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Show 122AKD3 IN TEE F0BE3T There another eigaret test beside the blindfold one. It consists ia determining how long they will burn by themselves. Six of the most popular brands have been tested by government officials, and all of them were found, once being lit to burn steadily until reduced to ashes. Some turkish eiga-ret- s require 30 minutes to burn out. - ' The research should he noted hv all who especially in the forests, on outings, motoring and camp ing trips. These cigarets are firebrands in a dry spot, where there is flammable grtys or other litter. And the menace of destruction that lives In every such live discard is far worse than a smokers pipe ashes or cigar butt. Every person who heads for the timber country should heed the warning of this eigaret test. Otherwise he may be the unwitting cause of destructive conflagration: throw-downlightedclg- cant Adversity make a man of you, but it can allow how much of a man you are. j Nature has provided all of us with a marvelously perfect safety device. It is located between the hat and the Adams Apple. Lets use it. In life as in baseball, its the number of times that you reach home safely that eotmtsr- arets, Our telephone operator can never be classed as a knocker shes always plugging for somebody. - 'Twaa Abraham Lincoln who said; It is the duty of every man to protect himself SET AN EXAMPLE. Example is greater than precept. This certainly holds true in safety work. Dont try to correct the other fellows mistakes and be unsafe yourself. One of the finest is study of the ways for RULE BOOK. The book was built on years of. experience, and it was written for your protection. Study it, and follow its teaching and you will bea safer man, and a better workman as welLt T self-correcti- The trouble with swell resorts is that' theyre jammed with plain people like yourself who come to see the swells. SPLINTERS AND INFECTIONS. ' In one year, workers in New York collect--e- d $350,000.00 for accidents caused by splinof these ters. There more than accidents. This should be sufficient warning to get treatment immediately in the case of a splinter injury, whether in industry or elsewhere. Th importance of the minor should not be overlooked,' for usually the major follows. AT RANDOM Stopping at third base adds no more to the score than does striking out. e Enlarging the golf ball has helped aome. Now if they would only enlarge the hole. and those associated with him' from accidents which may result in injury or death. ' HAVE YOU A HOBBY? Most everybody has a hobby. What is yours! What do you get by pursuing it! For restlessness and discontent doctors prescribe Get a hobby. Many successful men gained their success by having a hobby and pursuing' it for years. The man with a hobby is an embryo scientist, and he can tell many interesting and helpful things which you may not know. Hobbies at first may be just diversions, but quite often they become paying propositions. Let V make SAFETY iT hobby. It pays. A FEW THOUGHTS ON SAFETY., There is nothing really new to tell you about safetv. There is only one rule for think before you act. Keep think you your mind on what you are doing,and'.le sure you do it the safe way. Plau your work give it the once over. Men are hurt in their every day work, doing the things they have done many timesa dayrLdayafler-daydo it so often lt becomes routine, they Their mechanical. become actions that their said , BAIL SPENDING AIDS BU&INES3 i Via the Salt Lake question your wifes good judglook who she married. ment reminds me of one of Mandy: You-al- l them flying machines, Hast us: How cum, woman, Cause I is sech a high flyer! Mandy: No suh, cullud man; its just all on earth. Jcause you aint no use i. Form of Aircratt An "omltliopter Is a form of ty' 7 - ' , ' v t .j' vs v MAGNA, i" A " SHERIFFS SALE Ia the District Court of the Third Judicial District in and for the County of Salt Lake, State of Utah. Halloran Judge Trust Company, a Plaintiff corporation. 'VS.'- 'i ' 3 V b6u0ht Alaska from Russia In 187 for H. Seward, than of Stats, was svaroly criticized for th. deal? Sines thsn th. 8seretary valua of th. prcdurt. on. billion dollars and ths producU of on wllf now oaV year cv,r The photoaraph frC tw,lv that William s..d.d i2rISChm ! - i Sa Laval CMIcoot famous pa through thg coast rang la soutu-arAlaska between Dyea and th headquarter of the Yukon, ia 3,5 fact above sea level. ' Th Far AW OUR FAMOUS IMPORTED ' , 1 . ' Vechelde PILE SALVE C. 0. D. (1.0 Write to day to VECHELDE IMPORTING CO. 4640 Broadway, New York Utah Railroad BANK S. