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Show "stmmm ) Jc!j i THE LIAGIIA HUES' null matter under the red at the post off ice at klagoa, Uuh at aecond-c'u- a act of Congress of March 3. 1879. Iatued Every Friday at Magna. Utah Mr. and Mr. William N. Thomat end, They stopped cn route at Richfield and visited relatives and friend. a da bin f 80 ( mind . tint f grant a First MscUt Gan ;rt Mr. George S. Taylor, Jr. of Gar-I- d in company with tome friends f Salt Lake motored to Grand Can on aad Southern Utah last week 1870. i m .SHY, RETIRING. HE W RETURNED ! in. e y AWJMD A of APPEAL to . In-is- Show. ' JUST ANNOUNCED JUNE e IneompUted Week Many men build as cathedrals ware built : The nearest the ground finished but that part which soars toward heaven, the turrets snd the aplres, forever incomplete. Beecher. cm to ttTUCN iftlljft litnch MORE tVi-- R HI TEACHING NEVER 1 A ItlV Free Country , wo speak of a tree country, wo mean a country whoso laws snd customs encoqr-ag- a iV 1 . I - 1 - Itf r r re7" ' W - )?l i- - .t Individual dtlsens to na tbelr own Judgment la matters which do not directly menace public safety or public decency. Arthur Twining Medley. J i , 1 5 . l. w f I lL ill 5 ' rf. 4 P; th j Lom Ti nan a fca Take a Sound-proofe- Loyalty Success CO HAND IN HAND d Ride Bur From The Oat Mo Can Buy FRom You Sound-proofe- Body, Chassjs d and Transmission d ! . v r 4 From $795 to $2025 . . . f. o. b. factory e 's Coppoc v . oftoir, . 15501 VIOLENCE Ida Anderson and daughters Dr. Affoa and Clara accompanied Richard Lyman on a trip to the L. D. S. Conference that was held at Loa Sunday. , " 4 Mrs. to NEVER I! EL, McGill. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Pets Davidson, snd the Misses Mary and Annie Taylor spent the week-en- d at Millcreek Canyon, lb RE?Oar TWENTY-EIGHT- it a families spent the Ed. at Provo Canyon: Gardner, Ross Antbon, Carl Poulton. Roland . Reid and Alma Swenson. Jack Ridd. r. WIVES OF WPlA lMP50tfED MANY TIMES' POPULARTHAM is-ui- Judge declares that some law art herd on unmarried men. Bag not half so hard as soma art on , married men. Passing A The following week-en- El" WHO SO ee. friends. hmol - mxm to inpia a wimi 500,000.000 Uwe on y Mis. J. A. Webb spent the week-en- d in Provo visiting' relatives and BOER WAR. CAM e Mil. Ed. Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. Keller, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Pickett and Mr. snd Mrs. Will Mytrt, Covers were laid t s beautifully appointed table that had- - s howl of flowers as th centerpiece. to INDIA SVILLED MANIPULATOR e Ls-Ro- miatiS9i.' OlCE to WBLIS e Dr. snd Mrs. Fno Shaffer entertained Wednesday in compliment to Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Tolman of Oakthe honored land. Calif. Besides were Mr. snd other guest guests, PRACTICE (AW. CAtSEO and OOftflANDED a CEP CROW UjTw. AFRICA PU&M6 A k When LONDON DULY DECLARED 7 ' South tropical creatures such as alligators, snakes snd certain mammals snd Insect undergo period of torpor during tho hot, dry season when food Is scarce and vegetation Is taking rest. This Is known as STUDIED t, Meledlee" nnd Hevmenfes or produced by notes In succession, harmonies by notes In combination. Idea of winter. WH0EfMANv 302X IQ69 tmmtthein. AGE of 15,19. Parade of Thosess arj Max tkrj.x, CjiiaJ Melodies Varying Perl ede f Terpa1 Tl word hibernate" carries the leentlj it Idren we to thb Nash Bandmaster tf tbt Chicago J&3J STerldt Fair, and Lis land. Qu.i-fixtasTuesday Evenings tier SBC StJuvrl, $.00 Bayern Day.jA Saving Time Two Weeks Eve Business Note An executive la min who can take two hours far lunch without hindering product! Arcanum Bulletin. e . e e . Galoot, inf Thera a th rig; Usten ma- chine gun was Invented by Doctor Gatling of Chicago la 1802, snd It was put Into general Use aboo? Mr. and Mrs. Walter Papke of Los time. Angeles, Calif., and small daughter CU ledustry Wiped Owl are visiting Mr. Papke's Th j f tala of Jurdin was assigned parent!, Mr. snd Mrs. E. C. Wether for an extendfo the Knights Templar of Jeruaw lem by the Crusaders, snd they art ed etay. 825,000 a reported to have mad cans a Indusyear out of tho sugar Mr. Cad Simmons left the first try. The old milts art still tber of the week for Idaho, for an extend- la ruins, but under Turkish nils Irrigation systems wereosallowed to ed stay. grow snd deteriorate, modern practical flrvt Th Mrs. C. E, Pickett entertained at there sow. United Austria Cities three tables of bridge at her home on The cities of Buds and Test art Mr. and Mr. N. S. Fowls and Bclva Avenue afternoon. on Tuesday opposite sides of the