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Show X t. s MAGNA TIMES, MAGNA, UTAH J By red t tb P Mr. Ml Pool, New York; Dr. Dallas B Phemlster, Chicago; Dr. Daniel F. Jones, Boston; Dr. Walter K. Lees, Philadelphia, and Dr. William J. Mtyo of Rochester, Minn, Exchange of Ideaa and explanation of research work on cancer, plastle surgery, skin grafting and other phases of the profession featured the convention topics. France, Alone in Clocking Hoover Moratorium Plan, Is Warned bj President Feat of CPAIN la to continue to be a and Alfonso will remain aa according to tho results of tha national elections. Alejandro Lerroux, old time Republlcaa leader and at present foreign minister, la tba man of tho hour and It la accepted that ha will b tba first premier under the new constitution that la to be adopted by tb national assembly that convenes oo July 14. Tbo Socialists and sty called radicals will control this assembly, which la fact will bo rather moderate In policies. Tb communists are powerless. Catalonia still insists on being a separate stats In a Spanish federation, hut Senor Lerroux predicts that tb Catalan movement will aoon collapse. Flyers. g ) 13, It News Review of Current Events the World Over Globe-Circlin- FriJay, Jdy n Dean, s ending their J Paradise. ex-kin- g, EDWAip W. PICKARD pulpy with buttons pinned to coat lapels or been haunting Mr. Grorg He dress fronts. The Oklahoma Wig- decade; Clm and Donna took him t .id in com; walked slackly, as though ex wam bristled wltb new words : Cravat. Jnat rataraad Tsaoey tba fin furniture and equipment loa and AmbassaManila from tba nawly opaaad Indian terhausted. bay Hobson Philippine. granted, aa children do. 8o ( f Silt Like were moved out of Its offices; after dor Edge negotiatritory where be participated la "Walt" Sabra cut bfm some Through the Southwest sombreros Jesae Rickey, wltb bis mind ot on and Soi the Rob over the border, relatea bread from a loaf, sliced a piece suddenly became midnight the unexpended remained with French d army child. For that matter. Yarn bla adventure to a Catherine of to Paris in der of Its $500,000 appropriation reof meat left from supper. Here. hats with broad, flat brims and took bis own return for grant a la tbo Venable family. Yaacay verted to tb government; and the effort to reconHis manner was nonchalant, t criminal lawyer, editor of tbo Eat this Everything will tie all peaked crowns. 1 Chairman Wlckersbam by that time cile the moratoriRiders Her was some- spirits high, hla exuberance Inf In tba morning." Rough right Wichita and of huaband Wigwam, was tba only member left In tba um plans of PresiThe news got around. Perhaps thing the Oklahoma country knew tloua. He set the pitch. There Sabra Cravat Yancey, with bla dent Hoover and National Capital. wife aad Doctor Valliant talked In drink. and understood talk lean, hard about him nothing of the del eon. CiSticklers for exactness Premier Laval, and said the marron, at art for tb Oklahoma Doubtless the girl who earns In to young men who had practically qnent husband. In Washington the commission will not actually cease Ho now strode magnificently In country. They arrive at Oaag help her. Perhaps Isaiah, who been born with a horse nnder them to exist until where Yancey plana to start a after a final history of Its President and. Acta nights exhausted sleep had and a gon In hand ; riders, hunters, th room where the children we inHe activities declares ba newspaper. and expenditures la writing Secretary of shots; sunburned, keen eyed, tend to And th murderer ef Peg-le- r. suddenly become proudly paternal dead Premier Laval State Castle were ten and la accepted by President daredevil. Their uniforms, worn house boasted about and the fondly New of editor the Day. PrepIn order to attain this almost constantly Hoover. (and no donbt out of It) of the wltb a swagger, had about them arations for th publication of th eecre- at the American end of the trans- end a temporary commission size, beauty, and Intelligence of a dashing something that tha other ara Wigwam completed. Yancey has been established near atlantic telephone line, coaching tary ef the Interian to Invitation little lump of dusky flesh that regiments lacked. And their conduct the aecepta them and learning what progress tba Whits House, equipped to acor, before he beMARt church services oa Sunday. Becolonel and leader was that lay beside Aritas bed In tb very came commodate