marriage to Mr. Searle took place recently. Mrs. Myrtle Lorg entertained the Forty guests were present. Games Westway Sewing Club at her home were played and prizes won by Miss on Third East street on Thursday Fem Pearce and Miss Beverly Cham- afternooa A one oclock luncheon berlain. Miss Vert Nielson, Ruth was served. Covers were laid for Wendell and Loa Young Clark and Mrs Mary E. Nielson, Mrs. Walter Mrs. Jo Korous assisted with games Borland, Mrs. Arthur Luchesi. Mrs. music and refreshments. Frank A. Peterson, Mrs. James Kone, Mrs. Robert Ridge, Mrs. Floyd ClifMr. and Mrs. Searle will make ton and Mrs. A. J Fitzgerald. their home in Tooele. rd thg-ftdm- here. Jacobs. S inouncementofthenupUabwiU JrLd Si considerable With MAKIS Breeze, is exceedingly well known Ward in L. D. identified prominently work and civic activities bride-eleis an outstand-- 7 .hile the the of Spencer Ward member 7d widely known for club church one of the iftmtles. She comes from families of this vicinity. make their home They mil f ct L . . . DIMOND COON CONTI the conple. Announcement is made of the enhead of the Spencer gagement of Miss Vera Makis, dau- many friends of which will be 4n announcement is the retd with great Interest of Miss Grace Coon, daugMrs. I. E. Coon and hter of Mr and son of Pant! Edwm Dimond. ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Makis and Mr. Dan Conti son of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Conti. The marriage will be solemnized on June thirtieth at Salt Lake City. Following the ceremony, the young couple will leave for a wedding trip through Yellowstone National Park. They will make their home in Magna. Mrs. John Gersick returned home from the hospital last Thursday, the members of her club at a fi-ftr The Relief Society of the Magna Tuesday -- at an all-d"quilting." Luncheon was served at noon by a committee composed of Mrs. Mabel Matthews and Mrs. Mildred Bailey. t popular young couple are being planned Both Miss Coon and Mr. Dimond are from prominent Magna families and leaders in the younger social set RASMUSSEN The marriage of Miss Carol Cook, daughter of Mrs. Abe Cook and Mr. Norman Rasmussen, son of Mr, and THERE IS SOMETHING FOR SALE friers, tender Mrs. A. V. Powell entertained at a and meaty. 8e Verl Haws, 2997 So. luncheon on Wednesday afternoon, 1st West Street, Magna. honoring Mrs. Robert Tuck of Oar-fiel- d. Junior Clayton, son of Mr. and Mrs.Nvd Clayton, ia leaving June-- 2 with the Salt Lake Council of Boy Scouts, to attend the National Jamboree at Washington, D. C. Burel Littlefield and Don Tomlin left Saturday for a ten-da- y trip to California. They visited in Los Angeles and plan to drive to San Francisco enroute home. Miss Nina Benson of Albany, CaMrs. H. Stewart of Salt Lake City lifornia has arrived to spend the sumhas been the guest of her son and mer visiting her grandparents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. O. daughter-in-laand Mrs. C. B. Duckworth and her H. Stewart on the Magna Row for aunt, Mrs. A. J. Fitzgerald. the past week. Mrs. Samuel Shaw of Los Vegas, Miss Elaine Wallin of Tooele is Nevada, visited last week with her spending the week visiting at the daughter, Mrs. Nephi Howarth and home of Mrs. Arthur Luchesi w IfTAUTOMOBILE NEW PERFORMANCE! LET US SHOW YOU Jhe Bachelor . . . he loves to GO' With lots His aIll go to the sale 99 by telephone Herbert Rasmussen, took place Lake City on June 12th at twelve o clock noon. Bishop John A. Harter performed the ceremony. The bride wore a navy blue and white tiave.mg dress, redlngote style with white accessories and a corsage of m Salt cere- . . and so ... car takes second place to none Stock car performer Number One Step on this accelerator . . . and meet a new driving thrill. Youre 1 In the low and moderate price fields. And smoothest power, toot You're driving running mate of the care that broke 4 official American Automobile Association records In the moat punishing stock car test out on the Utah Salt Flats of all time. Cars that alto have certified