river. family, Mr. aad Mrs. J, D. Fawlc Mrs. Pansy Longfrlt, Mrs. Ray AdSometimes on 1 speaking of one and children of San Berdino, Calif.,' am. Mrs. Ferdit Barton and Mrs. elty particularly. QJ sometimes of Budatie visitors at the home of Mr. and Tolmaa were special guests. Refresh- the hyphenated entirety, pest Mrs. L E. Coon for a months ment were served later in the a Dean, and daughter, - Joaa art at Oakley ending their vacation d Paradite. k Mr. and Mrs. Keith Murdock left last week for Washington and Oregon states where they will visit relatives and friends. Tans enJuJ thait Elalers are al a round i'l the year mounfavorite care ja tl Ccrrathlan in tains la Hungary, the wall nod floor of the cavern being covered with frost crystals In the summer 1W DEPEND UPON ALMS VJItt REPORT to the BANK COMMISSIONER OF, THE STATE OF UTAH Of Tbt Condition of Th FIRST SECURITY BANK OF f J 0UUD VOU - Mad MAGNA Located at Magna in the county of Salt Lake, State of Utah, at th do of business oa oh 24th day of Jum, ' 1931. , 3'D, TEjo NUtfOPACai - RESOURCES K 71,640.95 and Discounts 579.41 Ovardraft Loan Stocks, Bond ate.. and c;iv Sccariti, .94.373.81 6.00 Claims aad Judgments 8.976.00 Furniture and Fixtures 142.545.04 Due from Otbn Banka 2.335.26 Cash Items 340.00 Gold Silver 2,580.04 13,458.00 Currency, Tout Cash on Hand 18,713.30 . NEW F OR.D STANDARD SEDAN THE As you CHOICE OF ANY FIVE OF THE MAGAZINES LISTED BELOW FOR A FULL yEAR X2.191.01 Expenses, Interest PiLsI,164.97 45.00 Tax Paid 3.400.98 Total Miscellaneous TOTAL .284.72 (TWELVE .8337,119.23 25.000.00 Capital Stock Paid ia .2,500.00 Surplus Fund Undivided Profits 677.85 Interest ..3.062.49 36.94 Exchange 72.00 Safe Drp. Boxes 51.31 Commissions 171.86 Miscellaneous Toul 4,072.45 Net Undivided Profits Reservtd for Taxes and Interest Reserve for Deprociatioo Due to Other Banks CEE?; 671.47 .1.11 6.70 6,228.75 4.098-6- TOTAL STATE OF UTAH. A beautiful , car, with longer, wider body, and five-passeng- er attractive, comfortable interior. The slanting windshield is made of Triplex safety plate glass. You can now have the new Ford delivered 4 ! with safety glass in all windows and doors at slight additional cost. The price o f the new Ford Standard Sedan is 8590, . o. b. Detroit. s ' liagiia V r.:oTo?kCo::?AUY . Bumper end spur tire extras low oorf. Tew ews yarcAas Una payment end o ccmvenrent terns through your Ford deafer F.O.B. Detroit, pin held end idlotrj. .8337,119.23 County of Salt Lake F. L. Warnick being first duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he is Cashier of the above named bank; that the above and foregoing report contain a fall, true and correct statement of the condition of the said bank at the dose of business 1931. oa tbe. 24th day of Jpoe, F. L. WARNICK--Subscrib- ed and sworn to before me. This 30th day of June, 1931. GEO. A. SOUTTER, Notary Public. , (Seal) My Commission expires on the 6th day of January, 1933. STATE OF UTAH Office of Bank Commissioner. I. W. H. Hadlock. Bank Commisthe State of Utah, do herethat the foregoing is t full correct copy of the statethe above named company, filed in my office this 1st day of July sioner of by certify true snd ment of W. R HADLOCK, Bank Commissioner. Cornet Attest: D. D. MOFFAT, C M. BROWN. CHARLES T. S. PARSONS 1931. MAGNA, UTAH S Per for sa3 dot. De- - 151,654.15 posits Total Time Deposits 157.959.19 3.31 Cash Over r MONTHS) Why pay more for your magazines when you can buy them at less than cost through your homo town newspaper? You can actually get five of America's leading farm and fiction magazines at this amazing price If now. If you act quickly you you will receive !yfv during tho next year for Just a little more than th prlc of this newspaper. Don't hesltat to tend your order If tom of thes come to you now. Renewals will b extended twelve months ahead of your expiration Deposits Subject to Check 139,085.65 455.51 Cashier's Checks Total Demand Deposits 139,541.16 Time Certificates 6,305.04 Savings CAN HAVE VOUR - Directors v Knfr 1 lM) lSiSHK0 i m Gentlemen: I wish to take advantage of your magailna bargain I am enclosing the above amount In payment tor a on year subscription to your paper and th five magazlnat that I have marked with an X below. oHr. r' 4 f KUO. 8TSSCT f ee KJJk. n vl " Aseertcaa Paahry Isamet The Ce try Home IveeybedyY Paahry hUgaxbie The Paws lasmal GaatSswamaa Magatbi " Gaad tteria Haate Orel Heme Prtaad - ;j-- b, .tTATI TOVM D O'1 j- - - ' HoeaabaM Magariaa achanlcs O Pathflndar (Weakly) Paapla't Papidae Montli'y P Paaltry toccata . Q Standard Paahry Isamai Q laccetsful famrfiig ' Woman's Wedd . a Mwtratad - ,v;rt ' Vm 77 - |