were of fore be starts bis sermon, Yancey cradle that had held Donna when energetic, toothy, young fellow who they only the chairman and president making. At this' writannounces a Leland small staff. Thera tba fifteenth Stanford be baa learned who ing the progress, If any, la small. STUP frantic to waa making something of a stir killed Pegler. He stoope la time an Infant Arlta was Premier Laval, who was contin- report will be written. university la 1910, had to keep her In In New York state Roosevelt, hla np. get They to a bullet Bred Loa escape by Hera la tba commissions recbad attained conually receiving the advice and asbed by main force. She had not nam waa. Theodore Roosevelt Youatla and then kills Youatla, siderable fame as sistance of Finance Minister Flan-dl- a ord : Ten reports have been delivs dozen words sine the Osage waa shaken by chills and spoken Yountls murthat announcing a physician and and others, stood firmly on the ered to tho government printer or dered Pegler. Sabra birth of the child. second fever; the hot spasms of patriba and at White be had four aurgeon, tha deposited and the Honae; position assumed, child, Doans, la three years old On the fourth day following the otism, the cold rigors of virtue One demonstrated tha when she returns to Wichita for child's birth Sabra came Into . senate, by a vote of 197 to 5. other, ona of them tha , PARC day the good wives of the comha Bret other her backed him op, virtually giving visit. Yancey frustrates Aritas room early In the have day that study of prohibition, a would have at morning munity meeting EETU a and kills two deshim a free hand so long as he did been made public. has not lost his which they arranged for a d and she was not there. The ' peradoes, becoming a hero la the was not there. Their bedsInfant not recede; This bnge vote did not Since midwinter the commission Secy Wilbur surgical akllL had supper, with coffee, to be PA He urge Sabra to Join Indicate that the senate bad con- baa completed reporta upon tha deWhile escorting territory. him In tha Run at tb opening of been slept In and now were empty. served to this or that regiment. GAIS! fidence In Laval, however. He was portation of aliens, "lawlessness in Secretary and Mrs. Wllbnr through Tli el w features would soften with th Cherokee atrip. 8b refuses. She ran straight Into the yard attacked fiercely and Jeered, but law enforcement crime among tha Mesa Verde National park V. U. He la gon Sv years. Dixie Lee where Isaiah's little bat stood. He sentiment, their bosoms heave with CED the senators bad to express their foreign born. Juvenile delinquency, Delerchman, president of a southand her girls arouse tb Indignawas not there. She questioned the patriotic pride. Next day, eyes narwestern Colorado tha tion work of of and wives the 4bo motbars of girl who now helped . with the rowed, lips forming a straight line, approval of the refusal to give in transportation police, prisons, proOsage. bation and parole, the costa and concern, fell suddenly 111 and was to President Hoover- .housework and who slept on a they met to condemn Dixie Lee fcflU Mr. Hoover then cams to bat wrttb causes of crime and a "progress re- taken to the park hospital. There couch In the dining room. She bad and her Ilk, and to discuss ways VIII CHAPTER (Continued a memorandum sent to Ambassador port" upon the work of the courts, Doctor Wllbnr diagnosed his ail-mean seen and beard nothing, for ridding the town of A S nothing. The 1$ ment aa acute appendicitis and deto the to be carried on by private agenEdge for communication three had vanished In the nlghL their contaminating presence. .PUB "Not- - Osugt-a- . French government This was In cies. cided an Immediate operation was , Semlnolea, yea. Well. Sabra thought, philosophThs existence of this womira In affect an nltlmatnm to France that necessary. So he gathered up ths And Creeks, and Choctaws, and ically. they have gone off. Isaiah the town had always been Mf eater-intools even the with of unless alia accepted the Hoover Rut assistance O Chickasaw. and, the can make out. somehow. sore to Dixie Lee. the PRESIDE N T Dr. E E. Johnson of Cortex, he per- except for Intertnarringe sages, out with he can even get a job as a Perhaps saloons that Sabra. Sian aha was likely to be left conatUI lined Pawhnska printer the formed which almost cold. The warning was whites, have kept the tribe pure." operation to the federal farm He