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT-- - Oi UTAH FIRST SECURITY CORPORATION OF SYSTEM OF BANKS June 30, 1931 June 30, 1931 . I 1 RESOURCES : J RESOURCES Ijoans and Discounts . . . T. $21,636,769.72 Banking House, Furniture & Fixtures 1,028,546.29 Other Real Estate 264,648.61 Other Securities 789,408.10 Bonds Securing Circulation 999,500.00 5 Redemption Fund 49,975.00 Customers liability Vs. Letters of Credit 6,8053 Other Assets . . ; 73GOA4 Cash and Duy from Banks $12,528,782.42 U. S., Municipal and, . , Listed Securities 11,176,151.42 e $ 70,852.71 ' trniture and fixtures 8,976.00 '. Other securities 10,750.00 Other assets 237.16 Cash and due from banks . . .$161,948.46 U. S., Municipal and listed . . 78,978.88 securities ' ......... TOTAL CASH RESOURCES ' Total ResourVs . , . v T... $249, 827.34 TOTAL CASH RESOURCES Total Resources " . .$331,743.21 ... 4 LIABILITIES C .. rxr; - . . .V. . , 23,704,833.84 ..$48556,007.96 y V to-w- itl apital fT, ..-rSurplus v. Profits itnd reserves DEPOSITS lv , j, .$2, 000.00 . 2,500.00 "8,648.46 $295,594.75 GRANT YOUNG. Sheriff of Salt Lake County, Utah. By Earl M. Wilson, Depnty. Dan B. Shields, Attorney for Plaintiff Date of first publication July 10, 1931 Date of last publication July 3J 1931 t . .CONDITION Jt Si 87j200g00 and - FRANCR5 D. HEATH, Lulu G. Heath, his wife, and Utah Music Company, a corporation ' defendants, to be sold at Sheriffs Sale atjhe west front door of the Councy'Courthousc in the City and County of Salt Lake. State of Utah, on the 7th day of o'clock noon of August 1931, at and day tESt certain piece or parcel of real property situate in Salt Lake County, State of ..Utah, described as follows, Commencing at the Southeast corner of Lot 4, Block 37, Plat "B": Salt Lake City Survey; North 7 rods; West 2H rods: South 7 rods; East 2 rods: to the place of beginning. Purchase price in lawful money of the United States. Dated at Salt Lake City, Utah, this 10th day of July, 1934- , vv A that Postpaid $1.25, Loans and discounts 1& WC ;sJVX, t i Aout one pertoa out of fivs nffen from tome ditta or other cf tbe large Intestine. Many of them luffer acuta pain for ytara and an in misery because of piles snd sn satisfied to aecute occasional relief by osing some remedy or other. But then remedies do not help. For those who suffer from pitcei, time is too costly to waste experimenting with untimely methods. A tried and proven method of curing pile, fistula, itching fissure, abscesses, pile, wounds aind constipation is the use of ' . CONDENSED STATEMENT Rohm Louis Stevenson was ths ahtlior of a prayer beginning Wbon the day returns. The complete prayer Is: When the day returns, return to us, our aun and comforter. and call us up with morning faces and with morning hearts eager to labor eager to be happy, If happiness shall be our portion and If the day shall be marked for sorrow, strong to endure It" A V& L & FIRST SECURITY air craft heavier than air, deriving Its chief support and propelling force from flapping wings- - ' - r- - ir Largest Inlcrmountain Banking Organization Beautiful Prayor e ti First Security Corporation System of "Never f) v-f- M 6 'k Lizzie: Gus is an awful pest. He never seems to know when to at op. Hulda: Thats strange; 1 was out riding with him last night and he fonnd a dandy ' place. Do You Know? A. , 1 IF PILES DRIVE YOU HAD! Ship and Travel jt A I 3 madam. X St Ifir'llilS ii: ' Old Lady: What have you got for gray hair, young man!t Drug Clerk: Only the greatest respect, chasin, ? ik Sillily Patient: Of course it doesnt. If your leg was swollen it wouldnt trouble me either. When tip Railroads spending power is Curtailed, everyone else s earning power is adversely? effected. , The Railroad cannot spend monfcy unless it is earning money, and the only way this Railroad can earn money is for you to Why is it they always give a shower,to a girl who is going to get married! Merely a quaint old custom to symbolize the beginning of a reign. A backwoods mountaineer one day found a mirror which a tourist