acceleration marks of to 54 m. p. h. in 9.4 seconds tor Hudson and 1M seconds tor Terra plane I Can that can take any hill on any main traveled highway la America In high gear. Take the wheel yourself and aeef ... ' You can enjoy a telephones convenience for a few cents a day es of power and pep . bow of power that's No. Ordering from the stores, making appointments, keeping in touch with the telefriends, running errands phone serves many uses daily. Mrs. the ' Arthur Luchesi. the following a c Mrs. Edwin Brown has returned to her home in Winona, Minnesota, after an extended visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Allen and Mr. and Mrs. Dimond will be best man. Follow mg the ceremony, a wedding reception will be held at the Utah Copper Club Many affairs honoring Immediately ay- Miss Ruth M. Larson entertained at a party honoring the eighth bnthday of Lloyde Vaughn, son of Mr. Kenneth Vaughn on Tuesday aftemocrr. Games were played and refreshments served to twelve young guests. Mrs. Margaret Jones had as guests during the week her son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Jones of Rock Spring, Wyoming and another son and wife and little boy, Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Jones of Salt Lake City. The latter recently returned from San Francisco, California. Bl-,h- op eve-nm- brides-ros- -- -- Mrs. Clara E. Burke entertained and Mrs E. R..Dlm Td. The home tedding will take Place at g. on Friday bride's parents of the June twenty -- fifth. Bishop Dioffmond, father of the groom, will iciate. Miss Coon has chosen as her attendents. Miss Doris Dimond, a sbter of the groom, maid of honor, Mrs Wallace Ashby, Jr. of Salt Lake Miss City, Matron of honor and Mary Norris, bridesmaid. Mr. Virgil COOK 6.30 family. oclock dinner last Saturday evening at her home on Center street. Covers were laid for twelve. Special gunst3 Included Mrs. W. J. Corrigan, Mrs. O. A. Sonne. Mrs. Ida L. Anderson. Mrs. Violet Madsen and Mrs. P. A. Davidson. Following dinner a theatre party was participated in by all. Bridge concluded the evenings entertainment High score was won by Mrs. Helen Fitzgerald, second high by Mrs. Maddie Hansen and guest prize by Mrs. P. A Davidson. .. 't v vl and Mrs. Rasmussen left far a wedding trip to Denver, Colorado. They will be at home in Magna mony Mr after July 1. J Mrs es. M: M Pearson of Los laiiuiiwMfv Angel- California, was a guest Sunday of and Mrs. B. M. Henderson. trm iMPMCtROf i fi fh ! (Stos MAGNA, UTAH with the tier- - Norge. Autobuilt Washer Pressure-Indicato- You can change the shelf and utility basket arrangement of the new Norge Rollator Refrigerator to suit yourself every day if you wish. Bulky roasts, awkward melons, tall bottles all fit without crowding into the new Norge because of this amazing interior flexibility. Come in today and see the advanced features of the. new STOCKS JUST III! YES e, heavy tread. Were proud to offer this Certified Commander Tire because we know it extra-dee- will give motorists more wear and service their moneys worth right down to the last penny. Dont miss this chance to cut your tire costa Commanand get "factory-fresh- " ders from the shipments weve just received. Come in today! 3 Motor Wringer Release KENTUCKY STRAIGHT tfHEKU'iMiMlW- BOURBON 152s 1535 WHISKEY Autobuilt Lifetime-Lubricate- d Instant All models available with Friction Drive Pump. 90 PROOF 15 !fu Him iMia I5Z2 6uisa22 uii i'nes Jactky rtVtV n NORGE model available with (aaoUsa far homes without electricity. KUFFAKER FURN. CO. Utah SCHENLEY Huffaker Furniture Co. MAGNA - Commanders Tfltf newNorgt. today t autpwt I shone sKAmI Mtics. Goodrich the 9 Ttee interior dijjtrtnl possihU with the washer - 622 622 UtiU Ulill mrrenfiietntt SEE THIS NEW rubber. Every tire ia with an extra-wid- wear-reaifti- Wringer Steam Sealed Tub A Feather- - Transmission air, Goodrich is in the tire field with a full dimension, high mileage tire built of r Weight Agitator, it FRESH riEVV, UTAH DISTRIBUTORS, INC NEW YORK INCH A COOPKICH Magna Auto Supply Co. |