waa handy, quick avenue, the gambling bouses all somewhere. The Information seemed to Sabra veyed that If the President's projboard for a definite certainly saved Delerchman' life. bright He had some money, for the paraphernalia of sice, were Next day the patients condition to be unimportant and slightly silly. she ect failed, Germany certainly would him. In these later anathema lamped together In the Its was statement had of 8h Was In Hla Arms. so that Secretary Wilbur Purity of the tribe, .Indeed! Osage I years, a given apply for a moratorium on reparaI little weekly wage, and minds of the redoubtable Bonbon-ne- t. policy brought a resumedgood his of She of tions as provided hy the Young resolved to matter he Inspection trip fact of ' a he had earned from the at a snatched response A them here, new breakfast, quarter up, political group had and sensible now that the shocking half dollar there. plan, and this, Mr, Hoover figured, Enough, perhaps, sprang np, ostensibly on the plat- kissed them. You would have board, through the park. would cost event was France $100,000,000 at hand, waiting to be to take them by train. hack to Kan- form of civic virtue. In Chairman Jamea C. reality they thought be had been gone a week. ! more than would the Hoover moraof divorced persona dealt with. She herself felt guilty, sas. Certainly they bad not gone were tired of Stone, In which Its Doona eras ahy of hint. "Your all the plnma seeing torium. Behind the polite phrases churches with for this thing had happened In her to Aritaa people, for Big Knee, dropping into the laps of the early-da- y daughters a Tenable, Mrs. Cravat" as anpolicy In the memorandum seemed to lie own bouse. She should have foredenied alt knowledge of nounced on March use of the Book of Common crew, made up of such strong-ar- he said, and turned to tha boy. seen danger and avoided it. Isaiah questioned, the Intimation that If France re23 la virtually rehls daughter, of her child, of the Is favored In a revised proPrayer politicians as had been the Clm, slender, graceful, taller than had been a jected the Hoover plan, the adminfaithful bla.k In child black by. They could make noth- first to stated. Pleas from posal by a commission of the genshake the territorial tree. he seemed because of that trick of I istration would establish a moraher he whereas mind, was. In real ing of him. His sqoaw, stout si- In the tha Middle West eral convention of the church. righteous ladles of the lowering Ms fine bead and gazing torium on war debt payments and a man Ity. grown and Southwest that lent only shook her head ; pretend- Wyatt type they saw their chance at yon from beneath- - hls Last April the commission offered g leave Franca out. Doctor Valliant had finished hls ed that she neither spoke nor un- for e the board commit Itself to keep Its a plan to authorise Episcopal reached almost to Yancey's lashes, saloons The Uy.' and strong work. The girllay on the bed. her derstood immense wheat holdings off the clergymen to remarry divorced perEnglish. the gamblers were too firmly In- broad shonldera. Bnt he had not Then the rumor rose, spread, re- trenched market,- - either for a stated period sons. That plan barred the use of dull black eyes fixed on them; sito be moved by the re- Yanceys heroic bulk, hls vitality. or under a fixed price level, are re- church and the regular prayer lent, watchful, hopeless. Isaiah ceived credence. It was started hy form element : .they bad tried IL The Cravat skull structure was In crouched the kitchen. The over child Pete jected. book. The revised proposal would pat Pltehlyn, the old Indian guide Sabra bad been urged to help; In contradicted by the narrow Tennow In a Sabra lay arms. One Important wbst wag considDonna Is give clergymen .the right to officiconcession and plainsman, who was married able face. Tbe mouth waa overand Clm were, fortunately, asleep, to a Cherokee, and who had even the columns of the Oklahoma Wigered by some a made, j The board agrees to limit ate. A minority report auggesta wam aba had unwisely essayed to sensitive, the hands and feet too It for vm dow long past midnight. been adopted Into the Cherokee condurtjr-qtseyjale- o fast one." lea ft Its wheat to 5,000,000 bush-fil- s marriage by a clergyman at hts Ills against Wick exquisite, the smile almost girlish extitement past, th tribe. He had got the story from MongoTT a at e P'"Ah, this fimlt to run on discretion If there already has been The government whose par- In Its wistful sweetness. "'Gods I stitoonln whole affair seemed to Sabra sordid, a Cherokee who In turn bad had tt aonneed that the' s', ctu.iAe basis, the unused pop--' a civil marriage. lawless room back It was How the son degenerates bom tba ticularly Hoover tions of the quota to be good for proposal, Under the majority plan, one dreadful. What would . the town from an Osage. The Osage having known that tba yonng boys of tbe sire I sy!