had lost. Well if it aint my old dad he said as helooked in the glass. I never kneW he had a pitcher took. He took the mirror home and stole into the attic to hide it, but his actions did not escape his suspicious wife. That night - while he slept she slipped up to the attic and found the mirror. Hm-m- , she said looking into it, So thats the oldha? hes been . - (Youre getting along finely now. . . JMM Doc; Of course your leg is still swollen, but doesnt trouble me. shoot DONT celebrate the FOURTH with fire and deq.th. THE FUNNY BONE CHAUNCET W. WEST. Aset. CenL Mgr. t - Many a man has lost his eyesight because he did not wear safety goggles. Wear yours whenever necessary. A good, safe worker uses every safeguard available. a signal change I see; But Ive never paid a visit To Inspector Tom OGrady, With a traffic violation slip Some cop has handed me. And night or day at street car lines I check my motor down Because I think our city morgues The coldest place in town. Edgar Allen Guest. Rooms, each with Bath. I2.M to ft 60 8inr Fireproof Oarago Adjoining W. E. BUTTON. Goq l Mgr. shouted the construction superintendent to his foreman; I told you to fire that man and you hit him over the head with an axe. Veil b:s rore L.r.e sign For fire Only. TV Y essuh, pahson- ,- Sam admitted sadly, "When Harmony Boa 400 Ate . You Suffering On PILES? anr believe me, Ahs payin fo mah sins. They laugh about my driving, And they call me an old lady Just because I never hurry beat in Wholeaoma Foods, Prlvat Dining Room Lunchaon and Dinnar Muaie by tha Hotel Newhous, Tfe You big bonehead craps! The only excuse for any job is the oppor-Junit- y it offers to supply the needs of othif ers; the holder alone is benefited the job ; is merely a pension. s ; ' the parson,- reprovingly, is wrong to SALT LAKE CITY 'Caf and Caftt.ria 2 The best work is done by men whose pride wont let them do inferior work! Dont you know it HEV1I0USE " k. m, HOTEL Crawlingj3etween or under cars taking a " chance that they wall not be moved while he is crossing. Running across in front of engines, cars or machines taking a chance that he will not stumble or trip. Using a defective tool taking a chance that it will not break chip or fly off. You can imagine many ways in which men take chances. unStop now think how many chances necessary chances you take. Make up your mind to cut them out. Remember the v old saying: A wise man profits by the experience of others. A fool learns only by his own experience. . minds are not'on their work. It is done somewhat automatically, and the mind is not on it any more than a mans mind is on the aetion of his feet as he walks home talking to other men. That is all right, so long as his feet dont take him in front of a street car or automobile. But 1 say that it is true that men are hurt doing this routine-worWhy! Because while their minds are not on their work, something occurs in connection with it, caused by some other man or from something else that makes conditions maybe only a little different than usual. The man whose mind is not on his work, going along in his habitual way, is not alert and before his mind gets back on the job, he is hurt. That sort of an accident is really not due to carelessness. It is rather due to inattention because he has become too familiar with his work. We will say that i.early all accidents are due to either care-- 1 ssness or inattention. There is another t 'ass of causes that is less excusable, in fact almost criminal. That is deliberate chance lol.ing. Leaving a gear shield off, leaving a hole uncovered taking a chance that no In keeping with the current rage, there ryi cony?s the miniature cocktail. One drink and in a miniature out. Sam. one will step into it. Throwing something down from above, taking a chance that some poor devil may not be struck by it. Starting a car' or machine wrhen someone may be in a place where that starting would injure him taking a chance that no one is there or if someone is therfe that he will be alert and active and get in the clear. Total Liabilities .TT7 $331,743.21 LIABILITIES Capital ;....,.$ 2,44l,OOOBO 977180.00 Surplus Profits and Reserves 2,102,597.82 BanlpCurrency in Circulation 991,700.00 Customers Letters of Credit 6,865.86 DEPC3IT3 777... 42,033,4343 ........ - . Total LiabiHties $48,556, 007.96 . ' |