-Wh- at which had been ae-would the members of managed to lay hands on some But It ex succeeding months. cried Sabra In shocked year must elapss after divorce beYancey community were In the habit of cepted uncondltlon-ally.ns- a cepted from this limitation Impor- fore permission to remarry may be the Phllomathean club and the whisky, and becoming very drunk, meeting. Wltb Clms future In mind protest It was as though the fiva In operatant contracts with foreign pap filed. An ecclesiastical court, ap- Twentieth Century Culture club now told the grisly tale for th first (and as an exense) she wrote a years had never been. think! tion, to far as Italy chasers now under consideration. time. Do you want to see my dog!" pointed by the bishop of the dioeditorial la which she said stirring Doctor was concerned, on Yalllffnt came over to her To the problem of the wheat sup cese, mast then pass on the fitness There bad been an Osage meet- bold things about shielding crim- Clm asked. and debt-olooked down at the queer shriv- ing of the r July 1, Italy's plus there la only one answer, and of the persons to be married. "Have you got a pony!" principal chief, old inals and protecting the Flower of that la acreage reduction.- - the board nations, GerThe report will be submitted to eled morsel In her arms. "We must Howling Wolf; the assistant chief; our 8outbweste Manhood. no." ."Oh. Two many, Austria, Hungary and Buldeclares. Hope was seen for an the general convention of the let hls father see him." the eight members of the council, days later e passer-bT1I buy you one this afternoon. at seven Jn Sabra shrank. "Oh. no!" garia, were notified that aha was Improved export market In smaller church in Denver next September. which Included Big Knee-Aritth morning saw brisk flume lick- A pinto. Here; Look." not collecting auras due from them productions' In other countries' and He look the baby from her and father. There the news of the He took from hls a little girls ing the foundation of the Oklahoma on that date; and her creditors, turned toward the kitchen. In the prospect for better world Ill dereliction had been discussed, her Wigwam office and tbe Cravat soft leathern pouchpocket A few soiled and War of Secretary days do It. I and England the United States, conditions "that will be created by IN .cl me have a drink of punishment gravely decided upon, dwelling behind IL The whole had worn from much handling. It waa Patrick J, Hurley will be on hts whisky, will you Sabra! Im dead and were told she was patting aside the ths President's debt plan." that of fsalah. Ik en nicely soaked In coal oil. But laced through at the top with a way to our farthest possession, the tired." gums she owes them, pending final They mid come In th night end (or (he chance passer-by- , He loosed Sabra. jilt of stout string. decision. Philippines, for an Inspection tour N A T O R She went past him Into the din- got them the black hoy, the In- Clm, Donna, newspaper and this, poured the bags contents onSE plant, Is of the Islands. This because The 8tate department In Washdian the Infant Reed Smoot of ing room, wlthont a glance at the girt by what house mould have been charred be- to the breakfast table; a little heap their administration falls under negro ington said the Hoover plan had Utah, chairman of boy cowering In the kitchen. means no one knew, Arlta and her yond recognition. As the town fire of shining yellow. The three stood the War the been accepted by Belgium and Poof jurisdiction child-hdepart--Doctor Valliant followed her: As ad been bound togrt her, proteettonwar stllrof thrueantv looking at - ItrCtm touched Tt with" the senate finance ment land. both allies of Franco and by she poured a drink. of Yanceys placed In an unmanned and uncured est the alarmed has committee, neighbors beat out one finger. While official the War and in Rumania, department part by Greece been In conference store of whisky, almost untouched steer nlde, the hide waa securely tba fir with blankets wet In the TWhat la It!" announcement reason ascribed the and So Franco was since he had left, she .Jieard fastened, they were carried then to near-bwith the treasury boras Yancey scooped op a handful of was It trough. for to the a desire secretarys trip standing alone In opposition. It authorities In voice, very gentle, and then the open, sun baked, and deserted learned that a Mexican had been It and let It trickle through hls was believed In Paris that Premier "to acquaint himself more Intimateand left the sound of Isaiahs blubbering. prairie there, with a Washington ; and red to do the job for twenty dol-ar- fingers "Thats gold." He turned ly with the details of Philippine Laval, after closing down parliaThe hide shrank and All the primness In her was outhe now says that guard. to Sabra. "It a all Ive got to show, Mongold skipped out It was understood thnt ment, would call a conference of nnder the problems," raged. Her firm mouth took on a shrank In the burning snn, closer After an Interval reform tamed honey, for two years and mors In Mr Hurley would study personally all nations signatory to the Toung sion of the proviHawstralgbter line; Valliant took and closer, day hy day, until soon Its attention to that always vulner- Alaska." sentiment there for Independence still plan to obtain from them a release ley tariff the child buck to the Indian girls there wee no movement within It able objective known then as the "Alaska I" she could In preparation for a movement In from the guarantee clause requir- law Isaiah, already half dead with Scarlet Woman. Hera It met with feebly! So that was IL only repeat, bed and placed It by her side; He relation wtli next the In of session to case of a moratorium, to the free stumbled with weariness as congress ing her. products of Senator Smoot the Islands. Im famished, What'a this! Bahe en- fright, was at- noonday Securely less opposition. Almost five years to place In the bank for Internatered the dining room where Sabra bound and fastened to a stake. after Yanceys departure It looked con and eggs!" He reached for a convict, forced or tional settlements the sum of apNear not but near by. Indentured labor, the Treasury dp stood at the table. As be reached enough quite very much as though Dixie Lee slice of bread from the on SI proximately $120,000,000 to be apfor the drink Sahra saw that hls to touch him. waa a rattlesnake so and her fine brick house and her the table, buttered It plate SENATOR partment will adopt a policy of exlavishly, plied In part to Increasing payFesa hand shook a little as Yancey's cluding a large share of the prodplumed and parasoled girls would clapped a atrip of coldish baron on ments to be received by other credof Ohio, who Is a ucts of Russia. used to do In that same gesture. soon be routed by the spiritual top of that, and devoured It In itors during the period of suspenWhile this exclusion will not aplending member of She must' nof think of that She broomsticks and sunbonneta of the eager bits Sabra saw then, for the sion. -the senate committo of must the soil, says not think of that. ply products first, time, that he was thinner; purity squad." Mer Smoot, It w ill to Soviet tee on Interstate Theres no use talking now, docIt waa characteristic that at this there were hollow shadows In the TXflLEY POST and Harold Gat-- products which areapply commerce, predicts d tor, shout what the Osagesdo or manufactured, moment In Osages history, whep cheeks; there was a aviators, set nrtned or produced by means of that railroad and don't do that yon say Is so- pure. town was torn, now by martial scarcely perceptible sag to the masthe their monoplane, the Winnie Mae, forced labor of any kind, and which transportation legThe babys born. I shall tend for now music, by the call of civic vir- sive ehoulders There was somedown at Roosevelt field, New York. are competitive with products islation of a comthe old man what'a hls name! tue, Yancey Cravat should have thing about Js hand. The foreWednesday evening. They had ac- here. He mentions Jumher and prehensive charao soon as Arlta can be Big Knee.iAs chosen to come riding home; and finger of th right hand was gons complished ths remarkable feat of pulp wood especially as products ter will be considmoved tie must take her home. As not that alone, but to come riding She felt suddenly faint, I1L She ered during the flying s pound the globe, approxiwhich will be shut out. for Isaiah. Ive a notion to send home In full panoply of war, more reeled a little and stumbled. As alnext session of mately 15.475 miles, in 8 days 15 him bark to Kaftsasrai 1 wanted more romantic, more mys- ways he sprang toward her. Bis dashing, hours and 51 He a new has congress. minutes, to do years ago, only he begged terious than on the day he had lips were against her har, . the first time since the mark for other flyers tOj shoot at studied these pOR go to stay, and Yancey let him. And ridden away. war the federal govern- tions closely quesOh, O d ! How Ive missed They set out to break the record for years, and probnow this. ment It was eight oclock In the morn- you, Sahra, sugar!"' fiscal Its on began 22 ef year July ably knows what he is talking days mad by the dirigible 1 Doctor Valliant had swallowed with an unbalanced budget The about. In his ing. The case of Dixie Lee (on the Graf Zeppelin, end they smashed "Yancey I Tb children T It waa opinion, consolidathe whisky at a gulp had thrown tt to bits Great skill In piloting deficit Is almost $903,000,000. charge of disorderly conduct) was the prim exclamation of a woman tion legislation will again be takIt down bla as one throat takes due to come up at ten In the Iocs! who had Handicapped by reduced reveand navigating, en np, and laws for the regulation unconquerable forgotten the pleasant medicine to relieve pain. He poured court Sabra had been at het desk ways of dnlllance. courage and nerve and a plane that nues, the Treasury found Itself conof the motor bus and the motor Those five years another was tired Hls face glass. In the office functioned perfectly all contributed fronted 'With rising 'expenditures, Wigwam seven since had served to accentuate her truck will he proposed. It was late. Hts nerves and drawn. t the success of this epochal flight due to the government's efforts to Horae's hoofs at a gallop, stopMr. Fees foresees much difficulty were not what qualities; had made bet they bad been, what The font followed by the fivers help th farmer, the nnemptoyed In getting legislation enacted to with drink, overwork, ping spectacularly In front of the more and more powerful ; less huand countand the took them from New York to ilap drought' sufferers. About meet The various transportation WlgM-aoffice In a whirl of dust man ; had slowed the machinery of ies the only favorable factor In the sleep as he rode bor Grace, N. F,; thence succes-slvelA quick, light step. That This difficulty Is much the nlghta without problems. A man step I But her emotional on hls black country horse. financial situation was a cash balto Chester, England; Beras he views It. by the it couldn't be. Sabra sprang to ber In the .house. equipment enhanced, A possessive male, He swallowed hls second drink. lin. Moscow, Novoslbersk, Irkutsk, ance of over $400,000,000 with competition between th railroads one hand at her breast one enfolding her In hls arms; touchfeet Hls face seemed leu drawn, hi , which the treasury entered the and other forms of hand on the desk to steady herself ing her hair, her throat with urKhabarovsk, Solhand steadier, hls whole hearing omon and then Fairbanks, Alaska ; new year. This will be used to on the one hand, transportation, He strode Into tbe oflfe. For five gent fingers She was embarrassed he feels the more alert, Now listen. Sabra. You meet current expenses during the .country cannot iret , Edmonton. Canada; Cleveland. first along wlthont years she had pictured him return- almost. Besides this man had negdont Yon understand. under-standont quarter Instead of being apOhio, and back to New York. They tha railroads, but on the other, he ing to her In dramatic rashlon; in lected her, deserted her. had left the Osages. This Is serious. Near By, but Not Near met with no serlons accident but plied to the deficit la convinced the public will not Enough to hls wblts sombrero, hls Prince hla children to The have Osage get on as best they kept the tribe abTouch Him, Waa a Rattlesnake. times flew through high winds sanction any undue restriction of i Albert hls boots For could. She shrugged herself , free. , solutely free of negrohlood. This . and rainstorms. CENOR DON SALVADOR DE other forms of transportation. five she had what she Anger leaped within her.He waa a is a had business." New York city on Thursday gave caui;htby a leather thong that, wonljyears how shekoown The Ohio senator Is an advocate Madariaga, the new ambassador would conduct stranger. Patience was strike at and coil an and atri end. the aviators the usual showy and from Spain, presented his creden- of legislation to liberalise existing It as toward him toward this hat--of It! And how do yon might. It could not quite reach, herself "Dont touch ms You cant come with welcome, noisy man who had deserted her without home parade, tial to President Hoover with due law with reference to railroad conknow! How Ita do nlth venomous like this after year after know!" es yon and reception by Mayor head, the wrlth speech ceremony, end the customary polite solidations. He sponsored. In the word, cruelly. In an Instant, at year " "Because they remove any mem- Ing. gibbering thing that tny star. Jimmie Walker, But they were too phrase were exchanged. Then the last congress, the bill ber of the tribe-thof him. all this left her mind, at hat had to do ing with eyes that protruded nut sight tired to mind this much. President two distinguished men enjoyed an to provide. In effect, for voluntary -"Ah, Penelope I with a negro." of all semblance to humna features her consciousness. She was In hla Hoover invited them to luncheon at Informal chat as both of them used combinations. She stared. arms with Who!" so Inarticulate "Remove I" Bui as dusk came nn the dew she the While House end they received to be mining engineers. Senor dr It Is Interesting to bear, from fell, was weeping, her arms werecry,about "Kill. By torture." and the the congratulations of eminent pep Madariaga Is a noted writer and Senator Fees lady, Strange surely to the leather thong stretched a himself, that he proh-She stared at him. Hewasdrnnk, little with the wet. And ns twilight Mm, the buttons of hla uniform above ell womankind th Olympsons all over the world. It Is estl-- . in the past hat criticised will remain chairman ably of the crushed her breasts Hla uniform. ians bar given a heart that cannot of course. "Youre talkl ng non deepened and the dew grew hesvl mated that Post and Gatty will some of the policies ef theseverely Republican national committee for United. softened. No other woman In sense, she said crisply, she was er ,h Esther thong holding the She realised then, without surprise realise a boot 50,000 each from Statee in n another ruyear, affairs, despite frequent" horrible reptile stretched more and hot he was In the uniform of the the world would harden her heart their wonderful flight, and they kngry. mors that he would retire or he Oklahoma Rough Riders to stand thus aloof from ber huscertainty earned It around. They Presently It was long enong V?n.f IH thta T ANT ef Americas most eml--- 1 displaced. He railed oh President band. lsoiTra who after travail and awe a to man The . you, saying who im'gnt.Mro The Usages. Hoover the nther day and after nent surgeons In San ward has been gone for flv 111 Just go and tske an-had come to her t hi might HAT th PrMenti na- - Francisco for the gathered now "It years ' said; appears that annual convenI Where have yon been!" Besides own country. " other look at her." tlonsl commission on law ention of their- - association. ; Among I will servever, until convention time there w not time. Next The girt waa steeping. Ruhr felt ; next forcement and observance, better the speakers were; Dr. "You and your miserable he Insisted Alexander he had he was on hls way o themorning I a J. of aa pang phlllp-pine- s she known as the Wlckersbam commie-aioo- , Primrose, Toronto, , down pity tot gazed dlscnssed the matter l . ix n. I .to. Spain!" You Dr, read It waa not until he had gon president; at her. Go to bed- went out of existence with the Lincoln looked lie Davis, Boston; Dr. Eugene with the President. slightly ku" I only hat she realized her failure actual-I -- o I ittl. Wester NnnwiA Talea.) to put this question that had prised end did not correct her. (TO BC CONTINI'gn da; dose of June, and la now just elevDAT after Mel en men and women. On Tuesday Secretary offi-cta- la WHAT WENT BEFORE hoy's face was wet," tears and sweat and fright - -- dust-colore- TO four-year-o- ld Rat liman bead-quarte- lien-tena- nt mi bank-bobbe- ry home-cooke- g -- ; k Marriage i too-ion- Meanwhile r y ae Jugo-Slavl- a. Vsl-Hanl- s y s. - QJ Vty-Ameri- - pock-marke- ' spin-sterl- , v Blagbvj-eshchensk- d high-heele- Jer Fess-Parli- h' Latln-Amerlca- . W , 1 ... P yearr-Howe- taiV's: , ( u -- A SS 3T iiSrtK |